"If voting really mattered, they wouldn't let us do it" - Mark Twain.

446  2016-11-09 by [deleted]

No I didn't fucking vote. I'm trying to get enlightened over here!


Here's some enlightenment: Twain never said that.

I was about to ask for a source but yeah. I'm pretty sure he didn't

Enlightenment doesn't seem to mean what you think it means.

I was using it per OP's context.

But if you make a false claim, it's not enlightenment.

I guess I should correct my record: it seems to have an obscure origin. it's commonly attributed to him, but may not be...

There's absolutely no evidence he said it, it's misattributed to him constantly in this sub.

it seems to be common throughout the internets, not just this sub. He gets alot of good quotes attributed, whether he said them or not, it seems.

I'm not really in a position to say, as I never even heard a word from the guy.

I think he wrote a book. those are his words.

Mark Twain didn't say that (it was emma goldman, i believe- a radical bolshevic anarchist), but he did say:

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."

Solid. Gold.

You cant be an Anarchist and a Boleshevik, can you?

No you can't and it was the Bolsheviks that turned her against Soviet style anarchism.

What's a Bolshevik anarchist? Is that like an anarcho-capitalist?

"There once was a man named Nigger Jim" - Mark Twain

Hey could you pass me he oar n-word Jim?

So I don't know if 100% of what he said were perfectly awesome.

So Trump was the elites pick all along, right?

Don't think so. Brexit, and Trump win runs too counter to what they want. It's more likely that populist revolt is simply too big for them to control at this point. This combined maybe with forces working against them from the inside we don't know about exposing their crimes.

His policies support the rich and powerful. Tax cuts for the rich, no environmental action, massive military expenditure, etc. He's just abrasive in the presentation.

Corporations don't even pay taxes right now bc they wrote the code and know the loopholes. If you remove loopholes and cut rates like Trump wants to, it helps both large and small business.

trump wants the rich to pay taxes


Next false flag coming soon - trump is assassinated by "Isis terrorist" or "Russian agent" sparking world war 3.

You are shadowbanned friend.

This is not an accident. It's the 1930's all over again. If they had lost control Jill stien would be declaring now. They want war.

Pretty much.

Here check out my self pandering to my own ideals based on bullshit quotes from famous people so I can feel as though my opinion carry's value.


I'm high as a Texas star and watching the actors on T. V. Tell me who will sleep in the White House. How are you doin'?

I'm too busy with my life and my friends and family to care about voting. Besides, voting doesn't really matter. Influencing others to vote matters. If I got 20 people to vote and I didn't vote myself I'm still doing more than if I voted once and told no one to vote.

Maybe I'm letting myself put on rosy colored glasses for just this once... but it mattered tonight!

You're with the winners tonight. You'll benefit enormously from tax cuts for the rich, privatising Medicare and Medicaid, no minimum wage, rollback of regulatory protections, no action on climate change, more drone strikes and JSOC raids, etc

Fuck yes! Thank you for not having your head up your ass

Tired of all the defeatism, not everything is as you believe.

but this can be the first step for you to topple the federal reserve.

Same brother.

Turns out whoever said it was wrong

Really? why do you say that? i reckon what happened was what "they" wanted to happen.

So THEY also pumped over a bil into Hildlawgs campaign for fun? Ok...

“Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was,” Wrenn said. “It wasn’t about discriminating against African Americans. They just ended up in the middle of it because they vote Democrat.”


I am very surprised they did allow us to vote. Crazy huh?


What would happen if Hillary is elected but became so ill she could not perform her duties, or died, before being sworn in? Would her running mate be sworn in instead? What is the process?

The VP takes over, that's the whole point of their job lol