Ask Conspiracy: If most of Osama Bin Laden's network were captured by mid 2000's and Bin Laden killed in 2011, why has the Continuity of Government / State of Emergency been extended into 2016?

205  2016-11-07 by 911bodysnatchers322

Time to put down your Tom Clancy, Jack Reacher and Dan Brown books, because the truth is stranger than fiction.

Since 9/11, we've been living in a--faux--state of emergency, held up by executive order. The Continuity of Government plan[1][2][3] has been renewed by POTUS every year since 9/11, even though most of the so-called 'terrorizers' had been caught by mid 2000s, and Bin Laden himself has been dead since 2011[44].

This continuance of the state of emergency, then, is for one reason alone: it's to continue suspending the constitution which nullifies laws and therefore inhibits high-level people from being brought to justice for various crimes and constitutional violations[55555][66][777][88].

I spoke earlier about this here and also here, and it would seem there was a lot of interest in this subject, spurring a good discussion. I lied about not wanting to talk about COG any more. Sorry.

When COG was initiated, most of Congress was in the dark. As they found about about, they inquired and were told to STFU basically. Eventually, the reigning establishment, realizing they've been politically, legally castrated, the public government has consented to something called "secret law"--wherein they claim the Executive gets to let the CIA do whatever it wants and the Congress isn't aren't allowed to ask about it. This is a cop out, because it's not legal.

The constitution, not the CIA or POTUS is the "Supreme Law of the Land". So where does the Constitution get it's power of authority? From YOU. It's derived by "popular sovereignty": The constitution is a social contract.

Our government is telling us that they can violate our social contract whenever they want, however they want, and there's nothing you (or they) can do about it. This means effectively, there is a shadow government that does what it wants and yet you still have to somehow obey the rules.

Except that you don't.

What Unpunishment of State Abuses Effectively Means

Because either it's the case that the acknowledgement and adoption of "secret law" within our public government means that the CIA has become a private institution, and no longer a public one. In other words, the Intelligence community, MIC, Deep state, Shadow Governement, whatever you want to call it, is no longer part of the US Government. If this is the case, it has committed acts of terrorism against the public, and the Congress, Executive and SCOTUS have all therefore been complicit in treason since 9/11 by continuing to allow them to do these things.

Alternatively, if the Intelligence Community is still part of the Public US Government, then it can only mean that the Constitution itself has been suspended, and there are no laws in place right now because all laws--with the exception of international law (maritime admiralty law) and other forms of law not defined by the constitution--are wholly invalid, state constitutions are invalid, and all courts are invalid.

So which is it? A or B. Choose Obama. Choose now.

They get to choose which scenario it is, but it cannot be both unless they want to violate logic itself, which is the basis of math and language upon which law is based.

Fifth Column

If the public government decides the intelligence community has been acting like a junta of military intelligence and well-connected political elite forming a shadow government since 9/11, then they've necessarily committed treason in many ways, well, .....go after them already. We're waiting on you. If Bush jr. hadn't killed stem cell research, we'd give you medicine so you can regrow a backbone.

Suspension of Constitution

If however the Constitution has indeed been superceded, then we have been living in the wild west and therefore the only laws that apply are those people themselves are willing to consent for themselves: in other words, if you go to jail, it's because you've failed to challenge the jurisdiction of the courts when it's clear the courts themselves cannot even verify their own jurisdiction since the Congress and Supreme Court system itself cannot:

"Of the 54 National Security Presidential Directives issued by the [George W.] Bush Administration to date, the titles of only about half have been publicly identified. There is descriptive material or actual text in the public domain for only about a third. In other words, there are dozens of undisclosed Presidential directives that define U.S. national security policy and task government agencies, but whose substance is unknown either to the public or, as a rule, to Congress."[3]


Continuity of Government Measures Were Kept in Effect For Several Months, At The Least; Congress Was Kept In the Dark

CNN reports that -- 6 months later --

Because Bush has decided to leave the operation in place, agencies including the White House and top civilian Cabinet departments have rotated personnel involved, and are discussing ways to staff such a contingency operation under the assumption it will be in place indefinitely, this official said.

Similarly, the Washington Post stated in March 2002 that "the shadow government has evolved into an indefinite precaution." The same article goes on to state:

"... assessment of terrorist risks persuaded the White House to remake the program as a permanent feature of 'the new reality, based on what the threat looks like,' a senior decisionmaker said."

As a CBS article makes clear, virtually none of the Congressional leadership knew that the COG had been implemented or was still in existence as of March 2002:

7 Network

How do we know this is a criminal network?

We found out recently through investigation into Hillary Clinton's illegal private server, violations of classification protocils, and through the Podesta emails that there is a Shadow Government called the 7th Floor Group[777][666][77][33000][313].

This is the tip of the iceberg, we've had mountains of research and decades of time to figure out what's going on[888][99][1313][23375384].


Fascinating. I remember COG pre-y2k. I fell off the attention-train a few years after 9-11, and then Iraq/PNAC compounded the clusterf, when it became clear that no one was getting ANYTHING, and it was obviously a time best spent continuing to learn and observe and tunnel around. My own business and personal requirements over the last decade kept my eyes on other balls, waiting for a global Moore's Law of informational connectivity to catch up so that working my corner through these lenses would feel relevant again. Thanks for your posts. Am perusing many of your priors - can't comment on them because they're archived - but am grateful for the info. Thanks.

Glad you are enjoying them. I think something almost has to happen at this point. I think we've reached a tipping point and their tricks no longer work on us.

You are killing it with these posts. Do you have an archive? Like a shoestring type blog?

The tipping point I'd like to envision is that their tricks no longer work on them. The best win is when the other side sees that you're right - and changes sides.

As an aside, Moore's Law is dead.

All this time they've been using it as goalposts for semiconductor development. The problem is, it's not linear at all, and there seems to be an asymptote at the singularity. Thank fuck.

Not only is it non-linear but it wasn't literal. There's not even such thing as a Moore's Law of informational connectivity. It was a useful metaphor (and more alliterative than an actual description of the process I was referring to), since it's likely that there could be an equation that would express complex network growth, but it too would not be linear, and I imagine there's an asymptote at its singularity, too. Thank fuck. 🖖

"If Bush jr. hadn't killed stem cell research, we'd give you medicine so you can regrow a backbone." lololol

There's a wiki page for the 7th floor group:

I'm SO glad you liked that joke :) Dial the snark up to 10

This would be good for new people to read. It definitely cleared up a few questions I had.

I'm glad it helped. Thanks for reading it.

Careful... It's questions like this that will get us another false flag attack.

I didn't know we had so much power. To powerbottom these big attacks. Good to know. Sorry to use an unsavory verb.



Sharing your cog posts with those who seek the light. Hope you remain unsnatched my friend

Bin Laden was killed in 2011, but ISIS began in 2012, so obviously COG was needed to keep fighting them overseas so we don't have fight them here. Once we finally kill off ISIS, I'm sure we'll have 6 - 8 weeks of Constitutional rule before the next group of America killers pops up and we have put that silly old piece of paper away again.

Continuity of Government is one of my favorite "conspiracy theories" because it is entirely verifiable and super creepy.

It's so real, and almost undeniably happening right under our noses. The suspension of the constitution and the introduction of a new "secret" governing body, hidden within the government makes so much more sense than trying to believe the bullshit that Obama, the constitutional law professor pulled as soon as he took office.

Unfortunately, I can't really talk about this stuff with anybody in real life because it instantly destroys my credibility as a person to everybody outside of this sub.

It doesn't matter how much documentation is available or how obvious the connections are.... they just look at me like I'm crazy.

My research so far has lead me to believe that "B" is most likely what's happening.


From OP:

Alternatively, if the Intelligence Community is still part of the Public US Government, then it can only mean that the Constitution itself has been suspended, and there are no laws in place right now because all laws--with the exception of international law (maritime admiralty law) and other forms of law not defined by the constitution--are wholly invalid, state constitutions are invalid, and all courts are invalid.

The simplest way to explain what this means is that a "shadow government" has taken control of the actual functions of our country while the normal elected government runs the public-facing day to day operations.

On the surface it would look like we're running a democracy, but the normal parts of a democracy could be suspended at any time it's convenient for the gov't.

Another a/effect of this Foreign policy and domestic law shitshow is that slowly, repression of dissent will become the new functions of local governments and law enforcement.

We're working up to something big, here.

the wikimedia page on the 7th Floor Group has been deleted, today, in a process of "Fast Deletion". It's edit history has also been deleted.



Not only is it non-linear but it wasn't literal. There's not even such thing as a Moore's Law of informational connectivity. It was a useful metaphor (and more alliterative than an actual description of the process I was referring to), since it's likely that there could be an equation that would express complex network growth, but it too would not be linear, and I imagine there's an asymptote at its singularity, too. Thank fuck. 🖖

Sharing your cog posts with those who seek the light. Hope you remain unsnatched my friend