Natural Law is the Key

12  2016-11-03 by LurkPro3000

Natural Law is what we should be teaching. Not bullshit ethics/conditional morality/ or religious and political indoctrinated control systems.

Honestly, it is the only philosophy I've seen that truly advocates the rights of The individual in symbiotic relationships.


Mark Passio has done extensive work describing Natural Law.

Seems this can be summed up with the statement

"Mark Passio is full of shit because he's phony."

Which isn't an argument

Well if we are talking about natural law, as in survival of the fittest, you are your own god jibber jabber...some LaVeyan Satanism philosophy, I by no means think that is the "key". OP doesn't really go into their definition of "natural law" but have heard the term thrown around b4 by LaVeyan Satanists, which Passio "use" to be.

Passio preaches against satanism which he describes as purely self-interested as opposed to having respect for natural moral laws.

He promotes voluntary society and describes order-following as the tool of tyrants who carry out atrocities.

That's what I've gathered from what I've watched.

It has nothing to do with Satanism - unfortunately my post was meant to inspire people to look into it themselves, so please forgive me for not attempting to explain it as I am afraid I would not do it justice.

No worries, but "natural law" seems to be a loose term. Might wanna be a bit more specific, cuz natural law could mean something different from person to person. Maybe start by telling us what it is to you?

Actually if you give Passio's full body of work some time and attention, you will find that his message embodies that of the Christ consciousness. It all spirals parabolically back to the golden rule. Don't Steal.

Ill give it a look.

Watched this video. And a video on feminism. Though I agree with a lot of what he says, including that many people are Christians in name only, he is just another false prophet who mixes lies with truth. He directly goes against teachings of Christ and calls "salvationism" evil and says it was created by evil people. And he seems to be full of anger and hate.

This is the great lie. That we as human beings don't need God. That we don't need the sacrifice of Christ for our sins. That the "Christ consciousness" is just some state of mind and not an external force or presence. The Truth is that our true strength comes from our faith in Him and His teachings.

He tries to justify his teachings by telling us that he use to be a priest in the satanist church, and therefor knows all their plans and techniques etc etc, but he doesn't seem to consider that what he learned from his days as a satanist priest might be bullshit.

I won't go as far as saying he is intentionally trying to lead people astray, but he is at the very least a useful idiot of the devil. Perhaps he has accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and savior, since he made that video, idk. But if this kind of false doctrine is "natural law" then sorry, i gotta pass. It is not good enough to follow the Golden Rule, because WE ALL fail to do that 100% of the time. WE ARE ALL SINNERS, and without Christ's sacrifice, we have no salvation.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

EDIT : spelling/grammer

Every individual has a right to live free within God's kingdom. Every individual has the right to know God. Is that not Christ's message?

And, what are we doing here? Obviously Mr. Passio is not perfect, but no one is. He is merely trying to wake people up from an illusory state. Is that not exactly what Christ was trying to do?

He is just another lens to observe the world through. No ONE individual speaking in this world has the full message of God (an impossibility by design).

Presented with the behavior of the people in this world, anger is a legitimate response. If you aren't angry when you observe individuals violating the God-given RIGHTS of other individuals, then what do you feel? Has Empathy turned to Apathy? What is YOUR definition of evil?

Government by definition is the violation of an individuals God given right to exist in a Free State of Being, a Free State of Mind. This is evil.

What evil are you talking about?

Calling Mark a useful idiot of the devil is ridiculous. He has actively participated in exposing the morally bankrupt way in which society is organized, he is condemning evil.

We must not share the same definitions of these terms, like 'evil', 'truth', 'strength', and 'faith'.

No where in Mark's message have I heard him state that 'We don't need God', the accusation is a Red Herring.

Nor do I hear him state that he is a savior (quite the opposite actually). He just wants to live free, so he makes media to try to offer people a different point of view. To live and letlive.

Please elaborate on what it means to accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and savior? What actions must be taken? What is a sinner?

To accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and savior, you must do exactly that. Accept that He has rightful dominion over you, that He was sacrificed on the cross to pay for our sins, that through Him is the ONLY way to salvation and everlasting life.

And yes, what Passio has said is all well and good. People SHOULD live by the "golden rule" as Christ told us, but again, we ALL are imperfect and break the "golden rule" at one point in our lives or another. And that is why we NEED Christ. Without His sacrifice for us, we are damned, because we sin. Its mostly what Passio is not saying that concerns me.

If Passio thinks or says we are alone in all of this, he is absolutely wrong. There are forces besides ourselves that influence humanity. The devil is very real, and does not want us to be with God. The devil is the father of lies, and all wickedness. The devil will mix lies with truth to confuse us and lead us away from God. Alone, or unified without Christ, we are absolutely no match for the devil. Without God, without Christ, without the Holy Spirit, we are lost. And that above all else, above all "golden rules", is what we need to understand. And that is why the first commandment is above all others...

"He is merely trying to wake people up from an illusory state"
Is he? Who of us know that? Most of us don't even know our own hearts most of the time, let alone each others. But I say, if Passio does not want to preach the importance of God...the importance of Christ's sacrifice for us, then he is a useful idiot, or worst, intentionally trying to lead us away from God.

"Every individual has a right to live free within God's kingdom. Every individual has the right to know God. Is that not Christ's message?"

Everyone is invited to live in Christs Kingdom....but we are not in Christ's kingdom. Christ is preparing it for us and tells us to believe in Him and endure living in this one. But those who do not accept Christ. those who do not accept the invitation, will not be granted admittance. (paraphrasing) "Many are called but few are chosen".

I understand you have your beliefs, and I respect that.

My belief is that humans are not inherently sinful upon birth due to some curse God placed on the first human couple he created.

If you're right This reality is just a game of souls to be tested and judged by a Father who cared not even enough to spread the gift of Jesus to all his creation - just a small section of the "holy land" - virtually screwing millions of people on all the other continents of the world who have never had the chance to hear the blessed gospel.

"My belief is that humans are not inherently sinful upon birth due to some curse God placed on the first human couple he created."

God is not the cause of sin. We sin because we are tempted by the devil and lack faith in God.

"If you're right this reality is just a game of souls to be tested and judged by a Father who cared not even enough to spread the gift of Jesus to all his creation - just a small section of the "holy land" - virtually screwing millions of people on all the other continents of the world who have never had the chance to hear the blessed gospel."

Life is not a game. Are we being tested? Sure. But God gives us everything we need to pass said test.

The gift of Jesus Christ is for all humanity throughout history. Not just the people who happened to live in the middle east at the time of His crucifixion. We all can hear the "blessed gospel" with the conscience God has given us. Does a deaf man not hear the call to God and the lies of the devil inside his own heart and mind? Does a blind man not see the good and evil in the world?

Our Father in heaven DOES love us, and wants us to accept His invitation....

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

All you got to do is believe, and endure, before you no longer have the chance, and the way things are looking, that Great day of Judgment is extremely fucking near.

Peace be with you neighbor. o/

Thanks for the sincere response, and I apologize for sounding quite disparaging in my previous post.

Honestly, I grew up in the Lutheran church (3-4 times a week active member), so I have accepted Jesus into my heart several times over with no regrets. I have no ill will towards Christians, or any other practicing religious person, as long as their practice and beliefs are not infringing upon others personal rights to believe and live their lives as they see fit. (Jihadists and Zionists, Wahhabists and Christian Fundamentalists... I'm looking at you ;) So really my background in the Christian faith is one of the reasons I like the concept of Natural Law : we all have the same eternal God-Given Right to live freely (not like the rights bestowed by governments or any other institution, which can be taken away or made illegal). The only Right we don't have is to harm another: by theivery, coercion, physical harm, etc. It is really the same doctrine that is at the core of Jesus' teachings (which was the main part of the Bible that had any actual relevance to good morality imho).

Anyhoo, may the peace be with you as well :)

Jihadists and Zionists, Wahhabists and Christian Fundamentalists... I'm looking at you


we all have the same eternal God-Given Right to live freely (not like the rights bestowed by governments or any other institution, which can be taken away or made illegal). The only Right we don't have is to harm another: by theivery, coercion, physical harm, etc. It is really the same doctrine that is at the core of Jesus' teachings

Agreed. The only distinction i was trying to exhibit was the NEED for His sacrifice and faith in Him.

Ephesians 2

And just for comparison to your experience...I have spent very little time in the "church". In my experience i have found organised religion to be full of hypocrites and charlatans. In fact, i use to be an atheist. But in my darkest hours, I "accepted the invitation", and my only regret is that I didn't do it earlier.


I agree

So did you just find a disparaging article or have you actually viewed any of Mark's lectures on Natural Law?

I have watched many of Passio's videos and have never seen him praise David Icke - and he does not drone on about aliens. I'm not saying Mark has never mentioned Icke - but only in passing.

Here is a link to one of his lectures :

I hope you find it not nearly as absurd as the article referenced. :)

I haven't watched a lot of Passio's work, and just threw the article up there to give another opinion. I agree with some of what i have heard Passio say, but as i have explained to another commenter, I am more concerned with what I haven't heard him say.

Good stuff

He's a Modern Jesus all the way. Instead of a Virgin birth he left the Satanic church. Instead of welcoming all, he welcomes only those willing to seek truth. Don't get me wrong, I still love that little baby manger Jesus.

are you talking about LaVeyan Satanism?


The problem is that there is only one way to enforce natural law and the government has monopolized violence.

You don't enforce natural law - you defend your own rights and defend others who are unable to defend themselves.

Semantics fail.

Sorry to disturb you - go back to your complacent defeat, slave.

Ha! The old pot calling the kettle black. Adorable.

So... Yeah, I'm not really interested in petty arguments. Good day, Sir