Anonymous this is your time to show the world that you are more than pimple faced teens living in your moms basement. Expose to the world the documented facts OR forever be ignored. Your choice.

61  2016-11-06 by [deleted]



The real anonymous died 5 years ago. Whatever is left is a joke.


What is this? this kind of explains it. A lot of the main people initially behind hacker activism, were either outed, flipped, or jailed.

thats an annoying video with all this dubstep and stuff ...

yeah its kinda dated, everything they did back then seemed to have that shit in it though


What is this?

Indeed Anon is just a shell now. They can hack facebook and small time emails. The Anon around now is just being feed dead man switch leaks from Wiki.

That is true. The real anonymous knew how to hack. These guys just know how to download a video template and make "scary" videos.

there was never a "real" anonymous. that was a NSA hoax to manipulate public opinion for more cyber security

Agreed. I really believed THIS time someone would deliver. Fuck.

Really wanted that hard evidence. Bah ...maybe tomorrow?

What if the evidence is already out there, but since it's so damning, the government is doing EVERYTHING it can for damage control?


What is this?


What is this?

what documents?


What is this?

Hello motoo

Vroom Vroom

...he said! Edit: ...they asked!



What is this?

there is no anonymous ... they was a hoax by nsa to manipulate public opinion for more "cyber security" needed

all the shit you see now are just kids

you are more than pimple faced teens living in your moms basement.

That's exactly all anonymous is. Sorry.

While the "real" anonymous group is likely dead, many individuals following the spirit of Anonymous; which lacked a central leadership, have taken on various forms of hacktivism and continued to contribute to varying degrees of success. Some of these people use the Anonymous name to draw attention to otherwise unnoticed efforts, though many are simply using the name for personal gain.

RIP op.


Anon is controlled lul good try.

Anyone with a mask and a computer generated voice can make a video and claim to be Anonymous. It's never actual proof of anything, it's all just hearsay and innuendo collect from around the internet. Being anonymous voids their credibility in my mind.

...he said! Edit: ...they asked!


What is this?