[Self/Meta] I have no dog in the fight, but let this be a lesson to the DNC and any other committee/agency that decides to play corrupt fuck-fuck games with American democracy. The other major Democrat candidate would've won the presidency. Period.

31220  2016-11-09 by PM_ME_UR_DOPAMINE


She literally stole the presidency from Bernie, and instead handed it to Trump.

Make sure everyone understands this. They will try to blame it on voters, 3rd parties, the russians, and Bernie.

edit: and the FBI, and wikileaks

"at any cost" - Brazile.

Price: the election.


~ Clinton










And this is where it should be verified, Trump was memed into office.

We're gunna have the best deals.

Thanks Obama Pepe!


Gyna will love the trade deal

I found it really hilarious. Almost chocked to death when this morning I heard WITF on the radio ask themselves they can't figure out what was wrong with polling before the election. IF THE MEDIA WASNT BIASED. We would actually see reporting realtime. the democrats in there little smug circle saw those polls and probably even didn't vote because they thought they would win.

Orange is the new black...


HOWIE 2020?!


Not 1 of the more popular Hillary slogans, but I never liked "Deal Me In"

Well I didn't me that expensive of a cost... Hahaha haha

And that is how the ironic consequences genie fucks you.

and $800 million.


Is that literally a quote? Because that should be on billboards.

It is, and it was plastered everywhere.

My friends are already blaming it on "unintelligent voters" and "angry white men." It's real.

Google is posting polls at the main election page, here are the first two:

"Clinton won in more counties where the population is 45% black or more"

"Trump won more counties where less than 10% of the population has a bachelors degree"

Google translate: dumb, uneducated white people voted for trump.

Saw that bullshit just a few minutes ago. I try not to jump to conclusions, but goddamn, those statistics are so blatantly suggestive that you'd have to be in a coma not to see the insinuation.

Not a regular r/conspiracy reader, but I seem to recall Google's been in hot water lately over fucking with search results and the like lately.

It's true but it's also very telling. The "silent majority" is getting pretty sick of being told they suck just because they are white men. These are the salt of the earth guys who don't really care about politics or anything except having a beer and a ball game to watch. They are the ones losing their jobs and not being able to support their families. They are the backbone of America and like a backbone go fairly unnoticed most the time.

And it's not even exclusive to white men. It's the working class that keeps getting fucked over by the same politicians over and over again.

Why does this keep happening over and over?

Because we primary for Clinton and not Sanders and Clinton thought she needed to pander to billionaires.

The working class isn't going to donate to her foundation.

You mean to her? Of course not. But they could have gotten her a presidency and she was too stupid to see that.

Uh that's actually not true. One of the largest contributors to her campaign, was the labor unions. Specifically the plumbers, and pipe fitters union. But then again, unions always support the mainstream democrat.

Because it's not the politicians that are ultimately evil, they're just tools of the bourgeoisie meant to divide and distract us from the true masters, those with enough capital to buy and sell every damn aspect of modern society. They're the ones working us to exhaustion, they're the ones stripping our dear Earth barren. We need to all unite as Humans and end this mass bullshit.. /r/latestagecapitalism

they're just tools of the bourgeoisie meant to divide and distract us from the true masters

Hey comrade, it's 2016. Maybe you didn't know while hashtagging and shitposting but bourgeoisie means 'middle class' and the middle class haven't owned the means of production since 1914.

Neoliberal economic policies have no place for anyone but low-wage service workers or high-tech workers. Without extensive retraining programs, those people are lost.

Even the BLS admits there may be as many as 94 million people Not in the Labor Force.

There is 0 chance people who voted for trump will know what your mean that answer to be....

People are stupid

Seriously. Trump appears to have pulled 29-30% of the Hispanic vote. Higher than Mitt Romney 2012. It's just staggering. Hispanics are split on illegal immigration just like the rest of the country.

I wonder if that's going to get spun as internalized racism?

Honestly, the root of the problem has nothing to do with race. This is the largest issue. The narrative has been spun that if you are against illegal immigration, you are a racist. This has prevented real conversations from happening. Any time someone tries to engage in a logical discussion, with the intent of alleviating the problem, cries of racism come forth (by design btw), which unfortunately stonewalls any progress. We all agree there needs to be immigration reform. But continuing the buy into the "racist" accusations is preventing meaningful discussion from taking place. Don't worry, there will not be mass deportations, there will not be a wall. Congress would never sign off on something like that.

Legal immigrants that took the time to go through the process are pissed

As they should be

Me and my whole Hispanic family voted for trump but we collectively decided not to tell anyone because we would be called racists in a town that is about 96% Hispanic and is split in half by the Mexican border.

legal immigrants understand that letting illegals take THEIR JOBS does not benefit them even if they share the same skin color. Hispanic communities in the boarder states live in fear, but not in fear of white people or immigration control, but of the extremely violent and radical drug cartels/gangs that play a heavy role in illegal immigration.

When you look at border areas and see areas that are majority hispanic, the first question you should ask isn't "where have all the white people gone" but rather "where are all the black people". And the answer is that they have been chased our or murdered by hispanic gangs. The real victims of illegal immigration in this country are poor blacks and hispanics.

The dems keep pushing this agenda of race and gender so they can avoid admitting that the real problems are about social class and income bracket.

YES. This right here.

As a white guy with a chick boss and a Mexican foreman, thanks. We are all just trying to build shit and make a living.

So the plan is to kick out Mexicans who do all the low wage work and create a labor shortage that creates inflation and makes these guys lives harder?

That's a great plan!

Who said anything about Mexicans? I said working class.

I did. They are the scapegoat of the working class. Remember that Trumps number one policy promise was building a wall, which would make America great again. Somehow.

Oh boy, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Doesn't matter how loyal a dog is, kick it long enough and it'll turn around and bite you.

Ruff Ruff.

Yep. You are correct Sir.

And trump, the most self serving president ever is who they elect. Let's see how that one plays out.

Holy shit. Are you saying you know how this will turn out (self serving) and asking how it will turn out (see how that one pays out) in the same sentence?

Its the shrinking of the middle class pushing voters to the fringe of politics

That was fucking beautiful, parsimonius , and spot on.


Welcome! You are absolutely right. Google is a major donor to the Clinton campaign, so probably just protecting their investment.


Welp. My life's fucking over.

The CEO of alphabet also proposed a plan for direct marketing through Google to the Hillary campaign.

As long as we are in /r/conspiracy

Not just direct marketing but targeted data collecting. They found out where you live and your search habits and gave that info to the campaign. In theory they would know exactly who in what precinct would vote for who in the primary making it very possible to remove the exact right voters from the Democratic Party without upsetting that voters actual registration thereby eliminating that voters ability to participate in the primary without limiting their ability to vote for a Democrat in the General.

Bill de Blasio described 'the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters,' while the comptroller, Scott Stringer, said his office would audit the Board of Elections.[4]

No that's basically the Voter Key project in a nutshell, be able to predict voting behavior and drive internet content behind it to attempt to control what the voter ends up doing.

Not just direct marketing but targeted data collecting. They found out where you live and your search habits and gave that info to the campaign. In theory they would know exactly who in what precinct would vote for who in the primary making it very possible to remove the exact right voters from the Democratic Party without upsetting that voters actual registration thereby eliminating that voters ability to participate in the primary without limiting their ability to vote for a Democrat in the General.

Bill de Blasio described 'the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters,' while the comptroller, Scott Stringer, said his office would audit the Board of Elections.[4]

Yep. And I stopped using as many of their fucking products as I can. Fuck them.

Not a regular r/conspiracy reader, but I seem to recall Google's been in hot water lately over fucking with search results and the like lately.

This is worth a read, regardless of how you feel about the author (Assange). Don't need to go full tinfoil to realise that google has the potential to be a geopolitical actor in its own right, and those ever-deepening ties to the US State Department suggest they're embracing that potential.

What's funny, I would venture to say 90% of those black voters are not college educated either. So basically they are upset that they couldn't swindle the blacks again.

Also, it's very telling how the black vote didn't turn out this year because there wasn't a black man to vote for. Talk about educated voting blocs

Well those facts are true... so...

I wasn't disputing the facts. It was just the obvious insinuation made by the way the facts were presented. Should be higher up in the thread.

Let them keep it up, we'll win more elections from it. -Someone finishing up their Bachelors.

Even google has a price.

I'm so glad that the election proved they're not very successful at telling us what to think. Their outlook on the world is so much worse than what it actually is.

But on the flip side, a meme just took up the oval office. There's a narrative still at work, just different storytellers.

True, but at least those storytellers are the mostly the American people rather than a handful of billionaires.

They played a big part, but remember Trump IS a billionaire, he is the special interest group. Based off his past, I'd say he wanted the presidency 100% out of selfishness.

Oh, the guy's probably a raging narcissist. But I also have to acknowledge that this perception of him is based on that the media has fed me.

Politically he's a total unknown. I've listened to his rally speeches and visited his actual websites and his policies are very thin. On isidewith.com, I've disagreed with that which he's stated he wants, on matters of things like health care, domestic security, etc.

I'm not optimistic but I am going into this presidency with a giant, "we'll see."

I kept seeing that on CBS all night, it was really insulting.

"Here are the stats on blacks" "Here are the stats on Latinos" "But Hillary isn't doing well with White College educated men" "But if you look here Trump has small lead with White College educated women"

EIL5: why are they "the blacks", or asians. But white people are broken up into "Look at this smart guy" or "Look at this fuckin idiot!"

Without a hint of sarcasm intended: that's how politicians see things. Blacks are black, Hispanics are Hispanics, Asians are Asians, white people who agree with them are educated, whites who don't are uneducated.


Oh fuck off with that stupid circlejerk. Democrats aren't the only ones that stereotype. Who was it that wanted to close the borders to all muslims?

He never said all Muslims. He said Muslims from war torn nations. But you probably think he also called a Mexicans rapists too...


It warms my heart to see so much sense spoken all at once by all of you

He never said anything about all Mexicans either. What the fuck bro? Is it actually that hard for you to read?

Thanks to all the transparency we finally see this is exactly the case.

Lmao, this is so stupid...the educated are ones with college degrees and they break down all groups with these categories but minority educated broke the same way as uneducated minority people did.

Its definitely racist and class-ist. "If you don't have a bachelors, you are a fucking moron". Way more than implied.

If you didn't go to college you are much more likely not to understand the economic and political ramifications of putting a dangerous idiot in the White House.

And the entire nation wakes up poorer on day one.

The Wikileaks confirmed that HRC is the dangerous idiot and would sell out the entire country for cash if given the opportunity.

Poorer from futures in foreign countries where globalists have heavy interests? Hmmmm...really makes u think

Whites are a bigger group so maybe they have to divide them up to get a better breakdown? idk

It's what the left does. Divide and conquer. First in line, ostracize the racist whites.

Anecdotally my thinking is somewhat different. I voted early and there was a line. And what I was seeing was 30 and 40 something white professionals taking their aging parents to what probably will be their last election. Too much madness to consider taking a frail adult out on the actual election day so these were people were voting early so they could stay home the night of who I'm guessing last voted in the time of Nixon or Reagan probably. I think they were the folks who hadn't really voted for a candidate in possibly 20-40 years.

It was interesting being the youngest guy in the voting line (I had the week off and I was curious about who was voting early anyway).

It could be, that black people and hispanics vote more or less the same way, independent of education, age or sex. But this is maybe not true for whites, where the voting behaviour could be vastly different depending on sex, age and education.

Trump got a 40% of the Latino vote, so I would hardly call the Latino vote unified.

I'm not talking about unified. I'm saying maybe about 40 percent of male Latinos, about 40 percent of female Latinos, about 40 percent of old Latinos, about 40 percent of young Latinos, about 40 percent of educated Latinos and about 40 percent of uneducated Latinos voted vor Trump. So it doesn't matter if you split the Latino vote into sex, age or education because the vote within each group is quite similar compared to any other group within the Latino vote. Has nothing to do with if the vote is split between candidates or not.

In comparison, a lot of white men voted for Trump but far less white women. A lot of uneducated whites voted for Trump but far less educated (meaning people with a college degree) and there's also a big difference between age groups among white voters. You get my point?

Edit: Orthography

EIL5: why are they "the blacks", or asians. But white people are broken up into "Look at this smart guy" or "Look at this fuckin idiot!"

Because there's heaps more white people, so they get subdivided

There isn't even though

Google translate: dumb, uneducated white people voted for trump.

Just so you know: If i interpret those stats slightly differently than you... I'll be a horrible racist.

To be fair, I did add "dumb" for a little extra zest.

UK person here. The media pulled this exact same stunt in the UK following Brexit. Media didn't get the result they wanted so decide to insult people who voted a certain way. Part of the reason I don't trust everything shoved down my throat by the BBC anymore

Beautifully stated. The media is literally saying "All of you voted incorrectly." Which implies we are supposed to do what we are told.

I remember seeing the Brexit stuff. I was upset on the Brits behalf. All the media outlets were saying "people must not have known what they voted for."


Ding! Voters engaged in the Primary Process who supported Sander's watched as polling locations didn't open, opened late, or closed early. They saw thousands of voter registrations mysteriously changed across different states. They saw Bernie supporters getting provisional ballots issued that ended up as toilet paper. And to top it off, they sure as shit saw when the DNC's emails were leaked and there was obvious collusion and bias against Sanders to usher Hillary Clinton in. Here lies the problem. You can't force Hillary down our fucking throats, piss on us, and tell us it's raining. Their strategy relied upon the idea that having Trump as president was such a disgusting option, that giant swaths of Sander's supporters would vote for Hillary out of perceived necessity. All along, they missed the point that one of the main facets of Bernie's movement was against establishment politicians...against big money interests, wall street, and wealthy campaign contributors buying candidates and elections. These ideas were part of the moral fabric that excited people, and assuming that they would just say oh well, and vote for the candidate who embodied the very opposite of those ideals was a failed strategy with a big middle finger to so many people. That is part of how you get a egomaniacal child elected President.

Not really accurate: all of the major metropolises which hold massive amounts of electoral votes have massive low income housing communities that can be bought for a few dollars each. Get real. 50% of Democratic voters are in the ghetto.

I'm a dumb white college student that voted for Trump.

So racist /s

White Power.

same shit happened after brexit. either more than half the population is thick af and racist, or something deeper is going through the minds of the population.

Well if Jill stein or Sanders won, we'd all be at least a little more free smarter.

It's almost like shitting all over working class Americans (literally over half the population) isn't smart politics

Exactly. Shitting all over them, and then having the nerve to tell them they are the problem with America.

It's akin to: "I beat and starve this dog all the time; why is it aggressive toward me?"

Which is so fucking stupid... they shat all over the majority in order to secure the minority they already had basically locked up. This honestly should have been a Dem landslide, good thing the people in charge are morons

That's all true. Uneducated white people put a dangerous idiot in the White House. And it's the DNC's fault we got to that place.

There has always been a strong thread of anti-intellectualism in the US. We've managed to suppress it for the most part throughout our history. Hillary and DWS's arrogance allowed it out of its dirty little trailer park and gave it the keys to the bus.

I read that a different way, at least for the Clinton votes.

Awww. Don't be mad Bro.

Google translate: Gerrymandering works.

Then I guess that means we aren't the minority yet! Yeehaa!!

High earners voted trump . High earners have higher iq on average . Therefore trump supporters are smarter

It was pretty much this with W, too.

The GOP relies on stupid. Stupid can parrot talking points without thinking about them critically.

gotta luv democracy

The irony is delicious. Universal suffrage is a bitch, aint it?

Because you can't be racist against white people! /s

Every young female I know who was "with her" is doing this exact bullshit.

"It's racism, and stupid white hicks." - MadGirlsOnFaceBook

Sorry that everyone's vote counts the same as yours in this 'democracy' thing.....

Lol...not really, though. That whole Electoral College thing, and all.

Sorry that more white women vote than anyone else.

"The American election results just prove how much you all hate women" - My friends before the Facebook cull.

Hey man, you're seeing it because you're THEIR Facebook friend. My young female feed doesn't look like that. (There are a few but it's a very few.)

Media in the UK did the same thing with Brexit. Rather than look into the public psych to see why they voted the way they did, they just labeled everyone ignorant to politics and stupid racists.

Exactly the same for people here in Britain who votes for brexit. There's a lot of people, especially on reddit, who can't seem to understand it.

Must be all the uneducated white men on here. /s

I saw a guy on CNN saying that Trump won by saying he'd build a wall to keep out Mexicans and deport Muslims. More racial division parroted by the MSM.

It's funny. The only person I personally know who voted Trump is a hispanic woman.

The news stations have already started spewing that bullshit. It will be the fallback line... "..uneducated white men..blah blah..".

My friends are already blaming it on "unintelligent voters" and "angry white men." It's real.

To be fair the losing side always talks about how stupid the unintelligent voters are, it's tradition.

They ain't your friends. Just party pals.

It's objectively true

My friends, mostly female Hillary supporters who lapped up all the biased pro-Clinton news, are saying things like 'Oh I'm so disgusted with the American population, they're so sexist/misogynistic/racist', and they refuse to accept it when I remind them that the Clinton Foundation funded ISIS and started wars, among other things :/

And that the Clinton Foundation itself had just 3 out of 11 women in top positions in power, and those women earned roughly 50% of the men's salary. That stat to me was illuminating.

That's how politics is I guess...politicians make lofty promises like reducing inequality and claiming to want to help the marginalised, when they don't even walk the talk, how hypocritical of them. :/ Then again, this hypocrisy is present in most countries' governments (seen it in my country), they'll say anything just to get elected.

Well.. in all fairness, this is also part of the cause. But it isn't everything.

I will drink their butthurt for quite literally years to come, their whine tastes like fine wine. I didn't even vote, because it is a sham make no mistake. Same evil shit will happen with Trump too. Have to say, it's nice to see that smug bitch Hillary lose.

That's also part if the reason...

Identity politics. When ideas don't work divide divide divide

Yea, FBI and Wikileaks are getting it first.

Clinton killed the democratic party and turned the country even more red. Her legacy is losing to Trump because America purged her like bad mexican food.

maybe that was the plan all along?

"Pied Piper Candidate"

Honestly I thought that title belonged to Trump. I expected a full backlash against rural white culture after Clinton won this election.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

This is the most important and clairvoyant Op-Ed of the entire election cycle. Yes, I am seriously linking to Cracked.com

The second most important is from Harpers:http://harpers.org/archive/2016/11/swat-team-2/

My project in the pages that follow is to review the media’s attitude toward yet a third politician, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination earlier this year. By examining this recent history, much of it already forgotten, I hope to rescue a number of worthwhile facts about the press’s attitude toward Sanders. Just as crucially, however, I intend to raise some larger questions about the politics of the media in this time of difficulty and transition (or, depending on your panic threshold, industry-wide apocalypse) for newspapers.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

This is the most important and clairvoyant Op-Ed of the entire election cycle. Yes, I am seriously linking to Cracked.com

Wow, that was really great.

Shockingly so. The podcast episode about it was really good. Maybe the clearest and most respectful presentation of the views of white middle america. If you have time, I highly recommend it.

Podcast you say? Where can one find this podcast?

wherever podcasts are available cracked.com podcast. It's fairly recent, from the last month I'd say. At least that episode, I cannot recommend enough, no matter who you voted for.

I've never noticed that before.

Frodo from the Shire was country folk big time!

David Wong is quality, he's the best thing to come out of that website.

It's still just a comedy site. Buy I think they've learned a few things since they became crap.I think the site is on the uptick in quality honestly.

Amen to that. the Midas of informative website comedy.

Is this what sparked those "fuck David Wong" remarks I was hearing last night from angry Democrats?

Replying to read later

Thanks for that cracked article. That was enlightening.

Thanks for posting that cracked article.. It's just great. I hug those folks at Thanksgiving, too.

That was an excellent read.

I absolutely love this article. I've veen sharing it all day.

In a city, you can plausibly aspire to start a band, or become an actor, or get a medical degree.

Pretty sure this guy has a romanticized view of cities because this is nowhere near true for a lot of people. Americans need to stop blaming each other and look at the real problem at the top of the pyramid.

That is the point of the article.

He's been a New Yorker for quite a while, I understand.

I'm from essentially the same place he is, seperated by about 30 miles, and maybe 20 years. I don't agree with everything he believes, but this article is spot on.

You watched TV, read books, listened to music, and all you saw, heard, or read was that you were living in a boring, fossilized culture. interesting, cool things were happening in other places that weren't available to you because you were living in the wrong place.

I got a chance to actually see behind the curtain, I went from rural illinois to Beautiful, Sunny California when I was in in 10th grade, then went back after a year. people were pissed off at me when I told them what it was actually like.


Do you really think they would do that? Have any elections set the precedent?


That's the one I was thinking of, it was decided by the SC though, right?

I'm totally expecting a 180° change in Trump's demeanor too. I bet he won't even need a warning though, as I'm fairly confident his stance against Clinton, news media and establishment Republicans was mostly pandering.

I wouldn't mind if Clinton was made an example of, or at least exhaustively investigated, though. Unfortunately I have no faith we'll see it happen.

Something like that kinda happened with Rutherford B. Hayes, known as Rutherfraud B. Hayes to his friends. He helped kickstart the whole Gilded age of US politics.

Also his first act as President was to end reconstruction in the south and pull back troops.

I don't think I need to explain how that turned out.

Ah yes, the Great Compromise of 1876.

I agree with you. I expected some kind of rise up if trump lost. I told my co worker on Tuesday, I fear the outcome of the election because of the backlash that will be had.

She led us off the cliff, Clinton was the Piper-fucking-Piper.

Speak for yourself, I didn't fucking vote for her.

And it's the Pied Piper.

You don't have to vote for her to be driven over that cliff.

It's all in the algorithm

Unfortunately, I don't think this is the last influence we'll get from the Clinton family in our leadership politics.

They've been at it for nearly a hundred years now... they won't stop now.

You think the Clinton family has been in politics for 100 years?

You want them to be in politics influencing your life for 100 more?

The Clinton family hasn't been in politics for 100 years. I was asking if you thought they were something like the Rockefellers or the Kennedys

They're tied into those groups, the influence is there.

No i'm not an idiot who thinks they really have been around that long.

Closer to about 50 years though is a bit more realistic.

Chelsea 2020!

Im waiting for her to be arrested.

Without wikileaks we wouldn't know the corruption behind the dnc though

She snuck in like an olive in a tamale and left like a 3 day old unrefrigerated bean burrito.


What is wrong with foreign food in the USA? I dont get diarrhea when I eat Chinese or Mexican food in my country (Germany).

3rd parties

I love this. They showed a tweet saying "if you voted for_____(not Hilary) or didn't vote, you voted for TRUMP" but me and others who likely would vote Republican voted libertarian, which, if added to Trump would give him more than 50% instead of a loss....

Edit: in my state.

Yeah, the irony is that the only two 3rd Party candidates that even showed up in the polls were Johnson and McMullin, both of whom would take votes away from Trump.

Jill Stein didn't get shit. If Clinton lost votes to a Bernie write in, that's the DNC's fault for how they handled the primary. If she could have won without cheating, they shouldn't have cheated. If they needed to cheat to make sure Hillary got the nomination, she shouldn't have won.

And the funny thing is that McMullin only succeeded in taking away votes from Hillary.

On the contrary. Stein got my friends' votes.

Believe it or not, MULTIPLE parties are needed to make a strong democracy, not just the major powers.

Look like, my state was well over 50% blue and hasn't voted red since 1976. The "if you didn't vote you're privileged" narrative coming from Clinton supporters from is garbage unless you were in a swing state... Bernie won my state. My absentee ballots submitted to my home state have been counted 50% of the time. Why the hell should I have voted for Clinton when I despise her and voted absentee for Bernie in the primary? That vote miraculously was counted. My absentee ballot for Obama somehow wasn't.

I am already hearing liberals whining about a glass ceiling. They simply will NOT accept that they chose a shitty candidate.

Democrats didn't choose Hillary. Hillary chose Hillary.

Democrats chose Bernie and the stupid ones went "party first"

Democrats chose Hillary. Humans chose Bernie. Facebook/reddit chose trump.

Democrat is a mind set. Like Christian, or Muslim.

It's an alignment to belief. Dems chose Bernie, Corruption from Hillary gave her the win.

Unfortunate truth; we have to be particular with language on such a divisive topic. Therefore, my point above needs to be said.

Seriously. Tribalism needs to end.

The saddest thing this election proves is tribalism doesn't need to end, it wins. White men of America took a clear stand that they're scared of anything other than themselves. That's horrifying to anybody who realizes what could actually make America great.

No, you're wrong. Trump getting elected was the right move. I don't agree with many of his points (lock her up, congressional term limits, tpp are good though)

But because we didn't give into the corruption we may have won. Granted Trump has in fact grown his own brain.

Downside is that even if he does take down the Clintons we have 4 years with him. But as long as he doesn't get us nuked I think him being a burden on society for that time as a trade for taking out the garbage as it were is a fair trade.

Let's just not do 8 years of it.

I was telling my girlfriend last night: Its going to be like getting a flu shot where you get a little sick for two days.

Yeah then hopefully something happens. But then again it's all Republican. I feel we are about to see some BS and have riots.

I get your sentiment, but he has absolute power now. Most people on Reddit are too young to remember what Bush did, and how it destroyed the economy. Obama's work was barely able to pull us out of that. And Bush actually knew what he was doing.

The on silver lining is that Trump is completely clueless so won't be able to accomplish much by himself. I'm just hoping Pence doesn't take over and run things behind the scenes.

I find it funny you go to Bush and then say Trump is clueless and hope pence doesn't run things behind the scenes.

It appears history may repeat itself, hopefully the pretzel turns him into a mute this time around.


It sounds like cant possibly fathom why someone would vote for Trump. Also the tribalism hurting america is D vs R not White vs Minority. Take a second to understand the opposition (failing to do so is tribalism) rather than painting broad racist strokes, lest you get the wrong take-away from last night.

Also here is a liberal calling out a liberal publication in a liberal publication for allowing the Democratic party to forget they are the party of the people and not the Ivory Tower Elite.


These two articles combined show that if the MSM wasnt so keen on painting Trump supporters as Racists you might have had President Sanders being voted in by the same people that voted in Trump. So maybe the "xenophobia" was a bit of a partisan hack job when you were being told what to hear when Trump spoke. He did say a ton of ridiculous stuff, but that can be attributed one-to-one in the voter's mind when being compared to Secretary Clinton's actions. Whether that ratio is accurate or real even is irrelevant. It only matters how it effects the voter. Cheers.

Stop trying to project your liberal feelings onto other people. Not everybody feels the same way as you. This is why people voted in a different way from you.

EDIT: Being divisive and angry isn't cool. Don't follow my example.

Don't be a jerk. He/she maybe wrong but you're being divisive. That's no good.

Honestly, you're right. It's just frustrating to see so many people making rallying cries against the "racist" "white men" without realizing how hypocritical that is.

Oh yeah, he does have a large following of racists. Mostly xenophobes, and old white men.

That's the typical Republican demographic people who are archaic in mindset with a heaping of corporate worship conservativeness. It's all very "my way or the highway" with them too which is HILARIOUS.

But the facts aside our government is broken and 2 parties need to be torn down, disbanded, and regulated. Everyone is so against monopolies but deal with them daily and the biggest monopolies once every 4 years.

A bit of a strange thing isn't it?

Oh yeah, he does have a large following of racists. Mostly xenophobes, and old white men.

Does it make you feel big and powerful to disparage white people? Stop being a racist bigot.

Im white 😂 his demographic is his demographic.

It's the same as pointing out that Tyler Perry's main audience isn't a bunch of white people.

Or that One Direction has a fan base of young girls.

They're not racist because "build the wall" they're racist because they are racist. It happens, whether it's from being poorly raised or when they were young it was a norm.

Not everyone who voted Trump is either, but the prime demographic is.

Should I follow our new president's then?

"3 million people voted for hillary! she is the only one who can beat trump!"

and here we are...

Oh member when Bernie polled better than every candidate on both sides? I member... Though maybe these 4 years will destroy the Clintons and Bernie can be our next president

His age and posture were already big negatives for a lot of people. I don't think 4 years are going to help those things get any better.

People are stupid. Age only means so much posture means fuck all.

I'll take a 100 year old Quasimodo if he has good values. Americans are the dumbest fucking people.

Nationalism is retardedly bad and too many people think "I'm American I'm the best" no you're still a shitty human you're just a shitty American.

Like Fox News was actually criticizing people for saying America isn't the greatest country in the world.

Fascists criticizing citizens of a Nationalist centric government.....sound familiar doesn't it?

Comey = Nader.

But it was her turn!

now it's her turn to jump right off the bridge!

I see this all the time. Do people say this because she supposedly made a deal with Obama during the 2008 primary? Was there something in the released emails I missed? Please explain.

This is important. I had to explain this to my mother. She demanded that bernie supoorters vote for her. She should have earned their votes, and they either stayed home or voted 3rd party. Everyone who said they would vote for trump did. This is thw fault of the DNC and not the american voters.

I voted for Bernie, and then for Trump. I don't think I am alone.

Thank you for the service you have just done your country friend

I never understood why she didnt just make bernie her vice. I still dont remember who the fuck her vice was suppose to be, and none of her campaigning ever even recognized the poor bastard.

That, is a secure victory for the both of them....

Well I do blame voters who chose Clinton over Sanders.


Yeah, she got 0 votes and won.... the DNC did shady things, but voters played a big role in this as well.

Clinton got 3 million more votes than Bernie.

The 3rd party blame game is already showing up in the /r/politics threads.

You know, that was my first time visiting that sub and I'm not sure if people there are serious or not. I guess I've been in conspiracy too long but literally every comment is in line with being a "shill". I mean, everybody is shitting on trump and America in that sub.

There is truth in statements about the margin (third party voters totals cover the victory margin in some cases), but there is never a guarantee those votes would go for anyone else if that choice was removed.

funny how the blame has shifted completely to the DNC now. Not to do with her or the parties stances, not to do with her actions, but the DNC rigging NOW all of a sudden pops up. a week ago, not a single word of it

and with that everyone keeps saying bernie would have won. that's not true either. bernie at least had different ideas than the status quo, but he would not have beaten trump.

the sad part about bernie is, unless he was forced, his endorsement for clinton was just a big 'fuck you' and selling out to all the people who stood behind him. He kept going on about the 'big banks', then endorsed the candidate that is owned by them

Look how racist America is.

After 8 years of a black president they will never let the America is racist meme die.

Thats because its too good of a tool for control

No kidding, especially when I kept hearing, "he may have gotten elected but he won't make it all 4 years!" As if the KKK is lurking around the corner.

100% of our presidents who have been assassinated have been white males.

Why does the USA hate white men so much?

100% of white males in America will die at some point in their lives.

Hillary is white, so would voting for her be racist?

Well not voting for her is SEXIST /s

That's because one black president does not negate all the racism that continues to happen.

Moral licensing. It's a real thing.

that's allright I don't argue with the people that spout that ..not even my own family members..I just keep calm, keep my head down and vote for trumps

What? You honestly think racism is dead just because we had one minority president?

Certain people stay in power by perpetuating that meme, though.

Don't forget the FBI.

I also forgot wikileaks.

they are all russian agents ... FBI is ex KGB

Comey did break the law. Idk if she would have won if he didn't, but she was polling much better before he did.

Everytime they mention "the Russians" I can't help but laugh that they think tricks from the 1960s will work on people still

"Am I out of touch?..."

Didn't Politifact (the crown jewel of the liberal media) say there is no connection between Russia and Assange?

Your statement is rated half true. I think. Are you voting for Clinton or not?

Wikileaks is my favorite branch of the government.

Some talking head on MSNBC blamed white men for the dems losing. Wtf?

And now her ass gonna get locked up.

And Russia

Make sure everyone understands this. They will try to blame it on voters, 3rd parties, the russians, and Bernie.

edit: and the FBI, and wikileaks

And white people.

CNN referred to Russia as an Enemy. Not a foreign agent or whatever, dude literally said Enemy.

It's going to be the Russians primarily. They already planted the seed with the email releases. Also, America always needs a boogeyman to blame shit on.

It's about to be Socialism again. Wait till that health insurance bubble hits next year. They're going to be out in force against a public option.

Lol you think that the American people would vote in a fraudulent, lying socialist? You people are out of your mind to think Bernie would have done better. The man argues pay in equality mean while he has been making 170k a year as a Senator. Get over yourself. He is, and was fraud who attempted to pander to blacks

3rd parties didn't lose her the election anyways

If forced to vote for red or blue those 3rd party voters typically don't vote or vote red like they did for bush

You forgot the Russians (or maybe you were leaving the Red Scare in the dust of history where it should stay)

So everyone except themselves? That seems like how a democracy works. Classic.

Russian blame has already started. "Putin rejoicing over Trump presidency". The headlines have already begun.

Bastards on twitter doing that like no tomorrow lmao

We can only hope that the DNC gets their collective heads out of their asses and puts a candidate the constituents actually support on the 2020 ticket. I am no Trump fan, but if we must endure this to get a candidate like Bernie some respect, then it is a worthwhile sacrifice.

Fuck that. Johnson hit three percent against the most hated candidates ever. This country fucking earned its new president. May God have mercy on all our souls.

If Reddit is any credible metric, it seems its mostly Blame the DNC posts right now.

So hopefully this sentiment is the same off reddit. I suspect Not but only time will tell.

I find it hilarious that Donald was a nut when claiming elections to be rigged but Hillary supporters can justify calling Russian hackers and the fbi into the game without seeing the irony.

Funny thing is, if it wasn't for a third party there would be no popular vote to fall back to.

And young people

The third party blame has taken a decisive lead in my social media experiences over the last 12 hours. But the numbers don't add up. Blame is entirely in the DNC.

to be fair, bernie endorsed her.

Definitely can't blame 3rd party, except that they made it closer. I can't see Gary Johnson supporters supporting Hillary over Trump. Stein was less than 1% everywhere

On NPR radio now. Blaming both Stein and Johnson supporters, also not enough black voter turn out. I enjoy SOME of the discourse on NPR but they quite blatantly suck the Clinton cocktail.

Not to mention NPR, as a progressive radio channel, also marginalized and made arguments against Sanders and his cause during the primary. Not that it's news to anyone here, just frustrating.


You somehow forgot Russia in there.

Honestly the voters chose Trump, so it's definitely their fault. People are idiots and American democracy has failed.

u/fantomknight1 wrote a great comment on the r/politics mega that I believe was removed (naturally), but I think deserves to see the light of day:

You know what, I'm not mad at Trump and his supporters for leading (and possibly winning). Their goal was to get Trump elected and they are doing their job. I'm mad at the fucking Democrats. You know why?

Because every1 single2 fucking3 poll4 showed Clinton neck and neck with trump and Bernie out way ahead. Clinton isn't losing because she's a democrat, she's losing because a lot of her actions have been dishonest and people don't trust her. That's where Sanders has the big advantage. Even many Clinton supporters admit that they don't like her but they are only voting for her because they like Trump less. What a glowing endorsement. That's why Bernie was a better candidate but the Democrats had to have their queen and now they reap what they sow. Now I know many people will argue that since Clinton > Sanders and Trump > Clinton that means that Trump > Sanders. This is incorrect thinking for a number of reasons. Clinton was able to win the primary because she controlled the liberal leaning media and because the Democratic party worked against Bernie Sanders during the primary. CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and many liberal comedic pundits were very much biased towards her. This can have a profound impact on a race and drive many supporters away from Sanders to Clinton (even if they didn't like her).

CNN was mocked as the Clinton News Network because of how biased they were against Sanders and many "comedic" pundits like Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, and others were quick to bash Bernie and his supporters while ignoring the flaws in Clinton. Bernie Bros spread like wildfire even though the Bernie camp had more women in it than the Clinton camp. Clinton also adopted similar language to what Bernie Sanders was saying in order to woo Bernie supporters away from him. So, while they didn't rig the electoral ballot, they sure put all their effort into crushing Bernie's movement instead of trying to understand why Bernie was getting so much support. After he lost Clinton went back to business as usual and Trump catered to Bernie's supporters and tried to woo them.

But wait, if it's true that Clinton controlled so many media outlets and tv shows then why is she losing (maybe did lose depending on time of reading)? By your logic, she should be crushing Trump. Here, lies the biggest flaw in the Democrats plan. They could influence many liberal leaning networks to show Clinton favoritism but Republicans don't watch those shows. A hard core Republican doesn't care about what Samantha Bee has to say. They don't care about MSNBC. So that magical lead that Clinton could force over Sanders (barely) wasn't there against Trump. And the fact that Clinton and the Democratic Party worked so hard to trivialize Sanders' supporters ended up biting them in the ass as many did not want to come out and support her. You want to mock and trivialize me so much? Fine, now you get your wish, I am non-existent in this race. To put it simply, the Democrats misread the situation and didn't realize the anger boiling up against the establishment. The second they won the primary they shifted tactics to wooing Republicans rather than sticking to Sanders' message because it never occurred to them that Sanders' supporters wouldn't want Hillary. They assumed that Sanders' supporters would just fall in line (like in races before).

So, yeah, Fuck CNN, Fuck the Democrats, and Fuck the new wave of shitty late night comedic pundits. They are cancerous fucks who did everything they could to push out a populist candidate and elect their hated candidate. They deserve what they got.

P.S. Everyone who thinks that this race was decided by Comey's letter about the email investigation being reopened is probably wrong. That was released too close the election time to sink in. Most Republicans will feel vindicated (but they're not voting for Hillary anyway) while most Democrats will feel distrustful of the letter. He released it right next to the election time. This is probably a setup to crush Hillary. I won't fall for it. So, yeah, I doubt it had much effect on the election but it will most likely still be a scapegoat for the loss (instead of researching the real reasons).

So, yeah, Fuck CNN, Fuck the Democrats, and Fuck the new wave of shitty late night comedic pundits.

Yup. I used to find them funny. Now I see them as smug, condescending assholes.

They're still funny. They're just also smug condescending assholes who we now know don't think for themselves.


Yeah, when Trump's policies start pissing me off (which I'm sure they will) maybe I'll tune back to them.

They'll do the comedy that sells views. They always do.

Very few stand on a platform of substance, and those that do inevitably get hit with the Job Lynch Mob.

And even fewer can withstand that attack.

I feel the same. Stuff that I would have found funny years ago, now just comes across to me as entitlement or stupidity.

That's because Colbert and stewart didn't preach and dictate how you should stand on issues, they parodied and sold you on how absurd things were. They left a huge void that hasn't been filled yet when they left.

Rip colbert. Gatekeepers

They have probably always been viewed as smug, condescending assholes on the right.

I also think all the networks being controlled by clinton hurt her because americans were sick of being fed anti-trump shit yet nothing bad about hillary when there were emails about her being released every day. Americans don't want to live in a one sided world EVEN if it supports their side.

Totally. I haven't watched John Oliver or The Daily Show in months because of their one sided attacks. Uh, there is at least equal amounts of shit to make fun of or call out Hillary Clinton as there are with Trump. I didn't even vote Trump. I just couldn't stand the bias when Trump says stupid shit and Clinton does stupid shit. There is plenty to go off especially when someone is on the verge of being outed as legitimately corrupt.

I was a huge fan of John Oliver until the Trump episode.

He just got worse and worse after that until I couldn't stand watching it anymore, just feels like watching propaganda.

Propaganda is not illegal in the USA. Just let that settle.

Isn't it, by definition, propaganda?

Oh in February I was completely turned off from Colbert over his constant shilling for Hillary. It was just so disgusting.

Yup all these celebrities who they know can influence young voters holding concerts, making pleas during their 5 mins break in between songs. I mean they really did go all out force feeding people into supporting the criminal.

Yeah, by it was still pretty funny. Comedians go where the easiest jokes are.

I think there were more fresh new jokes to be had with all the shit that was leaked instead of the same old dump trump drumpf, omg he said something provocative....again.

More than anything, this is the victory of decentralized new media over trad. media.

Had Clinton been elected, we'd no longer have access to open discussion forums like this one. In fact, she already bought /r/politics and filled it with shills, but that didn't stop the leaks.

Trump might be suboptimal in many aspects, but at least he doesn't seem to be the president the powers that be wanted. So that's gotta mean something.


Here is an un effing believably prescient article from Harpers calling out the "Ivory Tower" liberals for forgetting to be the party of the people. It is a slap in the face of the WaPo for being laughably out of touch and completely oblivious to the rest of the country. Please read it if you have any interest in the current state of the 4th estate.

Also the single most important Op-Ed of 2016 was written by none other than Cracked.com (no, seriously). It doesnt say so but you could easily see why Sanders would have killed it where Trump thrives. That giant ass red map would probably be all blue.:

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

That cracked article is amazing. I haven't been there in a couple years but I used to love it.

So, while they didn't rig the electoral ballot

So long as we are in /r/conspiracy:


For each voter, a score is computed ranking probability of the right vote. Analytics can model demographics, social factors and many other attributes of the needed voters. Modeling will tell us what who we need to turn out and why, and studies of effectiveness will let us know what approaches work well. Machine intelligence across the data should identify the most important factors for turnout, and preference.

It should be possible to link the voter records in Van with upcoming databases from companies like Comcast and others for media measurement purposes.

the reason this is actually worse than you think is that this is how you can take out opposition precincts with precision. Google knows your home address and how you are going to vote. They also know your voting precinct. They also know who you are likely to support. This means that you can change an entire neighborhoods voter affiliation without disrupting the entire election. So that people can still vote in the General without letting opposition participate in the Primary. Take out a dozen blocks of Brooklyn and you can win. This is it. This is how the primary was rigged against Sanders.


This was just the first hit on google about DNC Voter Affiliation Change


NPR from February (That transcript is different than what was initially aired though. You can see how in the beginning they say they get 4000 data points on every voter in the country but at the end they say it was a door-to-door poll. That kind of polling doesnt get you 4k data points on anyone.)


Genuinely curious, if the primary was fully rigged and not just heavily slanted towards Hillary, why the fuck couldn't she pull it off for the general?

Sorry I'm not yelling at you, just the general country I apparently live in.

Well, it turns out that when some 3 million Democrats can no longer vote Democrat, and the Democratic Party is exposed for mass corruption and they continue to say "lol, don't need you", it tends to piss people off.

I mean I guess the one positive thing about all this is that hopefully the DNC will see what happened and get their shit together.

100% this, plus add one more thing: Hillary scared gun owners to our cores. She promoted confiscation of guns at gunpoint - that's what an "Australian style byback" meant. In the US that meant civil war.

Bernie didn't scare us. Yes, he was still no real friend of ours but he wasn't going to start a goddamn war with us or bring back the massive civil rights violations the ATF was infamous for during Bill's administration.

Dems: for God's sake STAHP with the gun control! It's killing you.

Honestly I think that gun should be regulated way stricter in America but imo it's too late for that. Too much legal and illegal guns in circulation now, it would just leave the "good" people with no guns and the "baddies" with guns.

The only people in history who have had their weapons taken away are slaves. They push this "people are being killed" but it's all hype.

Think of it this way, without our guns what's stopping them from flat out rigging the election for Her last night.

You don't ban the ocean because a few people get killed by sharks. They have an agenda.

It's on this point that I think you're wrong.

People with guns regulating the government was maybe true before and after civil war but the truth is that you won't do shit against the government with your guns even with the help of some redneck survivalists. If the army doesn't back you up the people don't stand a chance with or without guns.

And common it's recurring in r/conspiracy but why would you think they would rig the election for her and didn't for him.

  1. I'm military. I know who they'd be with,
  2. It isn't citizens vs. government. It is citizens vs. elite power, two very different things.
  3. Its not the violence, but the threat of violence that gives the people a certain amount of power over the elites will.
  4. The media didn’t want him. The GOP establishment didn’t want him. The pollsters didn’t want him. The globalists didn’t want him. The NeoCons didn’t want him. The Socialists didn’t want him. The global power brokers didn’t want him.

How could he have rigged it against powers like that?

But the people who are tired of fighting these wars our military isn’t allowed to win, tired of being robbed, tired of being taxed to poverty, tired of being insulted, tired of being slandered, tired of being lied to, tired of our livelihoods being given away, tired of being brushed off - yeah, US, we wanted him.

I dont even own a gun and i totally agree with you!

Dems, STOP WITH THE FUCKING GUN CONTROL! The Constitution isn't up for argument. Back the fuck up!

...jesus christ...

This is an articulated, level-headed and well argumented comment. There is nothing there to remove it for.

I'm interested if u/spez' reddit will ever recover or if they will dig their heels and turn even more comically fascist.

If she even had one ounce of care for "normies" she would've made Bernie her VP.

If he was her running mate she would've absolutely demolished trump.

But then she wouldn't be able to get away with nearly as much crooked shit with our boy B that close to everything.

Right? Fucking Obama made her his secretary of state.

Well I for one am stoked she was blinded by pride.

I don't think he had a choice in that one though XD

She couldn't give the VP spot to Bernie. She already promised that to Tim when she got him to step down from DNC chair to let DWS take over and rig the convention from the top down. That deal paid off for her, but only after they had to cheat to steal back their rigged primary.

Oh Lord, how ever did she lose this? Hillary Clinton everybody, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again. What a total fucking loser.

What I dont understand about this is why he had to step down so they could rig things. Couldn't he just rig things himself?

Tim needed more experience in an elected position. Maybe they tried to rig with him, but Hilldog knew she needed a trusty ally, so she picked her former campaign manager and convinced Tim to pad his resume while they waited.

Maybe he had an ounce of credibility?

I feel like DWS played a secondary role. She did nothing but sit on her hands for legislative elections during Obamas two terms. With everything we know now, along with the bitterness we know of Clinton (didn't even give a concession speech last night and didn't today until like 11AM-CST) I am fully confident in thinking DWS was put in place to intentionally sabotage the legislature for Democrats during Obamas two terms just to spite him for Clintons loss because fuck him.

I really, really wish that would have happened.

I am so super happy it didnt. She might have won and we would have lost Sanders too.

Ehh if that happened I wouldn't've been surprised to see an assassination seeing as how she's so hated by the people and Bernie so loved. Some maniac probably would've gone for it.

But she couldn't as VP was promised to Kaine to leave DNC post for DWS.

She literally stole the presidency from Bernie,

I was arguing with my cousin about this the other day. By the end of it she said--because I will never forget it--"yeah, fine, she might have won by stealing the election. Because that's what winners do in politics, and Clinton is a winner." I just cocked my head and looked at her because I couldn't believe people actually think like this.

Well, Clinton didn't win tonight.

And because corrupt politics didn't win, I'm happy.

I like how the same people who say that, are the same ones who loved calling out Trump supporters who said he was a "genius" and a "good businessman" for avoiding taxes for years. If you rig an election, you're obviously not a winner and deserve nothing. I'm not a Trump fan at all, but I'm glad Clinton wasn't allowed to set a dangerous precedent.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cognitive dissonance.

She lost two times big. The Obama loss was huge already. She also lost her State Department job "somehow". How can your sister repeat that wrong argument with a straight face? Lots of crazy drum beat arguments in the media last weeks. Huge media fail everywhere, also overseas.

She's going to run forever until someone finally tells her no.

If no one steps up for the Democrats in the next year, she'll be back like a Bush brother.

This sounds highly unlikely given her mini strokes and losing streak. Lost against Obama, lost the State job, lost against Trump.

But the real threat is Chelsea. I read what she wrote from Haiti. She has ambitions.

If the dirt gets brought out on the Clinton Family, no one will want them in office either. Look at the figurative wall Jeb faced, and not just against Trump. There was that live interview, where a random pedestrian screams out, "no more Bushes".

Clinton is a short term win for progressiveness, long term loss for democracy.

Trump at least won democratically.

I upvoted you but I'm not entirely sure I disagree that he's a long-term loss for democracy. That remains to be seen.

While I've stopped giving campaign promises any credence (from any candidate), he does have the platform of draining the swamp. That would do wonders for democracy.

He has a platform of "very little."

Nobody knows what he is going to do.

This is very true.

I didn't say he is a long-term loss for democracy. In fact I believe the opposite.

And because corrupt politics didn't win, I'm happy.

I have nothing to add but this needs to be said again.

Do you seriously believe that only hillary is corrupt? Hillary is nothing more than a reflection of the government as a whole. Corrupt politics always wins and you'd think /r/conspiracy would realise that

They didn't win today. But America still ended up fucked. Thanks corruption you worthless turd.

Let this be lesson. Cheat, get found out, Fuck Off. Corruption won't be tolerated if found out. Learn it.

Word, we the people don't play that shit.

Not anymore. A woke populace can not be put back to sleep. This election will be their biggest mistake.

In a lot of way I agree I'm not sure to what effect but yeah they really shouldn't have tried to force feed us this fucking lady.

That's how fucking out of touch they are. It's amazing to see them have to come our of their self mad bubble. This is reality.

Too true, they could have "compromised" given DNC base bernie and it would have been such a different story. Haha.

controlled opposition strategy really fucked them, hope the money was worth it.

Yeah whats funny to me is all the talk before tonight was about when Trump loses how the RNC will have to implode and rebuild, now I'm thinking the DNC and it's open corruption/collusion and favoritism might be the ones imploding. All of those in the DNC that stood by and let this bullshit happen on their watch? I hope their half way into a bottle of jack by now.

Trump is a walking parody. He's been cought on camera and recorded being extremely sexist, racist, and an all around slimy person, this election should have been a landslide for the Democrats. It's an embarrassment on clinton that she lost and I'm extremely happy that she did. She got what she deserved. I'm not happy that trump won. I'm happy that clinton lost.

I am a conservative, but I would have voted for Bernie as opposed to Trump. From the beginning of the primaries, Clinton and Trump are the two I disliked the most because I feel they were in it for themselves, not for the people. I think Bernie was trying to do what he thought was best for the people. I respect that and would have voted for him if he would have ran.

It would have been interesting if he had.

"They" are extremely calculated and have been doing this since the Fall of Rome.

The play isn't over yet. They knew what they were doing with her. People are fucking retarded to think for a second a presidential candidate for a major party in the U.S. is at all organic.

Are you "woke" enough to know who really won?

Well, it looks like Trump is taking the presidency. He's gonna try to line his pockets any way he can. So, I dunno, I wish we the people didn't play that shit.

Trump loves this country. If you weren't brainwashed by the MSM you'd realize it. He's exactly what this country needs right now. A fucking colon cleanse. He has taken no special interest money and is indebted to no lobbyists. He's a sharp and ruthless businessman, but so are the donors of Hillary. Maybe he will get us a better deal. We've been getting shafted for too long brother. The corruption is too deep at this point. It has to be BTFO! I love this country. I hate to see the dissention. But can't we see that we've been played by the corporate oligarchs? Only a self-funded outsider could ever get the shit done that needs to get done. This isn't about parties man! I've never voted Republican in my life until now. And that's because I read the emails man. You can't elect that level of corruption. What's the message we send to our rapists? Red pills for all you!

I don't agree with you at all, but shit, I understand where you're coming from and you basically reiterated why I believe Trump won.

Trump is the anti-establishment vote. He's the guy that pisses off the locked-in politicians with connections and he played that card really well. He just had to tell people that "they don't want me in office" and people loved it. He said he'll get a special prosecutor for Hillary and people loved it. A lot of people like you believe this country needs a colon cleanse by a guy who isn't hooked up to donors like they're an IV. Hillary somewhat represents that evil that Trump promises to fight against and pull out of office.

Lots of people feel left out, feel like corporations stole the country, and they're fucking right. We have people living in tent cities that no politician is doing jack shit about. We have people suffering paycheck to paycheck being promised that they'll be taken care of, but then they get hit with medical bills and declare bankruptcy. And whenever you hear that they're going to make a move towards something like universal health care, there's always a ton of hints that insurance/pharmaceutical businesses are involved and will profit deeply off it. We're wage slaves, through and through. You can be making 6 figures and still be a fucking wage slave struggling in some parts of this country.

Too many people felt this way, and democrats watching Bernie get stolen from them started to feel this way even more so. He was the chosen one for lots of people, the democrat who represented a lot of this same mentality, but corrupt as shit politicians didn't give it to us. That pissed people off, and pissed off people will vote anti-establishment just as a fuck you to the people in charge.

The DNC dug their own fucking grave. Hell, I really hope Trump is the guy you believe he is, the America loving business man who will try to change this country and help the working class. I don't believe it whatsoever, but I hope to hell I'm wrong. Personally, I voted third party because as a Californian, I actually have a chance to vote conscience and not lesser evil. I hope Gary Johnson gets his 5% so third parties get some more exposure. My anti-establishment vote was by going third party.

And if anyone tells you your vote was in vain, tell them to fuck off, everyone's vote mattered.


Shit man, it's not your fault that you rather vote for someone you believe in. I don't know how else to look at it. If you can't vote for someone you believe in, there's no point to vote.

If you can't vote for someone you believe in, there's no point to vote.

That was my reasoning.

Well said. Living in Oregon my protest vote was Stein. I hope that Trump is who many believe him to be, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Wow, this is a beautiful response. And I can't agree with you more.

I really hope things do work out. :/

Your points might all be true, but it doesn't change the fact that he will not do any of the things he promised while campaigning.

His promises will go unfulfilled. Just like most presidents before him, they say great things to take power, then it all gets ignored and their actions do not follow their speak. He will not put Hillary in jail like he said during the (second?) debate.

With the house in his favor and the senate headed the same way, it's likely he will get a few things done. Not sure if that's good or bad. Will have to wait and see

What? How is the white house in his favor? Obama has been hiding Hillary's crimes along with Comey for months now.

Wikileaks even proved Podesta and team was communicating directly with the State Department.

The republicans won both the house of reps and the senate. This will make it easier for Trump to get things done.

Not sure what all that other shit has to do with anything though

he will not do any of the things he promised while campaigning.

That would be nice because I still like the EPA.

I don't. Make VW great again!

Bring back the beatle?

Nailed it. Hillary was in too many pockets and was let off of a felony. That kind of corruption needs to be weeded out.


I voted for Bernie, then Hillary. I also voted for Romney last presidential election. I'm definitely liberal socially, but I like to think I'm somewhat pragmatic. I'm also the type that understands that democracy means I don't always win. So I'm willing to entertain your ideas. But here's my random thoughts.

My personal opinion is that if you believe in a conservative message, then by all means elect a conservative congress. But the president is our commander in chief and the face of our country. And if he isn't our executive diplomat, then he appoints the Secretary of State, who would be our executive diplomat. I just don't believe that Trump is the best face for our country. I keep looking back to the things he said before he amassed a team that could control him. Monitor all muslims in the US, and ban muslims from entering the US.... come on. Global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese? As an engineer and a member of the scientific community, this is laughable. I think that early 2016 Trump is the true Trump. Before he got a team that told him to shut up. I think the recent relatively sane Trump that we've seen has been massively controlled by a very intelligent team that he luckily acquired. Now that he's president I just can't see Trump performing admirably. It's why I voted for Hillary.

I read Tough Choices by Hillary and The Art of the Deal by Trump. While both have done impressive things, Hillary convinced me that she is 100% a more capable representative for the United States. I just can't see Trump having the intelligence to navigate delicate political discussions. And Jesus, I'm terrified of his views on international environmental campaigns (humans are harming the environment people, it's a real thing, just accept it).

However, I'm willing to accept that this election is a message to corrupt political parties. Maybe it'll all work out. Time will tell.

But what about Trump choosing several oil tycoons, big bank CEO's etc., for his cabinet? He absolutely is going to do everything he can to help out big corporations.


yeah! the only thing he has taken special interest in is underage girl and sexual assault.

plus, trump is an oligarch. he is the literal definition. a rich business man who has political ties.

sure, downvote me. is he a rich business man? yes. Does he have political ties? he has donated to many campaigns and has made himself a part of politics. hell, he got his money from his father and has passed down that money/power from himself to his children.

he is just as much an oligarch as hillary is, except her parents didn't give her wads of cash or pretty much anything else.

Clinton isn't?

by the definition of oligarchy, no.

her power wasn't handled down to her. she didn't get her jobs by family connections and she didn't get her power by her money.

she gained her education and her position by her experience and work and through that she gained her own money. she isn't one of the richest, like donald says he is.

she does border on oligarchy because of her connection to her husband but they were both lawyers before he started his political career and she herself has kept busy.

but, my point was that the fellow above me thought that trump is not part of the corporate oligarchy and for that he was somehow better.

he is part of the corporate oligarchy.

Your tears are so salty!! you are completely delusional. Cognitive dissonance is real:(

The core of his message is right though. Trump is as much an oligarch than Hilary is (maybe more as like he said his power(money) came from his father).

it is sad they don't see it, it is like they are throwing terms around and not understanding what they are.


I mean the games rigged chap, so within the confines we the people find ourselves in, we don't play that.

Don't get me wrong I'm not stoked for our future with Trump but I really didn't want to watch the biggest gloss over of pure corruption and hubris in my young life either, so I feel okay part of my soul would have died listening to that woman gloat and gloat.

Assuming everything Trump tries to do gets blocked (like Obama was), we're good. Doubt he will win again in 4 years and hopefully he can't do anything fucking awful in 4 years.

Why will anything Trump does get blocked? The entire GOP is going to start sucking his dick tomorrow morning. Trump will do whatever the fuck he wants to do (and for the most part he doesn't care, he is going to let that lunatic Pence do whatever HE wants to do and the GOP will approve all of it).

lunatic Pence do whatever HE wants to

The silver lining that we all TOGETHER will lose from this, and even the Trump supporters will get their due.


What? Sadism isn't a normal human trait? /s

I just don't see Trump doing much as president. I see him getting steamrolled by serious politicians and a staff that's much more politically savvy than he is. I was pretty dismayed by tonight's election, but I really don't anticipate Trump being a powerful force during his presidency. Feel free to disagree. I'm open to discussion.

Unless you're saying Pence will control his presidency. Because I could see another Bush/Cheney relationship.

Yeah, he will get steamrolled.. by the most extremely conservative politicians most people have ever seen in their lifetimes. Every ultra-conservative wet dream is on the table now. Mass deportations, extreme tax cuts for the ultra-rich, slash and burn social services, even less funding for public education and a massive rise of religious schools, they may completely abolish the estate tax, I think they may actually make abortion illegal again. You can't imagine how many people will lose their right to vote now. There will be literally THOUSANDS of public positions, especially judges, that the fucknut GOP have just refused to fill that will all be filled by the most extremely conservative candidates possible.

This is a huge win for dividing the rich from the poor, and for making elections as unrepresentative as possible. I wonder if they even have the power to completely abolish the minimum wage entirely. Public sector unions are going to be destroyed. Probably more than 15 million people will lose their health insurance, lifetime limits and pre-existing conditions will return, etc. Maybe they will eliminate the EPA and slash the funding for the FDA too. Oh, can't wait to slash banking regulations too!

This is the fucking shit people like Pence want. But just to make it extra awesome, Trump will add his own awful bullshit on top of that. Maybe people can start going to jail for criticizing him! Maybe they really will start killing innocent family members of terrorists! Torture is definitely back on the menu, Trump said he wants to do "much worse than waterboarding". Why the fuck not? This doesn't even touch on which wars the GOP will start, what a GOP majority in the supreme court is going to do for the next perhaps 20-30 years, etc. What a fucking disaster.

Do you really think that will happen? To me it seems as radical as republicans who literally thought Obama was the antichrist. Low and behold he has extremely high approval ratings and the end of the world hasn't arrived yet.

Despite disliking Trump, I just don't want to sink to the same obstructionist, irrational level as republicans have these past 8 years.

The difference is that the GOP have gerrymandered the fuck out of the House. There are places where the Dems have won 55% of the vote and taken like 5/15 seats. They always fucking hold the goddamn House. For the last 3/4 of Obama's term they did just that. They oppose everything Obama wants, not just because it's not far right enough, but because not opposing sends the message that they think "the enemy" has good ideas. They don't have to oppose the enemy now, they can do whatever the fuck they want. Trump doesn't give a shit, he wants to win re-election, and it's the right that has elected him, he will just let them do whatever the fuck they want so that they don't turn their back on him next time.

The problem with the GOP thinking Obama was the anti-christ is that the GOP by and large is very anti-fact. Trump thinks global warming is a Chinese conspiracy, apparently his voters agree. All the scientists in the relevant fields certainly don't. The GOP base literally thinks Obama is a secret Muslim that is going to bring Sharia Law, the guy is fucking Christian and that is painfully obvious. There is not a single shred of evidence he isn't, the GOP base doesn't give a shit. FFS the guy is a centrist, they call him a socialist? That isn't even pretending to have a basis in reality. All the shit I just described is all the shit that same GOP base has been screaming about for years. Help the rich, fuck the poor, if you can't make it then fucking die. Let everyone do whatever they want so the rich areas do better than ever and the poor areas degrade into heaps of shit, rich powerful business owners like Donald Trump who LITERALLY doesn't even pay his own fucking contractors will "share the wealth". Defund all the regulatory bodies and let whatever the fuck happens happen, because apparently nobody knows less than the experts who've spent their entire lives devoted to a subject.

There will be no obstruction, the Dems have no power to obstruct anything. Why is it exactly that you think the GOP would obstruct a GOP president who wants GOP policies?

Right, but are we going to get balanced legislation or a push back to the 50's?

Huge dog, park full of trees. lots of piss to go around. Marking territory. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Doug you're cool, fuck you, I'm getting mine.

Not going to happen. He has republican house, senate and Supreme Court.

1) Supreme Court Justice.

2) Republicans have majority in the House and Senate.

Probably looking at repeal of the ACA and defense spending getting an uptick. The usual (R) stuff.

He'll start a war.

Source on that? Or are we just making this up as we go along as our Princess Clinton didn't win?

She would have started a war, too. I didn't vote for either.

Says a lot about you, that you assume people who bash one are voting for the other.

Says a lot about you, that you assume people who bash one are voting for the other.

And yet here we are assuming Trump is going to start a war. What!? Are you reading what you are typing?

Are you watching the same person I'm watching? He'll start a war.

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That's usually what happens when there are only two candidates. And it makes sense imo.

Lol, not sure if you're serious, but there were 4 main candidates.

I didn't vote for either of the main two.

Hillary Clinton voted YES to 7 of the last 9 wars.... she's likened Trump to Hitler (nice,considering they're a nuclear super power) - she wants a no-fly zone in Syria, triggering WW3.

We MAY have dodged a Russia Vs American hot war.

Ok, but tell me how Trump won't dodge it. I consider him to be more arrogant and tactless than even Clinton, and the situation's going to be exactly the same.

Hopefully as a "Businessman", he'll understand the need for peace and stability.

P & S - sells product. People are happy, spend and may get a little of that in tourism which will benefit his hotels.

On the flip side, Defense spending on a cold war, well, Military Industrial Complex (MIC) loves that. Real easy to make a dollar. e.g. line your pockets for retirement.

Maybe, we'll get another "space race" aka Cold War Dick Size.

Happy cake election day!


You're still saying the game is rigged after he won?

It wouldn't be impossible to protest under Clinton, either. And I doubt she would have been able to gloat after beating an underqualified manchild by as little as projected.

Well bro cmon, the fact the choices were between him or her in the first place kinda shows the games rigged.

A forced and stagnant 2 party system that almost always forces the hand of the people into one of two "lesser" evils.

I disagree. We did this to ourselves.

Except for the democratic primaries and the collusion of media with the Clinton camp, I think everything in this election cycle was self-inflicted.

I'd like to see more proof of the election being rigged though, besides who the candidates turned out to be. lol.

Everything one can say Clinton is guilty of with finance Trump isn't far off from.

Some of the populace is out here struggling already and they pay taxes every year. Some don't even get returns at all... yet Trump can skirt that issue while making millions and billions.

Bankruptcy, Trump University, Bad deals all over even his standing internationaly over crap deals like that golf course and private land squeeze.

The system is corrupt but he's been suckling off the very corruption himself.

If you lose a billion dollars, you should be able to take some credits off your taxes. I mean it was bill clinton who made the loss carryforward credit a law.

You are a victim of the MSM. It's ok, you're in a Trump presidency now. It's going to be all right.

Ewwww spoiled milk to go with my already stale cheerios.

Bernie 2020!

If he dies he will probably register as a democrat finally.

I'm sorry I'm being force fed my cheerios for the next 4 years.. signing out.

What does Trump need to line his pockets with? Riding on Airforce One is a downgrade for him. He could have just gone on to live a quiet life.

If the people actually "dont play that shit", it wouldn't have taken until the last literal fucking day to get rid of her. Right?

It's not hard to answer a question ... Wikileaks has raised probably 50 big ones (involving morals and money) that I think are vital to her proving her integrity and what kind of President she would be ... Hillary decided to decline to answer any of those questions, and that has cost her among many voters.

Her duck and run style and dirty tricks weren't enough. Always worked before. Not this time.

Only worked (this time) since Obama took away the auditor who would look over the Secretary of State, for the past few years!
That basically gave Hillary "free reign" to do what she wanted, without question.
This is exactly how "oversights" like Bill getting a "million dollar check" for a birthday gift happen - that is TOTALLY in breach of the rules for a politician (or their spouse) to receive a personal gift worth over $5k from a foreign government, while on an official government visit. Thank you Wikileaks!

She duck and run when she landed in that place where she was getting shot at from gunmen everywhere!

I think her dirty plays worked against her partially because she kept pushing that "they go low we go high" bullshit. While insulting half the country, being outed playing dirty against Bernie, and totally playing the politics game we all freakin know is going on. How stupid do they think the populace is? It's one thing to accept that the "sausage making" of political campaigns is not always puppies and unicorns, but it's a whole new level of offensive for Hillary Clinton to tell the goddamn world that she's taking the high road when we can all see her and read her campaign emails.

You just need to keep it secret

They try, but kek and weaponized autism is their weakness. They our powerful not necessarily smart.

I don't believe that is necessarily a true statement. If Trump had won by a landslide, you might convince me. In reality, despite all the lies, corruption, and underhanded, sneaky, backroom deals, she still garnered almost more than half of the popular vote.

Believe what you want. Hey also don't forget to mention fake paid CTR support, mass censoring on social media platforms, and Most mainstreams media outlets openly biased for her. She had all those too and still lost.

I agree with you regarding the level of corruption, but the fact is that she won the popular vote. That means that more than half the country is OK with having a leader who has very questionable morals providing that person is packaged as the candidate who represents all they things they hope to get. That statement goes for all sides of this equation.

I think he is flawed, but so are we all. Maybe this is the shock we need. None of us know, but i know what hillary was. She was owned and a war hawk. But i'm sure we will disagree and that is fine. Only time will tell.

I pointed this out on a liberal facebook page and got 50 people telling me "fuck you" in under 5 minutes.

Stay out of the salt mines of the Internet for the next week; they'll be at full capacity for a while.

I love mining that salt!


Honestly, this election has made me hate many typical liberal types with a burning passion, and I consider myself liberal.

I really hate that so many liberals can be just as bad as how I've always viewed conservatives to be-- their only redeeming qualities are that they typically believe in social liberal policies that I'm very passionate about, but it feels like so many liberals are just absolutely fucking clueless, and have the same message as conservatives with different wrapping/themes.

Turns out that people are assholes, not the ideas they cling to.

Social justice fascism.

Serves her right. I am in a very liberal town and even some of the hardened Republicans were looking into Bernie and agreeing with his points on money in politics. Trump echoed this with simple tag lines like "DRAIN THE SWAMP" . Now we get a harsher revolution.

Yes, we do get a harsher revolution. Now would be a good time to stock up on canned food, water and ammo.

Holy shit, we got the conspiracy backwards, it wasn't Trump throwing the election for Clinton, it was Clinton mucking up the Dems and throwing the election for Trump?!

I don't know who's Manchurin' who anymore.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy? Hillary wanted to win the elections and she lost. I don't see her 'throwing' the election in my opinion.

Throwing the election for the entire republican party is more like it.

Maybe it started out that way...until Trump realized he had a real shot and went rogue.

Not just Bernie, literally any other Democrat; Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren... hell even Corey Booker would've beaten Trump in a landslide but the DNC allowed themselves to be kowtowed to Clinton's ambition and we went to war against the most hated Republican in history with the most hated Democrat in history and since democrats are categorically weak nobody should be surprised by the outcome.


Plus they literally hand picked who she'd be running against.


Not only that, but they deliberately supported a Trump campaign according to wikileaks. They thought he would be an easy target. Instead they fucking lost to the most hated man on Earth when their alternative candidate was routinely 10 points or more above Trump in polls. Fucking hell man.

got fucked for fucking with the millennials goes to show what happens when you rally young people to a cause.

Kinda like a fucked up Robin Hood.

All the people in this thread and the OP...it's so sad. It's like you people just entered politics.

They're both beholden to the same interests. This is the two party system working as intended - this is the false dichotomy. Israel and corporations won.

Someone make that visual a gif.




Fucking got Trump nominated too. Pied piper my ass.

Israel wins either way!

And now the media reports are trying to spin the gender tag. Seriously. Stop overlooking the fact that she lied, deceived and her karma caught up with her.

Part of me is so happy they are getting their come-uppins. Part of me is so sad I would've voted Trump over Hillary had I not had the option to write in Barnard Sanders. All of me is sad at this whole god-forsaken election. Jesus Christ I wish I could see the look on that stupid cunt's face right now.

Like.. fucking literally.

This is exactly what happened and nobody is responsible but her, the DNC, then the Democratic voters, in that order.

Exactly. She and her cabal need to be removed from the political arena, permanently. The level of corruption in the DNC as highlighted by their action in the primaries was utterly disgusting. They treated the very idea of democracy with spite, and fought against the voice of the voter every step of the way, until they finally coronated a princess and tried to make her queen.

And the price - not only handing the White House over to Trump, but also crippling any chance whatsoever for the democrats to gain ground in congress, will be paid for years. However that one could have been worse - had she won, she'd almost assuredly have swung the house/senate even further the other way given her abrasive political presence and constant aura of scandal and controversy. She was never fit as a candidate on that alone, but throw in the corruption and ethical issues and it is obscene that of all people for the DNC to betray their voters for, she was absolutely the least worthy.

This is the main takeaway from this election.


I knew the polls were wrong, but I really thought the plan was the other way around. Trump says whatever he can to appeal to the republican base and then fucks up before the finish line. Seriously how incompetent is the DNC.

Probably won't even read this. I don't believe for a second that any of this wasn't planned. Nothing was handed down. Bernie was a challenge but never had a chance. Clinton and trump are one in the same and don't let the outcome of this bullshit fool you for even one second. Have no idea what they're thinking or what's to come but this is not a choice by the American people and you are a fool if you think it is.

Can we put some pressure on Trump to not try to extradite Julian Assange?

The man exposed Hillary, the DNC and the media. He's been serving the people of the world for years now and he's holed up in an embassy to avoid arrest. The guy hasn't seen the sun in at least a year. He's not even an American citizen, he shouldn't face the threat that he's facing. I really hope he can he free and live a more normal life, he must be losing his sanity behind those walls for so long. And he's doing it all for us.

Yup I agree. she just wanted that title of the first female president.

I mean what if thats what they wanted to happen in the first place

This is the lesson.

Sliver platter with spoons to match


Who's to say Bernie wasnt ok with it? Even when she 'stole the presidency' from Bernie and rigged the primaries against him. He still endorsed her and continued to campaign for her.

I wouldnt be surprised if he was given a nice some of cash to retire on.Hence him buying a 3rd house on a beach somewhere.

maybe thats what all his election donations bought him

Can anyone provide links to back this up? I've been trying to explain this to friends but they just won't grasp this truth.

Some of the emails are here

She was too busy trying to COVER AN EXPOSED WEINER!

AND everyone knows it good

100% true

Thanks for the presidency, plebes!

The DNC also played games to get Trump the GOP nomination because they though he'd be an easy win.

Why didn't all you cunts stop it?

I can literally picture a political cartoon of Hillary with her hand on Bernie's head holding him back with her sleeve reading "DNC/liberal media" while the other hand holds a ball marked "presidency" behind her and trump behind her with one hand behind his back holding his tax returns, a small smug smile and upturned nose and his other hand slowly reaching out with thumb and middle finger for the "presidency" ball like he was picking a grape.

Straight white male from rural Alabama who was/is a Bernie guy here... I did what little I could. Fat load of good it did.:(

which is ironic, because the conspiracy was Trump ran for Hiliary to win.


There's no proof Bernie was going to beat her, this is such an exaggeration.

"We're tired of hearing about your damn emails."

Bernie did it to himself.

Would anyone like to explain to me how the DNC rigged the primary? I am from the netherlands and I do not understand how that is possible.

The DNC is supposed to be neutral to every candidate. The voters decide who is going to be the Democratic candidate, and the DNC oversees.

It can be clearly seen in the emails that it did not work that way. From day 1, they (the DNC with Debbie Wasserman-shulz at the head of it) treated it as if Hillary was their man. They disregarded Bernie, tried to damage his reputation, then disregarded the votes, etc. Effectively keeping him from being the candidate. When all this came to light, Debbie stepped down. But it was too late at that point

Bernie in the primary, Trump in the general. Anything but the establishment.

Can someone please ELI5 how exactly Hilary stole the presidency from Bernie? What did the DNC do to make sure she got the nod over Bernie?

They planned on her winning the primaries from the very beginning. Before the votes were even counted. They tried to smear Bernie. It's in the emails. That's why Debbie Wasserman-shulz stepped down as head of the DNC

I'm not so sure. The silent majority might not have wanted a EU syle socialist either. It would have for sure been a much more relaxed election season, however.

edit: also less people came out for Clinton than Bernie, so Clinton tried to cheat it.

And her supporters wanted us all to forget all of that and elect the lesser of the evils.

Fuck them.

Don't forget the DNC propped up Trump as their "pied piper" candidate to try to bolster his standing in the primaries.

Hillary only cares about herself. She could care less about the DNC, which she used as a tool.

I have defended her for the past few months because I was scared of the orange menace. No longer. She fucked us, and the one consolation I can take from this is that the DNC is going to have to burn it all down and start over if they have any hope of being relevant ever again.

Thanks Obama

I cannot stress this enough to Hilary c**t riders across Portland.

Just like the RNC stole the presidency from Ron Paul.

How can we be sure that wasn't her plan from the start though?

Dude...new meta-conspiracy right there...


Yes, because we all know for a fact Bernie would have won.

No. we don't. We have no idea what could have happened. Stop being stupid.

Nope, the voters gave it to trump. How many pathetic Bernie supporters didn't vote because their boyfriend wouldn't get the chance to be president? A lot. How pathetic. Bernie would hate all of you lol.

Bernie played ball. He wound up being a plant. You guys are idiots. I can't say this enough.

No one handed Trump anything, dumbass. Trump defeated everyone on the GOP establishment side, he defeated the lying hoaxing media, and finally he defeated the Clinton Machine.

He fucking DESTROYED everything in his path.

Don't fucking pretend for a second that anything was handed to him.

She didn't literally do that at all.

The socialist Jew never stood a chance. He'd have lost even worse.

I hope every corrupt slimeball clinger-on in the Clinton machine dies of fucking grief.

We could have had Bernie. Fucking stupid HRC supporters.

Bernie was the truth man :(

Bernie was cool, but he had no backbone. And he was too caught up in identity politics.

Still better than trump and Hillary. All he wanted to do was care for America.

That's true. But it's hard to vote for a man that says shit like "white people don't know what poverty feels like". The reason a lot of people didn't like Bernie was that he was clearly just saying everything that people wanted to hear. That's where the name Bernie Panders came from.

Cool guy that meant well regardless, but you can do that without alienating 80% of Americans with identity politics.

The reason a lot of people didn't like Bernie was that he was clearly just saying everything that people wanted to hear...

Like Donald and Hillary hadn't?

Considering the back-lash from the worldwide media, I would say Trump did exactly the opposite. Withstanding over a years worth of personal attacks from the left-wing dominated media/institutions.

Pandering to minorities, the media and college grads is easy.

Promising to build a great big wall??? AND HAVING MEXICO PAY FOR IT???

Forget the media, he clearly said what more than half of America wanted to hear. And how is it pandering if what Bernie was saying was representative of his core values? Just because it's easy doesn't make it any less credible.

you're telling me arguing that "white people don't know what poverty is like" is credible?

Sure, a generalization that could've gone unsaid. But please hold what your candidate says to the same standards.

That's quite ignorant.

What's ignorant is selectively deciding what's credible only when it suits you... given the context, what Bernie said wasn't as it is implied above. You can take hundreds of things trump says with context and see they are hardly credible as well.

I think I misinterpreted what you said the first time.

That quote was a obvious stumble that didn't carry the intended meaning. Don't be ridiculous

If that's just a stumble, then he must have just stumbled off a cliff.

It was a bad one but when heard in context the stumble was obvious.

Trump embodies identity politics...

He was probably blackmailed lol

Then again, helping get Trump elected would go against almost all his policies so...

When you run for president, suddenly you're connected with some of the most persuasive people in the world, telling you 'This is what you have to do to win'

Unfortunately for Bernie, those people were Hillary's friend$

compared to everything that's happened those are pretty fuckin workable weaknesses in a candidate hahaha, especially compared to being corrupt to the core like Hillary. But I guess hindsights 20/20 or whatever.

Amen about the identity politics, I REALLY fuckin hated that part of his campaign.


It is this exact facet of our culture, to hand out the pussy pass so freely (nominated based on gender) that made Trump the appropriate choice. Had it not been a factor, Bernie would have been nominated and a more appropriate president. But he was not. This makes Trump even more appropriate than Bernie.

Millennials these days are so full of hatred. They've been spamming my Facebook wall for the past year shaming men and whites for racism and misogyny that's grossly over exaggerated. The perpetuation of fake victim status has provided them justification for the vilification of masculine behavior. I've never seen so much reverse sexism/racism before in this country. This is how they got their own kind, Latinos, gays, and women voting against their own agenda. They are sick of watching the left gain unfair advantages by manipulating people with shame.

We're the silent majority because we typically don't waste our time shaming others as I just did. How desperate and aggressive will they be to justify their hate? How deep will they dig their holes? Pussy pass and name calling was their platform and such thing is weak. Watch if someone replies wasting their time trying to use burnt out shame tactics against me.

It would have been like JFK living out his full term. What if.

This election could have been-

Legal weed VS Illegal abortion

Fucking landslide. I hate this stupid bitch.

but it was her tuuuuuuuuuurn :'(

Lol I plan on going around tomorrow and punching everyone I know who insisted it was "time for a woman president" in the face.

I'll smash my radio if I ever hear another Katy Perry song, too. That goes double for Beyonce, I know she held pussy out on Jay Z to get him on her side. She probably still will, too. The ugly bastard.

No, those people are in the fold, they are millionaires, they sold their souls long ago and part of the contract was you must do as we say, these people don't get to vote their own way. They probably don't vote at all because they know it's a joke.

I personally know a few people who voted for her in the primaries. They actually exist, though the ones I know do actually suck as human beings.

She had plenty of voters, though. I almost voted for her. Trump will be a train wreck.

Why are you still spouting shit about fixed elections if he won?

Just because you can rig something to a certain extent doesnt mean you get a 100% winrate.

Its like playing with wallhacks in CS.

A great Bob Marley said "You can fool some people sometimes, but you cant fool all the people all the time, Get up, Stand up..."

Or an aimbot

Thats not at all what hes talking about? Hes talking about how celebrities have to act a certain way in the public. Even if Beyonce was the biggest Trump supporter, her handlers would still make her praise Hillary.

Because it'd require a 100% rig rate (give EVERY vote to killton) for it to win all the time, for the vote numbers to seem plausable they have to peg it as a certain percentage that's low enough to be ignored, and it's not like people can't just vote more for the other candidate and overcome that percentage.

tl;dr rigging elections is tough business if you want to not get discovered.

tl;dr2: It's possible it WAS rigged for Killton, if so, we just overcame the rigging.


You, and others, have NO FUCKING CLUE

Getting mad just reveals who you're pulling for, and you're the ignorant one in this case.

I don't feel like linking a shit ton of evidence, since you didn't either. Here is my response from elsewhere in the thread.

He's already caused damage to the presidency, by challenging the validity of the elections, permanently lowering the level of discourse in the campaign process, encouraged violence and lack of education in the voter base, accusing the government of past conspiracy theories, etc.

Even if I agree with anything he said, we're always going to have lower expectations of our leaders now, and we probably won't care as much about their credibility or if they can actually accomplish the things they promise.

He hasn't doomed us yet, but he has severely lowered my expectations for the US in the future, and I know he has weakened and discredited us on the international stage. I don't believe that he's a Russian puppet, but he has certainly done a lot that will shift the globe in the BRICS nations' favor.

If you're not willing to recognize that the guy isn't nearly even a decent candidate, you're probably just ignorant or butthurt. Nobody intelligent on /r/conspiracy will blindly defend a politician, and you're an idiot if you think that he's going to do everything he promised.

Because she already proved she is capable of election rigging so we would be stupid to expect her to not do it again.

We are totally ready for a woman president, but not just ANY woman president. Hillary was and always will be a weak candidate who is bad at public speaking, yet carries the baggage of being paid millions of dollars for public speaking events by Goldman Sachs and the like.

If Elizabeth Warren ran I think this would have been very different, but no, it wasn't "her turn" and now we have a president who is an orange game show host that doesn't even really want the job. It was your turn!...... to ruin everything...

I totally agree, I don't think that her gender was the reason she lost in the slightest.

She's just an awful politician.

How about it's time for a president who can lead the country well regardless of gender :D

I would have been overjoyed to hear that.

Sadly, we're stuck with an orange cartoon villain

On the upside, it's a pretty color.

Not this shade, my friend.

It's like the Grinch Green of the orange spectrum.

Trigger me some more will ya.

What are you? SEXIST?!


Wouldn't a Jewish atheist President have been twice as historic?

Definitely. They disagreed for some reason.

This shit is funny

Stern. Stern but fair.

Oh yeah came here for /r/all and forgot what subreddit I was on.

Why do you think Jay Z would have voted Republican, much less for Trump?

I don't, I just don't think he would have voted for Hillary.

Maybe he'd vote for Johnson or Stein though, I don't know. It was mostly a joke.


Of course it's a joke, you fucking idiot.

You sound like you voted for trump

No, Johnson.

Voted for Bernie in the primaries, though. That's why I was acting bitter.

I'm half expecting Hillary to lose it like Shooter McGavin and try to run off with the proverbial gold jacket.

She's with us... I calmed down but this thread is getting me heated all over again.

where did the "her turn" meme originate?

Tonight was actually a major victory for legal weed. A ton of states passed medical referendums. A federal mandate may just be Obama's final act of office. That would be epic as fuck.

Oh of course, didn't mean to downplay that at all.

It could be legal fucking everywhere though, dammit. I don't live in a state that had it up for vote.

It wasn't up for vote in my state either, but Obama very recently said that he may act on the results of the weed referendums before leaving office. Medical is now legal in a clear majority of states. A rescheduling before January 20th is now a very real possibility.

Oh wow, I didn't know that he said that. Thanks for the good news, I needed it.

It was SUPPOSED to be on the ballot in my state, Michigan, but the fucking governnor changed the rules so signatures fucking expired specifically to keep it from being on the ballot, and the fucking judge didn't see through it.

Obama's not gonna do fuckall about weed.


Illegal weed vs legal weed and illegal abortion.

I don't agree with illegal abortion but you have your weed stances backwards. Hillary was all about her key players, who were all about weed's classification. It would have never had a chance being reclassified under her.

No, I'm saying that if Bernie won, it would have been legal weed vs illegal abortion.

I read into Hillary and Chelsea's stance on weed and was extremely pissed off by it, why would she or her key players want it classified?

Oh my bad.

Yeah it's not so much her stance but the key players that support her who she heavily relied on. It's the similar corporate machine that stopped Obama from pushing it. Trump has a better chance because the complicated relationships with drug companies have swapped hands too many times. He wants to tear down Obamacare.

American elections value economics more than social issues.. Without fail. I'd bet a lot of money that you're young

I'm saying it could be boiled down to this

Obviously most people would vote on things other than weed, jackass.

And I'm saying that it can't. But I also don't think you're a jackass


I'm seeing blacks, women, and other people sad because this man can ruin their lives. It's like they can't care or something

I'm black and voted for Trump. Not a fan of mainstream media fearmongering. A girl I'm dating (black) just called me in tears though.

MAGA, help her see the light, tell her to rally on the positives of Trump, together, we can keep him accountable on his promise to "drain the swamp"!

He isn't draining the swamp

Well it sure would be nice to get a candidate who would take global climate change seriously. And push us into a new Space Age instead of focusing on bringing back sectors of the US economy that literally don't exist anymore. Hilary was likely not that President. But Trump is abso-fucking-lutely not going to be. Which is bullshit, but ah what're you gonna do?

I fucking laughed when they still, after it was pretty much over, called Trump's leads "slight numerical advantages"

It's like they really don't have an off-switch for their blatant bias.

Heh, too late for that, Podesta sent everyone home.

I wish you could take pictures of these images and show them to us!

MSM shouldn't be sad. Do you know how much fuckin money they're going to make off President Trump!?

Trump is a self-centered idiot. He has no experience and doesn't seem to like to listen to anyone. I hope he gets fucked hard in his rape/sexual assault cases.

Impossible now. Hes president elect.

That's what I've been saying for almost a year now. Everyone that has supported her over the best candidate we've had since FDR is at fault. They played the spoiler role.

The Party played the sexism card, and the Republicans played the Trump card.


Bernie was my candidate too. I did everything I could to help him win. In the end, the media won out. I hope they are happy...

I really wished both of the cheaters would lose, but no.

There really should be a tighter system for voting for the FUCKING POTUS!!!

Are you being investigated by the FBI? Have you ever been sued for unlawful practices?

Then maybe don't run for president.

Honestly, all we did was condemn the lesser of the two cheating evils.

Fucking Hillary supporters were naive, but the establishment is really to blame.

Bernie could've won the primary

30 minutes for a nuke to reach them. Knowing trump this might even happen.

You seem to be under the impression that all the Hillary shouters here were in it out of conviction.

Those were paid assholes, save maybe for a few useful idiots like spez and the other for-free types.

i feel exactly the same way...never trust second wave feminists or neoliberal new leftist types. they are all traitors

and the GOP could have had Rand Paul, but he wasn't racist. (also, DNC actively seeked to undermine the more acceptable candidates, hoping for an easy win against the biggest idiot...)

Yay now we have more corrupt republicans!

Well I think they are better off with Trump than they would with Bernie. As for the rest of us...

Whenever I speak of her it's HGSC or Hillary Goldman Sachs Clinton.


Dont cut yourself on that edge there buddy.

Comment again so I can upvote you again.

Hey buddy.

You got it, brother


I did

no u


Edit ur post to have "also sub to r/limitedhangouts " sssss

Bernie would have won hands down...appeals to the blue collar and the liberals. Serves the DNC right...corrupt organization.

I think that's spot on - I don't know if Bernie would have won, but HRC's Achilles was the white, rural voter without a college education. Bernie Sanders would have done so much better with these voters. And, he could have hardly done worse with the Hispanic and African-American voters than she did.

The Hispanic vote is more wiley than Dems anticipate, mostly because the projected machismo of R politicians is in line with their culture.

Indians are also squirrel voters because many have conservative business values, coupled with a desire for immigration to be done fairly. Plus some are anti-Muslim.

coupled with a desire for immigration to be done fairly.

If there's one group that might have a leg to stand on for taking a hard stance against immigration to this county....

I watched the election with an Indian co-worker. The entire night at the office. He emigrated legally. It took him 5 years. Granted he was pro HRC, but I think we both left the office shocked and not that upset given what could have happened.

You realize he doesn't mean Native Americans right?

I think people don't realize that guy was talking about red dots not feather heads

The whole anti-muslim thing should have made it obvious enough, though people on reddit probably think Indians are muslim...

And it makes sense that a culture who comes to this country largely through legal channels would be against illegal immagration.

That actually reminds me of an anecdote an Indian classmate once told me about. He said that in his hometown, they say that "There's 2 things you must beware of. Snakes and Muslims."

Indians are notoriously clannish within their own country, and then it's x100 when it comes to Muslims.

Even today my friend's (Indian) family flipped their shit when she said she wanted to marry her (Muslim) boyfriend. They dated for 5 years to try and pave the way for it happening.

Almost all polls said Clinton would lose and Bernie would win in a landslide too.

The polls that weren't fucking bent. I said from so early on that the "polls" I were seeing were not matching my own talking to people. Not so much more pro-Trump support. Just ANTI-CLINTON. That's why this blame game that is going to be played is going to be ridiculous. It was her fault. No one liked her.

You didn't say anything about the polls being wrong prior to Tuesday.

Especially with it coming down to Wisconsin, Michigan and even New Hampshire.

The liberals just weren't there for her, and every redneck (no offense) was there for him.

Do you think Bernie would win in a fair and square primary against Clinton? I think so but I'm not sure.

I also believe almost any other Republican could have beat Hillary.

That I doubt, because none would've been as aggressive on the Clinton corruption as other Rs who are likely just as corrupt and they know it.

Trump might be, but he's coming in with more of a blank slate related to political transgressions.

I think Rubio would have been a great opponent. He's beautiful to begin with and he's also pretty clean afaik. And not a creep.

His only problem is that he was a malfunctioning robot...

I have so many Hilary gifs that look like a malfunctioning robot

In the one where she collapsed and was carried into the van she literally looks like a mannequin.

Hillary did the mannequin challenge before it was cool.

Prove it!

I want it, can you link it?

I think people were worried that it would come out that he was a closet gay.

Trump is the only one other than maybe Rubio that could have. There was enough downside on Ted Cruz to keep him out, and he was the presumed nominee before the wrench hit it.

Kasich would have killed it, though. I think the real problem was primary voters, too many religious nuts and rural weirdos on the Republican side.

I think they're in for buyer's remorse when they start realizing that Trump's actual policies are more in line with Bernie than what they were expecting.

In terms of spending, if you're talking about public works. Trump is definitely not conservative.

He's practically the opposite on pretty much everything else though, right?

He's definitely not a social conservative like the southern evangelical base would prefer. Pence is there to pander to that audience.

Not fiscally, either.

Public works and a huge, unnecessary wall, along with expensive deportation squads and trips home for illegals, are not exactly conservative. Neither is intervention in the Middle East, but Republicans have never really been conservative with defense spending.

Or funding for Israel.

Where in the fuck do you get that he is going to start deportation squads?

You haven't been paying very good attention. If you're serious, I'll link once I'm not on mobile.

Please link me to a salon opinion piece...

From his own website -

Move criminal aliens out day one, in joint operations with local, state, and federal law enforcement. We will terminate the Obama administration’s deadly, non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation.


Way to downvote me though, asshat.

On what planet is using the immigration laws, and law enforcement officers we already have a deportation force. You act he is going to hire a gestapo to kick in doors and drag brown people back across the border. What will happen though, is people deemed to be illegally in this country will be deported No longer will our government ignore the law.

Way to go on being a moron though. Keep spreading those lies.

It's right in front of you, in plain text. Ignore it if you want, you're the one who looks stupid for it.

Not sure why you're being such a douche, or so dismissive. Do you know what sub you're on?

Yes, law enforcement officers are now the gestapo and will be kicking down doors to check your papers.

You heard it here first folks!

Are you arguing that the Gestapo wasn't law enforcement?

You're pretty hard for Don, eh?

Either you are retarded, or just being deliberately obtuse.

Funny, I really think you're projecting buddy.

Cruz is a tactical Conservative. He plays inside the system, pulling levers and making things happen to move the machine.

Trump is a strategic Conservative. His day-to-day policies may be moderate, but his big picture is to pick the whole machine up and turn it right.


I 100% think that Rand Paul, pitted against Hillary, could win the presidency.

Given the Podesta emails, that is probably very true. Trump needs to be very careful in the analysis of his win. Many of his votes, mine included, were against the corruption of Hillary and the DNC team. If Trump returns to corporatocracy, he will be doing exactly what his supporters voted against.

Right. He's been railing her for years lol Libya etc

They had Ted Cruz. Remember the bit about his grandfather or something being involved in the Kennedy Assassination plus him being Canadian. Much like the reason Joe Biden didn't run is because they have on tape acting like the Pedophile he is.

That came from the Trump campaign after he was already behind though. Ted Cruz was the nominee designate to lose.

Maybe the Trump campaign put it out there. Maybe they didn't. But you can bet the Hillary campaign would have used it to bury Ted if he had been nominated.

Yeah, and there's that whole thing about Ted being the Zodiac Killer

I like Ted's message, but I find him truly annoying. I'm not sure why.

cause he is batshit crazy

He believes in the constitution. And fights tooth and nail for it.

He also believes his religion is more important than the Constitution.

No he doesn't. But it is ok. You have to lash out at someone since BOTH Hillary AND Bernie lost.

Just find a shoulder to cry on.

I didn't vote for Hilary, try again. And he had said that his duty to God is above his duty to the country. Wrong on both accounts.

It is weird how no real news site reported that.

Two seconds of googling will tell you otherwise. The Washington post has the quote. Even Snopes says it's true. Try again.

Except no where does that quote say he will put the Constitution second.

Nice try.

It's says his duty is as a Christian first and American second. It's not cryptic.

That isn't God first constitution second. Nice try.

It definitely and clearly is.

Whatever you say bernout.

This is why religion should be wiped off the face of the world

Maybe because he looks like a rat?

Two words: Zodiac. Killer.

Exactly. Has anyone ever seen Ted Cruz and the Zodiac Killer in the same room, at the same time? Yeah, didn't think so.

Of all the silly stuff on the internet, this is my favorite.

What possible downside could Cruz have had besides not being born in the US which would have been cleared up quickly by the SC do you see that makes him even remotely comparable to how bad Trump was?

For one thing, his government shutdown was mostly responsible for that credit ranking downgrade that most everyone likes to talk about.

Probably not. You gotta be a time wizard from the future to have this kinda election game. Of course, I was here on reddit doing my part...

I also believe that any other Democrat could have beat Trump..the death of a thousand cuts happened, Hillary finally bled out.


Meh, Romney?

I don't think so. Trump was just relentless in his campaign and it all paid off. I'm not quite sure any other republican could've had the same impact that Trump had with the voters


Yes Bernie would've been 100% the winner but Hillary decided to steal and buy her way through the DNC primary. I would like to thank Wikileaks for the great work it did. I took WikiLeaks serious, but when the USA put pressure on Guatemala to stop Assange I took WikiLeaks as the bible.

Good going DNC and Debbie the cunt Shultz. You stole the race from the best candidate the USA had PERIOD in over 50 years. The DNC just let a pedo, Corporate bought, foreign nation funded, cannibal and war monger run over a fucking SAINT. WELL FUCKING DONE!

You stole the race from the best candidate the USA had PERIOD in over 50 years.

To be fair, Ross Perot.

Dennis kucinich too

"The president should be a healer."

(Paraphrasing one of my favorite comments from Kucinich back in 2004, I think)

I wish he had been elected because 1. His politics and 2. We'd get to see a lot more of his wife.

Another self-centered non-politician. I'm not sure he would have been good.

Would have been better than Bill Clinton or George H.W. Bush.

Yeah no

Perot is not as good as Bernie. He's still a billionaire businessmen, and there's something about a billionaire businessmen telling you 'the system is against you and I can help' that's always going to feel a bit suspect

Sanders is a spineless coward, and you're a fool for backing his cowardice.

when the USA put pressure on Guatemala to stop Assange


Isn't Guatemala the capital of Equaldor?

fucking kek

He was in the right hemisphere




Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

How is that a personal attack? Do you not understand your own rules?

I understand them better than you apparently. You were implying that another user here was a pedophile. That, my friend, is a personal attack.

That user was implying our president elect was a pedophile, with zero evidence. The only logical conclusion is that he is a liar or he is projecting. If you want to crack down then crack down on that kind of garbage.

Your version of "garbage" is not against our rules. Personal attacks on other users is.

You are certainly welcome to message the mod team with any reasonable request to change our rules.

So wild off base accusations are not considered attacking? Why does it matter if the person being accused is active in the sub?

Because of the nature of this sub we've always had outsiders come in and make personal attacks on our subscribers for their opinions/beliefs. Rule 10 has been discussed at length many, many times over the past several years and has evolved as necessary to keep discussions here as civil as possible.

but when the USA put pressure on Guatemala to stop Assange

Ecuador. Assange is (hopefully) at the Ecuador Embassy in London. He's been there for four years and counting.

Although, a lot of Latin and South American countries have warned the United States against trying something stupid like shooting down their Air Force One jets.

oops, you're correct. Fuck geography, this is MERICA!

Wikileaks came out of this election just as bad as anyone else. Don't fool yourself. I say this as an impartial observer.

So true man! This election has shown me that the one true thing we Americans are united on is our disdain for in-your-fucking-face corruption.

Didn't work, we don't play that game next time listen to the peoples will, the whole purpose of the primaries is to determine who the people want to nominate for their party, when you steal this fundamental choice from the people...well...we don't forget....

I'm as scared of a possible Trump presidency as I am totally elated Clinton may get denied for a second time, I'm pretty sure things will never be the same.

Haha in yo face DNC in yo face in yo faaaaace.

I've been saying this all night and since the primaries -- did they honestly think people were just going to forget? You're right, things will never be the same, yet to be determined for better or worse. Either way, people blaming third party votes or non-voters should be blaming the DNC.

I guess they thought Sarah Silvermen held weight with people.


That was enraging. Then I remembered I really didn't like her fucking show it was stupid, and that I didn't care what she thought.

Add Silverman's comedy career to the list of Clinton related suicides!

Honest question: We know the DNC rigged the primaries but what can we do about it? How do we fuck them harder than they fucked us?

A real investigation into those leaks would be a good start. I still believe there's some real shit there. But the democrats could not have fucked themselves any harder. Presidency, house, senate, at least one justice. This one hurts already.

What we did tonight brother, what we did tonight.

did they honestly think people were just going to forget?

That can still happen though, in any of the upcoming elections. As much as I hate to say this, many of us Americans seem to suffer from political amnesia, peppered with a bit of begrudging trust for career politicians and a side of mashed potaters and gravy.

Channeling Mike Huckabee for a moment there. My bad


They should have never gave you niggas money.

(totally applies to our current situation)



Most of us are born into that, the whole DNC and Benghazi thing is what I meant.

Oh, because I was more thinking about the whole taking millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia. Especially when said bribes are in exchange for controversial arms deals. And it doesn't help that Wikileaks proved that Clinton knew that Saudi Arabia gave clandestine support to the 9/11 terrorists and ISIS, but yet still accepted the bribes and still approved the deals.

To be fair there was a shitload of things I could list, we could list.

How clever.

It is kinda funny, because they hold us to the clock and make sure that you cross your T's and dot your I's bs. And now that instilled attitude has come back to bite them!

Just watch. Somehow, Mr. Garrison Trump is going to do nothing but give out favors to all his friends and in so doing, somehow fix all of America's problems.

Didn't you guys vote in George Dubya? That guy was as crooked as they come.

I'm only scared the Fed may jack up interest rates and tank the economy to spite trump.

The point of the primary is to fool you into thinking your voice actually matters. When you boil it down, we have private entities determine who gets on the ballot. Just as bad as what China is pulling in Hong Kong.

Yeah, the DNC really needs a reality check when it comes to this house of cards bullshit they've been pulling.

The sad thing is, I'm still not sure if they'll get it.

They're so vain and delusional that they'll blame everyone but themselves. "It's the racists, the uneducated, the angry white men..."

We see this playing out in the media. As always, it's easier for them to look outside rather than within for the problem.

Even when I pointed out to my notoriously touchy friend that this election's outcome is because of the DNC, I was told, "shut the fuck up already." Truth hurts.

You can look at the threads on ETS and HC, they're blaming voters for being "white" "bigots" and "racists".

those are just fanatics and shills

normal people aren't quite that stupid for the most part

You underestimate how stupid people are

I definitely did yesterday.

yeah no that's the majority of my very real Facebook page.

I said "for the most part". Sorry if your friends are extra stupid, most people are actually aware that both Clinton and Trump were horrible and there always no way we were walking out of that election unscathed.

I just think they're too hopeful and naive and unwilling to believe that their hero is part of a corrupt organization.

All the anti white buzzwords

Which is stupid. You need those white racist bigots to vote for you. You can't just be so righteous they don't matter.

I'm sure we'll mostly hear about the sexists. Hilary hadn't lost yet, just close to Trump in a state she perceived she would have a landslide victory.

Some chick pundit on NBC held up a word cloud with the most common words when Clinton was searched on the internet..."liar, untrustworthy, corrupt" etc, in huge letters.

She said "people have this singular view of Hilary. But I think we need to talk about sexism. I think we need to finally talk about the white male voter turn out and what that means for a woman blah blah blah"

Seriously bitch? I'm a woman, let's talk about that word cloud. The reasons people said they wouldn't vote for Hilary had nothing to do with female stereotypes. No one said Hilary was too weak or too emotional or that she has periods or whatever. They said she was a fucking lying criminal. That had nothing to do with gender discrimination and everything to do with her being a fucking lying criminal!

Oh well, in the meantime, I hope you enjoy your shiny new wall because the way things are going, it looks like it's going straight up come January :p

Congress will never approve that. They'll never approve most of the dumb shit Trump campaigned on.

He already knew this. He needed voters from somewhere.

He's going to make the Mexicans pay for it tho so it doesn't have to go through congress :~)

they just got one.

lost executive, and lost both chambers of congress.

and goodbye any reasonable supreme court justice.

any more and they would need paramedics on that scene.

Say Hello! to Trump Internet, Trump Rail, Trump Airlines, Trump Security Services. Trump Package delivery. We have ourselves a new habit here in America. And it will be Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.

Nah, they'll try and spin it and try and make it about how all you Americans are filthy mysoginists because you didn't give Clinton 'her turn' as was promised!

Devout DNC supporters be like, probably.

Devout DNC supporters be like,

OMG I just spit out my drink! This is my roomate right now, but also crying as she says it.

Well I hope that she's not currently dating anyone who expresses dismay towards sand because if so your roommate might be dating a potential sith lord :p

They will say "we weren't conservative enough"

Afterberner here. Once I learned how the DNC played Bernie, I disavowed HARD and voted today to drain the swamp. If you deny Americans a legitimate party, we will burn the fucking party down.

If you deny Americans a legitimate party, we will burn the fucking party down.

That's what the founders wanted to happen in these situations. It's outlined in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

Full text

Great comment. Thanks a lot for sharing that.

Chills reading that again.

They were some smart cookies.

Experience has shown that people are more disposed to suffer, while the evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the government to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I can't wait to put this on FB then get called a crazy constitutionalist. Or a sexist, or racist, or a bigot, or a misogynist. Or whatever. Basically I can't wait to get blamed and called a horrible person for trying to do what our founding fathers implored others to do. I'm definitely the uninformed idiot though, right?

You're not suggesting a political party strength is rooted in the electorate lending votes are you? That some respect for those voters, along with responsiveness to their requests is a reasonable courtesy for borrowing that power? Wow. This will re-write everything.

Same in every way. It hurts, but there's no way I *wasn't going to vote against Hillary after the stunts that she/the DNC pulled to get her the nomination.

Edit: Spelling.

It does not even hurt. All I want is someone to fix up our country. Both have ways of doing that. I am beyond tired of America not being a priority.

I agree with you on that, but Trumps answer to taxes and healthcare definitely won't help me... I am a big fan of his space program though. (Assuming he can actually get it done.)

thank you

May I ask who you voted for?

Trump. Is that not obvious?

Trying to wrap my head around a Bernie supporter turning to Trump

It's about anti-establishment. There was one anti-establishment candidate to vote for. There should have been two, but the Democratic party gave us Clinton to vote for.

It starts with the DNC colluding with Hilldog. She is easily the most corrupt politician of this generation, so wanting to end that also means not voting for her. Then it moves on to the values of the party. I have a violent past I work very hard to move further from all the time, and when I see our party sitting silent as people are bloodied for wearing maga hats, it is clear this is no longer the party for social acceptance of all people. Add in them supporting domestic terrorism from BLM, and I am driven to destroy what my party mutated into. Trumps camp accepted me, a middle eastern Jew, without hesitation. S4p banned me as soon as I suggested Trump was a better candidate than Hill. The left is so fucking vile now it sickens me. They are racist, sexist, an ironically, those are the two things they claim to hate most about Trump.


This made me really sad.

I wanted neither of these candidates to win, but saying that you want someone tortured...


deathto Hillary Clinton

"Tyrants shall be hanged by the neck until they are dead."

The evil bitch deserves it. Do you think our ancestors would have won the war by playing nice? When tax collectors came knocking they tarred and feathered their asses. It's the only way to really say "We mean business, stay the fuck out of our affairs".

Ship her ass to Gitmo


Stick it in a museum?

What about the fact that people voted for her more than Sanders? Why don't those people get blame?

You sure about that? Considering it's already been proven that the voting machines are more than capable of being rigged to flip votes from one person to another. I'm more inclined to reason that the DNC cheated during the primaries because they knew Clinton couldn't get the nomination legitimately. Why do you think the exit polls had such a large difference compared to what the totals showed?

So they rigged the primary but couldn't rig key locations in the general? Lol


why are you feeding this obvious troll lol

By people voting for her?




I'm saying she didn't steal it from Bernie. Voters did.


I'm more hoping these self-interested assholes turn on her when they realize Trump is in charge of the FBI. It'll be like scurrying cockroaches when the light gets switched on.

Granted, Trump sweeping out the Clinton cabal may not be as gratifying with the entire media accusing him of being a dictator but I'll still enjoy the show.

M8, she's going to be in jail.

Savor that.

Yea, but then she gets to dine on all the lesi poon she can handle.

Yup. The only pizza those fuckers will be getting from now on is a pizza prison time (here's hoping)


Under rated conspiracy meta comment here.

~Kidos~ i mean kudos

Mrs. Lovejoy would be at the front lines of the pitchforks and picket signs to see the queen and her harpies never has pizza again.

Since when did the cheese pizza meme gravitate off 4chan?

Democrats are not too bright. My friend called me a misogynist for not supporting Hillary. I voted for Stein.

You think 150 million people are "not too bright" because of something your one friend said? Do you not see the irony in your statement?

Hillary got 59 million votes not 150 million. You assume half the people in the country, even 3 year olds, are Democrats. See....not too bright.

Powell was right. She fucks up anything she touches.

That Giant sucking sound is all of the multi millions of dollars her supporters have pre-paid for Presidential favors being pulled down the drain.

...Unless the Electoral College still gets a chance to change this up.

That's actually quite a fascinating point and one that us plebs will never know about.

It was clear that Clinton's and the DNC were answering to non voting masters. What happens to all the money that was donated?

I recall the Trump fans giving Bernie supporters shit about no refunds. Is it the same for the major donators in this campaign such as Wall Street, Saudi Arabia and Besta Pizza?

Campaign and PAC money can be re-donated to other campaigns. It'll all go to down ticket elections for next cycle.

Even if she wins every remaining uncounted state leaning left at this point, she's too far behind to mount a comeback.

Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect $200m GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL


Debbie Wasserman sucks


She made her bed, she can now lay in it.

Needs to be a crown-funded billboard in downtown DC, nearish to any DNC deer trails ... "WE TOLD YOU SO #BernieOrBust"

I'd donate to that.

I'd chip in.

Welcome to bust, America. How does it taste?

BernieOrBust just puts the blame back on him. I prefer: Should've been Bernie.

the dnc are criminal idiots...

you have to remember though. they'd rather have a trump corporatist presidency than a socialist...that's who they are. corporatists. criminal corporatists

Millions of Trump voters would have voted for Sanders, I've seen it said time and time again. The DNC is a disgrace.

My theory is;

When Trump was crushing the primaries, the Dems thought "fuck it. We could run a Ficus against Trump and still win"

I bet they knew that Bernie was more solid than Hillary, but Bernie would have been a pain in the arse to work with, for all the donors and masters behind the scenes.

They went with Hillary because she understood the game and plays along. They thought that even though she wasn't an actual alternative for people who don't vote Republican, they'd still vote for her because... well, Trump. I mean, the guy's a walking fucking punchline. Who could lose to that clown?

Egg on fucking face.

The DNC should have let the voters decide instead of trying to force Hillary down our throats.

Read the newer dncleaks, just this past week, and you'll see that Hillary was the assured candidate before she even announced. The organization had all contingencies planned.


Also American's noticed all the shit going on. Crazy revealing emails were being released daily, and not one network (besides fox) reported on it. Instead it was "look at this picture of trump looking at a little girl weird because it was captured at just the right moment". Americans aren't stupid and that shit got on their nerves.

Biggest failing is with the media.

Americans aren't stupid

were just the greatest country on the planet, but no we're stupid

Fuck the DNC and fuck that cunt Hillary. Thanks to them, America lost it's opportunity for a truly great President -- Bernie Sanders -- who would be an easy choice against Trump.

Easy choice

She lied and cheated her way to a loss. Fuck her and fuck those who wanted to play a game of chicken with their voter base. You fuckin' lost this one ya morons.

Hi, Trump voter here. I would have much rather of voted for Bernie. Pls help.

Absolutely. I would have definitely voted for Sanders if they hadn't robbed his ass.

Clinton ILLEGALLY stole the presidency from Bernie, a man who had an 83% approval rating during the primaries, and literally handed it to Trump. The DNC should be ashamed that they put private interests over a true progressive candidate that was capable of defeating Trump. Let it be known that the DNC sacrificed democracy to line their own pockets, and in doing so gave the presidency to the worst candidate in American history. We do not live in an age where corruption goes unnoticed. Lets hope the Democratic party has learned their lesson, and no longer allows criminals to run for president for the sake of personal interests

Second worst candidate.

This is the truth.

Let's hope the public wakes up starts paying attention to the status quo that produced these two turds as our choice for President.

You say illegally, but the problem is DNC is a private organization and they followed their own rules. Immoral, deceiving the people, but there's no law about this.

How exactly did they illegally stole the presidency? You are fucking nuts I swear. Repeating this enough doesn't magically make it true. The biggest thing the DNC can be accused of is wanting Hillary to win which of course is true, but what exactly did they rig and how? The "worst" evidence is that they talked about bringing up Bernie's religion in an effort to discredit him, which didn't even happen.

There is conclusive proof in wikileaks articles that shows the DNC conspired against Bernie. The mathematical chance that the primaries wetebt rigged are 1 in 77 billion. You can ignore facts all you want, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I'm not IGNORING them for fucks sake, I'm literally asking how did they do that because I don't know, everything I've seen so far are just stupid private e-mails talking shit about Bernie, absolutely no evidence of any actual rigging. If you have it, show it.

I'm asking this as someone that actually liked Bernie. The problem I have is that I see false facts repeated over and over until people start to believe them just based on that, and not on actual evidence. I've already asked a number of people and none would provide any evidence, so you can be the first.

Heres a news article citing wikileaks for the rigged primaries against sanders http://observer.com/2016/07/wikileaks-proves-primary-was-rigged-dnc-undermined-democracy/

Did you read the article yourself? Did you evaluate the evidence presented there? I asked how exactly they rigged it, you provide me with e-mails of talking shit about Bernie, but what were the actual measures and actions taken? If you claim they illegally stole the Presidency then you better back it up with something concrete, not shit talking in mails, which is not illegal.

Down with corruption. Fuck you media and fuck you Clintons.

Amen again. Middle America is sick of this shit.

I... I honestly don't know what the election season would have looked like if we had Bernie instead.

When Clinton went low, Trump went low, and it was a race to the bottom. Bernie was a great candidate, but the whole dynamic would have been different. (probably all for the better too)

Clearly this sub is very pro-bernie, but I don't think it's at all a sure thing. Trump played very well to outmanoeuver his opponents, and I think he would bring the same skill against Bernie. He would find a flaw in his character or platform and magnify it for everyone to see.

You guys do realize it isn't over yet right? That shenanigans could still be had?

I don't put it past them the pull some bullshit overnight.

The electoral college has no obligation to vote the way their state voted so who knows who'll win.

I'd like to see what happens if they do that... Second Amendment nuts coming out if Trump lost the vote is one thing, but its entirely another thing if he wins the vote and they pick hillary anyway. At this point doing that would be a major mistake.

True but they usually vote along their state like 99% of the time don't they?

nah, the fat nasty woman has sung.

Does this mean that conceding doesn't mean jack shit legally?


Bernie had everything going for her but Hillary seriously thought she could do it. She had no tricks up her sleeves. It was a horrible idea from the get go to even think about rigging it.

Clinton couldn't beat DONALD. TRUMP. Thanks, DNC!!

Let's not forget Sarah Silverman calling Bernie supporters "stupid" at the convention, at a time when tensions were particularly high. Or the blatantly condescending attitude the hardline Dems had for Bernie supporters. Or the fact that Bernie supporters were called "babies", "whiners", and accused of being racist, misogynistic, and anti-LGBT for simply wanting their preferred candidate to get the nomination.

Last night, some talking head said something along the lines of "Clinton was expecting [former Bernie supporters] to cross over, and that just didn't happen." How was that a shock? Who in their right mind didn't see that coming? You can't insult and belittle a large group of people who are ardent in their beliefs -- who are vocal about not wanting more of the same old establishment crap -- and expect them to suddenly vote for you.

The DNC has nobody -- and I do mean nobody -- to blame but themselves.

Logic said they would because of orange crush. Now we are here. o_o

Like Hillary declaring Trump supporters deplorable and irredeemable.

Did she not realize that was Hitler Nazi style rhetoric?

She meant to marginalize over half of the voters. Call them irredeemable. That's the first step to saying they are worthless and need to be gassed. That's where that sort of rhetoric gets you.

But on a tactical level, it was astoundingly stupid to say. First off, you are not convincing your own support base of anything. It's just more echo chamber ranting and hateful. Hillary supporters already demonstrated their hatred and disdain for those they don't agree with and their efforts to silence over half of their own party members by marginalizing their vote and rigging their own system. Did she think that demonizing Trump supporters would win over those who were disaffected and disallusioned by her efforts to belittle them and mock their support for Bernie with personal attacks? That's impossible. She only made them empathize with Trump supporters who were now feeling the lash of her nasty tongue. They would well relate to suffering under her dirty tactics and nasty hateful rhetoric. Now, still stinging over a rigged primary and the attacks and being marginalized by their own party they see the same tactics being used on Trump supporters. No doubt a great many empathized and then refused to vote at all. I mean, not voting for Hillary in the face of a surging Trump campaign was the greatest "Eff You, Hillary" they could muster. And it worked.

But on the other hand, her nasty hateful rhetoric did nothing to win over her opposition and instead caused them to galvanize and head to the polls when a great many of them might have gotten lazy and neglected to vote. She's calling them "irredeemable". Who wants her for president? It was sickening and outrageous speech. I might not have voted if it wasn't for that one crack. That pissed me off more than all her scandals. If I could have done it and not gone to jail I would have gladly thrown a shoe at that evil nasty woman. But, not being fond of jail and being very fond of walking around in the sunshine all day I would never do such a thing. However, I can sure empathize with those who do and sympathize when they rightfully get jailed. Hopefully they will think more clearly during the next election cycle. And hopefully the DNC learned something valuable and took away the right lessons.

Seriously though, I doubt it. They've been doing this for a great many years and unless they do their own purging of the ranks they will continue to double down on nasty and repugnant tactics and hateful rhetoric.

There is a big circlejerk of finger pointing anytime a party loses. Maybe he could have done better with white voters but his position was so radical, and he was so untested in the primary, it is a stretch of "revisionist history" to say he would have won.

And all the Bernie people pretty much lost too as Trump's ideas on healthcare and immigration are farther from Bernie then Clinton. The one major progressive reform this decade, "Obamacare" could very well be dismantled.

I don't understand Berners being happy about this. Unless they're playing the VERY long game... It doesn't work out for themselves

Well Hillary didn't beat them fair and square. She took the nominee away from Bernie and then was like "Fall in line, bitches!" At that point, they don't care to see things through. It's about just stopping her. She represents more than just her views.

I compare it more to the "Brexit" mentality. A big middle finger to the "elites" or "establishments" who they feel screwed over by. At least this will only cost us 4 years and not 20.

I hate to generalize people, but unless you were voting for the man, and not his policies, Sanders supporters are the most irrational people I've seen if they are happy about this. Sure you can hate Clinton, but she was far closer on nearly every issue then Trump.

Four years, but a rollback on all the good that came out of the Obama presidency. Also the two Supreme Court appointments.

Two? He gets one. Justice Scalia (ultra-conservative) is being replaced theoretically by a conservative. Any court rulings since 2005 would come out the same. (including upholding Obamacare and gay marriage). If a liberal judge was added that would have shifted the power and decisions.

It's always the long game

I wanted Bernie to fuck the system. He promised to reign in corruption and money in politics. If he's a shill(like he turned out to be), I'm more than happy to sacrifice the extra and let a blundering child do the raping of the system. You misunderstand what is important to me and a lot of Bernie voters.

He represented the ideal shift from the oligarchy. Now we're stuck with Trump as the only option with that. His promise to reign in corruption in Washington via term limits and lobbying bans resonates with us who want the system fixed. If I have to sacrifice a few things to get what I want.. well.. I tried really hard for the better option. I will have what I want with my vote.

Looks like I did. I can't wait to see the shit start to crumble and the voice of the people to actually be heard instead of decided for them by the masters.

Bernie went so pacific about dnc cheated primaries that i highly doubt he could do anything to the system

'Member when you didn't have to scroll down so much for the first sane comment on this sub?

I member!

Anyone would have beaten either candidate if they just had a "Republican" or "Democrat" stamp on their back. This is insane.

What I wouldn't give for Kasich!

Does this mean /r/conspiracy is going to admit it was wrong about all the election rigging Clinton was doing?


If only I could be a fly on the wall at Clinton headquarters. This is how I picture it:


They will learn nothing because they have no conscience. They will be disappointed they lost. They will not regret cheating.

They are individuals who look out for themselves only. They don't care what's best for the party or the country. They see money and power within their grasp if Clinton gets elected. They get positions and big salaries and career advancement by helping her win.

They'll blame it on the russians

it will soon be time for the FBI to arrest, then the DoJ to prosecute the pedos in DC.

Damn right!

According to this sub, the election was rigged by Hillary.

Shouldn't this sub just be deleted now? No conspiracies going on guys. You're all idiots.

Need some ointment mate? No more CTR cash now, that's GOTTA suck.

But doesn't it make it true that the election wasn't rigged? Those theories ARE utterly disproven. I've also already stopped caring about the election because I'm not American.

not really, the DNC emails proved that there was definitely weird stuff going on

Have you been drinking the MSM punch?

I don't even browse the news sites, or Reddit politics actually. Day of the election I take a peek.

I hope that's the lesson they learn and not that encrypted communication is simple once it's set up.

Get get what you deserve DNC, by screwing over Bernie, you screwed yourself.

ehh im not so sure about that one

Yes yes yes oh fuck yes, sweet release, yes this post is so true

Does anyone truly think America would elect a socialist? We're talking about the most capitalist country the world has ever known.


Because the DNC did whatever it took to prevent communism in the United States? I swear the more I think about it the more I support them

We can all vote whatever way, but the electoral votes and rich will decide it regardless.

Would be fucking awesome if trump asked Bernie Sanders if he wanted to be secretary of state. Haha. Hillary, Feel that burn?! Feel the Bern!

As happy as I am to see Clinton's loss, some part of me fears that this isn't going to be the last of her.

Honestly, a lot of people who didn't try to cheat their way into the Whitehouse would probably stood a good chance of beating him. She was simply untrustworthy.

The Democrat party needs to take a hard long look at itself in the mirror and ask themselves if rigging their party for the candidate that has OWNED them for 20 years has been worth it. They need to ask themselves why they allowed someone like Trump to beat them....badly. They nominated the person that is THE MOST polarizing figure in modern day politics. They nominated someone with SERIOUS problems with the truth. They nominated someone with more baggage than the entire Duggar family. They nominated someone that probably should be in jail. They nominated someone with more scandals attached to their name than anyone I know of.

And they did this during a time when people are SICK AND TIRED of the establishment.

They didn't really think that through. I hope it was worth it. I wonder if any heads will roll at the DNC. Something tells me there won't be.

Something tells me they also didn't learn anything. They will double down on stupid, clueless and arrogance. It's their favorite "spirit cooking" show.

Sanders lost my respect when he endorsed Clinton and crawled into her shadow. Sanders vs Trump would be a different game, but not necessary one sided. Just like every libtard on the internet told me Clinton is going to win by a landslide and Trump is a lunatic..

You actually have no way of knowing that.

I can guarantee you that we have several ways of knowing that

Sanders didn't do very well in the states Trump flipped.

It's not like the people who voted for Clinton over Sanders is going to vote Trump...

Uh thats wrong, he won both Wisconsin and Michigan

Like Michigan?

corrupt fuck-fuck games

Yeah man. Shameful the way they behaved. Love that phrase.


DWS did it.

actually the deregulation of the industrial complex and the exploitation of natural resources over the last 100 years or so did that.


Hillary is basically a republican and doesn't give a shit about the environment either, so we'd of been screwed either way. I'm way more worried about the republicans controlling congress than our newly elected dictator.

They will do the exact same thing next time and more people like this

"from TheViciousWolf sent 11 minutes ago

How does it feel to lose to the man that embodies everything you hate? How does it feel to watch the country turn towards white nationalism? Give up you fucking cuckold, you and your ilk lost. Big league."

Will have their candidate win. The corrupt never learn, they simply blame everyone else and keep doing the same thing, and disgusting shitboxes like this will continue to become emboldened.

I'm a Trump supporter and even I think Bernie would have beaten him.

Can we have our sub back now please? :)

The future of America needed the Clintons to be stopped. They have to be the most crooked people in the history of American politics.

Bernie vs. Rand Paul is what we deserved

To all the Hillary supporters against Bernie and to the DNC: We told you so! Teach you for ramming that corrupt POS candidate down our thoats.

To me this ultra-polarized race being this close is a big fuck you to both parties.

Being so sure about that is borderline delusional.

Lets be honest though. If the media was not corrupt then Donald Trump would not have been the republican candidate from the get go. They reap what they sow.

They should have listened to the people. Instead they fixed the game and they lost.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Trump winning makes me so damn happy. Corruption does not work, you cannot buy your way into the whitehouse.

Thanks to those with eyes wide open!

There are 330 million people in the USA.

The number of eligible voters is 235 million.

The number of 18-34 year olds who are eligible to vote is 94 million (40% of the total electorate).

However, ONLY 4 MILLION VOTED (4% of the youth electorate) in the primary.

Moreover, the level of willful ignorance and shameless apathy is mind-boggling.

In the age of the internet, ignorance is a choice.

The youth need to get their act together. They need to stop what they are doing and put their life on hold and become well-informed on all the major issues of today and devote their time, energy, talents and resources to the political process to make sure that only the most Loving and most Wise among us become our public servants so that we can then finally transition to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

If even only 80% of the youth electorate invested the time and energy to be well-informed and actively involved in the political process, it would be enough to overcome any election rigging and ensure that we have a progressive President, at least a 2/3 progressive Senate, at least a 2/3 progressive House, and a majority progressive Supreme Court.

Here's my proposal: First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world. Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already) https://www.facebook.com/groups/379816208803429

Damn right. Dnc fucked up stealing the candidacy from Bernie bc I would've voted for him.

Bernie Sanders would have swept the floor with Trump. Idk what the hell anyone was thinking...


Lol "American democracy"

A billionaire wins an election and you think you've got a democracy again

Precisely. Had the RNC had their emails released, I imagine that we would have read similar things.

I'm sure Trump will be a paragon of honesty, morality, and virtue.

Lets ask his mob pals for character references

Corrupt Fuck-Fuck Games.

By Jove, I love it! There's a phrase that will hopefully live long in our lexicon! Well done that man! Well done!

It clearly says something about the democratic party if their leaders are this corrupt. Something is wrong with them.

They'd rather have power inside the party than hold office

This is not a conspiracy theory, this is the truth

I miss Bernie

You'd have thought global elites would've learned when brexit passed

Didn't think lightning would strike twice. After all their plans always worked before rigging elections, media dominance, cultural takeover, etc.

You talkin about Bernie? The "Revolutionist" who rolled over and basically spread his ass cheeks and said "fuck me some more, please" after everything that came out about the DNC and how they actively screwed him?

Yea, no he wouldn't have won either

Everyone seems to forget, Bernie was in on the rigging against him. He never had an opportunity to get the Dem nomination, it was always Hillary, and he accepted that.

You were all bamboozled.

Edit: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47397

Well said. I have considered the elections a fraud and forgone voting over the last 2 decades. While I have traditionally leaned left, I was so disgusted with DNC antics that I decided to vote just in case it wasn't rigged. As you said, my vote that would have probably been for Bernie was given to Trump. I am still on shock that Donald won. Not because I like him, because I was so certain that Hillary would steal it. I am glad I am wrong and this somewhat restores my faith in the system.

There you go. I knew it. I just felt sure that Hillary's ugly tactics against Bernie would back fire.

Like Hillary declaring Trump supporters deplorable and irredeemable.

Did she not realize that was Hitler Nazi style rhetoric?

She meant to marginalize over half of the Trump voters. Call them irredeemable. That's the first step to saying they are worthless and need to be gassed. That's where that sort of rhetoric gets you.

But on a tactical level, it was astoundingly stupid to say. First off, you are not convincing your own support base of anything. It's just more echo chamber ranting and hateful. Hillary supporters already demonstrated their hatred and disdain for those they don't agree with and their efforts to silence over half of their own party members by marginalizing their vote and rigging their own system. Did she think that demonizing Trump supporters would win over those who were disaffected and disallusioned by her efforts to belittle them and mock their support for Bernie with personal attacks? That's impossible. She only made them empathize with Trump supporters who were now feeling the lash of her nasty tongue. They would well relate to suffering under her dirty tactics and nasty hateful rhetoric. Now, still stinging over a rigged primary and the attacks and being marginalized by their own party they see the same tactics being used on Trump supporters. No doubt a great many empathized and then refused to vote at all. I mean, not voting for Hillary in the face of a surging Trump campaign was the greatest "Eff You, Hillary" they could muster. And it worked.

But on the other hand, her nasty hateful rhetoric did nothing to win over her opposition and instead caused them to galvanize and head to the polls when a great many of them might have gotten lazy and neglected to vote. She's calling them "irredeemable". Who wants her for president? It was sickening and outrageous speech. I might not have voted if it wasn't for that one crack. That pissed me off more than all her scandals.

If I could have done it and not gone to jail I would have gladly thrown a shoe at that evil nasty woman. But, not being fond of jail and being very fond of walking around in the sunshine all day I would never do such a thing. However, I can sure empathize with those who do and sympathize when they rightfully get jailed. Hopefully they will think more clearly during the next election cycle. And hopefully the DNC learned something valuable and took away the right lessons.

Seriously though, I doubt it. They've been doing this for a great many years and unless they do their own purging of the ranks they will continue to double down on nasty and repugnant tactics and hateful rhetoric.

So I suspected that many would be Bernie voters would actually be so pissed off that rather than sit the election out they would go so far as to vote for Trump. I was right. I wonder how many people there were like you.

I actually wanted to vote for Cruz. I would have. But Trump waged a mean and nasty primary campaign and got the nomination. He had alot of help as well and admitted he took advantage of a system that is now openly rigged.

Some asked him how he was so sure the system was rigged. He responded with stunning candor. "Because I take advantage of it". What can you say to that. He hates the rigged system but is willing to take advantage of it in his goal to get elected. That kind of pissed me off. But his honesty stunned me. I began to see myself in his assertions and rhetoric. I too hate the game but sadly we play politics at construction jobs as well.

Ya, Trump hates the game but he learned to play it well. And he did. The problem with Ted Cruz is that he let himself take offense to a dirty game they are all playing. And Trump did go low. Like Cruz I forgave Trump and decided, he may be the lessor of two weasels but he sure isn't a corrupt monster like Hillary. So I voted Trump. He can be my president. I never felt that way about Obama. Each speech he made was full of snarky insults and clever nuanced speech. Sure, Obama plays the dirty politics game too. But he has no chill, is thin skinned and when he was in a position of power he gloated over his power and abused it and went far beyond decency with executive orders.

Now I hope to see Trump change things.If not, I'll realize that once again We the People have been had. Don't let us down Trump. America is watching.

They will try again. They don't want a progressive candidate, they want money and deals that go under the table.

My left shoe would have won the presidency if it was on the ticket. The DNC managed to find the only person in the nation less electable than Trump.


Yup. And I've been conjecturing this evening that maybe the FBI , thwarted by DOJ, has directed its attention to better ensuring election integrity. There's speculation that Anonymous and some election integrity activist lawyers got the FBI involved in Ohio, back in 2012, and that lead to Rove melting down on live TV as his planned theft was intercepted...

It's also possible that the FBI has informed the establishment that anons have trudged up so much info that they'll have to move forward on prosecution, so the establishment turned on HillCo tonight and didn't rig for HillCo.

Another good angle of interpretation.

She lost and you morons are still over here bleating that she's some kind of Xanatos puppet master? Holy shit. No wonder Trump won. The idiots outnumber everyone else 50 to one.

"Everyone who doesn't speak and act like me is retarded"

She rigged the Dem primary against Bernie. Not a stretch of the imagination to think the general election might be rigged too.

She didn't rig the primaries. The general was rigged, but for Trump.

Yes, thank you. Double plus side, /politics should be back to normal very soon!

I don't know so much about "normal", more or less just back to actually allowing people to shitpost & troll how they please hopefully with more lenient rules & the moderators chilling the fuck out on the ban hammers & abuse of power, all out power tripping because of their political bias.

Just yesterday I was banned from r/worldnews and I asked the moderators why I was banned, and the response was because I was being "disparaging" towards Islam for having the opinion that Mohammad was a warmongering pedophile who beat Aisha into submission (and remember, "Islam" means "Submit" or "Submission") & raped her by todays Western standards, whether or not Aisha consented, it's still rape, and there's no amount of sugar-coating that Islam can do to explain that it was simply "consummating the marriage", fact remains that if Mohammad were alive today in the U.S. he would be charged with pedophilia & sent to prison just like Subways Jared a short while back. This isn't ignoring that life expectancy back in Mohammads time was shorter, this is just comparing to how Mohammad would be treated in todays modern world as opposed to then. I don't think the moderators over at r/worldnews understand that.

Sure I might've been a little assertive in establishing my opinionated (and biased) point but still, I can't call that being "disparaging" towards Islam by the very definition of the word "disparaging", just like how people throw around the word "racist" when they actually mean "prejudice" these days, they use these words without understanding or knowing what they mean.

So this is when the switch from right-wing conspiracy theorists to left-wing conspiracy theorists happens. So sudden. Not that you're wrong.

No conspiracy, just idiots believing a bigger idiot/liar.

I call bullshit. The base did this to itself. All Democrats had a chance to vote for Sanders. All independents had a chance to declare party affiliation, like I did, and vote for Sanders. But we didn't vote him in. He lost. No matter what the DNC did, it was the people of this country who failed. And now we're going to pay for it.

It's pretty clear that CA was stolen from Bernie. Who's to say other states weren't stolen as well?

Me: Who never wins? My 6 year old niece: Cheaters!!

my sisters kid is smarter than the entire DNC.

It is known.

Man you guys were pretty quiet about this till shit hit the fan.

Upvoted for "fuck fuck games."

It's hilarious how many people are denying this itt. It's over CRT! You don't need to shill any more, trump won. For better, or for worse

All the early polls pointed to this outcome in a Hillary vs Trump and Bernie vs Trump scenario. DNC gets the blame here.

I still voted for Bernie and am proud of that.

Feel the bern..

Trump supporter. Can confirm.

Langolier Airlines

It was just going to be 4 years.. enough to shake the plague that had attached itself to the democratic process; it's intention to whore it out in prime time.. reality TV fashion.. it's whole brand is a facade and so will be it's presidency.

that being said "fuck-fuck games" sound fun

Ever been in the military? Fuck fuck games will ruin your soul.

Thank you.

THIS is absolutely what the country needs to hear. The corruption is a serious problem, but everyone turns a blind eye. Serves us right for ignoring it - or better yet, not doing anything about it.

Was it fucking worth it Donna Brazile? Leaked emails brought to light of sneaky tactics to get Clinton elected at all costs? Then losing because everyone saw Clinton being untrustworthy. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, with a 50 cal.

Let this also be a lesson to corrupt mainstream media and social media!

the liberal media is shitting its pants right now.

Can someone break this down and eli5 plz plz? I'm on the other side of the planet, n interested but confused by the political system. Is this a good thing?

One can only imagine the unfathomable things clinton has done to win this presidency and what she was going to do, and what favors she was going to pay back when she won. Now what has she? Wouldn't be surprised if she really IS dying and that is why the electoral votes swung to trump.

Now Hillary can go back to ordering pizzas for an hour like podesta

Let me just say if it wasn't for Trump exposing and talking about the corruption openly it would have gone under the radar. We needed a political outsider with enough balls to talk about what the DNC and Washington has been doing for years.

what we need is mainstream media not to be a corrupt juggernaut of a weapon used by a select group to spew propaganda and conceal the truth.

What corruption would that be? The republicans in North Carolina openly gloating about suppressing the black vote? Numerous republican legislatures closing down polling booths and restricting early voting ensuring that there would be 3-4+ hour waits? Voter ID laws that prohibit minorities from voting?

We found a Democrat, ladies and gentlemen!

if someone asks about people waiting in line 3 or 4 hours they're a Democrat

if someone points out that the North Carolina republicans are publicly posting on their twitter account that they have reduced black voter turn out, they're a Democrat

if someone points out that the much vaunted Voter ID laws are disenfranchising large swathes of the population, they're a Democrat

if someone challenges my world view, they're a Democrat

What a strange world you must live in.

I live in Trumpland now. Same as you.

A land of hyperbolic pejoratives directed at anyone who challenges you

How about the DNC openly rigging their primary for one candidate, the DNC chair losing their job for being caught and then being hired immediately to the campaign they were helping behind the scenes, one candidate getting debate questions ahead of time, and collusion between the Democratic campaign and the media networks for starters?

Nobody cared because the propaganda machine in the election year had so many believing Trump was a racist and sexist. They tried to hide their cheating and corruption behind finger pointing and distractions. It almost worked and if Hillary won nobody would have cared. We knew politics was dirty but it was finally exposed as to certain things that go on.

We found a Republican, ladies and gentlemen!

Contribute something worthwhile to the discussion or don't post.

Yeah, like you. Right?

Nobody cared because the propaganda machine in the election year had so many believing Trump was a racist and sexist

Well if it swims like a duck and quacks like a duck

its finally exposed

You're trying to rationalise this as some sort of protest to expose the political hacks, that bizarrely wrong.

If it wasn't for Wikileaks and Trump, who was a political outsider, having the guts to openly talk about this during the campaign then it would have gone unnoticed. As it is you don't care and all the Hillary voters didn't care about her and the DNC's open corruption. That is scary to me that propaganda works that well on the public. The corruption was exposed before your very eyes and yet you believe the corrupt telling you the other guy is worse.

Talk about what? This is a surreal argument, Trump is a good candidate because of the political hacks in the Democrats? Lolwut.

that is scary to me that propaganda works that well of the public

Well yeah just look at who you think is a good candidate.

the corruption exposed before your very eyed and yet you believe the corrupt telling you the other guy is worse

Mate, please. I don't think the Democrats are anything less than the Less Extreme Faction of the Business Party. You're welcome to try to find anything I've ever posted that suggests otherwise. But the fact remains they were the lesser evil than your violent lunatic who you have deified like a North Korean talking about Dear Leader. That's a shit situation and needs a group up change not just sitting idle for 4 years and then voting for whoever the party hacks foist up.

For you this all seems to be about a feeling a superiority, a sense of revenge. Of being triumphant over those who have wronged you.

I said nothing of the sort in this thread. Your hate is making you see things that aren't there.

And yes the Democrats are political hacks.

If it wasn't for Wikileaks and Trump, who was a political outsider, having the guts to openly talk about this during the campaign then it would have gone unnoticed

Talk about what? This is a surreal argument, Trump is a good candidate because of the political hacks in the Democrats?

If it wasn't for Wikileaks and Trump, who was a political outsider, >having the guts to openly talk about this during the campaign then it >would have gone unnoticed

That is a fact. Which part is hyperbolic praise on par with your N. Korea Dear Leader analogy?

Gerrymandering your own words lel

That's the part you quoted dipshit lmao

You got nothing. You want to keep going and looking foolish?

And what did I say in response?

Fallout 5!


This election many people were voting against the other candidate rather than for their own. Many Trump supporters were because they didn't want more of the same old exploitation of the american public by an elite above the law. Clinton was this incarnate. Bernie represented a lot of positive change and I think he would have collected many of the anti-Clinton votes.

If it weren't for the mistreatment of Sanders, the young people wouldn't have rallied so solidly behind Trump, and the memes would have never been.

Couple that with the very obvious CTR shilling campaign invading everything from Reddit to Twitter and Facebook. The damning emails flooding out of Wikileaks showing all sorts of deviancy and corruption.

People got fed up.

It wasn't just sanders. I can't believe Biden and Kerry and maybe others didn't have some want to run but were told they wouldn't have the support if they did. HRC was basically crammed down the throats of Democrats. It wasn't a fair primary. The wise part is all the bad things about HRC were known then. But they went ahead and just decided it was time for a woman to be president without caring about the process.

So wait... Having a Keanu moment here but... What if HILLARY was the plant, not Trump? Queue the xfiles theme.

You mean, Like what if Obama actually was a Manchurian candidate when he ran? Wow!.


Dirty politics and rigging the system and cheating in the primary. She carried that into the election campaign but got caught out cheating. Cheating in the debates for one. She had the questions ahead of time, she had a teleprompter screen on her podium. She had a mic to her ear. You could actually hear it at one point. She was literally reading off her podium screen and it was obvious.

I love this sub, but you all are delusional if you think Bernie had a chance. Rand Paul would have won against any Democrat. Politics are cyclical, and it was basically the republicans turn to win this time.

It's easy to say that now, but Obama had a 55% approval rating going into this election and usually a 50+ incumbent approval rating gives that party candidate a nice boost which she obviously didn't get.

Just a reminder we live in an oligarchy not a democracy.

Didn't it come out that Bern-dog was controled opposition?

More or less. I think he really wanted to win but DNC sent a message from the Hillary campaign with promises and threats. They had something on him according to the Podesta emails. What it was is still unknown. Podesta complained that Bernie was not playing according to the "agreement" and "don't we have leverage on him?"

Like in Mexico politics. "Plata O Plumo" Lead or silver. In this case, the lead was "leverage" of some sort and the silver was an unknown "agreement". Bernie tried to actually win and got put back in check. So he couldn't deal with it and just conceded the primary to Hillary. If you are going to fall on your sword it's best to do it in one sharp cut rather than hacking it out with a dull butter knife.

Can we stop assuming Bernie would beat Trump? No one knows how people would vote in MI or FL without Hillary.

The thing is, it would have been a completely different race is the DNC had gone with Sanders. There was no mud to sling in that race. It would have been about policy, and Trump would have looked silly.

But to say Trump would automatically lose to Sanders is a fallacy. Trump could have an advantage over Sanders hypothetically. We just don't know.

If DNC, the media and the RINO collaborators had not played dirty Bernie would have run against Ted Cruz. Not Trump. You Bernie bums keep forgetting that. BTW, do you now "Feel the Bern"?

We could assume there would be no FBI suspicion and then what look like government protection right in front of our eyes. And two outsiders running would disperse the anti elite vote.

is it kinda weird to anyone else that DJT becomes president, and next day Russia wants to hang out again?

No. TPTB behind Clinton have obviously been pushing for war with Russia for some time, with Russia desperate to avoid it. So this is exactly what I would expect to see following her defeat.

Neither Putin nor the USA can afford a war with each other. Especially in this time with the Islamic world on fire with ISIS. Oh, and Putin was spot on when he claimed that Hillary created and funded ISIS and John McCain helped. I saw a photo of John McCain meeting with "moderates" and agreeing to help them get weapons and other aid for their rebellion against the Syrian regime. Now we find that several of the people in that photo took the arms and then promptly switched to ISIS. Meanwhile Russia and Syria are the only major powers to fight ISIS while USA has been doing tiny pinpricks to look good in the media while at the same time dropping bombs on Russian troops and Syrian troops. Obama and Hillary have been shameless.

Depends on how you mean "afford." I think there is a lot of good evidence that a significant portion of the ruling elite and deepstate feel that a war with Russia is the only thing that that can maintain US hegemony in the face of the death of the petrodollar. The general populace certainly can't afford it.

a war with Russia is the only thing that that can maintain US hegemony in the face of the death of the petrodollar.

Those fools can believe that. I've been looking at how the currency and our monetary system works for the past ten years. It's unsustainable. Nothing can stop it from crashing. It will happen. Just a matter of when and what the tipping point will be. Another huge war would speed it up.

The general populace certainly can't afford it.

That's who I consider USA to be. Not the elites.

The other major Democrat candidate would've won the presidency. Period.

You have no evidence for this statement.

greedy hillary and her greedy handlers

There was some whole thing about MISSING THE FUCKING ZEITGEIST.

If the DNC has run an actual donkey, it would have done better. Or that fucking dead gorilla.

I am neither a Republican nor Democrat, but when you pull as many unfair and illegal tactics as the DNC to push the a candidate who failed as Secretary of State, and polls showed time and again couldn't be the other party candidate, then you deserve to lose!

"Period" ... huh? Someone running on an openly socialist platform would have had zero chance of winning. This entire election was about the perpetuation of treasonous authority (including socialism) vs. a resurgence of freedom. We chose the latter.

damn straight

Mmmm speculation

Dead right.

Don't let your guard down

Im going to play the devils advocate and point out that we will probably have a gop senate and president and if one party owns it all its a more direct rout for whoever is influcing everything. Especially with the justice boners we're all about to get


What do you people not understand? Bernie was never a real candidate, just a shill to drum up "grass roots" support and then hand it to the lizard queen hillary.

You're a retard. Maybe go watch this man's passionate speeches in Congress. He's one of the only real deals in the country. He only ran so he could represent the liberals in the democratic party due to elizabeth warren not running. Say anything you want about Clinton, but Sanders is nothing but the model human being.

Nice joke, you almost had me.

Did you forget your /s? Or are you just dumb?

Not at all, he facts and results speak for themselves smart guy.

Facts. HA! Ironic fucking statement.

What happened, happened bud. I'm sorry you are so hurt by it.

Pretty sure we're all going to be sorry. Take your pitty somewhere else. The country gets the government it deserves.

If he sold out to her, imagine how fast he would've sold out to her masters

Bernie wouldn't have won as a socialist democrat. I understand that he was fucked over, and I would rather sanders over Clinton but he wouldn't have won the general.

Didn't see this coming

So this means we are still a corruption free democracy?

They'll just corrupt harder next time... It wont stop until (even if) Hillary is behind bars.

Hillary is done.

They'll for sure "take every advantage," but it won't be for her. I'd love to see Sanders and/or Warren.

The USA is not ready for a socialist president. Sanders would have lost big league.

Really? the one in the 30's did ok.

FDR didn't run as a socialist outright though. If the country had known beforehand that his socialist policies would have extended the Great Depression like they actually did, he wouldn't have been elected.

Not sure what propaganda you are reading about FDR prolonging the Great Depression but it's horse shit. the guy served 4 terms. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he did something right.

I know you don't know history when you say, "he served 4 terms". He was elected to 4, but served only 3 months of that last. Therefore, it doesn't surprise me the least that you mistakenly believe (and I realize you'll hold that ignorance 'till death) that FDR served two terms too many.

neither did Bernie.

But the free-market proponents (vast majority of US citizens) would have asked Bernie repeatedly how he was planning to pay for all the free stuff, and he would have had to respond that he'd raise everyone's taxes 25%.

Nah bruh he woulda crushed trump. Did you even read OP's post

90% of the USA would say differently. Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money. The US Constitution doesn't allow socialism.

Weren't sure if you were a troll, but then I checked your comment history. Seriously dude, this is some low energy trolling, you need to make trolling great again

lol I don't have time for high-energy redditing; I'm an adult with a good job. Socialism is a beautifully rotten concept. Socialists are thieves inherently, as communists are murderers.



We said it over and over: We will not reward crooks who stole the nomination.

Lifelong democrat, voted against my own party, OUT OF PURE SPITE.


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no, he would not have. the fear mongers that call Obama a socialist would have destroyed Bernie.

the only real option was to not have any real option.

I just hope they get the memo.

Whereas I like your post, Bernie would not have done better. The only reason it was close was due to the big money from the donors that Bernie opposed. Now, that is the very reason that I would've been conflicted in a Bernie/Trump showdown, just to contradict myself:)

Totally just so brave of you to come out and say this now and not yesterday. Thank you for your sacrifice. (Get it together, internet. These idiots should not be rewarded.)

No refunds

Because betraying a partner offers a greater reward than cooperating with him, all purely rational self-interested prisoners would betray the other, and so the only possible outcome for two purely rational prisoners is for them to betray each other.


No, he wouldn't have. Trump tapped into something bigger than just Republicans vs Democrats. This was a referendum on liberalism as a whole.

No this was another election of the lesser of two evils. Scary to think Trump is the lesser, either way our next president was going to have the lowest approval rating of any president elect in the history of tracking that.

That's just not true. You have seen just how much all of those polls were worth that said Hillary would beat Trump. Those same people did the polling for Bernie vs Trump.

I'm not anti-Bernie. I'm hardcore Trump, but I would have lived with a President Sanders. He would have done what I want on foreign policy and trade, if not on social issues.

Trump doesn't have to be the most hated president ever. If he doesn't do what he said he would do to help the country, then by god hit him about it. I'll be right there with you. HOWEVER, I think you owe it to yourself to give him a chance. Look at his trade policy. Look at his stance on endless wars. Just take a break, take a breath, and look.

I hope that you guys fix your party. I really do, but I don't think the answer for you is to go more to the left. America soundly rejected it tonight.

Not sure why you assume I'm a democrat, also regardless of who was elected they were going to have the lowest approval rating of a president elect.

I'm just happy it's not going to be the corrupt harpy who cheated her way to the top. The people wanted Sanders, but they had to be scumbags about it.

This is just a blip in their plans. The global controllers will win eventually.

Probably has been said but I'll say myself... i voted trump. If Bern was up there against him, I would have REALLY thought about giving him my vote. And when I say that I probably would have voted Bernie. Because he was a candidate that was great. I told my friend the past month the super delegate system is fucked. And hopefully this will change in the future.

Hell, i would have voted Dem, IF SHE had not gamed the system.

Is there any possibility emails were contrived, that the powers that be wanted trump to succeed. The DNC fought for Hillary but the leaks were provided by someone higher who wanted Trump victory. Tin foil hat

Well there are two options, either the elite just pulled a 3d chess move or the elite don't have as much control as they thought. I'm leaning towards the first.

It's kind of amazing if you think about it. If I try to look up Conspiracy to elect Donald Trump, the first theory that comes up is the original conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to help Clinton get elected. It's a perfect way to hide the real conspiracy to actually elect Trump. I'm actually leaning towards this theory too, unless his presidency turns out great. Damn I really hope this isn't true. Do you know others who have thought about this and do you know of any sources on this topic?

Honestly I don't, although a lot of electronic polling machines were down apparently so maybe the nuclear option for Hilary was nixed when the machines weren't even used.

Either way, I look forward to the end of this demonic russia narrative that Hillary was certainly going to make a big part of her presidency.

I think if he is a pawn neither he nor Clinton know it, the people in control are going to be his staff and advisors and we have no idea who's really going to pick them considering trump is probably going to take advice when picking people.

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Will the press report Bernie write in votes?

Didn't emails from the podesta leaks surface either yesterday or here in the past few days that showed that Bernie was a Plant all along anyway though?

The scariest thing to me is that DNC looks at this and think "maybe we should have someone more conservative than Tim Kaine" next time. That probably will happen unless people protest and show their anger at the DNC.

this goes for corrupt reddit mods too ...not you /r/conspiracy guys ..but those other fuckos

Hell yes

Ah, no she would had not beaten Trump, stop it with the insane idea. He beat Hillary and the stacked cart that was against him, he would had whooped Sanders too. Here is a strange idea for everyone, people that voted for Trump didn't just vote for him because they didn't like Hillary, but because they actually want him to be the president.

You say that now. Bernie would have all the "Socialism is bad"-votes against him. Don't try to fucking blame the fucking stupidity of this country on the DNC. Half of America voted for a racist, hate-spitting, lying, tax-evading, climate change denying, women-by-the-pussy-grabbing demagoge and the whole world will have to pay for it. He could also win against Bernie, because of how bad this country is in realizing Trumps unfitness for the Office. The only one who will benefit from this is Trump- as it always has been.


Is there anything to back this up? I get it, Clinton has done very poorly against Trump. But is there any reason to think Bernie would do better looking specifically at states? And more than that, done well enough to win?

He wins Michigan and Wisconsin maybe, but wouldn't he probably lose Virginia and Nevada?

Ya, I somehow doubt it.

In-fucking deed.

If the system is so corrupt, how did she lose?

apparently it's harder to rig a general election than your own parties primary?

If the whole government was rigged this never would have happened. Obviously not as much of a "Puppet Government" as people believe.

If eyes wasn't looking for corruption as hard as they was now, I guarantee that Hillary would've won.

Nope, just nope.

What makes you think that eyes were looking harder at this election than any other ?

I already explain up thread.

You don't steal when every eye is on you. If Trump didn't cry rigged every two days then the Hillary camp would be able to work their magic.

I was going to reply to that one instead. Can you please explain how eyes re looking harder than any other election ?

I don't remember any candidate claiming the election is rigged. Gore in Florida made something after the election. I'm pretty sure Trump crying rigged got more eyes looking.

You keep on avoiding the question and repeating the same statement. Can you please explain HOW more eyes are looking ?

Like are people taking photos of ballots, physically counting every voter in every county ? Etc.

To many eyes thanks to Trump always mentioning the rigged system. And when it comes to media, he was correct.

It still makes no sense to me. He won, how can he still be correct? Either the whole system is rigged and she wins or it isn't and he wins. How did you get the desired outcome but still believe the whole system is rigged? It makes no logical sense. It's like posting a youtube video and claiming it's banned in the country you are watching it in.

You don't steal when every eye is on you. If Trump didn't cry rigged every two days then the Hillary camp would be able to work their magic.

Americans just PREVENTED HER from finishing the corruption.

Do you really think the Clintons are just going to disappear now?

Stop lying and pandering to people, simple right?


Literally as the election was being tallied. Where are the shills now?

"fuck-fuck games"

That's hilarious. Next time DNC will not be trying to pull this crap again

wanna bet ? No more 'superdelegates' -- what the heck is that, anyway?

French here, now it's our turn to fuck the country

HAHAHA yall can say that but its not true. Yeah it would have been a different, much better election I can agree on that, but we will never know who would have won. You think Bernie would win, I believe Trump would have destroyed his socialist "ideas" in the debates.

Bernie was too far left but forcing Hillary down our throats was a mistake!

Yes I agree, She is a shitty human being and I hope Trump follows up with his promise to assign a special prosecutor

You actually do have a "dog in the fight", as America affects the entire world

If the republicans had fucked over president trump like many wanted to I would have voted 3rd party.

I think if she were playing against a real politician, she wouldn't have ever had a chance.

But losing against trump? Wow. She really did screw the pooch. I wonder when she's going to jail?


Or maybe getting Sanders out of the election, going to such extremes to derail him, wasn't so Clinton could win, but so Trump would have no real competition? Sanders would have beaten trump in every popularity contest, in every debate, hands-down. Maybe they knew Clinton was toxic and everyone hated her from the start? Maybe we've had it backwards all along?

You're dreaming man. Bernie was too soft, would've gotten killed.

i feel a bush style recount coming

or possibly a obama state of emergency were he assumes the presidency

Fuck the oligarchy. No more Clintons or Bushes. This is the genius of democracy. Those two families would have become the Montagues and Capulets of our society even more than they have. Each generation has to fight their way back up. I'd be waiting for Chelsea's turn otherwise.

"Why would anyone vote for a guy like Trump?"

Because for a job like cleaning up the corruption and kicking asses out of DC, you need someone who's kind of a dick.

Blame the DNC and other corrupt politicians.

You made it this way.

So now we have a corrupt lunatic that wants to use the government for his private businesses. Great choice.

What leads you to believe he will actually stop corruption? Because he said it? The man is a compulsive liar.


You sound like a right cunt.

And you sound like a left shill bud.

Oooh I'm a shill? For whom? Because I disagree with you I am a shill? You sound like you have a good grasp of logic.

Dream all you want. Bernie would have lost too.

I disagree on that. Bernie isn't a criminal nor a liar, except when he started supporting Hillary. If he was the one against trump he would have won but this is the way it was supposed to go the elite wanted trump. The people thinks he's not a pawn but he is

Bernie wouldn't get the FBI suspicion and no Wikileaks. And most people voting for Trump was mostly a vote to make sure Hillary won't get in. At least that's the reason I voted for Trump.

no, he would have won. Trump only won because of all the corrupt shit that came out about hillary. He's just as hated as she is.

Bernie actually is one of the most liked.

Let this also be a lesson to the RNC and all the corrupt fuck-fuck games they did as well - you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as wikileaks and internet trolls are working with you instead of the other guy.

they got their asses handed to them too. Remember that Trump beat all of their establishment candidates in the primaries.

Voters told them to fuck off months ago like they told the democrats tonight.

Oh absolutely, I'm referring to all that happened after.

What, you think Trump had a chat with his good buddy Assange and worked the internet into a memeing frenzy by himself?

Or maybe you don't remember how places like The_Donald turned it up to 11 after he was cemented as the RNC candidate.


The corruption of the DNC was made very, very clear on November 8th, 2016.

Lol. I am amazed this happened. You are right though Sanders was the candidate that should have ran against Trump, I wonder when people will realize this.

Sanders platform is antithetical to people with $ and power. Watch for new boogeymen to be established starting tmrw.

Yeah we all knew. Still people are optimistic and had hope, I don't care if we lost, anyone who had Sanders back, watched him win to be torn down by the establishment. Well that to me was a sign that maybe they were to stuck up their own ass they would lose, and I was right. We watched as this country went the other way, do I actually think anything will change or we will have World War III, no come on. The only candidate that our enemies wanted to win watched him win, why would they start a war now. It's going to be an interesting 4 years, I imagine at this point this is what Russians feel like. I wonder if in 4 years those who voted for Trump will have the same emotion Russians had right before they brought down the Iron Curtain. My experience is when you piss off people like the base that just won Trump the election they are fickle and turn on you in an instant. Maybe people with $ and power will be smarter next election, but maybe Trump will be a good president, I always thought he could get more done than Clinton ever could; now we know with a full Republican controlled Senate, House, and Presidency that's probably true. We'll just have to see what happens. It's going to be one hell of an interesting time to be an American.

She rigged the primaries before they even got started with all of her superdelegates. Bernie would have walked away with the election in a LANDSLIDE. I would've voted for him, and I voted Trump lol



The other major Democrat candidate would've won the presidency

LMAO, no he wouldn't have. Trump would've stomped that commie cuck even worse than he stomped that literal cuck

This was suppose to be Ron Paul in 2012 damn it....This was his destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was wondering how Hillary Voters were going to react to the loss that was bound to happen.

Now I know - everyone is blaming her for pushing off Bernie who would have obviously (/s) won.

Really, I liked Bernie as much as the next guy, but let's not play the "what-if" game.

There could be a thousand different things that would make Bernie lose just as well.

Bernie wouldn't have won, but it would have been a more honest fight

In the hundreds of millions spent to deceive and lie to us, hopefully he makes it impossible to skew the vote as before.

I hope /r/politics will just shut the fuck up now with their blatant lies and propaganda.

edit: scrolling my front page, I haven't seen a single /r/politics post today. Fuck those assholes.

I can't stand people saying stuff like "this is bad for democracy" now that Trump is the winner. Where were they when the DNC was "forcing" a Hillary win?

Tuth said

If she comes back in 2020 and somehow wins it will show the DNC has learned nothing.

Bernie wasn't able to stop Hilary, Donald did, despite the dirty tricks. Bernie was too noble to play hardball, and throw elbows.

Maybe, maybe not. But it would have been great to see a debate between someone talking real policy vs trump clowning around.

I don't see why you are blaming the dogs for this

I agree with this.

This lesson was not worth the cost and people should have voted as such.

The idea that this narrative was at least bolstered by the Trump campaigners, foreign secret services, etc. to demobilize crucial support, especially among the liberal leaning youth is apparently too far fetched.


How can it be fixed and not fixed at once?

No one in this sub is complaining about rigged elections now are they? Despite the gutting of the voting rights act, which is what actual vote rigging looks like.

Dont be an electoral apologist. This post is nonsense

Why does everyone think that he would have won though? No moderate Republicans would vote for him.

Because people don't just vote based on their own ideals, they also vote out of hate. People disliked Hillary, so they either voted Trump, Third Party, or not at all. Bernie is seen as FAR more reputable than Hillary, so he possibly could've secured those votes that got away and then also gathered those who disliked Trump by default.

That's a fair point

He was ahead in every poll against Trump by huge margins, and a huge favorability across the nation. Bernie still won the independents and anyone under 45.

He would have destroyed Trump in the battle of pro-worker populists.

Bernie represented a small fraction of Americans and would have not even come close.....

Fucking Amen.

all I can say is "upvote"

Look at the bright side - this will be a much better country for Donald Trump.


I'm not too familiar with the American political system but can someone ELI5 how hillary beat Bernie that wasn't fair?

The rigged the voting process. They also made a secret agreement with him to fall on his own sword at some point and not try too hard to win. He tried to hard to win and they used "leverage" on him to bring him back in line. It was a completely corrupt primary.



They didn't expect it would leak.

Ya he would've won but he would've been the worst choice for the people in power.

I thought the election was rigged you neckbeards

It was. Corrupted voting machines, voter fraud, illegals voting. Etc. It just wasn't rigged enough.

So... Here's my contrary position. A wet napkin would make a better President than Trump, quite literally. The wet napkin would not do anything and Trump will. We could view this as a bad thing. There's now an ego the size of Alaska in the Whitehouse. But, on the other hand, Americans are going to get a taste of what being uninvested in the political process gets them. We're going to see what polarized politics of fear results in.

... And maybe then we'll stop pretending that the party someone belongs to is the only qualification that matters. Maybe we'll vote for someone based on where we think the country will be four years down the line. We currently face several major problems that can be resolved, but will require compromise, leadership and vision... I'm not convinced that any of the three candidates we're discussing had those three attributes in sufficient quantity to resolve these issues, and that's a deep indictment of the entire process!

We need a non-plurality voting system. We need bulk money out of politics. We need a shorter election cycle. We need to stop voting for our party and get to know all of the candidates. We need to care about every election, not just the Presidency. We need to hold candidates accountable for placing party above governance.

These things should be obvious. They're not controversial in academic or business settings (except for voting system, which is more recognized as a concern today than 20 years ago, but still not on most people's radar) yet in our largest organization, they're brushed off as crazy talk.


Just a reminder we live in an oligarchy not a democracy.

Just a reminder, it's meant to be a Republic rather than a democracy.


I think we can expect Trump to shed light on some conspiracies that were discussed here on this sub I am sure. Will be very interesting! If they allow him of course, it might be just too secret.

I voted Bernie.

Relax, it was in California. I had the luxury of casting a vote that made me feel good, even tho I knew it wouldn't make a difference.

In a fair response to your assertion, it was the DNC in collusion with the GOP that got Ted Cruz out of the race. Ted Cruz could have won if he had not been so brutally attacked by the GOP RINOs and the Mainstream Media. The best they could come up with is that he has a "Creepy" smile. "Nobody likes him". Both ridiculous claims.

The GOP pushed Trump out front because they could not stand the idea of a law and order Ted Cruz as POTUS. The Hillary camp actively participated in the effort because they knew they had no one to counter Ted Cruz and they were sure US voters would never vote for repulsive Trump. They were wrong. Hillary was so much more repulsive and add to that she is a pathological liar, "sick and tired" (she kept repeating those words and no one understood it was a tacit admission) But anyways, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

No democrat would've won, Period. The people are sick and tired of their socialist libtard Actions and the people have spoken.

what does this mean?

I mean, Bernie winning would be a lot worse for the Oligarchs than Trump winning.

Do none of you care that Republicans will in all likelihood now proceed to repeal almost all of the climate change regulations we have so far?


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There is no fucking way Bernie would beat TRUMP you people are sick


Will they ever learn

Sure we would have


He was a plant anyway.

I'm surprised you're getting downvoted, there's a reason he didn't fight against the corruption, why he supports her now, and why he even defended her during the debates. He was never suppose to be popular. The DNC already made their choice

People still try to debate ignoring the fact that the leaks exist.

Yeah, but those were revealed by the Russians, so it doesn't matter. /s

Yeah but the plants are the good ones, fighting the evil reptiloids.

Yeah, a plant intended to lose.

Yeah, he did a good job disenfranchising the Left right before the General. Mission accomplished, Bernie.

I think you're thinking of hillary

She is no less guilty. The DNC picked someone they knew had abysmal favorability ratings. Don't forget Jill Stein, making the Green party look like a bunch of hippy retards dancing around with 'magic crystals'..

But they don't give a fuck about the country, all they care for is their wallets.

Who the fuck are you, Nostradomus? You cannot be certain, in any way that the Bern would have won.

Actually we can


You're right on about the corruption biting the Dems in the ass, and that serves them right. But as much as I like Bernie, he wouldn't have stood a chance against Trump.

he was up 20 points in general election polls

Dont delude yourself, thinking a socialist could win is hilarious.

TYT's Cenk had a great comment: people with money push for weak democrats and strong republicans.

Id change it too weak dems and weak republicans pushing a purchased agenda

Except it's been proven that she still would have won

delusional motherfucker

No I really just don't think he would of won.

Don't you think that this is Obama's fault, too? People are tired of the media saying how great he is all the while families are paying an extra $10,000.in health care per year .

That's debatable.

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yea lets elect a communist... incase you've never read the Communist Manifesto, which Socialism is based on, here are two key points: "In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property(Capatilism)" - Communist Manifesto

"Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. " - Communist Manifesto

Nope. Bernie would have brought you to social security, like we still have in some ways in Germany (it is not the best, but we got it nordic countries are better in that appartment).

Calling someone communist just because he wants to have a safty net for all people is purely ignorant.

its not socialism, its national socialism!

nope, that is what hitler stood for....

I still think Donald would have won. Hillary is very very powerful. The democrats idea's just are not working.

And he would've been a worthless president. Cool.

Run a Communist race baiter in 2020 and see how it works out for ya. (bad)

You're right and all, but where I think you get it a little bit wrong is when you say "the other major democrat would have..."

...there's no would haves or maybes. The same stuff was said after Brexit. Trump won - period.

False. President-Elect Trump was going to happen regardless of the opposition, Bernie would have at least been in the competition though but Donald was going to win the entire time, there was never any doubt about who will be sworn into office next year.

No he wouldn't have. We don't want socialism.

Go back to your mom's basement.

This is the best part of all of this. Bernie had zero chance in a national election. He does well on reddit though with the 12-30 crowd.

You know this will probably be an unpopular opinion here, but I think Bernie would not win the presidency agaisnt Trump. I agree that he had a much better chance than Clinton because this election was all about being against the traditional politics and Bernie would certainly have a lot of ground to play on there, but he would not be facing a politician. If the republican candidate was Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz I would absolutely give the win to Bernie just like Trump won against Clinton. The thing that Trump has that would beat Bernie imo is his boldness. Trump just doesn't care what people say about him while Bernie would be limited by his moral compass, he would be unable to outright lie for support something that we know Trump is more than capable of.

against the traditional politics

What is trump against? He is for all the neoliberal economic policies, aggressive foreign policy, etc. he is just very aggressive and venal about it.

Yes, but he is aggressive about the errors of the current political establishment. Ex: He says NAFTA was a YUGE mistake, but advocates for freer market deals which is kind of a contradiction. His policies are pretty much irrelevent to the greater voting public, all they need to see is the political establishment fighting vehemently against him. I'm not saying this is agood thing which is not, people should pay attention to the proposals of the candidates, but the reality is they don't. And the sad thing is Bernie probably could not fight him in the pit, the same way Hillary stole the primary from him, Trump would take the presidency from him. But that is just my opinion like they say hindsight is 20/20

NAFTA and other such deals are not free trade agreements, they are a series of agreements between powerful corporations and their state puppets on opening up certain markets and protecting others.

Nafta has allowed American government subsidised corn to flood into Mexico, this forces the campesinos off the land into factories in the city or forces them to head north to work illegally in the USA - or their only way of staying on the land and work for the cartels growing weed. Nafta prohibits the Mexican government from taking action on this, it must treat the foreign corporations as if they were a Mexican corporation. What sort of free trade deal allows in government subsidised goods?

his policies are irrelevant to the greater voting public

Well not when he starts enacting them and they start getting effected by them, but of course don't connect the two and instead blame whatever the rightwing media points to.

You make it sound like its some sort of protest vote to show up the political hacks, that's extremely deluded.

Bernie would have fought him with real policies.

Trump might have won the same way he has now, voter suppression and intimidation.

I don't think you can say NAFTA is not a free trade agreement when "free trade agreement" is in the name of the thing. If you think that voter suppression and intimidation is the thing that clinched this election I feel sorry for you because you either are delusional or out of a job.

Just because they name it something doesn't mean it is that. That's pretty shallow of you. You need to look at the substance not just symbolic gesture. Its becomes thing to name policies one thing when they do the exact opposite. Nafta is not free trade, 'no child left behind' leaves children behind, etc.


“Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was,” Wrenn said. “It wasn’t about discriminating against African Americans. They just ended up in the middle of it because they vote Democrat.”

Bernie is a shill. Period.

I was with you until you said Bernie woulda won. I guess you still believe the msm propaganda then...dude never had a chance!

And he sold out!

Bernie was a weak socialist. The guy, far as I can tell never had a life outside politics. He's just a Marxist shill. He's not that good at it either. I like him as a person. I would love to sit back and have coffee by the fire pit with him and eat some roasted kebabs and chat. But I wouldn't ever vote for him. Even socialists in China have more realistic pragmatical views. The man was praising socialism in Venezuela for crying out loud. And ya, he sold out. Or was threatened from what I see in the Podesta email. They had "leverage" and used it to put him in check when he violated the "agreement". That's some high level rigging.

You can argue that his candidacy is also the reason that Hillary lost. To compete, she had to swing to the banner of the status quos. Had Bernie's followers all voted for her, she would have won.

Yeah, Bernie would have lost to Trump too. Quit crying about this and let's all MAGA together.

No he wouldn't

Yes he would, hope you're not shilling for CRT, it's useless at this point

As much as I like Bernie and voted for him in the primaries, there's no way you can know that he'd have won.

It turns out over half of America is just fucking stupid.

Over half of eligible voters didn't even bother to vote actually. And you are right we'll never know how many of those that didn't bother to vote would of showed up to do so had Bernie been the Dem candidate.

You want to try and figure out whats wrong with all of the Americans that would rather have a fascist buffoon as president than Hillary. I'd say how telling is it that amount of dislike for her is so strong that so many people would rather roll the dice with a nut job then allow her to continue making decisions that effect the American people.

Did you even read the Wikileaks emails? Bernie was a Democratic plant. He never planned on winning in the first place. You should be mad at him for swindling $200 million from his supporters and giving it to Killary.

Is there seriously anyone who believes Sanders even had a shot ? How naïve are you ?

how the fuck can people make such ridiculously baseless claims and stand by them with such vigour? Bernie beating trump is by no means a certainty


No he couldn't. He's more out of touch than her. Blm? Fuck that racist bastard.

Nope, sorry Bernie would not have won. Hes not corrupt enough to fullfill the wishes of Soros and the machine. Only Trump could have won, let it all begin

Oh please. I would rather barf and eat my own vomit than have Bernie and his SJW bitches in power.

but then what does someone like me who cares about progressive values do? this is the first election i have voted in and that I paid attention to. i'm assuming we have to fight our assess off to stop radical conservatism

Vote in your local elections. Don't make the Presidency define your country. Get involved on a local level and don't act like a bitch. Recognise the diversity and viewpoints within your community without trying to marginalise, oppress or slander those coming from different life experiences. One of the biggest mistakes this election made was precisely that. Go local. That's my advice. That and stay actively engaged. This has been a shitshow, one that many will just bury their heads in the sand or play the blame game over for years to come. Keep optimistic and keep trying and you can and will make a difference.

Bernie Sanders was an unelectable socialist nutcase who would have lost to Trump by double-digits. Clinton did actually stand a far better chance against Trump. But whatever narrative (or fantasy) you want to spin in retrospect is fine.

Stop the circle jerc.

I doubt that. Trump would have destroyed that cuck with a debate focused on policy as opposed to whether or not he's a racist rapist xenophobe. The Clintons took him down more than anyone else ever could. He's just too good. Bernie cucked out BIG TIME. HE ENDORSED HILLARY. He has no dick whatsoever. Donald Trump wipes his ass with Bernie Sanders.

So fucking tired of hearing that. Nobody knows. He didn't win against Hillary, you can't say he would have won against Trump.

Well he didn't win because superdelegates gave their vote to Clinton before a single vote was ever cast in the primaries. That becomes an issue during the real election when the people vote haha

I agree but people should have spoke up at the time. And theres no guarentee he would have beaten Trump.

Absent massive electoral fraud and openly fucking corrupt collusion between media and Hillary, he would have won easily.

And if OJ wasn't drafted by the Bill's the Kardashians wouldn't be famous. Its all heresay and what ifs.

Yeah we only had consistent data of electoral fraud, polls overwhelmingly favoring Bernie over Trump, favorability ratings through the roof for Sanders, but you are right...

It's all in the past now. The aristocrats that shoved Hillary down our throats got their candidate, and lost their election.

Take control of your party. The RNC didn't want Trump but the people gave them no choice. You are arguing a hypothetical situation, if you want change make rhe change

This IS indeed the next step. This should light the biggest fire under every liberal progressive's ass to start effecting change from the bottom up.

that's the most obnoxious, sensationalist post title I've seen in ages.

Nah. Trump would have beaten bernie too and the people who don't see that don't understand that Trump played perfectly the entire election. He would have switched up his game for bernie. Don't be a salty hater.

Bernie would have alienated every swing voter in the country.

I know this place loves Bernie, but the fact of the matter is that he's a radical angry Bridge Troll who thinks that everything he does is just right, and that anyone who opposes him can't possibly have a valid opinion. Who thinks Compromise is beneath him and refuses to back down on anything. Bernie is the worst elements of the Democratic Party, and I say this as a strong Social Liberal who is still in shock. I'd have voted for Hillary over Bernie in the primary in a heartbeat if I were a primary voter. Bernie would have been a candidate that makes the country choose between two angry white men who don't represent their ideals but promise massive change instead of a madman and a moderate.

You're exactly right. People think he would have won because he was polling well back in May, but once his policies were subject to the scrutiny of a general election campaign people would realize that he is way further left than most voters are currently willing to go and I think he would have lost bigger than HRC.

that just sounds like what we do every election.

I'll admit, Bernie was my biggest fear, next to having a satanic, pedo, traitorous liar in the WH. What scares me even more is you morons who would vote for either a socialist, or a traitor. Thankfully at least a little more than half the people in the country still have their brains in tact.

Justice has triumphed today. Go Trump.

I would have loved a dog fight between Trumpers and us Bernie supporters. The old and the tired screaming "Socialist!!!" running around like headless chickens, while the rest of the modern developed world would finally see some progress happening in the US under Bernie Sanders.

It's you socialists running around screaming and crying and berning stuff in the streets. Socialism is an old and tired concept that never sustains itself. It's collapsed over and over each time it's tried. France failed the first time it was tried, Russia failed, China failed and had to adopt market principles in its dealings with the outside world, Cambodia failed, Vietnam is no longer so communist as it's policies failed. Cuba's socialism failed and is still a horrible burden on the people. Venezuela has failed with food lines looking more like Soviet Russia than a country that was once flooding with plenty for all. A lush tropical country that can't feed itself and once had a thriving industrial base. Marxism of all stripes is a failure.

Socialism is an old and tired concept that never sustains itself.

Good thing this archaic view of socialism is NOT and has NEVER been what Bernie proposed. On the other hand, did we collapse after FDR? Has every developed nation in the world that outranks us in health, education, happiness, etc. etc. collapsed also?

Nope, because it is stupid to equate what Bernie was proposing with the shit that has gone down in Cuba or Venezuela. This would have been the easiest argument to debunk in a general election.

Good thing this archaic view of socialism is NOT and has NEVER been what Bernie proposed.

Sure, Bernie changed his views of socialism on a regular basis depending on where socialism was headed.

Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”"

I know you can give me all the quotes on socialism that seem to favor a European model of the Nordic countries. That's worked for years until of late when they decided to become multicultural and open their borders. Then it begins to break down. There are good things about those countries. Yes I agree. The problem is when you tax the working class to pay for the non working class. Rather, I would see the taxes exempted from the working class laborer and private family owned business and applied to multinational corporations and import tariffs. As well as strict border controls on economic immigrants. Want to come to a foreign nation? Then come to work or study or work and study. Not come to be a drain on the economy. If you come, you work. Come across the border illegally without permission and vetting, get deported and denied all benefits. No second chances. This is my greatest beef with socialism. It devolves into chaos.

But hey, you say you are for democratic socialism or what ever brand Bernie was or is for. Then how about honoring that? I voted. Doesn't my vote mean something? My opinion count? But you would rather deny my opinion and mock it with sneaky sophistry and insults. Truth is. No brand of socialism really is sustainable because it always ends the same way. Either gradually or rapidly or is sustained through force. If you want real freedom and espouse real freedom, then give me the freedom to opt out. I live here. It's my country. I adhere to the founding fathers idealism. That's what I want and that's my right. Respect that or realize people like me will never be with you on it and will always be against you. I will die and be gone soon. But there are millions like me who are waking up to the shame and sham that is "socialism". The war against freedom will never end until all freedom lovers are dead. You've got a long war ahead. We will never be silenced until we are dead. And you just found out from your own party what it's really all about.

Despite receiving trillions of dollars in oil revenue over recent decades, Venezuela is in the midst of an unprecedented economic collapse, owing precisely to the redistributionist programs that Sanders has extolled as a model for the U.S. economy. Grocery store shelves are barren, hospitals have no access to vital medicines, rationing is under way, and riots have begun to coalesce in the streets of Caracas.

Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, is preparing to leave a country mired in a deep recession and facing a currency crisis. Like Venezuela, Ecuador has been ruled by a socialist government that was able to subsidize its social engineering projects through oil revenues. The end of the oil boom has left the government without the means of paying for its programs, and as Correa prepares to leave office – most likely turning it over to Vice President Lenin Moreno – he used a recent earthquake as a pretext for a huge tax increase.

Argentina, the third of Sanders’ economic role models, is a country with immense natural and industrial wealth that has seen its economy strip-mined by a kleptocratic government. Under President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the government’s official statistics agency, Indec, released a steady stream of fabrications to disguise the country’s decline – which were accepted at face value by credulous people like Bernie Sanders. Now that Kirchner is out of office, Indec has corrected the statistics, and the story they tell of the country’s economic reality is frightening.“Commiserations Argentines, ”began a recent essay in the Financial Times. “You are now poorer than the Chinese, Bulgarians, Azerbaijanis, Turkmen, Mexicans, Malaysians and Gabonese, not to mention your beloved neighbours in Brazil. All is not lost, though. You are still a smidgen better off than those in Botswana and war-torn Libya.”,

On the other hand, did we collapse after FDR?

We didn't go down like Venezuela because we have a larger nation made up of 50 states rather than just one state.

We also didn't collapse because these states have a varied industrial and manufacturing base. We are not just a one song hit or one horse show. More like a three ring circus of many players. It takes much more to bring down a large and diverse union of 50 states. We were in serious trouble and much of it was because of the bankers and the monetary system. We would have been much better off without FDR. He caused the depression to linger on for much longer than it would have with his idiotic stimulus plans. Most educated people now realize this and freely admit it.


You would know this too if you weren't so busy with talking to yourself with your head in a tin can or listening to your own circle of friends and like minded media echo chamber.

Has every developed nation in the world that outranks us in health, education, happiness, etc. etc. collapsed also?

Nope. Too bad you didn't name those nations. Israel is one of those nations.

I suppose you wanted to leave the door open for wiggle room so you can deny which nations we are talking about?







It's the same for Germany. Very similar crisis situation in terms of migrants coming for the socialistic handouts.





The fact remains, you can only do so much socialism and social economic "justice" and each bit tilts the scale against productivity and the national economic health. To say nothing of the welfare of individuals. It's all fine and good for those who don't work or never will work. But what happens when you have a flood of people pouring in for the freebies? Open borders to those who have no marketable skills and can't even read?

Nope, because it is stupid to equate what Bernie was proposing with the shit that has gone down in Cuba or Venezuela.

Fact is, Bernie never had a real plan beyond rhetoric and hyperbole. We are already deep in debt to the tune of 16 trillion and rising and our national debt will soon outstrip our GDP. When that happens I suspect it will be our tipping point. Those nations you speak of have a tipping point as well. Most of them are almost there and it's not like they've never gone down this road before. They have. Germany sure did. Only West Germany saved the day for East Germany when their monetary system crashed. Nobody was there there save Zimbabwe and it continues to slide down the socialistic rabbit hole of insanity.

This would have been the easiest argument to debunk in a general election.

I just debunked your argument using Bernie's own words. He praised Venezuela system.

He praised COMMUNISM when it was in fashion. Now he realizes he was wrong and is morphing it to another style of socialism that is also failing.

Bernie praises communism

Bernie praises communist cuba

So you lied and failed to remember the past. Sorry bud. Bernie is just an old berned out socialist of what ever stripe happens to be in fashion for the time being. The day will come with socialists will tell us that Sweden, Denmark and Germany just got it wrong and now there is a new flavor.

Thing is, socialism in those countries could have worked if they had stuck to the Nazi version of National Socialism. Being Jewish I know that sounds crazy but socialism does work if you stop thinking of things in a childish manner. It must be forced on a population and indoctrinated into the national psyche. It must become a cultural thing where it becomes unacceptable socially to ascribe to any other system. And it must be strictly controlled and for the citizens of that country. That's why National Socialism worked for a time in Germany. But the problem with that model was Hitler. He was a maniac control freak. His entire government was a cult of personality and he was their god. Same for North Korea. Remember, Germany went from being one of the most advanced nations on the planet to becoming a pariah among the nations. Culturally Germany never really recovered from that shame of the holocaust. So that's where their brand of socialism ended up.

Now they have the modern updated welfare states of EU and they opened the gates to let the world in and share in the free goods. We'll see where that ends up.

Sure, Bernie changed his views of socialism on a regular basis depending on where socialism was headed.

Where was it headed in 2016? Towards universal healthcare (been there done that I other countries) free college? (been there done that even in the good ol USA prior to Reagan fucking it up) wealthy people paying more taxes? (woah look at Mr Cuba over here!!). So pray tell… where was Bernie’s socialism heading in 2016? How was it different from what he was saying back in the 90’s for example?

Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”"

Wouldn’t it be better if incomes were actually more equal? Is it a problem highlighting the issue for you? Do you appreciate our current state of income inequality (it DID give you your Trump).

I know you can give me all the quotes on socialism that seem to favor a European model of the Nordic countries. That's worked for years until of late when they decided to become multicultural and open their borders. Then it begins to break down. There are good things about those countries. Yes I agree. The problem is when you tax the working class to pay for the non working class.

I know brown/black people supposedly draining resources away from you is a huge issue, and it shapes your fears about “socialism”. As a hungry pathetic peasant asking for crumbs from the aristocracy, anyone would get truly upset when more peasants join in to ask for crumbs also. Less crumbs to go around for everyone. Kick the immigrants out (who happen to be brown and different – SCARY) and make the dining hall begging great again! You know what you and the peasant angry about splitting the crumbs have in common? You bend over and appreciate the aristocrats for doing a mighty fine job at feeding you, while they rob 80% of the bread for themselves, and increasingly take more and more of the share of the bread. Instead, you direct your anger at the person beside you who is also hungry and robbed by the aristocrats. You LOVE socialism for the wealthy (you pay for their losses when they fuck up), and yet pull every article in the book to defend do-or-die capitalism at the bottom. Congrats?

Rather, I would see the taxes exempted from the working class laborer and private family owned business and applied to multinational corporations and import tariffs. As well as strict border controls on economic immigrants.

See, despite our differences on who to be angry at (the wealthy robbers or the poor paupers at the bottom), I can agree with some of your solutions. Some level of protectionism is required at this point to balance out the credit-driven redistribution of wealth that has plagued the world for too long now. I agree with Trump on his trade policies (were similar to Bernie’s).

Want to come to a foreign nation? Then come to work or study or work and study. Not come to be a drain on the economy. If you come, you work.

One slight difference in perspective we might have, as an immigrant (and now citizen) is that you will find the greater share of immigrants ARE actually working and trying to educate themselves to be good contributors to our society. If they are illegal? I agree to boot them out (my dad waited 10 years for our visa to be approved). I always come back to our difference being that you think the immigrant is draining our economy, while I think the corporations that write their own laws these days are the ones actually draining the economy (BY THE TRILLIONS) and draining away our jobs. Wealth has transferred up the chain, and not towards welfare recipients in general.

But hey, you say you are for democratic socialism or what ever brand Bernie was or is for. Then how about honoring that? I voted. Doesn't my vote mean something? My opinion count? But you would rather deny my opinion and mock it with sneaky sophistry and insults. Truth is. No brand of socialism really is sustainable because it always ends the same way. Either gradually or rapidly or is sustained through force. If you want real freedom and espouse real freedom, then give me the freedom to opt out. I live here. It's my country. I adhere to the founding fathers idealism. That's what I want and that's my right. Respect that or realize people like me will never be with you on it and will always be against you. I will die and be gone soon. But there are millions like me who are waking up to the shame and sham that is "socialism". The war against freedom will never end until all freedom lovers are dead. You've got a long war ahead. We will never be silenced until we are dead. And you just found out from your own party what it's really all about.

Despite receiving trillions of dollars in oil revenue over recent decades, Venezuela is in the midst of an unprecedented economic collapse, owing precisely to the redistributionist programs that Sanders has extolled as a model for the U.S. economy. Grocery store shelves are barren, hospitals have no access to vital medicines, rationing is under way, and riots have begun to coalesce in the streets of Caracas.

The first step to making your point across is not quoting utter reductionist bullshit. If you want to learn the vision that Bernie has, read about FDR, not dumbass Chavez. You falsely attributed the same thing to Argentina, and I can see how PATHETIC these lines of attack would have been during a general election against Bernie.

We also didn't collapse because these states have a varied industrial and manufacturing base. We are not just a one song hit or one horse show. More like a three ring circus of many players. It takes much more to bring down a large and diverse union of 50 states. We were in serious trouble and much of it was because of the bankers and the monetary system.

Thanks for admitting where the blame was, and were it lies today. You would understand that an unfair financialized economy is the root of most of our troubles in 2016, but you are too busy freaking about brown people hitting he emergency room and the whole “they took our jobs!” simpleton complaint (hint: the corps took your job and saved a few bucks at your expense). The funny thing is that all your links about Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. all fall back to a migrant crisis caused by a military industrial complex run amok in the Middle East (did you know the Pentagon blew $6 TRILLION in the last 10 years that they can’t account for?... man! That’s one big ass welfare check you feel giddy about… that’s a bunch of salary raises that our workers could have had, but that you adamantly defend because freedom?).

Again, my point is that whenever I get into conversations with the other side about “socialism”, I have to remind them each time that they live in a pure socialist Utopia (but for the donor/owner class). I have to remind them that the real enemy is not the unknown brown person wanting to work, but the fat white CEO pocketing most of the money and distributing it amongst friends.

There IS a solution to all of this, and it means redirecting the TRILLIONS in handouts to corporations, towards a few billion that could provide a base of support for all Americans for the most important aspects of life (health, education, etc.)

Has every developed nation in the world that outranks us in health, education, happiness, etc. etc. collapsed also? Nope. Too bad you didn't name those nations. Israel is one of those nations.

The fact remains, you can only do so much socialism and social economic "justice" and each bit tilts the scale against productivity and the national economic health. To say nothing of the welfare of individuals. It's all fine and good for those who don't work or never will work. But what happens when you have a flood of people pouring in for the freebies? Open borders to those who have no marketable skills and can't even read?

While no one is advocating for open borders (aside from Hillary), do you know what has ACTUALLY tilted the scale against productivity and the national economic health? Socialism for big corporations. Trillions funneled to the top of the chain, while the bottom is forced to borrow their way through life with stagnant wages (but indeed growing corporate profits and stock prices!). Our government is captured, not by puny welfare recipients at the bottom, but by powerful leeches at the top. You need to understand who your true enemy is. In the words of President Lyndon Johnson: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Don’t fall for that trap… you are being gleefully duped.

Fact is, Bernie never had a real plan beyond rhetoric and hyperbole. We are already deep in debt to the tune of 16 trillion and rising and our national debt will soon outstrip our GDP. When that happens I suspect it will be our tipping point.

Your ignorance of Bernie’s platform is understandable. You even rely on commentary from some tools parsing his words in a TV show to try to say that Bernie loves communism (as he was simply praising a factually superior healthcare system, and progress for farmers… what is so wrong about those? Would you rather we squander another $6 trillion in war racketeering around the world versus providing better healthcare for people? What the fuck is wrong with your priorities?).

Bernie praises communism Bernie praises communist cuba

LOL this shit might have worked for the far-right Fox News crowd… the rest of the world would have laughed in your face. Too bad the first segment ended when the asshole was about to argue that wealth inequality is somehow good… LOL once again…

Where was it headed in 2016? Towards universal healthcare (been there done that I other countries)

Worked out real well in Nazi Germany. They ended up gassing the incurables. Then they worked on down the line to the deplorable and irredeemable people.

free college?

Sure. Who's paying?

where was Bernie’s socialism heading in 2016?

Bernie changes position by the season. He's been all over the map. He won't bother mentioning the socialistic South American countries but now wants to point to the Nordic countries where open borders is crushing their system.

Wouldn’t it be better if incomes were actually more equal? Is it a problem highlighting the issue for you? Do you appreciate our current state of income inequality (it DID give you your Trump).

They also promised equality in Soviet Russia. Everyone became equally poor. No. I am not for equal incomes. Not at the point of a gun or government force. Our inequality now is a result of government corporatism. Trump most likely won't change that. Hillary would make it far worse as she is the poster girl for corruption, graft, grift, bribery and silencing her enemies.

You want to argue Bernie, Bernie, Bernie. Blah blah blah. He's out because of his loony statements in spite of some attractive rhetoric that has little to do with the real world. I love rich people. I hate corporations that have the government in their pocket. Sure, tax the crap out of the corporations. Leave the privately owned businesses alone. And leave wages alone. No minimum wage and no taxes.

I know brown/black people supposedly draining resources away from you is a huge issue, and it shapes your fears about “socialism”. As a hungry pathetic peasant asking for crumbs from the aristocracy, anyone would get truly upset when more peasants join in to ask for crumbs also. Less crumbs to go around for everyone. Kick the immigrants out (who happen to be brown and different –

Now you want to play the race card. Race baiting.

I'm mixed race and not white at all. So you are all bullshit. I refuse to play your racist bullshit game. You're blocked. I'll never hear from you again.

Thing is, socialism in those countries could have worked if they had stuck to the Nazi version of National Socialism.

We could also try a Democratic Republic system where Corporations don’t get to write their own wealth distributive laws (aka laws that will make them more money and crush competition), and support is provided for those who truly need it (not only for those that could do with a few more billions in their retirement accounts). Would you be willing to give that idea a chance? Or are you cool with our version of socialism, as long as the brown man doesn’t get any hand-outs?

where Corporations don’t get to write their own wealth distributive laws (aka laws that will make them more money and crush competition)

If you bothered ask my opinion you would know that I am against corporate laws for those very reasons. I am also against wage taxes on all labor. I'm against corporate lobbies for those very reasons. I am all for taxing corporations at the highest practical level and small business not at all. Also all for tariffs on imports that directly compete with domestic products. Also for contract enforcement fees that will pay for contract violations and provide a ready source of income for local, state and federal government.

and support is provided for those who truly need it

I would define those who truly need it to those who are sick, injured or unable to work due to major health issues or terminal illness. Not to economic refugees or those just crossing a border to seek a better life. That's not a refugee. Want a better life, get an education in your own country or apply for a visa like normal people and then go home and educate your people. Fix your own country before coming here and demanding "equality" and whining about oppression and persecution.

Would you be willing to give that idea a chance?

Sure. So long as the working man is not taxed and burdened. There's already enough theft going on with fees and hidden robbery via the Federal Reserve Bank and fractional reserve lending as well as devaluing our dollar by fiat printing and deficit spending. That's another thing that's unsustainable as well as our SS system. That's a farce of a ponzi scheme.

Or are you cool with our version of socialism

No, I'm not cool with the system that's in place. It's unsustainable and getting closer and closer to a tipping point like they had in East Germany and other countries where the currency was trashed. It's happening here. You can only raise the taxes so much to pay for unsustainable social programs and then print only so much fiat currency and the system will eventually fail. It always has. Sooner or later. Just depends on how many forces are at play. Venezuela has reached it's tipping point and may not survive as a government or a nation. Luckily they have plenty of friendly socialist countries around them so perhaps just the government will fail and be replaced by a more reasonable system.

as long as the brown man doesn’t get any hand-outs?

Oh, you had to go there eh? Just had to play the race baiting card eh?

I'm a mixed race Cherokee, Jewish, German, Italian. So you can piss off with the race baiting.

Yeah, I would have loved to be paying for ghetto kids to go disrupt college classrooms for free on the taxpayer's dime, on top of me also paying for their healthcare... yeah, progress!

I have some bad news for you... you have been paying for the yatchts of fat white CEOs and for weapons in the hands of ISIS, but you seems to be fine and dandy with the massive corporate socialism we have had for the last 40 years.

Should your anger really be directed at the crumbs black people get in welfare or at the TRILLIONS wasted each year in corporate welfare? That kind of racism would have DEFINITELY lost you all the election in 2016. Besides, sociopaths like Soros (the one who funds violence through BLM) was not behind Sanders at all.

Actually, less than half of the people who voted wanted Trump. Actually about 48% at the current count wanted Trump, and on top of that, Clinton has about 200k more votes than Trump...

Basically less then half of our country wanted Trump, and more people wanted Clinton then wanted Trump.

Get this. We are a United States of America. Not one State. Then there is the electoral college.

It's not a matte of gross numbers voting one way or the other. This is so that rural areas that are low in population have an equal voice as large populous states and small states get an equal voice. Rhode Island has a equal voice to California or New York.

Fortunately the genius of the electoral college has once against saved us from any lop sided bias towards the majority of the stupid.

The guys who set up our country knew what they were doing.

While I will not debate weather or not the right person won, I will say that the electoral college is absolutely not democratic and should no longer exist.

There is no reason for our country to not have a purely popular vote election in this day and age. With our ability to put all of the votes into a computer system and calculate them immediately, there is no reason not to just tally all the votes. PLUS It would make our system much more democratic. In our current system My vote in New York is worth MUCH less than the same vote in Vermont next door, and that is completely against how our system should be...

Actually I know what you are saying but you are thinking about it the wrong way. The electoral college is a genius system, it was designed so that one big bunch of people in a small area cannot tilt the scale and have disproportional influence an the election.

For example, without the electoral college, a shit ton of Klingons could move into NYC, breed out of control, and then send the election whichever way they wanted simply because they had the numbers, without significant numerical consideration of the rest of the country.

The more I learn about it, the more I think the founders were geniuses.

While True, The Klingons would control the election if they were able to obtain a majority of the population. We would have a majority of the population which holds the same values as the president. Right now the majority of the population does not support the views of our president elect, and for that matter a majority of people disagreed with all of the candidates.

Those who want pure democracy believe in mob rule. That's what democracy is. Mob rule. Even our pledge of allegiance declares this to be a Republic. Not a democracy.

I will say that the electoral college is absolutely not democratic and should no longer exist.

We were never meant to be a pure democracy. It's a representative democracy. A republic. If you don't like it then please leave. Go to a mob ruled country like China. Or Russia. Or even EU where it's against the law to speak your mind if it's not PC.

I never worried for a second about a Bernie presidency. Sure he's a socialist. But he could only have done anything the way Obama did it. With executive order and eventually congress and the senate would rebel and there wouldn't be much he could do about it. Even now as I write this the GOP of both houses are crafting a legal rebellion to defeat executive orders that are unconstitutional.

Hillary on the other hand has real financial and political power through her myriad connections and clandestine donors and foundations. CGI and the Clinton Foundations and dozens fanning out from those groups. It's a sick demonic octopus of power and corruption that Bernie can't even begin to imagine. Bernie is just a failed, berned out socialist who never had a clue.

My favorite is, I'm not racist,im actually a Bernie supporter,heard that hundreds of times this year.

So I guess we're still putting our hands over our ears and yelling "LALALA" instead of acknowledging that Bernie endorsed her?


DNC plotted against the BERN and now they are paying the price.

Bernie had to endorse her....i doubt he had much of a choice.

I've always assumed they showed him a suicide note in his own writing.

Bernie Sanders said from the beginning that he would support the Democratic nominee if he lost no matter what, and he did just that, even if to a fault. His main goal was to prevent Trump from being elected.

There was recently an email leaked which suggested Hillary has 'leverage' over Bernie. Some sort of blackmail or something similar.

As opposed to having his words and speeches blocked out of all liberal media and never shown again (much like they had already been doing, or did you forget Standing By For Trump). He had to endorse her.

If you think Bernie would have won, you're wrong

I think that youre wrong..

He has zero skeletons in his closet.

Wake up, socialism is not the future.

He's not a full-on socialist, the Socialist party disavows him. I'm not expecting full-on socialism from him, just in the areas that matter like education and health care.

Thats because poor white people dont exist, according to him. Oh wait...

Bread lines are a good thing. He supported (Insert south American dictator here). He's been trying to defund NASA for decades. Vacationed in the U.S.S.R. He's a socailist. Etc.

Price: the election.

They should have never gave you niggas money.

(totally applies to our current situation)

no u

I did

I'm saying it could be boiled down to this

Obviously most people would vote on things other than weed, jackass.

He believes in the constitution. And fights tooth and nail for it.

Not fiscally, either.

Public works and a huge, unnecessary wall, along with expensive deportation squads and trips home for illegals, are not exactly conservative. Neither is intervention in the Middle East, but Republicans have never really been conservative with defense spending.

I didn't vote for Hilary, try again. And he had said that his duty to God is above his duty to the country. Wrong on both accounts.

She is no less guilty. The DNC picked someone they knew had abysmal favorability ratings. Don't forget Jill Stein, making the Green party look like a bunch of hippy retards dancing around with 'magic crystals'..

Four years, but a rollback on all the good that came out of the Obama presidency. Also the two Supreme Court appointments.

What? Sadism isn't a normal human trait? /s

It's not like the people who voted for Clinton over Sanders is going to vote Trump...

You know, that was my first time visiting that sub and I'm not sure if people there are serious or not. I guess I've been in conspiracy too long but literally every comment is in line with being a "shill". I mean, everybody is shitting on trump and America in that sub.

"The president should be a healer."

(Paraphrasing one of my favorite comments from Kucinich back in 2004, I think)

You don't steal when every eye is on you. If Trump didn't cry rigged every two days then the Hillary camp would be able to work their magic.

There is truth in statements about the margin (third party voters totals cover the victory margin in some cases), but there is never a guarantee those votes would go for anyone else if that choice was removed.

I don't. Make VW great again!

Uh thats wrong, he won both Wisconsin and Michigan

The working class isn't going to donate to her foundation.

The saddest thing this election proves is tribalism doesn't need to end, it wins. White men of America took a clear stand that they're scared of anything other than themselves. That's horrifying to anybody who realizes what could actually make America great.


Is that literally a quote? Because that should be on billboards.


The DNC is supposed to be neutral to every candidate. The voters decide who is going to be the Democratic candidate, and the DNC oversees.

It can be clearly seen in the emails that it did not work that way. From day 1, they (the DNC with Debbie Wasserman-shulz at the head of it) treated it as if Hillary was their man. They disregarded Bernie, tried to damage his reputation, then disregarded the votes, etc. Effectively keeping him from being the candidate. When all this came to light, Debbie stepped down. But it was too late at that point

No that's basically the Voter Key project in a nutshell, be able to predict voting behavior and drive internet content behind it to attempt to control what the voter ends up doing.

Not sure why you assume I'm a democrat, also regardless of who was elected they were going to have the lowest approval rating of a president elect.

Like Michigan?

Something tells me they also didn't learn anything. They will double down on stupid, clueless and arrogance. It's their favorite "spirit cooking" show.

Yes, law enforcement officers are now the gestapo and will be kicking down doors to check your papers.

You heard it here first folks!


Gerrymandering your own words lel

Welp. My life's fucking over.

funny how the blame has shifted completely to the DNC now. Not to do with her or the parties stances, not to do with her actions, but the DNC rigging NOW all of a sudden pops up. a week ago, not a single word of it

and with that everyone keeps saying bernie would have won. that's not true either. bernie at least had different ideas than the status quo, but he would not have beaten trump.

the sad part about bernie is, unless he was forced, his endorsement for clinton was just a big 'fuck you' and selling out to all the people who stood behind him. He kept going on about the 'big banks', then endorsed the candidate that is owned by them

Honestly I don't, although a lot of electronic polling machines were down apparently so maybe the nuclear option for Hilary was nixed when the machines weren't even used.

Either way, I look forward to the end of this demonic russia narrative that Hillary was certainly going to make a big part of her presidency.

I think if he is a pawn neither he nor Clinton know it, the people in control are going to be his staff and advisors and we have no idea who's really going to pick them considering trump is probably going to take advice when picking people.

I just think they're too hopeful and naive and unwilling to believe that their hero is part of a corrupt organization.

I wish he had been elected because 1. His politics and 2. We'd get to see a lot more of his wife.