Pedo Ring Summary - All Legit Sources

181  2016-11-05 by DataPhreak

Wrote this up for a friend in bite size chunks. Thought it was pretty concise. Figure'd I'd put it here too. All legit sources.

These two incedents alone do not convict Clinton. It's possible neither her, nor Huma, anthony's wife, knew weiner or epstein were pedos. However, there are claims of evidence linking weiner to epstein, and thus the circle is complete. Supposedly, weiner is in for questioning right now. At the very least, it deserves further investigation, right?

If I missed anything, let me know. Confirmed legit sources only please.


Looks good on this end.

However, to the's still missing the smoking gun.

We're circling around it tho.

Well, the smoking gun is presumably the Weiner laptop. There are "Sources" that say that the laptop links the Clintons to the pedo ring. Unfortunately, none of these sources are credible.

"Sources, sources, sources"! Any day now.. I'm sure OP will deliver!

Nah, I think the FBI are done with their leaks. They forced Comey's hand, which was their goal. They'll be tight lipped from here on in.

We will know for sure the day after the election.

Weiner laptop....ell ohhh ell

Maybe tomorrow? I feel like we've been getting cockteased from multiple sources about "bombshells" for ages now, though, so maybe not.

Remember the 5th of November?

So you're saying Bill Clinton, Weiner, and Epstein were all involved in this pedophile ring?

How does Hillary play into it?

I mean it's obvious Bill was into the shit because of the many times he flew on very long flights with Epstein.

Weiner was caught red-handed.

Bill obviously has ties to Weiner via Hillary, I guess he would know what Weiner was into. In my experience with other things, like-minded people have an eerie way of sniffing each other out.

Apparently, bill was on the plane as many as 20 times. Sources say Hillary six. This is all from less-than-credible sources, however. They may prove to be credible in the near future.

That's crazy in itself. And that's probably just one small portion of what's going on.

Look at the Franklin cover up for some possible clues. Nobody has brought it up, but there may be a connection there.

That's precisely what I was thinking! Maybe FOIA requests for people associated with the Franklin case? Giuliani on fox, regarding shit going down in NY. Nothing solid.

I'd LOVE for all of this to be fact, but the evidence just isn't there. This shit is muddying the waters of legitimate leaks and it needs to stop until it's legitimized.

All I've done is present facts and arranged them in a specific order. I have a feeling this will be legitimized soon.

People are just in denial that truth is scarier than fiction.

Where is any of the conspiracies regarding Trump's connections to Jeffrey Epstein? After all, he is certainly more public about his relationship with the guy.

Yeah, where is Trump in all of this? Epstein was asked about him and he pleaded the 5th.

I don't have any valid sources on him. Please share. Pref before election.

I read that Trump kicked Epstein out of one of his events for hitting on an adolescent. I'm sorry, I don't have a link. I read from two people.

Holy shit. Lollipop = Lolita?

No clue, i ahve been going threw alot of emails today and when you are reading them while also looking for incriminating stuff about pedophilia you find some suspiciously worded ones like this. In this instance a "lollipop" could also be drugs.

I am glad you posted this. I have been trying to figure this one out. It has obvious connotations, but what were they really talking about?

Do you know the story of France Gall and Serge Gainsbourg, and her song Les Sucettes?

"a lollipop to be in the spin room" -- A lollipop is a microphone? Does that fit with the context of the email?

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have agreed to meet for a Democratic debate on CNN and NY1 on April 14:

Date fits.

But why does there need to be an email saying thet their is a microphone waiting on you, that literally makes no sense and would there be a code word for it?

Because it's the first time she's ever been live on tv. It can be nerve wracking.

Pretty sure they mean microphone. Kinda creepy though.

The Weiner situation has the stench of spookery

Was Weiner actually hired to spy on his own wife and infiltrate her laptop taking files from it as insurance? was he on the lolita express? is that a cover to get him into FBI protection so they can gather more evidence on Clinton? or have i been watching too many Robert Redford movies? um

That one person's email is cbutts....

Yeah. I caugt that.

To dig deeper, research Operation Avalanche, Operation Ore, Operation Snowball, Operation Pecunia, Operation Amethyst, and Operation Genesis. Arrests were done at the lower levels, but as far as I can see, the Operations were all stopped before reaching major players. Just pathetic. Researching the 9th Circle shines much light as to why high ranking pedophiles are not arrested. This is a global sickness.

Why would Wiener have a secure phone? Because he's a US elected official. I think this one proves zero.

Why do they go to weiner then? Why not have a new phone issued to them? They're the state department after all. Far out rank him. No, they need a phone secured against their own government.

Well, the smoking gun is presumably the Weiner laptop. There are "Sources" that say that the laptop links the Clintons to the pedo ring. Unfortunately, none of these sources are credible.

Maybe tomorrow? I feel like we've been getting cockteased from multiple sources about "bombshells" for ages now, though, so maybe not.

Holy shit. Lollipop = Lolita?

I am glad you posted this. I have been trying to figure this one out. It has obvious connotations, but what were they really talking about?

Do you know the story of France Gall and Serge Gainsbourg, and her song Les Sucettes?

Pretty sure they mean microphone. Kinda creepy though.