With only 5 days remaining, I'm getting concerned...

32  2016-11-03 by Enigmatic_Continuum

According to the FBI's website, all they require is "reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed, or is committing, a felony violation of U.S. laws." https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs

So, why haven't there been any arrests yet?

I hope the plan isn't to have the election with Hillary as the victor and the entire country dissolves into chaos because our country is now in the clutches of an obvious federal criminal. I can see many riots breaking out as millions of people demand to see justice and other people thinking "Well, if she can steal and murder, why can't I?"

No, I'm not fear mongering. I'm just looking for a discussion about this.

On the flip side, what chain reaction would occur if Hillary is arrested prior to the election?

Thanks for reading.


The most logical day to leak something major is Friday, or Saturday.

By posting it just before the weekend you can ensure people have nearly 72-hours to digest the information to maximize the impact. It also means Super PACs, CTR, etc. will potentially not be at full capacity. Look at what happened last week with the FBI letter to congress, CTR and the Clinton campaign went silent for nearly 3 days while they regrouped and came up with new talking points.

If something worse then the FBI letter happens tomorrow the election is Tuesday, it will take them until at least Monday to even coordinate a strategy, and by then it will be too late.

My only fear is whoever is leaking waits until Monday. While it might seem like the day before the election is a good idea, it doesn't give enough time for the information to spread to enough people.

What I realized this week is those of us who follow this kind of information are in the minority. r/conspiracy is only 394,121 people, meanwhile there are over 318 million people in the USA. Even the debates were watched by less than 1/3 of our population.

With that said, you also have to consider we're all functioning within echo chambers. Even this subreddit is an echo chamber. The average American now gets their news from Facebook on a mobile device. Even the power of the main stream media isn't what it use to be. I've come to realize that the intention of Facebook is to purposely keep you in an echo chamber, that is the fundamental system of control they are using to keep the masses ignorant. It is not a communication tool to find new connections, it is a tool to maintain exsiting connections only, and isolate you within a false sense of community. But Facebook controls what you see, and when you see it. The same is now somewhat true of Twitter.

To properly make an impact on the election the release of a critical leak needs to be timed perfectly, and in my opinion if it doesn't happen within the next 48-hours it might be too late.

Very thoughtful reply, as have been many others. These are certainly interesting times, and I believe we've never experienced more hope and wanting more change than ever before.

Excellent points. I especially like the "echo chamber" comment. We are all so into researching this stuff and staying informed, and commenting within this sub to other "freed minds" it's easy to forget we are in a bubble that we see out of but nobody sees in.

It's like reading a good book while someone else is in the room and you are so caught up you briefly forget they aren't in on the story.

Regarding the timing of the leaks, I think the 5th is symbolic, both historically and as a nod to the plot of V. The timing also works perfectly with it falling in a weekend and allowing people to be exposed to the new info. I just hope the early voting areas don't miss out on the potential for having the fresh leaks change some votes in case the FBI can't convince the DOJ to file charges.

Hearing rumors now of two leaks.

It's possible we get FBI tomorrow with Wikileaks, and something extra from Anonymous or KimDotCom on November 5th due to its symbolism.

We'll see what happens tomorrow (later today?).

There isn't going to be anything happening before November 8th. If they actually have a lot of new information that means they will have to be conducting a lot of new interviews. This is going to be a long process if they are actually attempting to build a case/sort thru evidence and actually determine what it all means. If anything was to come of this I don't suspect it'll happen anytime before 2017... it'll happen during the new presidency.

That would be a dumb move on the FBI's part, assuming they actually want to bring Hillary to justice. If she gains the power of the Executive she will become the dictator that everyone's afraid Trump will be.

It's not a matter of making a smart or dumb move. They can't do anything until they have a solid case. There is no way to go thru 650,000 emails and conduct the interviews and build the case strong enough to indict and convict a former SoS/possible President inside of a week. It's going to take months. Especially if they end up finding connections to other people and it spans departments of government, etc.

They can actually hold her on suspicion. They have more than enough; and frankly we've held everyone from activists to not-terrorists for far less than we have on her. The charges would be conspiring against the government which is treason. So this would make her an enemy of the state, which means she loses rights of habeas corpus as an enemy combatant. Remember, they can declare someone an enemy of the state, blackbag them to a facility and they CAN do this to anyone. Because they've already done it before.

They can do this at any time, but that they haven't means they are just fucking with us.

You don't just hold a person running for president for "suspicion" of committing a crime. That would literally be a violation of the Hatch Act.

Well ok, then hold her for the crimes then. We know she broke the law, several times and its treason.

How exactly does she take control? The military hates her...

With this one simple trick:

Just for clarity for stupid people, this one simple trick is becoming POTUS then she runs the military and they have to obey her or get court martialed or shot on sight depending on the context.

Omg this is hilarious. I seriously hope you're trolling and not this delusional (or maybe you're just 13).

So, why haven't there been any arrests yet?

I speculate that the President is involved (past and present) in some way shape or form. And it takes a long time to investigate something like this. Sounds like a lot of people are involved.

You've been most articulate in your post. We'll see. The whole world is waiting for a clue.

Thank you. One outcome I would like to see is Trump or Stein winning and hearing him/her ordering the arrests of Hillary and her cronies. I fear if they wait too long, some will leave the country. Doesn't George W. own land in Ecuador?

I miss Bernie. Even if I'm not American. They played him.

me 2

im wearing my bernie for president shirt this whole last week i hate the choices [well jill is kool but they are gonna steal her votes]


  1. All sides keep saying without a doubt so and so is going to win. But nobody knows exactly what will happen. Rigged? Sure but they say they can't edit the voter data by state more than 4% using the GEMS program.
  2. There is a lot of evidence against her. I think wikileaks made a big mistake not releasing their big dirt info in October because I'm beginning to think this was an FBI strategy to delay, AGAIN.
  3. All that evidence, and the MSM ignore it like keeping the status quo, a true matrix.
  4. These good guys according to Steve have been working their arses off, but maybe the strategy is to release all this overwhelming evidence, Hillary must be indicted therefore can not be elected by Nov 8, or the election gets delayed for more time to interview and prosecute.

So many scenarios, easy head spinning, cannot predict the future other than confirmation bias.

Tomorrow is Friday - there has been a significant event every Friday for a while now...be patient, you're just anxious as this chapter gets closer to its end.

I think I read somewhere (sorry for being so vague) that there's an unofficial or official law/regulation stating that government bodies should not be involved in elections. We have innocent until proven guilty here in the states. Meaning she would need to be tried in court before truly guilty. So, if she was found innocent and they arrested her, that would obviously affect our votes. We wouldn't know she was innocent until after elections.

I'd say, anyone on this subreddit knows she is guilty. But that's why I think nothing has happened on that front. Now, I'm not saying all her collusion switch the state department, et al, or the media outlets hasn't also helped her not get arrested! I'm saying its multi-faceted.

Best case she doesn't get elected and things proceede apace. Worst case she gets in drags it on is convicted and pardons herself and everyone else involved. The implications of that would be staggering and could imo lead to either an old school coup attempt or civil war, so not so good.

There is no way for us to know what is going on in the FBI right now. it could be that the FBI is waiting until closer to election day to drop the damaging bits, hoping to sway the largest segment of voters. It could be that there is a power struggle inside the FBI. Or it could be that they just don't have anything as good as all the theories.

Regardless, if Hillary is elected, it will be extraordinarily difficult to prosecute. It would be hard enough with someone as wealthy as her, but once she's wielding power it'll be near impossible. If she wins expect the FBI to be restructured immediately. Hillary's "campaign" has focused on controlling information and debate, extending tentacles through the DNC, Hollywood, youtube, msm, and Reddit itself. Once she can extend control through the DOJ in a similar fashion, I don't expect any prosecutors to step up and try to take her down.

That leaves impeachment, which is a congressional process. I don't know if they'll have the votes. I do know the Republican party is ruptured and leaderless. There is no one who has enough clout to lead that kind of attack.

Who's going to be rioting? The same citizens that let their government illegitimately invade and topple Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria? I see "fringe" groups (BLM, Right wing groups like the Bundy's) causing trouble. I just don't see sheeple all the sudden "waking up" en mass, much less taking part in armed revolution. I'm just looking at the track record of citizens in general, as much as I share the idealistic fantasy of people rising up against a corrupt government.

I think the people who would rebel for the right reasons are usually people with something to lose, in one form or another, so they are picking their battles carefully.

We have seen more and more resistance in recent years, including the Oregon standoff and the Dakota pipeline standoff; you have to wonder what the tipping point would be?

With the newest developments tonight and Juilan Assange's comments, it's looking really bad. I am going to get some extra food tomorrow jic.

As a guy in a Guy Fawkes mask might sing:

"Remember, remember! / The fifth of November!"

If the rumors about Hillary and pedophila/child trafficking are true then there are currently massive blackmail/threats going on behind the scenes. The more time that elapses the less likely we are to see the story break.

If the True Pundit article is accurate the NYPD should have held a press conference the day of discovery. Cops are probably having their careers and even lives threatened as we speak.

Israel is heavily implicated in the pedo honey pot operations. They are probably calling in favors.

Supposedly Wikileaks will be dropping Hillary truth bombs tomorrow. They better, because the hour is growing late.

Everybody's got those emails and info by this point. If NYPD doesn't blow this open, Wikileaks or Kim DotCom or somebody is going to. Maybe some obscure hacker in bumfucksville for all we know.

I hope you're right.

Hope all your government gets locked up that's what needs to happen but it won't best case scenario i can see happening is HRC gets locked up as a fall guy this is much deeper than her. As far as a uprising goes it won't happen most are to stupid to see it the rest don't care the few that will stand could easily be painted as racist anarchists and droned . I know you guys got guns woody doo they got more. Hope so badly this oligarchy goes to the wall gl guys

Give the FBI some time. Hopefully they can work things out.

Give the FBI some time. Hopefully they can work things out.

Just for clarity for stupid people, this one simple trick is becoming POTUS then she runs the military and they have to obey her or get court martialed or shot on sight depending on the context.