(Warning: Graphic Content): I don't think you guys appreciate the trauma /pol/ is going through tracking down the absolutely off-the-deep-end shit podesta is into. Here's a small taste.

821  2016-11-04 by [deleted]

Here's a condensed gem, so that you can have a taste of how really terrifying the rings of people we are uncovering are.

And in three links you're now traumatized. Realizing what they actually invited podesta to

Screencaps of Video (For anyone who wants only a peek)



SpiritCooking, Currently Trending on Twitter.


(If the originals above vanish)

Wikileaks Email


"Spirit Cooking" Guidebook


"Spirit Cooking" Video


https://strues.io/crooked/spirit_cooking.mp4 (Thanks to ItsSoop for the rehost)

(Thanks to followingthecolors for making this post) (x-post r/The_donald)


And here I thought people like Alex Jones were nutjobs thinking demonic satanists were in the government. Shit...

Edit: Alex Jones is a shill, and likely controlled opp, I've thought that for a while.

Yep, David Icke also was on the button with this shit, over 10 yrs ago.

I don't think I would bat an eye to see these people pull off their flesh masks to reveal their reptilian forms at this point.

The reptilian has always been mis interpreted and has always been geared towards "reptilian politicians"

When in reality reptilian is in reference to the primal reptilian center of the brain that we all have that go back to our roots. It's the basic animalistic nature of the brain.

There is no actual reptilian race. It's just referencing the reptilian center of the brain.

The pineal gland, the 3rd eye that many reptiles have in the centre of their foreheads.

That's in a whole different part of the brain, and is by itself. Every human being has a pineal gland and it's about the size of a grain of rice. It's been labeled the seat of the soul, it's a really neat thing to read about.

And yet, it is supposed to be about the size of our eyeballs...

Lack of use causing it to shrivel up? Will the seat of our soul go the way of the gall bladder or the spleen?

It is said the pineal gland is our link to alternate dimensions of consciousness/altered states of being/shamanic visions/etc.

It's also a fact that the pineal gland produces Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in our brains.

If you've ever taken DMT the drug (or ayhuasca in which DMT is the active ingredient) then you've likely traversed these different dimensions/states of being.

It's said that fluoride in our water acts to calcify the pineal gland, rendering it weak/useless/not working at full capacity.

So there is a possibility that we are being fed fluoride to keep our pineal glands in check, therefore rendering us unable to open our minds/spirits/etc.

It's also a fact that the pineal gland produces Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in our brains.

Sorry, that's not a fact. It's a fact that DMT is being produced somewhere by our body, because we've observed the evidence and seen that it's in our bodies, but we have no idea whether it's the pineal gland or not. That's just some nonsense speculation (it might've been part of Strassman's theories, I don't remember any more) and people decided to run with it because it parallels the occult beliefs of ancient mystery teachings, which is probably the reason it was originally suggested in the first place.

I've smoked shitloads of DMT myself, for the record, I'm not anti-DMT by any means, but facts are facts.

Fluoride probably does all sorts of bad shit to our brains. I'm not sure how fluoride works to calcify anything, this has always confused me, calcium is a different element. But yes, renders pineal gland useless, one way or another...

calcification != calcium


That's confusing. I just figured one was named for the other.

I'm guessing it's Latin related? Calcium and Calcify come from the same Latin word or some such?

The reptilian has always been mis interpreted and has always been geared towards "reptilian politicians"

There is no actual reptilian race. It's just referencing the reptilian center of the brain.

You're quite wrong about this. Have you actually read his work? When he first started talking about reptilians, there was no ambiguity there: he was talking about an actual reptilian race.

Just a few of many quotes from The Biggest Secret:

"My own research suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated. Without understanding the multidimensional nature of life and the universe, it is impossible to follow the manipulation of the Earth by a non-human force. As open minded scientists are now confirming. Creation consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions of life sharing the same space in the same way that radio and television frequencies do. At the moment you are tuned to the three-dimensional world or third dimension and so that is what you perceive as your reality.... It is from one of these other stations or dimensions, that the Serpent Race, the Anunnaki, is controlling this world by 'possessing' certain bloodline streams... "

"Other people know this as the lower astral dimension, the legendary home of demons and malevolent entities in their black magic rituals.... Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brian, the mind controlled slave of the United States Government for more than 25 years, which she details in her astonishing book, Trance Formation Of America, written with Mark Phillips. She was sexually abused as a child and an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book. Among them were the US Presidents, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and most appallingly, George Bush, a major player in the brotherhood, as my books and others have long exposed. It was Bush a paedophile and serial killer, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly O' Brian, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control program known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance Formation of America of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened up, a book at a page depicting "lizard-like aliens from a far off, deep space place". Bush then claimed to be an 'alien' himself and appeared, before her eyes, to transform 'like chameleon' into a reptile.... I know other people who have seen George Bush shape-shift into a reptilian."


"It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family's genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were the "lizards" and the "reptiles" and she used to say in all seriousness:"

"They're not human"...

"The brotherhood obsession with Scotland, she said, was because there are many entrances there into inner-Earth where the physical reptiles live... She said that during the sacrificial rituals the Queen wears a cloak of gold fabric inlaid with rubies and black onyx. The Queen and Charles have their own ritual goblets, inlaid with precious stones signifying their Illuminati-Brotherhood rank. The Mother Goddess says that that queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of a man code-named 'Pindar' (The Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher in the Satanic hierarchy."

There is nothing ambiguous about his beliefs. He's talking about actual, physical, shape-shifting lizard people.

I was waiting for this post. Thank you.

I've always felt there were elements of truth to this and I do feel there are beings in inner earth.

I need to read that book or atleast research more into this because I know not enough about it.

Any recommendations as to where I should start?

Thanks for typing all that up I appreciate it.

There could be reptilian races

very correct sir/madam.

its about the lack of mammalian empathy shown by our reptilian overlords.

normal people cuddle kittens and puppies, reptiles eat them.

It's called the R. Complex

Almost 20 years. More?

Except for David Icke you also have to explain his insane "lizard people" rants.

i only have to allow for the fact that Mr Icke may know more than i do

Richard Hall had a podcast / youtube video explaining that Icke's Lizard People theory came from a source who has since changed her name with no evidence provided. His approach was that Icke had been feed disinfo in the late 90s as his success grew when he was disclosing False Flag info.

That's the frustration I've had for years. I know the reality of the situation, but no one -- NO ONE -- is going to buy it. So why bother blowing the whistle? Because when you do, there are several strategies that come into play to silence you:

  • Culture: The carefully cultivated concept of "conspiracy theorist" is a powerful, effective weapon. Our society has been conditioned to "trust the narrative" without question, and 99 out of 100 people who try to expose the evil in control are simply typecast as "conspiracy theorists" and ignored. Also, human nature plays a role in that to realize the truth of reality is absolutely different from what you've believed your whole life is a paradigm-shifting, worldview-shattering experience. The strong cognitive bias is a psychological self-defense mechanism.

  • Character Assassination: For the 1 out of 100 who are actually able to obtain evidence and some level of credibility, the first non-passive approach used is to destroy the possibility anyone would take them seriously. Planting kiddie porn on their computer, digging up embarrassing dirt from their past, etc, etc. Joe Blow comes out with video evidence of a child sacrifice, and suddenly he's arrested for rape, and "analysis" reveals the video was staged. It happens, folks.

  • Unfortunate Circumstances: No description needed. I've seen this over and over again. Someone getting too close to the truth suddenly dies from an accidental carbon monoxide leak. A former occultist is killed in a drunk-driving incident. The private investigator who had a heart-attack during the peak of his physical fitness... The movie director who survives a mysterious, skin-eating infection. <-- Not everyone dies -- some are just given a message.

Alex Jones might be a shill, but he's right about the demonic satanists in the government... and police forces, and colleges / universities, and local courts systems, and schools, and churches / mosques / synagogues, and the bakery down the street. You name the profession / occupation, and there's someone in that position involved in this.

Cold, hard truth of this world. No one wants to believe that, so most people won't.

As a owner of the bakery down the street, we are not invovled in this.

I will patronize your bakery, good sir. In the positive sense of the word, of course.

to realize the truth of reality is absolutely different from what you've believed your whole life is a paradigm-shifting, worldview-shattering experience. The strong cognitive bias is a psychological self-defense mechanism.

This is exactly the same thing that makes parents of abused children deny the abuse when they hear about it. Especially when it happens within their church. It destroys their world to believe it can happen so they chose to not believe. I think we see this sort of thing happening now in society where they do not want to believe our political leaders are corrupt.

Exactly. Even when the evidence is staring them in the face. And I totally get it -- I "woke up" last November, and have been struggling psychologically ever since.

Do you have any evidence of this? I thought the "widespread satanic cult"-thing was widely debunked after the "satanic panic" of the late 80s, early 90s?

I thought the "widespread satanic cult"-thing was widely debunked after the "satanic panic" of the late 80s, early 90s?

And that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. The "satanic panic" involved one or two real cases of SRA that the media picked up on. The next thing you know, you have schools and daycares across the country reporting possible satanic-related abuse to kids, almost all of which were completely fabricated.

Who do you think flooded the news with stories of egregious abuse which were so easily proven wrong? And aside from obscuring the real activity, what's the ultimate effect that denial & deception tactics on the collective attitude towards such allegations by the general public in the future?

Do you have any evidence of this?

Of course not -- these people will never be condemned by habeas corpus. Hence the frustration: when you've personally experienced / been affected by something such as this -- when you know it happens, and you know lots of other people also know, to feel so absolutely helpless to expose (much less stop) it is maddening.

No, I don't have evidence. And if I did, it would (a) be completely discredited, and/or (b) place me and my family in significant danger.

Do you have any evidence of this?

Um, yeah scroll to the top of this page and you'll see the evidence you seek...

Keep in mind, this is just the tip of the iceberg...

I see no evidence of satanic worship from an invitation to some famous performance artists' piece.

Please explain.


You're a suburban mom who just discovered heavy metal.

What in the fuck.....This is so disturbing. Tony is a prominent lobbyist....

And that was his function all along. Make the truth sound crazy so you won't believe it.

/edit <clarification>: Thinking about it, I think they figure the truth will come out eventually so have a raving clown run with it first thus making any related information that much more unbelievable.

"The truth is extreme to make it moderate is to lie"

The occult have a duty to inform you about what they are about to do to you. Wether or not you understand it, doesn't matter. Alex Jones says those things because they have to.

Its all about deception, by being required to inform you, they are also required to decieve you. Because if they told you clearly you would understand.

Alex Jones is a trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDhHh9jgP2o

The occult have a duty to inform you about what they are about to do to you

yes & it's often done through media; tv/movies & music.

I get that he's an entertainer or shill but who is not then? Does the video mean both sides are corrupt? like it's always been. Even this sub was watered down. And he says that the occult inform you as well. Not saying he isn't the occult. But he has a ton of guests that bring some knowledge. We're screwed either way.

This sounds like that bullshit, "If you ask an undercover cop if he's a cop he has to tell you."

It's not even remotely the same thing. The concept/theory behind informing us is tied into the spiritual beliefs of the elites who perform these actions. It has nothing to do with some sort of law it's what they for some reason or another believe.

Everything they do is hidden in plain sight and foreshadowed and they do this because it's part of their belief system/ritual. Whether or not their belief system is real or true doesn't matter that's their reason for doing so.

It's not even remotely the same thing.

No, but the reasons people believe them are almost identical.

Everything they do is hidden in plain sight and foreshadowed and they do this because it's part of their belief system/ritual.


No. People think undercover cops have to tell you they're a cop (which is untrue) because they're misinformed idiots.

People believe that the elites have to tell us about their plans ahead of time because that's part of their belief system.

Those are two totally different fucking concepts. You're analogy was fucking stupid.

There's plenty of reasons why people have theorized that the elites have to reveal their plans to us ahead of time which you can easily look up yourself. It's related to predictive programming and the idea of consent.

No. People think undercover cops have to tell you they're a cop (which is untrue) because they're misinformed idiots.

No, because it sounds nice and they want it to be true.

People believe that the elites have to tell us about their plans ahead of time because that's part of their belief system.

Which people believe because it sounds nice and they want it to be true. Then real life is like figuring out a puzzle, deciphering their plans.

There's plenty of reasons why people have theorized that the elites have to reveal their plans to us ahead of time which you can easily look up yourself.

Link to some of these?

But now you know that Obama and Hillary are demons?

I'm seriously confused at which angle Alex Jones is playing at. We all know he is a shill but despite that he reveals some pretty truthful things.

If you are Alex Jones and a FBI or CIA agent comes to you and claims that they are a whistleblower, how would you know the difference?

Whether they're giving you good information or not, and if that information is correct or not, how would you know the difference?

it's classified!!

so therefore he has the same problem we have which is that he only knows what he's told because he's not there at the time and place that events happened to witness them.

So he's not a journalist. He's an out-loud-reader.

Looking around these threads and these times, I see lots of redefined words, and lots of implications left to the imagination.

I wonder if everyone is communicating effectively, considering we are all projecting our own bias into all these opportunities that inconcise speech creates.

I'm finding that to convey any thought accurately, I must explain my intent and implications as well, otherwise the spoken language alone can be misinterpreted, and the goal of communication lost.

I find that finishing my thoughts has a positive impact on my spoken clarity. For example, instead of saying "Noun is wrong", also indicate why.

If you've come this far in your reasoning, I refuse to believe that the more rational part of you can't figure out exactly what's going on here.

They're both attention whoring degenerates, pathologically narcissistic and desperate, doing everything they possibly can to bewilder and captivate your mind in order to gain fame and fortune. The former flings verbal excrement in the form of utterly vulgar sensationalism at your head, while the latter smears excrement on a wall. The end result is pretty much the same. Any sort of attention will do.


Marina is a beautiful lady. Please let this one go. Let's stop destroying artists on twitter because we don't understand them.

Whatever. "Spirit Cooking" is sick.

Sure. Art is meant to evoke feeling. Sickness can be one of those.


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They're all smoking the dmt!

Seriously... these people are fucked in the head.

These people run our countries.

These people run our countries.

These draft dodgers run our country.


They are all around us, we listen to their music, we watch their movies. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cwb6BamVEAAPCFK.jpg

Who are the people in that pic?

Well i can identify gaga and the satanic art chick, no clue on others. The female in the blood pool appears to be pregnant, not sure if alive or dead. Someone mentioned a ritual regarding unborn baby as the offering.

theres a video on Utube that goes into detail on the bathtub/water aspect of 'satanic' pop videos, its quite common.

What da FUCK is going on there

Well i can identify gaga and the satanic art chick, no clue on others. The female in the blood pool appears to be pregnant, not sure if alive or dead. Someone mentioned a ritual regarding unborn baby as the offering.

Uh, what am I looking at?

Gaga, pregnant lady, blood drinking. You know typical 666 art stuff.

So is that actually art as in fake body or a body/blood being called art?

Quite frankly , its not art, that crazy 666 lady just calls it art to not get slack. Pretty sure thats a human female, hopefully live, in a pool of what I would imagine pig or goats blood. Found it on twitter with someone saying something about it being an offering of an unborn child to a god.

Babylonian religious shite, something that should have been forgotten two thousand years ago.

Did he even respond to the email? It looks like it is just be some nutjob emailing him and he never even responded.

It was forwarded from John's brother. Abramovic specifically asked John's brother if John would attend.

So the brother is probably making fun of the invitation. I forward shit like this all the time.

he asks him if he's going to be in NYC on the night of the party.

Yeah, then no response. Sounds like a joke to me

And then Podesta invites Marina Abromwic to kickoff party for HRC's campaign.

So? That doesn't mean he went to a ritualistic dinner.

No, it means he is closely and initimately familiar with the "spirit cook", though, doesn't it?

<texts Marina>

"Lets take this offline please"

You're realizing that now?


She's known as the Black Witch to her cult followers, lady gaga, Jayz..etc. You are going to have to eventually wake up to reality. The people who run things are pedophiles that are into some really gay mystical bullshit. Facts, Not everybody can handle the uncomfortable ones.

Yeah, I'm not buying it. If anything I am second-hand embarrassed for the bored, disconnected wealthy people who fall for this hack artist's shtick and think they're doing something edgy and meaningful. They want it to seem dark and disturbing, rather than what it actually is (lame and pretentious), so let's not do them the favor. It's like going to a haunted house attraction for phony intellectuals with a pathological addiction to exclusivity and superiority.

Let us not forget that satanists, wiccans, etc are actually really fucking lame. It shouldn't be surprising to us that our leaders are so indulgent and detached from reality that they consider this a good time.

Nobody claimed it was real gay hocus pocus magic...but they REALLY do this shit. Sure it's a lame ass preforming artist, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't fuck some children covered in blood to get their rocks off...The Bohemian Grove, for example, is well known for elderly statesmen fucking young boys, and rumors existed long before the likes of Alex Jones that their 'cremation of care' ceremony used a live host. Group mentality is a fucker.

Read that again and tell me that suggesting watching a performance artist can lead to child rape is not the most intelecutally dishonest statement you've ever written. Thats a huge leap. Thats the kind of thinking that lead to Marilyn Manson getting banned from cities in the 90's. Like saying rock n roll leads to sex and satanism. I bet you think that bands put backwards messages on their records telling fans to kill themselves(rather than saying"buy more records!!!"). "C'mon man. This election is fucking everybody up. We all need to take a deep breath and chill the fuck out

See this lady at Chelsea Clinton's elite only wedding? Her job in life is acquiring young children for men like Bill Clinton to fuck. Bill and Hillary have visited an island known for child sex orgies...owned by a convicted child sex trafficker. You are wading into the deep end and haven't yet learned to swim, in regards to this subject...maybe you shouldn't be "chilling the fuck out" while child fuckers bribe and blackmail their way into control of the government.

Was Webb pissed he didn't get to walk his daughter down the aisle?

You know he was...that resemblance 1, 2...uncanny.

Rock and roll does lead to Satanism. Zeppelin, Sabbath, Stones, Beatles all referenced or heavily influenced by Satanism. Sabbath and Zeppelin have Lucifer as their logo, it's not maybe kind of leading to Satanism. It's balls deep in Satanism. Who exactly do you think is the falling angel in their logos? Sabbath, Kiss, Priest all used the SS. The roots of rock and metal go directly to Satanism especially Crowley inspired Satanism. Zeppelin owned his fucking house, Jimmy would get deep in trance and channel a demonic Lord.

If that's not satanism I don't know what is.

News flash man. A lot of people in bands thought it was funny was funny at the time to fuck with overprotective housewives who have described rock as the devil's music since elvis

News flash man, not every band owned Alleister Crowleys house, sat around summoning demons in transcendental meditation, had esoteric emblems in reverence to sun worship and had Lucifer as their logo. Overprotective housewives is rhetorical and pejorative and blatantly untrue to anyone with half a brain. How many blatantly Satanic references would it take for you to think they are influenced by it?

Owned Crowleys house

Admitted to going into trances and summoning spirits

Song lyrics about Satan

Esoteric sun worship emblems

Esoteric dragon robes

Not one of those is an interpretation, it's not hey listen to this backmasking. Those are fucking undeniable facts, about one band, but hey if you want to be a condescending douchebag go ahead.

Just because they invite her for a private showing of her art doesn't mean they are cultist, there is no proof anyone is actually jizzing and pissing in buckets to write on walls with. Rich people have odd taste in art because they consider it "eclectic" or something. Even IF they are, so what, they are gross, vile people, but there is no laws against jizzing in buckets and writing on the walls with it.

Ok, so, you're gonna hire a dogsitter... Two identical people apply, only discernable difference is that one puts bodily fluids into a bucket for ritual sex magic. Which dogsitter do you hire? See, there is a difference.

What you don't understand is we don't know that they are INVOLVED in the art, for a fact. Just that they had her over to perform this. We don't even know that she actually uses real blood/feces/sperm and the like that I'm aware of. Idk where the sex magic comes in, they don't do anything sexual in this video.


What are you talking about, wrong? Why don't you respond with something substantial, I'm trying to figure this out just like everybody else, but everybody in this damn subreddit is so gungho to blame people for shit that there is ZERO proof of, YET. Nothing I said was "wrong" and you sound like a jackass for saying it. Have you ever even heard of devils advocate? I go into things trying to figure them out, not trying to confirm my own biases.

nah, Wrong.

Well now I know the type of person I'm talking to.

The kind that likes to watch someone argue with themselves? Please continue...

You're cringy dude.

Aw...I'm sorry I triggered you, kiddo.

Me and your mom agree that you are just the cutest itty bitty little bitter buffalo we've ever seen.

If that's any help?

but nothing is more cringeworthy than some of the shit you pukeforth....lol

I've detailed the moment for me on another post but man, it was my first year following football, like REALLY following it, I was obsessing with the drafts, mostly focusing on what QB we were going to pick, I was hoping for Teddy early in the first, for whatever reason I just loved the dude, watched a bunch of his tape and followed him through the pro day and combines and was thinking "damn it would be awesome if we snagged the guy I've been hyping about all summer." Then we chose Barr, and I was pretty disappointed thinking we lost our only shot at Teddy, but I knew he would be a great pick too. So I'm still watching the draft over the next hour or two when that 32nd pick came around, I was planning to turn off the tv and do something else, but then there it was, "Seahawks trade their pick to the Vikings", I had never been so excited and proud about a stupid little hobby of mine in my life. Of course I knew it would be Teddy.

omg...you knew...of course, you knew...lulz.../saff


Clearly you are of sound mind.


Do you think Jared Fogle's neighbors knew he was fucking children? Did the 'sandwich artist' at subway lube up the children for him?

oh okay. i guess this investigation will stop because a credible source named trex707 who provided nothing but a vague opinion said so.

oh wait no, there's an overwhelming amount of evidence all kinds of crazy shit happens there.


Uh Alex Jones got shit on video.

We can smell your fear.

Who, satanists and wiccans?


Those of us who have also felt your fear.

But there are some of us who have acknowledged and addressed our fear, unlike you...

who have decided not to look at it.

Time is short.

Address your fear.

You're hardly worth responding to, but what the hell. I acknowledge that the world is a terrifying, sad and infuriating place, and I see your attempts to make sense of it as an oversimplification coping mechanism. I can't delude myself into pretending to believe in comforting all-explanatory conspiracy theories.

But yet, you and your weak-ass opinions responded.

My work here is done.

Confront The End, and it will come as much less of a shock than if you'd continued to avoid it...

Okay. Well just know that, as confident as you are that you are enlightened and superior, I am just as confident that you are an idiot.

Unless you are actually a troll, in which case good job.


And when it was first posted yesterday I said it was sex magick but was downvoted for it. That's what this is people, sex magick.


Lots of info on her wiki. It says "certain members of the Democratic Party are fans"

"Last edited 1 minute ago"

I've been familiar with her and her hackneyed work for over 30 years. I've seen a number of her shows. Thanks for the link.

I didn't know anything about her until today, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that will find the wiki page intereresting, sheesh.

And Jay Z & B are out on the road with her today.

Their (((owners))) tell them where to go.

How people can't see this is beyond me. If I get one more meme sent to me with a "famous" person chastising people for not voting for her I will jump off a cliff!

The comforting thing is knowing the deal they sign to get in on it is no good, you sign up for life but most people want out. It's conditioning through violence and intimidation on a societal level. It's a big house of cards because all the underlings fucking hate it.

I.. Are you being serious?

These are some of the people who meet yearly in secretive Bohemian Grove and worship an owl statue. You also had earlier mentions of "Moloch" and "The Owl of Minerva Rule" mentioned in emails earlier in the releases. There is also the Franklin Scandal and probably a few others from the past. You've got Podesta jacking off to anything about aliens and Edgar Mitchell in his emails. I don't think it's too much of a stretch at this point to think this dude and his friends believe in some weird fringe shit.

Denial being the first step...you'll eventually come around, or you'll be lucky enough to never have contact with their ilk. It's natural to be afraid.

Your entire post history is dedicated to defending actions of the government. If you ask me, your the one who's really nuts.

I like politics. I am not convinced by hearsay and supposition. And satanic rituals really tips the pail.

Your posting history is dedicated to drugs, conspiracy, mental illness and politics. Have you seen the light, man.

No, I defend the truth, as the truth is the only thing we can trust in this era.

You can carry on hitting your gravity bong, pretending that evil doesn't exist. Just because you won't believe it, doesn't make it false.

I consider myself open minded. But here's my question. If you think Hillary and other elite people are into satanism and other weird mystical things, what makes you think Trump isn't? Sorry if I'm assuming things.

They're all into it. It's how they impress themselves and each other with the illusion of elitism and the perception that they know something the "common people" don't. I have a feeling that the people running the world right now are more pathetic than they are sinister.

Bohemian Grove rituals


322 Skull and Bones initiation ritual


Saying these people are satanists is just stating a fact, like saying the sky is blue, and bears shit in the woods. Yes, these people are practising occultists and they take this stuff very, very seriously.

If you think this type of shit doesn't happen, why don't you just ask Angelina Jolie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkXS946P4sQ

I like politics. I am not convinced by hearsay and supposition. And satanic rituals really tips the pail.

Michael Aquino would disagree with you.

holy shit!! What is that **shudder**

That's chocolate syrup...

its also lady gaga

What. The. Fuck.

Wtf is that, the post you replied to was deleted.

He was just saying stuff about how the government could never do anything wrong and this is all fake.

Lol Gotcha ty

Rule 10. Find another sub if this is all you have to contribute, first warning.


You knew what you were doing, let's not play games. It's only a warning though so you're free to carry on as you will - just try to be a bit more mindful going forward. Cheers.

These "mods" 😂😂

Nice character references there. Must be legit.../s

This is probably legitimately the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

Look into McMartin Preschool.


There's a certain type of frustration that comes with observing people being manipulated on such a grand scale. The notion that "there are, sometimes, situations of great evil about which we can do nothing' is in itself one of the greatest of these manipulations.

The only antidote to such frustration is the knowledge that the paradigm thrust upon us cannot replace natural law, the pendulum always swings.

So how do we stop this? I'm frustrated and restless by this evil.

I think here soon, we'll have no option but to rally in the streets. People say that there's peaceful solutions but these monsters don't deserve peace. They deserve to be dragged through the streets and face the people...

We exist in a scalar reality. Victories on every level can be felt at every other level. Your daily moral battles are part of the collective struggle.

First, get in shape, drop the pounds and vices.

Second ? Who knows, we'll figure it out when we get there

Well, according to some documents, if the government won't stop it...

That's a terrifyingly honest assessment. But I reject it. God willing, we can do something about this.




A lot is discredited with a little bit of research, especially surrounding the McMartin Preschool case.

How was it discredited? Do you have any links that challenge this research?

Yeah it's complete crap.

The McMartin preschool was children being coerced into saying the things they said.

Later research demonstrated that the methods of questioning used on the children were extremely suggestive, leading to false accusations.

I just watched a video someone linked from an old case in 2015, where it led to a UK case, was on liveleak, anyway, people were saying shit like "I know kids, I've been a teacher for x years and they are telling the truth!" (in various forums discussing the content)

No..They weren't. They were told to say that, and the guy filming was the abuser, along with his wife, you can see it in the microexpressions. Besides that, there was the way both children immediately responded in the exact same manner, that is due to being told what to say, over and over again.

There has not been a legitimate case like that. There has been pedophiles, but once babies heads getting chopped off and animals being fucked, and all this other shit is involved, especially when on a massive scale, it is children being told what to say.

I'll see if I can find the video, you'll realize how obvious it is they have been trained if I can find it again.

edit: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=329_1423343428&amp;comments=1

here it is.

You're partially right. I think not all of the McMartin kids were real victims, and were mishandled by the interviewers, but a lot of the kids were indeed real victims. Dozens of them showed clear signs of butt rape and vaginal rape, as confirmed by doctors. A lot of the kids even had STDs. All of this was buried. And cases like this went on all over the country. Last year it happened in Jerusalem.

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a CIA front.

Research "The Finders", an investigation into which was closed because it was "a cia internal matter".

I'd agree, I'd bet about 30% were being raped, that's the average. It could have been from someone on the inside, that is possible, especially if they had the same STD's.

However, the majority of the case is BS. I don't really know who starts the gorey stuff, and tells the kids to say it, but I'd assume it's either the real perpetrator, whomever it was, or a parent who wanted some settlement $$, and eventually it spreads until everyone is saying it.

I heard about the finders the other day, saw it in a thread on 4chan, kind of passed by it, do you have a good place to start or just google?

Dude, the secret tunnels and underground chambers that the children described were found under the school, and the corrupt prosecutor refused to allow the evidence. Also found under the school in the tunnels were animal bones, just as the children described animal sacrifice.

By involving the children in elaborate satanic rituals, the predators helped protect themselves because the stories seemed so unbelievable.

You want to believe that there's some big chasm between raping babies and making the babies drink blood and kill animals. Morally it's all on the same spectrum.

Can you provide a source to this?

That is not a reliable source. The website name gives that away. Give a reliable source, one that gives it's sources for the information it provides. Looking only for your claims, nothing else. (the tunnels) - surely there would be pictures as well?

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I can't trust that source like I can't trust "www.cowboys.com" to speak without bias for cowboys.

This is kind of comical, reading this website..I scroll half way down and start where it talks about tunnels...

Interestingly enough, skeptics of ritual abuse in the public print often have dubious bona fides themselves. Some even participate secretly in the pedophile and occult undergrounds, most notably a couple of Los Angeles writers who have written the only two book available on McMartin, taking mental health professionals, police, the press and prosecutors to task for pursuing false allegations of abuse.

Aka: If you are skeptical, you're probably a pedophile/Occultist.

Made me chuckle.

Okay buddy, wait for the LA Times to tell you the truth.

And pretend that 30% of the children got raped, but nothing else happened to them. And pretend that the media who declared nobody at all got raped, was well-intentioned and close to the truth.

You can't find another source, so you are getting mad.

Be prepared to back up crazy statements.

You admit the media covered up a bunch of little kids getting raped and getting STDs, and you indirectly admit that the prosecutors covered it up too, but you don't find that suspicious, and you refuse to believe anything else happened to the kids besides rape.

What? You are in a whole different world right now bud, because none of that was said.

I asked you to provide a source, you provided a non credible source, so I asked for a credible source, and thus we have your most recent 2 replies, which have gone off the deep end.

You: "I'd agree, I'd bet about 30% were being raped, that's the average. It could have been from someone on the inside, that is possible, especially if they had the same STD's. However, the majority of the case is BS."

It could have been from someone on the inside, that is possible, especially if they had the same STD's. However, the majority of the case is BS.

Wah, over the past couple days, it's like people severely lack reading comprehension.

could have been


if they

I did not claim it happened, nor accept it. I stated those are possible. Hence explicit language stating as much. I'm dumbfounded by the lack of reading comprehension lately, I truly am.

Why do you think the media and prosecutor put so much effort into declaring that none of the children were raped? Despite ample medical evidence?


The body of the woman whose complaint began the McMartin preschool molestation case was found in her home on Friday, and the police today began investigating the circumstances of her death.

The woman, Judy Johnson, 42 years old, whose mental stability has been the focus of a pretrial hearing going on in Superior Court here, was found dead Friday afternoon in her home in the affluent, seaside community of Manhattan Beach.

The discovery of the body came as many of the participants in the McMartin case were in a courtroom 22 miles away in Los Angeles, listening to Raymond Buckey, the chief defendant, plead for release from jail.

Much of this came to the defense's attention after Glenn Stevens, a former prosecutor in the case, related it to two screen writers, Abby and Myra Mann, who turned the information over to the defense.

Mr. Stevens, who left the prosecutors' office in January after expressing misgivings about the case, voiced doubts in taped interviews with the Manns, who are writing a book and a movie about the case with Mr. Stevens

What, you mean the completely ridiculous and insane trial that turned out to based completely on bullshit and hysteria?


I think the highlight of this was trying to charge the woman running the daycare with murder when no children were in fact missing. The videos of the police telling kids that they would never see their parents again unless they admitted to being sexually abused are apparently deeply disturbing but I have never seen them.

The fact that they bulldozed the entire school to find the supposed secret basement - which wasn't there - indicates how fucked up the American justice system is, not that Satanic ritual abuse is a thing!

They coerced all the kids in that case into giving false testimony. It's actually highly studied in persuasion courses.

That's just the official story. The establishment pulled out all the stops to discredit the victims, and the movement to discredit was led by child pornographers, the Eberles. Oliver Stone's cover up movie was based on the Eberles' book https://www.amazon.com/Abuse-Innocence-McMartin-Preschool-Trial/dp/1591021650

Note how James Woods starred in the movie, and note that Woods is the son of a high level intel officer, and Woods also dubiously claimed to be on a plane with the 9/11 hijackers just days before 9/11, strengthening the official narrative.

Huge cover-up.

Woods is also shilling hard for Trump, so that doesn't really add up.

Only if you think Trump is a real outsider.

James Woods also went out drinking every night with some of the key plotters of 9/11 at an Upper East Side place called Elaines. Jerome Hauer, John Miller, John O'Neill, and James Woods were all close drinking buddies. John O'Neill is viewed as the man who tried to stop Bin Laden, but I'm convinced he faked his death, and that he was one of the key plotters and designers of the Bin Laden narrative. Just like John Miller, the last man to interview Bin Laden and a fixture on TV on 9/11 and the months after. Jerome Hauer you probably already know about.

If you study Moloch worship, this kind of shit is described as far back as ancient Canaan. That's why the Old Testament ordered them all to be killed.

Romans did the same thing; Carthage was full of Moloch worshippers, and it was the only place they burned to the ground. They practiced religious tolerance with everyone else, but these guys were demon worshippers.

if rounding up all the native religious leaders, shamen, minstrels, bards, etc. killing them, then destroying and or building churches right on top of all their most valued holy sites is classed as "tolerance", sure

I wonder how this all relates to Saturn worship?


That's some seriously dark shit right there.

You must have a lived a pretty vanilla life so far if some weird performance artist smearing blood on a wall is the most disturbing thing you've ever seen.

TBH, this registered a zero on the shock chart, for me.

I don't really understand what the big deal about this is. Even if its some weird occult shit, who the fuck cares? Is this subreddit heavily christian or something? Honestly asking.

As a former performance artist, I concur. I've seen and done some crazy shit in performance art pieces. This shit seems pretty mild to me.

When was the last time you fucked a child for your "Art"

Are you referencing something? Abramovic is a well-known and renowned artist. I haven't really seen anything here that matters to the election at hand, or helps to expose any more of the wrongdoings and crimes of Hillary/Podesta/DNC etc.

I think this whole angle is more misdirection. Keep people muttering about things that ultimately are of no consequence.

I haven't really seen anything here that matters to the election at hand

Who would you like to be President?

  • Trump/Pence (R - Anti-Abortion)
  • Clinton/Kaine (D - Satanic rituals / child sacrifice)

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Bitch looks Like a poser not an artist.

You're not the least bit concerned that some of the most influential people in the country are clearly WAY into said occult nonsense?

some of the most influential people in the country are clearly WAY into said occult nonsense?

Uh, what? He got invited to a performance by... a famous performance artist? How is that being "way too into it"? We don't even know if he went.

No, by his brother, who was attending.

Bohemian Grove has been happening in midsummer since 1872. Political leaders/influencers being heavily into the occult is not news.

Agnostic atheist, myself. I've seen some pretty bad shit. 3 guys 1 hammer, the pig/chainsaw vids, shit like that. They don't quite have the same effect as these vids of Abramovic, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps because it seems so foreign to me; I can't relate to even a bit of it. I'm not at all a murderer, but either through media and/or proximity exposure to psychopathy I can, to a degree, understand what's going on in their heads when 3 people cave in a homeless man's face with a hammer.

I can't say the same thing about this Spirit Cooking shit. What is this bitch doing? Why? What's with the obsession with bodily fluids? It's so far removed from anything I've ever seen before.

For me, it might have to do with the fact that I was quite familiar with Marina Abramovic's work long before this revelation.

To me, she has always been just another ridiculously pretentious artist that became famous by accident and never stopped being a pretentious, weird, eccentric artist lady, because she has built a successful career around that persona.


That's my two cents, at least.

Abramovic is probably one of the most famous/influential artists of the last forty years. She's not really a pretentious hack or anything, even if you don't like the genre of performance art

This Spirit Cooking thing doesn't seem to have been a very well known piece until now and I still don't understand exactly what it is. It doesn't seem like the piece was ever performed publicly, all there is a series of prints. There's a sort of history in this style of art of writing out bizarre instructions like this that aren't actually meant to be followed, for example the book "Grapefruit" by Yoko Ono has a lot of little poems like "step 1: climb a ladder to heaven, step 2: take a bite out of the sky" and shit like that. That's what this seems like to me, but then again we do know that she was hosting events of some sort based around this, so there had to be a performance component as well.

Personally I REALLY doubt that Podesta & co. were hanging out drinking blood and breast milk and what not at these dinners. At most maybe they sat around and watched Marina and maybe some other artists do stuff like that as a performance piece. But who knows

Finally! Someone who's heard of Marina A.

I personally don't like her stuff, but I know she's just an artist who likes to stir the pot.

People in this thread need to get out more.

It doesn't matter if they aren't drinking blood and breast milk. It's the fact that they are going through the motions of a ritual or something similar.

I doesn't matter if it's not actually real, what matters is THEY think it's real...

And there's no evidence he went there or did anything. This can easily be down played as normally exaggeration by conspiracy theory folk. See one thing and then dig your own rabbit hole, then allow that to be the basis, confirmation bias, for another rabbit hole.

Seriously, I wonder sometimes how many of you get out of the home and actually experience real weird shit in person instead of from behind a keyboard. I've see crazy shit in the corner of a bar and have not batted an eye.

I've seen snuff film that might traumatize some people.

I doesn't matter if it's not actually real, what matters is THEY think it's real...

But they probably don't? They probably just see it as art (even though obviously Abramovic is inspired by the occult). I guess it's not impossible that these guys are doing dark rituals in order to influence the outcome of world affairs, like what just happened in South Korea, but until there's more evidence in that direction it's more rational to assume that they're just going to performance art events that are advertised as such.

Sounds reasonable I suppose. I'd never heard of her before. I don't imagine I would be too bothered by it, either, except for her close proximity to such influential public figures. That makes me question further what the fuck is going wrong in their minds, and what that means for us plebs.

The reason Marina Abramovic's video affects you is because it was designed to do so. That's what artists do--they want to cause specific feelings in the audience.

The most brutal snuff film I've seen was "Chechclear". No snuff film I've seen seemed to top that.

Edit: I'm not talking about the black & white GIF, I'm talking about the full colour video with sound where you can hear suffering and panic gargles.

3 Guys One Hammer were two idiots that had a proposal offer to produce a serial snuff film in Ukraine. You can read about their crimes and MOs on Wikipedia. The 3rd guy in Hammer was the victim.


What is this?

To be fair, there is a distinction... Many are atheists just because they don't think there is a god and nothing would persuade them otherwise.


What is this?

I think you're missing the shock part.

It's not so much that this is "mild performance art" from that perspective - its the implecations of WHO is doing this/participating in it and WHY -- These are leaders who sell their entire self-image to the public as some hyper christian-vanilla-moral-angel.

The fact that performance artists do weird shit, is fine for performance artists.

But you can't literally be unable to connect the dots with all the bits of evidence and chock this up as performance art. Thats fucking naive.

They can attempt to disguise this as "performance art" but your completely clueless if you think thats all it is.

Have you ever seen them at a "performance art charity event" as a high-level politician? Ever even ONCE heard something like this mentioned publicly in "support of the arts"?

No - this is NOT performance art. This is people using code words and private planes, private parties, and known child traffickers in countries where they literally fly in right after a disaster to exploit it for all its resources - human or otherwise.

If you think its "just performance art" then you have a very short-memory and have not been paying attention.

Have you ever seen them at a "performance art charity event" as a high-level politician? Ever even ONCE heard something like this mentioned publicly in "support of the arts"?

Yes. Marina Abramovic is literally one of the most famous artists in the world.

I'm sorry, but it really seems like everyone is just grasping at straws because John Podesta got invited to an art event that, honestly, belongs in /r/im14andthisisWTF

That wasnt my point.

I am not saying she isnt famous. I am saying that which happens publicly and that which happens privately are two different things - and she said that explicitly.

I havent made any judgment regarding any of this other than, its both not my cup of pizza and its weird as fuck.

These people seem to be eating menstrual blood and semen. Ctr

heh. It's all connected. Conspiracy of Silence. The Cult of Amen-Ra (Amun). The Tribe of Dan. The empire they have created.

The fact that we actually worship Amen(Amun) daily and no one gets it? When I was a bit younger I picked up on the connection from ending a prayer with Amen and the fucking Sun God...

Personally, I've always felt that if I were to follow any "religion", any sort of sun worship is the only thing that actually makes sense to me.

It makes sense that if you wanted to worship that which gave you and everything else on this earth life, the sun would be that "deity".



What is this?

Bohemian Grove rituals


322 Skull and Bones initiation ritual


Think of it as LARPING and suddenly it doesn't seem so sinister.

Not that there aren't child pedos in positions of power, but this whole spirit dinner or pasta thing doesn't seems to have anything to do with it as far as I can tell.

bible defines the society of satanists


"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight!…"

Standard Bible

I'm not Christian, so bible verses are not very meaningful to me.

Not to mention hell wasnt added until the 1400s and Satan is a metaphor in the Talmud. Seriously between the ecumenical councils and the French to Latin translation anyone who throws out the Bible shouldn't be expected to know about the history of the occult or history in general. *Latin to French, excuse me.

there is no such thing as 'I was just pretending to be a satanist'

if these people go to the woods and do these things, it doesn't matter if they do it for fun roleplaying

the satanic elite loves the reversal of everything that is good, satansim is all about reversal, the upside down cross, backwards speaking, sexual perversion that is now endorsed, etc. all the creepy stuff Crowley listed


It's not the most disturbing thing I've seen online. (Skinned cartel) But it is definitely WTF material.

For those calling this shock art: the best place to hide something is right in front of you. Look into the Corona project, the first US spy satellite program, and how things like the place where spy photographs were analysed in a photo shop that was featured in pro-US literature. I keep reflecting on this and how stuff like this fucked up, repugnant shit like spirit cooking get written off as performance art or movies like Eyes Wide Shut are put in front of us as art/fiction when these people are literally showing the world what these sick fucks do. Maybe they get off on the danger of being caught.

E: the Ninth gate is another film I suspect points out some more inner-workings. A lot of what's in there seems to point in this direction.

One of their hard laws is that in order to achieve the power promised to them by their actions, they must let their victims know what they intend to do to them.

Whether or not the victims understand is inconsequential.

And now you know.

Yes, because if you are told beforehand and do nothing about it, you are giving consent to have your free will violated.

Wicker Man kinda shit.

Which is exactly why I refuse to vote in this election. I cannot sign on to this madness.

that doesn't make sense. You have to vote 'NO CONFIDENCE' different than a no vote. no vote is submission.

no vote is submission.

Explain your stance.

can you actually do that? Sorry if thats a stupid question. do you write it in?

Do you have any concrete sources for this? I understand there is plenty of not-so-occult symbolism placed everywhere in the media, but I'd love to see somewhere in writing proof of this. Even in things like occult magick references.

Do you have any concrete sources for this?

It's not exactly something 20/20 is going to do a story on?

EDIT: Best I can do, but also a dubious source.

I'm talking about a reference in books of magick or such sources like that, you know, something that credits the theory.

Check the edit.

You are correct, sir. It's called "social conditioning." There's a ton of intentional disinformation out there on a lot of topics, so you have to be discerning. "Mind control" is one topic with so much BS around it that most people assume it's all bunk. Directed electromagnetic energy control, RF implants, and other outlandish crap intentionally obfuscates the true mind control projects: Widespread addiction to entertainment media, using that media to conduct cultural desensitization and moral destabilization, and wrapping the agenda in a fictional narrative in plain sight, which serves to disassociate that agenda from reality in the general population.

Insidious. Ingenious.

i feel that way too. its like im watching a national geographic special on the hunting patterns of super predators simultaneously disturbed and awed by the sheer power and brutality of human beings.

Yep. You start talking about mind control and most people switch off. Wether it's a co-ordinated concentrated effort or truly horrifying cluster fuck of separate circumstances I'm not sure, but one way or another it's happening, and most people are skeptical, oblivious or in denial.

repugnant shit like spirit cooking

Why is it so repugnant to you? I legit don't understand this perspective. I mean, yeah its gross, but so what? Poop is gross, too, and most people do that every day.

Viewed in the context of 'art', even in a post-modernist viewpoint, I do not like 'shock art', but that's De gustibus non est disputandum. Spraying blood on what looks like a bound child, especially viewed in the context what these people are suspected of participating in, is disturbing to me.

Defecating is a daily thing and a part of life. Showering someone with blood and drawing symbols in blood on a wall is really pushing the limits of normality. I wasn't a fan of pisschrist either, if you were wondering. Bodily fluid art just seems...gross to me. This seems more like acting out a ritual than performance art.

I tend to agree, I just draw a big distinction between "gross" and "disturbing."

This seems more like acting out a ritual than performance art

btw, this is what many performance artists want to hear as an audience reaction. Marina would be pleased by that sentiment.

Upon further viewing, she seems like a pretentious asshole and this 'art' is her being an attention whore.

The repugnant part is not the ceremony, which I agree is just kind of gross. It's that practitioners can take is seriously (the artist in this case is quoted as saying that it is only art if performed as art, but in a private setting it would not be) and can involve victims. If you watch the video, you'll see that the blood/sperm/milk mix is poured onto the effigy of a child.

If you are aware of the pedophilia that the group in question is allegedly (but with strong clues pointing to it being real) involved in, you might ask yourself if the children they play with can sometimes be "used" when these rituals are performed privately. If they are involved, are they alive, do they remain alive?

Is that repugnant enough?


What is this?


Relax.... Just mix the breast milk and the sperm milk and drink it on earthquake nights.

Thanks, that is comforting.

Gives new meaning to Bloody Mary

Have totally lost count of how many times I've uttered that question in the last 36 hours. This is insane shit.


Remember the email about Podesta playing dominoes? Just found this:


The programming room was painted a good dissociative color white. In the middle of the room, cages were suspended with chimps. The examining table was metal, which was cold for the victim, but easy to wash for the attendants. The victim was placed in cages and could observe white dots light up in different dot patterns over the door on a panel of lights. The low level shocks to the victim were coordinated with the dot patterns. (Some of this relates to domino programming.)

What is domino programming? Does it have anything to do with that email where in it someone asks John podesta if he'd have better luck 'playing dominos on pasta or cheese'?

Right. And the Hillary logo with the pizza slice over it, with pepperoni oriented like dominoes. The point seems to be to remind slaves of their trauma.

Here's something in the same article that discusses sex slaves which is likely relevant to Abramovic's TED talk plans to build an "institute" where people count rice grains.

For this reason, Grande Dames, who are involved in programming, will spend time drawing and showing faces to the child and seeing if the child can recognize identical faces. Almost any other item will be used, candy canes with stripes (match the candycanes with the same no. of stripes), trees, or pencils. The child must learn to match identical items very early--even before they can speak. This is so they will be able to build mirror images into their mind. All the senses are trained for building the mirror images; for instance such as silks and cottons can be used for the sense of touch. The child will have to match textures. The Programmer, the Grande Dame, and Grande Mothers will teach the child to have good abilities in copying, reflecting, repeating, echoing, or re-echoing, and mirroring. They will be taught for hours how to re-echo something verbatim.

Some of these teaching methods are almost like games. For instance, 20 pins will be in a box and the small child is given a short time to decide how many pins are in the box. A certain level of intelligence and creativity is needed for time to be invested on programming.

I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.


See: https://user.xmission.com/~trevin/hanky.html

white/black checkerboard means safe sex, is some kind of code that the orgy participants were all clean?

The Realtor scouts out the houses for parties and found a wayward jizzbib with a stain that could "MAP" said jizzbib back to someone. Also, MAP = Minor Attracted Person. This is SJW newspeak for pedo.

That, or this is just an email about looking at a house. Or, that's what they want you to think.

The handkerchief email mentions pillows. The Spirit Cooking video also has some stone pillows at the end. Are they the same pillows? I wonder.

It could be that for sure.

But handkerchiefs with maps to a pizza place are more rare.

"related to pizza" -- I just dont think its the same context...

Thanks for the Link. Absolutely disgusting to know our Tax dollars fund this. If I could I would never pay taxes again!!

thats a pentacle the pentagram is inverted

I fucked a wiccan hippy chic once.


With your druid staff?

What can I say? All the hippy bitches want my staff...


Dude, she fucks people for money...you know, an "artist"

Woah woah this is really weird just for my own sanity because I was talking about Marina Abromavic last night and her film about Balkan farmers who fuck the land to increase fertility

https://youtu.be/o4cjqgcSri0 All in all pretty wild lady

The fuck is this mate

the fuck was that!?!?

I will forever have the image of those women running around flashing their beaver seared into my brain.

Now searching google: HOW DO I UNDO RED PILL

tell me what you find. I think Ive had enough. Seriously. I want out.

From: https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1jctbp/i_am_performance_artist_marina_abramovic_ask_me/cbdekfv/

Everything depends on which context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.


If the public ritual of Spirit Cooking involves eating a corpse cake, imagine what the private ritual involves. Podesta went to her house for a private dinner.

hey, this isnt how you "un red pill!" This is red pill on steroids!

Buds, I decided to take the whole bottle.




Too bad youre color blind. OOps.

Hey, how'd you know?

"This description is reminiscent of “Salo,” Pasolini’s controversial film of 1975 that dealt with sadism and sexual abuse of a group of adolescents at the hands of a bunch of post-war fascists."

Source: https://goo.gl/1Bew3


The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.

True... I havent done an update to my previous post yet - but it is the INTENT that matters in these black arts and manifestation in general.

She's an internationally renowned conceptual artist. Not your cup of tea, i get it, but this is standard Abramovic.

If I were the conspiracy minded type, I might think this narrative was being pushed so people discredit themselves when talking about the actual scandals within these emails.

Doesn't surprise me.

Ever since the Marc Dutroux case we know that a lot of high level politicians like to fuck and eat children.

And intelligence agencies might enable them because with that sort of dirt on top politicians, you can own the government.

to fuck and eat children

So what does that have to do with Marina Abramovic?

All in the same giant circle.

I went from oh that's looks like modern art feminist shit to.....

If this was on liveleak I'd be seeing dismembered bodies.

Not art fans, huh?

Honestly, if you think this is the smoking gun for satanism and illuminati stuff, you're going to wind up embarrassing yourself really badly.

I'm sure Marina is having a good duchamp-like laugh from all this.

If in today's society, you can't wear goofy Halloween costumes because they are racist or can't make silly exaggerated jokes in private about grabbing pussy without people arguing those things are reflective of your character, then so too should you be called a Satanist when you are into this type of "performance art."

You can call people whatever you want, it's just when you start thinking your names and labels are accurate that you get things wrong.

Recall those kids that broke into a morgue and skull-fucked a cadaver and filmed it and laughed about it and joked about it. They were convicted of some crimes... they should have just said "Its performance art brah!"

So, personally, fuck any defense of "performance art" -- if you want to defend "performance art" then SHUT THE FUCK UP about anything that you find offensive.

I am for gay marriage - Performance art!

I HATE GAYS - Performance art!

Sex with animals - Performance art!

/r/picsofdeadkids - Performance art!

Beheaded a guy on youtube! - Performance art!

Lied to the american public about everything! - Performance art!


GTFO out

Pick one - either we have standards for human behavior or everything is performance art and in which case you're either naive, or just an asshole.

There's a difference between defending random actions as performance art (which I don't think anyone really does) and the actions of arguably the most famous performance artist in the world with a career spanning multiple decades.

Also, Please dont take my comment as a direct attack on you - I was speaking in general terms....

However - I take your point, but I also stand by mine. She may be "pandering for money" - but that doesnt preclude the other aspects of such things.

When you tie all this in with the other dots of flying around with known pedos, known exploitation of nations, known killing of children whimsically, pardoning a woman trying to steal a flight full of kids, documented flights to pedo island, code words and referneces in emails/phone transcripts to attendance of parties where "sauces from the pizza party got in her hair" etc...

It is deeper than just performance art. I know a lot more about this stuff than I want to, but I would not simply say "oh yeah, well its just a performance art piece" as I do not believe that for a second.

We fucking have sadistic torturers with their own private airline and black sites flying people all over the world daily. You think that we are some innnocent/performance art based nation? Yet we can do the horrific torture we do with even our lowest level grunts?

Are you not aware of what the CIA did throughout all of south america, the school of the americas? WE FUCKING TEACH SADISM as the US is one of the secretly best at it.

But the leaders who initiate this against the world are just some art faggots from manhattan who like to see "performance art with blood and semen" painted on the walls.

Give me a fucking break.

This woman could sit in a tub full of aborted children Times Square and people would still defend her as doing "performance art". That's cognitive dissonance at work. No mind has seen, nor can it comprehend the scale and scope of evil at work here. It would not surprise me to find out the reason Hillary smells funny is because she bathes in dead children for stem cell therapy. Nor would it surprise me if her deleted "yoga" emails were pictures, where "yoga" is code for orgy.


She says it herself, there is art, which is performed outwardly, then there is their rituals - performed internally. To assume that they aren't practicing black occult rituals is not totally true.

Now, with that said - she could also be exploiting those who think they want to be in the inner circle -- There are those who are serious about this stuff - then there are those who think they know whats up. In previous, we called them "those that think they think" versus those that Think. (Meaning those that understand the power of thought, word, intent, emotion, submission to the ritual)

So yeah, level 1 looks like "envelope pushing art" -- then it goes up from there.

In this case, think of the podesta dinner as more od a way to extract funds from them to support the performer whilst the attendees think they are gaining access to the inner circles.

Unless they actually go deeper into these rituals, then they are just being used and made to feel a false sense off inclusion which opens them up to further exploitation by those like abramovic...

Think of the low level Masons and what not who think of it as a fraternal org helping fellow buisinessmen out vs - an actual circle of power connection like 322... Whereas 322 members ARE put in compromising situations to build up the brotherly connection and secure trust. But it goes deeper. One aspect though of the connections ties back to the infamous idea that "wont you help this poor widows son" as the call to help from one mason to another - having all the upper circles in the same org, like 322, from a base power-protection-level bonds them via the org via anything else. So you can have people who are publicly "opposed" but secretly in alliance (bush/clinton)

So it's possible that she's hobnobbing with wealthy and important people just to get funding for her performance art? Much like the patronage system that artists have been involved in for millennia?

"Pig's blood"

More likely Long Pork

*long pig


its the headline on drudgereport.com right now

Link is up...

Do you guys realize that what (((Marina Abramovic))) does used to be labeled as a 'blood libel' against the Jews


Even in Yugoslavia, Abramovic was a Jewish surname.

She also seems to be pre-occupied with judeocentric culture:



RH: I’m intrigued by the fact that you live in a house that’s a six-pointed star

MA: Though I’m not Jewish, I find the six-pointed star is very harmonic.

Isn't that "))" an anti-Semitic thing? Why are you using it?

Because he's an anti-semite?

Wow, Okay. This is...this is entirely taken out of context.

Marina Abramovic is an accomplished performance artist. Making people uncomfortable is what she aims to do. (For more information, check out a documentary on her entitled The Artist is Present). She embraces the strange and weird and uses that for her art.

Whether that actually counts as art or not, that's up for each individual person to decide. Not my personal cup of tea but in her head, it's art.

That being said, clearly what is going on here is that Podesta is a fan of her work and supports her art.

Does that make him a satanist? No. Does that make him interested in this material outside of this context? No. Does this make him fucked in the head? No.

Do you have every right to be uncomfortable with this material? Yes.

But this says nothing about the "evilness" of the government. This is just performance art that's for shock value. It's designed for a certain type of consumer. It's not indicative of any moral shortcomings for Podesta.

Okay, and what about all these pizza and hotdog stands emails?

Those I have no opinion on one way or another. If it's actually code for pornography and etc, that's obviously terrible and awful, but I've got no stance on the validity of those.

In this scenario, I just disagree with using an interest in performance art to label an individual as a Satanist.

Just wait until this sub finds out about William Blake.

You sir are incorrect. She's a satanic demon-worshipper, who prays to Baphomet. Only Trump can save us.

I think this helps me understand why artists, musicians, actors - and very famous ones, at that - have been stumping for H.

If you make "the deal" for your success, you will be made to support The High Priestess.

If people actually knew how all this works, they'd lose their feeble minds...


I noticed you reposed this twice in this thread, but I will give it a read and up/down vote accordingly.

When was the last time you saw blood being used to write on walls? The Manson family? They even wrote 'Pigs' all over the Tate murder scene.

So as ' art ' Melina used pigs blood to write on walls.

Another fun fact. In the series third rock from the sun. On top of the fridge in their kitchen is hidden a stuffed pigs head. This is really how the elite think of us, btw, as pigs.

The Manson murders were an art piece (except for LaBianca)

How do you mean?

As somebody living near an artsy college campus, and being acquainted with several people enrolled in post-graduate art programs, I can tell you that painting with blood isn't terribly uncommon.

Abramovic's stuff is still pretty weird, but no art scholar would be shocked or suspicious of this at all.

There is alot of life energy in blood obviously. And it's very attractive to an audience. I understand the artist is trying to express an emotional connection to natural life by associating with its creative principles like sperm, or natural events, or crystals etc. Even having the snake around the head symbolic of the underworlds grip on the mind.

I get it. The suspicion lies in how it's exhibited at a dinner party of an elite family very closely tied to tptb

Right, but Abramovic has stated in past interviews that she doesn't actually cook like this at dinner parties.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's hilarious that we actually have confirmation of lobbyists and politicians fraternizing with people who practice blood sacrifice, but I feel like this particular email should be near the bottom of "things to know" right now.

And people out there still don't believe that witchcraft and the arts of dark energy manipulation exists. It comes a complete shock for some.

I run into people who do this stuff often. They just hide it. They're your neighbors, friends and people in office.

Well the magic itself doesn't exist, it's made up. But there are people who believe it's real and do stupid shit like this because of it. People are conned into all sorts of religions, this is no different.

Magic comes from collective focus and coordinated action. Pol accidentally discovered this with the emergence of Kek and meme magic.

Elites are also aware of this power. The only question is how to you keep the adherents in line with your vision and control the narrative? In ancient times people in elite circles had to do heinous acts in front of their peers. This was done so no one could come out against the circle.

The only real question here is did these well proven, highly effective practices continue on down to this day.

The only real question here is did these well proven, highly effective practices continue on down to this day.


So what can we do? Simply collectively hope for the downfall of hillary, soros, and the whole gang? What do we hope for after that is the question

There's a difference between magic and the human spirit. The human spirit is very capable of both great and terrible things. Stuff like this helps intensify the bad.

People walk around never knowing their own measure of humanity. Everyone has a different level that conforms, or doesn't, to society. There are those that have no humanity but they walk by you everyday and don't want you to know about it.

Look into Wicca more, most people just use spells and "magical items" as metaphors for their subconcious and these rituals don't really mean much. Most wiccan witches adhere to principles to only use "magic for good" I'm a sort of karma tradition..... Unless you are a little to crazy and believe you will actually summon a demon......

What the hell are our leaders doing?

fucking and eating children.

in that order.

God damn rich, evil cunts. Where's a young Jeff Goldblum when you need him? Joking aside, it is nerve wracking to see all of this stuff come out hinting at (and hopefully proving) what we've suspected all along. Keep it coming.

This doesn't make them evil though lol

If they're trafficking human beings...? It kind of does..

WTF! This is a thing? Can't I just go cut myself and be emo instead? This shit is too complicated and takes way to many props to pull off. Hmmmm. lets write a book on the shit I got laying around the house. Some ignorant "elete" who got there on the Peter Principal will buy into it. *in walks Podesta....classic

Can't I just go cut myself and be emo instead?


does /pol/ have any more discoveries?

trump is in on it too but i need help with the symbolism in the email. the subject is "this is trumps plan if he wins presidency" and i cant help to think this is the failsafe if everyone starts going for trump in reaction to what's happening now with hillary. there's two more emails if you want to see...


Link to email?

I don't know if she's just a useful idiot like trump or not but she's just a crazy artist wanting to push the envelope. After hearing lady gaga talk about her I came back to reality - she's a person who likes to create an experience.

She says in the video: when you see it it's like where can I sign up - how can I join - there are four walls and so four messages....

It's a show - for her - though others may actually practice it - I don't think she's one - but I don't know - if she's talking to Podesta about a spirit cooking dinner then fuck. I don't know.

In an anti-society, words are re-defined (Re-lexicalized) so the same word, ritual or art, means one thing to outsiders, but another to insiders. Freemasons have been doing this for centuries. Only true initiates know the real meaning, while outsiders are all WTF about it.


Thanks for the paper, although I'm sure it will be more academic than relevant to the real world.

Yeah, she's also a huge starfucker. She loves to do private performances for celebrities, wealthy, and the powerful. That's how she ends up a rich and famous performance artist, despite most artists being broke and unknown.

I'm going to be pissing into the wind here, but as a practicing occultist this looks like performance art to me. Please try and apply some level of subtlety to these things.

This isn't Bohemian Grove. It's not ceremonial magic. It's not Freemasonic rituals. It resembles no version of satanic ritual I have ever seen. It's a artist trying to be edgy in public. You will get more actual occultism, satanism, magic, etc.. at your average metal show.

This type of thinking could easily slip us back into full "satanic panic" mode where anything that's not Evangelical Christianity is "Satanic."

She is literally the world's most famous performance artist and well known for hobnobbing with the rich and famous.

But can she top this cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdZ9weP5i68

If you've ever walked into a university art department none of this should shock you. Modern "art" is all about freaking out the normies. They have a lot of BS theories about "challenging social norms" to achieve "liberation" (heavy Marxist influence).

Getting worked up over this is like suburban moms in the 80s getting hysterical over Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

Who gives a fuck about this? hundreds of thousands of Syrian dead, society/country destroyed, millions made homeless, drowning in the mediterranean. clinton's state department arming the nations that armed isis, knowingly, as evidenced in the emails.


This is the bigger story that you are being distracted from seeing. It's treason in a time of war.

Who did Marina Abramovic or Podesta kill? Why are people so bent out of shape at the appearance of evil when a genocidal level event is going on in plain daylight?

Pig blood you say. Oh no, folks..these people use human blood.


Also a very prominent scar over his right wrist.

why did that post get deleted

Holy shit.

This seems really creepy but also seems like an art installation... I have a difficult time believing she's a crazy cultist and her website backs up the idea she's actually an artist. Does anyone else have info on her?

Oh hey look the other threads show the woman really is an artist. After spending a good portion of my life around the wacky artist types, I can say that if you took this stuff out of context it looks pretty fucked up but it's probably just "art".

Wow it looks like Tony Podesta has been invited to dinner by performance artist Marina Abramovic! This proves everybody in the government worships Satan and/or lizard people, depending if you're into Icke or Jones.

Thank you for showing some measure of sanity in this thread.

As much as I enjoy /r/conspiracy I would often wonder about what percent of it's posters were uncultured basement dwellers, and well here you go.

(((Marina Abramovic)))

I was checking the same thing. Google cache shows this on her Wiki page, but it was edited out on 4 November 2016:

"She herself is of Jewish ethnicity. After the war, Abramović's parents were "national heroes" and were given positions in the post-war Yugoslavian government."


Lol this is just shitty 2deep4u performance art. Shes been doing this for years and never tried to make this a secret. The only thing shocking here is how people eat this pseudo art crap up.

Sorry to burst your bubble guys but she's a performance artist, it's "art".

There's a quote by this bitch that says its art if it is performed for the public, but if it is performed privately or behind closed doors its a ritual.

That maybe so, but she is an extremely well renowned artist globally, how is them wanting a private showing of her crazy art mean they are cultist pedophiles, this doesn't add up at all.

yes and all these politicians are generally known by the public to be good people, work for the people, and the people's best interest....

this isn't the first time stuff like this has come up.

I'm sorry I'm not sure what you mean by this point, them being seemingly good in the public eye would not give them immunity from being bad people behind the scenes.

I truly believe these are bad people who do bad things, but I don't understand all the hubbub with this pretentious artist.

Yeah. Quite frankly all you have to do is educate yourself on who influenced our world leaders. Most of them have come out and credited specific individuals, who when you look closer at, are tied to the occult.

You don't find it odd that a 67 year old well connected politician would be interested in such an exhibition? And that she has his personal email address?

Not really, as I've mentioned she is a GLOBALLY RENOWNED artist, even making social media splashes with a viral video a year or two ago. And IF real bodily fluids and such are used in these performances, and they are in fact contributed by the politicians, then yeah, extremely odd and creepy, but please somebody tell me what laws they are breaking by being vile beings.

Context. What with the Lolita Express - Jeffrey Epstein connections, the Moloch reference from Killary, the potential coded child references, there is enough here to warrant investigation. Wouldn't you like to know if blood ritual practicing people are running your country? Do you know how much harder it will be to remove them once they're in power? Would you send your kids to a private school run by someone who attends performance art like this? Why would you want to live in a country run by them? Think!

Dude, I'm only simply playing devils advocate, people are overthinking this before they know the facts. I can't say I am up to date with everything regarding the leaks, there is so much its hard to keep up, but regardless of any other case, this alone, isn't punishable or unlawful, its weird as fuck but if you heard that Ashton Kutcher was the one inviting this girl over to his house for "Spirit Cooking" you wouldn't think hes actually jizzing in the buckets and cutting his finger, you would think its one of this crazy artist's performances being admired. Completely out of context with everything else, and given the only facts that we have, I don't think this is even that weird. I'm not arguing any other context, these are slimy people we're talking about, but this specific case seems weird at most.

Hard to remove them once their in power? You sound scared of their sex magic. I have hope for the greater good of the general public that these leaks will lead to justice, I honestly am optimistic about this. Even though we may discover our countries leaders are sick criminal fucks, I believe they will be imprisoned and we will seek new leadership. This is an unforeseen circumstance for this country that can lead either way, but I, for once, am optimistic about the outcome.

What about the context of MoMA?

Can we maybe focus on the actual corruption going on and not Washington's shitty taste in art? ..And who the hell appreciates ANYTHING that comes from /pol/?

FBI anon right again? holy shit.

Link? Where did he said that?

he said the situation was far worse than just the emails. He said the things that are coming out will make the emails looks like nothing. This may be part of what he meant

well, hes been wrong about everything so far.

Someone actually told me last night that Marina is not really wearing an upside down cross in her bio on Google.

Just an innocent cross to compliment her satanic priestess attire

The upside down cross is St. Peter's cross. Even though it is seen as demonic in pop culture it is considered one of the more holy symbols in Catholicism. St Peter refused to be crucified upright like his Savior because he didn't think he was worthy of that honor. So they flipped him upside down. The cross is a symbol of great humility and piety. Most popes use this symbol as their symbol because they hope to follow in his path of humble service to god.

Similar to how Hollywood pushes chloroform as a drug to incapacitate people, when it's not capable of doing that sort of damage, they push Saint Peter's cross as a demonic symbol when it's actually the complete opposite. Probably just some superstitious guy started it off and then it caught on.

Now the upside down crucifix is a different story.

What's different between upside down cross and crucifix? Surely they have the same meaning as they have a similar origin.

I'd imagine that 'upside down crucifix' refers to a cross with Jesus on it , upside down.

Yea, but it's hard to say whether the dude on the sticks is peter or jesus.

Well the Boltons use an upside down X -- which is pretty sinister if you ask me.

Thanks for the reply. I understand that a lot of the symbols have been distorted. I just think once that happened and satanism began, people like her are exhibiting it, and continuing the distortion.

These are some very sick people

Seems kind of fun and wacky, I would go.

Oh and I almost forgot. HAIL SATAN!

Edit: That's not to say that an elite occult pedophile network doesn't exist, but this ain't it. Weird art is in a different sphere than hunting children or eating an infant's heart.

The Dutroux X dossiers, mc Martin preschool (archaeologist found a tunnel that officially doesn't exist before the building was sold and destroyed), boys town Nebraska and Michael Aquino are some things that come to mind when I think of real evidence.

You guys know this woman is a world famous performance and contemporary artist right?

Why are you making a big deal out of this nonsense? There's so much more damning things besides a dinner invite to an artist's house...

Yeah, and when they talk about this along with those damning things, no one will believe them. It's a perfect narrative being pushed to discredit the people in this sub.

What is more fucked up is that, that Marina Abramovic looks relatively freaking young despite being 69 years old. Maybe she does daily rituals to make her look young like all crooked witches do?

From Podestas horrible elitist attitude, he would seem like the type to get private shows from Marina Abramovic, but this just further paints him as elitist and out of touch. W.e. Marina does is perfectly fine, this is the type of stuff she does. You could learn some cool stuff from her, read up on her works.

I think I'll just stick with glazed scallops.

Podesta is starting to look like a patsy.

Very strange indeed

i mean, you cannot make this stuff up. its too crazy to even try to explain to people

Ummmm... If this is traumatizing to people, I must be really fucked up or something.

i laughed the whole way though some of her other stuff


Wtf...makes all the stories of satanic rituals that much more believable. Its crazy to think that these people are disturbingly more evil than even us conspiracists give them credit for. And still nothing will be done.

So what's your philosophy on looking?

  • you know it's sick, twisted
  • you know these acts exist in this world
  • you know those responsible for prosecuting these inhumane people must see some of the evidence
  • but realize I'm not a prosecutor, so I don't need to look at that shit, even the preview!

I'm not looking at the preview cuz I know it'll be seriously fucked up, so what say you 'bout all this?

I don't know if I'd call it sick or twisted. I don't know what you're talking about prosecuting people for either, there's nothing illegal going on here, just some wackjob performance artist spreading pig blood all over the wall.

It's definitely strange, but that's about all.

You're obviously overlooking some details. Let's just say, they are not likely getting all those "ingredients" from paying attendees. Let that sink in for a moment...

Read Clintons have been trafficking women across many countries for years. Given this, you honestly think they are donating their own blood?!

Wake up everyone.

Yesterday I had to convince someone that a company that makes spice packets for pizza wasn't connected to a human trafficking ring.

Not going down that road again.

Good luck with your delusions!

So what will you say when the truth comes out?

I don't care about your situation, but whatever you're telling yourself now, it's only going to get more difficult for you if you perpetuate this.

There are so many sources now, wikileaks is the most reputable, it's just a matter of time before spectacular arrests are made and the puzzle pieces get connected together.

Sometimes you really have to remove yourself from the situation and look at things objectively, without trying your hardest to draw lines between everything. If you already believe something, or want to believe something is true, it's real easy to start buying into something that is really nothing.

That link you just posted....... sure it could be some code for a weird pedolphile ring if that's what you want to believe....

OR... He's taking a jab at Obama for giving the impression he's a regular joe who eats hot dogs and pizza when in reality he spent $65,000 of taxpayer money catering a lavish party.

This email isn’t even part of the Podesta leaks, and it also wasn't sent to or from anyone in Obama's inner circle, so I'm not sure what it proves in either case.

Pol is full of nazis that talk like rappers

Can someone explain the gist of the idea of this stuff?

She's the world's most famous performance artist with a four decade career. People seem to think this has to do with pedophiles and satanism, when it's just a private art performance. This is likely being talked about to discredit the people in this sub when they bring up stuff in the emails that actually matters.

She says "if the ritual is performed in an art gallery, it is merely art, but if the ritual is performed privately, then it represents an intimate spiritual ceremony"

I don't understand what I'm looking at.

What exactly is Spirit cooking? I have no idea what it is. Is it cooking people or something?

Ritualized cannibalism.

Wtf. Was the Clinton's involved with it or just the Podesta guy?

It was an email to podesta.

You mean like drinking the blood and eating the body of Christ every Sunday?

Ritualized cannibalism like that?

Do you grok it?

But did he goes to the...dinner?

Thats the real question, there's a lot of jumping to conclusions going on here. Not saying this isn't wierd but it's not clear he attended

Well the evidence is strong that he is into this kinda stuff. Art on his wall. Scars on his hand.

Why would she just randomly invite him? I know its important to stay skeptical and think for yourself but dont be naive.

Very odd.

She only serves the finest Cambodian breast milk

Breaaaassst miiiilllkk...you make my daaaAaaaYyyyy

I refuse to click on that stuff but I absolutely appreciate the effort and extent people are going to for the truth.

try this instead, its some of her earlier work. i laughed a lot.


Yea why actually view the "damning" evidence about this bullshit thread, just blindly read the title and skim the post like a good conspiracy drone


Apparently you can't even be bothered to understand what this thread is about. Keep letting other simpletons do the reading and investigating for you so you can blindly believe every conspiracy headline you read.

Ok... But did he respond to the email or go to the dinner? Seems like a kind of important distinction...

Wait a sec, why do we keep falling on our knees to be ruled by these twisted individuals? We all need to stand up together, we are the government.

I couldn't find any "Graphic Content".

Is there any email confirming he went to the dinner?

He certainly has her art on his office wall.

Photo archive I started compiling this morning of celebrities associated with this Abramovic bitch Please add to it if you can. There were a few faces I didn't recognize and a ton of photos I left out because I'm not familiar with every fashion model, actor, and musician on the face of the earth.

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Does anyone have any proof of this tying to Aleister Crowley? I've only seen loose quotes

Sorry I'm a bit too nervous to look but what are we looking at here? What is spirit cooking? Was Podesta active in this? ELI 5? Edit: just looked at the first imgur link, I recognise this setting from somewhere Thanks

I told you the NWO globalists with luciferians

zios are cleromantics

It's true that I don't appreciate /pol/

Okay so I saw the video "explaining" spirit cooking , but it didnt really explain much? What is it and what is the motive of the "rituals" ?

Is this WikiLeaks being hacked and somebody inserting the wackiest thing they can come up with to make it all look fake?

yup the rich are different from you and me...

He didn't even write back. I could email him and say hey are you ready to help me slaughter 30 puppies next week? Then you'd find that email and say "Podesta kills 30 puppies!" There are lots of crazy people who email people in power/celebrities/etc. Just like that blink 182 guy.. just because he emailed him and blabbered about aliens doesn't mean its happening...

I'm at a lost for words right now, I am aware of people like this on the Dark Net, but these are the people running our government!??

You have to be THIS fucked in the head to indulge in the raping and pillaging the people who run our country take part in daily. If only people would see the carnage in the Middle East first hand they'd have an idea of how sick these people actually are

Marina Abramovic's twitter handle:


Pshawww nuthin satanic here no sirree jus performance art derp derp derp /s

i'm so amazed that she happens to be jewish...not. probably orthodox too. judaism is basically a satanic cult it seems

Lol why can't any of yall handle performance art

This is just stupid, pointless modern art. I don't see what's the big deal.

She's an internationally renowned performance artist. This isn't evidence of anything other than her putting on a themed dinner simultaneous with a new exhibit. Stop hyperventilating, you look fucking ridiculous.



I've been trying to find reference to spirit cooking before this. Any idea where to look? I'm very skeptical myself.

fucking thank you. very clear no one in here knows who she is, or what her work is. they hear spirit cooking and freak the fuck out. it's fucking hilarious that this is being taken seriously.

The best part is the follow up email from John Podesta's brother that confirms JP didn't even attend the dinner. And yet everyone here is getting all lathered up like they finally uncovered David Icke's global satanic sex ring and found a bulletproof connection with the Clintons. They look like utter fools.

it really is amazing. and what sucks, is things like this are what the media will latch onto. they'll say something like, "conspiracy theorists try to link performance artist to satanic ring," and they look like fools. all the while, real shit that needs to be addressed can be brushed aside with one insane and asinine theory.

Thank fuck I was able to rationalise that myself with a simple Google search.

/r/conspiracy has jumped the shark


It's troubling. At least it's the weekend.

Is this really the big news announced yesterday? A shock art performance? :/

The disappointments never end.

No, the big news was the rape dungeon in Hawaii, and the serial rape cases that the CIA halted for "national security" reasons.

Link to sources on these? I'm out of the loop

/pol/ found them. Club 939, Island distilling, Bif Skipman, Flintstone, Hansjorg Wyss, a bunch of power lines that go under a cement pad, an old army base hidden in a volcano, all sorts of shit.

Thanks for the info

So very strange. Especially the dealings with the pizza joint..

If by shock art you mean an occult ritual by Hillary's campaign chair. That's shocking to me...

I try not to judge. Humans come from an incredibly violent background and this kind of stuff doesn't really surprise me. As long as no one is getting hurt involuntarily fill your boots. That said I don't see a conspiracy here.

can't someone be spiritual, i was expecting this to be way worse, Marina is great.

Translation: "Warning! (fap fap) You won't believe (fap fap) what I think these sick fucks (fap fap) could be up to!"

Ever think these imaginary Clinton scandals are a Rorschach test for your own.. uh... sublimated desires?

I'll entertain that notion if you'll entertain the notion that you're avoiding the truth.

The truth is a lot of powerful forces do not want to see Clinton become president and are working together in a conspiracy to stop it. That's probably not as interesting as secret pasta messages, child sex rings and other phony conspiracies, I'll grant you, but it's the conspiracy most relevant to Tuesday's election.

If you guys want to flood the front page of a presumably unbiased conspiracy forum with partisan and frankly ridiculous bullshit all day then I am going to comment.

Confirmed powerful forces working against Hillary: Wikileaks, FBI.

Confirmed powerful forces colluding with Hillary: 80% of America's media, the State Department, the White House, the DoJ, the government of Ecuador, the financial elite.

But sure, she's an underdog.

Confirmed powerful forces working against Hillary: Wikileaks, FBI.

...and sane people everywhere, recoiling in horror about the sewer that is the democratic national committee.

Them too, thank fuck.

Hey now. They provide an important channel for shit and waste to make sure we don't have to stand knee-deep in it. Sewer Lives Matter you crypto-racist.

Well, you shouldn't have mentioned Ecuador. They are definitely the 1000 pound gorilla of powerful forces. Do you feel safe even bringing them into this?

On the anti-Clinton side I think you left out Russia, the Republican Party, the Koch Brothers, talk radio, Fox News, Breitbart, the UK tabloids...

Ecuador violated the human rights of someone Britain, Sweeden and America have kept in arbitrary detention for four years to protect a criminal from having her corruption exposed.

Russia hasn't actually done anything that I've seen proven beyond the Clinton camp and various people she put into high ranking positions claiming such. Every independent security agency I've read reports from shy away from actually identifying Russia as the source of the 'hacks'.

As far as the Republican party goes - I don't know if you know this, but they're actually supposed to work against a Democrat candidate, same for their funders and their media.

At least the right-wing media has always been obviously right-wing, instead of pulling the bullshit "we're unbiased, trust us" bait-and-switch the pro-establishment media has executed this election cycle.

Somehow, though - I don't think this is going to get through to you.

Russia hasn't actually done anything that I've seen proven beyond the Clinton camp and various people she put into high ranking positions claiming such. Every independent security agency I've read reports from shy away from actually identifying Russia as the source of the 'hacks'.

This shows such a willful ignorance of the intelligence data that I guess facts have no importance to you. We are in the post-fact world again here.

What data? No-one has given any data. There's a lot of spurious claims being made by heads of security agencies in the US who owe their jobs to the Clintons, and by 'cybersecurity' organizations hired by Clinton.

We are in the post fact world, but it's only because you're happy to accept the word of panicked elites as fact without a shred of actual evidence.

Okay, every high ranking intelligence agent and military official in the nation as well as the UK and Europe is in on your conspiracy to elect Hillary.

It's not a conspiracy if it's just corrupt people doing what's in their best interest. I'm not really interested in continuing a conversation with you, as you seem like a smug douche with unearned airs of superiority.

Have a nice day.

Ha. Let me know when I earn my "air of superiority." Did you take a mail order course?

I'd try taking a hint, first.

Thank you comrade. Say no more.

On the anti-Clinton side I think you left out Russia, the Republican Party, the Koch Brothers, talk radio, Fox News, Breitbart, the UK tabloids...

You lost the game.

Would you like to play again?

Jesus, low effort cliches and fortune cookie messages are not worthwhile responses.

Jesus: "What response would you prefer, my child?"

Bzzzt. Try again. Where's the beef? User name checks out. Thanks for playing.

This is you

I'm sure you Can't Take Real issues seriously.

You can't even lose gracefully:

On the anti-Clinton side I think you left out Russia, the Republican Party, the Koch Brothers, talk radio, Fox News, Breitbart, the UK tabloids...

Do you even see your mistake? Do you see who you mentioned that is actively supporting and campaigning for her? Do you even try to keep up with what's happening in this ongoing shit-storm?

No, you just toss rocks at the window and point at others, so fearful of responsibility, of agency, of truth.

-Descartes. From my bathroom wall. c. 402 ABCD

You act as though the truth you promote somehow nullifies the truth you deny.

Yes there are powerful forces who oppose her. Nationalism vs globalism is certainly a conflict that comes to mind.

That doesn't mean that the child sex rings that have been uncovered are phony. It is possible for these to interweave.

But I also recognize that one is much more palatable than the other, so I can see why you wouldn't want to believe it's possible.

I don't doubt there are child sex rings - revelations in the UK have proven that as well as the Catholic Church scandals - but there is not one iota of proof or even a reasonable allegation that Hillary Clinton has any connection at all to child sex rings. You do know it is possible to disagree with a candidate's politics without smearing them with child sex allegations.

she's a performance artist. that title for the dinner could mean anything. avoid reading too much into that.

Directly from Marina's IAMA:

Q: What place do you see the occult having within contemporary art; can magick be made (not simply appropriated/ performed)?

A: Everything depends on which context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.

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She's an edge lord. This is such a lame excuse for art. Random edgy phases written in blood on a wall. So deep and dark and thought-provoking. Give me a fucking break. I know it's all about the ritual and the perception of power or whatever but so much of this occult shit is just silly. How supposedly intelligent people get anything out of this is beyond me.

Even as a form of performance art, it's really kinda fucked.

Did you watch the entire video?

She also sold a book by the same title, with the same text (not done in "Pig'" Blood, though).

People should be more outraged that they're supporting bad art. There is just so much bad art in the world. It doesn't deserve this much publicity.

Link to sources on these? I'm out of the loop

Thank you for showing some measure of sanity in this thread.

As much as I enjoy /r/conspiracy I would often wonder about what percent of it's posters were uncultured basement dwellers, and well here you go.

Sounds reasonable I suppose. I'd never heard of her before. I don't imagine I would be too bothered by it, either, except for her close proximity to such influential public figures. That makes me question further what the fuck is going wrong in their minds, and what that means for us plebs.

Abramovic is probably one of the most famous/influential artists of the last forty years. She's not really a pretentious hack or anything, even if you don't like the genre of performance art

This Spirit Cooking thing doesn't seem to have been a very well known piece until now and I still don't understand exactly what it is. It doesn't seem like the piece was ever performed publicly, all there is a series of prints. There's a sort of history in this style of art of writing out bizarre instructions like this that aren't actually meant to be followed, for example the book "Grapefruit" by Yoko Ono has a lot of little poems like "step 1: climb a ladder to heaven, step 2: take a bite out of the sky" and shit like that. That's what this seems like to me, but then again we do know that she was hosting events of some sort based around this, so there had to be a performance component as well.

Personally I REALLY doubt that Podesta & co. were hanging out drinking blood and breast milk and what not at these dinners. At most maybe they sat around and watched Marina and maybe some other artists do stuff like that as a performance piece. But who knows

Thanks for the info

They're all into it. It's how they impress themselves and each other with the illusion of elitism and the perception that they know something the "common people" don't. I have a feeling that the people running the world right now are more pathetic than they are sinister.

You can call people whatever you want, it's just when you start thinking your names and labels are accurate that you get things wrong.

That's some seriously dark shit right there.

Bohemian Grove rituals


322 Skull and Bones initiation ritual


Saying these people are satanists is just stating a fact, like saying the sky is blue, and bears shit in the woods. Yes, these people are practising occultists and they take this stuff very, very seriously.

Woods is also shilling hard for Trump, so that doesn't really add up.

The reptilian has always been mis interpreted and has always been geared towards "reptilian politicians"

When in reality reptilian is in reference to the primal reptilian center of the brain that we all have that go back to our roots. It's the basic animalistic nature of the brain.

There is no actual reptilian race. It's just referencing the reptilian center of the brain.

Buds, I decided to take the whole bottle.


Okay, and what about all these pizza and hotdog stands emails?

You're a suburban mom who just discovered heavy metal.

You sir are incorrect. She's a satanic demon-worshipper, who prays to Baphomet. Only Trump can save us.

And yet, it is supposed to be about the size of our eyeballs...

Lack of use causing it to shrivel up? Will the seat of our soul go the way of the gall bladder or the spleen?

Just wait until this sub finds out about William Blake.

Yeah, and when they talk about this along with those damning things, no one will believe them. It's a perfect narrative being pushed to discredit the people in this sub.


Those of us who have also felt your fear.

But there are some of us who have acknowledged and addressed our fear, unlike you...

who have decided not to look at it.

Time is short.

Address your fear.

I will patronize your bakery, good sir. In the positive sense of the word, of course.