Possible psyop campaign being waged against us: FBIanon, Pieczenik, et al

68  2016-11-03 by ArchonFall4All

It's clear that something is brewing this election cycle, and it seems that a strong contingency is rising up against Clinton & Co. We have the FBIanon information and the claims of a counter-coup by Steve Pieczenik being waged by elements of the intel community. The big question is what are the motivations of this group? Are they fighting on behalf of the truth movement while trying to clean up the lies and corruption? Or are they simply another faction fighting Clinton for control?

Like all of you, I want to believe that the tides are turning and we're about to get our country back on track. However, some information is making me question what we're actually witnessing. First, there's Steve Pieczenik. He's definitely qualified and has the necessary connections to the intelligence community, but we can't overlook the fact that he's trained extensively in psyops and propaganda.

Then there are some pieces of the FBIanon story that cause concern. He constantly reiterates the need of keeping secrets if you want to work for the FBI, yet here he is divulging sensitive information. He also makes some racist comments like sending blacks back to Africa and how it's difficult for different races to assimilate into a society. I don't want to argue his claims, but making these points seems suspicious (and plays into the race wars being pushed by individuals like Soros) and it raises some red flags. This falls in line with typical psyop and disinformation campaigns: feed the public a certain amount of truth to make it believable, but throw in enough disinfo to further another agenda. There is also a steady stream of information from dubious sources about the pedophilia rings surrounding Clinton. This could all very well be true (and probably is), but the flood of people claiming they know sources in the NYPD who have knowledge of this, while also being placed solely on unreliable websites or in social media makes me think this information is being planted, and doesn't actually come from where it is claimed.

There is also information coming out from the Clinton faction that claims there's a radical Neocon movement trying to foment a coup. The articles provided in this thread are rubbish because they try to portray Hillary and Obama as innocent victims, but they give credence to the idea of there being a real war between these factions.

So to summarize, the infighting seems to be real, and we're left with a few possibilities. First, the opposition to Hillary hopes to expose her crimes and those of the gov't, and is in essence on the side of the truth movement (best case scenario). Or this opposition could simply be another faction fighting for control and might not have our best interests in mind (worst case scenario). The final scenario might be a little more mundane. It has been claimed that some in the intelligence organs view Hillary's reckless handling of classified information as a threat to our gov't and intelligence operatives. Thus, they are launching the attacks against her to protect themselves and the security state. Unfortunately, this would mean that they're more focused on maintaining the status quo, and aren't actually seeking to expose all of the lies.

Luckily, I see an easy solution for exposing the motives of those standing up to Clinton. If they only go after the Clintons/Obama, then it's a clear sign that this is simply another faction fighting for control. However, if they also expose the lies of 9/11, the CIA's involvement in drug trafficking, the corruption of the Bush administration, etc., then we can be more sure that we're witnessing positive change.

Thus, here's what we need to do. We need to pressure Steve Pieczenik and those involved in the counter-coup to expose ALL of the lies and corruption, and not just those involving Hillary. We can reach out through social media to accomplish this, but we can also use more official channels. There has been a push to get information about the Clinton Foundation, Epstein, etc through FOIA requests. Supposedly the FBI needs at least three requests in order to act. But I propose that we expand the information we're trying to obtain. For example, submit requests asking for the 9/11 videos confiscated from the Pentagon. If the "counter-coup" faction ignores these requests, then we need to be concerned.

If you've read everything up to here, thank you for your time and attention. We're in the midst of history unfolding before our eyes, but we need to remain vigilant and seek the best change possible. I would love to get everyone's feedback and try to make more sense of what is actually happening. Please share and spread this information as much as possible.


Oh hell yeah, I agree 100%. There are so many variables in this situation that there's no way for us to know what's really happening.

The only thing we can do is keep demanding the truth.

And load up on ammo. No one wants to address that if this is true we are facing revolution and the people need to forcefully stand their ground. At that point this Steve guy should be an after thought

I apologize for the long post, but there's a lot of important information to cover. Please take the time to read through it all because we need to get to the bottom of this.

I've had the same thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to express them.

I agree. I've known of SP for sometime now and sometimes he says things I can't agree with, and again he speaks truth about 9/11, sandyhook and boston bombing. so it is a a good question with whom and whom he is working for with/for. All I can say is at very least it may be worth going along for now if only to see justice finally done on the clinton cartel, and follow the various evidence trails ALL the way to the ends, no matter who is implicated. It's a start.

Good points. As FBIanon stated, they can't release everything at once because of the turmoil it would cause. I agree that it will take time, and we need to be patient to see how it all unfolds. Exposing Clinton is a good start, but if this ends up being the only thing exposed, then I think we were duped. At the very least, I would like to see some assurances from Pieczenik that they plan to go after more than just the Clintons.

I agree. It is sooo easy to just join the herd and let others do the work, but if they are dirty, what is the point--if only to get the clinton cartel--cuz it may not be a real difference. I am cautiously skeptical, but hopeful, cuz I want this shit stopped. I think a good start would be to follow trails to bho and the bushes cartel, if that happens, good start. Cheers

I am reminded of this warning a year ago about this coming fall of Rome and our "saviors".

The Plan

"The New Rome will fall just as the Old Rome fell. So that the beings who created Rome could wash their hands of their creation, and start fresh. Just as we did after The Atlantian Age."

The above is considered a gift in the mind of it's author. That I am writing here is not unknown. Most readers may have no idea, but "they" all know exactly who your author is. Back to the point. The above quote did not come from me. It came from the being who was meant to be my mentor.

What it eludes to is the New Rome, which is to those who know, the "Cabal Capital Country". The heart of the "illuminati cults". Amaraka.

A great deal of dirty illuminati secrets are being exposed at a rapid pace. Several "leaks" have been created and orchestrated to ensure almost all people, from the mainstream folks to the alternative info folks, know just how dark and evil this group is.

You've all been told and shown proof of your enslavement. You've also been given all the truth about your own power to change it. But the game is rigged no matter which side you choose to play it from. The only solution is not to play. But I digress.

Now that the world is starting to see the devil, they will bring him to light and destroy him and his hell around him.

Enter the saviours. This has to be another country or government or secret ET allies, right?

Give the world a "White Hat" group, led by benevolent ET's, brought to the public in the form of a new group of political allies.

BRICS. "White Hats Groups". <insert ET name of the month here>.

They will give you what you want.

Once it's too late you'll remember..

"Oh yeah, this is what THEY wanted too!!??!"

Take the money away, replace it with a new system.

Take religion away, replace it with a new system.

Take all the Illuminati away, replace it with secret system.

Take your needs away, replace them with technology.

Take your governments away, replace them with a new government system.

Take away the Old World Order, replace it with a New World Order.

And here's the clincher..

Take away your natural spiritual evolutionary process, replace it with a cybernetic transhuman artificial process.

I hadn't seen this before, so thanks for sharing. It connects back to some of my philosophical ideas about duality. Duality exists because we give power to the opposing sides, and the middle way (i.e. transmuting the two sides by not playing the game) seems to be in line with what he says.

I agree, I'm weary of how convenient it all is. I don't believe it.

First thing I thought was finally! Second thought was, this guy is trained in counter-intelligence, so this is probably disinformation.

As always, wait and see.

God, don't apologize for your post. It's not long enough by half. I have a million things to say about this whole situation. I ask you to imagine for a moment that this entire "thing"--this monster with a hundred tentacles and wheels within wheels, is one big, fat, fracking PSYOP. Everything that's been spewed out is part of the big game--Clinton's meeting with Lynch, Seth Rich, Trump as the supposed independent, Assange, the attorneys around Assange who "died," Snowden (tho he's not directly involved in this operation), Alex Jones' relentless conspiracy mongering, and Steve Pieczenik, master of psyops. (Oh, he must be telling the truth--he hasn't shown his face for 20 years!) This entire circus politicus may well be 9/11's offspring--one requiring a ton of planning and coordination. And why? For so many reasons. I could dissect this forever, but consider the fact that when the media (i.e., the powers behind the media) don't want the public to know about something, they don't report it. Yet Wikileaks has become the main driver of the election narrative. If I were running this mega-op, I would have had teams of people going through thousands of Podesta's email long before 2016, choosing real emails that mean nothing, and then faking some that give us the impression that (1) skullduggery took place, and that (2) certain events that people know were false flags were real (9/11, Sandy Hook, Orlando, etc.). But what's the purpose of all this? To foment a civil uprising to usher in martial law and whatever else the globalists have been planning for a hundred years or more. The fact that I never see this theory discussed is frankly worrying. If I had planned this psyop, I would laughing like crazy at how the population fell for it--taking one side or another, in the divide-and-conquer scenario that is so beloved by those seeking to control the narrative. Well, that's all I'll say for now. I, too, would love feedback on this.

Oh, and another thing. Ask yourself why, if Steve Pieczenik "reveals" that it was some actor or actors within his "informal" group who gave Assange the emails ("He's been very brave"), why is it that Wikileaks has made ZERO mention of it? I'll play Devil's advocate with you and say, "Well, Wikileaks never reveals its sources, so it's just being consistent here." Consider whether this makes sense to you. If cat is out of bag, what does Wikileaks have to lose by just publishing the video on its site without further comment? Or perhaps they could say, "We have no comment regarding the Pieczenik video." But they're ignoring it as if it doesn't exist. Something about that seems odd.

And I could really go to town with the Seth Rich story. Happy to do so if someone is interested.

I'm interested to hear anything you've got. We need to float around as many ideas as possible

I'd like to hear your opinion on my theory that this entire thing is a massive psyop. Off the top of my head: If someone shows themselves on a video--apparently a known quantity--and says that he and others have implemented a coup (regardless whether he calls it a "counter-coup"), the FBI would arrest that guy before the day was out. Why? Well, he says someone among his cohorts has given emails to Wikileaks. And how is our government treating Wikileaks? Exactly.

The emails Wikileaks is publishing are largely ho-hum. As with Snowden's "revelations," it's the stuff of which the public already knew or suspected anyway.

And then what of Pieczenik's assertions that the NYPD is sitting on evidence of BOTH Hillary and Bill's involvement in pedophilia? For news as earth-shattering as this, you'd think this would have spread much further than it has. At this point, you can only find it on conspiracy websites.

The fact that such incredibly disparate and completely disconnected "revelations" are spewing out of different ideological camps by the day (though they may all lead to one entity under the divide-and-conquer strategy) is mind-numbing, and maybe that's exactly the intention. Reading through thousands of emails over a couple-week period or more could certainly be seen as trying to get us to take our eye off the ball. Further, one strategy of intel agencies that don't want the public to know something is that of putting out conflicting information on a subject so that no one really knows what the truth is. And this is happening on steroids.

The more time ticks by, the more I think Steve Pieczenik is utterly full of shit. His 15-year association with Alex Jones is the worst possible accreditation of his character. And if we believe Pieczenik's veracity, maybe it's only because he's an expert at psyops! Seems like those running this show are pulling out all the stops, like bringing Eric Prince out. And the whole circus here is to make us revolt, because that's what they want! Everything is in place now to present the Big Reveal; all they need is to foment the public to the point where we're out in the streets, and bingo, martial law is announced. Doesn't it seem that way to you?

I'm becoming more convinced that it indeed is some type of psyop. The problem is that I can't pin down what their goals or motives are. Steve posted another video today that basically says we need to stop Clinton and support Trump. That's it? They're being intentionally vague, and that bothers me. Nobody should be willing to support a coup or counter-coup without having a clear idea of what is at stake and what the end goal is. On the surface, they are making this look more and more like partisan fighting, but there is undoubtedly more going on than just that. I'm all for stopping Clinton, but I won't be supporting anything that Steve is pushing unless he can more clearly explain the motives and end goal. Strong assurances and acts of good faith are also needed to prove that they plan on tackling the corruption and lies beyond just Clinton.

Agreed. My best guess would be that their goals or motives are to rain confusion, dissatisfaction, and distrust down upon the masses. Steve's advice that those listening should not be violent when going out to the streets to protest is a veiled strategy of assuming we WILL go out to the streets and protest--in other words, encouraging people to do so. This is kind of like the loaded question, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Steve's background makes him an excellent candidate for pulling the wool over our eyes in this way.

Part of the end game would seem to be to foment civil unrest. If you want to talk globalists, from everything I've read, this is what they want, and it's been presaged for many years now. It seems like we're at the absolute tipping point in terms of sheer insanity, with ridiculous, juvenile, presidential candidates and an absolute sense of disgust.

At this point, the only way things could be worse from a political standpoint would be for the people to rise up. There is a certain 'treatise,' shall we say, the title of which is so shocking and venomous to some that it cannot even be named, and in some countries is banned. It starts with Protocols. So if you've read that, you'll see that everything that's happening now was discussed there. And I'm saying this as someone who is of the religious/ethnic group about which the Protocols concern themselves, so I don't say this lightly.

The only thing giving me hope right now that this may be real is that a) Pieczenik's video, despite the 2.2 million views in 48 hours, it is not trending on youtube or featured anywhere on the home page. So, maybe it is legitimate. b) FBIanon peppered in some subtle things on race, holocaust, etc. as part of the smokescreen to prevent identification. But you are 100% correct with everything you said, and we need exposure that is non-partisan.

Excellent write-up, my thoughts exactly.

100% agree. We need a sign that this is a real TRUTH movement. Not just another political ploy between party factions.

Way to be vigilant my friend. Keep those eyes open and let's assume there's always more work to be done.

So, if you were going to try to discredit an opponent publicly, what's the worst charge you would fabricate to throw at them? Probably something that strikes most people as just fundamentally wrong, something that there's no moral wiggle room, something that arouses feelings of disgust. What's more despicable than pedophilia?

I am having a difficult time believing that there are so many pedophiles and people who are willing to facilitate/cover up for pedophiles in the upper levels of the US government. Both the Clintons? Really? I mean, if anything, Hillary has always struck me as asexual.

I was hopeful when I saw SP's first video, but when he started throwing around the Epstein pedophilia ring allegations in the second video, it raised a red flag for me.

If Assange turns out to be on the wrong side of this, I'm going to be bitter. So very bitter.

True, it is the ultimate weapon for assassinating someone's character and career, which also makes it the ultimate tool for control. Thus, I wouldn't be surprised if this stuff is actually occurring. You might be right that it is overly exaggerated, but I'm not so sure.

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Did you see the new FBI vault?

Ref Gladio in Alaska

Are you referring to stay-behind special agent program in Alaska? If so, then I saw it but didn't actually read the documents. What specifically are you trying to highlight?

Good chance to see it activated soon possibly

Possibly. But according to the FBI, the program was disbanded in 1951. That's not to say that similar programs weren't launched, however. There's seriously so much that could unfold over the next few days/weeks/months that we can't possibly anticipate all of it.

It is the release date that concerns me

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q0qau8f0w8 Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia . So not disbanded it seems.

Pieczenik will be used to discredit Wikileaks. You can count on that.

How do you think they would go about that? If US intel is feeding everything to Wikileaks, as Steve claims, then wouldn't that just give Wikileaks more credibility?

I don't know but I still do know I don't want a corrupt criminal pedophile cabal to lead the world.

If the other option does the same, they are next.

A theory I've been playing around with for a while (and even I find it a bit extreme and far fetched) They are throwing out all this bait, turning any people who are awake or aware of the corruption, getting their hopes up, then she will win. To all those people it will be very obvious she only won by cheating, and they will protest, riot, revolt. Those people will be sent to fema camps, for re-education, or sent to war in the Middle East/Russia. It will serve as a cleanse of those aware and awake enough, and it will provide soldiers.

Or are they simply another faction fighting Clinton for control?

I've had similar concerns

Leaks are coming faster than we can deal with: there's a reason for that. But there's dangers in analysis paralysis and that is that "they" are using it to wait out the clock. --- skip to the last 3 paragraphs

(((((( I've just one querry. ))))))

I keep hearing of some video concerning a candidate in compromising actions with teens. If this were real posting it on the web would bring down that candidacy in 30 seconds!

Yet, crickets, zip...???

That's the non violent coup in 30 seconds.

Ask yourself...why has this so called huge evidence of corruption not been used?