I think now would be a good time for many of us to branch off into a new conspiracy subreddit that isn't so quick to pounce on absurd allegations.

1  2016-11-08 by [deleted]



Why you still here then?


Im just messing with you :) ive noticed you around.

Nah i want to open your eyes to all possibilities no matter how extreme cause there lies the truth.

There is to many distractions right now. The pedo links are serious that why so much attention.

If you have some dirt about hillary its to late we have to move on.

And conspiracy has chosen pedo

Politics is so yesterday



The american people are so desensitized to info like this that it has to be extreme.

Corruption seems pretty acceptable.

So we have delved into"tabloid" territory because the info is there. I know a sketch is a stretch but that is exactly how leads are created.

Huge speculation, but a dude who happens to look like sketch and has some weird pedo allegations going on is not an insane thing to investigate.

You have Nailed It. I have been thinking so much the Same as you lately. Keep me posted if a new and Better place is created. I'll still browse r/conspiracy for some of the Decent and Smart people and Relevant Content. But then there is the other 80%......

Come join the fight to save these kids. Its real not pretend

hello new friend ... this is where i hang

this is where ive been recently

worlds converging i love it!



How is this not a violation of rule 10? Hello?

Like i said, someone really hates this subject matter.

Nothing crazy about this allegation. They are a powerful ring of child sex slave traders and that's for real. That is absolutely a fact. Why on earth would this not be a good thing to look into?

Truth is stranger than fiction. You say you're into conspiracy theories, yet you don't acknowledge this?

Does this look like a tabloid thing to you? NSFL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c7rAxCQocs

More evidence the Clintons are involved in magik to further themselves. http://www.wnd.com/1998/12/3471/


Where did all the blood Maria is using come from then? If no harm was done, did the Red Cross donate it to her? Or did goats, chickens, children, and/or adults volunteer to be killed and drained?

She did mention that she used actual human blood...

Thanks for verifying. I guess it came from the Red Cross then as the Op doesn't believe that Spirit Cooking and similar types of magik don't do any harm to anyone.

Please, let me know where you go off to. I want to join you.


So you facepalm'd with spiritcooking? Dude, WTF, a conspiracy to take over the USA via satanic coup isn't deep enough for ya? What's your take on Sandy Hook, 9/11, JFK, Flat Earth, and the tri-sovereign states then?

This is a mistake. A few years ago, people were saying "9/11 was an inside job" was absurd. It's very important not to do exactly what was done to anyone who questioned things in the past. These things will sort themselves out.

I haven't read a single article about the pedo ring. I don't up or down vote either. The ideas should all be explored and allowed to be discussed and discarded or embraced.


Yes, I can see your reasoning there, that it should be worthy to be on the front page. And I do think that people get excited and want to break new ground (there's an almost hero worship of it).

I guess it's something I don't encourage or discourage because it's all very new to me. For me, less than 6 months ago I would've thought it was ridiculous to say false flags were staged, or even question 9/11, so that I'm not comfortable rejecting anything. Hell, up til a year ago I believed the official JFK story!

If you have more experience with it, I can see why it would seem really ridiculous. (I honestly can't fathom why so many people in charge would be interested in sex with children; isn't that a specific kind of mental illness for all these people to share)? And I do also question judgement when I see Madeline MCcan, but there's a new, tiny "what if?" that I cannot ignore, and that is what drove my answer above.


That's a good point. My first thought was, "aww, who cares what anybody else thinks? The hell with them!" You know, just that those of us who are here are the knowers, and those who aren't, aren't. But I can see how anyone dipping a toe in might see the posts (and the sheer number of them) and say, "F*ck this." I guess some balance is better.

Things like that should only reach the top for all to see when they actually contain something substantial and worthwhile. When I go to a conspiracy subreddit, I want the top threads to be something fairly significant and newsworthy, not tabloid material.

You seem to think the front page exists to entertain you, and that it should only contain content that you personally think is valuable. The reality is that this is a discussion board, where various conversations are shaped in real-time by the input of thousands of contributors daily. We figure out what material deserves to be promoted by having posts reach the front page where everyone can see them and evaluate them, not by comparing them against the personal tastes of one asshole.


So, these topics you don't like, they have armies of people scrutinizing their details and judging the significance of the topics by the merit of those details. They have judged that the topics warrant inquiry, but you disagree. How is it that you came to your conclusion that the topics shouldn't be discussed or be on the front page?


I'm sorry but that's a pretty fallacious fucking leap you've got there, saying that an inert post on a message board actually has a causative effect on some dickhead deciding to run up on a grieving family. I mean if this were a scientific model I would expect to see repeatability, but instead we only have this one outlier who accosted Sandy Hook victims when thousands upon thousands saw the posts without incident. Just saying, that thinking doesn't really fly bro.

If you were hot on the trail of some organized pedo shit and wanted to crowdsource more people to help investigate and see if it held any water, how exactly would you do it? There really isn't any way to do it without associating the pedophilia with those parties in your communications with the crowd. If that's all it takes to accuse and be inappropriate for doing it, you're essentially promoting a model where things are not allowed to be investigated under any circumstances. Seeing how the very purpose of this board is to investigate, I don't think that approach makes any sense.


well the truth is, a lot of my argument was a devil's advocate, trolling practice sort of argument, and I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Unfortunately, I think the only point that actually matters is that solving the issue is dependent on the competence of the individual, which means that doing things your way is effectively impossible.

I don't support investigative material being presented as though it's factual any more than I support weirdos going after Sandy Hook families, but I also don't think there's any logical place to draw a line when it comes to how much discretion the individual should exercise to account for the possibility his conduct could justify the behavior of some unknown fucking mental disorder.

also, I think this PizzaGate stuff is more substantial than you're willing to consider.

I think its unlikely any concrete evidence will be found on this pedo/satanic narrative. It's far more likely that the people who believe and are pushing this pedo/satanic story are unwitting pawns in the real conspiracy to distract, discredit, delegitimize the clear evidence that exists in the wikileaks for actual crimes committed. Right out of counter intelligence playbook... muddy the waters and obscure the truth.


It's better for people to step up and call bullshit than mod it out and censor it. It helps people learn how to vet sources and research for themselves and etc. You do get a shitload of downvotes from the butthurt, but what are you gonna do? It's just Reddit.

This. There's actually evidence that the elite is involved in this kind of stuff (see also: Jeffrey Epstein and friend, which include Clinton and Trump and Dershowitz and Summers and etc), but what's going on right now here with the ridiculous witchhunts is incredibly discrediting AND distracts from the real DC corruption being exposed in these emails.

I saw someone post something the other day about an email that was obviously a conversation about a lobbyist Christmas gift where users were jumping to all kinds of embarrassingly stupid conclusions. Like "cheese" is drugs or child porn...when right there, staring them in the face - is actual monetary corruption in these emails, all kinds of conflicts of interest, but no, we gotta act like an actual pizza place is a human trafficking hotspot because someone on 4chan made some crazy shit up and we can't spend five minutes to think for ourselves and titillation is a lot easier than following the money...


It'll just get colonized by the same propagandists and followers once it gains traction, but more diverse enclaves isn't a bad thing and could help with sanity, at least temporarily. I've really been avoiding Reddit the past few days because it's just so dumb and frustrating, it's not fun anymore.

Relax friend. Things will get back to normal in two days. This is just election year stuff.

nothing is absurd until it's proven to be.

In search of truth we will entertain all possible leads and follow them to the end of the earth.

Yes but when a lead doesn't pan out you have to be able to walk away from it, not grasp at another straw and force it to fit your preconceived notions. Like a lot of people have pointed out there is no evidence that anything OP mentioned is true... Don't give me code words and police sketches. When there is evidence it's a conspiracy theory, when there isn't is just a fairytale/wishful thinking/confirmation bias.

This election is exactly what many of us have at least came across at some point in our own researches. It's near textbook wet dream for a conspiracy theorist.

The pedo rings, all of us have came across a story that references elite pedo rings. This is like watching what you've feared come to life.

It's not going away, and it's part of the Grand Conspiracy.

Soma is right. If a conspiracy and its believers can't stand up to a baseline of skepticism and scrutiny it's most likely bullshit. Where is the objectivity and critical thinking? You people are being lead around by your emotions.


I agree 100%.

In all this stupid drama, people miss the forest for the trees.

How many people is Podesta working for in these emails? How many paychecks? Whose causes championed?

You can't help but think a lot of this ridiculous disinfo is being shepherded, but christ, we don't have to be such sheep.

The problem isn't this sub, it's your perspective that important developments are "nonsense."

Lol this sub needs to ban concern trolls like /r/the_donald. But really, if you don't like the content that is what the downvote button is for. I've seen a growing number of "concern" posts lately here. /r/conspiracy is about looking into everything. Not limited to stuff within your comfort zone.


Or share the "good" info

You're going to jail.

It's better for people to step up and call bullshit than mod it out and censor it. It helps people learn how to vet sources and research for themselves and etc. You do get a shitload of downvotes from the butthurt, but what are you gonna do? It's just Reddit.