Achilles Heel: Jimmy "Comet" Alefantis and the Clinton Pedophile Network

259  2016-11-08 by [deleted]

[Tried to compile as much info as possible. It's written to appeal to newbies]

For some strange reason, a pizza joint owner is listed as the 49th most powerful man in Washington DC.

James Achilles Alefantis aka "Jimmy Comet" is the ex-lover of David Brock. The latter runs Hillary's super-pac "Correct the Record", a multi-million dollar propaganda effort designed to boost Hillary's support online. Alefantis also owns Comet Ping Pong, which bills itself as a family friendly hipster pizza joint with ping pong tables and live performances by rock bands.

Internet sleuths discovered numerous references to pizza, cheese, pasta and hotdogs in the Podesta emails that seemed to make no sense. One pizza place in particular kept standing out: Comet Ping Pong.

Hillary's campaign is run by John Podesta. He previously served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama. He is famous for his "pizza parties."

John Podesta has strange taste in art. Here's a picture hanging in his office at Clinton campaign headquarters.

“The image shows two men hunched over a dining room table, bearing knives and forks. On the table lays a man in a suit, who looks vaguely like Podesta.”

"Podesta’s painting is incredibly similar to one of Abramović’s art displays in which she and pop star Lady Gaga eat off of a mock bloodied body."

Abramavic refers to Marina Abramović, a "performance artist" who cooks with...well, Wikileaks tweeted the secret recipe:

"The Podestas’ 'Spirit Cooking' dinner? It’s not what you think. It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood."

If you have the stomach for it you can watch videos of Abramavic's "performance art" online.

The Podestas are apparently into this stuff, judging from the email exchange with Abramovic.

Pro-Hillary blogs have responded to the revelation by claiming that backwards Christians are persecuting a cutting edge "artist" and that it's perfectly normal to mix blood, sperm and breastmilk with food. Whatever.

And now we go from the bizarre to the deeply disturbing.

An article about John Podesta in the Washington Post, which has since been removed, notes that his taste in art doesn't end with cannibalism:

“Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.

Archive of article:

Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton's pedophile buddy and pilot of the "lolita express," also had pictures of naked teenagers hanging on his walls. Apparently they're pretty open with this stuff. Their ruling class friends don't even bat an eye.

Here is John Podesta referring to a torture chamber. Ordinarily I would say he was using a metaphor, but in light of what follows, I'm not so sure.

If you think John has sick taste in art, wait till you get a load of his brother.

Tony Podesta's favorite artist is biljana djurdjevic who specializes in art with blatantly pedophilic themes, and more than that, sadistic pedophilic themes. The term for this, in child pornography circles, is called "hurtcore."

Tony Podesta is also a life-long friend of Dennis Hasterd, disgraced pedophile and former Speaker of the House. Hasterd was a Republican. This is a bi-partisan affair.

Now back to that pizza place and James Achilles Alefantis aka Jimmy Comet. Here is Tony Podesta with Alefantis, celebrating the former's birthday at Comet Ping Pong. This obscure DC pizza joint has hosted numerous Democratic Party fundraisers, including for Hillary Clinton.

Here is a letter from Hillary herself thanking Jimmy.

Another day on the campaign trail?

Apparently not.

Here is Jimmy at the White House with President Obama (POTUS is playing ping pong with a boy), and here is Jimmy admiring a statue (supposedly modeled after one of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims) in Tony Podesta's home. Obama had phone banks at Comet Ping in 2012.

Jimmy has made several trips to the White House.

And we wouldn't be complete without a George Soros link: Soros' American Bridge Pac sent this pizza joint $21,864.25.

Here is a list of other donations made by Hillary Pacs to Alefantis.

Speaking of birthday traditions, here is Jimmy Comet's: cutting a "flaccid penis"-shaped cake.

Okay. So far we have two pedophiles, John and Tony Podesta, at the center of the Clinton campaign. These figures are also linked to Jeffrey Epstein. And we have a third person, James Achilles Alefantis aka "Jimmy Comet", who runs a pizza joint.

What goes on at this pizza joint? As mentioned, Comet Ping Pong bills itself as a "family friendly" hangout. Which is odd, since among the various pictures of kids eating pizza on their instagram, they also have photos like this. And this

What kind of music shows do they put on? Well, here's one example:

Comet pizza video

[this video was quickly removed from Youtube but has since been reuploaded by someone who caught it in time].

Pedophilic artwork featured on website of the "musician" in the video, Amanda Kleinman.

Here is a painting in plane view: a man ejaculating while playing ping pong with an Alien. "Shut up and fuck" is written on the wall.

Here is another poster for a rock concert at Comet Ping Pong. It shows, well, look for yourself.

By the same artist

Not only are kids welcome at this place, they sometimes host sleepovers

Now we get to Jimmy's instagram, and where the real horror begins. He has since set it to private, but sleuths on 4 and 8chan managed to archive much of the material. Jimmy just responded to the rumors about Comet Ping Pong by saying there’s no truth to the bizarre allegations: "The whole election has really just been insane." In typical fashion the corporate media is referring to "conspiracy theories."

Take a look at the following, and judge for yourself. Alefantis was the weak link, the Achilles heel of the operation. While most of the people involved were content to use code language, Alefantis was completely open about his pedophilia. He couldn't resist making repeated, obvious sexual references accompanied by pictures of children and even babies.

(Warning: this is disturbing stuff.)

"Chicken Lover"

(The term "Chicken Lover" is slang for homosexual pedophile)

"I Love Children"

Taped kid comet pizza instagram

Child keeps asking for the sword

Panda cumhole

Why does daddy like butt

Beauty pizza

First pizza baby never the same

Baby selling -- don't touch!

Secret milk does a body good


Jimmy also corresponded with a user named "Pajama Factory". Here are some of the images they shared.

Child-sized coffin

White van


"Just rinse it off when you're done"

"Kill Room"

Cash and drugs

"Ping Pong in London sounds tempting!"

One of Jimmy's pals on Instagram is Cboutlier.

Here is a photo posted by Christopher Boutlier which bizarrely contains the words "gaybaby."

Here is an article about Boutlier.

Wouldn't you know it? He's also into pedophilic art.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

And finally, here is the most sickening of all of Jimmy's posts...


I want you to think long and hard if you, as a grown adult, would ever look at a picture of a baby and say the word "yum."

The Event Organizer for Comet Ping Pong is Sasha Lord. Here is her bio. She works with "at-risk" youth, "Girl Scouts Beyond Bars," and "running an outreach Girl Scout Troop at the Prince William Detention Center."

Speaking of at-risk youth, right across the street from Comet Ping Pong is a company called Terosol that specializes in "homeless and runaway youth." Their homepage features a picture of Hillary Clinton. It also features their logo -- a heart within a heart -- which the FBI lists as a pedophile symbol for "girl lover". Coincidence?

Incredibly, another pizza place on the same block, Besta pizza, also has a pedophile symbol as their logo, in this case, "boy lover."

There is now abundant circumstantial evidence that the Clintons are involved in a pedophile ring. If the FBI fails to act, they should be considered accomplices to these crimes.

"Clinton campaign powered by Pizza"

Edit: looks like some of these images are being 404'd. I'll try to update them within 24 hrs.


OP, you should add the logos relation to pedophilic imagetics and also about the surround buildings, such as beyond borders across the street which focus on haiti and is funded by clinton. (there is also that child trafficker stuff whom hllary is related). There are a lot of relevant pieces you`re missing. So much stuff man, this is fucking crazy

hey dude look up the ice cream company "Good Humor". Their logo is one of these fbi images.

Why isn't anyone from CTR debunking this? I mean everyday more people learn about these things and there is nobody that is denying all of this with a plausible explanation.

Didn't click the links because I know I can't stomach them.

CTR I'm summoning you, please explain. Even your boss's Ex-Lover is an important piece. It's just. Not.

I. People like pizza. People order junk food for large groups of people. People have weird taste in modern art. People get accused of paedophilia because, hey, why not, amirite?


yep. and both trump and dershowitz were named in Epstein's little black book of witnesses and victims of this shit.

Someone should analyze the secret ingredient to make sure it doesn't contain human. Crazy.

Oh it does.


It was always reality.

They have been throwing babies into fires and feasting on flesh for millennia, its just now, thanks to WIKILEAKS, people are becoming aware.

That's nothing like Soylent Green.

Ok am I the only one that has a feeling the pandabear stuff is their little code for pedobear

Edit: oh and nice fucking van with no windows and a cage to separate the driver from cargo....

This is fucking weird. I know at least that.

No, the pope did not attend one of Podestas parties. Check the photo. It's a cardboard cutout.

Of all the fucked shit coming thru this sub this is the most fucked and I don't even want to believe it, I really don't

Worth mentioning this now; back during the earlier round of leaks pre-Podesta, it was shown that Nancy Pelosi owns a Pizza place called Goat's Hill which was used as a money-laundering front by the Dems.

With this new perspective, it's worth looking into if it's also a part of the child exploitation machine. Pizza is becoming very suspicious.

Hey, love the work put into this, but to add legitimacy to the article though, would you be able to link a photo of the logo for Terosol? Can't find any company by that name other than a Terasol which is some bakery or something. Awesome work though.

this is the craziest shit i have ever read

I'm not gonna lie that food looks really good haha..

haha when james alefantis said the pork loins go in the philly calzone, guy says, "yeah, to philly me up!" and he eats a whole thing lol. funny times, boys!

Relevant part from 13 minutes on.

It's all lies. You're grasping at straws

Theres an online video of NBC from 2013 showing 400 children rescued from paedophilia research - thats just for starters. I'm a guest of fluoride in the water is because the government truly wants to spend billions of dollars because they care about her teeth when they don't even care if you have Affordable Health Care... you're obviously one of those sleepy fellows

Links are getting 404'ed and fast

here's the link to James Alefantis being listed by GQ Magazine as the 49th most powerful person in D.C.

also, here's another good summary of what's going on:

I would add a note about Dr. Steve Pieczenik. On Nov 1st, 2016, he posted two videos to youtube: "The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States", and "The Clinton Pedophilia Connection". I didn't know the guy from Adam, but those are pretty provocative titles, so I watched them, then went from there to the Wikileaks archive, and then to Comet Pizza. Dr. Pieczenik might be a nutcase, or he might have made those videos as part of a psyop (that's what he does, or did)... but either way, he has an outstanding resume. AFAIK, nobody has even tried to deny his claims or shut him up. To me, that suggests he has very solid leverage/protection, so maybe he does indeed know what he's talking about... and that lends at least a veneer of credence to the rest of the reddit investigation.

hey dude a lot of your pics are broken links.

I just to know who the fuck named him Jimmy Comet, i hope he gave him self that name.

As of now, like 60+% of these links don't work... Update?

Is this the cake "artist" that did the human cakes for satanist Marina Abramovic "performance"? Katherine Dey


What the fuck does that mean?