Chemtrail schedule update

27  2016-11-06 by They_Werent_Flares

I've been in contact for almost 20 years with people close to these missions and I haven't seen mixed messages like this before.

It is my understanding that the election is to blame.

There is a concerted effort to suppress stratospheric aerosols until after the November 8 election. But I am getting reports it will continue in earnest tomorrow.

Maryland, Virginia, Southern Utah, Nevada, Northern Florida, Pennsylvania/New York/New Jersey, Idaho, Michigan, Ohio and parts of Arizona and California are in the crosshairs.

If there are chemtrails on Monday, it signals the beginning of a new spray schedule to overtake the current intermittent aerosol dispersal and we can expect an uptick in Stratospheric Aerosol Injection for the next 3 months in the U.S.

Be aware of crisscross trails, the ones that look like an X.

By all reports, we should see a clear day for tomorrow (Sunday), but I would ask for reports from you to let me know what you're seeing.

To be clear, my contacts are providing mixed messages about the spray schedules for the next 48 hours. Two have suggested this may indicate an alteration of the chemical composition the planes are deploying.

That would not be ideal - and could signal a significant mission modification.


Yesterday was a nice, clear day in MI.

The trails started appearing midday, and by late afternoon the clear sky was gone and covered with a gray haze.

As a kid I spent my summers outside, many days staring at the sky. Back then airplanes didn't leave permanent trails.

How do they look now? Seeing a lot of activity on the board...

Pennsylvania here. There were huge grid patterns in the sky on Thursday and Friday. It was the first time I had ever seen a pattern like this.

So Cal checking in. Going to start recording spray logs to develop a schedule for their operations here.

They're going hard this morning in GA.

Can confirm. South GA here.

Seeing more information about Georgia and Kentucky here today, thank you, be safe.

What do these things do? What is the intent?

They do it because they can.

Thank you. I took a lot of pics this morning (since I had that extra hour & all. lol). I don't typically pay that much attention to trails, but I noticed some very interesting things as I'm in the pattern of a major airport. It looked to me, and I know nothing of these things, that we had very unusual commercial flight patterns today.

Idk if that means anything to you, but it did seem a bit off from what I'm used to seeing.

It does, thanks for the info, we need to communicate our observations without fear of reprisal. Then we can do something about it

what is the normal mission?

The composition of the chemicals vary from location to location, but mostly the visual indicators are intended to lull the public into a state of malaise and disregard, so that no matter what is being sprayed, it's normal and there is nothing to fear.

The "normal" mission is to inject disruptive materials into the biosphere. When this is consistent, it is ignored.

And if the change from normal protocal is it to inject chems to make us mean/angry?

I'm going to need an eli5 on this subject. I have heard of chemtrails, but never researched what it's all about.

This article is a good starting point, as it's NASA admitting Lithium is one of the ingredients being sprayed, but it's totally "harmless to the environment," so no biggie. There are several links within the article to supporting documentation as well as the NASA statement on video.

Nutshell is there's a variety of toxic harmless concoctions being sprayed globally, under the guise of geoengineering/weather modification, so we should ignore the patterns in the sky. We should also ignore that a lot of people have physical reactions that mimic allergies to flu-like symptoms to significant respiratory distress.

Holy fuck, that's terrifying! I read the article and will look at the references shortly. Thanks for the info.

You're welcome. It won't take long to pass terrifying and reach pissed. If you do a search for chemtrails on their search bar, it'll bring up additional articles and even more links. Happy reading.

I noticed this morning the sky was completely full of them. And you're right, I go from scared to pissed off in a 2.2 seconds. I will read more later this afternoon.

The military brass refer to this URI/allergenic rejection as "UCK" as in Ugly Chemical Kill

That's what we've seen, in addition to confusion or "mental fog". Humans tend to agree with clean air, fresh water and a nutritious diet, as opposed to foreign/artificial compounds. I'm also concerned about wildlife and vegetation.

New to this topic, but Friday night noticed a lot of cross hatching over the sunset. San Diego

Saw a few of these X's in NJ last week.

Nevada here. Just looked out, they are all over in Vegas. Crazy dude I haven't seen them in months

Looks like they were working overtime today in Toronto. Mostly flying big smoke towards the sun.

Heavy spraying started last night in Phoenix around 10p. The sky was already that hazy barely blue just after sunrise. Spraying began again around noon. It was odd patterning as there were standard X marks, some double and triple straight lines, and then there were some short, stand-alone straight lines and all seemed to have designated "sections." The stand-alone lines were at a noticeably lower altitude than the others, but not the lowest I've seen over the last 14-21 days.

While we are on this subject, lets talk about means of dispersal.

It is my theory that there is an additive added to the fuel, which creates the chemtrails we see in the sky, from most commercial aircraft. This would be the easiest method, and also very easy to implement and keep under wraps.

I also believe there are aircraft designated for this role specifically, that have more advanced equipment to "spray".

I also believe this is a fuel additive. I wish I had more information to offer other than this is also a personal theory of mine.

I enjoy your updates.

I'm going to need an eli5 on this subject. I have heard of chemtrails, but never researched what it's all about.

That's what we've seen, in addition to confusion or "mental fog". Humans tend to agree with clean air, fresh water and a nutritious diet, as opposed to foreign/artificial compounds. I'm also concerned about wildlife and vegetation.

You're welcome. It won't take long to pass terrifying and reach pissed. If you do a search for chemtrails on their search bar, it'll bring up additional articles and even more links. Happy reading.