Oh look, r/politics suddenly opens up a dialogue about wikileaks. Trump and Bernie supporters find common ground. No top comments smearing Assange or blaming Russia. Funny how that subreddit just snapped back as if nothing happened.

3879  2016-11-09 by swearslikeamahfucker


The paychecks stopped.

Ding, ding, ding!

Freedom lovers rejoice!

Freedom has a price, apparently.

And during a presidential campaign that price is probably double

I heard in this case $0.50/comment. Considering how fast I type if I was willing to whore out my beliefs to the highest bidder I'd have been able to buy us a new house.

Maybe I could have played games and be as obvious as some of those guys on FB and helped people see CTR is real.

Edited my scrambled acronym

I keep seeing this but don't know what it means, mind explaining what CRT stands for?


YW. I stumbled on it a dew kmonths ago and asked someone myself. Passing it forward!

It would rapidly become mind numbing. Imagine if you get $0.5 for every karma your account have. You get $1900 for that.

You want to earn $100 in a day from commenting? That's 200 comments. That's over 3 hours of posting a comment per minute.

Maybe with some bot tools that rewrite other peoples replies and submit them it could turn comfortably profitable. But I'm sure they only want to pay for real organic comments and not your comment-farming exploit.

No more so than repeating some written script at the call center 10 hrs a day for fractions od a penny in comparison. Or C&P work for CSA emails. Or back in the day data entry all day 120 wpm copying papers into the computer. That last one was probably the worst except if they let me listen to music and not having to talk to angry people all day.

And with my CTR buds up voting each other its easier. Push some buttons on people and cash cow as we debate each other and I c&p my rebuttals changing a few words. Could even make the bot and set up to proof read quickly and change a few words

There is always a price. And usually those denying it pay well. Whether it's to buy disinformation and propaganda or weapons, riot shields and internment camps.

I find I am thinking more and more about how our govt and many politicians themselves meet the DOD definition of "terrorist"

The U.S. Department of Defense's definition, which is "the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological objectives".[6]

Dirty Bombs Wikipedia - Terrorist

That's great and all, but should we migrate away from Reddit before 2020? Won't Reddit just get infected again?

Really we need to transition to a new platform before the next election. Something built from the ground up to be resistant to shilling, and to facilitate cooperation.

The best strategy I know of to harden against shills is to make the forum pay to play. Not much, you want an extremely low barrier of entry, a few dollars per account. You want to make it prohibitively expensive to sockpuppet and game voting and comments. Use registration fees to pay for hosting so there is never a financial side to be beholden to, accept payment in bitcoin because some things needs to be said anonymously. Culture of extreme transparency in moderation. More speculative, but I think deep learning is advancing to the state where a neural net trained to sniff out shills is feasible, make it easier to take their bitcoins and use them to fund actual free discourse.

Great ideas but I am afraid true penetration would require it be free. But maybe some structure on Mods.

Pay to play is the cornerstone of the defense against shills, the only way to prevent them from drowning everyone out and blaring their own narrative is to make it cost prohibitive. SA forums were very successful back in the day, and an account costs $10. In the age of shills, $1-2 is cheap for a lifetime subscription to a forum designed to be as transparent and structurally resistant to shilling and manipulation as possible.

If it were really hurting for members, you could have something like an existing member could sponsor in a known real person at a reduced rate. But honestly I think we're in If You Build it They Will Come territory here. A window in which CTR and reddit complicity is fresh in the mind.

Yeah... maybe onto something especially if tiered accts offered extra benefits and less or no ads =)

If you simply set up the IP address as a hash, you'd be able to identify the posting farms.

That is an obvious move with an obvious countermove, just makes the farms work a little harder to obfuscate their identifies with proxies and VPNs. Would hardly even be a speedbump to an effort on the scale of CTR.

Pay to play is the only way I can think of to robustly protect against shilling. (providing the userbase can be grown to the size that it would be very cost prohibitive to shift messaging through numbers)

This is a great topic of discussion. Reddit is so big now though... where would we migrate to?


Diaspora is a platform that is resistant to censorship, it needs more love and more users.

I'm building something. Hopefully should have something to show soon.


Pretty much all you need to do is stop visiting the specific subreddits that are obviously bought and paid for.

If it's accepted that correct the record did more harm than good, maybe no one will hire professional propagandists next time.

Two good things that came out of this election, hand-picking the nominee and correct the record both had negative consequences, so maybe they won't be repeated forever.

Two good things that came out of this election, hand-picking the nominee and correct the record both had negative consequences, so maybe they won't be repeated forever.

Depends. Maybe they really do prefer losing to Trump rather than Bernie winning. Look at her donors.

I think ctrs presence here was probably a botnet. They were relentless.

I think the worse thing about this is TPTB now have a template on how to control the narrative and brainwash hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Imagine owning a CTR/Shill group like that and focusing all your little demon spawns to influence whatever the highest bidder asks you to do, its actually quite scary

It's called China -- and now they have the social "credit score" that enlists your friends and families into helping you be a "right-thinking" individual

They did the same thing in South Korea with a female SJW/PC President, same thing we would had if Hitlery took the white house

Just going to put this here as a friendly reminder. unsub from r/politics. They allowed their sub to be used as a propaganda mouth peace and does not deserve to be a default sub. Remember CTR, remember the obvious shilling and never go back.

and their 23 new mods just before the election, all violently pro hillary. edited link per request of automod bot

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Good point. Vote with your feet.


SJW/PC President,

which is what we have had here for the last eight, apart from a few very visible adjustments, most 'SJW' complaints which could be the modern versions of Labor and social fighters, ie race and inequality and poverty, human and civil rights, have been totally fcuking ignored.

we still have people in tent cities, still have whole cities and towns and burbs where people despair and leave if they can. jobs are being destroyed by NAFTA and TPP.

SJW/PC is just leverage and psychological levers to make a few idiots feel like they are achieving something, the reality is they are not.

BLM, Bundys, pipeline protesters try to achieve something, they get roasted and pissed on by the MSM and the payrolled politicians, some of which are known to be pedos and/or protectors or blackmailers (London and Washington).

drain the swamp, human and civil rights for everybody, worldwide.

Well said, I don't like seeing the SJW label being used to describe corrupt corporatist puppets. There was nothing social, just or warrior-like about Hillary anyway.

100% this. The one thing I welcome from the Thing, I mean Trump, is to terrify the left into concentrating on real issues not identity politics insanity.

Damn good point.

Thats diabolical and absolutely brilliant. Did Alinsky come up with that too? He is like a Bond villian

But it didn't work, and it cost a lot of money.

But it didn't work, and it cost a lot of money.

Actually it came close to working. If there weren't any wikileaks and the corporate whore has a cleaner look and kept her baggage hidden, they would have won it. Or if Bernie was the leading DNC candidate and he had CTR he most likely would have won it with all the Socialist illusions he was spewing

Bernie wouldn't have signed off on a CTR.

Any candidate who values the constitutional right of speech and assembly wouldn't have permitted that monstrosity.

Imagine what the real result would have been with an honest media and a ban on astro turfing!!

Yes, but exactly what you listed, there wouldn't of been a need to use CTR. If a candidate is so bad it takes 6million dollars and an army of paid astroturfers to spread false narratives they're probably not fit to run in the first place. Hillary also had the media in her pocket (including fox news), every establishment politician on both sides of the isle supporting her, a boat load of money from every which way, and the whole "first women president", but she still lost.

Let this be a message to the political elite.

This. Also, they now have proved their great understanding of collective consciousness and the tools to control it.

Im sure Meme Magic will be used against us in the next time. CTR shills will call themselves "Anonymous Centipedes" and will Worship Assange and use pseudo Pepe as their symbol. History repeats itself, just in faster cycles.

My facebook be like:

UNcitizenUID: autistlivesmattertendies2009 -- National Social Karma 87/100 (rising) -- CO2 Offset Achievement: Unlocked.

facebook_tru-random_number_generator_powered _by_google: 7055777

Trips for population control

Ohhhhhhh Praise Kek

I believe!

Screencap me!!

Screencap me as in "witness me"? I love it lol

This. Also, they now have proved their great understanding of collective consciousness and the tools to control it.

Oh I'm sure there will be agents manipulating meme magic to work against us. good call

In the end they got out-memed by weebs on various mongolian fingerpainting websites. I don't think we have much to fear. Truth is so powerful that even if the crowd is yelling 2+2=5 we are still free enough to tell them to stfu. Lets hold onto that freedom with all our strength. Make this whole planet into what it should be.

but it failed...

Wasn't there an email asking about Facebook open sourcing ai and the concern it may cause the Clinton campaign? Maybe they were worried because they were using it.

You guys remember Taytweets?

Same technology but with controlled datasets to pull from.

Follow the money. Always.

Its not even a conspiracy theory. Everyone knew what was really going on here.

Shrillary stopped funding them, yay (but is probably still funding ISIS)

You mean it's safe to resubscribe?

If you're a bernout

From what I've read, the general consensus really just seems to be everyone's happy Hillary lost.

But what about the mods? Aren't they still all compromised? I can't imagine they are operating without a mod team the day after the election

We could check easily enough...just wait a week or to and see what the FEC filings webpage says.


No they didn't. Go back over now. It's still happening, they're just being more tactful now.

Nice to know Reddit is so willing to sell themselves like a whore

Its very worrying to be honest

CTR was a weapon, and we will see this kind of stuff again in the future

Lucky we fuckin REKT that stupid weapon. Whoever shelled out prolly close to $1 billion to r&d that shit needs to fire everybody.

I have to agree.

CTR did get fucking wrecked.

Astroturfing is a double-edged sword.. When people start to sense the manipulation, it destroys the credibility of the message.

When people start to sense the manipulation, it destroys the credibility of the message.

And that is why it is revealing when r/politics mods ban you for even discussing astroturfing.

They said I could appeal my ban after the election. I messeged them today and they gave me a quick "no" and muted me.

My 2nd ban was even worse. It was absolutely an arbitrary ban because the reason they cited was unambiguously factually false.

I also had a creepy interaction with the mod where he 1st gave me a permanent ban and said that he will reduce it if I message him saying "I read and agreed to their rules". I thought it was weird at 1st, but messaged him nonetheless.

Then, after I figured out that the reason they banned me was factually false, and started messaging them to review it, they 1st warned me that they'll send be back to "read the rules" and then made the ban permanent again.

I find those little manipulative rituals when they ask you to do some meaningless thing before they do you a "favor" really telling.

It's the canary move.

Everyone here was telling them this month's ago. They've done such a shit job whoever ran that operation should kill themselves.

His name is David Brock

and random blue/white collar joes and jills became aware of the MSM shilling and the DNC corruption.

its amazing what a little bit of publicity fo scandal and financial corruption can achieve.

people are by nature jealous of theft and corruption.

this is the driving force behind revenge and retribution, envy to a degree over something for nothing, and anger too.

It doesn't just destroy the credibility, it makes people adamantly opposed to whoever it supports.

The morally disgusting people working for them surely dont care. They got their paychecks,probably.

You dont have to pay bots

but you do have to pay the person controlling them, usually.

My Dixie Wrecked.

WE did it. The Ministry of Truth is gone. WE can talk like human beings to each other without fear of fake people arguing for no point.

the ministry of truth is just hibernating now, they will take a step back and let things calm down while they process what they did wrong and how to address those isssues, they will be back in greater numbers with a more refined process the next time they need to force public opinion in a new direction.

/politics lost reputation big time, now is a good time for them to loosen the grip and hope people will forget.

But I am hopeful. I was really surprised by how many old Clinton's scandals were remembered by so many people this election season.

were remembered

some scandals are petty and financial and of interest to poltical junkies.

other scandals involved serious fraud and thefts and murders.

these ones caused loss to people and families, those people are going to remember until the day they died, they will pass on the story and hatred of the Clinton cabal to their kids and their kids kids.

there are people today that are still rabidly anti-Russian, all because of lost family fortunes from the collapse of the Russian Empire and stock market in 1917. bonds and stocks etc. Russia had had a 'Wild Wild East' going on with foreign investors gambling on their eastern expansion.

Russia had had a 'Wild Wild East' going on with foreign investors gambling on their eastern expansion.

Russia is freaking crazy. They're considered an oligarchy for a reason, because all politicians created this huge fire sale of all publicly-owned resources, transferred it to themselves and their buddies, and then profited enormously.

Bill Browder wrote a book about what happened out there, only his was from the petulant child's perspective that Russia tried to stop him as a foreign investor taking part of the fire sale.

yeah gonna need a goal. We shat all over that for now.

This is why from now until then, we need to fight for things like transparency laws or something. I don't know what architecture needs to be in place from preventing stuff like this from happening again, but we gotta think of something. What happened with /r/politics is a serious red flag for what could happen across all of the internet.

It isn't gone. Just sleeping.

i'll take it.

true, sleeping is better than expected, at least enough people are aware that its causing problems.

suppression is never the answer. That we can all agree.


The silver lining is that we learned from it too as did other people. It drove people to other subs like this one. Atleast we know how low the shills will sink.

yep, humans with their built-in free will always fuck up the best laid plans.

What people forget is that while CTR was the most visible, there were astroturfing efforts from both sides in this election.

Yeah, that's what worries me. It's not going to stop because CTR is gone, and it's only going to improve the next time. We need a real, open, and honest discussion about this. Preferably in a large thread, maybe on /r/askreddit with admins chiming in. It won't happen, but that's what I'd really like to see.

Astroturfing is some shady fucked up shit and so many people just outright deny that it happens. If not for /r/conspiracy being a sort of central hub for these kinds of discussions, so many more people would have fallen for their tricks.

Good idea, many people are still completely unaware of CTR and Astroturfing in general, getting a large discussion started on the matter definitely be of use to a lot of people, especially since Brexit and Trump have shown the unreliability of using MSM to control the narrative.

The liberal elite have built their rhetoric up slowly over the years, using social media and the MSM to socially ostracise anyone who dared to say or do anything that could be perceived as targeting a minority group whether or not there was any basis or intent behind the accusation and that rhetoric has definitely peaked around the Brexit and Trump situations but Astroturfing is something else entirely.

People need to know because next time they will come with more money, more people and better tactics and as someone who is dubious about peoples intent at the best of times, that scares the crap out of me.

Considering how many people make fun of conspiracy theorists its funny to think that over the last few weeks so many people have had to come here to make sure that they WERN'T the crazy ones. If r/conspiracy had been infiltrated i wouldnt have had a clue where to go.

Edit: Spelling

What's funny is that CTR tried to get into /r/conspiracy quite a few number of times, but people here are much more suspicious of that kind of shit so it just wasn't going to fly.

Plus, I think they thankfully assumed we were such a fringe community that our hearts and minds weren't worth trying to corrupt.

"Underestimate" seems to be the key word of the DNC.

If r/conspiracy had been infiltrated i wouldnt have had a clue where to go.

No kidding.

For about two months, my Reddit engagement was solely limited to the_donald, conspiracy, and DNCleaks. It was like a bunker and I began to question my sanity. I wondered if the rest of the world believed the pushed narrative and I was the crazy one, or if the narrative was being manufactured and I was the sane one. This election proved the latter was true, thank god... and as a result, we all should be eternally vigilant to let the actual truth prevail. Whatever that truth may be.

I don't know why people thing this is a liberal or conservative issue. This shit is happening on both sides. Liberals just happen to be guilty this time. It's the elite in general.


The Bush administration brought us the PATRIOT Act, after all.

Trump didn't really hire people to do it though. He just kind of lucked out the world thought it would be hilarious to try and get him elected. It was a good joke.

Anybody that he did hire, they did far less work than 4chan and the various ops pol conducted creating memes and infomemes.

Him tweeting a Pepe and Can't Stump the Trump video certainly help with it.

He knew what he was doing.

I think Donald Trump was way more calculating than any of us really ever could have though.

He just kind of lucked out the world thought it would be hilarious to try and get him elected. It was a good joke.

Yup. People aren't kidding when they said 4chan meme'd a president into existence. Next redpill confirmed = magick is real.

I think people need to be aware that astroturfing is not even new. That's why /r/hailcorporate exists. A while ago I saw a clown video of a guy chasing away a creepy clown that went viral, and they were blatant with their message of "I love brand beer." CTR was like astroturfing on steroids. The point is to be subtle, but then again, Hillary knows nothing about subtlety.

I hope we do see this weapon again. It was easy to spot.

Sooner or later some company is going to learn to keep an army of sockpuppets churning out crap year round so that they can be rented on demand.

I don't think a machine can come up with memes that can rival our dankness. Our memes come from spiciest places in our hearts.

This. They are soulless shill. Their meme's non-existent or bland. Can't fake Dankness.

I'm sure you're already aware of this, but there are spiritual implications to what you're saying. It reminds me how people talk of archons, or beings who can only exist by co-opting and degrading the actual creations of humans because they themselves are incapable of creativity.

I agree, Ive been watching David Icke a lot lately, thought he was off his rocker back in the day, but now he is making way too much sense. I think this is a battle for our minds and hearts more than anything else.

I hope we do see this weapon again. It was easy to spot.

Next time it might not be as obvious. They will learn from this

We need to keep a good eye on this

Yeah, I worry the technology will outpace our ability to detect it. Hence why we need a government for the interests of the people, so we can enact laws that protect our right to assemble online without interference as well... even if that site is owned by a corporate entity.

Next time it won't be so obvious.

We see it every day in the form of puns and deflecting top comments to serious posts. Hell I love a good pun but to think that it happens as often as it does nowdays seems a little too common. Though I prob underestimate the quest for internet points.

All media. Facebook, Google, Twitter, they all should be boycotted.

They won't.

Someone needs to create an alternative.

And it will end up just the same. Exhibit A: Reddit itself.

I'm not sure how to do it, but we need a space of online assembly protected by our 1st amendment rights. Censorship has been justified under the guise that it's a corporate-owned, privatized space.

But absent a place considered "public property" in the cybersphere, I'm not sure how to ensure these rights are protected.

I guess the only consolation is that such assembly spaces are so easily created and at low costs that we can keep migrating, but that's a huge pain in the ass.

I am hoping most people in this sub have already done so.

Is reddit media?

They had to have been paid off to let CTR do that.

are you new here?

What I find hilarious is how they smeared Wikileaks and now they have/had a story near the top saying how "Wikileaks reveal how Bernie was blackmailed" or something like that. This is too funny!

they smeared Wikileaks

Paid off, CTR mods smeared Wikileaks.

I have to think others have one iota of common sense to realize that WL ain't the problem.

Did anyone really buy the Russia line?

Someone just today asked Hillary proof and I linked a wikileak.

He replied " I don't read putins propaganda"

He failed to explain Russias relevance in a decade where most States have a higher gdp than their whole country....

" I don't read putins propaganda"

I'm gonna hope this person doesn't have kids.

It reminds me of a poster on here who said, "I'd rather elect a competent person who stole the election than a buffoon." That person is more comfortable having a dictator who they think they like, than a president they don't who they can kick out of office in 4 years.

I'm optimistic that such people are the fringe but they're honestly terrifying.

Fuck them. I ain't going back.

I said it about Digg, and eventually I'll say it about Reddit (as a whole) once the successor is found.

I'm working on it.

Let me know friend haha

Will do. Hopefully I will have something testable soon.

Remindme! 6 months

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Awesome. Do you mind messaging me when you do?

Of course

Thanks man. I appreciate it



Why not? Too much free speech?

It sucks really. Just a wana be reddit. Reddit was different than digg.

It's Reddit with less people

Every other word there is "cuck"

not enough porn.

After /r/coontown got banned and migrated to voat it's been incredibly racist.

So to you, too much free speech is a problem.

If such sub-forums were banned, how different from reddit would it end up to be?

I never said that too much free speech was a problem just that there are a lot of racists on voat and I'd just rather not bother.

I love voat

voat was great until reddit banned coontown and then voat filled up with christians.

Yeah I don't know if I can, i'm just too suspicious.

Now all of a sudden people want to look into the emails. As long as people wake the fuck up from this, it's a win.

I agree. I actually logged into Facebook and posted some articles hoping some people will get interested. Now that the election battle is over(?) maybe some people can inform themselves on how easily we can be minipulated. . . Then I logged back out.

All of a sudden people can look at the emails. That shit was on lockdown owing to CTR's presence.

We need to start posting email-related stuff on /r/politics while the iron's still hot.

Did anybody else notice that the Hillary sub disappeared? And it was then recreated by a trump supporter who locked anyone from being able to post.

It became toxic, negative, and devoid of hope. The last few posts were about stock markets crashing and blaming the American public. Good riddance, I'm glad Reddit is almost back to normal.

lol what a hero

How long ago was this?

I checked this morning an hour or two after Trump won and it was gone.

It's like a totally different subreddit today.

What I think is amazing is that this election was the most aggressive propaganda war ever conducted by the media, I mean no attempt at even token objectivity. There was no other option available to the public. Hillary is ubiquitous, Hillary is anointed, there is no other outcome possible.

...and it failed, it wasn't nearly enough to thwart the anger the working class have at the political classes.

In 1984 Orwell describes the immense potential power of the proles, the working class if they just banded together and heaved.

The working class in America just heaved.

Now in the aftermath don't just forget about those outlets and platforms that bet their souls, their last meager shreds of credibility on the wrong horse... don't ever forget a single one of them as they squirm and weasel their way back into business as usual.

Edit; Since making this post I notice some outlets including the New York Times have actually apologized for their biased reporting. Considering the Times was pretty much acting as the Ministry of Truth for Clinton I find this bemusing until I realize of course they are trying to reset to #bsnzasusual for the next 4 years (back to giving the required flak, re: Chomsky) and when the next election rolls around they will choose their candidate and proceed to propagandize with all the same shameless, utterly one sided zeal they had this time around.

So excuse my language but fuck them and fuck their apologies. Why would I bother returning to them now? The sources I turned to during the election are still there so I'll keep using them cheers and you can bet I am just one of MANY.

Stick a fork in CNN, Sky News, the BBC, the NYT and all the rest because they are done.

I'd like to see a Senate do an investigation and report on use of social media manipulation by both foreign and local sources. This huge thing is occurring on the internet and yet we know so little about it, up to the point many people try to deny its existence.

Definitely. What we saw this election cycle was the true form of a corporatized, fascist media. We all should be paying very close attention to what happens when the internet becomes the same--because it looks like /r/politics.

This is why I'm so happy with Trump. A government needs dissenters, not yes men.

NPR was and is my favorite news source but their treatment of Bernie was shameful and I won't forget it.

Now in the aftermath don't just forget about those outlets and platforms that bet their souls, their last meager shreds of credibility on the wrong horse... don't ever forget a single one of them as they squirm and weasel their way back into business as usual.

Truth. It's a joy watching them realize they got caught with their pants down, too.

That's great and all but that place has become a permanent garbage heap for all the atrocious shilling that went on encouraged by the mods. For me there is just no redeeming qualities about that place.

Yeah, definitely not subbing again after the CTR fiasco. That just proved to me that the sub is willing and able to sell out its viewers.

We really need the /r/dataisbeautiful people to make some infographics showing the takeover and release of /r/politics.

No more money for CTR boo hoo. Who cares really, their trolling was so transparent there were undiscovered tribes in South America that knew reddit was compromised.

Even REDDIT's attempt at propping up Hillary's support turned off people enough to gamble on the unknown.

What pushed me away. Bad idea. Backfired bad.

Screw that sub.

the_donald back to everything 99% upvoted.

$6 million spent turning that sub into an echo chamber. The real people left pretty soon after takeover. $6 million spent on CTR employees spamming other CTR employees with Clinton propaganda

And all it did was make people angrier at their client. CTR is an all-round failure

as Podesta said, "everyone go home"

"go home to your pedo art in your million dollar mansions. Assume you guys all have those? You don't? God we are out of touch." John Molesta


"go home and have a pizza"

didn't all those bright young DNC puppies look so sad.

somebody should have shouted out 'cheese pizza'

Non-vegan pizzas? #TRIGGERED.

All the special snowflakes melting in the sun . . . .

The CTR paychecks started to bounce...

Would love to see an AMA with a mod from there.

Their mod team is still compromised. We need to support alternative subreddits.

I've been coming to r/uncensorednews over and over in my search for an alternative, but I am open to other suggestions.

A mass perversion of justice. Reddit an accomplice. Lost all respect for a respected site and mourn the creators dream.

FUCK CTR those divisive pieces of shit. If anyone ever tries to tell you Hillary "wasn't that bad" remember the CTR bullshit she pulled. Had she won, she would have done that to the entire internet.

I agree with this. I have a very hard time articulating it to others as to why I'm so outraged that a political candidate thought this was acceptable behavior. It comes across as, "they paid people to astroturf a sub on the interwebs" when it's SO much more than that.

Trump and Bernie supporters have had common ground for a long time. Specifically, the HillaryforPrison subreddit, being created as a clear extension of The_Donald, had to debate allowing the influx of anti-Hillary Bernie supporters who were showing up to shitpost against Hillary. They decided that anybody who was into the basic Hillary for Prison premise was welcome, and became something of a unifying point for the more angry Bernie supporters, and the Trump supporters who were unhappy with how dominant Hillary was during most of the election.

That's one example, at least. No point telling you whether or not you think it means anything. That's all you doing you, yeah?

I completely agree.

I may go back to /r/politics because I'm not sure what alternative exists. I liked /r/the_donald but I'm not sure how many of those supporters are willing to have an open mind when others point out Trump's serious flaws.

I'm sort of hoping all of the conservative Hillary haters can open their eyes and realize all politicians are the same and suck equally. This sub is thankfully good for that--it's something most of us know. Only problem is that we here are more inclined to be apathetic and not do anything about it knowing it's a broken system. This election has actually renewed my sense of faith that the peoples' voice can be heard. This belief, however, is usually decried as naivety in this sub.

Not coming back. No reason to believe the same shit won't occur again. Butthurt, sure., but this is much further up than a mod issue. Fuck this sub.

Karma is a bitch. Crooked Hillary stole the nomination but could not stole the election.

It is cleaning time. Dump those DNC bitches into garbage.

Politics mods can eat shit and die.

The mods or whoever is running that sub need to be made accountable about what occurred once Shillary was confirmed as the DNC candidate.

I agree. For Spez to have that "we're politically neutral even if it may not seem like it, hur dur" AMA was so duplicitous that I'm still in disbelief.

its as if 1000's of account were suddenly deleted to cover their tracks...

that sub should die a slow death

A better idea is that if the subreddit could be made into a fair and nonpartisan reputable source for unbiased news.

Then in a few years when the next election cycle starts, there will be (as was now) OUTRAGE that it has been taken over.

If your plan works and it never grows back, nobody will give a shit when it is taken over again.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that /r/politics became political in the worst of ways. They banned Wikileaks and RT as sources. They were the worst.

Reddit admins should be ashamed of themselves. What a joke.

And literally overnight the cockroaches have left the building.

Proof of a Shadow Government coup hidden under "Progressive Values Movement" to install total control over the nation and its people's destiny. Basically via social media and real grievances from women and minorities in some capacity, they wanted to guarantee they would get there way and if you disagree "racist, misogynists, homophobic, etc" would greet you. Fuck these people.....


I hate that the term "progressive" is now going to be in reference to this. It's unfortunate because it's co-opting a valid movement. As I call it, there's "Progressives, Inc" (Soros/Podesta) and "Progressives" (Sanders). The latter exists, but unfortunately it'll now be equated with the former corrupted version. I want to identify as a progressive but I completely understand how people will want to reject that label owing to what happened.

Mobile cut that off as "wikileaks suggests bernie sanders was black"

we could request an AMA from a group of CTR shills. it would be interesting, and i feel people who lived through their crappy reign deserve some answers. and together with the CTRs, someone who represents reddit, to tell us why it was OK to allow it

I will never re-subscribe to it and the people of /r/politics should be constantly reminded about what happened. It should be banned from ever being mentioned in /r/conspiracy

Hillary can thank CTR and her dirty campaign tactics for sending my vote to Trump. Taking over Reddit was an unspeakable act in my book. Totally despicable.

Sock puppets no longer getting a check.

It's almost like this invisible but not invisible force just vanished....like a fart in the wind. I don't mind it. It's quite refreshing.

Still not going back there fuck that place

Still, I will never go back to any sub that allowed themselves to be taken over.

Wouldn't know. Unsubscribed from that shit show a month ago.

That sub flipped like Pennsylvania.

Do we forgive and forget? No, we don't. Fuck /r/politics and stop posting in that shithole.

stay away, do not support them with traffic. they've shown their colors-- they can fuck off!

Problem is, there are so many ignorant, unaware people there that should be told what happened this election cycle. When a person posts a Wikileaks email there are lots of "holy shit, I had no idea"-type reactions.

It's for that reason that I may re-subscribe to /r/politics.

People being open to cooperation isn't exactly unexpected.

I despise Trump but I'd rather find some common goal then spend the next 4 years doing nothing positive.

first we arrest all the Washington pedos, close down their pedo pizza parlors.

After spending so much time on /r/the_donald due to having no other political thread, I'm convinced there's room for a lot of cooperation with the conservatives of Reddit. There are many intersections there.

Plus I think all of us are waking up to the fact that aligning with any one political party and worshipping their ideology is a stupid idea. Lots of Rs were willing to go Sanders and lots of Ds voted (or okay, at least moved out of the way) for Trump.

Is /r/politics safe to unblacklist now?

I would say no. Probably not ever.

Looks like it.

No more soros checks.

R/politics is a shill factory through n through.

Ministery Of Truth defunded (for now). Given how effective it was, I doubt the idea of CTR will disappear.

r/all had The_Donald plastered all over it for top comments in the past hour. It's painful to think that reddit may still be compromised

Hillary supporters are still in shock and chilling out while eating loads of ice cream and popping antidepressants like it's skittles.

So where do we go from here then? IMO it's clear enough evidence to make changes in reddit before the next election cycle. The weak point of reddit is that it's a centralized organization. If a candidate wants to manipulate it they go to the few people in charge and either threaten them or bribe them to let them make changes. We should push for decentralization and transparency in reddit.

I'm perma banned from /r/politics for calling out their bullshit. Fuck that place.

Thank goodness Hillary didn't win because we would have had 4 years of government funded CTR in every nook and cranny of our lives.

You know, I never minded TD or SandersforPresident, I could just unsubscribe and I knew they were biased for one side, but I was really upset by the obvious slant of r/politics.

It should scare everyone that this happened. It was an obvious attempt to control the conversation disguised as sub for discussing ALL politics. The good is that they did a bad job disguising their motives, the bad news is that they will learn from it and get better.

That should scare the shit out of everyone.

How do we stop this kind of thing from happening again? Paid shills should not be mods.

We live here, once the shilling cause is over they just go home...

And now everyone's newfound knowledge about the governmental corruption will subside as the topic diesoff, letting those in power run rampant as always.

But what if.......what if....

CTR is over so its not really that surprising

Fuck that sub and all those queer fag mods in it

I got banned for pointing out that every post was anti Trump.

well I guess...things are back to normal?

Building trust is a hard process, and for r/politics is gonna be hard to rebuild it after the mod team was so blatantly sold out.

Mods willing participation in the huge manipulation on that subreddit, the activation of days-old mod accounts with full permissions, opinion suppression, sub-brigading and victimization have made of Reddit an awful experience during this election cicle.

They're all too busy staging fake riots.

Fuck those subreddits.

They will still censor and mislead us.

Again, fuck those cucked subs

How many people do you think were parked in that sub reddit?

Can we like stop attacking each other. It's over, take a nap

If I may hazard a guess... Yes, it's the timing, but not solely CTR.

Once the election boiled down to Hillary V. Trump, many people (and I am one of them) still hated Hillary, but saw her as at least more stable than Trump. So while the leaks were still interesting as exposés, people in this group didn't want these revelations to get Trump elected, because HRC was still viewed as a safer pick.

Now that the election is over, we don't want to be faced with this kind of decision again, so by all means let's go back to Reddit as usual and point out he flaws of the establishment so we have better choices in 4 years.

more stable than Trump

just a daytime drunk, Alzheimers, blood clot, wild uncontrollable eyes, seizures.

freezes immobile when under pressure.

yep, Killary def more stable than President elect Donald Trump

Really? I know this is r/conspiracy, but please, don't disrespect my intelligence.

Ding, ding, ding!

Freedom lovers rejoice!

Follow the money. Always.

I think ctrs presence here was probably a botnet. They were relentless.

Will do. Hopefully I will have something testable soon.

Shrillary stopped funding them, yay (but is probably still funding ISIS)

i'll take it.

Its not even a conspiracy theory. Everyone knew what was really going on here.

You mean it's safe to resubscribe?

But what about the mods? Aren't they still all compromised? I can't imagine they are operating without a mod team the day after the election

We could check easily enough...just wait a week or to and see what the FEC filings webpage says.

This is a great topic of discussion. Reddit is so big now though... where would we migrate to?

Really we need to transition to a new platform before the next election. Something built from the ground up to be resistant to shilling, and to facilitate cooperation.

The best strategy I know of to harden against shills is to make the forum pay to play. Not much, you want an extremely low barrier of entry, a few dollars per account. You want to make it prohibitively expensive to sockpuppet and game voting and comments. Use registration fees to pay for hosting so there is never a financial side to be beholden to, accept payment in bitcoin because some things needs to be said anonymously. Culture of extreme transparency in moderation. More speculative, but I think deep learning is advancing to the state where a neural net trained to sniff out shills is feasible, make it easier to take their bitcoins and use them to fund actual free discourse.


Pretty much all you need to do is stop visiting the specific subreddits that are obviously bought and paid for.

No they didn't. Go back over now. It's still happening, they're just being more tactful now.

If it's accepted that correct the record did more harm than good, maybe no one will hire professional propagandists next time.

Two good things that came out of this election, hand-picking the nominee and correct the record both had negative consequences, so maybe they won't be repeated forever.

No more so than repeating some written script at the call center 10 hrs a day for fractions od a penny in comparison. Or C&P work for CSA emails. Or back in the day data entry all day 120 wpm copying papers into the computer. That last one was probably the worst except if they let me listen to music and not having to talk to angry people all day.

And with my CTR buds up voting each other its easier. Push some buttons on people and cash cow as we debate each other and I c&p my rebuttals changing a few words. Could even make the bot and set up to proof read quickly and change a few words