GF Asked What is Wrong With Hilary - Help Me!

3  2016-11-02 by [deleted]



I would also show her the veritas videos as well as the huma abedin video that's currently stickied.

Holy shit - everything she says publicly is opposite land of what she says privately!

What a liar.

The email thing is pretty heavy to me. If I had done the same thing, I'd be in jail.

No one involved in the campaign has said "I did not write that".


She was born a psychopath, married a rapist and people around them tend to die young.

She was born a psychopath, married a rapist and people around them tend to die.


seriously long trail of decent and wickedness

Read the FBI Anon post if you haven't already, along with the Anon post talking about Palantir and what that's doing. If that doesn't make things start to make a whole hell of alot of sense then also tie in the FBI vault and the silent counter-coup. (The vault and counter-coup seem to be more like clues than hard hitting evidence for now) As far as facts go, there's the e-mails.

If you can muster it navigates 4chans website then browse /pol/ and see what you can find there


Here's FBI anon

Here's the anon post about Paladin and Thiel

Both of these are fascinating threads.
But recommending them to someone unaware that reality is very different from the MSM message they always assumed was the truth is too much and too soon.
Slowly, slowly.
If too much cognitive dissonance is experienced then most brains will assume that they're being presented with insanity. Not only will barriers to logic and facts be constructed, but original assumptions will become more entrenched.

Not gonna lie these threads blew my mind for a few hours just trying to digest the information. The way I look at it is at most 75-80% is true, and at the least 25-30%. But even if 25-30% is only true there's still so much shit that any of it being true is mind blowing. the main thing to do is read, research, and make your own assumptions. I wish there were more because if even they are internet trolls....they're the best I've ever fucking seen, and at the least they're fun to read

Ask her why Clinton accepted Donna Brazile's leaked questions ahead of the primary debates instead of reporting her.

Here's proof of election rigging:

Cenk Uygur explains the corruption of the Clinton Foundation clearly here.

YAY is cenk waking up again that would be refreshing!

Have her watch Hillary's America. If that doesn't convince her then nothing will

It might be time to find a new gf.

funny i was thinkin this why are you with a BOT?

I have a feeling that English is not your first language.

i have a feeling that you do not know what the hell you think you know

Tell em boss man! Don't take that guys shit!

i am not a man ;0

Didn't mean it literally.

you cannot beleive how many confused souls there are on conspiracies who do tho

no offense intented i just have to set the record straight [chick means nothing to them]

Who the eff do you think you are just assuming someone is a man? How fucking dare you LABEL people and JUDGE people and DECIDE FOR YOURSELF WHICH SEX SOMEONE IS FUCK YOU

Haha, you again dude.

it's like Anthony Weiner texted to a 15 yo high school girl, 'I would bust that tight pussy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week'

The Clinton Cash documentary is a quality piece of journalism.
It's short enough not to be tedious. It has enough depth and analysis to convince anyone but a die-hard SJW. And it steers clear of hyperbole and conjecture.