Congratulations to Hillary Clinton's landslide victory. Sorry to that overwhelming majority that voted for Trump

4  2016-11-08 by 911bodysnatchers322

Heil Hillary


Agreed, Trump might have the popular vote, but Clinton cashed in the college MONTHS AGO. Don't downvote me, I didn't support either fuckin candidate. I invested my vote for 3rd party federal funding and mostly showed for state and city issues.

Don't tell me what to do!! Down voted!

Ditto for Bernie.

The only way Hillary will win (imo), is if they want riots/a revolt. Are they ready now, for it?

No one is going to riot.

I wouldn't be too sure about that..

I'm genuinely curious, who do you think is going to riot?

Angry people?

I've been angry before and I didn't riot.

Good for you?

I think there are a lot of actual adults in this country who can control their frustration and not act out like children who don't get their way when it comes to election results.

You do realize a bunch of adults revolted when they got pissed enough at the criminality of being illegally governed, right? The fact that Hillary is even running, is a testament to the lawlessness of this government. It no longer represents the people, and the laws no longer matter. Hillary should be tried and convicted for high treason.. Along with many, many others.

Your mentality, logic, and attitude is what is so deeply wrong with this country...

So, because I don't think people will riot I have a bad attitude?

I think there are a lot of actual adults in this country who can control their frustration and not act out like children who don't get their way when it comes to election results.

Your attitude is demeaning.

I said riots/a revolt.

Just because you have no backbone doesn't mean that everyone else lacks it also....

You could say the same about our rapist president.

Better pack your bags and very ready for war with Russia then.

Pack my bags for what?

The war you want so bad.

But why am I packing my bags?

Because you're the one that's going to fight it.

I'm well out of the military draft's age range (if there were even a draft anymore).

The minute they bring back the draft the war they're trying to fight will become too unpopular to fight.

The war will be too unpopular to fight with or without a draft.

So...there won't be a war. Well that's good.

So naive and short-sighted. Do you really maintain such an elementary view of the world and movements around you?

Neon skies don't care if you fight or not, only that you die.

Go and die then if that's what you believe.

I do believe that. And if it comes to that, you will die whether you stay or go. You're perceiving things through this sort of sheltered and protected perspective you enjoy for now. At any moment in time that shelter and protection can be taken from you and then you have to confront an entirely new reality where your instincts and not your ideals become your friend.

My best advice is to reconnect with your instincts so they don't atrophy. They must me worked out and maintained like any muscle.

It's one thing to fight for an ideal. Another to fight for survival.

Why even argue this point? You're going to be dead anyway.

Maybe not. The purpose of fighting is to eliminate the threat. The hope is slim, but it is there. But running away and begging for mercy will not serve your life.

The point I'm trying to convey is that if we do end up in a major war, the luxury of any real choice won't exist.

Well if you want to believe in your predetermined death. I'm not going to argue against it. So you win! Congrats.

Thanks for compromising the reality.

We will all go quietly to the chopping block, and we will enjoy it.

You may. Methinks many others won't.

I'd say a couple hollow points for every person on the planet plus the militarized police and riot control they've practiced this year should cover it.

You under estimate the military, militias, and angry people with guns. We out number them.


People think that the military will shoot civilians in their own country.

Some shit psychopaths certainly will, but the majority will shoot those psychopaths and will form their own militias, if it ever comes to that.

I'd love to see an Oath Keeper driving an M1 Abrams in Defence of the US people.


I'd love to see an Oath Keeper driving an M1 Abrams in Defence of the US people.

Aye. Would be brilliant!

Because the military will shoot its mother land civilians. History has thoroughly confirmed this. Soldiers are soldiers.

I don't agree. That's too much of a generalization.

Oh, yeah. Our soldiers are so different, laughing and cheering while they shoot people from a helicopter.

Our issues will be compounded because we are not a homogeneous society. Tribal mentalities will override any sentiment of national identities. And, furthermore, you will simply be an objective if ordered to be.

Military will occupy, citizens will fight back, thus becoming insurgents/terrorists, needing to be put down for the good of the nation because our nation has become the government. Everything is backwards.

That's a small portion of the military.

Those assholes that do that are a minority, believe it or not.

Actually, the minority will be those who join and support the rebellion.

You have romance on your side. I have history and an understanding of the human condition.

EDIT: Also, to add and compound the issue, should it come to any kind of revolution, our military will be augmented with nato/foreign troops, mercenaries and external directives.

Yeah sorry bud, they are more than prepared, and a great many people will back them. This isnt the 1860s anymore, violent uprising is no longer a viable option. I once believed as you do when I was younger.

What does the date matter?

Oh you know a little thing called the civil war happened back then.

No shit, Sherlock. But, my question still stands. Why are you implying the year matters?

Apologies, you seemed a bit slow by not recognizing the immense difference in man's self-reliance and pension for violent civil disobediance in the last century. Your talk of riots sounds like you watched V for Vendetta a few too many times.

I don't want violent riots, quite the contrary. I said if that is what they want, that is how they get em' (openly rigging - electing a criminal as president, against the people's will). Your reading comprehension is quite dismal, I must say...

She's not going to win.

And they called you crazy. SMH, you were a prophet among mortals.

Hillary could have only ever won against the Don. May Cthulhu have mercy on our souls.

Oh yeah? She also "Won" against the Bern. Everyone's "favorite" politician. Apparently. Didn't seem to make a bit of difference what anyone wanted there.

Hey, you're wrong.

But why am I packing my bags?