Follow the Bitcoin - Julian is lost.

20  2016-11-02 by [deleted]



dont be certain about anything

I agree, being able to accept uncertainty is the safest place.

well we have no recourse everything you thought you knew is wrong and we have entered the realm of the complete oximoron

Noticing the disconnect between what we are officially told and what is, led me to appreciate Zen Buddhism.

There is always another question.

have i seen you over at r/zen? its intereseting over there calm but i dont know much of anything about buddhism so alot of the references goes over my head dragon is named budha and is very telepathic

No I call myself a religious free zone, and I don't know much about any of the religions anymore and that after a several years long trek and hundreds of books and deep conversations, one day I realized all religions first require denial of self, and I dropped it all and began diligently erasing all religious based ideas and beliefs I held.

I am a secular humanist who believes we should honor, each other and all that exits equally. I believe there is only one thing, I call that energy thought or intent. Instead of denial of self I work at staying in harmony with the smoother flowing steams of that intent and the joke is on me since that is only a different version of denial of self.

well its the paradox but iffin it works for you then thats exactly what you need from it....

i dont like rules persay [of course i am kinda attached to my own rules but ] religion always seems so ocd with the rules of what you can do what you cant do and who is allowed to and who isnt so i just follow my own path and try to be respectful

to me the internet is like a breathing akashic record everyone has some experience to offer i love that i can connect to so many people who i would never have met under any other circumstance yet here we are

Yes, I love seeing what everyone else is thinking and how they are reacting to the now total separation between what we are told and what is happening. I have had to unsubscribe from here and I was also banned for a time. I think at least one mod possibly two here are highly aware humans and that is what saves this place.

i like conspiracies and beforeitsnews has way to many pop ups ..

i do not think i could have handled all the rat fuckery without the sense of community we develop for ourselves here

do you ever go to wayofthebern its fun nice folks hang there too so i mostly bounce between the two and then of tarot and psychic when politics gets too over bearing .... i cant believe she isint in chains [well she's dead but i am waiting for the body double to scream i aint her when they come for her]

Liberal is the only other political site I visit, I like the sparks generated by opposing views. I was a Bernie supporter and will rejoin what might become an action movement after the election.

*Oh wait I do subscribe to PolitaicalDiscussion, but gave up on them when I encountered a thread discussing the pros and cons of direct farm subsidies, something that was eliminated from the last farm bill no one on the long thread knew they were eliminated.

do you farm? theres a lost art

Born on the family farm and yes I was also a small grower, as we were referred to for a while as an adult, and yes that means I have killed the chicken we ate for dinner more than once. I don't want to get that natural again, but I could.

its good you have skills its important knowing which are the good herbs tending animals its all important to how it works [monsanto really had an unfortunate impact on farmers who shoulda been growwing their own buisnesses

Look up the farm bubble bust of the 80s they drove as many good medium sized and profitable family farms out of business as possible.

i know and then around the world imean farmers in india all commiting suicide ...very sad a racket trying to controll seeds its ridiculous their hubris knows no buonds

Here is the part that pisses me off most about the pending sale to the foreign owned Bayer.

Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars paid to Monsanto for research and support.

plus bayer made tons in wwii so i guess gearing up wwiii

they psychopaths gotta go

i think he is alive

I agree, I replied to that farm comment without noticing what thread it was linked to. /lol

;0 i figure when you get down in a thread deep enuf who bothers to follow to the next page so truth gets out ...hope!

Sometimes we get a pleasant surprise, yes!

;0 just saying ...

I like this, where can I get more of this? I want to subscribe to it.

Just keep asking the next question


nothing is ever certain no matter how many minutes

Maybe that pseudo pedo brock pierce?

Ignore the bottom stuff, but this thread was made roughly an hour after his internet got shut off. The only thing missing is the thread that had the periscope showing armed guards/soldiers entering the embassy extremely fast, almost like they were on a mission, they were in and out in under 5 minutes apparently.

Here is the part that pisses me off most about the pending sale to the foreign owned Bayer.

Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars paid to Monsanto for research and support.