So no big leak today? Anybody else feel like this whole wikileaks thing was a big put on?

5  2016-11-04 by We-think-we-are-free

And why would they do that?


Tomorrow is the fifth of November. If nothing happens tomorrow then all this stuff has been for nothing. If they have the big stuff that's going to blow everyone away like they've been playing up it's getting awfully close to the election to be sitting on it.

I doubt anything big would come out on a Saturday when no one is paying attention.

We're paying attention. Lots of people are.

But, who knows... We're just observers trying to figure out the game. Time will tell

If they do have something huge, they're probably going to try to sit on it as long as possible to prevent a replacement nominee situation

What does the fifth of November mean?

V for Vendeta

I feel that's what most people believe which is why they wear the mask. But the reality is guy fawkes was a Jesuit assassin sent to kill the Protestant king of England with other Jesuits. Can't believe 'truthers' wear the mask of a Jesuit assassin lmao

They describe this in the book

Describe what? And what book?

V for Vendetta

Okay? What are you trying to say lol

Haha they describe the gunpowder plot in the book and movie. I'm agreeing with you. I'm just not being good with my words.

Ohhh haha all good :)

The big put on is the lack of law enforcement. Wikileaks is exposing the criminal activity of the government. Project Veritas has indisputable visual evidence of crimes being committed. Yet no one is in hand cuffs.

I think trump is a shmuck and i cant take that project veritass shit seriously because of him.

Explain to me how Trump has anything to do with that?

Trump has nothing to do with project veritas?, or not sure if the 10k donation thing was true or not.

Either way, the problem lies in the "two-party-system" of USA. If there's only two candidates with a clear chance of winning, and people dig up dirt on one of them, the evidence should be viewed as evidence. Not "Pro-Trump" or "Pro-Clinton" propaganda if there is something worth of investigating.

Lol wut.


I think that an NYPD detailed leak is the only thing that has a chance to derail Clinton. It is a travesty that people are still voting for her in spite of the available information.

Said it before, and I will say it again, IF they (wiki, anonymous, O'Keefe, the FBI, the NYPD..etc etc etc) have these bombshells, they will wait until the 11th hour to drop them so there is no time to spin them, or sweep them under the rug with any number of distractions coughcoughCubscoughcough.

I cannot shake the feeling that something big is going to happen. Not saying it will be the bombshell leak, but something is cooking. I find it to not be a coincidence that CNN was off the air for awhile today, DirectTV suffered a nationwide outage, and Time Warner had problems. That reeks of a "test" to see if the airwaves can be hijacked.

Another point I saw a fellow redditor bring up yesterday; don't you think they're getting off on the mental anguish the anticipation is undoubtedly causing Hillary & her cronies? I know I would be.

Millions of people have already voted. The longer Wikileaks waits to release info, the more votes Hillary will get.

Said it before, and I will say it again, IF they (wiki, anonymous, O'Keefe, the FBI, the NYPD..etc etc etc) have these bombshells, they will wait until the 11th hour to drop them so there is no time to spin them,

Or no time to demonstrate that they are complete bullshit, like 100% of everything that James O'Keefe has ever released.

or sweep them under the rug with any number of distractions coughcoughCubscoughcough.

The entire MLB season, the divisional playoffs, the league championships, and all seven games of the World Series.... were all choreographed just to distract from a misinformation campaign against Clinton?

Lol, big if true.

Did you honestly think Hillary would spend a second in jail? She is going to win and get re-elected in 4 years time. She will continue the wars, continue making the rich even richer, continue destroying the middle class, and likely start a nuclear war that will kill billions. This is all a charade to crush the last remaining hope people had that things might change. They won't.

Maybe it is a charade. But to crush people's hope? I don't see the logic. Why? If it's a charade, I'd bet it's more to create revolt

I'm not sure what the actual motivation is but crushing people's hope makes them weak, broken. Just a shattered mass of human capital you can put to work as you please. People with hope put up a fight, people without it follow orders.

I certainly hope not. It's unfortunate that the nature of the emails isn't up to (IMHO) the scandal level people in this country need to pay attention. Even though they show a complete breakdown of democracy and a total lack of concern for law by hrc. There isn't a "body" , "sex tape" or something to that effect. So i imagine like most I'm hoping that the fifth of November will be a day long remembered.

Don't be surprised if wikileaks ends up being part of the circus...

This is Act 3.


Based on Assange's comments, I don't think Wikileaks ever really planned to "bomb" the campaign. He feels it's a done deal, so there's no deadline... I think the plan is to keep leaking right through November and December.

What is a done deal? Hillary could be elected and Obummer could pardon her for all her crimes and then when she's in office she pardons him. Key is to have her not be elected.

her being elected has nothing to do with her getting a pardon. That can happen any time before Jan 20

Is Assange ok? Has he been seen in public since the whole internet cut thing?

For nothing? Make up your own mind. Do you not yet have enough evidence to understand Hillary Clinton is fucking evil?

What do you mean? A put on for what? They've already shown substantial evidence of Hillary covering up the email scandal and lying under oath. They've shown where significant amounts of her funding comes from. Examples of scripted interviews from news networks she's in bed with. The list goes on. What are you waiting for, a Hillary dick pic?

Dick pics confirmed

I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

Conspiracy forums are controlled by a side that wants to spread fear and doubt towards the USA. If you keep pushing a lie over and over, it slowly becomes the truth.... Most of these conspiracies... are plain BS pure and simple. The ones that are true get down voted and buried by shitty eastern governments.

Are you talking about the true affordability of Obamacare or the real unemployment level or the 40% decrease of net wealth of the Black community since Obama became president?

..... small minded people only think about a small part of the big world .....

And Globalists like you will never stop waging wars against 'small minded people'. But you know what? There are much much more 'small minded people' than there are 'great minds' who would like to abolish borders to be able to put 'small minded people' in competition with each other and 'unify all mankind' under the same economic rules without any understanding that People are not meant to serve the economy, but the economy is meant to serve the People.

Globalists.... me? I'm not limiting government to just one globe... I'm imagining the human race being in charge of it's whole solar system. It's people like you who stand in the way of a unified human race. A human government that allows people to be human and pursue a responsible personal happiness free of hate. Free from war and free from human slavery.

That's what I'm in it for. How about you?

Free from war and free from human slavery.

You're either a liar, or a dumbass, because if you would really want this, you couldn't vote for Clinton.

What kinda of person throws out insults like that "ie you're a liar" for stating their opinion. You sir, are inhuman.

That's true. How did you unmask me?

by calling you a putin bot

Yeah, it feels like a great big rip off. Wikileaks is just putting up an eminence front, it's a put on.

Been on a classic rock bender, sorry about that.

I'm not sure what the actual motivation is but crushing people's hope makes them weak, broken. Just a shattered mass of human capital you can put to work as you please. People with hope put up a fight, people without it follow orders.

Free from war and free from human slavery.

You're either a liar, or a dumbass, because if you would really want this, you couldn't vote for Clinton.