Dear CTR

1168  2016-11-09 by MauiWanderer

Just wanted to tell you guys to go fuck yourself.


Best post all day

Best comment all day.

Best reply all day.



Best question all day.

Best conspiracy all day.

Best best all best

Best wishes to best friends on the best sub in the not so best part of the internet.

Ok, that was just excessive.

The Best kind of Excessive

Excessively the best kind

we've got all the best jokes.

Best comment on a reply to a post by a male actor in a foreign film all day.

CTR won't see it though, they got laid off today.

I really do think they have. If you look at /r/politics there is all sorts of material getting posted that would have been removed yesterday morning.


I got banned from DNCleaks for suggesting the Clintons spent the wedding money on make up so Chelsea looked fuckable on her big day. I think I have to wait 58 more days for my ban to be lifted.

That's a solid theory.

Right? It's her wedding night, she deserves to finally take off the paper bag.

and let her husband fuck her thru a hole in the sheet

They should have just used a print out of Ivanka taped to her face.

I think its actually salty af collage students


Well, we certainly know you aren't a college student.

Sticky it

You're telling me a candidate who needed pay trolls to control the narrative about her isn't popular?

My brain is imploding

Tbf, Donald had a bunch of people brigading for him simply because they thought his presidency would be funny.

Both candidates wouldn't be popular if compared to an actual decent human being.

Thats what Trumps supporters started as, but it really did become a movement somewhere along the way. I think the same can be said for Trump, when he threw his name in the hat he probably never thought it would go this far, somewhere along the way it became real.

The big takeaway from this election is: Meme magic is real.

Yeah, you don't put in that much effort for a joke. They believe in him.

Who cares, at least he didn't have to pay his online supporters like old haggard Clinton the witch.

Worth pointing out that Sanders is the most popular politician in the U.S. now.

Someone at work asked me how this was possible and I said "the internet. Go look at their official reddit support pages."

He was flabbergasted by the discrepancy in online support.

Suck a bag of dicks DNC/CTR


From, Progressives

Its bitter sweet seeing hillary lose knowing Bernie would have won.

Yes. Exactly like this.

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I second this.

I concur with the sentiment

I agree with the statement.

I second this motion. Called to vote. All in favor?



the motion Carries!!!

We should raid r/politics tomorrow for all the abandoned mod accounts just like after a city is sacked. /s

This is the best idea I've heard all night. Fuck those clowns over there.

On a side note, there's a lot of peeps in r/politics calling people out on bullshit Trump stories....and not getting downvoted.

No pay no play In practice!

If you click on the newest mod accounts there, most of them have been silent for over 14 hours.

Raiding r/politics now is like knocking on a shop's door after 11pm.

They're closed for business.

Be sure to bring up the difference in the vote tallies for proTrump/antiClinton comments before and after the election.

Ive already started

Thirded. Hope you all hang

.........the phone fighting your girlfriend who cannot swallow Trump's victory

Yeah, about that... Might have to go back with those Pennsylvanian Amish and learn to sew the fringes of my relationship back together.

Trump won. She's gonna have to learn how to do a lot of swallowing now.

CTR "You're fired"

Hey, CTR, mods at /r/politics, etc.

Next time the elites want to spend large on social media, we should remind them of this HRC fiasco.

We must never let them forget how fucking stupid they are.

I vote we make the dumbass slogan "Never Forget" the official slogan of the CTR bullshit we've all fucking gagged on at least over the past fucking months

Think Scott Foval will be with us?

You can't beat weaponized autism.

Not with a bureaucratic low-effort campaign engineered by people who have never left tumblr before.

I think they're either speechless, already gone, or currently signing up to be republican shills.

They're unemployed

Signing back up for welfare, seeing their permanent tax-funded CTR jobs were just declined.

Edit: As fucked as Reddit may be right now, in terms of past, present, future censorship, we just won a big fucking battle on Reddit - whether you like Trump or not.

OR hopefully moving to CO, where assisted suicide was just approved.

Trump doesnt need shills, The_Donald is an organic, volunteer internet army.

Vegan, cruelty-free, vintage craft shitposting.

Oh I know he doesn't need them, but they still need work, right?

dear god, this might be the most beautiful night of my fucking life.

CTR, please insert the nearest object you see directly up your sore assholes. Fucking Twats.

They're all too busy trying to peel her off the ceiling


Noob here, please ELI5 what the joke was

Because the saying goes there's a (professional) ceiling that women cannot get past, like being president or an astronaut or whatever, solely because they are women, and because they're achievable goals for anyone, it's a "Glass Ceiling." So the joke, of course, is that Hillary went splat on this ceiling. Conversely, she would have "broken the Glass Ceiling" had she won.

Ah I see, makes sense


Oh, I thought he meant her brains off the ceiling haha

Dark lol.

better watch your back fools. You know too much

Shit. Seriously, you guys might have doomed yourselves to the same fate as Seth Rich.

except no one is going to hear your names on the news...

After feeling abused, miss-leaded, alienated and shamed by the media and social networks i finally feel that justice was served. The establishment and all this people who treated us so bad got what they were asking. People woke up and now we have a republican president, house and senate, this is what happens when you go against the people. I voted for the first time today and i took part on the movement that gave the US government back to the people. For the first time in many years i will sleep peacefully tonight knowing that we have a chance for a bright future. I want to thank everyone for joining this movement and seeing beyond of what was given to us. Thank you America, we all going to work together for a bright future. We are not racist and not what the media said we are, we are good people seeing reality and tried to change it. Goodnight everyone.

Eat a dick CTR.

They only have themselves to blame for making President Trump a reality.

But on a serious note, if any of you CTR ex-shills are looking for a job right now... Go fuck yourselves.

AMA request: CTR employee

Not only did they fail. Now they are out of work.

If we were paid to outmeme CTR's, it would go off the autistic ricther scales.

Fuck yourselves.

To tell CTR to "fuck yourself" is singular. CTR is a group of fucknuts. The proper way to tell CTR to fuck off as a group is to use the plural.

CTR, fuck yourselves. See? Much better.

Dear CTR, lick my taint.

Not a Trump supporter (Very progressive), but this is one of the few highlights in this election.

You harassed me and expected to shill for your candidate.

Good luck, jobhunting!

I didn't even vote because the liberterians couldn't put up a candidate half as good as Paul was.

I have never hated a candidate as much as her though.... and I voted for her in 2000 on the heels of the 90s economy.

If you cheat people that donated their last money and phonebanked like crazy and harass them afterwards it's quite normal.

No sympathy like she didn't have any sympathy for us. I supported Jill Stein and I will sleep with a clear conscience.

If Trump wants to be everybody's president he needs to investigate the PedoThing.

Gabbard/Turner 2020 and people like Bernie/Warren should reform the PedoCrats. It's the only way people will forgive and make politicians honest again(MPHA).

Bill Weld should have been the Libertarian presidential candidate.

Good thing the primary isn't a real election or half the DNC would be in jail.

CTR is literally the worst thing ever. You CTR fucks are some of the most pathetic and, to steal a word from your vermin supreme, 'deplorable' humans on the planet. Sincerely go fuck yourselves from those on the "right side of history."

Sorry America. I'm happiest today simply to be able to say FUCK YOU CTR, FUCK YOU CLINTONS AND PODESTAS, and FUCK YOU DNC.


A Bernie Bro

Dear Every Single Person That Ever Called Me CTR,

Well here we are... Trump won, Hillary lost. I'm eating crow today.

The only "I told you so" that I have to hold onto is this; I'm not fucking CTR, never was, never will be, and I'm still here mother fuckers.


A sad Trump hater.

At least now the fucked up magic CTR bullet to silence anyone you don't agree with is gone, now it will be back to calling people shills like the good old times.

I thought you were going with """"Your fired."""""

Yes. Eat shit you free speech correcting assholes.

As a sub we weathered that storm really well compared to other places. Well played chaps!

Then guess what....The end of all free speech!

Those spineless cowards.

Get rekt you soulless shits.

And fuck off back to doing paid reviews for gay sex toys online.

Please delete this comment. It brings disturbing new meaning to unboxing videos....

They've fucked off right back to Craigslist

Have fun in the unemployment line you bastards.

Delicious tears!

THey won't. They shill both Trump and Clinton - and like most government organizations, once they're created, they ain't going anywhere.

Yeah, you guys fucking caused this. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

Thank God. More corruption has just gone away.

Wow, r/politics is starting to look normal.

As if they'll stick around long enough to reads this post.

So many bile green RES labels disappearing from one day to the other.

i hope the commit suicide by eating thier own dicks and grabbing their own pussies.

They're starting to quit.

As seen on r/HillaryClinton

"Well this isn't the post I wanted to ever be making, but here we are. I don't really have anything to say. I'm retiring this reddit account effective immediately after this post. Be safe, everyone. We fought the good fight. I'm proud to have fought it with you all."

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Do you think that this was a free and fair election?

I'd also like to suggest that you eat shit while fucking yourself.

I'm not CTR, but fuck you too. I thought the system was rigged? I thought the person who the establishment wants in power is the one who wins? Pussy Grabber won. So is he the one the establishment wants in power? If so, y'all are fucked.

Some shills will probably just go back to their regular accounts and go on as if nothing happened. Some of them probably posted under a regular account the whole time, maybe even here in this sub.

Long and hard.

Persecution complex

Nerd virgins, go home.

Request for sticky.

Will they disappear now that there is not a Dem campaign to fund them?

What is CTR?

Clinton Trumped by Republicans.

Unfortunately they probably won't see this - since the checks aren't coming in anymore. But the feeling is all the same.

Yea, what he said

There's no CTR anymore, any money left is being channeled to the Clinton Foundation. Any last paychecks are cancelled.

I concur. Fuck ctr. Treasonous muthafuckas.

Stupid question. What is CTR?

If you don't know by now, don't worry.

Kind of douche you thing to say. I googled it and knew that was happening just hadn't heard the abbreviation. Thanks for your help

No prob. That's all you had to do in the first place.

we are coming for you hah hah ho ho

We should spend the next 50 years on this sub finding out who the shills were, that would be so fucking meta

Ready for suicide goading? Cause I am.

Kill yourselves.

Man, those assholes made the whole reddit a toxic swamp..

I'd like to take this moment to welcome Hasbara and JIDF back into /r/conspiracy.

Each and everyone of you pricks should crawl under a rock and NEVER come back out.

Fuck you Correct The Record and David Brock. Fuck you.

Boy was that a complete waste of time. This is so cathartic, seeing these people lose.


Lol, I'm sure they'll get right on that once they're able to find it.

I actually have a very nice penis.

Okay, that was kind of mean, I admit. Sorry. :)

Maybe try cross posting to /r/unemployed.

All CTR people are going to jail, they better flee now.

Really? What law did they break? Or are you a fan of putting political opponents in jail because they have a different opinion than you do?

You better hope we put you in jail, you'd be safest that way given what is to come.

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I didn't even vote because the liberterians couldn't put up a candidate half as good as Paul was.

I have never hated a candidate as much as her though.... and I voted for her in 2000 on the heels of the 90s economy.

Yes. Exactly like this.

Yeah, you don't put in that much effort for a joke. They believe in him.

Stupid question. What is CTR?

Shit. Seriously, you guys might have doomed yourselves to the same fate as Seth Rich.

The Best kind of Excessive