The Shadow Government has "given" the presidency to Trump. Trump has "miraculously" won EVERY BATTLEGROUND STATE.

28  2016-11-09 by [deleted]




Or maybe the DNC fucked over the wrong candidate with a huge following while simultaneously working with the corrupt media to prop up Trump as a legit candidate.

Now he has a massive following while Clinton's support dwindled since.

Meaning DNC should have let Bernie do his thing and not manipulate him off. He would have been stronger against Trump.

Would any result have pleased you?

The tragedy is Johnson won't get 5%

No shit. I thought the thing was rigged for Clinton, and how CTR, the media, and everyone was colluding to make that happen ... Now this? My world view is fucked, I tell you. FUCKED.

If you think your world view is being upended now, just wait a while..

i disagree.

Hillary would have won if Trump had not secured a "landslide"

What you see is post-shadow-adjustment landslide -- it wasn't enough.

/come on... are you seriously surprised? NO ONE was showing up for Hillary's rallies.

Holy fuck this is so crazy. Things are definitely ramping up into high gear at the top of the pyramid.

Something is going to happen. Unless Clinton cut a deal I don't see her letting this go.

Our economic model has played itself out, and the elite know it needs to go. They've been waiting for an event to change it, and a Trump presidency could be it. But think about the alternative. If Hillary had won, they would've needed something like a World War. I think we might've dodged a big bullet

Lost Nevada. That was a battleground state.

I think they miscalculated, but it's never too late

Maybe, or maybe the only information you had prior to the actual vote came from USG Intelligence operatives like Anderson Cooper.

It's all part of the everlasting pendulum swing.