The Elite know that reality is malleable and that a collective consciousness exists in some form. They direct attention, emotions, times of political uncertainty, and the sort towards their own bidding

148  2016-11-08 by TheWiredWorld

They use us against ourselves.

A few years ago there was a show called "Through the Wormhole" narrated by Morgan Freeman. There was an episode about the Collective Consciousness and one of the ways that the idea was taken even the slightest bit seriously by science was through the

Global Consciousness Project

which was essentially a connected network of stations that did nothing other than produce tons and tons of numbers by giant RNG machines. These numbers have been recorded constantly for many years at this point. What they found was that the RNG station results actually had very significant deviations of their usual results around times of heightened social awareness, political uncertainty, the Olympics, etc.

Like elections.

The elite? They are a completely different caste of people. Even their gene pools are so far removed from ours. They would sell us to intergalactic slave traders if they could get a cool gadget from it.

Focus your attention on change. The real kind of change. The government and its associated alphabet agencies have abandoned us. We have to change things. Change doesn't start with protesting. Protesting never worked and it never will. Change starts with not rolling over in that political discussion you had with that acquaintance or friend. If someone wants to spread disinformation and misinformation in public, and expect someone not to call them out - you have a right to speak too.

Change comes with the hearts and minds of people. Only then will it come.

Because reality is malleable.


That's what "Magick" is all about. Eli Levi defined it as "Steering the human magnetism". "Attention and intention steer the human magnetism.

Having a hard time googling this name. Any links you can share?

His main book is called "the doctrine of transcendental magick". Name is Eliphas Levi. Search on and you will find it

This is more of a post for C_S_T but glad you did it so well OP and that it's picked up some steam here. Just to add to the conversation:

  • Rupert Sheldrake -- bad science assumptions, telepathic pets, morphic resonance, 100th monkey experiment (no not debunked), google youtube banned ted talk sheldrake
  • Terence McKenna -- the world is made of language; reality is not only stranger than you suppose, it's stranger than you can suppose. Because of the internet and the feedback loops it creates, its psychedelic. (borrowing from marshall mcluhan)
  • Marshall McLuhan -- the media is the message (he predicted internet before he died)
  • Occultism in logos and such is urban tagging for aristocrats and spies as much as it is consciousness magic to disempower you <== me
  • Thomas Sheridan -- the world is run by a psychopathic control grid that uses consciousness black magic to sell things, and uses transsexual agendas to create a third gender to sell fashion to because they've done everything for binary genders; art is a form of control and pushing black magic on you, and know this because modern avante-garde it's garbage when it used to be the pinnacle of human expression

I'd also recommend gnosticmedia and freemanfly



I really don't think transgenderism is being pushed for extra clothing money. Why wouldn't you just push for a complete breakdown of gender based clothing? I mean probably 60 years ago women wearing jeans would be seen as 'boyish' so why weigh down that natural trend of blending boundaries to all the unnecessary baggage of someone's sexuality?

If anything they want people to think if they exhibit traits of a gender they weren't born with then they must have a special gender category they fit in distinct from the 'standard' one. McKenna often mentioned the boundary bluring aspects of not locking yourself into a particular bin because of your gender and even categorized gender bending along with body piercing, rave culture, rites of passage and anything else psychedelic (according to his definition).

Like I said I think the true evil is making people think if they don't ascribe to the cultural norm of their gender then they still get a bin to fit into, where in reality humans are impossible to categorize and everyone should just behave how they naturally do and leave it at that. I doubt David Bowie was debating whether he was gender fluid or intergender or whatever else academia has spouted our recently. He was just a man who realized he didn't have to behave in the way his culture says he does.

This, a thousand times this.

All the occultist religions (left-center of this chart... Thelemites, OTO, Freemasons, Kabbalists etc) know this and teach it. It's the reason behind pervasive logos and symbols, as they bypass our conscious mind, appealing directly to the "primitive brain", even when caught only by peripheral vision.

A good documentary on this topic to watch might be Athene's Theory of Everything or The Awakening (2015).

It might seem like batshit insane cultist crap, sure. We've been told all along that magic doesn't exist and is only illusion. But the same concept (with different presentation, or different deities) is passed on through all these religions, they can't have all got it wrong.

Here's a good plain english explanation from what is called chaos magick. Their claim to pride is that they don't conform to just satanism or just yoga, they pick and choose the good bits from whatever religion they like. It's the most modern example of occultism I could find.

Even here they point out the corporate logos. "Energy flows where attention goes"

In that picture you posted they nonchalantly drop "Try to pick your name while in gnosis." Oh yeah because every occult practitioner is easily able to access the Gnostic version of nirvana. Gnosis is a state that is all but inaccessible according to all of the above mentioned traditions and some hold that being trully within it would drive a person insane.

Chaos magic has bizarre aspects considering it literally is about making whatever you want a ritual, e.g. people can have webcam summonings of spirits if they have the inclination, so I suppose that is why they're able to drop this statement so easily but really it kind of goes against almost all of the mystery religion dogma.

Oh, yeah, it's the first thing they try to teach, too. They make it look like it's just a step up from meditation. I guess when your credibility lies in how well you can trick yourself, you can make some pretty big leaps in your descriptions.

Great post. Have you ever heard Rik Clay's 4 hour interview?

I have now! Thanks, been looking for some more docs to watch.

Many peaceful days to you - Rik Clay was just another stepping stone for me - but he points out some awesome stuff. Really had some unique research.

He apparently committed suicide.

Yeah I didn't realize this 'til I tried looking up his blog while listening to the interview. Right after this interview... His dad said the attention got to him and he had an "adrenal breakdown". That sounds fishy as fuck.

During the interview he mentions, "It's doing me head in" when referring researching the connections the British Royalty have to all of this. Also reading online apparently someone else noticed that he briefly mentions that he's "sick of thinking".

Some research on "adrenal breakdown" (sadly have no peer reviewed studies to link, though) says basically stress, worry and overwork can lead you to have chronic fatigue and depression and anxiety and eventually suicide. This can take decades of exposure. What if the effect of his research (an emerging global consciousness connection to these practictioners of occultism) accelerated the effect of adrenal breakdown?

What I'm saying is, what if becoming cognizant of this sort of back-door into the mind actually unlocks it for anyone-or their directed energies-to come in? Since you're focusing on all these symbols and connections consciously, it would mean you're devoting a whole lot more attention than 'noticing' it subconsciously. Thus it would be easier for 'them' to, say, pick your signal out of the noise floor. Say they percieve this as a threat, be it that they can't have that spike in energy for too long, or else others will join in and the info will spread, or maybe they themselves would be compromised by some other being proficient in whatever this is. It reminded me:

"Occlumency, Potter. The magical defence of the mind against external penetration. An obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one." —Severus Snape, an accomplished Occlumens telling Harry Potter about Occlumency

How do you start learning Occlumensy? Well, it's in the word. Occlu comes from latin "to shut up"and mens "the mind". Meditation, duh. If you're not thinking about anything, they can't read anything off you.

How are Voldemort and Harry connected? A symbol, put there unexplicably through Lily's love magic.

I only say this because the same thing happened to me while I was researching the same sorts of topics... Ancient Gnosticism, their theories of Archons and of global consciousness being the big theme. Had to have a stay in a hospital because I had overwhelming feelings of being pursued, looked into. During a really bad night, full moon, coyotes howling etc., I was trying to sleep and ended up having shadowy hallucinations of people coming into my room. Sub-audible sounds turned into indistinguishable whispers, and I became suspicious of my family. I voluntarily left my house because I thought the hospital would be safer (lol). I wasn't even sharing my learnings with anyone, like Rik was. Was diagnosed: chronic depression with stress-induced psychosis tendencies. Basically the ingredients for schizophrenia. Was put on an anti-pyschotic Rispiridone that made me (after an adjustment period), for the first time in as long as I can remember, mentally quiet. There was much less chatter in the background of my mind, and I could more easily focus on physical tasks. And meditation became WAY easier. Long-term though, I had to come off of it 'cause it might have left me with permanent facial twitching. Maybe anti-psychotics work because they are like a kind of chemical meditation? They limit the flow of information through this window into the brain that we all have, but have little to no control over. Maybe that's why I recovered well, and Rik didn't?

But prior to this all, my research on schizophrenia itself probably made my psychosis worse. I remember reading about many patients all over the world who all described their situation (with no collusion amongst themselves) as if there were someone or a group with access to a sort of steampunk-y machine, lots of cogs, gears, brass, like a clock, but with levers. This shadowy group could operate it to have all sorts of effects and glean new outlook on this world. Looking into the same story now, I can't find shit.

ANYWAY, sorry for rambling, I'll just end with this: an interesting take on "schizophrenia" and its potential assosciation with various religions/spiritual doctrines.


This election is a giant energy suck to give fuel to the powerful. This has been a trite scifi plotline of sorts, but energy is, at the most base level, attention.

We mistakenly believe they create change for us, and in doing so, erroneously believe they are the powerful ones and not us.

This election cycle brought me down the path of so many possibilities, so many scenarios, where I wasn't sure of the manipulation angles. I didn't know what was the actual reality, what was going on behind the scenes. And then I came to the conclusion that the only thing I could trust is that reality is my own to claim. It doesn't come from "out there" or "from them," but comes "within," "from myself." If I sit passively and watch the creations of others, then I myself am denying my own power of creation.

Sometime after the election--which I will see as entertainment value--I will very likely go on an internet hiatus to turn inwards again. I'll look at some old pictures, plan some trips, and take inventory of who I am and what I can offer the world.

Though ego has been considered dangerous to growth and progress, exploring our sense of identity is also why I believe we're here: as a whole, we are the collective consciousness... fragmented into vessels, in order to have experiences through points of awareness (via our ego/sense of self).

As the ancient belief goes, when we change ourselves we change the whole. The problems with ourselves is the problem of the whole. So when we fix ourselves, we fix the whole.

Who becomes president doesn't matter.

I think ego is highly linked to morals, through the collective consciousness. You can think of them as a majority vote, i.e. "Would most people consider this act to be evil?" Sort of like a conscience. Pretty similar words, conscience and conscious.

Ego just comes from a sort of average view upon oneself or one's actions from the collective's point of view. i.e., "Would most people think I'm an okay guy?"

Wake the fuck up. This life is beyond malleable. You are the creator of your life and nothing is random. You are here for a purpose and to experience life. You are anything but unworthy. You are a divine being of light and can fucken do anytbing. This system has brainwashed you and taken away your power through manipulation, fear, and control. We are remembering and there is nothing that can stop this wave. Be prepared for the glory that awaits those who are willing. You must make a choice.

This is an important aspect of the system of control that doesn't get enough attention. We literally don't need anything to break out of their control. We simply need to stop all the distractions they shove at us and calmly focus our attention on a better world.

Nice post!

I think that's why a lot of people are picking up hobbies like wood working or gardening. It takes time and focuses your attention on something else. In regards to wood working it's putting your focus into something you create, I think it also helps break the instant gratification their systems "reward" us with.

For me I think a lot of it has to do with learning, too, because I hop from hobby to hobby when I eventually realize I've learned a good deal more about a certain pastime than the average hobbyist would.

I think Einstein said, "Once you stop learning, you start dying."

That's a good point. I tend to do the same thing, but I think it's my ADD that's keeps me bouncing around. I've been wanting to get into smithing and carpentry, I've done a little carpentry and really enjoyed it. Though my father and grandfather were carpenters so I think that's where a lot of my interest stems from.

I'd love to start on carpentry. The Japanese have a style where they don't use any metal or joinery at all, yet can make fantastic puzzle boxes with incredible tolerance between pieces.

Huge investment to get started though, need all those planes and chisels and bits. Not to mention the bigger stuff like table and circular saws.

Japanese carpentry is fascinating, it would be awesome to learn that style. The level of precision is unreal, truly amazing.

If it's totally random then how would there be deviations from the norm? Surely everything is random so any result regardless would thus be random?

It's as totally random as hydrogen molecules turning into people, given enough time.

Well a random number generator in reality can never be 'random" in a mathematical sense, the algorithms have to be deterministic in some way so they often utilize chaotic behavior to produce the randomness.

That's exactly the point though, when they examine the particular strings of numbers outputted it stays around the acceptable behavior of a random number generator but becomes more coherent during certain world events.

What do you mean by everything is random?

Deviations from randomness is structure.

Ya, I know all about this. They mostly get us through the television. Mind control through media.

You're more right than you know. We live in an 'omnijective' reality that we collectively create.

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