This is the real reason Hillary Clinton and others are not in jail right now: It is because America is currently lawless--they know it, but you don't. This changes now.

788  2016-11-06 by 911bodysnatchers322

TLDR: The constitution has been superceded by the Continuity of Government plan and those who know this, exploit it. They claim it creates 'secret law', but secret law is itself illegal--because our country is based on the social contract--called 'popular sovereignty' in law. Thus 'so called secret law' de facto creates a shadow government, or intelligence-run military junta within our own, and it undermines our country. And it has since 9/11

If this post looks long and boring, skip it, and instead listen to this podcast right now.

Continuity of Government Planning -- Peter Dale Scott on Guns and Butter

Continuity of Government Plan

I've posted about this before and no one has challenged me on it, because it is true. MSM will never, ever report this. Even Alt media will not talk about this often. Alex Jones has talked about it. Guns and Butter has too. Peter Dale Scott talks about it wherever he goes. A constitutional lawyer Daniel Sheehan has talked about it.

The COG plan was the primary motivation for 9/11[1]. This was a neofascist military intelligence coup d'etat on america. The same one we've been talking about recently (see "coup versus counter-coup"). People think this coup is recent: it's not. It's a deep-state, intelligence junta that has created a shadow government ruled by the political elite, intelligence, and secret societies.

The reason COG was the motivation for 9/11 was that it suspended the constitution, which meant effectively this cabal could operate without bounds and the rule of law. So wait a minute. Why does it seem like laws are for civilians but no laws apply to the elite? Exactly.

There is an assumption that the Constitution is still upheld but that people "don't talk about COG". The problem is: people give up their rights when they assume that the constitution is still valid. In other words, no one has challenged a courts validity, because if they did, they'd find that the court itself cannot prove it has jurisdiction, because it cannot prove that the Constitution is not superceded because even the Congress cannot know.

We know that on 9/11, Continuity of Government procedures were implemented. Our question is, are we still operating under Continuity of Government or has it been lifted, and when? Is this the reason why Congress cannot do anything, because they literally have no power? Obviously — [remainder of question unasked, because Kucinich jumped right in to answer this one: Even the Committee on Homeland Security, which has proper clearance, has been denied access to the detailed documents. Has Congress been prohibited, legally, from talking about Continuity of Government? The American people deserve to know what structure of government we’re living under, and we appreciate you clarifying this for us. What do the American People need to do to restore co-equal branches of government, given this scenario?]



The COG plan was design to protect the government from terror attacks and nuclear attacks of the magnitude of 9/11. The plan goes into action to 'save the government' when it's offices, staff, and infrastructure are directly under siege, as opposed to the country, or civilians generally.

On 9/11 several government offices in 4 buildings were attacked, and at least 9 federal agencies were attacked:

This act of terrorism had such a far-reaching impact on the US Government that Richard Clark and VP Dick Cheney were justified to initiate the Continuity of Government plan, since George W. Bush was reading a pet goat book to schoolchildren in Sarasota Florida during the attacks.[4]


Since 9/11, the COG plan has been renewed yearly by Executive order. By George W. Bush for 8 yrs, then Obama for 8 more. This has kept America in a continuous State of Emergency, in which


The fact is, we don't know the extent to which it suspends the constitution, we know know it does to such a degree that the Intelligence Agencies have carte blanche to do whatever they want, which suggests COG nullifies the constitution completely.

Other ramifications:

  • The Congress is told not to ask about COG
  • The Congress has gag orders not to talk about COG
  • The FBI and CIA are allowed to not give Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz information they request
  • The Intelligence Community can arbitrarily redact things that aren't classified
  • The Intelligence Community can arbitrarily withhold non-classified information
  • The Intelligence Community can arbitrarily classify non-classified information
  • The Intelligence Community can hack any system without punishment, this is criminal trespass and wire fraud to anyone else
  • The Police can do the same, working with the IC
  • The IC can detain people without trial
  • The Executive and IC can arbitrarily remove a person's citizenship and declare them an enemy of the state in order to deprive them of their legal rights to due process
  • The IC can spy on civilians in the US, previously they could not, however they got MI6 and other foreign intelligence to do so on their behalf: this is called the ECHELON or Five Eyes system
  • The IC can hack into your computer and exfiltrate any data they find
  • The IC can remotely turn on any web cams and microphones on any device and apparently watch your girlfriend masturbate and high five each other (they actually did this--google LOVEINT)
  • The IC can remotely use your device to hack into another unknown 3rd party device, using your device to hack someone else
  • The IC can intercept packages en route to you, open your internet device, add/remove chips, repackage and send it to you to use physical exploits and firmware replacements to make it easier to hack your system by bypassing your security firewalls
  • The IC can engage in illegal arbitrage, insider trading, financial fraud like racketeering and extortion
  • The IC can aggressively manipulate markets using financial terrorism
  • The IC can arbitrarily destroy their own reportage, evidence in investigations (ex operation green quest)
  • The IC can engage is nonlinear psychological warfare against the public
  • The IC can use the public's ill-gotten intellectual property to auction off to corporations and
  • The IC can use taxpayer-funded 'mass surveillance data collection' datasets for selling to advertisers, retailers, defense corporations for further analysis and prediction market data, so they can make more money off this information and continue more war and global resource management

Source : Mass Surveillance News Since 2008

Further Resources

This will be my final post on the COG topic unless new information comes to light. It's up to you and the white hats in our government to fight the fifth columners because we cannot. You don't bring a blog article to a vast network of military resources match.

UPDATE: Comey announced a few hrs back that he won't arrest Hillary Clinton. It's not because he's a coward, it's because the FBI has no jurisdiction, nor does any police. They actually can't do it.

His not arresting her--despite what we know from not only the FBI emails but the podesta ones is more than enough to do it--is more evidence to support the following post.

He can't arrest because we are lawless. If the white hats in the FBI checked with scotus justices and federal judges they'd be able to ascertain that--Yes, we can't prove that constitution is being upheld--therefore they can't be certain they have jurisdictional authority. Alternatively, these fifth columners represent an illegal shadow government and therefore are enemies of the state and thus those agents with a license to kill are able to kill these people on sight.

So they can choose: we are lawless or they can kill the enemy shadow gov.

White hats, make your phone calls and polish your pistols or whatever you do.


I saw another user (not you OP) mention COG in another thread yesterday. I can't find it, but the search function on reddit sucks.

Maybe this idea is finally taking hold.

To me, we wouldn't have secret courts if the COG didn't exist. The fact that there is another secret layer atop our judicial system was the final straw to convince me.

Right. But keep in mind secret courts are illegal if US agencies still call themselves public, otherwise if they've privatized they are effectively a foreign power. The latter must be the case, otherwise they'd be in jail. So what we have is a Public US government that is giving consent to a private, foreign (Global, or hydra) government.

So either there are no laws, or there is now public and private government, where private can do literally anything it wants. Which is it?

Once the public gets this, they will revolt, because it truly IS revolting

Because the jurisdictional authority upon which the Constitution is based is the social contract itself--"popular sovereignty". This is that whole formative "big idea" of 'rousseau-voltaire's"--the 'social contract' that founded american and french revolutions leading to democratically elected secular republicanism. "secret law" by definition of circumventing or ignoring the constitution (and bill of rights)--the constitution being the highest law of the land upon which federal courts and state courts; and federal and state laws are defined; and upon whose authority state constitutions derive their own--means on the face of it creates a belligerent 'state' within a state. Which means their actions are terrorism. You can't make the public the enemy and not be considered an enemy of the public.

"Public" means the people, and if your institutions become 'private' then they are effectively a foreign power and can be treated as such in the eyes of the law. That's why my other post about public was about. Laws are no longer applicable to public persons

The intelligence community and its agencies have declared themselves to be foreign entitites if they claim secret law; otherwise, they are still public and therefore accountable: which is it? TIck tock, we're not going to wait forever. They have until 1600 tomorrow

Ill be that guy. What happens at 1600 tomorrow?

That's just the latest point at which they can announce they are going to let a sham election happen.

That's the point of no return


That's the day after the tomorrow that was today. I meant that at 4pm EST today is the latest point they can arrest someone, because otherwise it will be real awkward when there's no news about it but we have elections with hillary in jail and find out about it later.

I personally think if arrests will happen they will happen at 3:33am on the 9th, to get style points because it will be 11/9 the mirror of 911

They won't do shit. This country is fucked.

So you were right, but now we have Trump which is one big victory. The next is Jan 1 when he puts them in jail, if he doesn't then he needs some way of removing their influence fromthe public sphere which includes the media. Soros needs to be hung. I personally want to see Obama and Hillary in jail for psychoterrorizing us oh and treason too

Thanks for your exceedingly interesting post. I have to say I was thrown by the reference to violence at the end because I'm a nonviolent person and believe we can only solve this COG Constitutional Crisis through peaceful means. The Junta has too many guns. We can't beat them that way. Awareness is the only way to beat them -- making as many Americans as possible aware that our inalienable, constitutional rights are being jeopardized by very bad actors in and out of government. Great post otherwise though. Very great.

As you know, our Constitutional rights have actually been quietly suspended, not just jeopardized, for the last 15 years.

As I mentioned to Orangutan, the U.S. COG (Continuity Of Government) plans that suspended our rights are another thing most people around the world know about us, but most Americans are woefully unaware of thanks to our horrid Moneystream Media, thoroughly infiltrated by the CIA.

I remember someone from Britain told me 10 years ago that Americans' Constitutional rights have been suspended, but I didn't believe him at the time, until I started learning more about it.

You know folks, we Americans have been living under a state of emergency longer now than the state of emergency that was declared by the German Not-Sees in 1931, which ended after 14 years in 1945.

And of course, this state of emergency is ludicrous considering the overwhelming forensic evidence strongly suggests the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center were destroyed in a False Flag operation conducted by fascist elements within our own country that wanted to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. "Remember the Maine!" Or remember President Lyndon Johnson's "Golf of Tonkin" Resolution which allowed him to invade Vietnam under a lie (our naval ships were never fired upon by the Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1965, as revealed by recently declassified documents).

False flag operations have been used by governments as excuses to start wars for centuries.

In the early 1930s, the Not-Sees couldn't get anything done in the German parliament because of the political opposition they faced from the Social Democratic Party (they're like the Labor Party in England) and the German Communist Party (I'm a capitalist by the way). So the Not-Sees burned down the German parliament building, blamed it on their political opposition, and declared marshal law. Likewise President George Bush, Junior, and The Project for a New American Century couldn't invade Iraq in the very early 2000s, so our own secret U.S. Junta destroyed the Twin Towers and Building 7 through controlled demolition, blamed it on Osama Bin Laden who had nothing to do with it, and declared a state of emergency -- and they got their wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and more importantly, HUGE war profits GALORE for the "Defense" companies and Halliburton). That's what war's all about -- war is a racket, as General Smedley Butler stated years ago, just a way for "Defense" companies to enrich themselves at great taxpayer expense. Their profits sky-rocket in war time, whether we win or lose the war. They're not happy with the smaller profits they make during peace time. They want war, salivate for it.

You know controlled demolitoin is how Vegas developers use explosives attached to the structural frame of a building to quickly and efficiently bring down old Vegas hotels to build newer, bigger hotels. We've all seen many news videos of hotels being imploded in order to build a newer, taller hotel.

Again, false flags happen all the damn time.

Russia's war in Chechnia was started after Russian leader Vladimir Putin's KGB (called FSB now) secretly planted and exploded bombs in 4 or 5 large apartment complexes throughout Russia in 1999. Putin blamed it on Chechnian "terrorists" so he could invade Chechnia. Just another big lie. Governments lie everyday.

More info about the 9/11 false flag operation in the film "Loose Change: 9/11 An American Coup," available on Hulu and YouTube for free.

Notice especially how quickly and uniformly Building 7 came down. That's controlled demolition -- in other words, an inside job, literally and figuratively.

Fires in the Twin Towers set by burning airplane fuel cannot (and never have in history) brought down steel reinforced skyscrapers. Fires don't burn hot enough to destroy skeletal steel girders. Thermite explosives used in building demolition do however.


By the way, because oil prices skyrocket during wartime, the oil companies have always been natural allies with the "Defense" companies. No other industry likes those two though, especially not the tech industry whose profits take a plummet during war time, when great tech companies like Texas Instruments and Intel lose lots of buisiness worldwide because other nations start boycotting our American products. That's why the Great American H. Ross Perot, CEO of Texas technology company Perot Systems, ran as an Independent against President George Bush Senior in 1992, splitting the vote and installing President Walmart (I mean President Bill Clinton) into office. But hey, President Walmart is a lot better than President Exxon that's for sure. The economy is always in bad shape when President Exxon is in the White House. The oil and "defense" companies ruin the economy when they're in power, only enriching their own corporate coffers. They don't care about full employment. Walmart, on the other hand, strives for full employment. Remember unemployment reaching almost 3 percent under Clinton. Additionally, lots of lower income Americans shop at Walmart, so the lower that gasoline and oil prices are, the more money lower income Americans have to spend at Walmart, instead of at the gas pump, boosting Walmart's profits. Remember when Walmart told President Clinton to release oil into the market from America's emergency stockpile called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve! By golly, gas prices dropped to 89 cents a gallon!! Sure pissed off Exxon though. Lol. (I can still hear Exxon yelling maniacally, "Why are you releasing oil from the nation's Strategic Reserve when there's no national emergency!!!") Lol.

Awareness is the only way to beat them -- making as many Americans as possible aware that our inalienable, constitutional rights are being jeopardized by very bad actors in and out of government. Great post otherwise though. Very great.

Thank you. I missed this comment the first time around. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I agree with you that awareness is the biggest thing to spread, not violence. (parenthesis if some 'alt right' lone nut that doesn't actually exist finally does exist, and shows off their sniper skills, I wouldn't shed tears--but i don't officially consent to it...)

Alright, what happens at 1600?

That's probably a stupid question to raise, but doesn't that essentially mean you can't be imprisoned or whatever for whatever crime you do? Or does it only apply to certain crimes like treason? Or only for specific ppl? But then who decides who is part of this group of ppl? Is it just the obvious, ruling/money having kind that gets spared? If so why don't you ppl outrage at this if you know of it? Those were probably a lot of dumb questions but I'm not from the US so I'm not firm with your whole constitution/laws.

U: just read your comments again, it only applies to public persons, sorry

you can't be imprisoned or whatever for whatever crime you do

Yes, because you can nullify the adjudication process itself so 'innocence or guilt' are irrelevant.

This can happen if and only if you convince the judge to question whether his/her court has jurisdiction by clearly showing they aren't entitled to know if the constitution is suspended because of secret proceedings no one in the 'public government' is allowed to be in.

If the judge thinks 'secret law' is legal, then maintain that that the court has conducted treason against the public (the 'public government' which is of, for, and by "the people").

It helps to wave a masonic gangsign, and say "oh lord my god is there no help for the widows son" and mention "tubal cain"; I mean just to get the Judge to listen to you. They're fucking old and bad at computers, and not like they can look up your membership or anything because if masons had a membership database, we'd have hacked the everliving shit out of it and put their names into wikileaks or whatever.

I imagine if you have resources and go to the press if you ARE imprisoned you can get someone in the press to make this a case, then they are done.

So who's doing the great deed then?

There is private courts dude...what do you think company HR is? Civil court? Fuck...moderators?

No court outside of federal or military is legitimate but these fuckers do it anyway. The mods of reddit are worse than any Isis operative. The divorce cartel is worse than El Chapo.

Use your share button and spread this post far and wide!

go on google and type search term or phrase

if you can't remember the subreddit, u can just use

Try that search with term "pedo" and see how many results you get

That's how you know google is censoring pedo

I'm not clicking your links because I don't want pedophile added to my search history on Google. Regardless, wouldn't it make more sense that maybe Google censors the search results to hinder pedophiles in general rather than protect a small group of elite. Or am I missing something.

because actual pedophiles are googling the word?

how does that make the slightest bit of sense?

they use code, innuendos, photos. if it was anything, it would have been the /r/jailbait fiasco. which is tame compared to podesta the molesta

Dude grow a pair. I hereby deputize you as a citizen journalist... to use scary words in google like "bestiality podesta"... the feds won't come to your house, and if they do, they will bring pizza and pasta and moon base, which is what bill calls his brothers special cocaine mix

Wow they didn't block "molester" about that!

Thanks for the tip, but you see, the problem is COG is a phrase that can be used in many a ways. (Think cog in a wheel, or an abbreviation for cognition)

If Reddit had better search filter, or if the search engine didn't pull up millions of pages with that keyword, then I might be better equipped to find it.

Ultimately, it was a short comment, on conspiracy. That's all I got. Sorry.

Try Rex 84 in combo with COG?

Search Tools by date, past 24 hours/1 week

I always enjoy your posts OP. one of the better contributors in this sub. Please don't stop.

Don't worry I won't. I just want to be done talking about COG if the people who have the power (ie: a license to kill) are not going to actually do anything about it. That means we've rolled over and died and therefore 'we the people' should just stop having any faith that a government can protect us in any way, so we should adjust our lives towards 100% disintermediating them and their services from our lives as much as possible and seek clever legal to find ways to stop paying taxes

keep in mind, these people do tremendous evil, but they do it lawfully. It just means they use the law to their benefit, unethically.

So we could do the same....use the law in a shitty way to our advantage, Here is an example: we could always incorporate ourselves, or invent new financial instruments that virtualize our physical personhood so that we can then give all our possessions to a corporation that exists as shell company in the caymans and then avoid giving any taxes. They come after you and you say, oh no it wasn't me, it was the corporation that took that action: everything I do is DBA 'doing business as' the corporation, and I'm just an agent, virtualized. Nothing is stopping us from doing this other than the legal complexities of paperwork.

Imagine if someone not unlike myself made a webapp like this and suddenly like 100M joined the social network that manages this for them, 100% for free....oops there goes the governments IRS's going to have to wage total war without the help of the taxpayer. At which point we can say to the rest of the world that there are people who live in the US and have nothing to do with this automatic war machine that's run by lunatics...we don't pay them...they must earn their funding some other way like trading sex kids and drugs etc

That's a good idea. I've thought about small incorporations as a way to create more options. A lot. I've imagined a very large co-op - well, franchises of franchises of co-ops - offering commonly used public services that are the new labors of modern life: legal services/medicines/insurance/ Financial-transactional and shared Organizational tools.

It's like a club that you join with a bunch of other people; you pool your legal and accounting needs, and your insurance needs; your nutrition, wellness and medical needs; and your banking needs; and your personal records management and network/communication needs -- saving money and ensuring good quality service.

I call it a LIFO and it's empowering to think about. It's in my imagined future.

After all, the corporation - especially with its currently unassailable status as a natural person - has proved itself a resilient vehicle, capable of joining with others and sharing financial clout pretty easily (especially compared to sex-based/DNA based service-sharing models like marriage-and-children).

Intentional corporations like this are promising structures in an increasingly complex and digitized environment that also needs humanization, and rapidly. That would be one way to evolve out of this mess. Evolution is my preferred method of locomotion. I would join a club like that.

We've got the models all around - credit unions and state banks; mutual insurance funds; wellness, food and medical networks; and web-based services for legal, records and communications management.. An organization serving those types of accounts would do well, I believe. And when corporate shareholders of anything cooperate for the good of all, things have to improve. It's law.

they must earn their funding some other way

A phone call to the US Federal Reserve and they can print out any number of 0's they need if USD bills are required for funding. Not exactly publicly audited (what little is done is a class act in every sense of those words) and it has been a while since anyone has seen the gold reserves on the books.

Quantitastive easing or QE Also could be called number stretching.

Want to hear something zany? The alchemical symbol for "the ether" is QE (quintessence or fifth element (ether)). This is where our money comes from, we pull money from the ether. Its financial alchemy

Awesome observation.

What if the war machine is a necessary evil? Doesn't America participate in global competition? It seems to me that what the people want is peace, no assassinations etc. but what if the repercussion for this is to be dismantled by another country who is more than happy to play aggressive and dirty?

I know we have these ideals that the government should be representative of the demands of the people, but what if over the last century those in charge found that to satisfy this ideal the country would collapse?

Then again, South Korea being run by a cult kind of suggests otherwise. Not to mention all of the wacky shit Podesta is into, that alone is very troubling.

Unfortunately, IMO, the government doesn't really need a tax base in order to keep going with the caveat described below. As has become evident, it is quite willing to have the Fed print new money out of thin air (yes there's interest to be paid on the money it gets from the Fed, but again, that has been demonstrated to not be a problem).

Tax is collected by the government primarily as an illusion presented to the US public and to foreign nations to make is seem that things are working as they should. Of course, should other nations realize that the farce has gone that far (since they're already aware of the money-out-of-thin-air), it would cause the dollar to devalue quite rapidly. Things could run for quite a while with taxpayers withholding tax since they would likely feel they're screwing the system back and would likely not act collectively to make their actions known to external entities.

In a way, things might run as in communist countries where, it is said, "they pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work".

Unfortunately, IMO, the government doesn't really need a tax base in order to keep going with the caveat described below. As has become evident, it is quite willing to have the Fed print new money out of thin air (yes there's interest to be paid on the money it gets from the Fed, but again, that has been demonstrated to not be a problem).

Yes, and I agree with you. But I think they will do whatever they can to get you to pay taxes because it's a ritual of submission to them as authority. It's literally participating in a ceremony where the act itself is a consent of their legitimacy. So my point is: deny them this act in any way you can, using their own rules so they have to agree to them. If it turns out those rules fuck them up in terms of legitimacy, they will be forced to change those rules, which will then harm the creeps that are exploiting those rules the most: the corporatocracy.

You see the name of the game is to reclaim by detournement of their own laws--using their laws against them. Lawfare if you will. Although that word is already taken and actually means something different (abusing the legal system or harassing someone by taking them to court)

The problem is that, even if you could do as you suggest, it would take quite a bit of legal work to win a case in court, because they would take things there in order to appear legitimate. Since they have bottomless pockets and we don't, I can't see how this could work out in our favor. It might be possible if there was some class action.

Wouldn't this end up like the people claiming to be sovereign citizens.

Daniel Inouye shuts down Iran Contra hearings for COG: (Fast 2 min video!)

When the shit hits the fan and TPTB tote out John Kerry it will be too late!

Better not let that fucker get on that flight!

EDIT: Investigation by /u/911bodysnatchers322 is spot on!

Thank you. And I agree, the homeland security should inhibit travel of any of these skull and bones members until jan 1 of next yr at a minimum

Ollie North couldn't recall a damn thing, could he?

Hillary can't either.

Jesse Helms Is probably shredding shyt again too.... Fuckers. All of em.

No! And he would be one of the First that I would like to see shot against a wall at the Pentagon!

Every disgusting last one of them!

These are Crimes for American Trials!

AI can think of quite a few moar that have earned it, but think they deserve to be in gitmo or maybe one of those fancy FEMA camps they built for US

War Criminals like Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama fall under this:

They are magically immune to War Crimes!

Sadly, few Americans understand or perhaps they just don't care.

I do.

I'm just one person. So meh

Nah there are two of us. Team red still denies wrong doing, all bankster owned. We know who and what team greedy psychopath is.

People are with you, always remember that. More people care wake up every day.

As hard and ugly as it can be, it is incredible to see more and more really coming around!

Hope that you listened to the podcast u/911bodysnatchers322 posted! It is one that people should have firmly tucked in their noggins to help pull new people along!

Good to see you in here! Press on!

Interesting. We also know that the spooks are revolting right now (dumping to wikileaks, hinting at pedophilia). Allegedly there is a shadow government civil war:

Revolting against what? Are there different cabals veying for power right now? Both evil? Or is one benevolent?

The problem is this network of people crosscut orgs that do real charity. This is a people problem first and a systemic / policy problem second (secret societies, money in politics, no term limits, lobbying, no whistleblower protection or even incentives, shitty gov staff being difficult to impossible to fire, electoral college, non uniform or even secure elections with a self talleyable receipt)

As far as "the usual suspects" its the CIA run by catholics/Jesuits and Freemasons and Mormons. Try have blood on all their hands from primarily drug trafficking. Yes they manage the worlds cartels, trafficking all drugs and pretend they are fighting a war on drugs. Its psychopathetic

One is clearly evil, the other questionable.

Can I just say 911bodysnatchers, you rock. This isn't news to a lot of us, but for a lot more, it is. And you are awesome for spelling it out to people.

Thank you. I wrote this (actually re-re-re-re wrote) it for them, knowing there are a lot of us here now that are new to this sub and are starting to awake. I wanted to get them caught up to what's really happening.

Most of all, I want them to challenge their authority figures.

For example, the next time you get a ticket something that's minor, request a pretrial intervention with the judge specifically to discuss a matter of jurisdiction. If the judge bites on this out of interest then you can proceed. If it's denied, then give a motion in limine that claims no evidence can be presented because of a problem with the jurisdictional authority of the court. This is a paper, signed by you, saying the court cannot prove it has jurisdiction over this case and therefore cannot present the speeding ticket as evidence against you nor can it evaluate your innocence or guilt in any case as it's not a case of maritime admiralty law.

If this works, then as politely and respectfully as you can, approach the judge on this and have a conversation about the continuity of government...tell them that you don't believe the court has authority because the onus is upon the judge and court to provide definitive proof that our constitution has not been superceded. The judge will not be able to do so, because even congress cannot do so.

Present printouts of the resources I provided, verified quotes from the media, from wikipedia, specifically the Rex84 statements--that's federal court record btw. Also, from the statements of renewal of COG and state of emergency from obama. Then statements by the congress that they can't get access to the COG information because it's secret. Finally, that mass surveillance link and all the "illegal" stuff that the fed has done and gotten away with because-- turns out its not "illegal" because there are no laws in play, the constitution has been suspended.

And if the judge says "no, they have special powers" you say, where in the constitution does it say that is legal? They will say the executive order. You will say, I didn't know the executive was able to arbitrarily break any laws that are defined by the constitution, because that's what they've done. Where in the constitution does it give the executive right to break any arbitrary constitutional laws?

You will have caught the judge in a logical trap of his own making.

Then you say, Ok, so either the CIA is now an illegal, hostile foreign power and you've consented to do dealings with an illegal hostile power--this post 911 junta or shadow government--and therefore every day you've operated since 911 you've and the rest of the public government has committed treason. OR the constitution has been suspended--which is it?

You don't want to be in contempt of court, so you have to be very polite and very respectful.

I can tell you I'm totally doing this, even if it results in contempt of court and jailtime. They are welcome to send me to jail for standing up for my right of telling the truth in a respectful way. I'll report back when I'm out of the clink

Excellent post this should be stickied

/u/911bodysnatchers322 the map you link to on requires a login. Can you fix that or provide a screenshot, it would like to examine it.

Sonofabitch. Thank you so much for telling me. Your the first who did. I'll fix it right now


I just verified all my webbrains are set to public. Hey thanks again /u/gatekeepr for letting me know. I definitely want people to see this brain, and the mass surveillance one.

Why do you think this isn't talked about more? Even among alt media

It makes them sad. Alt media talked about it a long time ago. I think they forget about it. Or don't like talking about it. I have enough data to conclude it's not possible I'm wrong. I know that sounds funny, but look at my webbrain and you will very likely agree. There've been too many intellligence people who have fucked up in enormous ways and they aren't in jail.

People say, "well that's because they can do whatever they want". That isn't actually true. We as a civilization are actually defined by laws...that goes all the way back to Hammurabi. If we don't have laws, we have gangsters going around.

Which looks more correct to you:

A just society that treats everyone the same under the law

Or a bunch of luciferian, insider trading, child molesting, drug trafficking, human sex trafficking, arms dealing, terrorism making, total war wanting, election stealing, medicine diluting, pricefixing, charity extorting, secret society climbing, hiv spreading, peer murdering, media colluding, mindraping lunatics running around doing whatever they want.

In case you missed it, it's the latter not the former

I don't see why it matters so much to you whether something is "legal" or not.

The de facto situation has always been that the law is enforced against the weak but not the powerful with brief and scattered instances where bad people get what they deserve at the hands of an angry mob or an internal bad-person-against-other-bad-person coup. There has never been anything resembling what you would define as a just society.

It's not

If we don't have laws, we have gangsters going around


The gangsters that have always been in charge managed to trick people into thinking there are laws in the first place

I don't see why it matters so much to you whether something is "legal" or not.

Because of the hypocrisy. They feel they can put someone in jail and ruin their lives for having some pot on them, meanwhile they get away with murder, poisoning food, waging economic and guerilla warfare, sending in goons to rape women and shoot them in the face in front of their screaming children (this actually has happened many times, Vietnam is the best example tho)

Yeah but pot is bad....

This is why you need relaxed drugs laws, laws that protect against ACTUAL crims where people are ACTUALLY injured, laws that are there to protect people and you need non-pussy-ass-policepeople with a backbone, who are empowered and extremely willing to enforce justice from the least among us to the most. We need to celebrate whistleblowers and reward them, not punish and ridicule and exile them (or torture them (manning)).

This whole "might makes right" thing is not what makes's what breaks civilizations

The gangsters that have always been in charge managed to trick people into thinking there are laws in the first place

I agree with this

Maybe because for the majority of us are unaffected. It is true that for a small group of elites, the country is lawless, but that's pretty much always been true. There are two Americas. One is a playground for the rich and powerful, and one is a place where the rest of us are exploited for labor and resources.

I mean, it's not like any of us can use this knowledge to avoid being arrested and charged for anything. lol, you would just end up looking like one of those "sovereign citizens" they love to make fun of.

Tyranny at its finest...

Peter defazio protesting Congress's lack of access to even review the COG plan. Not sure when this was. .

Congress' behavior WRT the COG has been despicable. Good men like Kucinich fought against it, eventually just left because he wasn't feeling the outrage, couldn't get support. We have an apathetic stockholm syndrome congress that has no legitimate power.

It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that we're currently under COOP and COG. Is that what you're saying?

Excellent post, well thought out, perfectly articulated, and bonus points for great formatting.

Saving this for later.

Thank you. I've had practice on the formatting



We know where HRC is on this. Where's Trump? Is he embedded already, too?

Bro, you had a theory one time that the number 33 ultimately was a symbol of two ball sacks hitting together as in gay sex.

With all that's coming out right now, I think you were right.

Its someone dominating a boy.

You don't understand. I wrote that post to send them a message. I wrote that because I was really mad at all the psyopping, brigading and such. I figured if i had their attention better make use of it to mock them to their faces.

But you are right about the 33 boy thing. And you think I was right, it was totally accidental. I mean totally.

But since you brought it up, I also said the eye of providence was actually an anus. And people.....loved it!

The Eye of Providence is actually... an anus

In trying to come up with some kind of cohesive narrative, I was forced to look into norse sigil magic and and Odin. Turns out Odin had one eye (in the land of the blind the one-eyed-man is it a new meaning doesn't it?).. I found out that Odin practiced ergi a type of 'unsavory' sex magic, anal penetration with a distaff. This is where the 'riding the broom' comes from...the female magiciians of nordic tradition were spinners/weavers and had a wooden club like 'distaff' they used for 'magical moments', well apparently Odin had one too. I posted this and some particular masculine nazi type people got really mad at me :)

So anyway, I started out writing this also, to piss off freemasons. Ended up validating myself. It was strange

Why piss them off? They were stalking me, harassing me at every turn. I mean, as a mason, you have every right to disagree with me if you happen to see a post. What's not cool is going to every single post, and shitting on it, while also not contributing ANYTHING unique or good in that community.

Anyway, I knew who they were. They are 'tilers'...they are sockpuppet people who exist to fight antimasons. There are also catholic tilers but you know they dont' bother me as much. In fact, some have been helpful. I still put them on equal footing: freemasons and jesuits, because it seems they either freemasons are subordinate to jesuits, or they are frenemies whose common enemy is democracy and the global everyperson. That's why I made a joint dossier on them both

Have you ever looked at the Zionist?

Dude. I can't read you well enough to know if this perception or lack thereof is an intentional outcome.

So, we are trying to fight WITHIN the legal realm an entity that is intrinsically lawless. Fighting fire with gasoline.

Until some shit pops off and people start getting wise and standing their ground nothing is going to change and things will just get worse.

Meanwhile a guy from my high school is serving a life sentence or "conspiracy to distribute cocaine". The world we live in.

Tell him to start spirit cooking, hear that gets you in with people above the law

I wonder if there are any Wikileaks emails relating to COG? Anyone done that search?

Get busy! I'm exhausted, half blind and my fingers are key board nubs!

Post back here or pm the OP!

I gotta get some sleep...

I fear the globalists agenda has succeeded, soon technological enslavement will ensure once and for all, no uprising will be able to stop them.

Nah, now is not the time to give up. That gets us nowhere. If you've forsaken your world view, then focus on improving yourself and your mind. The war is for our minds. They can't steal your mind if it is fortified. That's my two cents, anyway.

Watch Black Mirror Season 1 Episode 2. Preface: Watch the youtube video on "sesame credits", and read up about some APP game called candy crush(never played, just read about) It's along the lines of 1984 and Brave New World, but more modernized. Very scary depiction of red vs blue pills mentality and power of influence.


The first steps of the Endgame the Globalists are playing. If you didn't sense something was wrong after JFK, RFK, Malcom X, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King were all gunned down in circumstances that do not stand up to the official account, you're not paying enough attention. The original Zapruder tape has hit the video circuit. And it's as horrible as we originally imagined, 12 shots fired from an 8-shot pistol. A man with no visible means of support moves through two countries on his way to assassinate King. And Malcolm, as everyone knows, by advocating that African Americans defend themselves from attacks by whites, became an enemy of the State.

Whoever "they" are, they were so afraid of the charisma, the power to lead in the Kennedy legacy that they killed JFK jr. his wife, his sister-in-law, and the pilot on the final flight. Kennedy jr. hung around the departure airport with his passengers for almost an hour before taking off. Why? Well the Piper Saratoga Kennedy was flying is apparently a beast to learn to land, and like many pilot unskilled in a new plane, brought along an experienced pilot to handle any rough spots.

When the plane went down, do you remember who handled the initial "investigation" in the waters where the plane most likely crashed? The Coast Guard? Nope. The DOD. For about 24 hours they did not allow overflight or any other search vessels into the area. When they withdrew, the searchers found the plane exactly where they thought it would be, with the co-pilot's seat missing, and the fuel feed control levers pushed to the "off" position. The same position of the fuel levers on the wreckage of TWA flight 800 out of JFK. This switching off of the fuel flow is done so that even if the non-programmed pilot regains control of the plane, he will not be able to re-start the engines in time.

If you didn't sense something was wrong after JFK, RFK, Malcom X, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King were all gunned down in circumstances that do not stand up to the official account, you're not paying enough attention

Very true. These shadowbastards go back a long way. Basically, I'm calling them generically 'the jesuits and freemasons' but it is probably just shorthand for a combination of mafias working in tandem and smom/jesuits are among them.

The Khazarian Mafia is a popular go to.

There is so much information and disinfo out there, the waters stay permanently muddied (money always buys the best talent), as the money people want it. One group supposedly has secrets dating past the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids do more than hint at extraterrestrial intervention in Mankind's fate.

Then there is a(nother?) group which pre-dates the Crusades at least. This may or may not be the same association as the first, but as I understand it, this bunch made their bones loaning money at usurious rates to various needy heads of State in the "Dark Ages" and beyond.Which always raises a question in my mind. Which is: "Why are they called the "Dark Ages?"

My theory is that there were multiple religions, power bases, populations, roving "prophets", and even the apocrypha were still being circulated among the few who could read. Then, the Catholic Church (still, at this point in history, one of many churches) declared Heavenly rewards (as well as all the raping, looting and plundering they could manage here on Earth) for all who would join the Crusade against the Albigensian Heresy, a form of worship which eschewed the Priestnood. You could see how this would upset any Pope. The nobles who joined the "Crusade" just kept on going when they were done with the Albigensians (called that because of the nearby town of Albi). If you're riding with the right bunch of guys, you can collect al lot of pillage that way.

But above all the slaughter, the wholesale destruction of documents as "heretical" went on for centuries at the behest of the Roman Catholic Church. And monks and priests were the only ones (for the most part) in the kingdom who could read (pick a kingdom, any kingdom. The nobles were all illiterate in the middle ages).

With Wicca, the local nurse was turned into a "Witch". Wicca can actually heal some things, so it must be eliminated. With echoes down through the centuries, the Church nearly obliterated Wicca.

So the RCC is one assemblage of knowledge, arcana, and money.

The Rothschilds and their allies are another.

Then we get into multinational banking, corporations, munitions, atomics...

I just wonder if there are two or more groups at cross-purposes. I suspect there are. But I'll be damned if I can tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Great write up. Scary stuff.

Use the share button and get this out there! This is indeed powerful information!



Does this mean I can appeal my felony distribution charge? /s

If you wouldn't mind sharing your story, I'd love to hear about your experiences with the criminal justice system as someone who used to study it.

I was caught with a USPS package in the trunk of my car. The package contained 6 pounds of potent California marijuana. Believe it or not, it sounds like a lot more weed when it is read out in grams. (That's how they read it in court)

I was found guilty of felony possession with intent to distribute an illegal substance, to wit, marijuana, and given three years of probation.

I live in MD, and pretty much everyone does a background check for housing, so it made it pretty hard to find a place to live after that. Luckily my job understood that people make mistakes, and hired me, even though I am a felon.

To clarify - I was joking about having my conviction wiped off the record, and I understand that I am lucky to not have been given jail time for the possession of "such a large quantity" of a "dangerous substance."

Idaho would have given you 5 years and a $50,000.00 fine

However, if you had raped and abused a series of could be out in two.

Use the share button at the bottom of OP's incredible work and save some good people!

Guess I'm lucky to be a Maryland resident.

You really are! I worked nearly 7 yrs for a drug/mental health facility and Idaho pot laws suck and babies are chattel, evidently!

Help educate those around you so they never drive through Idaho with pot!

Get /u/911bodysnatchers322 excellent post trending!

Choose your crimes wisely.

Senator Larry Craig loved to diddle him some boys and Crapo managed a DUI but they are above the laws set for the average citizens of Idaho!

Their god, their laws, do not recognize lowly miscreants.

Thanks for sharing. Sorry that they used the old measurement trick to make it sound worse, tactics like that are the main issue I have with policing. Glad you didn't get jail time, especially considering you had 6lbs of harmless plant matter in the trunk. It's good to hear that you found what sounds like a good employer as well.

While you were joking about having your conviction wiped, if it was just marijuana it should be imo.

Best of luck to you brother

Much appreciated. We'll see what they say after I complete my probation. Lawyer said she'll bring it back to the judge, hopefully they have the same opinion as you do the second time around.

This is why we have the 2nd Amendment, People.

It won't help. In fact, citizen violence will hinder the transition to lawful governance.

For a while. It's naive to think we're going to be able to clean and restore our country without incident. You can choose to keep living in a state of incremental deterioration or you can do something about it. Either way you're making a choice, and either way there will be consequences. Remember that.

What consequences do you want?

consequence or outcome?

Violence will only give authorities carte blanche freedom to further abuse their power in suppressing dissent. If you think your handguns and shotguns and hunting rifles will stop the heavily armored vehicles, 50 cal machine guns, surveillance drones, artillery, and every other aspect of asymmetric conventional weaponry at this government's disposal, you're a damn fool.

Civil violence will result in a clamp down that will undo the last legal restraints this government has on abuse of the citizenry. The only viable option is legal civil disobedience and mass boycotts of those corporate interests and oligarchs funding this lawlessness.

Starve them out financially. Because no violent movement will succeed. And they know it. Which is exactly why they bait violence at protests with agent provocateurs.

Huge Pro 2nd Amendment Advocate here, and I am coming to accept this as truth. For the most part the 2nd Amendment is most symbolic, The government could easily defeat any militia. The guns merely represent that we have the ability to fight tyranny, but we would almost certainly lose. What remains uncertain is how society would perceive and judge those who died trying to free us, and whether the government would now lose the appearance of not being a complete tyranny, or whether patriots would be viewed as terrorist. I fear that the latter is more likely. Once the government slaughters resistance there will be only 2 interpretations, either we are living under a dictatorship or "the government saved us from terrorist." Sadly, history is written by the victors and resistance will likely not be recorded with the same narrative as it was with the founding of our country.

I just want to say, I grew up with guns. My dad took me to the local rod and gun club. I was target shooting a .22 before I turned twelve. Had an FID (Fire Arms ID) by the time I was sixteen. Dad would take me out hunting to make sure I had basic survival skills. And camping and such.

So, I have no problem with guns. You want to kill deer? Eat the fucking thing and you have my blessing. I love venison. Yum.

But man, the government has killing people down to an art. We won't solve political lawlessness by shooting guns. Instead, we'll get our asses kicked. We gotta be smart.

I agree 100% with everything you said. Same here, grew up around guns and was shooting a .22 in the Boy Scouts at around age 12, possibly earlier with my grandpa, but its been over 2 decades, so it's a distant, but still fond memory.

And you think the entirety of the military is going to back them instead of the people? People including their families? Some may, but most won't because military personnel are well aware that they are the only real power, why do you think most coups start in the military? A few hundred old men and women aren't going to win out against the might of the military. That said, what kind of rule would we be under after all that?

Which executive orders renews the continuity of government every year?

"The Doomsday Project; Executive Order 12656 of 1988; National Security Presidential Directive 51 and SPD 51 of 2007; the National Emergencies Act; National Security Directive 55 of September 14, 1982 by President Ronald Reagan; counterinsurgency planning called Cable Splicer; the National Preparedness Review of May 2001; Northcom."

I'm not sure which one specifically, but these are the ones mentioned in the podcast that OP posted

COG: Executive Orders -- incomplete, but I'll be adding them as I research and put them here so hit refresh.

If this is true about congress having no power, then why do we keep paying them? I know we have no control over it. Just a thought that occurred when I read the question

Can you link to the Executive Orders that renew the C.O.G.?

Not found but

This page is a PARODY but has some relevant info so scroll down its NOT the whitehouse

COG::Exec Orders

This a great post.


Once again...

Mind blown.

Thankyou for all you do bodysnatchers!



OP, Thank you very much for this extremely well done post. You have potentially connected a huge amount of dots and filled in several missing pieces in a few of my theories. Quite a bit to think about.

This might need to be a Sticky Post at the Front Page

Thank you :)

I love this post, but I'm afraid it greatly overshoots the general reader's capacities of comprehension.

My evidence is that if it didn't, then it wouldn't need to be spoken.

Thank you. I know it's complicated. I've tried to be reductionist and that is matched with people coming back and arguing over the parts I don't say. So I think this is better, to be exact, even if it's a little difficult.

Err is this the elusive 7th floor that's constantly referred to in the Podesta and Wikileaks leaks?

Probably. I think it was actually in the FBI's chunk of email, which is likely a superset including some of podestas threads. Actually it may have come to light from a FOIA of those FBI emails iirc, I'll have to double check. Good question.

I want to copy this to my blog for safe keeping and sharing. I will link to this post and mention your username. I will change nothing, but perhaps add things in a follow-up post. Is that ok with you? Is it legal even if it's not ok with you?? Is there something with the words continuity of government attached to them, or is this a label that's been given to each time an EO extends the SoE? What was the original legislation? Perhaps it is listed, but I haven't the time right now to read further...

Go right ahead, you have my permission. Anyone can repost any of my stuff just give authorship as my username 'by 911bodysnatchers322 on reddit' or something that way they don't go after you and your family by accident when they really want to come after me. :P

I'd be glad to follow up on your blog.

Thanks. The only people that read my blog are bots (I suspect). Lots of page views. 100 percent bounce rate. Anyways my blog is purposefully strange. That's how you hide the gems. if you're curious. You'll see, if they come after me it won't be an accident ;) I've had this blog for over 13 years now. edit - I will be making that post by tonight.

Here is the link. I was careful to copy all of your links/sources. Perhaps while I am cooking a more formal reply to the information, you'd do me the honour of reading my Sociology 101 final paper. My teacher made me omit the parts about the CIA (curiously enough). Let me know if you like my flow chart, It took me about 3 of the 18 hours it took to research/write it all up,

Cool, I'm glad I checked back. Thanks for letting us know where it was.

I hope it isn't too late to give a reply on your article. I think you are on to something with your 'lie factory' model. You mentioned "symbolic interactionism", which I would say falls into the domain of "language abuse" or neurolinguistic programming (NLP for short), or even political 'framing'.

There are elements of Symbolic Interactionism in this tale. The words that form The News are very powerful symbols, because they are presumed to be synonymous with the truth. Today it is an established fact, that the CIA began taking over major news outlets in the 1940s, under Operation Mockingbird, turning those outlets into “policy making arms of the government.”

It's true that language is an assemblage of symbols plus formal rules and exceptions (special rules). Language is also historically recursive, meaning that our modern language is derived from other root languages that are themselves from other language, so the etymological roots of english are greek, latin, german, old english, etc...and each of those have older roots...such that the meaning of words necessarily carry with them cultural artifacts through time from culture to culture.

And as the late Terence McKenna has said many times, the "world is made of language". You get to a point in your investigations when you realize you're decoding the history of culture itself by peering deeply into language.

A perfect example of this is the word Columbia. Stemming from latin 'columba' which means pidgeon or dove, as in a columbarium is a dovecot; but carries with it the interflexive connotations of "death" and "peace" and "holy spirit / psychopomp"...from the dovecot (columbarium) itself, because ancient roman pastoralists kept the funery urns within a dovecot (birdhouse for doves)...they also kept doves for eggs, so the mausoleum or death crypt (urns) also was an origin for life (eggs); tethering the implicit idea of rebirth...thus columbia carried this connotation throug time.. and it means the cycle of rebirth; but columba also the "peace in death you did not have in life" as well as the idea of returning to source--to God--as ecclesiastical art always depicted the dove as the holy spirit. This peace of death over time became mutated into an idea of 'freedom' (peace in death, your soul is free from its mortal shell, like a cracked egg), and that is why the statue of liberty is 'lady columbia', the illuminati goddess of death/peace/freedom. Overall one could say columbia represents either the phoenix trope or the ourobouros trope since in many ways, they are the same--eternity cycles of rebirth.

My point though is that the elite know this stuff in ways we cannot possibly imagine.

They are taught in their ivy leagues to "go beyond" with language, and so they abuse it. They are taught to "go beyond" in math, taking numbers and geometry to a 'spiritual and esoteric level'. They are taught to "go beyond" in politics as the hegelian dialectic,

turning those outlets into “policy making arms of the government.”

...and create mayhem and bedlam and treachery and despair as a means to bring about social order...."ordo ab chao" -- the motto of the 33rd degree freemasons who do in fact rule this world through their psychopathic control grid, which you've outlined in your "lie factory" model. My model of your lie factory looks like this.

In Game Theory, for one party to win, one or some others must lose. Structural Functionalism, or just Functionalism, does not insist that all functions must be “good” for all society.

I think that game theory definitely plays into this idea that the entitled 'controllers of society' have about their role in governance. For example, it either creates a fear for them that they assuage by 'throwing off their fear onto us', by 'creating deep anxieties as fetters'. They have entitlement by a pathological level of distinction and greed and privilege. But keep in mind that the guy who created game theory was a paranoid schizophrenic (Nash), so how right can it be? It's not. It's just paranoia.

Global governance policy is insane, because it's based upon Nash's paranoia and formalized and coopted by a hoodwinked privileged elite class. We sometime think they must be smarter because they are more successful, but game theory is counterevidence to that claim. Time for us to try a more radical 'cooperative, trust based model' but first you have to oust the paranoid and the authoritarian and the fascist


That wasn't what I was saying.

Sorry, I need to comment so I can read at home. Don't mind me.

The problem in this which I do not understand is that, if these people are this corrupt, why the fuck would they care whether the law was there or not? It's super stupid to believe this.

why the fuck would they care whether the law was there or not? It's super stupid to believe this.

No trust me, they do believe in laws. Evil is very lawful. They've spent tons of their money changing the laws to favor them, their businesses, etc.

why the fuck would they care whether the law was there or not? It's super stupid to believe this.

No trust me, they do believe in laws. Evil is very lawful. They've spent tons of their money changing the laws to favor them, their businesses, etc.



Unfortunately, IMO, the government doesn't really need a tax base in order to keep going with the caveat described below. As has become evident, it is quite willing to have the Fed print new money out of thin air (yes there's interest to be paid on the money it gets from the Fed, but again, that has been demonstrated to not be a problem).

Yes, and I agree with you. But I think they will do whatever they can to get you to pay taxes because it's a ritual of submission to them as authority. It's literally participating in a ceremony where the act itself is a consent of their legitimacy. So my point is: deny them this act in any way you can, using their own rules so they have to agree to them. If it turns out those rules fuck them up in terms of legitimacy, they will be forced to change those rules, which will then harm the creeps that are exploiting those rules the most: the corporatocracy.

You see the name of the game is to reclaim by detournement of their own laws--using their laws against them. Lawfare if you will. Although that word is already taken and actually means something different (abusing the legal system or harassing someone by taking them to court)

I agree 100% with everything you said. Same here, grew up around guns and was shooting a .22 in the Boy Scouts at around age 12, possibly earlier with my grandpa, but its been over 2 decades, so it's a distant, but still fond memory.