Trying to put together a complete list of code words, occult references, and other strange things found in Podesta's emails

49  2016-11-04 by [deleted]



this shit is so fucking weird. what 'secret pizza' is that movie referring to? does anyone have an intelligent guess as what is being referred to as 'food' in these communications?

Saw some speculation that pizza is kids in general, cheese is girls and hot dog is boy. They could also be talking about drugs, I wouldn't rule that out.

Map could be semen (leading back to the pedo), which would allow "handkerchief with possible pizza-related map" to sort of make sense. Could also be "minor attracted person" or pedo as someone pointed out.

I saw this earlier, heavily related!

Cheese and Pasta sound like substances from these two quotes:

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Have to settle for the pasta john gave us at Christmas.

Wonderful post btw! Glad to see so many people trying to put this stuff together.


Dominoes ... you know, they all fall down as in Domino effect. Theyre talking about making them pass out/ fall down with the use of a drug & for which child, girl or boy & he advises it for the boy.

From christmas, maybe a child he was given for a christmas gift & has hidden away somewhere?

You might wanna look at this, it's pretty relevant & factual...

dominoes is domination

sick stuff

These aren't Podesta, but make reference to Obama spending taxpayer money to fly in Hot Dogs and Pizza. Also odd how waitresses in in "".

i read somewhere that map a sjw term for pedo. I think is a Minor attracted person is what i read somewhere

edit found this too or this

“hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of colour “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy

If we can get rid of pedos and SJW's I may cream myself!

According to 4chan


According to 4chan or according to CNN. Its about the same, both make up stories

Did you take your medicine today?

I just read a post that says to compare the side-by-side pictures of John and Tony Podesta with the suspects in the Madeleine McCann disappearance on Wikipedia. Anyone see a resemblance?

So I've been really interested in all this strange stuff in Podesta's emails, and I decided to gather some of what I found most intriguing. Some of these code words might not be code at all, but hopefully we can get a good idea of which ones, if any, are legitimate code and what they mean.

I may add links dealing with potential child trafficking and I am assuming you guys have read about those connections. I also plan on labeling the links when I have more free time. I'll update the list if people send me new links that seem legitimate and interesting.

We couldn't make this stuff up! Podesta How to Book, coming soon

map, handkerchief(possibly), realtor

I think a map is a map. A way to find the children. They probably move them around and use hand drawn maps to communicate the location. I think the handkerchief was just a handkerchief the map was drawn on.

Not sure about realtor.

That makes perfect sense. Maybe realtor is like saying "the guy"

A realtor is a person who brokers property. To these sick people, kids are property.

A realtor could be a realtor, who is someone with constantly changing temporary locations for illegal activity.

the changeling movie didn't come out until 3 years after that kid made a costume exactly depicting the image in the movie, the movie staring occultist Angelina Joli? ok guys i scared.

From: "James A (Personal)" <<>>

Email address is for James Alefantis of Comet Pizza

Check out the email attachment. It's a picture of a butchered pig, but not the kind of picture you'd expect of a cooked pig.

He sends the email out with only the following:

Subject: Pig

I have a feeling they might call (COG) & round up people and put them in camps, some of the adults they'll reprogram and use as slaves & maybe they'll go through the children & buy sell n trade them like the Isis slaves. Could be why they don't mind all the refugees coming in because they're just going to get rid of them anyway they wanna start the depopulation campaign .. They don't care about those people, they don't care about the refugees, if they did they wouldnt have created them in the first place & they don't care about us either obviously .. I've read it from somewhere were they called the population "useless eaters"

I mean everything seems to be going towards like that's what being planned. I mean they're going to install Hillary the FBI nobody's doing anything. They started all these fires and we're running around trying to put them out while they're robbing the bank.

They try to make you think they're doing something & that they truly care about the country and the citizens & the Constitution and what's right

Were being played on grand scale I'm afraid. Why would anyone in the Government Federal to state want to fix what's going on? Its not broken for them, they're not broke. United states of america incorporated the corporation . The corporation by the corporations for the corporations . ...Not Of the People by the people for the people . Like the people think .. all BC of the coup after the the revolution & the act of 1871 that turned America into a corporation & the states into Corporations.. And the law enforcement and so on and so on.

if We really wanted to fix things wed have to start there and recognize that that was a false Constitution put in place to deceive us and extort money from us anddc take the country back that they lost , and so there is a shadow government we are being ran by a shadow government, not the original government that was intended.

I learned a lot on & its in chronological order. I cried for 3 days The greatest fraud ever.

I really feel like this is a computer model created by a computer and its just randomly putting together & playing out different outcomes... There's billions of variations of outcomes but there's only one amazing perfect one, where everythings perfect. There's green energy , the country is exactly what our forefathers intended, the world is complete and whole people live very long lives, we live off our land, we grow our own food, were free yet responsible we care about Community each other's children ...were self-sufficient, we have Commerce. We have effective space programs and we are colonizing and becoming Stewards of other planets,

There's no insurance, there's no IRS, no driver's licenses, you own your own home, people are not signing thier children away to the government as a slaves with a birth certificate to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange . .... there's nothing unlawful ,, we're not Rats on a wheel , Citizens depend on local community government more than they do on national government, The law is "no victim no crime" there's only common law in civilian Courts presided over by common law judges which could be anybody fair & honest in the community, instead of harsher admiralty law in military courts presided over by Foreign agents just to extort money, laws are only written to extort money from people ,. . there's no more war in this perfect wave dimension because people are educated and they don't need violence to make things happen BC war is unheard of & they use intelligence. it's Utopia people are telepathic; where we break out of The Matrix or the soul cage were trapped in here on the Earth due to the chemtrail metals being dispersed into the air and further controlled by harrp, metal in the food & water ..and even the Utopia runners-up that aren't So Perfect aren't even that bad to exist in,not as bad as what we're in right now.

Everything's on a loop I think, the aliens are us evolved, they say the universe is expanding.. ever seen an Infinity mirror?

Sorry I went off on a tangent but point is, They're making money all of them they're going to cashless currency. I think no matter if Hillary or Trump gets installed Obama's might come back and do a third term and finish up on the grounds of "National Security"

Regardless what they do they can do whatever they want but one day there will be truth and justice

I wouldn't be surprised about anything just stay vigilant

What is the streamable video of?

It is an aerial view of the temple on Little St. James, Jeffry Epstein's "Pedo Island."


I'll look into whatever I want, thanks.

Saw some speculation that pizza is kids in general, cheese is girls and hot dog is boy. They could also be talking about drugs, I wouldn't rule that out.

Map could be semen (leading back to the pedo), which would allow "handkerchief with possible pizza-related map" to sort of make sense. Could also be "minor attracted person" or pedo as someone pointed out.