Numbers come in 33,000 flavors, part 2 (the podesta emails)

54  2016-11-05 by 911bodysnatchers322


Remarks of Hillary Rodham Clinton Town Hall on College Affordability and Student Debt Exeter, N.H. Monday, August 10, 2015 Right now, 40 million Americans have student loans. They add up to more than a trillion dollars. That’s more than our country’s total credit card debt. It’s a huge number. And you know, New Hampshire’s students are carrying the highest debt in the country. The average college graduate with debt in this state owes nearly $33,000. And nationwide, lots of people are doing everything they can to pay their loans, but they just can’t keep up. Millions of Americans are now delinquent or in default.

"In so many ways, the deck is still stacked for those at the top. It's just wrong that student debt is dragging our young people down, when education is supposed to lift them up. Students in New Hampshire graduate with an average of $33,000 in debt --the highest in America. When I was in Iowa last week...etc." Thank you. Mandy Mandy Grunwald Grunwald Communications 202 973-9400

SECT. HILLARY CLINTON: that's right. and that was another very important stand that both president and mrs. reagan took. look, we've got to do something. we have 33,000 people a year dying from gun violence.

That's a dangerous mistake. Expanding Medicaid would provide healthcare coverage for over 400,000 Virginians who don't currently have insurance - that's coverage for 1 in 20 of our neighbors who need it. It would create 33,000 jobs. And it will return over $20 billion that Virginians paid in federal taxes back to the Commonwealth.

In Petersburg, 27 percent of the 33,000 residents live in poverty, more than double the state average. Smoking and obesity are among Virginia’s highest, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a research center at the University of Washington. >>> Duran Chavis, a 35-year-old community organizer, is trying to extend lives by selling produce from a new indoor farm built in a rough neighborhood.

Right now, 40 million Americans have student loans. They add up to more than a trillion dollars. That’s more than our country’s total credit card debt. It’s a huge number. And you know, New Hampshire’s students are carrying the highest debt in the country. The average college graduate with debt in this state owes nearly $33,000. And nationwide, lots of people are doing everything they can to pay their loans, but they just can’t keep up. Millions of Americans are now delinquent or in default.

33,000 to go by midnight

Washington, D.C. - Tonight, President Obama pledged to remove 33,000 "surge" troops by the end of 2012, in keeping with his 2009 promise. The National Security Network welcomes the commitment to steady returns home of American troops from our country's longest war.

Lisa Dawson, Solitary Watch: The Arizona Department of Corrections has agreed to a settlement in a class-action lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Prison Law Office and their co-counsel on behalf of more than 33,000 people held in state prisons.

The estimated gains are somewhat less for those with greater wealth.13 > > Homeowners in the bottom 50, which had an average overall net worth of > $25,000 in 2013, would have seen their net worth increase to an average of > $33,000 due solely to home price gains since 2013, a 32 percent increase.

Senator Obama has taken in over 200 million dollars from undisclosed sources. We have already seen the potential for fraud because of his refusal to disclose his donors. His campaign had to return $33,000 in illegal foreign funds from Palestinian donors, and this weekend, we found out about another $28,000 in illegal donations. Why has Senator Obama refused to disclose the people who are funding his campaign? Again, the American people deserve answers and deserve to know.

The very next day, Clinton representative Bruce Lindsey signed off on disclosing the same batch of records — a trove so large that it has taken the library months to organize and post online. So while the Obama White House decides on clearing the release of all of the roughly 33,000 records, here’s our rundown of the most intriguing still-unreleased files from the Clinton Library: 1) Gays in the military

The legislation would set a single standard for Medicaid eligibility, about > $28,000 or $33,000 for a family, and the federal government would pay almost > the entire cost of newly eligible people.

all the articles published in The Economist newspaper * the online archive - allowing you to search and retrieve over 33,000 articles published in The Economist since 1997

New numbers show more than 335,000 Georgians have already voted since early voting started on Oct. 13. Fulton County has had the highest turnout with more than 33,000 voters.

The legislation would set a single standard for Medicaid eligibility, about $28,000 or $33,000 for a family, and the federal government would pay almost the entire cost of newly eligible people.

t r u t h o u t | To continue inspiring action and making a difference, Truthout must keep reaching more people - and we can only do that with your help. These are serious times and the need for your support is more critical than ever. Please, help us raise the remaining $33,000 we need by making a tax-deductible donation today!

Please donate to Truthout and help counter the misinformation that is so destructive to our nation and the world. We still need to raise a further $33,000 in the next couple of days - this is crucial to maintaining our budget. Any amount helps - will you make a tax-deductible donation tonight?

Friend, With one decision, the next Governor of Virginia will create 33,000 jobs and provide 400,000 Virginians access to healthcare. Or he won't. I support expanding Medicaid; Ken Cuccinelli opposes it. And voters deserve to know about the consequences.

Tonight, I can tell you that we are fulfilling that commitment. Thanks to our extraordinary men and women in uniform, our civilian personnel, and our many coalition partners, we are meeting our goals. As a result, starting next month, we will be able to remove 10,000 of our troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year, and we will bring home a total of 33,000 troops by next summer, fully recovering the surge I announced at West Point. After this initial reduction, our troops will continue coming home at a steady pace as Afghan security forces move into the lead. Our mission will change from combat to support

The estimated gains are somewhat less for those with greater wealth.13 Homeowners in the bottom 50, which had an average overall net worth of $25,000 in 2013, would have seen their net worth increase to an average of $33,000 due solely to home price gains since 2013, a 32 percent increase.

FIVE KEY POINTS IN TODAY'S REPORT FROM THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 1. The private sector has added 10.6 million jobs over 56 straight months of job growth, extending the longest streak on record. Today we learned that total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 214,000 in October, mainly reflecting a 209,000 increase in private employment. Private-sector job growth was revised up for August and September by a combined 33,000, so that over the past twelve months, private employment has increased by 2.6 million. Private employment has risen by at least 200,000 for nine consecutive months, the first time that has happened since the 1990s.

Trump and his supporters will point to the federal prison system, which has 33,000 Mexican-born inmates, 16 percent of the total population of 159,000. Wow! That’s horrible — except that most are not there for violent crimes, for murder, for rape, for aggravated assault; they are there mostly for immigration violations and smuggling of cigarettes, marijuana and other illicit substances. Trump won't say that, even if he knows it, because that would derail his tirade.

Bush said Democrat Hillary Clinton has been a candidate for a month and has answered only 13 questions from the press. "She's had 33,000 ... minutes where she hasn't answered a question. For those that really follow TV, 33,000 minutes is two times the number of 'Simpson's' shows that existed in the 25 years," he said to laughs from an audience of a little more than 100.

Here are South Carolina data. The first number is unique people. The second is interactions: Rick Perry 33,000 71,000

As for the subpoena, “never” is not the right modifier, but in the context of the question, it seems that Mrs. Clinton was saying that by the time she received the March 4, 2015 subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi she had already wiped her server clean of the 33,000 emails she deemed personal.

But the nature of Friday’s post — a young gay person who appeared little more than a child, and Mrs. Clinton’s comforting response — gave it a lightning-in-a-bottle charge that helped it spread rapidly. Within 24 hours, it had been liked by more than 530,000 people and shared over 47,000 times, with more than 33,000 people scrolling through the comment thread to like Mrs. Clinton’s response.

But sending more forces, by itself, is not enough to prevail. In the 18 months that Senator Obama has been campaigning for the presidency, the number of NATO forces in Afghanistan has already almost doubled -- from 33,000 in January 2007 to about 53,000 today. Yet security has still deteriorated.

Nearly 33,000 people have purchased items from Clinton’s online store, which includes tongue-in-cheek items like a “Chillary” koozie and a “pantsuit tee.”

He is being kept as far from the news media as possible to prevent any more of the red-faced, finger-wagging tirades and freelance political commentary that polls say cost Hillary Rodham Clinton a lot of support, particularly among black voters." Audiences in "places like Lancaster, a working-class town of 33,000 about 30 miles southeast of Columbus, are seeing" a "subdued and substantive former president going on at length about Iraq, health care, education, job creation and what he portrays as the multiple sins of the Bush administration.

And we’re going to take on the gun lobby, because it is absolutely unconscionable to have 33,000 people a year die from gun violence. So please, join me in this campaign. I hope you will come out and vote for me on Tuesday, and I will fight for you every single day in the White House.

Unemployed losing access to benefits 33,000 Oklahoma

Statistical Likelihoods

Let's be generous and say politicians can only count by the 1000s, so 33,000 means effectively '33' or 33 thousands. So the chance of 33,000 again is 1 (ie: picking any number). Assuming only 2 digit numbers (if you go into six and seven figures, you reduce the likelihood even more, so this errs on generous, if inaccurate), the chance of 2 33s is 1/99 x 1/99 is 0.00010203 or .01023%. That's just 2 33,000s. So the statistical likelihood of 5 is

  • 5 == 0.00010203 x 0.00010203 x 0.00010203 x 0.00010203 x 0.00010203 == 1.1057054e-20
  • 10 is 1.1057054e-20 x 1.1057054e-20
  • 20 is 1.4947126e-80
  • 30 is 1.652712e-100

This is a very small number, probably something like winning the lottery multiple times. I'm showing that repeated uses of this 33,000 is more unlikely than winning the lottery multiple times. This is obviously a very simplified napkin math example and only useful as a simple adumbration of the ridiculousness of 33,000 showing up all the time.

Here's even more examples


Good find.

Thank you

I second that.

Third it.

I'm beginning to think you're actually an AI!

Mind blown! As always! Great work!

Flattered! Thank you. But not an AI, I'm an open-I. I'm part of an open source intelligence movement inspired by Corbettreport, Global, Michael Parenting, and others in alt media including here on reddit. Join us

Don't forget that efforts from 4chan, reddit and wikileaks, picked up by alt media like infowars exposed combetta, that forced the eventual countercoup

Pat yourselves on the back, you were a part of taking back our country

Just very impressive!

Corbettreport, Global, Michael Parenting: All great resources!

As I said in another thread...half-blind, fingers are down to nubs! Every brain wrinkle is welcome!

Hope you are gifted soon with a quality camera rig for your road trip forays! Still blown by The Yellen research!

Any thought on what this means? Some are saying numerology (which I initially ruled out, however after all the weird Spirit Cooking stuff it would make sense.)

My other thought is yet another coded reference: something as simple as using 33,000 when the number is a made up stat, or as complicated as referring to a motive behind the data (the agenda the data serves) I.e "33,000 inmates need to be released to reduce spending" means "the shadow government wants inmates to be released"

Great work on the math btw. Harder for people to call us kooks when we use math and science to prove our points :)

I second your "made up stat that sounds good" theory

It is humorous that you have given 32 examples. This is clearly intentional, but why? There is obvious symbolism, but what is the actual significance?

Ha, clever. I hadn't noticed that:)

Wonder what the 33rd example will be

When the post is stuck at 33 karma in 14 hrs, which will be 7*7*7 or 21 hrs the post will be up

That's absolutely perfect. :)

So far I'm wrong. It's a 43 karma at hr 11, give it time, they will downbrigade unless they read this comment... in which case the very commenting on it acts as heisenberg uncertainty downvote inhibition (voicing observation will stop it from happening "magically"). I know you of all know what I'm talking about NAB. who knows if it goes up some more it might stop at 66 or 77 or even 88 (if it gets 88 I win a S.ecret S.uperstar badge)

Damn I just jolted up at 420am to check the karma. Sorry to say its at 45 not 33 like I'd hoped. Shills must have to sleep too


I dismissed a lot of numerology for years, but now that I'm becoming more aware of occult symbology I've been seeing 33 everywhere in media as well. I thought I was imagining the significance, seeing false patterns.

I'm off to your first post now to

Jesus died at age 33. Highest degree of freemason is 33rd. They correlate. And it's also good to mention that now that everyone is starting to see that these elite actually are satanists it has weight that Jesus was crucified at 33 being that Satan is the enemy of God

33 is the signature move of Masonic spies

33rd degree is master mason, rotate 33 counterclockwise 90 degrees and you get "m m" for master mason

Also everything dwillcha said

You see the masons accept only good people .... And then incrementally corrupt them. They are a mafia of kabbalists and alchemists, gnostics.

The alchemical symbol of the Maltese cross in some literature is VINEGAR,

Which was the final insult to Jesus on the cross

He asked for water and larry--pontious pilate's cohort--they gave him a sponge full of vinegar. WhenI discovered this, everything made sense: assholes in history use the Maltese cross from rat pope, Jesuits, knights of Malta, Harley riders, pedo nobles in england like saville, the swiss, the political elite, transnational bankers

(BTW i don't remember which roman gave him vinegar sorry, so he's Larry for now.)

Yes thanks for adding this. It goes very deep

Suddenly the Walt Disney Private "Club 33" at Disneyland is super creepy. Especially with the "Walt was an Freemason/illuminati" conspiracy.

Here's a recent numerolological observation I made:

Skull n' Bones member John Kerry married heiress Teresa Heinz after her senator husband died in a freak plane crash with a helicopter. The debris fell on a kindergarten playground.

The news reported:

3 adults killed

2 children killed

2 children wounded.

322, the Skull and Bones signature number (for those not in the know yet)

It's at about 12:40 in James Corbetts "meet John Kerry, skull and bones ambassador" video on YT.

Good catch! I bet there is stuff like this all over the news that we missed. Going to pay attention not just to single numbers but number series as well thanks to you MKU

They are communicating to one another right in front of us...

This is called "signalling behavior". In the occult it's used to communicate secrets related to levels of initiation to other initiates without saying the secret. In politics it's used to signal to another party that you are onboard with an agenda.

You are correct in pointing out that something is being communicated here, but it's difficult to say what it is and who it's being communicated to. Especially since 33 has extremely broad connotations.

We now have a name for this. Thanks for adding this to the conversation. You've valso pointed out the tie between occultism and spycraft / tradecraft

All these negative associations with what is meant to be a beautiful and holy number -- corrupt and dastardly political forces associating with 33? No thank you.

Its a hasllmark of masons... Its numerology as much as it is mass psychology (operant conditioning), mind control, and tradecraft/spycraft

Take a screenshot when this post is stuck at 33 karma in 14 more hours

33 is the number, not 33,000. it seems like they've taken to hiding it somewhat or allowing themselves to broadcast it more by adding the 000's

it's a signal, a code

Yes it is. It's spy signalling

I heard Clinton's HQ building for her concession speech has 33,000 window panes...