whew... just unsubscribed from /r/politics... what a constant unending load of fucking garbage... couldn't stand it anymore.

34  2016-11-02 by [deleted]



Unsubscribed awhile ago but being a glutton for punishment I wanted to see what their front page looked like today. Apparently they haven't given up on the racist line of attacks because in their minds Trump's Supporters burned down a black church today and spray painted Vote Trump on it. Almost as good as the people assaulting Trump Supporters wearing Bernie shirts while doing it. If I was them I would be looking into Robert Creamer's whereabouts last night

Not to mention that it is also full of special little snowflakes that can't take a little truth and honesty about the real events taking place and bitch to the mods, also special little snowflakes, and get folk banned cuz it hurts their widdle feeewings.

There is a ton of bullshit filtering through /r/conspiracy right now due to the election, but there is still a lot of good stuff too. It will get better next week.

r/politics is truly the depths of hell.

Crawling out of that cesspool is liberating

Welcome to the dark side. We have facts.

Pretty accurate description. The mods of that forum and Reddit higher ups who are enablers of this are complete scumbags.

yea im not far behind you. i mainly just visit every now and then for a good laugh

Congratulations and welcome. I remember when I was a daily reader of /politics. Back then you could have an intelligent conversation about the patriot act, war policies, education, monetary and trade policies, etc... Now it's like election season attack ads 24/7. It feels particularly gross because everything is so one sided and easy to tell that you are being manipulated.

The main attraction of reddit back in the day was the opportunity to remain an anonymous user and say what you really think without the social burden of offending your co-workers and friends.

Unfortunately, corporate advertisers and campaign planners have found an easy and almost free way to advertise, or more accurately, propagandize huge numbers of people by controlling the content on open information sharing platforms like reddit.

Even r/conspiracy itself goes through periods of terrible outside manipulation to try to discredit the people who work in here, but always seems to come back.

We're a dedicated bunch of mofos who hate being fed bullshit.