[Meta] Can we ban posts that contain "Bombshell" and "Breaking"? I'm sick of seeing them.

165  2016-11-06 by [deleted]



And "Smoking Gun."

should simply be labeled "misleading" (if the title is inaccurate)


links 10 day old article from wickeddemons.areamongus.notaschizophrenic.com

http://notaschizophrenic.com is one of my favorite sites.

i hate it.

mods can we please censor all content from notaschizophrenic.com


I was so hoping that would be a real website.

Thank you sir, I needed that little extra ventilation through my nostrils there.


Some people prefer using the suggested titles, and often it's worded that way at the source. I say deal with it.

Yeah, you're probably right. Must be disappointment that the establishment didn't get torn down this week.

I'm with you.

The only consolation I/we have is that things move faster than we think.

So many previously-important institutions are being brought down by people power. The media is an example of this: we don't need newspapers telling us what to think when people disseminate what actually happened and we compile the facts for ourselves.

I'm genuinely hoping the time comes soon where we stop giving ourselves--and for many fighting in pointless wars to better rich people, it's their lives--to the few who control everything.

BREAKING! We heard some shit, still not confirmed but we heard it somewhere and it sounds really good but it's BREAKING! lol

Haha! Right on.

Well one wonders where there posts are coming from?

I used to like this sub. Love myself a good conspiracy theory. But lately...

It's just become the bastard brother offshoot of r/thedonald.

You shut your mouth, son.

/r/conspiracy has been around longer than /r/the_donald and will continue to remain long after.

Yeah, but The Horde will find their place back where they belong soon enough. The Lid has been open for a while, but it'll blow over.

It's actually a bit funny to how hysterical some of them are.

-Bring some popcorn.

Honestly, who the fuck cares. How many posts are we going to have with this same exact title. Can we ban people who copy other people's posts word for word hoping to score some easy karma? Like for real, of all the shit we have to complain about in this shitty world, its about a god damn word in front of a post. Smh

We complain about a lot of stuff. Why can't we also complain about this. You're insinuating that just because there are more important things to complain about we can't also complain about this? No. That's a bullshit cop out. People need to stop with the BREAKING BOMBSHELL SMOKING GUNS. Were tired of it. This is fucking ridiculous.

Touché. It's gonna be a bit windy here for a while, 'till The Horde settle down back where they belong.

Censor words you don't like? Because you're sick of seeing them?

Lol, look, I found another one!

I would recommend getting the Reddit Enhancement Suite. It allows the creation of custom filters.

While I believe in censorship, I also believe that it should only occur voluntarily at the client end. I think I should be able to decide whether or not I want to see material related to Hillary Clinton, for example, but I don't believe that transmitters of that information should be prevented from sending it.

They choose what they send, I choose what I receive. We each get what we want, and nobody's rights are violated.

I've lurked this place for a while and as the new emails and info that has come to light, of course this sub is going to go wild. You guys have been damn near spot on about everything. Now you're going to get the Hillary shills that are going to bombard everything just like r/politics to make everything look too crazy to be true. The more attention you guys get the better. Hang on tight lads, we're in for a wild ride.

This ride ends in like 3 days. The next ride depends on how this one ends.

I disagree. The ride needs to start right now. If reddit is the front page of the internet, we can start a revolution right here. If these emails are true and Hillary wins, it's going to be 1984. We have to start now.

If these emails are true and Hillary wins, it's going to be 1984.

It won't be 1984. I don't know whether Hillary will win or not, but they aren't complete idiots. You can bet that a lot of people have been watching the almighty shitfight that's been going on around this place and 4chan, over the last however many months. I've seen the stereotypical Confederate Survivalist rednecks in /pol/ openly describing, in detail, the size and capabilities of some of the homesteads they've got, and how prepared they are.

The government knows that the public are serious, at this point. The civilians are sick of it, the military are sick of it, and at Dakota we're starting to see that even the pigs are getting sick of it. They don't like being shot at any more than anyone else. Most police might be morons, but not quite all of them are. Give them sufficiently dogged resistance over a period of sufficient weeks, and a few of the more conscious among them will start questioning the justification of their own cause. At the very least, it will cause them to wonder when they are simply going to get paid, so they can move on.

I want to see some serious housecleaning, and for a number of people to go to jail for the rest of their lives. Whether or not that is achieved without violence will be an open question; but whoever wins the election, it's not going back to business as usual.

it's going to be 1984

It's been that way for a loong time.

Banning certain types of speech (or words) is never a good idea. NEVER!

Its not an issue of banning speech, but blocking misleading titles. Minor revelations or posts that have been posted 3 times shouldn't be titled as breaking news.

Its called "signal to noise ratio", and shills actively use this tactic to drown out newer or bigger discussions.

I trust the community enough to police itself. There are upvote / downvote buttons, after all. On the other hand, I can certainly appreciate your argument.

Yes, and before you click that downvote, you're going to be clicking that title. Because the flashiest titles get the clicks, even if they don't deliver. That's the issue, im a libertarian myself so i adore free speech, but part of community policing is having capable moderators. What I've seen here over the years, is more and more topics getting drowned out for noise.

"Then why don't you go f** yourself, and put your d** in the freezer?"

-Just wondering, do you find this ok? I can continue...

Yes, it's okay.

Haha! One of my best friends had tourette's syndrome. He was the class clown.

And on that bombshell....

The downvote button is all the censorship you're entitled to.

agreed - let the downvotes rule

BREAKING BOMBSHELL SMOKING GUN. After this election i hope this sub gets its shit together and puts in place better policies.

put a sticky up that diverts them to.... before its news or ats...

I'm new so I just read some of the rules and I think it said in there the lead posts, or something like that, with these two specific words. I totally agree though.

Add "smoking gun" to that list

or how about the bots that have 1 or 2 posts that link the latest RT.com article?

No because the Donald took over and now blatantly advertises it.


Oh you dont like it? Then yeah we can ban it - anything else we can do for you? Tuck you in at night and read a bedtime story case you get scared?

Grow up pussy.

Lol! Look! I found another one!

Boo hoo

Can I borrow a tissue?

Can you please refrain from using the word "borrow" in comments?

Can you please stop asking silly questions?

-oh shit...

It's a trait I borrowed from my ancestors. Sorry about that. Can I offer you a tissue?

That doesnt even make sense, but aight

exactly. where does it stop. (plus, the mods don't need more work than they already have.)

BREAKING!! There is a DOWNVOTE button!! :O

/let the downvotes rule

Why not try contributing more rather than slinging an insulting tantrum. Seriously, is boo hoo all you can muster?

Insulting tantrum? Really?

BOMBSHELL: Reddit user cries over the fact he doesn't know how to use reddit filter options.

I don't know, looks like at least a few others don't know how to use filters, either. Maybe you should host a webinar.

He is too busy filtering out the English language for his own benefit, screw everybody else. Right? GET BETTER, right?

Lol! Look! I found another one!

What else would you like censored? I'm sure nobody is the slightest bit different than you and everyone would be happy to have their thoughts and what they see censored to any whim you desire. but fuck off anyway.

This isn't censorship this is maintaining good and effective syntax. When everything is a BREAKING BOMBSHELL SMOKING GUN nothing is. It all becomes a meaningless shitfest of who can make the best click bait title.

If you don't support the free speech of those you oppose then you don't support free speech.

Disclosure, I hate it too.

This has nothing to do with free speech.

I guess not, just don't use some of it. /s

As reddit in general should learn someday, once you begin censoring any kind of speech there is no stopping place.

There is a difference between free speech and being an ass.

-Disclosure, i hate it too.

Any excuse for the censorship of this sub is a bad excuse, whether I dislike a particular form of expression or not. Once started there is no stopping place.

Lol! Look! I found another one!

Once started there is no stopping censorship no matter what excuse you may make for it. Wanting this sub censored is being against the sub itself.

It's not about sensorship. It's about reducing sensationalism bleeding over here from The_Donald and 4chan clientele.

This place is for rational and informative discussions on various topics of interest - not a place where The Horde can rape the subreddits by blasting themselves all over the walls to get attention.

I do appreciate much of the information The_Donald has contributed to Reddit, and the world, but in here, there is little interest for cyberspace-suicide-bombing. Go to 4chan if that is your style.

And of course, in the manner of free speech - as you so allequently put it to one of our members:

but fuck off anyway.

Sensationalism? Should this below perhaps be censored as being sensationalist?

The Horde can rape the subreddits by blasting themselves all over the walls



Pretty damn sensationalist in my opinion. Why not censor that?

Once started there's no stopping censorship. It's a bad idea.

Honestly get over yourself

No, I'm very important to me.

You should lighten up.

Ye, when these guys finally understand enlightenment, they'll go back to the Dungeon where they came from.

No, I'm very important to me.

This ride ends in like 3 days. The next ride depends on how this one ends.

You should lighten up.

Yes, and before you click that downvote, you're going to be clicking that title. Because the flashiest titles get the clicks, even if they don't deliver. That's the issue, im a libertarian myself so i adore free speech, but part of community policing is having capable moderators. What I've seen here over the years, is more and more topics getting drowned out for noise.