This is far from over. We have from now until January 20th to watch out for "terror attacks" and other such events that could allow Obama to declare Martial Law and extend his presidency under Continuity of Government Plan

178  2016-11-09 by [deleted]


Could not agree more. Plenty of time for potential martial law, assassination, terror threats/attacks...anything could happen, we just need to keep our eyes and ears open, and wait.

People were saying the exact same thing when Bush left office. It's utterly fucking amazing that people aren't seeing the pattern. We go through this every 4-8 years.

And clinton. My father and i were approached by someone from a militia with this type of "information". Sure, its possible, but i will believe it when i see it.

I'm not a big fan of this waiting game

The owners didn't lose, just the managers.


It fucking fills me with joy to see this. I fought the good fight when it was not popular. I've lost friends over this.

They are all the same. No compromise. Fuck them all.

I lost friends over this too. Very smart friends who think Obama and Hillary are messengers of peace and can do no wrong. I am a fucking racist because I don't want to elect a candidate who just wantw endless war in the Middle East and beyond.

My entire facebook timeline is full of people who think racism and misogyny are worse than treason and world war III. I'm seeing it everywhere...people Are full-on "ostrich head in the sand mode" when it comes to Hillary.

It boggles my mind that people think she's peaceful and there's a massive propaganda machine going AGAINST her. I've gotten messages since the election about this stupid crap.

But...but...she's a democrat and they always want peace!

Exactly. Correct.

And only regional managers at that.

And only assistant to the regional managers at that

Assistant Regional Manager

I'm beginning to think this scenario is unlikely.. Theres so many gun owners in America and most of the military is gay for Trump.

What we're looking at is a bait and switch. Not much will change for us in the short term with Trump, but a lot will change for other countries.

It's possible that we could lose our partnerships with just about every country in Europe. If Russia attacks Latvia and we do nothing, NATO is capoot. Brexit and Trump have changed the world; shaken up the game. They're calling our bluff. None of the rednecks wanna fight America because they've been mindslaved into believing that America is "the greatest country in the world", yeah.. the strongest.

Trump is the wildcard. He's in this for himself, like Hitler. Hitler did terrible things, but after World War II, the world was never the same; for the better. He was part of the occult Illuminati world, but revolted and did his own thing in a way. This is how I see Trump.

I think this is what will happen with Donald Trump as president; we will grow closer to Russia and China, while being more isolationist, especially from Europe. America is religious, Europe isn't. Russia is religious and China is practical.

All three "great powers" will fight against Islam. World War III has been going on since 9/11 and the battle was won that day; because they tricked us into thinking that the Muslims were a significant threat to us, worth fighting two unjustified wars of dominance over..

This war will last decades. It is the elite vs the masses. They don't want us to have the technology they have, and they don't want us to figure this whole charade out. Trump, Clinton, Obama, Putin, Xi, Erdogan etc are on the same team.

In the end they'll just destroy all the small countries first, because we don't care; we'll spilt the Middle East and Africa. Then, when we're running out of resources, they'll come after their own populations. Society will evolve but in a way of their choosing,

you better lay of the sauce

Just one beer?

I adhere to the beleif that we don't have decades. The crap show is gna happen a lot sooner than most believe.

Shit could be tomorrow but we've been saying that for awhile, like, decades. So I'm just gonna hope for the best, and prepare for the worst; like y'all saying.

just about every country in Europe

Except Britain. The UK will play up to the "special friendship" between the two nations and ride on the US's coat-tails to get in on any trade deals with Russia and China, especially since we've managed to piss off the rest of the EU.

And, personally, I can't wait for Trump's first official visit to the UK. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he meets Nicola Sturgeon.

That was the outside part of "just about every"

What about saudi and oil?

I'm not sure. I mean, I could see Trump doing better with them and helping oil but at the same time he hates Muslims so who knows honestly.

Was thinking about this driving home today from work, I read a theory somewhere that Obama will be the last president. Not sure where I can across it but was compelling and it stuck in my head.

Baba Vanga who was a Bulgarian prophet.

edit: sauce

That's the one. Thanks

I imagine the surf is going to get very choppy until then.

Just look at the last three Fridays exec orders. They are not pretty nor is a spoiled child when their toy is taken away. This is going to interesting.

ELI5 what the last 3 executive orders are if you don't mind. I haven't heard anything about this.

Pandemic, cog after emp/celestial damage, and that should get you digging.

Imho he's checked out. He doesn't want to be there anymore.

Continuity of government sounds so good and harmless at first glance.

Continuity of mind control just doesn't have the same ring to it.

...and time for Hustler / National Enquirer 'investigative teams' to dig up dirt on members of the Electoral College, in an effort to turn a few more into "Faithless Electors".

They would need quite a few

Yeah if I were Trump, I'd be underground, somewhere secret, with my best friends, and is remind them all how much they didn't need to turn on me and kill me with $50,000.00 each week or so each. If I'm Trump, someone doesn't fart without me knowing about t until I'm in office .... Cause he's on that assassination block right now for absolute sure.....

This should be stickied because it's true. If Obama declares a State of Emergency, all citizen rights go out the window.

Read up on State of Emergency on Wikipedia, it's got just enough "what ifs" to shock most.

Too late after today he cannot stop President Trump from happening

After January 20th he can't do anything, but until then the game is still on.

the game is always on but a choice has been confirmed and prior to yesterday that was not true. If obummer was going to do anything untoward/nefarious the prime time is past and he has to look after himself for post January 20. Probably will sacrifice hillary (toast) to apease Republicans given their power for the next 2 years minimum.

Noooo. C'mon.

Trump must have a pretty shady past as an NYC developer. His son inlaw's father Charles Kushner, is another yuge NYC developer who's went to jail for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering. His previous lawyer and confidant, Roy Cohn, was charged with professional misconduct, including perjury and witness tampering.

What are the chances that the establishment was holding onto a failsafe and he gets indicted on some dirt before taking office?

So what happens if he drops out between now and the electoral college meeting? And what happens if he drops out if and after the electoral college actually decides to elect him? Does pence get the presidency, or does it go back to special election?

I believe it goes to Pence but don't quote me on that

I believe it goes to Pence but don't quote me on that

~ /u/LoneWords

No way they waited. It's only harder now.

Nahhhh that would be too dangerous. And it wouldn't work. the military is on the side of citizens. At least, the American ones...

Don't count on that, even if it feels good to believe.

These people are sick, put them in camps. If they resist, shoot, I am ordering you to so you won't go to hell.

Good point.

Anyone here wana put money where their mouthis? Didnt think so

Great, better than having a child rapist in the office. Bring it.

Absolutely. Have to be vigilant. Need to turn up the heat on these emails. Obama has to be more involved than we know. He was in a full court press when it came to supporting Hillary.

He was in a full court press when it came to supporting Hillary.

As is tradition for the sitting president, who is the de facto leader of his party. Nothing new.

OP, you are an idiot.



Show me the proof and citations that this is "100% valid". Burden of proof is on you and everyone else that believes this garbage.



Rule 10. Removed.


Two steps ahead of you. It's too bad this sub has devolved to this; a dying breed, for sure. Good luck with it.

You have to recognize the absurdity of going around conspiracy channels demanding quotes and proofs.

And, if you don't, well, then I would gently advise that this probably isn't your place.

Rule 10. Removed.

That's the one. Thanks

He was in a full court press when it came to supporting Hillary.

As is tradition for the sitting president, who is the de facto leader of his party. Nothing new.

Pandemic, cog after emp/celestial damage, and that should get you digging.

You have to recognize the absurdity of going around conspiracy channels demanding quotes and proofs.

And, if you don't, well, then I would gently advise that this probably isn't your place.

Rule 10. Removed.