All through this sub I hear how /r/politics has been taken over by Clinton.

0  2016-11-05 by [deleted]



Shit. Post.

Best reply yet. Shit fucking post. Why are people replying in a serious manner to this. Shit post, Enuff said. Roger out!

So's your comment

I 100% do not support the Donald!

It's cool... I'm not naming names - just pointing out an observation that I've made that may, or may not, be completely factual.

Almost... conspiratorical !

Not all of us. Gary Johnson 2016

And it's a REAL shame when the two "side runners" aren't fit presidential material either...

There is nothing/no one being promulgated to the American people who is fit to run the most powerful country on this planet.

I'm thinking Lewis Black may have the best idea - that we should choose a president by dropping a monkey in a parachute over a random part of the country and swearing in whoever's hand the monkey takes first.

Anymore, no one has an ideological reason to be president - you know - one that benefits the citizenry (who they're supposed to be working for). No, anymore it should be mandated that anyone who WANTS to be president should be permanently disqualified from being president.

Johnson is not perfect and has his flaws but he is far,far better than the other two options.

That's all I keep hearing "so and so is BETTER than the other one..."

Death by lethal injection is better than having your body pulled apart by pliers - but it's still fucking dead. Just because one is "less bad" than the other is not a reason to have that person running the United Fucking States of America.

Do you see any other options?

Options for what? oh...

Yeah - ALL the voting public demand the government postpone this election until viable, intelligent, responsible candidates are presented as presidential candidates...

The power of 200(+) million people getting in their faces would probably make a difference.

To what end?

I don't know, but what I do know is that he isn't an establishment crook and the only way to get real change is to topple the two party oligarchy

Then you know wrong on both counts.

Care to expand?

Certainly. Gary “I don’t think that was aleppo we smoked” Johnson is not only not a libertarian (like that would be a good thing…), he endorses Black Lives Matter, George Soros’ domestic terrorist organization.

As to the oligarchy that owns both parties, that’s real. But voting for a third party will do 1. absolutely nothing to positively change the country, as the number of parties has nothing to do with efficacy of the republic, 2. the electoral college being winner take all inherently prevents more than two parties from existing, and 3. federal funding for parties is not only nonsensically illegal, it is the reason that more than two parties do not exist.

Your claims overlook some key facts and influencing factors. Firstly, it's widely documented that /r/politics was compromised long ago and that CTR is real and substantially funded. Secondly, there's far more conspiracy and unpublished controversy surrounding Hillary, and this is a conspiracy sub.

/r/conspiracy hasn't been "taken over". You'd see a significant shift in content/analysis if you posted a few thousand unpublished leaked documents about Trump being in bed with the media, invested in military for profit, taking mass campaign funding from foreign third parties, lying under oath, currently in the middle of an FBI investigation, etc.

Just because people are analysing Hillary's corruption/leaks doesn't mean they're praising Trump, or that the sub has been taken over.

it's widely documented that

proof? or just "wide documents"?

"... this is a conspiracy sub..."

I can't help but think you're a rocket scientist by day.

You've actually, in at least two paragraphs, said nothing substantial. Just exactly like /r/politics and here lately, this sub.

As I've stated.

I can't help but think you're a rocket scientist by day.

Your claim was that this sub had been taken over based on the content and ratio of posts in a comparison to /r/politics. I was highlighting that you failed to acknowledge the significance of this being a conspiracy sub and that there is currently vastly more available conspiracy surrounding Hillary. Thereby it is only natural that users of this sub would increasingly post about Hillary, particularly as more controversy comes to light.

I offered additional insight, hypothesis, and discussion points. You immediately attack back with insults, just because somebody didn't praise you for your unsubstantiated claims, logic, or numbers? k

Umm, no to your entire narrative.

Last 7? Try all of them.

No... there was a time...

The last seven are/were controllable. You'll notice also that Bush got appointed, twice, by the supreme court in spite of apparently losing the election - how much more obvious does it get? And now we have an indecisive court in the event this one goes to the wire - even more interesting.

Do you think that because we are anti-Hillary or because you see pro Trump articles?

Do I think what?

Why this sub is pro Trump

Because the shills decided to attack "here"... besides, as I've been saying for almost a year, Trump's sole goal is to throw this election...

A) rich people don't want to be in a visible position of leadership

B) Trump and Clintons go back a long way as friends

C) once she's elected, he'll do just fine with several of his agendas

this isn't an election, it's a dog and pony show, and the second the citizenry starts thinking the whole thing isn't rigged from start to finish is the second this country will fall to fascism and a totalitarian state"


If indeed they are actual members of the suspicious-by-nature...

They aren't.

could mostly be true.

You believe mass media?

seems to be about 20%

I'm going with 50-60%

/r/politics huge readership

More people in conspiracy and rdonald right now.

Probably should be comparing it to r/hillaryclinton anyway.

Strange with reddit being dominated by democrats

I like you!

You've got nothing but answers, guesses actually, that are copypasta to my points.

You didn't understand a word I said, did you? It's okay - you're in a really large group...

"dominated by democrats" isn't really what you're observing - what you're observing is that the American public would rather vote for Rin-Tin-Tin than some lying sack of shit casino owner. Not saying the other one isn't a lying sack of shit - they both are.

I wouldn't trust either to babysit my dogs much less run a country.

Reddit is merely pointing out, it its usual goofy way, the most likely outcome of this election - which is what I said way back at the top of all this shit.

It seems to be about an 70-30 split with Clinton (who in no way, shape or form should be considered presidential material) taking the lead because she's "lethal injection" as opposed to "being pulled apart by pliers" - one is going to hurt a bit less than the other but BOTH will make us dead. We, the citizenry of this fine nation, are fucked either way... do you want to be ass-raped to death immediately or do you want to be overrun by sycophants and torn apart over a longer period of time?

Neither outcome is good. Matter of fact, either outcome is the absolute worse that can happen to this country at this time.

In the future try being more succinct and to the point.

Brush up on your comprehension for your future's sake.

You should have attempted that before you posted

wow. Just... wow.

goodnight Lucy.

Interesting. The fact that both independents and Republicans believe the media a lot less than the Democrats explains a lot.

Demographics of social media news consumers

Another perspective of reddit

Cheers, I've been meaning to search for something like this. I was wondering what the difference between Facebook-based people, Twitter-based people and redditors. This explains some of it.

People have been coming in here saying this bullshit for weeks now. Its kinda obvious that hillary is the most conspiring, corrupt shit politician ever made... but even a moron can see that trump over her is a better choice. johnson for me. im not getting involved in that other shitshow.

What you're experiencing is a side effect of the mod's at /r/conspiracy not removing people's content based upon their opinion. As long as people follow the behavior based rules, they can post about any topic they wish.

But good luck posting a pro-clinton topic on a sub where people actually research the histories of politicians and influential people. The users here would likely tear it apart.

You don't think people from /r/the_donald haven't tried posting pro Trump topics on /r/politics? They most definitely have, There is a reason they don't stick on /r/politics and they easily stick on /r/conspiracy.

Moderator intervention.

on a sub where people actually research the histories of


That's what this place is all about.

Do you realize that the very nature of conspiracy, in the meaning of this board, is that there's no proof or documentation to allow people to check these things off as "truth"?

You do understand that, don't you?

If there were facts to back up most of what is posted on this sub - this sub would be called "news", NOT conspiracy.

And who gets the authoritarian power of deciding what is fact and what is fantasy?

We've seen clearly that our information gatekeepers have decided that fact is whatever they get paid to parrot.

He Wants To Believe. ;-p

So now as throughout history, wouldn't you say?

Just faster "letters" these days.

There's more subs than just conspiracy and politics. Just go an r/all and you will see that there's way more higher voted subs than politics discussing the Shit storm that's unfolding more and more each day.

Very sad shit post. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Sure you're full of piss and vinegar, and a cup full of hubris, right now. but once she gets in then you'll have to live with it. That one world government sounds just so grand doesn't it Mr. Shillmeister? You're so smart, so funny, posting in Conspiracy. Thinking you'll show us. So here's a nice full cup of piping hot Fuck You. Let's see how it all works out. Her and her pedo chronies. Better get a backbone and be ready to fight to the death for truth liberty and the American way, It's coming motherfucker, so get ready you babyface piece of shit. Guess what, in a year or two, maybe sooner, you'll be on our team Mr. FunnyHaHa. Just sayin'.

Your's is a very sad shit response... please, erase yourself.

Dude your attitude Fucking stinks don't make a post then start laying into people because they don't follow your narrative. Everyone has an opinion if they don't like yours get over it.

Oh poopsie!

Doesum my widdle stinky attitude makeums you want to reach out and censor me?

Awww... yo poor widdle thing !


Snappy reply, heir goober... yes, very snappy indeed.

Lmao! Free speech is fun!

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

In the future try being more succinct and to the point.

I can't help but think you're a rocket scientist by day.

Your claim was that this sub had been taken over based on the content and ratio of posts in a comparison to /r/politics. I was highlighting that you failed to acknowledge the significance of this being a conspiracy sub and that there is currently vastly more available conspiracy surrounding Hillary. Thereby it is only natural that users of this sub would increasingly post about Hillary, particularly as more controversy comes to light.

I offered additional insight, hypothesis, and discussion points. You immediately attack back with insults, just because somebody didn't praise you for your unsubstantiated claims, logic, or numbers? k