OMG. Wikileaks Tweet: Stay Tuned for Our FBI-DOJ #PodestaEmail special circa 4PM EST.

98  2016-11-03 by [deleted]



how am i supposed to get any work done for the next 13 minutes?!

What in the hell is up with the bad spelling on Wikileaks tweets?

Their twitter keeps intentionally misspelling things. Many have speculated it's for coded messages.

Anyone else see the handle for the current Chief of Staff?

Granted it's from 2008 (McDonough wasn't COS 'til 2013) but it does give a good amount of reason to assume the POTUS and his staff could've/might still be doing exactly what HRC is doing in regards to emails being mishandled. Obama would have been a Senator and also President elect at the time as well, so if anything classified came across his desk and was mishandled he's in the same boat as Hillary floating up Shit's Creek.


so many retweets / favorites so quickly!

It's dropped!

Anything impressive yet?

yes, myself and others are updating findings in another thread here

browse through it, but part 29 has already been released as of today, so keep an eye out for more updates

OK, it's 4:11pm EST. Where's the drop?


waiting on it as well.

circa does mean "approximately" though. kind of a huge commitment to totally bail on.