If trump wins the best part will be watching /r/politics having an aneurysm.

4055  2016-11-09 by Sjwpoet

Alright folks, let this be a perfect example of how irrelevant the bought and paid for mainstream media is. With 24/7 shilling across the board for Hillary they still failed. Despite CTR literally buying reddit, they still failed.

The ignorant, vocal minority failed. They lost.


No, but I'll enjoy watching all of the media piss on themselves. Always remember, the DNC did this. The DNC cheated and forced a horrible choice, supposedly on the left.

To cheat this much and still lose says a lot of how much of a loser they picked

This is the part that I get hung up on... not that I don't believe it, but in a more vindicative sense... but any vindication I feel is instantly killed by the fact that we could've and should've had Bernie.

even trump said he would have thought bernie would have been a decent opponent, jesus msnbc cant even put the right graphics on they are arguing with themselves this is great.

Trump is still better than $hillary.

It'll be interesting to see what excuses the DNC uses as to why they lost. I wonder if they will admit the truth, but I highly doubt it.

List of excuses I've seen so far



Cis shit lords

Bernie or busters


Misogynistic shit lords

Uneducated bumpkins

Pieces of shit

No one on my Facebook feed has said "well maybe Hillary was a bad candidate"

Because they don't want to take responsibility, people's POV defines them, they can't not take it personally.

Denial Anger Bargaining Acceptance Death.

You forgot Russia

The current narrative in Canada is that the patriarchy caused the win. Men collectively banded together in the USA to prevent a woman president regardless of her other short comings and scandals

Yes, one billionaire insider who dodges taxes and takes corporate subsidies is better than the other billionaire insider. Keep telling yourself that. Neither candidate was in this race for you. Both are insiders with ties to the monied elite and the oligarchy that run our country. But you keep thinking this is that miracle election where everything is better.

Neither candidate was in this race for you.

Never said they were.

But you keep thinking this is that miracle election where everything is better.

Bernie Sanders would've been my miracle election. He is the man that SHOULD be president, but was robbed of that chance by $hillary.

Also: Who was the sack of shit getting money from foreign nations and banks?

Upvoted for being truthful and honest even though I'm ecstatic Hillary isn't gonna be President

Trump is literally the worst person to have as president. A random person would be better in almost every way.

I'd argue Hillary is literally the worst person to have as president, and it's looking like the majority of America agrees with me.

Hillary is the kind of liar you want as a politician. Trump is the kind of liar that you reprimand a child for being.

He's a fool and a conman and America bought it. Best of luck.

He's a fool and a conman and America bought it.

Still better than Clinton.

This still should've been a Sanders presidency though.

What's better than Clinton about him? Is it literally just anyone is better than Clinton? Or are you just psyched for shadow president Pence? Cause Trump hasn't really given much substance behind his claims.

Edit: Yo cool your jets. I'm from a foreign land, is it not okay to ask questions?

I 100% believe Clinton commited treason and is unfit to be commander-in-chief. Trump has not done anything treasonous, that I'm aware of.

I would still prefer Sanders over any of them, but Trump is still a helluva lot better than that piece of shit Clinton.

Don't forget no land war in Syria against Russia. Psyched about that.

I don't get it, who are you in comparison to him.

Now they've resorted to using foreign shills. They've outsourced shilling!! Good luck with that.

Trump is literally the worst person to have as president.

hillary clinton has a criminal history that stretches back decades. she should have been in prison a long time ago. she is and always will be a psychopath.

.... And you are part of that"uneducated people (who voted for trump)" {which obviously you didn't} good luck on your fairy dream.

There will be a power vacuum in the Democratic Party. Now is a better time than any for Bernie to take that role. I really hope he takes it up, because we may be seeing an Empire Strikes Back with Hillary.

If you run twice and lost both times, you should just hang it up and realize no one likes you.

Didn't she run three times?

the third run was for Satan's assistant (fifth circle), got rejected for incompetence and wickedness.

Maybe, im just basing off of last two elections.

Twice...? 08 and 16

she's done. zero credibility at this point.

Trump will put her in jail.

I don't think so. Him doing that would make him look like a poor sport right away. The only way that would have work is had she refused to consent (challenging her to being a poor sport). He has to unify a very divided US, and spending months convicting Hillary would lead to riots.

People don't care about the WikiLeaks as much as they care for who wins. It's solely our responsibility to reveal the rest of the leaks, and make the information public. It's solely our responsibility to keep the Clinton's (and anyone else corrupt, out of politics). Whether Clinton's in prison or Saudi Arabia, she still has a hand in US politics. Seeing what she has done already, i'm concerned about continued violence being incited.

There's a small victory today in slamming the face of one globalist movement, but Trump is still guilty until proven innocent. The responsibility on our shoulders is as heavy as it ever was.

Edit: Glad to see this discussion. It should really be its own thread. I want her to be held accountable to. I've been anti-Hillary the whole way through. As I said before, we need to continue digesting these leaks, and distribute them into something easy to reference/understand.

I think /u/-Toms- right. He needs to let the FBI and DoJ do its job. I'm sure Obama will be pressuring them before he leaves office. There's a likelihood Trump may end up putting someone like Giuliani (whom hates the Clintons) in the DoJ, and just letting them handle it. Perhaps then she will just flee the country, egging on the continued investigation.

Someone else needs to fill the role she mounted for the Democrats though (please Bernie), or she could guilt trip/fund the public into doing some stupid shit. It seems counter-intuitive, but if I was in Trumps shoes, i'd reach out to some of the more honest people in the Democratic Party now, and ask them to step up and take the reigns.

If we can get the info out there, some of the subreddits will be the backbone to dispersing this divisiveness of this country. Shedding its scales into a peace, through revealing the sheer criminality of these crime families. This does not just include the Clintons, although it starts with them.

I still wish he would prosecute her. It would teach her a small lesson about laws.

Since this is /r/conspiracy, I have been of the opinion since they let her go the first time that Obama will not allow charges because a serious open investigation would implicate him and other high ranking official. Sort of like how he used executive privilege to seal the fast and furious files.

Yeah, a Hillary arrest under Trump would be bad enough, but people would freak out if Obama were implicated too

He has the power to pardon her for things she hasn't been charged with and seal relevant evidence.

If he pardons her. The dems are dead for a generation.

I do think he'll open an investigation into her. Hi knows what was in the Wikileaks and she should be treated just like anyone else would. The average citizen would have been in prison by now, so why should she be treated any different. That's the way I see it.

I would like to see it but I think the best thing for America is to just move on and let her retire.

No way.

She's going to jail still. This doesn't end.

If we have to hunt her down, we will.

Agreed. Many people voted trump because they want to see Clinton be held accountable, not just escape consequences because of her wealth and power.

I voted for Trump exclusively to see if he could deal with Hillary. She's the worst

What will you do if he doesn't do anything to her?

What will I personally do? Not a damn thing. That's why I voted for Trump. He might actually get something done. I'm just a guy with a job who likes video games and sometimes getting laid when the right girl comes along. I have no political aspirations and don't plan on getting into a political career. That being said, Clinton sucks and after reading a lot about her on this sub I hope she is dealt with accordingly

I don't think so. Him doing that would make him look like a poor sport right away.

That's irrelevant, the law is the law.

Why have ANY laws if you can just hand wave some away if they make you look bad?


I disagree; she's a criminal the evidence is obvious and the only reason she got to walk is because of the corrupt individuals in Washington. He needs to make an example out of her so others will think twice..


I read this in mean Gene's voice. And it is good.

the only thing Trump needs to do in regards to prosecuting Hillary is to just let the DOJ and FBI do their job instead of backdoor pressuring them. It seems pretty apparent to me they have stuff to move forward on. Like the email scandal, she DID send classified emails over an unsecured server, she DID send classified emails to people who didnt have clearance. The laws governing that DONT say anything about intent, which is why Comey said he didnt want to indict, she didnt INTEND to break the law. Well nobody gives a flying fuck, the law doesnt give a fuck about intent.

Bottom line is she did it, the FBI knows it, the DOJ knows it. Get Loretta Lynch and the handful of other people shown to be in with the Clintons out of the DOJ and get Comey out of the FBI. Then let the chips fall where they may when people do their jobs.

Rowdy Gowdy for AG.

Hillary knew the law and decided she didn't care. If FBI didn't prove that, it's because the investigation was curtailed.

But at this point, we don't care about the email server. That's merely gross negligence. We care about their use of the Foundation for profit, because they sold SAP level state-secrets to foreign governments. Treason. And hopefully they can bring her circle down besides.

If Trump doesnt get her put on trial, I believe that would send a message to the entire ring of "corrupt politicians" that they have nothing to fear.

... The same ring he has built his campaign criticizing upon. So he would be a bigger liar than Hillary then

How is he being the poor sport? He fucking won. Through that bitch in jail! Effective immediately.

And who is going to riot for imprisoning her? She's a Fucking criminal.

No one cares about, "poor sport," but the losers. Even there their princess betrays them turning her back to their cries and hiding-out alone all night. What this country cares about, and truly all that matters, is precedent and justice for all.

If found guilty, punishment should be swift, severe and streamed live.

Don't hold your breath. Brobama can still pardon her.

both the Clintons are going to play the ill health card, suddenly all the hints and rumors of ill health are going to come true.

Donald is a total wildcard, Bernie may get a bigger voice than he would've with Clinton. It would be a very smart move for trump to offer an olive branch to him, his approvals would skyrocket quickly. His base admires Bernie, even if they disagree with his positions. It would be a win/win for Trump and would humanize him.

But his VP is generic republican shitbag, dunno how far hell be extending branches.

He's Tea Party, of the movement formed in response to the government bailouts.

Why Trump chose Pence.

A few months ago, I was interviewing Trump by phone and I recommended that he not pick a vice president whom the mainstream of the Republican Party liked too much. If he did, I told Trump, they might help get him elected and then get rid of him.

And by that I meant impeachment — not the other thing.

Trump scoffed and said, “Don’t worry, we have some pretty smart people working for us, too.” OK, Donald, I thought, have it your way.

Bernie is a sellout. Trump doesn't need a sellout.

It's easy to call him a sell-out, but we don't know what opposition he faced behind closed doors. He didn't behave a whole lot differently than a man who was threatened with turning one of his grandchildren into a sex slave.

He was bullied by a feminist hag and his pee pee et le scrotum crawled up into his mangina.

Bernie was a socialist and his policies would be disasterous. Pretty much every socialist society in history has been a total shit storm. Great examples would be Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, etc. etc.

Those are great examples of dictatorships. That is not a representation of democratic socialism at all.

Socialism leads to dictatorship/consolidated power, it ALWAYS happens. The US was founded on a republican system not a democratic system, a democratic system is just 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Furthermore wiki leaks emails is showing that Bernie was only allowed to run for the democratic if he was to step down for Hillary.


It has always been about the rich ruling the poor. The people should get a seat at the table. Investing into the people shouldn't invoke the red scare, it's ridiculous.

Uhh.. That's what the American system was setup to be. Through corrupt presidents and government officials being out into place through the years and pulling the wool over people's eyes it has slowly eroded to the point where it was becoming more of a dictatorship. The American constitution was founded on just that though, keeping the power with the people.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

  • Thomas Jefferson

Pls differentiate or join MSM.


Hell yeah man I feel you I was so disheartened when I found out he was cheated. The ptb have screwed America once again.

She was just too big of a turd sandwich

At least a giant douche has a function.

wow.....that uh.....holy shit that blew my mind.

guys.....how long have you people been into conspiracy and politics?

Do you remember last election when it was exposed that the same banks backed both candidates?

The entire political process is that way. It doesn't fucking matter who won. Israel and corporations did.

Yep. Trump's AIPAC speech was pandering as hell, and 4/4 adult Trump children are dating or married to Jews. Not that all Jews are Zionists.

Israel and banks always win, thats a given. No matter who wins they win.

That may have been the case in past presidencies but this one everyone and their grandma interms of the usual suspects of corporations/banks were aligned against trump.

It totally matters if one is an incompetent nutter who will unnecessarily cause chaos. It's pretty clear how world politics was going to develop under Clinton. I'm ready to see if Trump will plot a different course.

I don't think the higher-ups care about many of the details of a government, but we do.

Don't forget Russia.

And shows just how fake the polls were.

I wonder what they were polling. They missed the mark badly

After the Brexit polls and this I'm convinced that they intentionally select regions that are favorable to the cause they have allegiance too. I'm not much on conspiracy theories but its blatantly obvious the media has bias, and the polls support the bias, so what other conclusion can one possibly come to?

Where were you? It came out like months before the election that Dems were over sampling by like D+9 W+12

I know it to be true, but I phrase it as a question because people tend to react better when they think they draw the conclusion on their own.

"not much on conspiracy theories"

posts in /r/conspiracy.

I exclusively browse r/all but yeah, touche sir lol.

Probably their own liberal circle.

They restrict their polls to the liberal urban areas. If you look at a lot of the election map, most of it is red. They don't poll in those areas.

I heard all kind of rumors about the polls. Such as that they were not polling Whites in many areas to get the results they wanted.

Not only that, I think people just didn't want to admit over the phone to a stranger that they were a Trump supporter. I certainly wouldn't have, I think a lot of us are a bit too paranoid, and rightly so.

Even after the election, Trump supporters will be a silent majority.

"Uhhhh. I just wrote someone else in, I promise. Yup, threw my vote away, no votes for Trump here."

I think a lot of people will deny having voted.

See Brexit, happened there, will happen in the next few weeks and months in the US as well.

It's not so much that the polls are faked, it's that the media worked to demonize Trump so much that people didn't want to admit that they were voting for him. They'd say they were undecided, independent, or straight up Clinton.

I think that the DNC legitimately thought they had it in the bag, especially Pennsylvania, because of the polls showing their victory as the most likely scenario. They thought they'd have record turnout because people were afraid of a Trump presidency, but it appears that the opposite was true.

On top of disenfranchising the primary voters, they got complacent, and failed to recapture all of those blue collar and union voters who were such staunch supporters of Bernie.

If Hillary had campaigned as if she was losing, she might have won. The DNC's and Hillary's arrogance lead to this, and they have no one to blame but themselves. It's going to be at least 2-4 years of a Republican majority Congress combined with a Republican President...a lot is going to change, for better or worse.

had campaigned as if she was losing, she might have won

I think she never had the charisma for victory, her only claim to political fame was being the wife of Bill. She's as qualified as Trump's current wife. I think things will change for the better, people are getting more involved in democracy. We are just gonna have to put up with a lot of stonewalling for the next couple of years,.

To cheat this much and then lose to a spray tanned ham sandwich is amazing.... She essentially was Johnny Knoxville in the Ringer and she just lost to Glen Chervin

As Powell said in his email, she screws everything up that she touches with her hubris.

I think Trump has some really awful character traits, but he's nowhere near as amoral as hrc. I really hope he follows through on his comment about getting a special investigator to prosecute her. I'm so excited! Hillary for prison!

and I thought I had bad luck

I'd call it karmic.

And the motives for doing so

It makes me wonder if they preferred GOP over Bernie, because they could have just been fair and bernie would be president elect right now

That's because the usual winner didn't lose.

Corporations and Israel won.

all the big media corps went "all in" with Hillary... it was amazing watching their faces as the slow realization that Trump might actually win this.

Who gets a press pass after this? Here's hoping he drains the media swamp as well.

I hope you're right, but all history points to the fact that he won't drain shit.

He's in power now, and he'll hold onto it. He'll gain more by doing favors for people than lining up the media or establishment for a figurative firing squad.

Seriously. Imagine how much this will do for his businesses and brand?

I think he just won the ultimate reality TV show.


Are you serious?

Favorable representation in the media, being described as "muscular" or "tremendous", less negative press, favors for establishment Republicans in exchange for not stonewalling in congress, the list goes on. He only needed the popular vote to get into office, he's there until impeachment now.

Politics is a compromise game, if you truly don't know this, it just shows you voted based on catchphrases. Nobody who increasingly promises such big, impractical things actually delivers, just look at Obama.


I hope you are right. This is the only reason I voted for him. It was the only choice to up end the systemic corruption.

You are correct. He will negotiate as negotiators do, but ultimately he has a game plan and he will stick to it. He's doing it so his kids will have a country with a future. Draining the swamp is pretty high up on the list, I definitely see it happening.

he has little to gain by pleasing them

What?! I just listed the things he can gain by playing ball!

Every president wants an easier job, and being able to spread the narrative that you want affords a leader an enormous amount of power. Hillary promised news outlets exclusive stories in exchange for choosing how they were written, and somehow still gained about 50% of the vote despite this, and her rampant corruption, being exposed. Spin is in huge demand in politics.

Trump will be president now, he doesn't need the private sector to help distribute stories. Paired with the fact that Obama repealed the laws prohibiting the US government from making propaganda, Trump already has an effective mouthpiece for his narrative. Anything he gave to news companies would be eaten up, and spun however he wanted in exchange for the exclusive rights to the story.

His history with the media will have no bearing on his presidency, if he's smart. Plus, he's already talking about coming together as a country, I doubt he'll even press for justice in the Clinton case. He's in power, he doesn't need anyone else's approval now, until he runs for re-election, or needs the senate's favor upon impeachment.

edit - You're from fucking Australia and you shitpost in The_Donald? Are you fucking retarded? What is your motive?


I insist on devolving to personal insults. Your camp was guilty of it enough.

You're a fucking jackass for interfering in other countries' elections, and especially for backing such a dumbfuck. If your shitposting habits indicate your preference in politicians, I hope your shit country keeps the numb dolts it elects until you become so irrelevant that people assume you're part of Antarctica.

I used to entertain the thought of moving there if this was the outcome, but knowing stupid fucks like you live there has thankfully made me reconsider.

Did you think to do any fucking research before you become a foot soldier for the guy? Of course fucking not. You're Strayan. You don't know he's a habitual liar, cheat, con man, megalomaniac, pompous, crass windbag. You don't know the majority of the country views him as a joke. You wanted to be a centipede because it made the other cucks on 4chan notice less that you only post boring prattle.

News media in America has been discredited, biased, and outed for collusion in our country so many times, that people either ignore it or just get news from social media. And because of stupid, bored, unproductive, fucking attention seeking little shits like you, they have a completely wrong picture of what they're getting over the next 4 years.

If I could, I would give you my spot in this country as punishment for forcing this on people too young to vote. Since this isn't possible, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied that you're you, and you will have to be for the rest of your life. You truly are a piece of shit, and you deserve that the only thing people came to your shit island to see is now dying. Fuck yourself, hard.

Btw, silent majority is a euphemism for dead people. Fitting.


I was asking if you researched him, dumbass. As in his past. You might actually have an informed opinion on him if you knew anything about what he stood for in the past, instead of just his obvious pandering.

I can't believe how easily fooled you are, is the whole continent this stupid?

my country

What makes it yours? The fact that you participate in its elections? Maybe I'll try to keep Murdoch's party in power, so I have a slice too

Seriously, fuck yourself so hard. I can't even think of words to describe how low I consider you without breaking site guidelines


Hey now, you said you wouldn't engage. Don't go back on your word, I was counting on not having to listen to rocks bouncing around in an empty cranium anymore.

Don't concern yourself with my health, either. I'm in my prime. Kinda makes it easier with health costs, but hey, I guess we have you to thank for not having governmentally ensured health insurance anymore.

Tough titties that you have to deal with everything being fucking expensive down on earth's asshole, eh? How much is a pack of cigs, 20 dollarydoos?

You're like the fucking rednecks of the globe, I swear. Enjoy your shit life, wallaby fucker.

He is 70, what he would do of more power than he already has. I call for go all in and do something that no one dared to do it.

Still he went on that island though.

I don't understand your first paragraph, and are you talking about the kid diddling island?

The faces when they had to annoying that Hilary concede, they were priceless!

No, but I'll enjoy watching all of the media piss on themselves.

It's already happening. I've switched from CNN and Fox and they BOTH had a journalist start talking about how they are concerned for their family. blah blah blah. Nothing but fear mongering.

You think it's unreasonable for a minority in a red state to feel scared?


Your kidding right trumps campaign was based on fear mongering.

And Clinton's campaign is based on her having a vagina.

her having a vagina.

can you imagine it !!!!!!

I'd rather not

I will never be able to un-see that.

Yeah it's Kaye's out actual polices instead of just broad air brush statements tailored for the "un-educated"

Cheated out a Candidate with grassroots support that actually fought for the people, and then forced in a candidate that not only is going to lose, but lose by a landslide.


Good job DNC, Good job.

rachel madows face is amazing! the following week will be awesome! you know shes going to over fucking react! people will get fired left and right i can only imagine... feels so good!

Obama's face when he has to inaugurate him.... diamonds, my dick is pure diamonds

I am overjoyed the DNC is paying the price they so richly deserve.

Fuck them all especially Maddow. I once thought she had a few morals-- no more!

Its hilarious, all these people breaking down after being thoroughly brainwashed. Berkeley turds are running amok in the streets in their own excrement right now lmao.

I think it might be bigger than dnc.

The majority did this, they voted against corruption. They stood up against more of the same bullshit politics of the past.

Everyone will find someone to blame, one entity they can burn, but they'll all be wrong. If you want to see the architects of this revolution, look at the people.

At the end of the day, if you run a shitty candidate you will lose. In this era of transparency, the internet, etc, very little goes unnoticed. The Democrats ran a candidate they KNEW was bad for the country and it should be no surprise that voters in "not to be fucked with states" like Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin stood up.

Dont worry people are already insulting Sanders supporters for saying this.

Just as predicted...

They still dont realize we see right through their stupid political games.

CNN started the night with Hillary 90% chance of winning.

Yup, that about sums up the accuracy of CNN.

Would that say anything about the accuracy though? 90% allows for 10% chance which is what happend.

Those fucks are so stupid they tell the truth by mistake 10% of the time.

The actual odds according to 538 were about 35 to 65

Huffington post gave Trump a solid 1.6% chance of winning. Then bragged about their prediction track record.... The page predictions were replaced with live election results so I don't have a good link for you now

math is hard

They miss 90% of the 100% they're right while using that 10% to justify a win.



Also, when FL was called by multiple outlets to Trump they didn't update their tracker but instead automatically updated with CA.

For almost an hour they had a 20+ delegate lead in Clintons favor and avoided giving Trump FL during that period.

I was flipping from Fox to CNN and noticed that. They refused to call Florida for a long time after Fox had already done so. I guess they were just trying to keep hope alive for Hillary.

they had to give their Hillary viewers something to hope for so they would keep watching.

They were all working on their resumes.

They were even 30 minutes behind on updates about states that Hillary won, though. It took them a good 20 minutes after Google, Fox News, and local stations announced she had taken a late lead in Virginia to even mention it.

I think CNN may just be an all-around terrible news source... (not that that's news or anything)

I only looked at CNN for about a minute, but they had no real information and their screens were just filled with minutiae. I don't give a fuck about what Darryl Johnston of Buttfuckia Iowa thinks give me the numbers for the country/state! That's my quota of CNN for the next 3 years.

i know right! I keep refreshing and it just got funnier and funnier the longer they went without giving him Florida.

God... the propaganda.

Huffypoo was saying 99%

Whew, good thing they aren't biased or they might have said 100%.

shows wtf CNN knows. Hang those bitches high.

Just for fun I listened to CNN this morning. Kids, it was pee pants city in there. "How did this happen?" "What went wrong?"

I think they still don't get it.

any video of this?

On their Road To 270 thing it had Trump at 11% this morning

the Road To 270

So they are comparing Trump to Aurelian? (The Roman emperor who took power in AD270: famous for temporarily halting the decline of Rome: he conquered the lost eastern provinces and ended the crisis of the third century.) I think that's being very kind to Trump, and is probably over optimistic.

Can't campaign when you're dead. Sorry Aurelian

Do we have a screenshot for this? Because that would be beautiful. Not finding anything on GIS.

http://i.imgur.com/fJoq2nq.png Different website, but you get the idea...

Daaaamn that is dramatic - website?


HAHAHAHA oh gawd...

Awesome, thanks. Tryin to do a bit of work on FB. There seem to be A LOT of people that have realized the news is essentially fake. Very encouraging.

r/politics? What about this sub? It's been projecting that HRC was the pre-chosen winner since two years ago; many here didn't even vote because voting is for idiots who think it matters. Now the very thing they thought was established fact is slowly crumbling before our eyes.

Same thing with Brexit. The morning of, everybody here was dumbfounded, saying "this doesn't make any sense" or "this wasn't supposed to happen..."

This sub'll have to to some deep soul searching to find out who the real baddies are. Within a year, they'll turn on Trump and call him a monster.

Now the very thing they thought was established fact is slowly crumbling before our eyes.

And I couldn't be happier as a result. I have zero problems shedding preconceived notions in light of facts. It's the very definition of being open-minded.

In this case, I made a post theorizing the general was rigged (especially because god knows the DNC primaries were). The fact that Trump won is the biggest symbolism that our votes may still matter for reform.

I love the election results for the single reason that it proves to me that the will of the people still determines who gets the presidency.

With that said, truth plays out alongside events. Trump could no doubt be a monster--most of us are saying he's a terrible candidate with terrible policies--but the crux of this election for most of us here is whether or not a corrupt candidate with every possible advantage could swindle her way into the white house. The answer to that question was no.

Now, of course our attention will turn to Trump, his actions, and if he's at all honest (he probably isn't). Maybe it'll be discovered that Soros funded Trump and other more powerful factions actually appointed him for president--this theory isn't likely, but the main point is, we will stay open minded.

This sub'll have to to some deep soul searching to find out who the real baddies are. Within a year, they'll turn on Trump and call him a monster.

Man, that's the thing making this so much less exciting. Nothing was "won" today. Good job america. Out of fear and hatred for one small example of how shitty our system is, we voted in a differently awful individual. Trump will of course be a disaster, but in the chaos real opportunities for change might accidentally spring up, and it will be entertaining as fuck. But people need to realize Hilary was just one ugly head of the hydra, and the elites will probably learn a lot of lessons from this so it only gets shittier from here unless people really wake up to what is going on.

As far as nobody thinking Trump would win, well, nobody predicted the wikileaks.

Trump will of course be a disaster

I don't think so. The man knows how to bring in a team of experts to manage the areas he doesn't know about and that's how he banked in Business and licensing. Its not that hard to be President, you literally just have to surround yourself with geniuses and manage them.

What I'm really hoping for though, is Hillary for Prison and the breaking up of the Clinton Foundation along with all the Treasonous snakes associated with her including DWS

How could he not be a disaster? He's not intelligent(but he is sometimes clever), he's not a politician and I don't at all trust him(and especially his VP) to surround himself with the correct experts. Who is he gonna pick for his experts? Either random friends or people he has met through hanging with hilary and/or people his VP suggests(fuck all those options). The thing that will make him a disaster is also his saving grace; that he will be so out of his league and confused that he might not accomplish anything at all. I suspect his VP and congress will get him to do what they want for the most part, which will be the will of the corporate. He's too egotistical to just quietly do coke while his VP runs the show so hopefully his meddling keeps them from being effective too.

I'd really like to see him go after Clinton though.

How could he not be a disaster?

Because he runs a multi-billion dollar Real Estate and Licensing company. Sure he made some bad moves/decisions, but always came back and learned from it. The biggest thing is that Trump has said a few years ago that we are undergoing a Deindustrialization and slow collapse that is destroying the country (Thanks NAFTA/Bill Clinton/Globalists) and that he would consider running for Pres in the Future to undo this, so he has his own empire on the stake as well.

He's not intelligent(but he is sometimes clever), he's not a politician and I don't at all trust him(and especially his VP) to surround himself with the correct experts.

His company is literally a team of experts: construction/development partners/financing/lawyers/etc that help run a number of companies with Thousands of employees. Running the U.S. is somewhat similar in that you have a board of directors in place and you manage them. Pence also brought in big time incentives in Indiana that convinced a number of businesses/factories to move there and create jobs.

Either random friends or people he has met through hanging with hilary and/or people his VP suggests(fuck all those options).

We will see.

The thing that will make him a disaster is also his saving grace; that he will be so out of his league and confused that he might not accomplish anything at all.

Of course there is a chance for that, and Dems cock blocking any bills he tries to pass. But I doubt it. I'm sure this man understands the Brevity of what is at hand. He's had a ton of interviews directly calling out the elite/1% globalists, George Soros, Banksters, etc and No One has run for President and lived, talking in this manner.

I think you're going to see the bankers tank the markets and try to blame it on him starting tomorrow

I'd really like to see him go after Clinton though.

This last point for me would = a successful presidency and reset the DNC. If Clintons/Foundation/Pedosta's are all jailed/broken up, then its a 100% win in my book

He sells his name to put on shit that other people make using money he inherited. He's a Kardashian, right down to the reality show.

real estate business

He already had money and connections thanks to his family. And during the decades he built his name, real estate prices were going crazy. Pretty much anyone could have had a successful business starting out the way he did and just buying random land. I do agree that we need to bring back production to the country, so maybe he will help with that. I don't think being president and being CEO are very much alike other than that they are figureheads. Companies and a world power are not run the same way. If we start worrying about quarterly financial reports that only allow growth over growth(i.e. what shareholders want the CEO to do) then this country is fucked, because we've seen what kind of horrible HR situations that causes in the big companies.

Dems won't cockblock him because the republicans took congress. What do you suppose he will actually do against the 1% though? He isn't gonna bust up Monsanto or the telecoms or energy companies. He isn't gonna go after the money guys and Wall Street, unless they make him look really bad and it bruises his ego. I do agree they will probably blame him for the market crash(which would have happened under Hilary as well, every 4-8 years as we all know), and unfortunately that will be a boost for globalism if they convince people his isolationism caused the crash. Lets see if he can get all the international corporations and Cayman island bullshit actually taxed, eh? (I'm not betting on it).

Resetting DNC would be nice since they need it after all the decay from shitty liar neocons like the Clintons and Obama. But that's not 100%, not even 10% win. With Hilary gone there would still be a ton of bad guys in DC. Congress, all the agencies and contractor companies and stuff between defense, energy, fda etc etc etc. And, again, he won't be able to(or probably even try) to do much about the corporations that are above international law at this point. Knocking out Hilary, Podesta and another dozen people from the leaks is nice(and mandatory) but it's token; the corruption is still all around and now they know to keep it subtle. Stepping on a few cockroaches versus poisoning or starving the whole swarm, you know? Or even burning the house down.

Trump might not be a complete waste of time if we get lucky and he gets the right information but there is no reason to expect that given what we know about how the world works.

He already had money and connections thanks to his family.

It's what you do with what you are given, and he did well with it. Now he's given POTUS, and it is what he will do with it

And during the decades he built his name, real estate prices were going crazy.

Real Estate is risky and he took some chances in some crappy neighborhoods that eventually trended the right way. Its not all easy and always on the up and up, as 2008 prove via recession

I do agree that we need to bring back production to the country, so maybe he will help with that.

We can;t bring back production to old levels because of robotics/A.I. (See Tesla's gigafactory). But we can prevent the bleed

I don't think being president and being CEO are very much alike other than that they are figureheads. Companies and a world power are not run the same way. If we start worrying about quarterly financial reports that only allow growth over growth(i.e. what shareholders want the CEO to do) then this country is fucked, because we've seen what kind of horrible HR situations that causes in the big companies.

I agree, it's much more than economics, but what's awesome is that we need to put us first for a change and start pulling all the financing/AID to other countries, reinvest in ourselves, infrastructure, get off Saudi oil, garbage non-gold-back currency. Its going to be a War within the Gov next coming years and I wouldn't be surprised if Globalists pull a JFK on him

Dems won't cockblock him because the republicans took congress. What do you suppose he will actually do against the 1% though?

Put Hillary/Podesta/DNC crooks in jail, pull out of middle east, cut ties with Saudi's. If he just does those 3 things, the we are at war successfully instead of outright losing as has been the case..

I'll write back more tomorrow, bout to crash

pull out of middle east, cut ties with Saudi's

And Israel will threaten us with nukes.

Fuck Israel....step 1

You... You're the type of person that doesnt understand how being filthy fucking rich is (when you didn't initially try). You can fuck up every single time in life if you were born into money, and still be alright. You were born with connections, and born with a plan laid out for you. All he did was follow it, and he still fucked up a ton on the way to stability (like investing in the housing market right before 2007, for one).

Being a "multi billionaire" does not imply shit. Rich people can basically buy luck, and luck is all takes to get there. Luck in keeping your connections, meeting the right people, and the luck to have your investments work out. Life is determined soo much more by chance than by choice.

But no, most people on reddit have a hard time accepting that life is Almost completely out of your control. All he knew was business, so of course he never pussied out. When you've got that much luck, all you got to do is keep trying and its a matter of time.

I hope that a makes sense. it's similar how it just comes down to chance where you're born: People in poverty didn't strive to be poor their whole.lives, most were born into it. Don't believe its always their fault. Don't believe its always rich people's fault that they're rich, either.

It makes sense but I disagree that its simply all laid out. Sure he could have been born to a family with money/connections, but he still has to establish/make/keep those connections and navigate them and his business.

I have quite a few friends who came from nothing, in fact, were so broke only had plain bread to eat some days, that are now multi-millionaires and did it all with connections/ideas/investments/hard work.

Plus, I'd rather not have another politician in the White house. Plus the fact this guy loudly called out the globalists/soros/elitists/banksters etc, which unprecedented, and now we will se if he acts on it

Not intelligent. Think about that. Not intelligent. The man amasses a fortune, and then wins the fucking presidency, but he is "Not intelligent". What more difficult goal is there to set for oneself? There are lots of things that can be said about the man, but "Not intelligent" is seriously about as far away from reality as I can imagine. Check yourself out, have you set goals like his? have you accomplished them? Would you even be able to pull off such a feat if your life depended on it? Wow. Just Wow.

Not amasses. He was born into luxury and then used it. This is no rags to riches tale

Also look at the beginning. He was uncontested. The republicans relied on him because they saw that he could bring out the worst in people and not be held accountable like his political counterparts. Steep move, but against Hillary it worked out. If he was running against Bernie or even Carson.. not so easily obtained.

He turned a million into several billion. If you buy his story. But assuming that part is true, that is no easy task.

Have you heard him talk? He isn't intelligent, he is occasionally clever. Without wikileaks and a mass frustration with the way things are, he would not have won. He was brexit; he didn't win this election on his own credentials. He won because he isn't hilary.

From another comment of mine: during the decades he built his name, real estate prices were going crazy. Pretty much anyone could have had a successful business starting out the way he did(money and connections from family) and just buying random land.

I don't know why my goals are relevant here. Go wow and check yourself.


drunks, multiple ailments and likely dying, barely able to walk, has to be guided through dark rooms by dude with flashlight.


Lets not forget many of Trumps business ventures failed. WHAT A GOOD BUSINESSMAN, RIGHT GUIZE?

Clinton lost Trump won

sorry what was that again !?

Clinton lost Trump won

time to drain some swamps (including pedo pizza establishments)

What has that got to do with /r/conspiracy though? What is this sub actually for?

I would argue that Trump's dodgy past, his failed business ventures, his alleged links to the Mafia, his refusal to release his tax returns, etc. are all relevant subjects (i.e. potential conspiracies) for discussion in this sub, but unfortunately it's just turned into a pro-Trump echo chamber. Sad!

highkey hope it plays out like this, and he isn't just an escapegoat for Hillary to seek asylum

Its going to be like /r/pokemongo everyones really exited at launch day, And then they start removing features...

I was thinking more no mans sky. bunch of bullshit fed to you before launch, then when it gets here, you notice how none of the previous claims are there.

honestly ill be surprised if he even builds the wall.

The funny thing is, we're only seeing comments like this now because we aren't being brigaded by The_donald. There's nothing to gain here anymore.

I've been saying this shit for months, that Clinton is godawful but Trump has a whole 'nother set of problems we'll have to protest against. And he's a lot more likely to take it personally.

I hope it turns out alright, and that I'm wrong in believing he's potentially the greater of the two evils. I just read a biography on Nixon though, and considering the parallels I am not very optimistic.

Nixon actually admitted he was wrong too, even if it took him a while to get there. I don't think we'll ever see that from Trump, I'm not even sure if he'll recognize the next election's results and leave office.

you think so too? I honestly have to say that we were so busy getting wrapped up on exposing Hillary, that we didn't see the shit hit the fan until tonight, and the ones who did, they got brushed off as being shills. Wait for it, shits about to happen and its only about to get darker.

Oh, I have no doubt.

I've known Trump was going to make serious blunders as president, and almost voted for Clinton because of it. I just knew I couldn't live with myself if I did.

I don't think she'd necessarily start ww3, I didn't believe the pedogate bullshit, but I knew how much she put her own interests ahead of others'. There's no room for that in politics, without even beginning in on the corruption issue.

I have no doubt we will see a new war under Trump, though. And I think it'll do enough to our economy and appearance to ensure that we're never a world leader again.

That's terrifying. We can survive 4 years of backward thinking, sure. People will get offended and hurt and maybe others will struggle financially and some will be ruined entirely. But war is different. War happens once and the effects are felt for lifetimes, not presidential terms. That's what scares me.

Me too. I don't want my generation to be the one reminded of the horrors suffered in the world wars. I'm not ready for hell on earth again.

Nobody is, or will ever be. I don't know if that kind of war can/will be fought anymore, but if it can then there will be so great and terrible a conflict that no place on this pale blue dot we call home will be safe, and everyone will be forced to pick a side. It will be the bloodiest and most costly war that ever was and possibly will be, depending on the outcome.

I hope it never comes to pass.

God help us.

I have no doubt we will see a new war under Trump, though.

This surprises me. I can't imagine his motivation to do this.

Why do you think this and do you have any likely victims in mind?

No victims in mind, I'm sure it will be to take public attention off of some scandal or uncovered dirt in his presidency.

He's too reckless with money to indicate he'll be any different with power.

So he's just going to indiscriminately declare a war on...someone?

Of course not. We have all kinds of enemies we could antagonize into striking us first.

We're already on the brink in Yemen, we have boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, it's not that hard to imagine just escalating a little bit and making a huge deal about it. It's not like we'd have to have a full-scale land war with Russia, or would even want one.

I think that would all be more likely with Clinton, considering her track record. At least with Trump you have someone who's espoused isolationist tendencies. I'm hopeful that we can finally get out of the war business, even though it will come at an enormous financial cost (military equipment and movies are just about the last two things the USA makes).

I think we'll find room for other industries if we don't spend everything on defense, though. At least I hope.

I don't think that Trump is the isolationist candidate you were hoping for, though. He's pretty hard for ISIS.

I know you're equating it with his economic isolationism, but in my eyes, he should have the opposite stance on the two. I don't want to go back to being a manufacturing based economy, entry costs are too high now to benefit anyone but the multinational corps.

What we really needed was a candidate with the cleverness and boldness to lay out a plan that puts pressure on kids and parents to get legitimately smart (as opposed to training for standardized tests). In the upcoming century the people who thrive are going to be the ones who can do complex, critical thinking and can supplement that with mathematics and scientific knowledge.

I think the US people have to pull back significantly from consumerism and entertainment and reform our paradigm into healthy living and self-improvement. Sort of the Star Trek idea. Lead the world into a better future.

We didn't even get close.

Oh god, if only. That's like my wet dream.

Unfortunately, I've accepted that we probably won't make it into space before we kill off our chances of surviving on the planet, by means of war, pollution, or overconsumption. I just can't find a way to hope anymore.

I used to think the point of humanity was fanatical, enthusiastic drive toward achievement and exploration. We definitely don't live in the world that we thought we lived in when we were 10.

Me too. I saw myself visiting Mars on vacation by 20, and maybe taking a space cruise by 70.

Now I'm hoping for no nuclear war, famine, drought, economic collapse, or violent uprisings over the next 4 years.

Things certainly took a turn. I hope we all come out of it alright. And I hope your vision of the future comes to pass.

One of the things that keeps me somewhat optimistic is that this is a possible shift from the slow deterioration of the USA. With Hillary we know it was going to continue to get worse.

As I said to my depressed parents, sometimes in life the things that we want the least happen anyway and we find that they do great things for us. Nobody wants to get fired...until they get a better job. Nobody wants to get dumped...until they find the love of their life.

A guy like Trump might just do some good stuff. At the least, it seems like he wants to do some major lobbyist and campaign finance reform. If we can wrest our country away from the parasites then we could have a government that works on our behalf. Gotta start somewhere. Hopefully that gives you a little hope.


What is this?

He's already caused damage to the presidency, by challenging the validity of the elections, permanently lowering the level of discourse in the campaign process, encouraged violence and lack of education in the voter base, accusing the government of past conspiracy theories, etc.

Even if I agree with anything he said, we're always going to have lower expectations of our leaders now, and we probably won't care as much about their credibility or if they can actually accomplish the things they promise.

He hasn't doomed us yet, but he has severely lowered my expectations for the US in the future, and I know he has weakened and discredited us on the international stage. I don't believe that he's a Russian puppet, but he has certainly done a lot that will shift the globe in the BRICS nations' favor.

The ignorance is strong with this one.


What is this?

Certainly hasn't beaten my dog but he has spoken out against our basic human rights to practice any religion. He's bragged about assaulting people, not just women. And he has vocalized his disdain for several races and cultures. If Obama did any of the above... he would have been shot down. But not this guy. Why? Play the politics game all you want but everyone knows he is under qualified and is basically a small child playing with big boy toys. Someone is bound to get him to pull their agenda by taking advantage of his power because he is uneducated in the ways of the law. Yeesh you wouldn't trust this guy to defend you as your lawyer but he's your president!!

Bottom line. If you don't feel unrepresented by a misogynistic president, than you have a privilege the rest of us do not. I suppose that is the one time your idiocy and lack of intelligence will benefit you. Ignorance is bliss.

the system needs a reset, its corrupt to the core.

Nice catchphrases, but unfortunately they don't really help us anymore. We need action now.

they'll turn on Trump and call him a monster.

He's already been called a racist sexist misogynist pedophilic child rapist. Calling him a monster is nothing.

As far as nobody thinking Trump would win, well, nobody predicted the wikileaks.

I did, I told everyone I knew from the start that the end would be a ton of shit being uncovered about Clinton. And Clinton would counter attack the moment it would surface (grab her by the pussy), but they would keep putting it out. Pretty simple strategy, the Clintons just couldnt produce enough to counter wikileaks, but I knew it was coming, they said this stuff would be released from the start.

I resubbed to watch the reactions here

What about this sub?

thats a big assumption you make on people you don't know,

not born out by tonights election results.

You are talking like this sub is really that uniform. I wouldnt say the majority of readers and posters here supported trump.

It's been projecting that HRC was the pre-chosen winner since two years ago

She was, and I still stand by that. We were supposed to have her, that's the way the establishment works. Trump was the outsider we hoped he was.

This sub'll have to to some deep soul searching to find out who the real baddies are. Within a year, they'll turn on Trump and call him a monster.

The tell for me is how he responds to Israel.

As an outsider, this sub has gone from a kinda goofy place where people still think Bush did 9/11, WTC 7 yada yada, to a de-facto Trump/Rep echo chamber. Of course it's not my place to dictate what the content of this sub should be, but I would've thought that it should look at and discuss possible conspiracies wherever they may be and whoever they involve.

If this sub was true to it's original cause we'd see, for instance, discussions on Trump's alleged links to the Mafia while building his business empire; and if Hillary had refused to release her tax returns and was accused of tax avoidance we'd see no end of references to how, at the very best, it's immoral, and at worst, completely inappropriate for a presidential candidate. But all I see is a whole lot of cognitive dissonance surrounding his past.

Also, I've seen a whole lot of accusations of CTR taking over /r/politics. Well, if you think that Trump didn't hire people to do similar work for him - maybe even here in /r/conspiracy where 2/3 of all mods were appointed 1 year or less ago - then you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

vote for what? A clinton (the second) the president's wife "versus" a clinton donor and family friend, TV personality and WWE Raw actor / slumlord Donald Trump, such democracy, wow. people's democratic republic of america over here. No worries everyone this is how we have our say in how the country is run!

next time we'll get a president's son "versus" his own frat brother, like it was when Bush the Second "ran" for president. does not matter in the least who you vote for. It's the american equivalent of Putin's wife and Putin's donor/golfing buddy being set up to "run against each other" for president in Russia, it's totally and utterly meaningless and is only there to control the national political narrative, legitimize the Putin mafia regardless of who 'wins', and keep the Russian poor thinking they've got a voice or a 'vote' so that they stay in their houses and don't make trouble for the ruling class out in the streets - and so the ruling class can use violence against everyone else in society while hiding behind a legal framework they pretend is based on democracy, meanwhile claiming 'peaceful transfer of power', when really we see people in our country seize power over others with violence every day.

When 2 families are passing the highest offices and appointments back and forth between themselves and their own wives, sons, frat brothers, and donors, there's something very obviously wrong here, and you are contributing to the problem by pretending otherwise, and by pretending everything is normal and "go vote" etc. etc. The fact that so few people even bring that up is another sign of a North Korea level social management scheme. Everyone wants to believe in whatever ideals make them feel good about themselves and empowered, nobody wants to deal with the horrendous realities, here in the US or in DPRK or Russia or China or anywhere else. Watching the whole "go vote" thing is like watching a parade of people in North Korea crying over dear leader. it's just for show and everyone should know it by now.

Maybe some day people will quit all the pretending and start dealing with facts, and with the facts as they are, how anyone can keep pretending that the voting actually matters is beyond me. Nothing can improve if people don't recognize that there's anything going wrong. People in positions of power can do whatever they want for as long as a majority of us just don't question what we can see is wrong. They can get away with murder, fraud, mass murder, repeated mass murder, mass theft, tax theft, confiscation and suppression of information, kidnapping, false imprisonment, etc. - until people go "wait a minute.. something is wrong here."

the voting literally does not matter in this instance. voting would matter if people took it seriously on a local, state, and congressional level. The presidential elections are given such media hype specifically because they don't really matter and they are symbolic of 'power', not actually where the power lies. The 2 candidates can be picked/pre-selected so that nobody who will rock the boat can get in, and here we are, watching all the things I've described above take place over and over.

Voting would matter if people cared about it for more than just a single office once every 4 years.

I was going to say that the best part would be Hillary's concession speech.


I'm not fan of Trump, but at least I can still believe that the system is not completely rigged.

I think that's the whole point.

You can rig a primary, but you can't rig a general election, at least not in the sense that people think. It's simply not feasible in an election of over 100 million votes to use voter fraud or rigged voting machines without drawing too much attention, and the penalties are so great that it's not worth the risk. You have to do it by winning the hearts of people and by getting them fired up to vote for you, even if your policies aren't 100% in line with their views. Clinton failed to do that, and unsuccessfully swayed voter opinion enough to win her those key swing states. All of those deplorables and basement dwellers vote too, and theirs count just as much as everyone else's.

There simply wasn't the drive to get out and vote for her like there was for Bernie and Trump. After the primary, it seemed like most left-leaning voters were either begrudgingly voting for Clinton, not voting at all, or voting for Trump out of spite. That's no way to win a general election.

If one side has a candidate that voters are fired up about, and the other is simply depicted as the lesser evil by their constituency, I'd bet on the one that voters are fired up about every time. Those are the voters who will definitely be in line to support their candidate and who will convince undecided and middle ground voters to vote for them.

It's simply not feasible in an election of over 100 million votes to use voter fraud or rigged voting machines without drawing too much attention

Didnt they do exactly that in the 2000 general elections?

I can't find any source to support that, so if you can I'd be very interested to see it. I don't remember that occurring.

Alot of attention was drawn but ultimately a controversial 5-4 supreme court decision ended the recount in Florida on which the outcome hinged and awarded the presidency to Bush Jr. Add to that later testimonies of people on the inside that the electronic voting system was purposefully engineered and you got your case. In the end you dont have to rig 100 Mio votes, just the thin margin that determines the winner. Some links:
Uncounted - Clint Curtis: Million Dollar Programmer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7tjnuG-l6g
The testimony in court: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs

That's the point. He was basically drafted to fight corruption.

But that's exactly what they want you to think.

The only thing locked up is herself and her goons

Should've got Tom Brady.

Yeah, he was great as Bane.

She may have all the world's advantages but the main disadvantage - she is still same corrupted Hillary. That's the deal.

Oh man that will be juicy.

Still waiting for this one

I I I ookily dookily!

It was weak. It had a fake tear in it. No one shouted 'hillary for prison' either, which vexed me. She offered to work with Trump too lol, sad end to a sad little career of a sad little person.

She offered to work with Trump too

She should definitely be ready for that phone call. /s


'I have a job for you hillary'

'Oh of course Donald, what is it?!'

'Making licence plates in jail'


/r/politics is looking pretty barren. I think a ton of CTR folks just got pink slips

Yep, reddit is a little bit more free again, until 3 years (if we still use this censored place).

I've actually been able to share a lot of thoughts without censorship.

Whats gonna happen to that sub now? The mods sold their avcs to CTR and now that the election is over the mod accs would be left there?

I'm just happy CTR (probably) isn't correcting the shit out of our record anymore

I'm loving the posts though, not even 24 hours after the unashamed pro Hillary brigade of posts the top posts now are about how the 'Mainstream Media looked the other way this election' and how 'Now true investigative journalism is more important than ever'...the irony is quite amazing.

the best part is going to be south park.

I might have to start watching it again, is it still good?

It was left on an election cliffhanger. The next episode is going to be amazing...

it's grown up. insightful, biting, immature and down-to-earth. those guys deserve a nobel prize. episodes have been strung together into longer, more complex narratives.

I completely agree. The latest episode, as the member berries star at their journey, I cried laughing it's beautiful

yeah the Nobel Prize for Peace, I mean Comedy!

let's not ask silly questions here.

Haha, looking forward to it


Exactly. It'll just switch from Pro-Hillary to Pro-Trump. You can already see it starting to happen. in full swing.

I don't know. Something might get severed.

R/pol lost 9/10 of their active members with ctr no longer needing to be funded

That's seriously not ok, the only thing worse than memeing your way to the white House is trying to but it.

All the CTR assholes that have been spamming /r/politics for months with propaganda just got fired. Feelsgoodman

Trump 239 Clinton 209 on the live thread right now. I wonder how many posts there will be about the election being rigged. Lmao.

And 4 minutes ago also on the live thread:

Expect a lot of analysis in coming weeks about where polling models went wrong, and how the future of the polling business is going to play out. The business has clearly been shaken this election - Clinton was a strong favorite across almost every model. /u/ Qu1nlan

Pollsters were as much propaganda prostitutes for Clinton as the media. They projected her victory with the expectation that it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Every model that was based on wishful thinking. Turnout to her rallies should have given them some small clue.

I guess the LA Times Poll was the one to watch this year.


Fuckin' right. I haven't been there in months, it is so one sided.

Agreed, watching that implosion of sanctimonious cheats, cut-throats and unabashed Quislings will be epic.

This is also kind of the problem though. you are literally calling the opposition traitors. You guys really need to stop being so polarized by the media propaganda machine from both sides and somehow believing that you all aren't just normal people with slightly different views on what is best for the country.

Nope, I personally witnessed those treacherous scum give anyone the bum's rush who didn't sing the praise and lick the rancid arse of HRC. Their hive-mind behaviour proved them to be beyond a shadow of a doubt utter prostitutes, who will do anything for money and promise of petty power at best; and fanatical Jonestown-like cult members at worst.

so what does that make Trump supporters who do the same thing? I mean there is just as much video evidence of that happening as on the Democrat side. Your country is all kinds of fucked up man and your attitude is as much a part of the problem as the Clinton supporters you saw.

No. Show me trump supporters who commited treason and they can hang as well. Treason is very much a real crime and those who did commit it will go to jail or be put on death row, as long as the courts come to the same conclusion.

What was the act of treason here though? He is saying Clinton supporters are traitors, not Clinton herself. And even then the argument for treason is a weak one. She is corrupt and careless, but she hasn't tried to sell out the country to a foreign power that I know of.

To call her supporters traitors because they passionately and sometimes violently oppose Trump is rdiculous. Which is why I ake if he also is the few violent Trump supporters as traitors.

I don't by the way. I view violence from either side reprehensible but not treasonous in any way.

You're barking up the wrong tree, I don't play the Democrat/Republican shellgame paradigm. But keep on pretending you know me and how I think and operate if you need to construct some enemy to vent on.

no I'm honestly curious how you see the Trump supporters who do the same thing? Are they also traitors or are they somehow patriots? I don't know you which is why I'm asking, but all I'm hearing is vitriol and hate for your fellow countrymen which is a huge damn problem with your country.

I just want to know what r/Conspiracy will have to say about all the claims that the election was rigged in Hillary's favor? Will people be taking that back and backtracking on the false narrative that our elections were rigged for Hillary?

why need to take it back? hillary is a horrible person and without the rigging and pushing from elites/media she would not even have made 20% ...

Are you serious? Haha wow. There is just no arguing logic here, huh? For weeks r/Conspiracy has pushed the narrative over and over that the voting machines were owned by so and so that was somehow related to Hillary and that they were calculatedly manipulating her win illegally. People shared over and over the stupid Time magazine post that showed Hillary as a winner and cited to that as evidence that "Hillary was always going to win" - you can't just walk away from all of that without owning up to being wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either Trump won fairly, and r/conspiracy was wrong about all the alleged election rigging, or the system was rigged and we should still be questioning the outcome. So which is it?

Or the attempt wasn't strong enough. She made the best attempt and his name is George Soros.

Its quite possible that after a certain value is reached, the voting booths could not extend their own votes past a certain point. (Maximum risk value) Also the people who were informed were extremely vigilant , and seeing a rigged system, (eg. The broken booth in Pennsylvania) will instantly go viral because people are looking for rigged stations specifically.

You political types really are fucking dense. The whole system is utterly corrupt, and a sham designed to give the illusion of choice to imbeciles that barrack for their favorite team. If Trump is in, it's just to further that illusion. Hurry on back to pol and tell them we said hi.

Yes Hillary rigged the elections for herself to narrowly lose.

I think it was rigged for Hillary until they latest shit about uer dropped. Too big to ignore.

It was still rigged. There was a reason some of the heavy Democratic precincts came in late. They have electronic voting machines so its not like they were counting votes. They where doing calculations on how many votes they needed to tip the state. Unfortunately for them it would have needed more votes than they had available. It's hard to rig a landslide correctly.

It was, all polls all media, all narratives were working for Hillary, they tried to rig it but they underestimated that all the publicity they gave Trump while sheltering clinton backfired on them. They underestimated the American people, they thought the people would swallow their manufactured narrative. After all, it worked before, but the Internet exposed the bullshit, and the people got sick of it. It's almost like they voted for Trump to spite the media masters insulting the intelligence of common Americans.

This outcome actually gives me some hope. Not the hope that we have a voice, but that power is not as monolithic and unified as some think, and that there are competitors for the throne that can yet tear each other down in their ascent to power. I feel less like the whole thing is a show, and more like it's just mostly a show. A Hillary Clinton presidency would have been the ultimate slap in the face of the public by the ruling elite, and with her gone it still seems to me that they don't want us to turn our full attention towards them and that is at least a sign that we as a people still have some power left, however small or fleeting it might be.

So will Trump topics be finally allowed?

Topics that show Trump in a bad view were "allowed" all the time...

They need to sticky a list of suicide hotlines.

I'm legitimately worried for a few of them :/

I think Hillary is in deep trouble. Imagine how many people have paid her millions for favors that she can not do now.

*hundreds of millions

No refunds!

Her life is on the line. Not only does she have to face a special prosecutor, she has to face some middle east countries that will just as soon run over a woman as look at her. She is in deep shit.

What's really odd and surprising is all of the sudden, you can be critical of the DNC and the emails and you aren't immediately buried in downvotes and contrarians. It's almost like a huge portion of the people responsible for that no longer have a reason to post... So fucking weird right?

Paychecks stopped.

There's still some bots.

The best part in my mind is not having a child trafficking POS in the White House.

Most of their participants are off the payroll now.

I was just reading comments from politics new section and its noticeably different already

It's sad that /r/politics is so biased. They should seriously stop.

I have a sense that someone (CTR) paid a lot of money to Reddit to take over that sub and the owners of Reddit think, "Hey, that's real money that will help keep servers up and running. We'll take it." Conspiracy? :)

I almost felt bad for them having to defend such a ridiculously corrupt candidate. And the only way they could do that was to constantly attack Trump. But then I remember these fucks had a price and they simply sold out.

It's sad that the majority of middle class voters think trump has their best interests at heart.

It's sad that the majority of middle class voters think trump has their best interests at heart.

I don't think the middle class think that at all. I think much of the vote for him is an anti-hillary vote. We will never know.

In fact, if we had a legit 3rd party participating from the start in all debates and activities, we might have a 3rd party president.

Jill Stein was the best choice to govern the USA, in my opinion. Probably the sanest voice I read/listen to throughout the US campaign. Even more so than Bernie... Did she/her party win any 'seats' (sorry, not from the US not sure what the correct term is?). Anyway, two party systems are inherently flawed.

The middle class isn't uniform. I for one believe he has our best interests in mind.

We know it brother http://i.imgur.com/9y8o5dW.png

Its actually going pretty good comment wise in the post I read especially going against CTR

" I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something relieving has happened." ~ every redditor who used to use r/politics before correct the record

Oooooh I'm resubscribing. If anyone figures out how/why this happened, it'll be them.

Welcome to the mainstream.

The best will be the REAL investigations and prosecutions and firing of the newscasters we know worked with the Clinton campaign.

Just like Turkey did after the attempted coup this year, aye?

Hmm... no, I think we have different definitions of "real".

So turkey didn't imprison broadcasters / shutdown over 100+ media outlets after the coup attempt? That wasn't real? Is that what you're implying?

I said a real investigation and prosecution (for government corruption) and (the employing station) firing newscasters shown in collusion. They were separate things.

I also emphasized REAL investigation by making it caps. I don't think REAL investigation implies jailing newscasters, shutting news stations, and government news censorship. You stupid twat.

Fair enough.

I for one am VERY excited that Trump won. Though I didn't vote for him, or anyone. I was one of those, votes don't matter guys. (Which is true to an extent.) I was hopeless and thought no matter what we did TPTB would pick our leaders for us and continue fucking us over. This proved me wrong and I LOVE it!

This election proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if the people rally hard enough behind a candidate they can win. The establishment piled heaps of shit on Trump. They called his followers all kinds of nasty things. If you support Trump you are an uneducated racist misogynistic bigot! They just kept piling the shit up and piling it up. So what did the people do? They saw through the bullshit, elected Trump, and shoved the shit right back into the face of the establishment! Oh what a day to be American!

I have never been more proud of my countrymen. Trump is not perfect, by anyone's standards, but he's a damn sight better than that corrupt puppet Clinton. I am sorry for not believing sooner and taking my ass to the polls, but to those of you that voted, THANK YOU!

well stated man. Often when people asked me who I wanted to vote for I felt a deep sense of shame if I wanted to say "Trump" so I just kinda mumbled something about how "Oh I dunno if I'll vote" and felt like such a gigantic pussy. I'm so happy he won. Hillary is the living embodiment of evil and I refused to believe Trump was as shitty as everyone was saying. There were DIRECT COMPARISONS to Adolph Fucking Hitler. I'm like, guys.....Trump might not be the most upstanding fellow, but I don't think we are getting death camps anytime soon here

Alot of the negativity I saw about Trump was about the things he says. I actually respect Trump for his filthy mouth. Everyone I know has a filthy mouth. I think that's preferable to a polished professional liar like career politicians are. Trump is not saint, but at least he's not more of the same. If he can actually do half of what he proposed in his campaign, I'll be happy.

I was actually not going to vote until I saw a Hillary ad. The ad in question showed a little boy (who wouldn't be able to vote for what seemed like the next two elections) watching a commercial for Donald speaking and it infamously cuts to the part where he says "I would tell them to go fuck themselves" and then a few more things that were anti-Trump. I didn't know it was an ad campaign until the end when it said "paid for by Hillary Clinton" or whatever it says. I had a few thoughts. The little boy was irrelevant and pandering, Clinton is a bitch because it's pure smear and nothing positive, I respect anyone that can have the balls to tell someone to go fuck themselves in front of thousands live and millions watching. It backfired and I decided then and there I will vote and that vote will be for Donald Trump

Amen brother.

I really hope all those people who were paid to post their shill opinions here on Reddit by the Clintons take a good, hard look at themselves in the mirror today. The media shills too. They are as much to blame as the heads of the DNC.

The best part was watching CNN and MSNBC shit their pant/panties ALL night long. Best TV ever!!!!!

Ok, but every one of you has pretty much been saying this election is rigged the entire time cause all the polls said Hillary was going to win. But now that Trump has won.....? So if you say there was a conspiracy the whole time then you're refuting Trump's election. But if you say there was no conspiracy then you're refuting everything every one of y'all has been saying the past year.


I still don't understand how everyone is pissed and shocked at trump winning

In the US the majority of the Main Stream Media is basically just propaganda. Enough people watch them that they believed that Trump had zero chance of winning. When your reality gets busted it can be shocking.

Aneurysm? r/politics just got slayed, 1000s lost their jobs, and the sub is silent once more.

Get rekt you failed propoganda machine.

I dunno, it's more like /r/politics is regaining its sanity as all the CTR content melts away. Kinda nice to watch.

Yup, I am going to re-subscribe to it now.

The shillbots will be like the droids in the end of The Phantom Menace

the sounds of the gaggings and splutterings.

the sound of perps fleeing the country.

the known and named pedos have a choice, stay and face the shame or leave.

Too bad it wasn't possible to see both /r/politics and /r/the_donald have a collective aneurysm. Hopefully all you assholes will stop trolling and spamming in /r/conspiracy now.

I think the best part is when they raise the retirement age to 70 or more. But I'm a glass half full guy

The WORST part will be a Trump presidency w/ Repub Congress; remember 9-11??

the mods are still there. we need to drop that sub.

CTR getting destroyed by a green cartoon frog is absolutely amazing to behold. I'm in shock at how badly HRC managed her campaign despite having every possible advantage.

Nah bro, the best part will be watching the US fall from grace off the world stage. Russia will go full tilt in Syria and the Ukraine. Turkey will wipe out the Kurds and try to invade Iraq. China will take over the South china sea and won't hesitate using military force. Iran will fire up it's nuke program. Israel will probably 'cleanse' Palestine. NATO/UN will have no power.

Buckle up for ww3 my brothers.

Are you off your rocker?

The man didn't even bring up the collapse of the US oil backed dollar.

I'd say hes on point.

California eartquake, alien invasions, and global climate change, comet hit the earth the end.

Take it easy Nostradamus. Go take your lexapro

I know you don cucks think you've given a middle finger to the establishment / the elite. You have no idea what you've done. To be honest I'm excited... and fucking grateful I don't live in the slum that's going to become the US.

Oh right because Clinton would've brought rainbows and sunshine to the Middle East.

The alternative was what, exactly?

Sanders? We tried to vote him into office and look what happened. There is no "what we've done."

Dude, Shilldog would've continued the status quo of Obama's legacy. Which means the world would have stayed stable. Not to mention she is well versed in world politics. Corrupt as fuck but well versed none the less.

Trump is a fucking reality TV star. Who was saved from bankruptcy by the Rothschild dynasty in the late 80s. He has some big promises to fulfill. I'd say he'll be feeling more terrified than anyone else at the moment.

Think about that for a minute. You have a 70 year old man that has never done anything unless it was in his self interest. Dude isn't even aware of what's taking place in the world.

America has just elected a senile joke. World leaders are going to take advantage of this. I can just imagine the parties happening in political circles around the world. Vlad is probably erect, without the help of viagra, for the first time in years.

My advice, to those of you in the US, is to buy gold. Your dollars not going to be worth shit in a year - in fact it'll probably be on parity with the peso.

Clinton's status quo was instability. And given her cold war rhetoric with Russia, it was only going to get worse.

On the topic of experience, body builder Arnold became governor of CA, and movie star Reagan became president. It's the same thing with Trump.

The world will go on.

I truly hope you're right brother and that I am wrong.

Which little dicked country do you live in?

Listen here /u/ScizRCucking - You're probably a middle aged, single white male on a joke of a salary. That can barely pay his own way, all whilst emulating the exuberance of celebrities that are shoved down your throat against your will.

You just elected a 70yr spoiled brat, who was born into wealth. A reality TV star. His mail-order wife can't even speak english. Trump didn't even know Russia had annexed Crimea, the weeping cunt.

You just got cucked harder than your dad.

Hahahahaha nice try

Sorry for my outburst.

All good emotions were high for a lot of us

Me too man, me too.

lol, what the fuck?

They'll just close up shop

All the fucking salty tears!

Don't worry they are all safe. Even if Trump won by a landslide he won't win by a landslide

Tell R/politics to shine up their resume and move...

Hope they ENJOY paying high taxes!

I'll enjoy seeing this country being burn to the ground.. I mean being made great again

Some people just want to watch the world Bern.

its very strange there, its so oddly quiet without the "correct the record" people

Pure NaCL out there tonight. It's glorious. I don't even like trump, but fuck if I'm enjoying laughing at them. Especially r/trollxchromosomes, fuck you in particular for giving me 100+ downvotes once just for saying I didn't like Hillary. Drown in your tears!

That subreddit is completely empty. The shills have done their job during the campaign and now they have left.

They're reporting on voters trying to vote twice. Next thing they'll want to cut Trump votes in half.

No the best part will be Hillary giving a concession speech... Whenever it happens. You'd think she could just reuse the one from 2008.

Alright folks, let this be a perfect example of how irrelevant the bought and paid for mainstream media is. With 24/7 shilling across the board for Hillary they still failed. Despite CTR literally buying reddit, they still failed.

This. And it's crazy to think about.

They will be gone by weeks end.

did you see that tweet from kate perry?, calling revolution.... amazing how they play innocent people ''A la carte''

Anyone who gives a shit about anything coming from Katy Perry's twitter account is a moron anyway.

Flip those graphs boys! http://imgur.com/fJoq2nq

This salt is amazing. Tears everywhere.

I thought the system was rigged? You guys had me convinced. What happened?

Based Assange

"What they do is a conspiracy. What we do is cooperation."

Whatever the fuck that means.

What? You're against Discordianism now, comrade?

Awww how cute. At least I don't worship the Luggenpresse. Back to r/politics for you.

"Wikileaks has a 10-year record of never releasing a single falsified document, and is not connected to Russia. Everything they released were the actual e-mails of Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff. You had the opportunity to look through a window into the Hillary Clinton campaign, but you didn’t. By ignoring the leaks, you ignored reality. By not listening to your fellow Americans, and accusing them of being “conspiracy theorists” and trusting the corporate media, you ignored reality. By only following other liberals on social media, and only reading liberal or corporate news, once again ignoring reality. When Hillary Clinton was caught rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders, and Democrats nominated her anyway they ignored reality."

You're the establishment now pal. Is your illuminati membership up to date.

Eat shit

I'll take that as a yes. Book your flight to Bohemian Grove.

I have a theory about that, I think the vote was rigged, maybe even as much as twenty percent, but Trump supporters came out in droves to vote, more than they predicted. That is why we don't have any recounts going on because then the investigations would show the mass corruption.

NBC, ABC, and CBS all stopped reporting the progress, both LIVE and on the net. It was hours at a 'standstill' when clearly Trump was the winner yet they 'refused' and LIED about the numbers being too close. BS. One could easily find the LIVE voting counter for each state. You could see which state Trump would easily win and vice versa. The last few hours was bought out media corruption. You could feel their uneasiness and they were all pro-Clinton. Regardless, she needs punishment for all the crimes she has committed.

Suddently articles about wikileaks. HAaaaa

CTR contract must have expired, because the place has remarkably free expression today. Am still not a subscriber.

And the world having a newly installed stroke.

It sure will be exciting listening to all of the Hillary supporters blaming everyone but their candidate for losing to a guy that makes George w look competent. I guess rigging the primary is way easier than rigging the general.

Lol, yeah. Looks like Hillary was what it took to get fucking TRUMP elected. HAHA

Gimme a break, they just get a new job.

You mean the global markets? S&P futures triggered the stop loss, no trading allowed because they were in freefall

Watching Hilary admit defeat is gonna be pretty sweet.

It certainly won't be the dismantling of Amendments 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. That part is gonna suck. So is seeing Obergefell v Hodges and Roe v Wade overturned. The dramatic drop in the value of the dollar isn't going to be fun.

Let the bodies hit the floor.

Its actually going pretty good comment wise in the post I read especially going against CTR

" I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something relieving has happened." ~ every redditor who used to use r/politics before correct the record

They're going into straight denial.

Expect it to remain that way.


Trump understood something Ivory tower dems and the liberal media did not. He spoke at a third grade level, He also seized on the fact that people are pissed at a government that is has been beholden to Wallstreet.

I'm from the future. Yup

There still ctring it over there haha

But I thought the voting was rigged. Or is that only true if Trump lost?

He said the election was rigged, he didn't say against who... lol

Don't worry they did it over here with brexit - just sit back and laugh at the dumbasses

I don't get this comparison, the people that voted for brexit were fucking idiots, like most of them had no idea what it even means, the people that voted for trump though, the know exactly what they are getting and what they want.

"there's no way Hillary will lose, she rigged the elections!"

"Hillary lost, she rigged the elections!"

Wait, are people admitting r/conspiracy is a trump subreddit now?

Lets just hope this lead to less war in the Middle East and more focus on helping the people of this country meaning everyone

Are you guys going to admit you were wrong about the rigging?

Also why does everyone think reddit decides the election? No one cares about reddit, no one cares what reaches the front page every day



OP, it's called contract termination. Nobody there was working out of conviction except for a handful of gullible asshole mods from spez' lap.

The only one who made a profit from all that was Reddit.

I expect the shilling to die at the end of the work week.

You can tell CTR is no longer funding /r/politics as anti-clinton articles are now getting allowed.

They're not really doing much of anything, they were mostly paid CTR workers that are out of a job now, they'll just go back to working at Wal-Mart, and /r/politics will eventually turn into a generic liberal forum, rather than Hillary's campaign ads

Perhaps they still manipulated the election and Trump should have won all along. puts tinfoil hat on

https://np.reddit.com/r/the_meltdown for lots of HRC supporters meltdowns...

Yeah right. It'll be a ghost town.

Is there a way to send both R/Politics and Reddit Administration a message that the collusion seen we will not stand for again.

my dear retarded american friends. for more than a century you have been subject to slavery through the federal reserve.

it is not yet time to selebrate!!! you still have the great deed waiting for you yet. to kill the great dragon. your very privatelly owned central bank.

for more than a century you been engaging in endless wars. beginning with WW I to the cold war and war on terror.

for more than a century they been trying to strike fear into your hearts and distract you from the unlawful creation of the federal reserve.

they did this through wars and economic depressions. through media brainwash and addictive sub cultures. through crimes and school indoctrinations.

through empty hollywood bollock dreams. through inflations and endless social issues.

it is time to rise up and strike down the great beast. and your time is now!!!

It's amazing to see the CTR smoke clear. Holy shit the propaganda was a sight to behold, and the biggest joy I find today as a Sanders Democrat is to watch the massive failures of David Brock, CTR, and the rest of the elitist propaganda.

It's pretty much turned into /r/conspiracy

Well, everyone went from there to here. Now they go back, more enlightened and crazy.

r/politics was laid off this morning

I'm just sincerely hoping people are not going to fold up and quit. There are still people of power that need to meet justice. Wikileaks to sort out. An organized campaign to take down the media's meal ticket. A message to reddit and other social platforms that the cowardly behavior they've displayed will not be tolerated. We can vote with our money, our webpage hits (or lack thereof) right on down to sending mass emails to news stations, local newspapers and similar.

I have a website idea,. actually, but unsure of its legality. Basically, you call it something like realfakenews.com. It trolls all of the major news outlets and by some smart algorithm takes short, highly accurate snippets of that sites content. When a story hits, realfakenews is first on google (somehow) and takes hits away from the major news sites. It'll smartly itemize content based on political leanings, potential business influence, etc. Any metric desirable can be measured and highlighted to show agendas. We can view their biased nonsense for giggles and restrict ad revenue and page hits all at the same time.

I feel like you would just get suppressed in terms of search results. You'd never be able to sit at the top of Google results cherry picking traffic away from them.

Likely not, but the underlying principle has some merit. The media is supposed to report the news. They used to, then decided they'd toss in their own opinions. Before long, it's just another arm of the government. They don't even report actual news. That wikileaks/hillaryforprison stuff wasn't just happening on some sleazy pocket of the internet. It was huge, and the media kept it hush. Luckily for us, we beat them at their own game. I'd now like to finish the job and destroy them.

Oh don't get me wrong, I could not agree with you more. I'd love to destroy them and I'd love to make your idea happen as I think it would be glorious. I just think things are way too corrupt for it to actually work. They'd pull strings and knock you off the Google results.

Talk about mixed emotions! Horrified that Donald Trump is our new president. Elated that Hillary lost. Shocked that she didn't win. Confused between having a glimmer of hope that the system isn't completely rigged and wondering if it really is and what TPTB's real objective it.

I love how the ctr money disappeared and now it's back to sanders rebel command.

What will really happen if the Bernie supporters out of the woodwork, from begrudgingly supporting Hillary as the lesser of two evils, DVD blaming the DNC because Bernie could have won.

Bots can't have aneurysm and the few bought CTR people don't care anyway.

Im enjoying watching all of Reddit (save for a handful of subs) crying their salty tears.

Are the CTR shills gone from r/politics yet? I guess it doesn't matter anyway... I am still banned.

this is more gossip than conspiracy. i dont come to this subreddit to read this shit.

Even Dr Ben Carson couldn't sort out that cancer of a sub.

Expect CTR shills to spill out and appear in force to intimidate us into bowing down. DO NOT BOW DOWN TO THE SHILLS!

I don't understand how conspiracy theorists are Trump supporters...this is weird.

yeah, good, in India it was the opposite, the ignorant and deliberately shilling minority won fooling 1 billion people and more

Don't worry. While /r/politics and most of the legit conspiracy department will have some trouble, the establishment know what they are doing when they elected Trump. In order words, prepare for mass deception.

But /r/politics is pretty islamophobic and bigoted, I'd imagine they don't mind the result

Yes, instead the ignorant vocal majority won, hurrah!

I'm waiting for y'all to explain how you got so many things wrong regarding this election.

Actually we got things right. "Y'all" R/politics got it wrong imbecile

What things did you get right? The rigged voting machines, the magazine announcing Clinton's new presidency, the whole thing being a show for the masses, how no one's vote counts maybe...

What did /r/politics get wrong?

No, the ignorant, vocal minority won. Weren't you paying attention?

Hillary got the popular vote. Literally more people in America voted for her than Trump. Categorically, not a vocal minority.

No she didn't.

Math is everything. You must've missed those classes.

Or been a supporter of bernies economic plans.

Your kidding right trumps campaign was based on fear mongering.

Of course not. We have all kinds of enemies we could antagonize into striking us first.

We're already on the brink in Yemen, we have boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, it's not that hard to imagine just escalating a little bit and making a huge deal about it. It's not like we'd have to have a full-scale land war with Russia, or would even want one.

I still wish he would prosecute her. It would teach her a small lesson about laws.

No way.

She's going to jail still. This doesn't end.

You think it's unreasonable for a minority in a red state to feel scared?

I don't think so. Him doing that would make him look like a poor sport right away.

That's irrelevant, the law is the law.

Why have ANY laws if you can just hand wave some away if they make you look bad?

the only thing Trump needs to do in regards to prosecuting Hillary is to just let the DOJ and FBI do their job instead of backdoor pressuring them. It seems pretty apparent to me they have stuff to move forward on. Like the email scandal, she DID send classified emails over an unsecured server, she DID send classified emails to people who didnt have clearance. The laws governing that DONT say anything about intent, which is why Comey said he didnt want to indict, she didnt INTEND to break the law. Well nobody gives a flying fuck, the law doesnt give a fuck about intent.

Bottom line is she did it, the FBI knows it, the DOJ knows it. Get Loretta Lynch and the handful of other people shown to be in with the Clintons out of the DOJ and get Comey out of the FBI. Then let the chips fall where they may when people do their jobs.

Rowdy Gowdy for AG.

Those fucks are so stupid they tell the truth by mistake 10% of the time.

I disagree; she's a criminal the evidence is obvious and the only reason she got to walk is because of the corrupt individuals in Washington. He needs to make an example out of her so others will think twice..

math is hard

The actual odds according to 538 were about 35 to 65

If Trump doesnt get her put on trial, I believe that would send a message to the entire ring of "corrupt politicians" that they have nothing to fear.

... The same ring he has built his campaign criticizing upon. So he would be a bigger liar than Hillary then

How is he being the poor sport? He fucking won. Through that bitch in jail! Effective immediately.

And who is going to riot for imprisoning her? She's a Fucking criminal.

No one cares about, "poor sport," but the losers. Even there their princess betrays them turning her back to their cries and hiding-out alone all night. What this country cares about, and truly all that matters, is precedent and justice for all.

If found guilty, punishment should be swift, severe and streamed live.

http://i.imgur.com/fJoq2nq.png Different website, but you get the idea...

I completely agree. The latest episode, as the member berries star at their journey, I cried laughing it's beautiful

yeah the Nobel Prize for Peace, I mean Comedy!

I will never be able to un-see that.


'I have a job for you hillary'

'Oh of course Donald, what is it?!'

'Making licence plates in jail'
