With the FBI releasing controversial info that may connect the Clintons to assassinations, US government at the federal level appears to be in upheaval against the criminal establishment. They need to push the button of Truth on 9/11 and nuke the criminal/zionist establishment out of existence.

90  2016-11-02 by SorbateHead

Now is the time. Mass arrests of every one of those fucking traitors. Give the government back to the people.


Give the government back to the people.

this will never happen... we, as the people, can only take it back.

You understand that there are regular people working within the government right now that are actively trying to making things better?

"You don't change the inside, the inside changes you."

Snowden quote?

Perhaps? I was actually quoting Tim Robbins character from The Brink!

Exactly this.

Only a matter of time before someone drops an email with details on 9/11 or some mass shooting that was set up

WTF. This post was at around number 20 on r/conspiracy then poof...its at 48??

Bringing 9/11 into it atm would undermine what ever the fuck is going o

Man, even if an agency were to say that it was thermite or something that brought the towers down, people would still deny it.