Please r/conspiracy for the love of god, this stupid Podesta lookalike/Madeline McCann story is an intention distraction away from the reality of Huma Abedin and her possession of 650,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails.

1381  2016-11-07 by [deleted]



If I was John Podesta that's exactly what I'd be posting here.

I feel like this is a very underrated joke.


If you send me Dogecoin I'll post something

I still feel like WikiLeaks is one big psy-op. Let's wait until after the election to discuss, though.

But where is the evidence the brothers were in Europe at the time of the crime? There is none! FFS. They were likely thousands of miles away.

Where is the evidence placing them anywhere else?

That's not how it works

Pretty much how it works. It's called an alibi.

you have to have a case first.

Not even, it's how you decide if you should start to investigate or not. If the person has no alibi they might have been there, if they have a good one they definitely weren't there.

How do you think this works? I'm genuinely interested.


/u/TebowsHand found something. They were on a trip at the time


It shouldn't, since it's neither to, from, or about Podesta.

so why does it say: To:


And someone please explain to me what Continuation of Government plan is.

Some sort of order that allows agencies perform their basic functions (to be above the law) as I understand, according to wikipedia it's reference to as Continuation of Operation in USA. Start of enactment 2001, renewed after till this day

I think the other person who answered is probably right, but if it's from Podesta to Herb Chandler, how would that prove Podesta was out of the country? It would prove Chandler was leaving on a trip.

If there is more to this, I honestly hope you guys find out. But this isn't evidence, in fact the only evidence is the admittedly uncanny resemblance to the sketches.

They were on a trip at the time

I don't get it, the email is from Podesta's email, written by an Elizabeth, to Mr and Mrs Sandler, telling them to have a good trip? Who are the Sandlers? Doesn't that imply they're the one on the trip?

There's two separate emails.

The top is addressed to Sandler from Podesta.

The bottom is saying "Have a safe trip" to Podesta, from Elizabeth.

Sorry, I know it's a bit confusing.

What shows that that is 2 separate emails? The formatting, and even the raw source, seem to clearly be one email.

The fact there's two conversations going on and three people addressed total. And there's a break between both the conversations.

No I disagree, Elizabeth is using Podesta's email to message the Sandlers, much like P.A.'s often do. I cannot imagine Podesta calling the Sandlers Mr & Mrs. That said Podesta may have been away thus getting Elizabeth to look after his account for him.

Can't believe I'm writing this but he has been to Portugal but no evidence of being there at the time

Mate, to be honest with you I've seen all I need to. I feel sick. If you are American, I beg you to vote for Donald on Tuesday. Have a good one.

It's funny how if you can get past all the bullshit of the MSM and communicate average working person to average working person, from any two places on Earth, how much we actually agree on.


I've googled 'podesta Portugal -McCann' and found nothing yet.

I believe someone found that Bill Clinton was in London around that time.

edit: He was here on the 11th of May in London:

Meeting with a sheik in London:

And on the 22nd in Norway:

Literal lolz.

Seems like your distracting from the real root of the problem. A satanic pedophile ring that everyone calls the government.

Thank you. It makes me wonder about these 'distraction fear postings ' themselves. Gimme a break. Everything is being looked at, finally.

Correct. CTR possibly inherited a commercial version of the Military's social media Sockpuppet technology, which allows one analyst to present multiple online personas. These cognitive infiltrators seek to shape minds by becoming mods on forums, by shilling or by trolling.

It was originally deployed overseas, but I imagine it's being deployed domestically as part of a modern COINTELPRO operation.

dude what the fuck

They somehow think," no look at this not at the thing you are lookin at" , is a good talking point on conspiracy. Like we wont take this as confirmation to look harder. The fukcing audacity of these people.

CTR is alive and well apparently. Yeah, keep pushing the Podesta bullshit and ignoring Hillary Clinton. That's what matters a day before the election.

edit: I was banned earlier today from /r/the_donald for saying basically the same thing as this post. Apparently they're dead set on going with this ridiculous narrative.

I don't post on the_Donald but i frequent it because of the high ammount of traffic

New ctr tactic: upvote everything

Not a trump supporter, far as i know, trump frequented epsteins plane just like clinton

My personal theory is trump got salty about being blackmailed. Both campaigns have insinuated the happenings in relation to epstein.

"We talk about sex island BUT we really don't talk about sex island" kinda vibe going from both campaigns. Wtf is this shit?


If you have been keeping up you should already know the election is simply there to present an illusion of choice. Its all fixed. The winner is predetermined.

I agree with this more than 99% of the frontpaged shit in the last week.

So with that in mind we have no deadline.

The truth is a whirlpool of disinformation. This is what it looks like as we approach the epicenter. Fragments of half truths and illusions that distort what it is they are hiding. But the underlying theme remains intact.

It's worse than a simple matter of the winner being predetermined. It doesn't even matter which one wins, not one little bit.

I also got banned for this. I talked to other people who were banned too. I'm almost certain that the subreddit has been infiltrated. After a year of the most sensible modding you could have (imo) it suddenly goes batshit insane at the same time that CTR seemed to have disappeared, pushing things that make Trump supporters look nuts

Exactly. The pedophile ring isn't going anywhere. Why not focus on the election for the next 36 hours and resume the pedophile research on Wednesday? The election is a more immediate priority right now.

Nothing is derailing the election at this point.

Correct. The principle of a Limited Hangout operation is to use less heinous crimes as bait to distract from more heinous crimes.

And there's nothing more heinous than a cabal of child raping cannibals running the country.

If someone is telling you not to look into something, perhaps you should keep digging instead.

Thanks for linking. Your write ups are intense for a novice such as I, but they get the ball rolling.

Show me one piece of evidence that the Podesta brothers were in Europe when Maddy went missing. It's a distraction.

Its not just about that child abduction case. Piece together all the evidence in the emails and you can see they are trafficking children.

Here is a good infographic:

PedoGate is real

Yes but the post was about Madeleine McCann and not about the broader case against him. The point is if we give the Madeleine accusation any traction it can be used against us to make us look stupid and dismiss the broader case against him.

That is a great point.

But having said that, if they were Joe Average in the UK, they would be questioned pretty damn quickly by the police as to their whereabouts at the date of the incident based on their striking likeness to the description of the persons of interest.

Lol you think police carry sketches around with them? It's not like they'd have to walk down the street either, or like they'd want to after committing a damn crime.

Do people still think police sketches are even that useful?

lolwut? I don't even know how to answer your question because it's so dumb. Paid professionals draw up these sketches based on witness testimony and they are used to corroborate their statements with any potential suspects. Are they useful? Well, it's as useful as witness testimony is.

In an age where everyone has cameras on them at all times, we have a man who still has faith in drawings by third parties, based on the recollection of witnesses.

True stupidity, everyone.

Cameras. That's it? You have your phone out at all times recording everyone. Great job friendo. You really posed an effective argument /s

Lolwut? You're not making any sense

Right. That's all you have. Great. Bye now!

Bye, tard!

If you ever need more sketch evidence, I've seen some great flat-Earth proof that you would love!

Haha okay chum, thanks for stopping by /r/conspiracy and don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.

fat ass

Lol, projecting?

Okay bro.

And I got about 5 replies on my comment saying exactly this. They accused me of being a shill or being stupid. It's a load of crap and a distraction

Here is a good infographic:

The thing that makes an infograph "good" are the following criteria;

easy of use/consumption - hmmm, an awkwardly sized giant picture file kinda fails thist

efficient and informative layout of information presented - this fails that test as well, since it's just a giant glob of text

accurate information presented - failed again, friend.

so all in all, I'd have to say that I disagree with their assertion that this infograph is "good."

Thanks for adding something worthwhile!

I'm gonna assume you are not being sarcastic, and just add that I think the presentation of information is extremely important in terms of effective communication.

The information laid out in your link should be recompiled into something easier to digest and understand for the average person, if you are passionate about effectively communicating your message.

FFS this is "Illuminati COnfirmed!!!1!!!" level shit. Half of this "analysis" is based on an obvious joke invitation for a non-existent party. "Guys, 1111 Something Street... doesn't exist" (cue X-Files theme). Oh really, next you'll be telling me (123) 456-7890 isn't a real phone number...

The part about the pool parties depicted in the video stopped me cold. There is an E-mail about a pool party; very cryptic. The infographic is good; I'm going to check it out later and decide if it has merit or if it's a six degrees of Bacon type of link.

Its legit. There is so much more evidence that came out after this graphic was made too...

See, this is where it gets tricky. Because Tony should be able to provide his own verifiable whereabouts at that time, or whoever wants to represent him can come out and lead people to the information they need to exhonorate (spelling?) him. The claim, "Tony Podesta was in Portugal at the time of Maddy's kidnapping," is not so outrageous that it requires extraordinary proof. It merely requires that nobody can prove he was anywhere else. We live on a finite globe in singular bodies in the electronic age. If Tony Podesta was anywhere else on Earth, then he was not in Portugal. You go find the proof.

The onus is on the one making the accusation to prove their claim. The podesta brothers need to do nothing. You need to link them to Portugal if you think they committed the crime.

Why do police ask suspects for an alibi?

lack of an alibi can be used to target an investigation, but just like a motive it is not proof of anything.

Rich people that are in to child trafficking, probably don't do the abductions themselves. It's pretty irrelevant where they were when she was abducted.

When you can get away with anything why would it matter?

Same reason rich people don't mow their lawns. Why dirty your hands of you can just have someone else do it?

The thing is. There's no thrill in mowing the lawn. But for these people this must be their biggest thrill.

It would be nice to see their travel itinerary for 2007. And flight logs. And whether they were on diplomatic passports, albeit illegally obtained.



Comet pizza, some pulled up some weird as shit on twitter that got pulled rather fast

People don't get what they're doing with this. They are playing right into their hand. The elite have literally perfected dodging pedo cases

If this is true or not it doesn't matter. They will "prove" it false, and then all of the leaks will be discredited to normies.

They aren't doing anything ...

Open sourced investigation is taking place because those who are suppose to be doing it, aren't.

Is it?

The police sketch / CGI render looks absolutely spot-on. Although, I can't imagine Podesta actually goes around snatching children himself.

yeah thats what I dont get, why would these two dudes be the ones kidnapping a child. and I mean, its great footwork but them looking like the sketches in no way indicates them as the prime suspects. its suspicious, yes, but it isnt some breakthrough evidence that is going to lead to arrests and indictments.


Ho-ly shit. That makes sense with the blood they found in the room and car. Fucked.

What made sense? comment gone :/

what blood

What is happening why are all these comments removed

Somebody got caught bashing each other i think

The original comment was

Maybe they didn't go there to kidnap. Maybe they went there to fuck some kids who were drugged by their parents. Maybe they only left with one of the kids after she died from an OD and they had to dispose of the body.

When authorities confirmed the blood in the room belonged to Madeleine

They claim that the DNA could be linked to Madeleine's siblings, two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie. But the respected Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manha reported yesterday: "The definitive result of the tests leave no doubts for the Policia Judiciaria. "The blood found in the McCanns' car is that of Madeleine as well as those samples detected in the flat."

Portuguese police believe Madeleine died in an accident and that Kate and Gerry conspired with their friends to dispose of the body.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

ugh... i was ready to be more dismissive, but nothing is a distraction. this is just a shitstorm of epic proportions and it is impossible to catch all the lousy depraved shit going on.

I heard that Madeleine's father said some odd things on the plane to Portugal. He didn't seem that happy to be going on a holiday. Researcher Richard Hall knows a lot about the McCann case. You can watch his research on youtube. Search for Richplanet.

Think Doug in House of Cards.

Ha! Immediate mental image. Perfect. I wish he hadn't changed his mind and gone back.

Because they were far away from home and feeling kind of groovy.

The Pedo Brothers were seen with Maddy they were Not seen actually stealing her from the hotel room. The sketches of them were from a witness who saw John carrying Maddy and Tony was with John. The facial images are identical it's a perfect match. They were in Portugal they bought Maddy for probably five grand in cash they took her to a secret room they raped her then they sold her for double what they paid for her then flew back to D.C.

It could have been his turn or something to make sure all the pedos in the ring have skin in the game. Just a theory though.

Well I'd imagine someone possessing a video of you molesting children is sufficient skin in the game without the obvious risks of kidnapping a child.


Probably right, or maybe that is part of the fun for these people

Anyway, this thread has obviously not been upvoted by natives here, obviously a CTR upvoted thread

The mole. look at the mole!

There are billions of people in the world the fact that a rough cartoon caricature looks like them is more likely a coincidence.

Why would they personally be kidnapping kids?

Im going to need more info before I break out the pitchfork. I believe this is pure disinfo and there are other topics we should upvote to the front page.

I'm sure if they were in Portugal someone will report it. What I find amazing is the proof HRC knew of Saudi and Qatar's funding of ISIS. And proof TCF received millions from them. Throw in the Spring sale of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, pushed by Obama and with overwhelming bipartisan approval and we're got a Cluster F%&*!. Then add the 10-year munitions contract with Saudi Arabia - which private defense corps get THAT $ and who's on the Boards? - and the 27 pages that reveal Saudi's financing of 9/11. The past 26 years we have been subjected to the results of the plan for private military industrial complex to continue to profit without the cold war. Desert Storm, Project for a New American Century, first WTC false flag, 1998 Iraq Freedom Act, 9/11, the Homeland Security Act, expansion of defense contracts, the surge, expansion of defense contracts, secret expansion of the NSA, Arab Spring, prosecution of whistle blowers, NGOs and subsidiaries, Lebanon, Syria, more defense contracts, secret drones with one-person authorization, Yemen and night raids by private mercenaries. All of this created and nurtured by both Parties playing the 2-Party deception. Meanwhile our income tax pays the interest on the cash The Fed tallies that is transferred to all of these companies and their investors. Check out www.NDIA.ORG for the layers of lists of contractors.

Podesta wiped his e-mails right after the first stories about her disappearance starting getting out. The first wikileaks podesta email is from directly after, saying "have a nice trip.". I know it's not much, but it's enough for me not to dismiss it, so long as we're tasked with doing both the judicial and investigative branches' jobs now.

Is it?

Yes. This kind of stuff is what makes this sub look like a bunch of tin foil wearing loonies. What credibility this sub gained in the last couple months just got flushed down the toilet.

I usually don't like the mods influencing topics but looking at this sub the last few days makes me think it's time to move on before I lose credibility. I certainly won't link here now since people won't take it seriously.

I usually don't like the mods influencing topics

So by not censoring conspiracy topics we're 'influencing'? Send us a list of acceptable topics please and we'll get right on it...

I'll actually apologize for that flippant comment. I had done one earlier that was more thought out and sounded more sensible. This was just a drive by comment. I will say it's up to the mods to decide how they want the frontpage to /conspiracy to look. For a person like me that gives conspiracy sites a low level of credibility I see how the top topics are all the pedo, pizza, mugshot stuff and wonder how serious the sub really is.

Thee has been some great stuff posted in the last month and it looked like /conspiracy was gaining some credibility with a much wider audience.

It still is, nobody is going to believe every single post here and plenty of users call out what they perceive to be distractions.
We prefer to let the users sort what they want the sub to be if they stay within the rules. We're not curators and 'deciding what the sub should look like' is everything that's wrong with the majority of major subs

I understand that and I do applaud the decision to let the sub run it's own way. Seeing the same topic show up so many times and all going to the front was making me wonder if subversion was at play.

In my own way I do want to influence people stuck inside the main stream bias. Using this sub as a source in the last month or so has been invaluable.

If I'm honest I wish people would check the frontpage before posting yet another post about a topic covered many times over already but people find a page and log in to post it as it's important to them. No doubt some aren't posting in good faith but them's the breaks.

I wasn't suggesting the accusations are true, just that I don't think this is planted disinformation.


Mocking people doesn't change the minds you want to change: It divides and invites people onto one side or the other.

I saw this shit play out and I called it then what I call it now, the perfect time to plant evidence against mass public investigations like the one we're all undergoing right now. Its a modern form of coining the phrase "conspiracy theorist".

The intelligence agencies saw Reddit and 4chan as a significant threat and planted this false suspect and got enough people riled up and talking about it that it got legs and kept going.

Now, any time this form of public investigation occurs, people can point and say, "remember the amazing reddit detectives of the boston bombing?" as a way of immediately trying to shut down the discussion.

It also looks like the father.

No it doesn't.

I can't remember the source or where I read it, so take this fact as you want, but I once read an article about sketches and how they never actually look like what the perpetrator looks like...

With that in mind, I really don't think that these are accurate sketches

Look of pics of them from 13 years ago vs those sketches instead of modern photos of them.

People don't get what they're doing with this. They are playing right into their hand. The elite have literally perfected dodging pedo cases

If this is true or not it doesn't matter. They will "prove" it false, and then all of the leaks will be discredited to normies.

Those sketches were the same person age progressed though.

Were they really? If so that would completely destroy the idea that this dude and his brother went out for a night of child kidnapping.

He is spreading misinformation dont listen. Its 2 suspects


Go read the story for gods sake, they have had up to 4 suspects at one time.



You keep on believing that 3 sketches of possible abductors just happen to look like 3 of the government officials reddit is digging pedo stuff up on all you want.

Where theres smoke theres often fire.

Now quit wasting my time and have a great time with a closed mind :)

The witnesses could be describing different men, that thought never crossed your mind. One witness saw tony being suspicious

the other john

oh snap back to reality



You missed it. the cops could have not snapped that the 2 different witnesses saw 2 different men. ONe tony one john


What is this?


There were two suspects seen by two different people. The jaws are totally different.


Right, ultimately the one person line... What is the logic here? As if that were in dispute? So why eliminate all the other suspects except for one possible suspect? Based on the information that a couple, easily manipulated into going with the narrative, saw 1 guy but had totally different impressions of him? I want to curl up again and say, none of this is real too, but let's just accept it, deal with it (make it go away), and move on instead.

"Seems like your distracting from the real root of the problem. A satanic pedophile ring that everyone calls the government."

What exactly tells you this is bullshit when evidence is strongly indicating that pedophilia is rampant within these groups? Actually, i feel the opposite is true. Every time a new bit of damning evidence appears linking these people to pedophilia i see a rush of posts about not being distracted by it. THAT is the distraction.

You're right. I've surfed this sub for 3 years and never have I seen so many posts about telling us not to look at something.

Truth. There is nothing we can do about the 650,000 but we can dig into the latest wikileaks just fine. Everytime we have there is another possible clue to this big secret. It's not that we aren't looking at the other stuff like CNN/Wolf but there is just so much smoke to this dark secret, there has to be something behind it. Even if it's no where near as crazy as we've been thinking, it's still possibly the biggest political scandal ever if it involves pedos in government.

The Wiener laptop was an engineered bust to cover up for everything else leaking out. It was to spam mainstream media so they wouldn't talk about Wikileaks for the last few weeks of the election. You think these technically inept morons outsmarted the intelligence agencies the whole time? You don't think intel knew about Wiener's little obsession, and Huma's co-opting Hillary long before the laptop fiasco? That is precisely why the laptop fiasco happened, because they had these people by the balls and they found/planted the distraction (laptop) at an opportune moment, to cover up worse crimes which are probably being exposed by Wikileaks. Let's find out what those worse crimes might be!

Huma/Wiener is just one of MANY stories we should be discussing. Telling people to focus on A instead of B is distraction. They can focus on both if they are capable, or choose the one they enjoy more. There's enough to go around, and practically anything is permissible here. If the theory is terrible then people will knock it down.

This indeed. They win this round, and we can conclude that Wikileaks was grossly inefficient in how they have handled all of this (by design or by their own limitations).

Don't you think they would have engineered something else that wouldn't damage Clinton?

A Satanic pedophile ring will wake up the general public much faster than exposing Huma Abedin, but all will come out soon enough. It's not going away, even post election. Between now and January is going to be nuts

Just a question: Why 'satanic'? Why not just 'pedophile ring'? Or am I missing something?

Most likely the connection to Spirit Cooking and other occult (which doesn't mean Satanic is often associated with such) practices and people and groups.

Pls answer

True Satanism is taking power by one's own will, with no guilt and no morality. In this case that's a vital attribute of the accused. Non-satanic pedos dont have the amorality or hive mind necessary to execute their desires without acknowledging they are ruining a humans entire life. Sure, pedos have support groups on the internet, just like every other mental/sexual disorder, but no ritualistic meetings like the Satanists have been doing for centuries. Satanists, egoistic as they are, can certainly organize well, and acquire great power over others, although their infighting is explosive.

I'm not talking about funny pop-satanism as seen in HBO's Silicon Valley. I mean Real Satanism, the kind that lets war mongers sleep at night and continue raping humanity with a smile on their face. The kind you don't get to participate in unless you swear your soul to it. My satanist acquaintences just like the shirts and scaring grandmas, but our parent's Satanist friends run industries and justify DAPL type shit for their own gain.

That's not what modern day satanism is, though. What you are describing is a classic cult (doesn't have to be satanism), or even a religion (a lot of bad people can sleep at night because of their belief). What I'm trying to say is that there is no lead whatsoever that shows us that these fellows are satanists. It could be any other dumb cult or religion that exists in the world. Heck, they could be part of a Christian cult, or no cult at all.

You're talking about Satanists taking over and setting up other religions into personal cults. I study spirituality, all the egoistic culty stuff is Satanism with different books. All the supplicant nonsense is Satanists taking the reigns, demanding idolatry and money. Nowehere do the prophets tell folks to start murderous cults, unless Satanists rewrote the message.

Again, I'm not talking about modern satanism, which is no more extreme than being a goth, hipster, or nerd.

Well, I guess I can see where you are coming from. But, for me, the Catholic church resembles a cult (basically all religions have some cultist similarities). That's another story though. In the case of the Podesta brothers, I don't believe that the reasons why they are doing the stuff they are (allegedly) doing is of spiritual origin. They are just sick bastards with a lot of power, kinda like the Clintons, Bushes, etc.

I'm pretty sure that's still at the forefront of all of our minds. The recent connections made between comet ping pong and Podesta are at the very least worth looking into. I don't think any information should be disregarded at this point. Everyone doesn't need to post about the emails.

Oh really?

Because Anthony Weiner didn't work for the State Dept. Why would he even have ONE Clinton email on his computer, much less 650,000?

Well let's go digging through them then. What? We don't have them on Wikileaks? Well shit, might as well scooby doo a missing girl.

Nice try OP. Are you Jennifer Palmieri by any chance?

We are all more alert peeps out here... we can realize that BOTH aspects are fucked up and warrant investigation.

exactly we're not limited to a petty agenda. we have full range freedom to critical think and investigate multiple interests.

Can't Stop Won't Stop!!

We don't have access to the 650,000 and Comey gave Clinton a reprieve. The only thing left is dnc 2 and this.


I agree bud, the mass awakening has already begun and it can't be stopped. hold on to your butts

If you don't sit back and defrag your brain every now and then, you can crack.

Ugh, tell me about it.


Bullshit. There is a picture of her tied up on comey ping pongs Instagram. Podesta was in Portugal at the time and deleted his emails the day the story broke. This is fucking huge

Get out of here with the concern trolling bullshit. This is what the sub was made for

Where can you confirm that he was in Portugal?

odesta was in Portugal at the time

Was this confirmed? Last I checked he was "on a trip" but no mention that it was Portugal.

This is all nonsense. Literally every word of it.

Prove it.

Prove what? There's a picture on Comet Ping Pong's instagram of a young girl laughing with her arms TAPED to the table. That girl looks younger than Madeleine McCann did when she disappeared 7 years before that pic was even posted. They also don't even look that much alike. As for Podesta being in Portugal at the time, there is zero evidence of that. Just saying it because you want to believe it doesn't make it true. Same for him deleting his emails the day the story broke. It's just all complete nonsense, and you look really stupid for believing it.

They were on a trip during that time. Not sure if portugal.

Yeah, i don't know what peoples intentions are saying shit like this. I guess to muddy the waters. I'd say it's clearly not her.

It's so ridiculous that I am hoping the real conspiracy here is that HRC supporters are cynically doing this to make people look stupid.

Podesta was on a trip at the time, don't know where


There's two separate emails.

The top is addressed to Sandler from Podesta.

The bottom is saying "Have a safe trip" to Podesta, from Elizabeth.

Sorry, I know it's a bit confusing.


Stop, you're confusing them with all this counting and reason.

Yeah, I've seen that.

Except that the girl tied up isn't Maddie, she even looks younger.

Okay, so all the folks scrambling to cover this up? You know who you are. Realize that you're covering for pedophiles. You're making yourselves complicit in these crimes.

You have a choice to make.

you are speaking to those who long ago sold their souls.

There is something almost demonic about all the energy around this circus.

We need the 650,000 emails so we can look through them. Wikileaks, or someone else needs to release them.

I need your emails so I can look through them.

You would be very bored...

I meant the emails of the 650,000 that are public record...

Release them then. What are you hiding?

Since when is all evidence released to the public...?

I won't do it.

I am not a public figure. LOL.

So all public figures have to release all their emails to you to look through?

That was quick. Are you just sitting a the keyboard waiting for me to respond? LOL.

No, not all public figures. Just the ones who are required to. There is a law that says the records created by government officials are part of the public record. I want to see those emails that are public records.

The FBI has not even released the previous 33,000 emails to Congress, and Congress give them a subpoena. The public also has a right to view them.

If the government does not want to honor that right, then I guess we rely on hackers and Wikileaks.

I just happened to be here and I have a pop up notifier.

Those 650,000 emails were from Huma's private account. I don't think they are subject to FOIA. Neither were Podestas, in fact he wasn't even a government employee. Huma's emails were subpoena'd as evidence and also are not subject to FOIA. The 33000 were Clinton's private emails. Even government employees using a .gov email address are allowed to permanently delete private emails.

LOL. No worries. I was just giving you shit.

Well, any emails that are related to government business belong to the public record, and we have a right to see them. I think we both agree on that.

At this point, I do not trust the FBI to really tell us which emails are government related and which are not. I think they are hiding much information, and Congress does, too. The whole system is broke, in my opinion.

We will see what happens after the election. Who controls the White House and Congress will determine it all.

It's all shady. Your post is also suspect. This is the Internet. We have infinite amounts of people with plenty of time to research whatever they want. Asking people to not look into something is just ludicrous.

How did you expect your post to be received when all it is attempting to do is draw attention AWAY from a specific topic during a time when we all have to be on edge about CTR doing that exact thing?

If you don't think it's important, move on. Don't tell us what to pay attention to.

People look like each other all the time. Did everybody forget the Boston bomber? It isn't "evidence" of anything. Aren't these drawings supposed to be the same suspect? The one doesn't even fucking look like Tony imo, they have different noses.

Maddie probably died in the apartment that the McCanns were staying in. Cadaver dogs picked up blood and the presence of a corpse at the apartment and at the McCann's hire car.

It is crazy that so much attention is being given to this nonsense.

It is one person. People are jumping to the conclusion it's two people who are related and possibly involved in a ring of kidnappers.

If people read this, they'll understand it's one person and not two people.

Honestly I don't even care, calling them pedophiles is more damaging than email shit that the public is already bored of.

I hear Podesta and his brother bake lost children into their pizza. My brother is a commercial dough supplier.

Please continue to work the e-mails angle as well. I, for one, think that is a severe limited hangout, but if that's what gets traction with people it's all good. The pedophile thing is real and it appears to be building steam.

Just FYI, I have A LOT of FB friends waking up on this pedophilia thing. This could get dicey.

Concern trolling at its best here folks.

Since the 650k emails aren't important, why not make them publicly available then?


What is this?

Click "hide" at the bottom of the post. DONE

the way this subreddit is devolving is very strange

It was my understanding that a great many of those emails were emails that had previously been seen and known about. And not all 650,000 were Hillary's anyway.

nice try mr podesta

Guys the connection is comet pizza don't look into it if you wanna have a good outlook on life ever again

Here's a post I made in another thread about this.

These are two e-fits from the Smith sighting. Here is the story:

A couple from Ireland on holiday in Portugal spotted the suspect. Both the husband and the wife worked with police to create independent e-fits of the suspect, that is, they both said they saw ONE person. These two pictures are just how their memories differ (A Scotland Yard police spokesman said: “It’s two different people’s version of the same suspect.”)

Another article about the sighting

When I first saw this connection being made, I thought people were legitimately joking. I agree that the Podestas are fishy people, but it doesn't mean you have to throw critical thinking to the wind.

The implication here is that the Huma Abedin thing isn't itself a media plant distraction from some bigger story. Wikileaks has been effectively nullified as a force for good by being buried in run of the mill political corruption. /r/conspiracy has been nullified as a force for good by becoming obsessed with the same mainstream media bait.

Conspiracy Rule of Thumb: The mainstream media is not your ally, so any story they cover is probably a dead end. Fact: The email scandal has been covered extensively by the mainstream media. Conclusion: The email scandal is probably a dead end. Clinton probably is no more corrupt than anyone else in DC Research Directive: What avenues of though or events have been ignored in the media recently?

The Clinton emails could be a distraction from bigger things as well.

Jaw dropping stupidity.

Okay, well what is your explanation? Or you're denying that it's even suspicious?

We need to take the opposite approach! They want us to stop but were on to something. I recently posted to this sub about something I thought I was REACHING BIG TIME. It was a small joke bill maher made about Hillary having jon benet ramsey in her basement. Something that would normally be dismissed as a lame joke. But with the recent podesta leaks, I though it was strange so I did a little research and found some connections between the 2. Like I said, I thought I was reaching heavily.

I posted to this sub and what do you know...

That YouTube vid was deleted! Along with many other podesta/child sex related content.

I had maybe the furthest connection to make and they still deleted the video. That should speak volumes to what were on to!

Link to original post:

We need to dig deeper

Where is the torture chamber? Is it located in one of the buildings that are apparently all pro-Clinton supporters? Has someone figured out if Hillary, Bill, or any of the connected people with the supposed child sex ring actually own one or 2 of the buildings there? Did they check? I bet you the torture chamber is within the area.

Just to add to this - even if it's true it is still a distraction. It's so far from the mainstream that even if the MSM picked it up it wouldn't sway any votea, if anything it would turn votes toward Clinton due to it being so insane.

What if its both? The sketch was done a few years ago, which means that they had this plan the whole time?

In their D.U.M.B. prepared for the revolution.

It's not a distraction or a CTR job. I watched it develop live on 4chan while CTR was there trying to keep them off the case.

Just saw this on Jerome Corsi's Twitter:

NYPD says FBI HAS TAKEN ALL WEINER 650K evidence to DC. FBI tells NYPD to drop case - repeat DALLAS NOV 22 1963 - OBAMA-HILLARY COUP ALERT

Shortly after are reports of the threat of the investigations pushing past 2020.

Make of it what you will.

Fools! It's a distraction from a distraction!

The pedo ring thing, especially impending arrests were to stop or unmotivate people from looking into or speculating on the obvious. Abedin and/or her husband had thousands of state department/government emails on an unsecure home computer.

I think Abedin and others will be the pound of flesh. They might even testify or go on the record as to what Hillary did or knew but they will be the ones going to trial or jail-not Hillary.

Where is Anthony Weiner? ... he's in rehab

There's some shit on Twitter right now that's absolutely fucked with this guys family

Where? Any links for us to check out?

I'm not sure if it's correct but apparently there were 600,000+ emails but only 11,000 from the state department account.

Do you really think someone with Hillary's best interests in mind would point the internet to the fact that she might be a child sex trafficker? Come on dude

I thought the Abedin laptop emails were a distraction from wikileaks? What are we supposed to do, petition the fucking FBI?

smh, starting to feel like a witch hunt. no focus.

Huma Abedin, a Muslim fundamentalist??

What?? Am I missing something here?

C'mon, it's not like they were out of the country that day.

See info attached he has been to Portugal Image

Where is the laptop

In the possession of the FBI, which is delaying until Hillary gets into office, then she can start cleaning house and positioning head positions that favor her absolutely corrupt presidential agenda.

Everything coming from Wikileaks (now, not when it first came out) is a distraction from the truth

Yeah. We got a pedo problem, man.

What if they found a video? What if the Posdestas were in that video? That is how the faces are so accurate.

I love how this post has 1337 upvotes, and is clearly a distraction, and is on the front of r/conspiracy, and is unlikely to get removed, silly silly.....

It is so moronic that it is easier to imagine it being deliberately that way. The photofits of the two men who are claimed to look like the Podesta brothers...those are in fact different photofits of the same man, provided by two different members of an Irish family who saw a single man carrying a girl away down on the night Madeleine disappeared.

Just stumbled on this while trying to figure out his location.

I don't know if its just MSM shilling or fact.

Because the elites with their zionist masters sacrificing and raping children, being obessed with spirit cooking and all other satanic rituals isnt important?

Name one of these Zionist masters beside Soros.

Warren Buffet – crypto-jew Berkshire Hathaway John Gandel – Northgan Gandel Group Solomon Lew Frank Lowy – The Westfield Group Harry Triguboff – Meriton Apartments Elie Horn – owner/founder Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Joseph Safra – Safra Group Moises Safra – Safra Group Dorothea Steinbruch – widow of Mendel Steinbruch, co-founder of Vicunha Group, owner Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (steel company) David Azrieli – founder Canpro Investments Charles Bronfman – co-chairman Seagram Co. Daryl Katz- founder/chairman Katz Group of Companies Bernard Sherman – founder/chairman Apotex Group Alexander Shnaider – co-founder Midland Group Jeffrey Skoll – co-founder Ebay Sir Michael Kadoorie – owner/founder CLP Holdings Ltd Serge Dassault – Dassault Group Alain & Gerard Wertheimer – owners Chanel Andy von Bechtolsheim – co-founder Sun Microsystems Shari Arison – co-owner Carnival Cruise Ami/Michael Federmann – Federmann Enterprises Morris Kahn – co-founder Amdocs Lev Leviev – owner Africa-Israeli Investments Alexander Mashkevich – co-owner Aflgeron Management Arnon Milchan – New Regency Productions Sammy Ofer – Ofer Brothers Group Benny Steinmetz – Steinmetz Diamond Group Yitzhak Tshuva – Delek Group Stef Wertheimer – founder Iscar Lily Safra – born Lily Watkins married into jewish money, husbands die of odd circumstances Alexander Abramov – Evraz Holdings, steel production Roman Abramovich – Sibneft Peter Aven – co-founder Alfa Bank Boris Berezovsky – a.k.a. Platon Elenin former deputy secretary of Russia security council, robber baron Mikhail Fridman – Alfa Group Vyacheslav Kantor – Akron German Khan – executive director Alfa Group Lev Kvetnoi Leonid Mikhelson – founder/chairman Novatek Victor Vekselberg – TNK-BP Nicky Oppenheimer – De Beers Isak Andic – founder Mango Marcuise Alicia Koplowitz – Omega Capital Marcuise Esther Koplowitz – Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas Gennadiy Bogolyubov – Privat Group Igor Kolomoysky – Dnipropetrovs’k Group Victor Pinchuk – founder Interpipe Group Clive Calder – founder Zomba Music Group Richard Desmond – publisher Daily Express Lloyd Dorfman – founder Travelers Group Bernie Ecclestone – president/CEO Formula One Management Laurence Graff – Graff Diamonds Sir Philip Green – British Home Stores Albert Gubay – founder Kwik Safe Nasser Khalili – art dealer Joseph Lewis – founder/investor Tavistock Group Baron David Sainsbury – J Sainsbury David & Simon Reuben – joint Chief Executives of Reuben Brothers Eduard Shifrin – Midland Group Daniel Abraham – Slim-Fast Sheldon Adelson – Las Vegas Sands Philip Anschutz – founder/chairman The Anschutz Corporation Edmund Ansin – president Sunbeam Television Corp Micky Arison – CEO/owner Carnival Cruise Lines Steven Ballmer – CEO Microsoft Ronald Baron – founder Baron Capitol Management Marc Benioff – chairman/CEO of Carl Berg – owner Berg & Berg Nicolas Berggruen – founder Berggruen Holdings Leon Black – partner Apollo Management Arthur Blank – co-founder/co-owner Home Depot Leonard Blavatnik – shareholder TNT-BP Saul and Access/Renova Michael Bloomberg – NY city mayor, founder Bloomberg L.P. Neil Bluhm – owner JMG Realty David Bonderman – founder GP principal, TPG Group Norman Braman – former owner Philadelphia Eagles Charles Brandes -founder Brandes Investment Partners Donald Bren – chairman Irvine Company Sergey Brin – co-founder/co-owner Google Eli Broad – shareholder American International Group Edgar Bronfman, Sr – Seagram Co. Ronald Burkle – founder Yucaipa Cos. Alan Casden – partner Blackacre Capital Management Leon Charney – lawyer Steven Cohen – founder/chairman SAC Capital Partners Leon Cooperman – founder/CEO/chairman Omega Advisors Lester Crown – shareholder General Dynamics Mark Cuban – founder, Dallas Mavericks Michael Dell – founder Dell Computers Barry Diller – founder CEO IAC Stanley Druckenmiller – founder Duquesne Capital Glenn Dubin – co-founder Highbridge Capital Management Larry Ellison – CEO Oracle Communication Israel Englander – Millennium Partners Doris Fisher – co-founder The Gap John Fisher – main shareholder The Gap Kenneth Fisher – founder/chairman/CEO Fisher Investments Robert Fisher – chairman The Gap Thomas Friedkin – Gulf States Toyota Robert Friedland – Ivanhoe Mines Phillip Frost – chairman Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. David Geffen – co-founder/co-owner Dream Works SKG Malcolm Glazer – First Allied Corporation Alec Gores – leveraged buyouts of technology firms Tom Gores – Platinum Equity David Gottesman – founder/partner First Manhattan Jeffrey Greene – real estate William Gross – manager Pacific Investments Management Joshua Harris – partner Apollo Management Carl Icahn – 2.9% of Time Warner, financier, corporate raider, private equity investor Michael Ilitch – founder/owner Little Caesar’s Pizza Jim Irsay – owner Indianapolis Colts Irwin Jacobs – co-founder/main shareholder Qualcomm Jeremy Jacobs, Sr – owner Deleware North Companies George Kaiser – owner Kaiser-Fransis Oil Sidney Kimmel – founder Jones Apparel Group, Nine West shoe stores Alexander Knaster – CEO Pampona Capital Management Charles Koch – CEO/chairman Koch Industries David Koch – co-owner Koch Industries William Koch – The Oxbow Group Bruce Kovner – founder Caxton Associates Robert Kraft – chairman Kraft Group Michael Krasny – founder/owner CDW Computer Henry Kravis – co-founder/co-owner Kohelberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company Edward Lampert – CEO/chairman EPS Investments Marc Lasry – founder/partner Avenue Capital Group Leonard Lauder – co-owner/CEO Estee Lauder Companies Ronald Lauder – co-owner Estee Lauder Companies Ralph Lauren – founder/chairman Polo Ralph Lauren Thomas Lee – founder Thomas H. Lee Partners Richard LeFrak – president LeFrak Organisation Nancy Lerner – main shareholder MBNA Financial Norma Lerner – main shareholder MBNA Financial Randolph Lerner – main shareholder MBNA Financial Theodore Lerner – principal Lerner Enterprises Peter Lewis – chairman Progressive Insurance Companies George Lindemann – Palm Beach Investments Jeffrey Lurie – owner (1994) Philadelphia Eagles Stephen Mandel, Jr – founder Lone Pine Capital Alfred Mann – owner Mankind Corporation Joe Mansueto – founder/CEO Morningstar Inc Bernard Marcus – co-founder/co-owner Home Depot Gary Michelson – spinal surgeon Michael Milken – Drexel Burnham Lambert Paul Milstein – partner Milstein Properties John Morgridge – chairman/CEO Cisco Systems Michael Moritz – Sequoia Capital Donald Newhouse – Advanced Publications Samuel Newhouse, Jr – Advanced Publications Daniel Och – Och-Ziff Capital Management Larry Page – co-founder/co-owner Google John Paulson – president Paulson & Co. Nelson Peltz – Triarc Companies Ronald Perelman – Revlon Isaac Perlmutter – CEO Marvel Enterprises Inc Michael Price – founder MFP Investments Anthony Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Daniel Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group James Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Jay Robert Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Jean Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group John Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Karen Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Linda Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Nicholas Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Penny Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Thomas Pritzker – Hyatt Hotels, Marmon Group Stewart Rahr – president/CEO Kinray Corp Mitchell Rales – director (1983) owner Danaher Corporation Steven Rales – chairman (1984) Danaher Corporation Sumner Redstone – CEO/chairman Viacom Ira Rennert – Renco Group Marc Rich – commodities trader Robert Rich, Jr – main shareholder Rich Products Corp George Roberts – co-founder/co-owner Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. Stephen Ross – CEO/chairman Related Companies Alexander Rovt – fertilizer Marc Rowan – partner Apollo Management David Rubinstein – co-founder The Carlyle Group Haim Saban – Saban Capital Group Henry Samueli – co-founder/owner Broadcom Corporation Tamir Sapir – (birth name Temur Sepiahsvili) commodities, real estate Steven Schonfeld – Schonfeld Group Lynn Schusterman – Samson Investment Company Stephen Schwarzman – founder Blackstone Group Eugene Shvidler – shareholder Sibneft Thomas Siebel – founder Siebel Systems Herbert Simon – Simon Property Group James Simons – founder Renaissance Technologies Corporation Daniel Snyder – founder/owner Snyder Communications Sheldon Solow – real estate George Soros – investor John Sperling – founder Apollo Group Peter Sperling – Apollo Group Jerry Speyer – CEO Tishman Speyer Steven Spielberg – co-founder/co-owner DreamWorks SKG Leonard Stern – Hartz Mountain Henry Swieca – co-founder Highbridge Capital Management Alfred Taubman – Sotheby’s auction and shopping centers David Tepper – hedge funds, Appaloosa Management Joan Tisch – co-chairman Loews Corporation Wilma Tisch – co-chairman Loews Corporation Leslie Wexner – CEO Limited Brands Meg Whitman – CEO/president Ebay Stephen Wynn – chairman/CEO Mirage Resorts Charles Zegar – New York Bloomberg LP Sam Zell – Equity Residential Daniel Ziff – co-owner Ziff-Davis Publishing Dirk Ziff – co-owner Ziff-Davis Publishing Robert Ziff – co-owner Ziff-Davis Publishing Mark Zuckerberg- founder Facebook Mortimer Zuckerman – founder New York Daily News Rockefeller Family – Standard Oil and other oil holdings Bill Ackman – founder Pershing Square Capital Management

Merkel, clinton, obama, rothschilds, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Maybe we're onto something with the pedo-files, satanic cult, comet pingpong, the MAdline McCann story, etc. but we need to table it for the future. It seems like people are starting to grasp at straws to stretch and connect these dots. We have to find something solid, something cocnrete, there ahs to be something else out there we're missing or simply hasn't been released. Keep digging, we need hard evidence of the clinton foundation wrongdoings.


it might not be/prob isn't. Who knows, all I'm saying is that everyone's going off in that direction like it's the answer when it might not be. We are either missing a piece or are glossing over a piece that we thought related in one way but relates in another.


I'm not disagreeing with you in anyway about the facts of all these things being linked to these people.

This is more of a gut feeling that there's something else there hidden in the obvious that's nagging the fucking shit out of me.


That's what I'm getting at. Like were we guided purposefully to the satanic cult leak beacuse even though true, just out there enough for people to dismiss it as "oh look at those tinfoil wearing nutjobs". Even though I'm happy it came to light, it seems like everyone took that bait and ran with it like it was the smoking gun.

It's coming from Donald Trump. His team includes the national enquirer. NYPD, the intelligence community and yes, Russia. He's been on epstien plane once. And apparently didn't like what he saw up there. He's using this to gain power and drain the swamp this is the real deal, he's trying to do the right thing.





They should now as they've been banned.

Yeah I said the same thing on the Donald theses are the type of conspiracy theories that makes most look like morons. I also noticed t_d was getting bombarded with them Kay bought and the mods couldn't take them down fast enough. It's most likely ctr planted stories

Does it matter if she's Muslim? I'm really eager to jump on this but I refuse to be apart of some bigoted racial issue.

not to mention the fact that they look nothing I literally the only one here who downvoted that?

This is like the definition of racism.

Obvious smoke screen

oy vey goyim don’t look into anything don’t destroy the jewish pedophilia ring just stop and look ver here look over here look over here


Where is Anthony Weiner? Where is the laptop? Where are the emails? Where is Huma Abedin?

None of this matters.

You're absolutely right, OP. Look at the comments in this thread. It's all shill astroturfing. some of them seem to have forgotten they're posting on Reddit and not /pol/.

We're completely overrun right now and it's truly disgusting.

I'm not a shill but I still promote this story's coverage.

Pedo rings--including in DC and in elite circles--are an established thing. They exist. They're in FBI archives.

People would have said that the pedophilia ring in the UK involving the upper echelons of Thatcher's govt would be too "out there"... but that's what happened with Jimmy Saville.

Our consciousness likes to dismiss these things, because we don't want to come to terms with the fact that such evil exists. But it does. And in less than 3 days, places like Reddit and 4Chan have uncovered devastating threads tying into real depravity. Have you seen the Instagram photos of the Comet pizza owner? Can you honestly not tell me that those photos mean nothing?

I respect that you don't want to get involved in this type of investigation. It's definitely not for the faint of heart. I'm personally opting out of it because I couldn't stomach the psychological toll I know it would take on my psyche. But I respect those who are doing this work and tying these pieces together so that maybe the child victims can see some justice. That can only happen if we as a society are willing to acknowledge its existence... and that can only happen if there are people willing to expose it.

it's kinda funny in a way, i mean the things people saying about how disgusting and evil everything they're seeing are mostly from a website that created this.

that picture of a little girl with her hands taped up is just a little girl with her hands taped up, it's funny because she'd not going to be naughty or create mess or do any of the other things kid do - it's a harmless joke any parent or proprietor of an establishment that frequently has children in might make -- but not to pol, everything is satanic child-sex abuse in their minds, did you see the one where the guy was saying about how unlikely it is that 'pasta with walnut sauce' refers to actual pasta with walnut sauce because who eats things like that? it's easier for them to imagine that a someone's a satanic child-abuser than they have a healthy lunch... these people are deranged!


Scotland Yard later revised their theory, they now suspect multiple men. They now think the two different witnesses are describing two different men. Don't doubt there were multiple people involved.

Quit spreading false information.

From the last thread.


No prob yo. That was actually part of the direct quote so no harm no foul.

Scotland yard said there were multiple suspects and it's possible witnesses they saw different people. This is the 4th time I've seen someone make this same exact lie on here.


A lie shall be called a lie. I have no concern for how that makes you feel. I commend you on the fact you are researching though.


whereas you opt for the more broad definition that includes all false statements, regardless of intent.

That is correct, because the effect is the same.

This indeed. They win this round, and we can conclude that Wikileaks was grossly inefficient in how they have handled all of this (by design or by their own limitations).

Yeah, i don't know what peoples intentions are saying shit like this. I guess to muddy the waters. I'd say it's clearly not her.

They were on a trip during that time. Not sure if portugal.

Thanks for linking. Your write ups are intense for a novice such as I, but they get the ball rolling.

Don't you think they would have engineered something else that wouldn't damage Clinton?

Bye, tard!

If you ever need more sketch evidence, I've seen some great flat-Earth proof that you would love!