Whatever they got they are going to have to leak it today for it to have any impact on the election results.

63  2016-11-04 by [deleted]



I'm more and more convinced nothing is going to drop. I think we've been working ourselves up into a hopeful frenzy. I think WL is waiting to see what happens. Also, too much involvement from WL might win up with a raid on the embassy.

The FBI can't release anything worthwhile because it might compromise the evidence of any investigation. It's why Hillary and Obama are trying to get them to show what they have now so it screws up any court case in the future.

Anon is just LARPing. They have shit.

Steve P is a cook, unfortunately.

Assange may be held in captivity outside of the Embassy anyways.. We've had no solid confirmation since the panic originating from the other day..

I'm going to have to agree. Whatever they have on hilary they are going to let it come out after the election until to the inauguration in small doses.

I'm getting pissed at the FBI and NYPD. If those fuckers actually have evidence of criminal or treasonous activity on HRCs part then those cunts are oath bound to let us know before the election.

How the fuck could anyone in those organizations allow the risk of a potential traitor or federal criminal potentially get elected president??

I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

My ass.

I'm not gonna be surprised to see Anonymous go full blown V For Vendetta tomorrow night and hijack the airwaves to force feed every American the info they NEED to hear seeing as how the mainstream fucktards won't do it.

I am growing tired, weary, pessimistic and discouraged, but a part of me still feels like something big is gonna go down between now and Tuesday. And maybe that was the plan all along, to beat down the psyche of every single citizen, specifically us truthers/conspiracy theorists.

Who knows what will happen. I've had numerous "normal" people approach me this week in utter disbelief and shock at whats going on. A good buddy of mine has had the same happen to him.

Either the satanic whorebag cunt goes down before Tuesday, or she "wins" the election, which at this point, I believe could be enough to set off a civil uprising.

Yeah, a lot of people are still asleep, but I've also never seen so many people awake. I know a lot of people personally who are at or past their breaking point. Everyday, blue collar, middle class Americans are growing more and more tired of getting the gigantic Cleveland Steamer on our chests, and I'm not sure cooler heads will prevail if or when she literally steals this election.

Godspeed to all of you who are trying to awaken others and who are fighting the good fight. I view you all as brothers and sisters in these turbulent and uncertain times.

Anon hasn't been following through with their threats though. Otherwise Bills pedo video would've been out already and there's no way Hillary would leading anywhere.

I don't believe for a second she is actually leading. I literally don't know a single person voting for her. Just more MSM propagandized bullshit IMO.

Not the popular vote, the electoral college. 538 still has her at 65~% there.

Everyone I know supports Hillary. Maybe not happily, but Trump's the dangerous town clown - the conversation can't ever get farther than that.

Literally every single person on my social media that is voting is voting for her with the exception of one couple that I can think of, and I'm in Texas. You not knowing anyone voting for her doesn't mean shit. Whether or not she is legitimately leading is surely still questionable, but that's a weak ass argument.

....I'm not arguing at all. It was an example. Just because I don't know anyone voting for her doesn't mean no one is voting for her. Nor was it implied.

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot" I think the major release will happen tomorrow. There may be a few things today but the big stuff if there is any big stuff that is going to come out it will be tomorrow.

Always tomorrow, or coming soon. Wake me up when the "bombshell" really drops.

False flag tomorrow?

Hopefully not but its always good to keep your eyes open. I mainly just think the big leak of major things would be tomorrow since anonymous seems to be involved. That is the Guy Fawkes symbolism which is where that rhyme comes from.

Chicago Cubs World Series Championship Parade

But that's going on right now, isn't it?

If so, it'll have to be bigger than Boston marathon type stuff. It'll have to be a collegiate sporting event or something that "normies" attend. Other FFs have been niche, victims being kids only, marathon runners/supporters, gay people at night clubs, black people at a church. For something to rock the boat enough to be huge, it has to be something general, like 9/11 or movie theatre shooting, where "everyday" people die. Society has to be able to see themselves in the victims' shoes for it to be unsettling enough for it to impact general masses.


Sundays are usually the good day for a false flag!

I have the same thought.

I think tomorrow is valid too. Regardless, the words aren't going to convince the majority of people. Unless they leak video/images/audio, it's our responsibility to spread the -wealth of text information- already there into something bite sized, easy to understand, and sourced. That or make YouTube videos to spread the information.

Besides the rampant, disappointing "bombshell" WWE announcing going on here, are people unhappy with the lack of information or that the mass media isn't picking up on any of it?

OP's theory is rooted in the mistaken belief that if something does come out, the media will suddenly turn around and start reporting on it, sending it out to the masses. When in this election has that ever been done by the MSM? The reason they won't drop today is the same reason they will drop tomorrow: we are getting our info from the internet, and the media won't be able to react in time before election day. Everybody is watching, but the news programs are locked into their reporting schedules.

If something comes out tomorrow, it will be spread far and wide before any spin can be applied by the MSM.

So many people have already voted that if anything does drop it could be too late.

For what it's worth, a psychic greatly admired amongst my little psychic community posted this to her facebook the other day, and I found it striking considering FBIanon, and the chatter here on conspiracy:

"As a Medium I am often asked who will win this upcoming election. Okay so I have dropped some hints here and there on Twitter, as I do not wish to start a political debate and I do not wish for anyone to post anything negative here about either candidate. Please be mature adults. I respect your opinions. All of you. This post is not about anyone's opinion. It's about what I've seen and been told by the other side regarding this election. Now everyone has their favourite candidate and everyone has a reason to back it up. I am here to tell you that what you think you know - YOU DON'T. Whether you are a republican or democrat, what I see is not about either party. The structure of government as we think we know it will no longer exist. The election may have one winner over the other but then the outcome will quickly change. This election is not cut and dry as you know elections to be. One winner right ? Wrong. Wrong wrong. There is going to be a plot twist like you've never seen before. It will change everything in our system. I say system because that is what it is. It's a system that we were programmed to buy into. A system that does our thinking for us. A system that allows us to believe that if one has more paper money over another then they are affluent and the other is a failure. A sure way of segregating humans into categories. Okay back to my vision. You will say omg how didn't I see this before. You will scratch your head in amazement. You will think it's the biggest show on earth. Bigger than any drama that you can ever watch in the media. If you think it's what's been shown on the news already? Well, it's more involved and has not yet been revealed. I say between the election and the new year we will know. I RARELY give world predictions. In fact, I never do. I usually keep them to myself. Spirit told me to let you know to let go of what you think you know. Do not assume it will be an outcome that the media has you so brainwashed to believe or that your personal opinion is based on what you think you know. This will be the unveiling of hidden illusions that may make your head spin. Don't ask me what it is. I only have some glimpses. If you know me and how I receive my information, you know my Guides typically show me the final outcome which is what I just wrote. This is not one party over another. It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being. The bigger picture is why this will happen. No fears. It must go down this way. I feel it will be for the highest good. It will open our eyes to many truths. I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe. And that power is not left or right. THAT POWER IS UP. GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE. Not just for the United States - but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration."

It's a message intended for a mainstream audience, but my point is to not expect a cataclysmic halt of Hillary Clinton's candidacy. We may be uncovering, investigating, and sharing information into late November, early December.

Edit: Kim Russo is the psychic, btw

Typical ambiguous psychic prediction with a twist of religious bullshit to boot.

Need more info on this, Kim Russo.

She's a TV psychic. The best thing to do is google her, honestly. She's the psychic for the show, "The Haunting of...," very well known.