Wikileaks and now Twitter down! Is Reddit next?

61  2016-11-07 by TruthAficionado

People from all over the US have been reporting Wikileaks down for almost an hour now, and now Twitter has just gone down.


Could this have anything to do with the Podesta/Madeleine Mccain thing that's breaking or am I just being paranoid

I suspect it over DNC-2 batch leaks

This isn't a joke. There are people all over the-donald reporting both down where they live. Wikileaks has been down for over an hour for me and Twitter just went down about 10 minutes ago. Both conveniently right after the new leaks were released.

Yep, wiki was down for me just now as well.

Still down here.

Fine here

What, wiki or Twitter? Coz twitter is just fine but wiki is 502 bad gateway

Obama/ NWO/ UN playing with the internet again:(

Russia will be blamed again.

Must be the Russians :/

Haha no different from how turkey bans facebook and twitter, it's just more targeted and they don't announce it's a temporary ban

Reddit will be ok I think, as I suspect there are more shills on Reddit than actual users lol.

Down for me too. people are writing under the first post that it's not working for them...

Twitter is back up, most likely technical difficulties. Stop being so paranoid.

Fuck Twitter. Leftist mouthpiece. And on that note, Reddit going down and staying down through the election would be equally good.

Oh, honey.

Objective truth. Get over it.

I love you. Thanks for the laugh. :)

The word your looking for is opinion. Truth isn't subjective.

twitter is a leftist mouthpiece

not objective truth

So prove it. We’ll wait.