HOLY FUCKING SHIT: John and Tony Podesta abducted 3 year old Madeleine McCann in 2007 (r/the_donald mods are censoring this story)

371  2016-11-07 by [deleted]



Rule 6, 11. Removed.

Next time try omitting the SCREAMING PROFANITY and unverified claims from your post title. Lying is bad, m'kay?

Are you serious? This is conspiracy, not verifiedclaims.

Are you serious? This is conspiracy, not verifiedclaims.

Rule 11.

You are free to make claims, just don't present them as fact in your post title. That's misleading and dishonest behavior which we do not allow here. Dishonesty is literally the anathema of the purpose of this subreddit.

Let me ask, would you actually give this sub the time of day if everyone was allowed to make up lies in their titles?

That is such an exploitable rule that is purely semantics.


Seems like that rule's only purpose is to leave a loop hole for mods.

It's to combat black-propaganda trolling and plain old lying. You know, the thing that makes a conspiracy a conspiracy.


I don't know. When it comes to child crimes, a missing child; the top intent should be the child/ children and it's normal to be livid, upset, concerned to a very high degree. I'm thrilled that ones are working so hard to find this child and protect others.

Censored in r/conspiracy too, never thought I'd see the day.

Check the front page bub. The users who didn't lie and scream in their titles are doing just fine.


How much does CTR pay you?

Rule 10. Temp banned.

You deserve to fucking BURN. FUCK YOU Dusty.

stupid SHILL

unverified claims


Rule 2, 6, and 10 broken by moderator for no reason. Reported.

Lol, you would have fit right in with the Ministry of Propaganda. Reddit, where the rules are only followed when a mod doesn't like what they read.

Next time try omitting the SCREAMING PROFANITY and unverified claims from your post title. Lying is bad, m'kay? <-- got an agenda, much? Does Reddit have a rule about corrupt mods, or moderators insulting posters that said something they politically don't agree with. I mean, I can see it being removed...but

Next time try omitting the SCREAMING PROFANITY and unverified claims from your post title. Lying is bad, m'kay?

Using caps, and stating something is a lie when you have no idea...either way, pathetic that you are allowed to be a mod, or post on Reddit at all. But then, Reddit is pathetic. Will make sure to contact Reddit though about your behavior.


Rule 6. Removed.

Whatever makes it so you don't have to cry yourself to sleep at night.

Cool story bro.

........this is getting insane.

Not really. Those are two different sketches of the same suspect.

OP didn't do his homework.

this has been addressed every other time someone has mentioned this. Scotland Yard revised their theory to say the different witnesses saw two different men, and they were / are officially looking for two suspects.


Who ditches their 3 year old alone in an apartment when they go to a restaurant?

People who return to the apartment to find their 3 year old missing.

Supposedly it wasn't too far away and they had walking access from their restaurant patio to the apartment doors. They had a baby monitor and were routinely checking the children.

Not that I agree with the actions, hell I hardly will step outside to take out the trash while my kids are asleep inside.

I remember reading this story when it first happened and now a lot of the details are fuzzy, but I want to say the mom checked and everything was OK, and not long after, maybe the father checked and found a window open and the girl missing, very small time window between. I am sure if I wasn't lazy I could find on the original, thorough articles on it.

I get the feeling that there are CTR posters who are making super crazy posts to try to get people to think that all Trump supporters are crazy.

Hey, just a fyi. The people who were identified by the witness sketches are Washington elites that are all over the Podesta emails...so in other words, these sketches were only 2 of the sketches, 2 they couldn't find...but look at the sketches they DID identify...it is associates of Podesta...then you see the pictures, they are stunningly similar to the real people...so we have good reason to believe they were in the hotel, and the pictures are spot on...why would anyone with an open mind think that it is crazy or a stretch? We also know Podesta was in Portugal at the time.

Also, John Podesta’s first email from the Wikileaks data dump is dated May 4, 2007...so all the emails before that day (did I mention this girl was abducted on May 3, 2007) Hey, this is all news to me. I didn't even know who McCann was until today. Crazy how it all makes so much sense. I hope we learn about the truth with this and this pizza nonsense.

CTR, pls go. :)

What is CTR? Wtf is wrong with you reddit hipsters...? Why would I know or care what that means, I make it to Reddit about once a year. Go back under your rock, and stop trolling and insulting people for no reason.

It's your employer. ;)


That's not nice, /r/conspiracy is a fine subreddit.

Maybe you just don't belong here

I am sane so that's probably true.

Your also self centered, so maybe you don't belong anywhere.

I'm sweatin'!

The parents themselves are ridiculously suspicious.

I'm going out on a limb and purely speculating with no evidence, but I've been thinking there was no abduction. She was given.

Yeah I think anyone who's looked into the story more closely would agree with your assesment.

I agree. I still believe the parents are guilty.

Id say sold more likely

"purely speculating with no evidence." oooooookkkkkk then

I looked up supporting evidence after the fact. I've only had momentary glances at this case in the past but it has always been sketchy.

She was killed by her parents non-intentionally and they ditched her body

Why are the parents suspicious? Because they weren't crying like hysterical Americans in the media? that's just the British.

Goes way beyond that. They were extremely uncooperative and their story has always been dodgy.

utter nonsense.

I'm not saying they weren't suspicious...though personally I don't see it that way...but they certainly were not extremely uncooperative.

Who ditches their 3 year old alone at home while they go to eat at a restaurant? They might not have been uncooperative but fuck are they some shitty ass parents.

my own parents.

that's why I've always had less suspicions about this than most people seem to.

my brother and I were a little older...I was maybe 7 with him being 5 or so...and we were in a high rise hotel on an upper floor (yes I know the dangers inherent in that) so it's not quite the same thing but still...it happens. lol - my mother totally denies this btw.

the other angle that I've always taken on this is were I to be at the end of my garden and my son asleep in my house in his bedroom then he's not that much closer to me than madeleine was from her parents that particular night...so if he was snatched by an intruder then would I be negligent?

the person responsible for her death / disappearance is the one who took / killed her. no-one else.

by way of refuting your potential opinion of my parents as 'shitty ass' we are a very close family...they have always been there when needed...they neither pushed us nor prevented us from following our goals...and both my brother and I are relatively high-achieving vocationally successful adults with our own families...

but no...I wouldn't ever leave my 9 yr old lad on his own like that. I don't even like sending him to school or his maternal grandparents because of my healthy fear of predators.

.I was maybe 7 with him being 5 or so...and we were in a high rise hotel on an upper floor (yes I know the dangers inherent in that) so it's not quite the same thing

Right away from a quick Google search.


"73. Gerry's initial claim, as overheard by another holidaymaker, within minutes of the alarm being raised, that Madeleine had been taken by paedophiles. How did he know that?"

My instant thought when a child disappears is pedophiles. Could be the same.

Not when none of the accompanying details, such as the supposed open window, can be corroborated by other witnesses. Seriously, read the link, not my one example.



if my kid appeared to have been abducted that's the first fear that would cross my mind.

wtf is your point!? that due to his saying that that's indicative of some sort of guilt!?

this sort of total fuckwittery is why I find it hard to be objective on this case and truly consider both sides.

Maybe go through the link I posted instead of rambling with nothing of substance.

maybe not post specific points if you don't want them commented on then eh.

One point out of 100, aye. Still no reason you couldn't look at the other 99 to get the full picture.

i'll gladly do so...it's just that you posted that particular one so I kinda felt like I had to comment on that one!

They had a dog that sniffs out fresh blood traces sniff round the appartment and the car that the Mcanns rented. It made a strong indication of blood in the boot of the car. The parents also washed Maddie's soft toy the day after she went missing. Why would you wash it the day after. The police wanted a dog to sniff it to gain a scent of Maddie but couldn't as it had been washed. There was a few other things I read that sounded dodgy but this was a few years ago so I fogeget them now.

the car they rented AFTER she had gone missing....

Called Sky News before informing the police, for one.


It was commonly reported on British news 8 years ago, there are traces of it in Google

http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/TIME_LINE_INFORMATION.htm (Ctrl + F 'Sky News TV')

I live in Spain. I heard about this case and it got a lot of attention in local media, morning talk shows, news, you name it. There were shows dedicated solely to the case, parents were all over the media for months.

I'm not saying they were/are on it. I just want to point out that they were all over the media for months until I stopped paying attention, there were yearly march for at least 3 years.

Yeah I didn't really follow it but I remember around the time it happened people saying it was weird cause they weren't super emotional about it. That is just the British, and that was my point.

But other people have said they did a lot of other weird stuff but I dunno about any of that.

They had a dog that sniffs out fresh blood traces sniff round the appartment and the car that the Mcanns rented. It made a strong indication of blood in the boot of the car. The parents also washed Maddie's soft toy the day after she went missing. Why would you wash it the day after. The police wanted a dog to sniff it to gain a scent of Maddie but couldn't as it had been washed. There was a few other things I read that sounded dodgy but this was a few years ago so I fogeget them now.

Mcanns blood was found in the hotel room and her parents trunk..

No it wasn't.

I think what he is referring to is the police had a dog that is able to sniff and indicate traces of blood even after somebody has attempted to wash it away. It indicated that the trunk of the car they rented had blood in it. But to say that Mcanns blood was found is, as far as I am aware, rubbish.

What the hell is going on tonight.

Wikileaks and Twitter both down. Now this.


I will say that r/the_donald has an automod feature which deletes any post that links to imgur. That may be the "censorship", try uploading on whatever they use there.


Damn dude. Keep fighting the good fight then. Dunno if you read that soft coup post sticked here, but I have a feeling people are not going down quietly.

Just remember that their hand might have been forced by reddit admins but definately follow up

Give me the name of who removed it or any mods you were in contact with.

Do we know if the girl from the pizza place is actually her? Wouldn't Madeleine be a lot older than that now? When was the picture posted to instagram?

The picture was posted to instagram 126 weeks ago so somewhere around July of 2014. Madeleine was taken in 2007. Either the picture was taken some time ago and just uploaded in 2014 or its a different girl who just happens to look very similar.

i think it indicates preference for type of victim. so i looked up images of cherub. there you go...many similar to Madeleine and pizza girl.

WHY haven't they raided the pizza place????

...Something seems off with this... I think it might have come from "above" the mods in this case... Admin could also kill/delete posts... and the banning could be a compromised mod or an admin hiding behind it. Might be related to those "changes" the admins enacted that made r/all funky too. The timing with twatter going down, makes me think there might be something to this.

There are currently like 10 more posts about the same thing on the_donald that I have seen.


This pic links Anthony Weiner + more.


Oh my god. They kidnapped Madeleine McCann for Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons on pedo island.

This is so fucking crazy

Do you have ANY PROOF the brothers were in Europe during her abduction? I doubt it.

I posted that too. He was there in 2014. Several years later.

you do realize how much of reach this is right? 2 somewhat similar police sketches looking like them and nothing else does not mean they abducted the girl ...

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hunch confirmed, these downings (in the US and across Europe) HAVE been to trial and error test to figure out what backbones and locations they needed to interupt TO SHUT DOWN wikileaks, at least temporarily.

They could easily keep repeating this shit until after the election and then once Hillary's in office, enact a whole shit ton of dictator laws and move more aggressively against their detractors.

She won't be in office.

You are in for a rude awakening.

Not if every single person in every single state discourages Hillary supporters to stay home. Scott Adams tells how and gets EVERY possible anti Hillary, pro Trump person to VOTE. That means Solid blue states too. Actually blue states are where Hillary and her supporters will let their guard down. If we flood the elites with votes it will be too many votes to hide. It will give Trump the ammo he needs to contest the election. We just need to get Trump votes.

Americans arent voting their way out of this one sorry...It is not going to be that easy. Prepare.

In the video released yesterday on the RT interview with Julian Assange he clearly states "Trup won't be allowed to win".

Assange was trying to elevate the concerns about the elites rigging the election. He's echoing Trump. We are supposed to react by saying "the elites can try to steal this election from us but we won't let them. " Remember Trump loves to battle in court and has a team of vicious, highly motivated lawyers dying to help take the Clinton's down.

BASED soothsayer / time-traveler.

Good god, Verizon is the only down detector map that loaded

This is getting to the point where it's obvious they are using their new found tactic to throw wrenches in major internet backbones to further censor these stories that would CLEARLY GO VIRAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA. These stories get burried when the only thing discussed on nightly news is, "Wow Bob, and that Internet, gosh darn it, they gotta fix that huh..." (not to mention MSM is in their pockets too, but social media suppression by voter shills, comment sliding tactics, and now temporary Internet interruption tactics.)

Y'all know how fake internet dating companies pay people to pretend to be women?

I fear this happening to the internet, that one day our virtual experiences will be totally catered to yourself.

it's only purpose will be sell us products, all dissent will be manufactered so it appears in your "feeds", while your own dissent of government will be removed from the public net. You won't know its happening, your criticism will never be seen by anyone. Ever.

Heard another redditor call it "google bubble"

This is the end of the line, combined with CRISPR, we are looking at the successful enslavement of the world for ?? 4ever

"liberty shall never perish so long as men die"

This already basically happens. Facebook has an "algorithm" that only shows you select posts that I'm sure can be fed keywords to keep certain topics off the feeds. It's already been shown that they manipulate trending topics. Google has also already begun to only show the search results they want you to see, especially obvious re:the election.

That would be true if everyone continues to use Facebook for all their dissent. What do people use in locked down places like China? They are literally behind a censorship policy 'great firewall of China' but they get around.

Wow listened to the ThinkingSideWays podcast about this disappearance a few days ago, some crazy shit is going down this Fall, hopefully the Fall of all these shitty oligarchs

Wait a minute, you just happened to hear a podcast on this specific cold case a few days ago?

Can you provide more context about what it discussed?

It was an archived podcast from last year about this cold case, I just happened to listen to it a few days ago. They just discussed the details of the disappearance who was present, what was seen, and theories of who might've taken her. Its a fairly amateur podcast but still weird synchronicity nonethless.


Ah, contextual timing is important. Thanks.

Great podcast.

Hmmm... I notice Bell Pottinger was involved in this case, speaking to the media on behalf of the travel company the parents used.

For those not in the know, they're the same firm that faked ISIS propaganda videos. Very strange..


from madeline mccan's wiki:

"Bell Pottinger, representing Mark Warner Ltd, dealt with the media for the first ten days, then the British government sent in press officers"

It's possible. I believe the pedo references in the leaked emails could lead to investigations that would bring down scores of rich and powerful people. This could be THE scandal of our time. And this is why the FBI brought this inquiry to an abrupt end.


Taped up girl on 8 chan?

The owner of ping pong pizza posted on his IG a picture of a young girl taped to a table.

That girl matches the girl abducted.

Are the dates the same

Madeleine McCann had a defect in her eye that the other child does not appear to have.

I don't think that's the same child. But the rest of the case is extremely suspicious. If we can find out where the Podesta brothers were during 3 May 2007, then we may have hit the jackpot if they were in Portugal.

I think it's important to note that Besta Pizza right NEXT DOOR to Comet Ping Pong uses an actual pedophile symbol in its logo AND Besta is PORTUGESE for "beast" or "animal".


What makes you think that girl is taped up? I can't see anything and she appears to be smiling or at least not fearful.

The photo is cropped, in the original she has both her wrists paper taped to a ping pong table and she's bent over the edge. Kinda like how Dean Corll used to do his victims.

I'm curious to see the original picture in which the girl is tied up.

Edit: Found the picture.

It looks nothing like her! Not a jot...completely different.

I don't think that is the same person. She even looks younger than Maddie was when she went missing. Also, that is masking tape, a baby could break that and she is smiling, looks like a joke.


Sorry typos

I'm not really sure what any of this has to do with Maddie. I'm not even saying the girl in the picture isn't groomed or abused. I just said it looks nothing like Maddie and may not be abuse or grooming. Would I tape a kiss hands down, even with easily broken paper tape, no. But it has nothing to do with the original post.

There isn't really anything that constitutes proof in the post and that was my point. There is more possible evidence pointing to Maddie's parents then there is pointing elsewhere in this post.

100% match meaning what? I doubt that website does anything more than measure ratios of facial features if it's even that fancy. Try plugging in Oprah and Brad Pitt or any other obviously non-matches and see the results, it may just spit out 100% everytime.

Also what tied up girl?

Do you have the original image or the twitter it came from?

Listen I'm a believer now. I'm behind the idea various coups just happened, that the Clinton foundation covers up pedophilia, and that there are code words in the podesta leaks. But this title is so misleading. Can we just use thought for a second and realize in 2007 this guy was about to be named chief of staff to Barack Obama the next year and probably isn't in the physical business of abducting children.

Seem like literally zero actual proof

Yes...it's just a similarity. No actual proof at all.

I was more or less aware that girl had fallen into the hands of the slave trade but i really never thought i'd see a day the people were identified. God, i hope they hang.

no earlier podesta mails then the omnious one? https://i.sli.mg/rHuOb4.png

People need to be spreading this everywhere. News agencies, the investigating police (Scotland Yard has weight sex ring thing going on right now. Not sure if they are reliable?), social media, and especially European news groups.

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according to the guardian article it was only one guy?


You know what's fucking with my mind though? I was going to Contact Scotland Yard to see if they'd share any opinion on it, and Scotland Yards going through a child sex scandal as we speak.


Maybe we need to get this story out to some UK news companies.

Ok figured out the timeline with the mail: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9364

Sandlers received the mail on: Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 4 May 2007 13:17:17 -0700 (PDT)

"Hi Mr. Sandler, I enjoyed seeing you and Mrs. Sandler this week. Please let me know if you need additional information."

So John saw Sandlers in the week of April 30th Monday 2007 up to Wednesday, 2th May 2007 .
(cause he would have written yesterday otherwise)

That email is from an Elizabeth Cooley, not Podesta.

True! The content!
Still podesta forwarded the email on this date!

It only keeps getting worse.

Can anyone connect Sir Clement Freud to podesta?

How Clement Freud invited Kate and Gerry McCann for lunch after Madeleine disappeared...

He cooked a “bloody marvellous” meal of watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto, “the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since”.

“the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since”

Creepy.. The Podesta risotto thing again




I thought about posting this to Twitter. But I don't wanna get murdered.

Can we find out which side of the Atlantic the Podesta's were on during that month?

If they were in Portugal during that time period, I would suggest contacting FBI, Scotland Yard and also the McCann family.

There is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant further investigation, and their whereabouts during that timeframe is critical.

Please Reddit, don't let this die! Let's upvote and share this as much as we can, to keep it alive.

Can anyone link the Podesta brothers being overseas at this time? Seems like an awful long way for two American pedophiles to travel to 'hopefully' find the little girl left unattended at night in a hotel. Seems a bit of a stretch but the resemblance is interesting although they have very common and unremarkable faces.

Ugh. This whole Clinton criminal connection is appalling. THIS.....is the new America where known criminals, murderers, molesters, drug trafficking etc..... run this 'great' country!

The Podestas are famous for hoping on a flight to Europe on Friday and being back at work by Monday. I read about it in an article about their passion for art collecting, especially in Europe.

I don't doubt that but were they in, was it Portugal?....during this time though?

Unless this was preplanned with the parents (who incidentally, register high on my hinky meter) I just can't see them chasing this little girl in hopes that she'd be left alone. Most parents do NOT tuck their child in--in a hotel room----then go out to a restaurant to drink & eat with their friends. But what do I know? I once thought pedophilia was as ancient as the Salem Witch hangings so..... (sigh)

I'm not sure about this. There a good chance Madeleine was dead 3-4 days before she was announced missing. Richard D Hall has done his own investigation into this case and has lots of videos on youtube, I'll link to the first of an 8 parter https://youtu.be/Dwv_UhqoI60

Richard is one of the best independent researchers I have seen. He used to be all about UFOs but is a lot more focused now

Yes, discovered him about a year ago and have watched most of his stuff now.

Guys, did Jon Benet Ramsay's parents have ties to Epstein or the Clintons?

dot dot dot

furrowed brow.

Can I ask about the last link? How is that child meant to be MMC?

I was up all night and knew nothing about this fire storm. I hopped on here to see if anyone had some comments into Janet Reno's death, because I just got an alert from yahoo that she had passed. A little odd that all of this with the podesta brothers was put together over night, and before the sober light of morning, a national figure passed.

This rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper....

Holy FUCKONG Christ. Comey ping pong had a picture of that little girl tied up?....... What in the fuck. And there will be no investigation.... What in the fuck

KATIE HOPKINS: We'll never know what really happened to Maddie but her parents should accept their share of the blame and let her go


They left Maddie in a unlocked flat alone perhaps to be collected. She could have been either sold or donated for masonic use.





In that last link....just curious do you have the Instagram post and figure out what year it was



You really should learn to use words like "allegedly".

Anyone mention this yet? Madeline McCann - eye of Horus / Podesta picture with fish and 14 on hands = Isis and Osiris / Horus son of Isis



He was a close friend of Epstein, so don't know why you'd write it off so quickly.

The Big Lie.

The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies. -- Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (1925)

Goebbels offered, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

if you havent been following, there was a lot of connections with certain symbols to pizza shops next to each other in CT, as well as people who are connected to all of them.

i think this is a serious thing.

An investigator into the child sex trade confirmed the food references are codes common among pedophiles.

Why is the_Donald trying to bury it? Doesn't make sense

Because he's controlled opposition. And they don't want the REAL dirt coming out.

To make it seem like there's something to it.

Good point

I was just looking at it on that sub. That's odd.

/ In respect to the McCann case. This is, without doubt the most concise version of events you will see anywhere. It's long, but the depth of information and quality of reporting are second to none in this case.

Please watch it. You couldn't make this shit up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PltuL0ICkzs

Look up keyword finger in podesta emails I am hoping to come across pictures of his finger as he sent a doctor pictures of his finger. as he had Dupuytren's fibrous tissue cords remove a few years back.

The police drawings are two people's interpretations of the same suspect. There is only ONE suspect. This is just a big coincidence. Let's not get all Boston bomber herey.

I hope these threads continue. Putting missing children and high suspicions first is most ethical. Children need our protection and our time to ensure are safe.

There are currently like 10 more posts about the same thing on the_donald that I have seen.

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I will say that r/the_donald has an automod feature which deletes any post that links to imgur. That may be the "censorship", try uploading on whatever they use there.

...Something seems off with this... I think it might have come from "above" the mods in this case... Admin could also kill/delete posts... and the banning could be a compromised mod or an admin hiding behind it. Might be related to those "changes" the admins enacted that made r/all funky too. The timing with twatter going down, makes me think there might be something to this.

Wait a minute, you just happened to hear a podcast on this specific cold case a few days ago?

Can you provide more context about what it discussed?

That email is from an Elizabeth Cooley, not Podesta.

People need to be spreading this everywhere. News agencies, the investigating police (Scotland Yard has weight sex ring thing going on right now. Not sure if they are reliable?), social media, and especially European news groups.


This pic links Anthony Weiner + more.

Do you have ANY PROOF the brothers were in Europe during her abduction? I doubt it.

Great podcast.

you do realize how much of reach this is right? 2 somewhat similar police sketches looking like them and nothing else does not mean they abducted the girl ...

Hey, just a fyi. The people who were identified by the witness sketches are Washington elites that are all over the Podesta emails...so in other words, these sketches were only 2 of the sketches, 2 they couldn't find...but look at the sketches they DID identify...it is associates of Podesta...then you see the pictures, they are stunningly similar to the real people...so we have good reason to believe they were in the hotel, and the pictures are spot on...why would anyone with an open mind think that it is crazy or a stretch? We also know Podesta was in Portugal at the time.

Also, John Podesta’s first email from the Wikileaks data dump is dated May 4, 2007...so all the emails before that day (did I mention this girl was abducted on May 3, 2007) Hey, this is all news to me. I didn't even know who McCann was until today. Crazy how it all makes so much sense. I hope we learn about the truth with this and this pizza nonsense.

CTR, pls go. :)

Sorry typos

I'm not really sure what any of this has to do with Maddie. I'm not even saying the girl in the picture isn't groomed or abused. I just said it looks nothing like Maddie and may not be abuse or grooming. Would I tape a kiss hands down, even with easily broken paper tape, no. But it has nothing to do with the original post.

There isn't really anything that constitutes proof in the post and that was my point. There is more possible evidence pointing to Maddie's parents then there is pointing elsewhere in this post.