Not Parkinson's disease, but Kuru?

19  2016-11-06 by Enigmatic_Continuum

Considering Hillary's bobble head movements, inappropriate laughter, and new revelations about their Spirit Cooking dinners, Kuru may be the answer to what ails her.

Hillary Clinton was in Papua New Guinea in 2010:

"Governments and societies sought to prevent the disease in the mid-20th century by discouraging the social practice of cannibalism."

"Cannibalism Can Be Addictive, Expert Says"


Cannabilism too?

At this point, why not.

Because cannablism is wrong.

these are demon worshippers...they are liable to have done anything.

Yes. There was some really creepy shit about it in the uk a while back. A couple kids spilled the beans. Of course it was all covered up.

They do in fact abuse, torture, sacrificing kill, cook and eat infants and children. These people are the sickest most deprived and vile creatures to ever walk the earth.

Thanks for bringing up Hampstead. Sick stuff. I don't believe for a second those kids were making anything up.

I actually listened to the interviews with them. It was very disturbing.

Their accounts were to descriptive and accurate. Plus they both corroborated what the other said during separate interviews without knowing what the other had said. And their story never changed our wavered in the slightest.

This shit is happening worldwide and being covered up by the corrupt individuals involved who have gained positions of power within the governments of the world.

It boggles the mind. Thank you for the post

Furthermore, the victim is emotionally unstable and depressed, yet has uncontrolled sporadic laughter. Interestingly, the tendon reflexes are still normal at this point


Fucked up if true.

Too bad coughing fits aren't a symptom

Yes, but since difficulty swallowing is one of the symptoms, I would think coughing would be associated with that trouble.


OH god






Edit: There is a very relevant chapter about New Guini in the Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons...

I'll see you guys when I stop fucking throwing up.

My mind can't even handle the connection you just made...


god fucking damnit wNVAWOvbnw;oRBN Brbnjevi'pwb wrB'NWIVBwo'bnw BwrvbpwBRMwr


The painting was specifically mentioned 9 months later in an article on Podesta by Time Magazine.

“On the wall in his office at Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters, campaign chairman John Podesta has an oil painting on loan from his lobbyist brother, who is an avid art collector,” the Time article states. “The image shows two men hunched over a dining room table, bearing knives and forks. On the table lays a man in a suit, who looks vaguely like Podesta.”

Podesta explained during the interview that he regularly tells colleagues that he would prefer to be the man with the fork.

“It’s better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table,” he said.

I tend to shy away from inforwars as a source, but they are doing an alright job of sifting through the podesta dump. This is just outright odd to me, a painting of two cannibal surgeons hangs in his office, and you mention two surgeons in a book that relates to these criminals eating what they "spirit cook"

omfg I am going to start drinking again

I am about to be that motherfucker from westwood who beat his own head in...


Sorry, and I'm very interested in the story about the neurosurgeons.

yea, is Keen's book where you actually made this connection? I'm afraid to connect more dots skimming through it... but a lot of shit from it I had tried to forget really just kicked me in the dick on this one.

No, but I'm interested in this book. Title?

Dude. I really have to warn you... I really hope you don't already know what is going to be in the chapter I am warning you about. But like dude, if you read this book, knowing what you know... it is going to be real fucked up dude. Like, I am not even fucking kidding dude... I cannot afford the amount of drugs I need to take to undo this, nor consume them since they are like 5000x my bodyweight.

Other than that chapter, the book is 10/10, so yea. But skip the shit out of it. You see a weird motherfucker biologists dude traveling to new guinea you shut that fucking book and burn it. I cannot comprehend the evil you just showed me... or more appropriately, its extent. Oh my fucking god.

Much obliged! Thanks for the warning in your earlier post, and I'm glad I have a strong stomach. The only thing scarier than Kuru is having a Commander in Chief with the disease, and knowing how they got it. Maybe Kuru is our only hope of destroying the evil ones.

Thanks for spreading the word, but I don't want to take credit for this. I'm just using what others are seeing and adding to it.

It talks about this dirty douchebag motherfucker who should experience an infinite amount of deaths by an infinite amount of tortures

This motherfucker is why the real numbers are uncountable. So we can kill him in like 400000000000000000500000000 different ways.

From your source: "In 1996, Gajdusek was charged with child molestation and after being convicted, spent 12 months in prison before entering a self-imposed exile in Europe, where he died a decade later." Just 12 months though?!?! Sickening. They all deserve a fatal disease.

They knew, for a lot longer...

So, basicly, it's a form of Mad Cow disease.

"Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) causes the brain to become damaged over time. It is fatal. Symptoms include:

Tingling, burning, or prickling in the face, hands, feet, and legs. But there are much more common illnesses that cause these same symptoms. Having tingling in parts of your body does not mean you have vCJD.
Psychotic behavior.
Problems moving parts of the body. As the disease gets worse, a person is no longer able to walk.

If a person does eat nerve tissue from an infected cow, he or she may not feel sick right away. The time it takes for symptoms to occur after you're exposed to the disease is not known for sure, but experts think it is years."

Thanks for spreading the word, but I don't want to take credit for this. I'm just using what others are seeing and adding to it.