Reddit is set up in a way that intentionally prevents you from reading unpopular opinions, aka opposing views.

40  2016-11-01 by [deleted]

I am talking about those comments that go against the hive mind, media-driven drivel that you must either accept or be given an ostracizing label and, God forbid, negative karma.

It does this, most obviously through the vote system, automatically hiding posts and comments that are downvoted. But more subtley it does this by only loading 15-20 comments every time you hit 'load more'. You'll quickly give up trying to read the most downvoted comments in a post with thousands of comments, thus ensuring you'll never read any opposing opinions to what is acceptable to the hive mind.

This ensures Reddit will always be a circle jerk where only the most popular beliefs and opinions (typically mainstream and 'trending') are accepted.



Yes. This place sucks. I thought I would like it but no

Exactly, anything outside a certain narrative or a certain way of thinking is relegated to the conspiracy sub which automatically causes people to dismiss it, so unless people go looking for a free and open discussion, they will not find it on Reddit

Sort by controversial.