For those of you who don't want to sleep tonight, more disturbing and creepy shit from Comet Ping Pong and friends

274  2016-11-09 by [deleted]



This is either the greatest conspiracy known to man, or the most insanely wrong witch hunt in the history of the internet.


Holy shit I just realized Comet Ping = CP, Cold Pizza, CP Cheese Pizza = CP. It makes sense now.


Euphemism for a 3 sum

I want it to be right, but you add too much fluff. I'd say avoid the satanist crap and stick to pedophilia.


thats just the thing, you want people to /believe/ it first, saying they're pedophiliacs AND cannibals AND black magic cultists? no fucking way

stick to pedophilia till you can get it solid

then get the rest on board.

I think they're talking about blood rituals, occult stuff, and the satanic shit is usually a cover for freemasonry / jewish ties.

mmm, ok

Also, can you explain the instagram pics? For example, "French kissing a taxidermied dog". Are the comments on their supposed to mean something, because the pic itself seems innocent.

Edit: sigh... what a hassle. You provide little context, and I got things to do. No time to devote myself to sifting through this crap and figuring out what some of it means.


It is , and since they have to hide in plain sight , they know code speak very well. Very well. They survive on it. I bet this was very disturbing to follow. I hate it that there are people who enjoy slaughtering innocent children.. in the most vile and disgusting way. Seems to be vogue for some... like some trendy activity , weird and unacceptable . I could imagine going having had enough and going on a rampage ... . normal people react that way , repulsed and angry at the seemingly secretive , awful world of child predators .


Yeah , at Bohemian Grove so far.. did you know about ' The Franklin Cover Up' ? There are so many satanic pedophile groups running rampant on this planet... really. Be careful . Not only does it start to wear on you , and hurt your soul , it is a reality that takes some mental , spiritual and emotional dealing with. Plus , I know that if you get too close , or start down a path that could lead some where , links start disappearing . How they do that , Idk. Let's just say , I feel that they are very organized , very sick , and just plain wicked .. they delight in this stuff... and sexual abuse of children is just so , so wrong. I felt a compassion and willingness to investigate , particularly . Child pornography 'snuff films' in Britain and Amsterdam.. I had to stop. I'm not emotionally , nor technically , nor legally equipped to deal with this type of thing. I did have a source I that would consider any material for publishing.. but I decided to stop. Had to.I had to edit out a facebook link , rules . I forgot. Send me a pm if you want and I'll send you a link.. with some stories and links to wide spread, organized pedophilia and the powerful who cover it up. Just scroll down. " Conspiracy of Silence " is one . and scroll through the stories .

John Bonacci , Michael Aquino , Temple of Set , San Francisco Presidio day care child molestation ... links : , Johnny Gosch and Michael Aquino connection, , Aquino 'conspiracy ' blown open ,

Yes. And Dutroux.

Like some captivating distracton almost...

Just fuckin round, im a lazy ass and havnt looked into this much at all. Im focusing on hypophisis per minute armchair world event gambling

It's not hard dickhead, they're into the occult and pedophilia!

It's 100% true

You know this all has to be true, I mean its a fucking pizza place. There is not much to a pizza place. I mean there is a freezer, an oven, an office and a restroom most of the time. Looks like this one has too much shit going on to be anything along the lines of a coincidence.

You are absolutely correct.. theres WAYYYY too much iffy shit going on about this the emails in the pics..the ppl that attend..the multiple pictures of very small children/babies and the ppl posing with them and the words they use.

Theres no fucking way there isn't something highly immoral and highly illegal going on here

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, might just be a duck.

The people who can't see it are beyond retarded..unbelievable slow brain. How? Its just like these idiots voting for hillary after all the scandals and emails.

Always remember how stupid people are.

Stupid? Maybe. More like their conciousness has not been allowed to raise to a level to comprehend it. I'd lean more for ignorent. There is a lot of stupid people but the media beguiles even some really so called "intelligent or smart" people too.

What world leaders go eat pizza at some ping pong bar?

Is there anyone in the area who can go and check the damn place out? Maybe surveil?

Wow...looks like you did your work. I'll have to check this out later.

There's an echo in here...

L'Enfant designed all the satanic/masonic symbols in the city planning of DC? That's very interesting....

There's an echo in here...

Thanks :)


There's an echo in here...


There's an echo in here...

So, you and I can probably agree. Everything is 100% circumstantial. But I've been browsing this forum for years and this is legitimately the first time I've gotten a super sick feeling in my stomach. I usually put these down after a few days, but something is telling me to stick with it.


There's an echo in here... Joe willis connection he designed the interior of the pizza place.

Many of the links seems broken! Nice one on the L'Enfant cafe, I really had to stop and cringe

Second I like the fact that you also noted that the picture description of the instagram profile is random.

And since I'm not in the circle I don't get also the references to Amanda Kleinman.

Good job! - Girl and newborn

wtf is the moisture on the newborns face ??


"could be"

It's a picture of a new born baby. They are generally covered in all types of gunk.

Man.... I'm about to cry

Check the same guy's account, the girl is actually in her mid 20s, with a strange face.


You... click the profile picture and it takes you to his page:

unfortunately the other pictures arent archived so you can only see the pins

Thank you for not giving up on this even though the election is over. I am a CSA survivor and can't spend too much time looking through everything because I get legit triggered af but it means the world to me that people care enough to investigate it, thank you for caring and taking the time.

i'm in and out with this......laughing at this and THEM gets me through it but i also look away. God breathed our souls into us but our flesh is only clay.

Great stuff. This is also related...

The boy from Comet Ping Pong review videos named Eli Sizemore is now a 16 year old transgender activist named Irene Sizemore:

Eli reviewing Comet Ping Pong:

Irene Sizemore's twitter where it says "trans activism":

Go to 52 seconds in on this youtube video. Looks like a school project Irene Sizemore was in:

News articles focused on Irene Sizemore's transgender struggle in wanting to use the woman's bathroom even though being assigned male at birth:

Please save and archive! Some news articles seem to be already being taken down!

what does that have to do with anything?

Damn you're good

The most pressing conspiracy that needs to be solved






Are you sure that's epstein???


God you know I was going to say not but I can't conclusively say it's not him...


Citation? I'm not familiar with that.




You misunderstood the correlations between the captions and the pictures. The bartenders caption is below the relevant image. John Bryce Rehs caption is above his image, this can be verified by googling his name, the same picture used in the link you provided is his picture of a certain social media site associated with his name. The "just lurkin" picture is uncaptioned.

Something I just considered (any maybe you weren't alleging this) but there's no proof that IF that is indeed Epstein that he's physically in the building. Though I do admit the presence of his picture would be more evidence in my mind.

OP this is a truly amazing thread. I haven't seen one ANYWHERE this comprehensive. Very good work. How long did this take you??

And honest to fuck why would this thread only have 160 up votes? There's some bullshit afoot. These threads have had mega attention all over the Internet on board like this....


mods should consider sticky this is the best single place for this info on the Internet rn


Grossed out to link this but FFWd to 3:30ish

that was too much!

glad someone could appreciate lol

the deleted comment asked if the pizza ovens could get hot enough...

i figured that.....that nathan SCREAMS occult and pedo!

๐Ÿ˜‚ ya he's creepy

What is very disturbing is the haunting look in this baby's eyes... I can't imagine wtf is going on. But if this is a pack of pedo's showing off , talking in code , pervcode , some how they are able to be around children. Statements like the one attached to this link , 'That little baby loved the farm ' That baby's eyes say a lot.. (shuddering) ... what is 'farm ' code for? They keep referencing ' farm ' ...

The creepy art with the paintings of the children in bathrooms and on chairs, that were linked in other threads, you will notice that they all have an intense but vacant look in their eyes. That is severe dissociation/trauma. In traumatized soldiers it is called the thousand-yard stare but will also appear in children who have been severely traumatized. One photo of a baby cannot really show if they have it or not, but if an infant or young child is generally unresponsive/unexpressive with that issue going on in the eyes, it is a red flag of abuse. That artist seemed obsess with it.

hmm.. where do you have petting zoo? at a farm...

I assume farm means a place where they keep animals/cattle ---> meat

Can't it be that is a real farm? Maybe somebody owns one in the comet pizza circle...

this is the definition of "down the rabbit hole" ... it just gets deeper and weirder by the minute

Xaanax is not a date rape drug FYI, it's for anxiety...

I mean it can make people black out but your right

It's not ghb or rufinol.

Just because it's not GHB or Rufinol, doesn't mean people can't use it as a date rape drug. I presume that there are many ways you can drug someone without the use of those drugs.

[edit] - Reworded second sentence.

Ok well why don't we just categorize alcohol as a date rape drug then?

it would be, if you were giving it to the children of the ages we are looking at

Especially a little bit of liquor on top of it? Done.

Some people do. In fact, it has been labeled as the number one date rape drug.

Source: I had to take a mandatory sexual assault course at my college, in order to attend.

some frats in America spike the punch with xanny bars. It can absolutely be a date rape drug

Benzos can definitely make you blackout

Especially with Alcohol, knock you the fuck out for days.


Is the internet a licensed psychiatrist??

Oh stfu

It most definitely can be. A former druggy co-worker of mine would take a couple and it's like she was blackout drunk.

Keep it up

Did anybody look at the location on that "fun at the farm" pic?


He deleted all his posts and put his account on private so I can't, but I know sometimes instagram keeps a location log of all the pictures a person takes. but maybe someone checked it before he put it on private , could lead to location of this farm But it's far fetched because I'm pretty sure the user has to have the feature turned on

the way she's crossing her hands reminds me of that crossed paddles symbol. or, 'child lovers', according to the fbi.

Bondage and slavery.



Honestly this comment doesn't sound that way. I am following along too, hell I was there on the first 4chan thread. This shit is damning to say the least. But he is right, not all references to pizza are code. It would be hard to run a pizza joint without mentioning pizza ;)

Dude, the poster is being completely rational. Quit accusing everyone of being ctr. It's over now. We have to be rational and remember that just because we see all these little things paint this giant awful picture, our real duty is to condense it down to the most damning evidence that might show without a doubt that shady shit is going on. Speculation only goes so far, let's not lose focus here.


Thank you so much for the update. It can be hard to find all the infomation on this case each day. I've already had one sleepless night because of this case, looks like I might have another :|

Damn! You looked at all that? Do you need some Eye bleach?

-Bookmarked for tomorrow, thanks

The captions and hashtags in instagram are they in French? Why?

We need to search for instagram links AND ARCHIVE through people that comment I've already found several referring to babies and children like this guy need more of his posts archived:

Remind me. 6 hours



Thanks guys, wasn't paying attention typo

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Thanks for doing all this research OP. I don't think I can bring myself to look at this shit.

Sufficed to say, I just really really hope when Trump gets into power, he sends the CIA and FBI (all hands) after ALL these sick "people". (I am using the term people very loosely.) concerning an article written about it from WaPo entitled: Comet Ping Pong review: "A pizza parlor kids of all ages โ€” even grown-up ones"

Can you please look at little red fox, a restaurant next door to comet ping pong. If you look at the facade from google maps, above their sign is a spiral symbol listed in the Fbi as symbolic for little boy lover. If you look at their facade from their yelp pictures in 2015, you can see the original symbol was a flower and they went out of their way to subtly change it. That would not an easy task as it would have to remoulded. Also, look their Instagram account. All of the little boys in the pictures have outfits on with red foxes and there are many comments about coming to get my breakfast burrito which has sexual euphemisms. I took screen shots of all of them. Look up little red fox tweets and you will see tweets including photos. This whole strip has underground tunnels and is a pedophile coven.

I stopped at Hotard. I just I can't.


That genuinely made me uncomfortable.

God dam

Someone aught to post a link of palette cleansing images. Fuuuuckkk

"James Alefantis, Buck's Fishing and Camping" listed in HRC (Human Rights Campaign) "fifth annual Chefs for Equality"

Politics and Prose and little RED FOX and both neighbours of comet ping pong. they are co-operated by the two sets of owners.

above the sign on little red fox is the spiral pedophile symbol.,-77.0702654,3a,15y,52.89h,93.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUBd0UnmEHofuZEIoBRJg7Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

they changed the symbol from a flower to a spiral. here's the original flower that existed.

Politics and Prose also has that spiral symbol on the highest part of their signage:

this is the ownership of politics and prose:

Change of Ownership

Carla Cohen died in October 2010, and in June 2011, Politics & Prose was purchased by Bradley Graham and Lissa Muscatine. Brad was a longtime journalist with The Washington Post and author of two books. His wife, Lissa, also had worked as a Post journalist for a number of years, and then served as chief speechwriter and senior advisor to Hillary Clinton at the White House and the State Department. Click here to read a message from Brad and Lissa.

here are two posts i found about little red fox:

continuing with the BIG little theme, the sign is displayed as little RED FOX.

also, take note of the way politics and prose do their O's. there's two dots underneath the o's and this continues if you google maps into the store and do a tour. all of their o's are like this.

in podestas emails, james alfenatis asks john if he wants to do something big or small after john reads at politics and prose.

let me know what you find/think. thanks

has anyone'd the gabrieldorochenko instagram? seems these roaches go into hiding once the lights start coming on. I'm too sick already to look :(

also, I've heard of for archiving & sharing videos outside of the googletube network, but haven't figure out the tech myself.

I didn't even think his pictures were noteworthy. There's already so much information included in these threads that it's hard to sift through it all. I'm considering just consolidating groups of sources and publishing an easier way to view these topics.




You do know that those "horns" are from fucking snapchat right? Jesus Christ you kucklords

undeleted version:

stop censoring these posts!




It's hilarious to me that the alt right discovered extremely famous artist Marina Abramovic this week. It's like they just saw Bjork videos or Lars Von Trier films for the first time or something.

I'm very far from alt right, but that is some seriously creepy shit. Anyone who can't see it - is blind imho

Yeah I didn't mean you specifically.

But art and rock music is just weird, imagine looking at a Tool or Nine Inch Nails video through the lens of "I AM LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE OF EVIL SATANIC PEDOPHILIA"


"He sings about raping 14 year old boys" I'm just going to assume you're being reductive and not using context.

I mean, I'm not a huge Manson fan but he wrote in his biography that he was molested by an uncle. This was Florida white trash, tho.

But like, people do art to work through trauma too.

He never said anything like that in his autobiography. Read it several times. He caught his grandfather whackin it to some ancient photographs while playing with a train set in the basement, that's about it.

Oh but there was his ~12 year old neighbor kid who kinda bullied him into getting naked and wrestling with him. But no uncle, and no lyrics about raping 14 year olds

Yeah actually I wasn't super sure and tried to find the book to check.

I assumed the "song" in question, if it even existed would be laughably obvious in context.


songs such as?


A weird creative dude? Should everyone just be a boring cubicle drone?


What song or lyrics are you even talking about? There are songs about child abuse, it doesn't mean the singer is literally saying "I like to abuse children."


So... you don't even know what you're talking about.


"I don't really listen to the guy, but I think he sings about raping boys in some sort of positive way"


I didn't realize we indicted people based on how they look. I forgot Alice Cooper was actually a serial killer.

Great counter argument. Bonus points for logic leap and lack of relevancy.

There are plenty of bands with edgy lyrics. There are very few with pedophilia imagery in their videos, like Heavy Breathing though.


There's nothing wrong with expression of ideas. Acting on it - like these people do - is the issue. Idk man, been listening to heavy music for a while, so I don't see it in the same way as you I guess. Edgy lyrics and videos don't really mean shit, unless viewed in a certain context. However, knowing what I know, Heavy Breathing's videos are 1000x creepier than they would've been otherwise.

It was the same with another band called Lost Prophets. Lead singer was found to be a massive pedophile. Look at that kiddie fiddler shit.


Yeah I used to only listen to death metal and then branched out all over (from jazz to metal to hip hop).

But yeah a lot of these bands are edgy as hell.

Some esoteric pagan shit right there. Still don't think all of them are anywhere near like Heavy Breathing or actual pedos.


Its normal in black metal. Everything's heavily ceremonial. Most bands are anti-Christian in this genre (well; anti religious in general).

But yeah until I see evidence of weird stuff beyond lyrical content, I don't have a problem with it.


Nah. That's Christian nonsense.

Darkness occurs due to changes in consciousness towards the negative polarity i.e. service to self (that is how the Cabal work) or through fear (what they use to control us). Read the Law of One and David Icke's works. It offers insight into this.

Tool fan here.

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised. The whole Alex grey push and that new age stuff almost does make you wonder. Some one very Christian could see a lot of that as heresy.

And challenging dogmas of perceived dominant paradigms was sort of the general thrust of these types of bands.

But now people are using "weird art" and "weird music" as "evidence" of a child sex ring based on bullshit moral issues.

We're right back at Tipper Gore/PMRC 1986. Reject this sentiment that weirdos are evil.


Oh, okay nice talking or whatever we just did.

Marina admitted herself on her ask reddit post three years ago that occult acts done in public that are meant to be art are art, meanwhile any rituals done in private, say at a private dinner at her home, have occult meaning behind them.

Extremely famous weirdo that uses pig's blood and does rituals behind closed doors with powerful people...Bjork just screeched like an owl.


Was David Bowie a "weirdo" too?

Has Marina Abramovic ever done art behind closed doors? If she did, is that a crime? Is it a crime to paint with pig's blood?

Is weird and challenging art now a crime? This is sounding like a 1980s style moral panic.

What's done in the dark is gonna come to the light. You might write this off as irrational fear-mongering, but this is real stuff. The people we trust to run our country and make life-changing decisions for us are into disgusting, repugnant stuff. Marina might just be a distraction and nothing to pay attention to, but when you connect all the dots you start to see that something's not quite right.

But I can't make that call until I see credible evidence of actual acts. That's the difference between this and Operation Yewtree.


And the actual evidence of acts would be?

I have studied art. This is NOT art. This is horrific, torturous. These people are sick! And they have the gaul to pass it off as art. We are NOT stupid. We know what they are doing to those poor kids. And something needs to be done. To put a damn stop to it. Get these sick fuckers out of our government. They need to be locked away. People needs to be outraged. This kinda thing must stop. When i think about all those poor kids, their lives are ruined. That is IF they survive all the horrors that are done to them. When i think about those things it makes me sick, saddened, and horrified. Something needs to be done.

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You're just babbling at this point.


Obviously, s/he thinks that is a mischaracterization based on irrational fear and confirmation bias. When people go "down the rabbit hole", do they try to prove themselves wrong or test/research their assumptions along the way? Before typecasting me as some pedo-witch supporter, know that I'm just trying to say that it is reason, not emotional passion, that we must use to collect and evaluate evidence before we judge truth.


You keep saying that but I'm not going to just take your word for it. I've only been through the upper-half of your post, but what I saw in many of the Instagram pictures was ambiguous for the most part. Without your priming, I wouldn't have batted an eye to most anything given potential legitimate family and business context. Maybe they really do like ping-pong, hmm? You painted the White House pic in a way that biases the viewer. If I owned a ping-pong spot, I'd love that it got some press in the White House! The one exception, however, was the pic of the guy with the "I love Kids" in a foreign language on his t shirt and the two shirtless performers. Tbh, though, he could just as easily be a gay guy (based on comments), trying to be funny/edgy. I have friends who would do that just because the idea that someone thought they were serious is funny to them. I don't get it, but that's how they view humor.

Having said all that, this is assuming those pics are of him and not just selected for some secret photo game with an inside group. That's your assumption, I get it, but I don't see how you've fully supported that beyond allusions, whether correct or incorrect, which are based on the assumption itself. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong or right. Just that I have no clue and I'll error on the side of the totality of evidence. I'll abstain from forming any emotional stance until I have the opportunity and energy to devote proper research.

There's an echo in here...

Thanks for the extra info!

I like what you're doing and the case seems promising! There seems like to be at least some ambiguous activity going on there.

As a scientist that did real research I ask you to maintain objectivity! Your evidence is really not so strong.

First of all, I'll put last the alleged supposition with really famous people as Hillary, Obama, Podesta. You'll have time to build stronger evidence against them further on.

Second concentrate on Comet Pizza, who are they and what are the links to pedophilia. Let go the satanism route, is really not relevant and with Lavey Satanism, scientific satanism, rational satanism, it really became an idiotic cult.

Third really if you try to find proof, over and over, same techniques you'll run in a confirmation bias circle that end up in my case in many down holes in productivity. Maintain objectivity and really focus on the important points! Half of the pictures you show about Alfani aren't that strongly implying a cp-pedophiles-ring

Well, yes, at her private 'spirit cooking' dinner with Podesta at her house. She also personally admitted on reddit three years ago that these acts are not art if committed in private and behind closed doors - they have occult meaning.

Have a link to her saying that?

It was on her AMA on reddit 3 years ago, scroll down. Here's a link to a screenshot of it.

I'm not saying I think this is anything, but generally when I hear "performance artist", I tune out pretty quickly.

Hey, fair enough.

Hang in there. From what I can tell you're just an average question everything guy who raises very fair points. Not a shill.

Your definition of extremely famous might be off.

I said "extremely famous artist".

If you've had multiple art shows at MOMA and Jay-Z is namedropping you, you're at the top tier of living fine artists.

There are other criterions and worlds than mass media celebrity.


Hey, fair enough.

Just because it's not GHB or Rufinol, doesn't mean people can't use it as a date rape drug. I presume that there are many ways you can drug someone without the use of those drugs.

[edit] - Reworded second sentence.

Benzos can definitely make you blackout

some frats in America spike the punch with xanny bars. It can absolutely be a date rape drug

Honestly this comment doesn't sound that way. I am following along too, hell I was there on the first 4chan thread. This shit is damning to say the least. But he is right, not all references to pizza are code. It would be hard to run a pizza joint without mentioning pizza ;)

Dude, the poster is being completely rational. Quit accusing everyone of being ctr. It's over now. We have to be rational and remember that just because we see all these little things paint this giant awful picture, our real duty is to condense it down to the most damning evidence that might show without a doubt that shady shit is going on. Speculation only goes so far, let's not lose focus here.