I'm actually getting angry with the people around me...

180  2016-11-04 by [deleted]




the literal theme of this election


Now this is a pre-2016 conspiracy.

Feels good to be back!

1 month ago would have said you're crazy. Then i found out our elites run secret demonic ceremonies, traffic kids, and the vatican has part of the throne of satan in it. So yeah, could be plausible.

more info on that throne? gotta hand it to the vatican they know how to make an evil impression

My roommate's mom is really religious and she said look up the throne of satan. that's what i found. Most evil thing i have ever seen. Said it was the real reasons for the crusades was to collect all the parts of it and all the holiest artifacts for themselves in italy. Another part of it is in germany when hitler stole it and was trying to gather all the parts to see if they had occult power. The vatican part i believe goes on top of it. Was originally called the throne of zeus. Some truly esoteric shit.

Yeah the Vatican hoover that sort of stuff up. Lots of esoteric artifacts in these high, powerful places, we have The Stone of Destiny over here in the UK. You would have thought our rational scientific intelligentsia would ridicule the old orders for this stuff. Really strange.


yeah, I think they do ceremonies there and they don't let most people see it. Don't know how you could sit in front of that..abomination

Describes very well many people on this sub as well. Once they decide they believe in a certain theory, no evidence against it will do. Also common among holocaust deniers.

Also, I think that no "new independent investigation" would change their minds if it didn't arrive at the conclusion they believed.

Exactly. Any test, or investigation that comes to the wrong conclusion( be it 9/11, chemtrails, the holocaust, vaccines etc) is in some way biased or wrong.

What's your point? You're being vague.

What evidence against what theory?

So, for example: The gas used to murder jews was just anti-bacterial and couldn't have killed anyone, and the hundreds of thousands(wildly exaggerated in their mind) that died by other causes inside and outside the camps, were the result of diseases, and accidents.


The way i've heard people talk about it, they're not denying the holocaust just the scale (which has been revised a few timesin both directions since, no?) and question how people were killed.

First of all, many people outright deny it ever happened, calling it a jewish lie. So there are absolutely outright deniers. I've spoken with them.

People "questioning the scale and method" are also deniers in almost every case, just like in my example. They'll say that maybe 100k jews/gays/blacks etc died(questioning the scale), and that most of them died as a result of the war(diseases, cut-off of supplies and resources)... They are still holocaust deniers, since they deny the scale and method used to murder jews and others.

I've never really looked into it cos it's a fucking massive legal issue in Europe. I personally don't think Hitler gave a fuck about jews, maybe himmler did idk doubt it tho, and was just playing on racist people and xenophobia because he was manipulative as fuck

Where in Europe do you live? Because I also live in Europe, and there are zero problems with researching it where I live.

You are suggesting Hitler killed 6 million jews(and hundreds of thousands of blacks/gays/Romanians/handicapped) for shits and giggles? You do realize that the hunt for jews cost a lot of resources in the form of man-power and money, right? Why the hell would he focus more and more resources on murdering jews as the war went on? Considering he was struggling in the war?


your second part is all based on the premise that 6 million people were starved in a sophisticated extermination operation rather than less people were rounded up and simply neglected, which would take less resources.

No, that's not the premise. you're either misunderstanding me or misinformed. Most of the jews of the holocaust weren't murdered via starvation at all. Some were, but a majority was murdered via gassing, mass-shooting, beating etc. That's where the chunk of the "extermination operation" took place.

They also weren't neglected. Why do you think the allied forces and the russians didn't find millions and millions of rotten corpses? They found mass graves all over the land, but not in the scale of millions-

The holocaust is a conspiracy theory

The holocaust is "atrocity propaganda"

Yes, exactly. Cognitive dissonance.

Halocaust deniers have facts on their side.

Halocaust deniers are the best deniers.

Proof phase 1 of Ideological subversion success (Demoralization). This video will help you understand exactly what's happened to a lot of people. They are not awake and some people cannot be awoken. They have been severely conditioned to not believe reality if it does not suit their pre determined idea of what reality is, which is achieved through poor education and mass propaganda.

Demoralization > Destabilization > Crisis > Normalization

Right now we are entering phase 3..."Crisis"


"That Hillary Clinton is such a strong woman"

Shut up Grandma...she's a Pedo satanist who has sold the United States to the highest bidders.

"Oh you silly boy....pinches cheeks"

NO Grandma! This crazy bitch poses an existential threat to the WORLD!

pinches cheek again

...and yet Grandma still loves this Marine.

"Dammit Grandma! You're such a cuck!"

Its time to grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains nothing but clowns down here.

Im actually in progress of planning this. If this election should go south and shit gets messy, im leaving society behind.

Society, you're a crazy breed I hope you're not lonely without me

Amen brother. Don't forget to grow your beard!

Funny you would say. I have actually grown a big ass beard, and I'm currently researching where to purchase some land in the countryside so I can become as detached from society as possible. I won't ever be happy in life otherwise.

Cuz WE ain't fuckin around round here.

Shopping for some land right now actually. Can't wait to detach from the grid.

My father watches sports ad nauseum. Call it a sport, he'll watch it. That said, if I mention conspiracies or atrocities he says "why fill your head with that stuff, it's an uncontrollable."

That's the 50s mentality for you. Be a good citizen and don't pay attention to how bad we are getting screwed. I asked him why the state would help pay for stadiums and what they would use them for if needed. He doesn't believe it. Even though Japanese were interned in a stadium in our town and there was Katrina. He never read Noam's Manufacturing Consent.

Manufacturing Consent was made into a movie which is available for free online

Have you ever seen the TED talk about why we're "smarter" in an IQ way with each generation? It's because we have to live in a world where abstractions are needed to live, and back in the day, they needed concrete examples. For instance, if you asked (and there's record of it) a person in 1901 what the difference between a bird and a fish is, they would say "nothing at all". You might say "well don't you think they're both animals?", and they would say "no. One is a bird and one is a fish". To them, hierarchical categories and classifications were completely unnecessary, because they wanted to know what you could do with a bird or a fish, and not what you could learn from them. Now we're more able to think in that way, and so our empathy is growing by leaps and bounds. I remember, when I was a kid, no one ever talked about the emotion on dogs faces, but now, my whole family, at get togethers, will sometimes remark on what my dog is feeling based on how she's acting. I think that that's really really important, but no one with any credibility has taken the time to make it into an official thing. Anyways...

Have heart, because some day, we'll be the dumb ones, and the world still won't be right. We got a ways to go, and we're farther along than our parents, but we don't have the answer, yet, is what I was trying to say.

Wow. That was a really good post. Thanks for that.


Right away I see you buy the official story of 911. If you believe those 3 towers fell due to plane strikes and office fires alone you have little to no understanding of physics.

The other day my parents got mad and told me "not everything is some huge conspiracy".

I was talking about civil asset forfeiture...

You need to start attacking them when they start talking about things critically. Just yell out 'oh so you're a conspiracy theorist? You think their conspiring against you, yeah?' It has at the very least helped me in making a couple of people realize how empty of meaning the term is.

I usually just rattle off definitions of "conspiracy" and "theory" and then say "so without the pejorative connotations that have been unfairly associated with those words; you're damn right I am. But the better choice of words is that I am a skeptic. I don't take what I am fed as fact. I do my own research and make my own conclusions."

The unfortunate part is that most are unwilling to accept sources outside of their comfort zone (MSM) as actual news. "If this is true why isn't it all over the news"? Aaaand if you talk about the MSM being bought and sold? "NOT EVERYTHING IS SOME BIG CONSPIRACY".

They both already voted. The deed is done. I will certainly not stop paying attention and have every intention of letting them know exactly what they got themselves into however.

You guys need to do what I did. I seriously began training my family to start thinking critically about everything that happens. It starts with just a convenient youtube video playing when they enter the room. They get curious and ask, and then they sit down and watch a bit. This gets them interested, and almost everybody ive done it with has stayed to the end.

Next, I start doing the whole kindergarten teacher act and ask them a question about something they have just seen. For example, watching TV with the wife, we just learned a new term "cultural marxism". So when we see something degenerative on TV like the new hip singer flashing her ass on TV I look over to her and say "and what do we call that?" Then she replies "cultural Marxism".

Finally I start throwing in some quotes or definitions, and do them frequently. After a few weeks of me doing this my entire family from siblings, parents, spouse, and even cousins are starting to see the bullshit around them. And now, the redpilling is spreading outside the family. The other day my father even just brought up Hillary's crimes with a complete stranger. I feel like a teacher watching the student flourish.

Amazing work, and a good example. Instead of getting frustrated and depressed, you're showing the tenacity and patience that makes a difference.

And telling us how to do it. That is awesome.

I feel the same way man, I tell people about this stuff and they laugh at me and ask me where my tinfoil hat is.

I've learned to just observe the shit unfold and keep my mouth shut so they can eventually see for themselves. (or not)

so they can eventually see for themselves.

You can only show them the door. They have to walk thru it.

Whenever someone mentions "tin foil hats" i like to ask them, in a condescending tone, if they thought that up all by themselves or if they plagiarized it from some other idiot.

That usually leaves them speechless

Sadly, your silence is what they want. I completely agree with how you react, but in the same vein, it's an admission of defeat.

Figure out a way to plant seeds, rather than preach. Learn to turn a phrase and how to word things, based on your audience.. Best of luck.

That's legit...I wonder, do you view every conversation you have as a word game to see if the other person can keep up?

Something tells me you win every time..?

Basically. It also helps that I'm a great listener (so I'm told), and can feel people's emotions on a very deep level while simultaneously remaining distant, enough to be objective. I wouldn't say I win all the time, that would be elitists and arrogant. But, more times than not, I achieve what I set out to do (poke/plant seeds). People always come back asking for more, which I gladly welcome (and is the point - they come to you).

You and me are on the same wavelength then.

Glad to hear. We're not alone, just a small minority of a minority. It can be both isolating, and miraculous.

I feel your pain! I had that same issue. Instead of trying to convince people I just try to educate them. Sometimes they are not ready for the truth at that moment but if you plant a seed in their head it will get them thinking and maybe they will wake up! Keep spreading the truth

war is peace. freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength.

anger is a gift

its alright brother, you already know you're in a dream. Remember, it wasn't too long ago you were in their position. Everybody falls the first time. (and we've all lost our cool)


If you see my previous posts here, you can see I clearly stated, there definitely IS something in the "chosen people" theory. First of all, those "chosen" people run all important facets of society, academia, banking, political influence/lobbyist/think thanks and entertainment. And media lol.

The 0,000000000001% of "us" here discuss the problems, invest vast amounts of energy of our finite precious lives to this, pontificate, debate, we even have various level of shills on YouTube who serve as our "ideological leaders", none of which mention the "chosens" because we all know if you do that you are DONE, so we deal with varying degrees of "philosophical" gibberish and sophistry.

While we waste time, they organize and go ahead with their ideas.

As far as I can see ,their plan is going pretty well. I might be delusional and wrong, it could be that we are WAKING UP!! WE'RE WAKING UP! JUST WAIT! NOT MUCH LONGER!

LOL. It's over, the sooner you accept it the better. Our kind, our race, is pathetic, easily seduced, prone to material shit and begging for validation in every possible way - FACTS.

You can throw cognitive dissonance at me and try to prove me how wrong I am, I'll agree with you I promise, I'll apologize for this very post and agree with whatever you throw at me, any rebuttal.

And then we go back to reality, us feeling "good" for being right on the internet and winning karma points (kys) and them plowing ahead with the plan and program.

Good job! Pepe magic is real - I promise! He will take care of everything. Pepe and Trump and "the momentum". This...yes...THIS...this...this is the time. Believe me!

man not saying you're a shill but that was a super demoralizing post. even if, maybe especially if, things are as dire as you think, i think most people want to learn and spread the truth anyway. why would it be "sooner the better" to accept that it's over?

Of course I'm a shill - I don't indulge in never-ending semantic masturbation nor do I produce 6 hour pontification videos on YouTube because I love smelling my own fart spreading the message and waking people up.

Why would it be better to accept that it's over? I mean...how do you want me to answer this?

How many people in the "alt right" lead by example? How many of them have kids? How many of your white friends HAVEN'T bought into mainstream propaganda and look at you weird for talking about ANYTHING outside 4th grade reading level news spectrum?

How strong is your family?

How strong is your community?

How many of your neighbors do you know?

Do you spend more time watching YouTube and/or playing video games or do you interact with your own people?

All talk - no walk. Hence - it's over. Sorry for shilling, I'm just trying to demoralize this movement that is about to change the world, Trump get elected, utopia will ensue.

This is exactly where your point fails. We live in a world where the only people reading conspiracies were "tin foil hat" people, but that's changing, they are growing in number and diversity, due to the scope of how fucked up the world's governments and MSM has gotten. To conclude that most people doing this research and investigating are people outside of the popular demographic, is not only erroneous, but also very pessimistic.

Maybe it's just Australia (or anywhere not USA) but most people I converse with now are very aware of what is going on, and are watching attentively, people my dad's age now are opening up about how they feel that this can't keep going on. I feel you're caught in the worldwide depression/anger. But fear not there are many of us who can see clearly and will make the right choice when it comes.

I would like to get "voted down" (lol) and proven wrong to oblivion. Won't hold my breath for it tho...just being realistic. Sorry if it comes across pessimistic.

My main complaint about the alt-right is that most of them would think most of us here are retards because we question the official government narratives of 9/11, Sandy Hook, and other major events of our time. They are so anti-Muslim that they not only believe every hoax like the Pulse nightclub shooting, Boston bombing, and all the others, but they call you a retard if you question them. They might not think these things are important, but if they continue accepting every fake news story that is presented just because it validates their nationalist narrative they will be easily fooled and manipulated in the future -- for example if there ends up being a false flag shooting by a "white Trump supporter" that actually does lead to gun confiscation etc.

My main complaint about the alt-right is that most of them would think most of us here are retards because we question the official government narratives of 9/11, Sandy Hook, and other major events of our time. They are so anti-Muslim that they not only believe every hoax like the Pulse nightclub shooting, Boston bombing, and all the others, but they call you a retard if you question them. They might not think these things are important, but if they continue accepting every fake news story that is presented just because it validates their nationalist narrative they will be easily fooled and manipulated in the future -- for example if there ends up being a false flag shooting by a "white Trump supporter" that actually does lead to gun confiscation etc.

What if I'm not alt-right (I'm still not sure what that means), not anti-Muslim, and I never called anybody a name for questioning things, but I examined the facts in those cases and simply disagree?

If a "white Trump supporter" caused an attack right now, I'd raise an eyebrow. But if I examine the data I can find and decide it is want it appears to be - then I'm just different. But it doesn't mean I blindly accept everything the media puts out, it doesn't mean I'm a bigot, doesn't mean I look down on people who believe in those theories. And I suspect there are a lot of people like me.

Keep shouting from the rooftops!!! This is the most important moment in modern American history.

You know thinking about people like this has me feeling like i am the exact opposite. I'm starting to question everything i learned through schooling and MSM.

It's a big big challenge not to complete freak the fuck on the daily when confronted with the intellectual dishonesty, inability to see their hipocrisy, and total unwilingness to think logically, objecetively and independantly in normies. It's really fucking tragic.

Yeah, I got into an extremely heated argument with some family friends. Had to walk away because it was too much.

Can you believe a large amount of Canadians actually want Hilldawg? It's disturbing to be surrounded by that.

I can. As a Canadian I see that we are almost the perfect society for globalism.

Massive resources and a low centralized population in large cities. All the resources in the world under our feet yet no connection to the earth. No identity, massive race mixing, and a perfectly polite double think society. Hell we just voted in the most obvious pawn because he's handsome and his dad was a great globalist too. And he's a sweet drama teacher.

What gets me is Canada has a pretty awesome immigration policy yet we are all calling trump racist for wanting the same. Hell no I'm not a trump supporter. Yet the msm has the power by using one idiot to change the entire debate on any given subject.

Let's talk about immigration- your a racist. Let's talk about free trade- where's your tin foil. He's a man- sexist.

My main concern is the lack of understanding to the depth of the things being done to us.

Take the afghan war for example. At first we could only understand it as a war over terror. Then slowly we started seeing it as an oil war. Then slowly we started seeing it as a war to revive opium trade. Then slowly we see it as a war for the federal reserve. Then slowly we see as a war for profiting the mititary complex. Then slowly we see it as a war to weaken and stretch the American military(strength). Then slowly we see it as a war for oil pipelines.

Half those realization probably really haven't even happened yet. What I'm trying to say is the many many reasons for the war were well thought out possibly 100s of years ago, but through compartmentalization of self and state imposed thoughts we take so long to digest.

Now apply that to trump and Hillary. How many things were planned for this election that we don't even realize yet. Trump wasn't planted just so Hillary could win, that's just one of dozens of reasons. And Hillary was planted to win just to maintain status quo. Think critically about something then do it 10 more times and you might get somewhere.

We need to start channeling all the positive thing happening. We know all the bad bad shit they do. Fuck them and their evil and negativity. This sub needs to work on bringing positivity to light or else what the fucks the point.

They want you to use your guns to kill each other. Our power is in doing the exact opposite of what they want. They are scared to death right now. Probably as worried as they've ever been. Mistakes are and have been made and love is winning by a landslide.

We rejecting the Syrian war (pre-Isis at least) that's a win. We rejected the race wars the past few summers. Another win.

What other wins have you seen??

Let's shift our perspective because we have to.

What other wins have you seen??

I'm slowly seeing people wake up to the liberal feminist movement, so it's on track to becoming a win. With the glamourization of Trump (the hell else do you call it? lol) I see people waking up to double-speak, political correctness, and neuro-linguistics, even if it's at a subconscious level where we don't realize it is NLP we're aware of, but we're aware of language being used against us.

Just to clarify by us and we I mean the general populace, not /r/conspiracy.

Great post, thank you for replying.

Fucking A.

Focus on the wins and keep the momentum going.

The curse of enlightenment. Your eyes are opened and now you have to actually look at reality. And the worst part? There's no going back, and going forwards will only reveal even more. You just gotta learn to deal with it or you'll nuke yourself.

Both sides are accusing each other of child abuse. I heard Trump raped a 13-yo. If you focus on the worst things, people are inclined to think you are just soaking up one side's bullshit.

You also have to remember that half of Americans have an intelligence level that is below average.

The only time Jesus was angry in the Bible was when he threw the money changers out of the temple. That's what we're getting at here, and anger is an appropriate response. They have jilted and retarded the evolution of humanity, in both consciousness and outward social progress, for centuries. Just understand that the people around you are victims of this.

They did. Just remember that when dying on the cross, Jesus prayed "father forgive them, for they know not what they do".

Look inside the minds of the .01%, and you begin to see, not a complete monstrosity, but a limited perspective. They see us in the way that they see us, because their minds are handicapped by filters, probably to the same degree as the bullshit filtered media garbage that they feed us. It's just in a different manner.

Most of these people lived very isolated lives, just like the rest of us. Very different lives, with very different habits and values passed on through the generations, but still very isolated.

And then, there's the psychopaths. Fuck them. Not every oligarch is a psychopath, but a disproportionate number of them are. They can and probably will go to some sort of hell.

Edit: I want to clarify what I wrote about the .01%: We tend to get into this shorthand way of talking about the issues which muddles the conversation a little bit.

Not every one who is rich and successful is an evil bastard. People talk about "good hard-working Americans" with adulation and respect, but they're only operating within the same paradigm that the richest 1% are operating under. It's not right to adore one group and malign another, when the only real difference between them is the size of of their treasure.

Jesus said it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and immediately followed that with: "but with God, all things are possible."

The issue is whether you're on the side of right, or wrong. Not whether you are rich or poor. It becomes an issue of rich or poor when the only way to get ahead is to tamp down your conscience and engage in activities which you know are evil.

I also want to say don't let my language trip you up. I talk like a sailor because I was a sailor. I enjoyed being a sailor. I know when to refrain from indulging in the easy emphatic manner that certain "bad" words allow, but hey, this is Reddit. It's not like we're in "polite company".

(Furthermore, some Christians have had an issue with this, but then, they are not my master, now are they?)

Study Ron Paul.

He knows all of the corruption but hes still happy. I havent quite cracked the code of his perception but i know he has the right one. He really is a great example in so many ways.

Find out how Ron Paul sees this info and mimic that.

And if tou DO find a quote or link where he spells it out clearly how he stays so happy amidst the vipers - please share.



No one has any fucking water left...

That doesn't work. I wish it did, but it doesn't work.


Something tells me we'll all know when enough is enough - history is littered with examples.

Yep, makes me rage inside all the time.

Everywhere you look, no one has any idea.

And I'm not saying it in a high horse type way, its just that all the evidence is basically coming out and no one bats an eyelid.

Its straight up weird that no one cares, how aren't their brains triggered by these things?

Its like they're programmed...

This is what happend after 8 years of barack obama.

How bad have the last 8 years been for you?

So-so. Lol

I'm sorry, but who of all the world leaders has been confirmed as a child abusing atrocity? I mean, confirmed by multiple sources with credible backing, not some random website who's copy/pasted the same exact article from another website.

I don't think you people realize how serious of an accusation this child abuse shit is. You need concrete facts behind these sorts of accusations or else every argument this Sub creates will be equated to that of The_Donald (i.e. radical Rightism).

George HW Bush. This is a good web site since it uses photos of newspaper articles as some of it's sources and it has a lot of references. The video is especially compelling and horrific. It was kept off of TV. You will see why after you watch it, it is just too horrible.

The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/Franklin/FranklinCoverup/franklin.htm

We're the new world, and they're the old. Keeping that in mind makes it a little easier. They have no idea how we operate, because they're used to being spoon fed everything in the form of pushing the channel up or down on the tv, and for us, we've learned to entertain ourselves with our own directed intelligence; i.e, we ask ourselves "what do I want to learn about/entertain today", and they say "I wonder what information I'll be randomly exposed to today".

I'm having the same issues. It took me many weeks of constant research and cognitive dissonance to get through it all. They need to find the truth in their own time.

GearMetal it's so frustrating! I feel for you. My family as well can't seem to grasp how corrupt our Mainstream Media has become.

It also doesn't help that this scandal is insane! Like we couldn't make it all up if we tried lol!

Yes, I'm pissed off with all those celebrities too. Fuck them and the Mainstream News Anchors who sold out their integrity (and us all!) for some privilege.

Same here bro.

It's shocking to comprehend. Maybe start them out with "The Spotlight".

You can't save em all some will never wake up. Your energies are better off being used elsewhere. THAT... is one of the redpill truths.

don't let it get to you. imagine if you were the one in denial. unfortunately we're not able to make anyone see from our perspective.

imo, we are living in a time unlike any other. so much is going on, most of it not good. don't allow all the negativity to weigh you down, 'cause that's what it's purpose is. we have to rise above it.


since birth practically, we've all been heavily conditioned and programmed, even those of us on the 'outside' and 'conspiracy nuts' we too are meant to be, we basically help the others stay in line, cause we're the "crazy ones"

I think of us as the white blood cells of our society. We cause a lot of inflammation, but without us the whole animal would die. We are like the early warning system.

Join the club, then multiply your angry times since-9/11, and you'll know how some of this subs regulars feel.

edit: Just today I was talking with my mom at lunch about these things and although she now believes me, she said on facebook everyone is saying "this is just smear politics" and I got mad that people were starting to say podesta emails were made up. They have DKIM cryptosigs (domainkeys)...but people don't even understand the chemistry and physics of how a plane flying into a building can't make the ground over 2000F for 3 months...so they sure as hell aren't going to get crypto hashes if they can't understand for example how wtc7 did not fall due to fire, nor are they even aware we proved fire was an impossible source for it collapsing, as proved by physics and model-perfect advanced CAD simulation which has now moved into a prosecutorial phase with the world court. If you don't know what I"m talking about, google 'youtube justice in focus wtc7'

there are only a fixed quantity of souls on planet Earth that cycle continuously through reincarnation.

However since the human growth rate is so severe the soulless extra walking flesh piles around us are NPC's or ultimate normalfags who autonomously follow group think and social trends in order to appear convincingly human call these people NPC's because when you talk to them they say the same shit every time TRUMP IS HITLER JUST BE YOURSELF SPORTSBALL THE NEW ADELE SONG XD OMG.

If you get in a discussion with them it's always the same buzzwords and hackneyed arguments.

They're the kind of people who make a show of discomfort when you break the status quo ke by breaking the normie barrier to invoke a real discussion. It's like in a vidya when you accidentally talk to somebody twice and they give you the exact lines word for word once more.

Following groupthink is a decent survival strategy if you know you aren't very intelligent.

Oh my god, the rage, the absolute pure animal rage I get balled up inside of me some days with people being really ignorant ... I can't even begin to describe how out of control I feel like going on them... And I already look like the crazy one.

My family has thought I'm nuts for years. You get used to it, hang in there, eventually they will see that you were right all along.

Franklin Cover Up

Senator Hastert

Gary J. Spence

It's a zombie apocalypse

dude, just post something anti establishment/msm/hillary in politics or news and you will get the same reaction. anger, denial or mocking. these are the sleep walkers. they are innocent. once in a while a sleepwalker will awake. most never do. it is our burden as seers of the truth to advocate for them also.

uh huh, I need to meet people from this or HFP sub IRL

I had one friend on Facebook announce that she has turned off all updates from friends because she doesn't want to hear all the "bullshit" about her hero, HRC.

My life everyday...I feel you.

You don't know anything for sure about the kiddie stuff, none of us do. You may have your opinions, but they are no more provable than theirs. You may have proof soon, but you may not. Family is more important than asshole elites.

The kid touching and the satanic stuff I really have doubts about.

Pray for them.

So, for example: The gas used to murder jews was just anti-bacterial and couldn't have killed anyone, and the hundreds of thousands(wildly exaggerated in their mind) that died by other causes inside and outside the camps, were the result of diseases, and accidents.