Maybe the FBI helped Trump take the election so he could appoint a new DoJ that will prosecute the Clinton Cabal?

41  2016-11-09 by [deleted]



That's what I've been saying. The investigations "turning up nothing" twice in a row only stirred up public discontent and anger that she'd get away with her blatant crime. They could have easily gotten her on the counts of classified data over unsecured lines, BUT if they botched it it would be so much more damaging and could bring in someone who could prosecute her for her more heinous crimes. If it were just classified data alone, she could have been pardoned by President Obama and still gotten the white house. How can he pardon her for crimes she has yet to be formally accused of?

TL;DR Not all conspiracies have bad endings

Edit - changed implicated to formally accused of


At first I thought Obama would walk away from this unscathed since the classified data case showed "no criminal intent", but with him possibly being involved in #Pizzagate and all of Clinton's bullshit scheming happening directly under his administration (though it may have originated as far back as B.Clinton or GHW.Bush) he had the power to stop it.


i suspect we are seeing obama's handiwork right now

How so? I'm genuinely curious, I've been trying to think this whole thing over from as many angles as possible and I've been dying to have an actual discussion about it now that CTR is gone


Fuck, that would be crazy but not entirely not out of the realm of possibilities. It would imply a lot of death and events that could have prevented if they had stopped Clinton sooner before building a stronger case? That's a lot of blood shed via proxies she's funded and money siphoned away, just to cement their case

Oooo, this is a good one.

This would be considered a beneficial conspiracy.

I love the comments in this thread. Intelligent & well thought out.

I'm not shitting on this theory but think of the slippery slopes here.

All of a sudden the FBI feels they can dictate the way things go in this country. This isn't what we should want, we should want a legal non-biased investigation and the truth be found. But instead we're advocating going back to the days of Hoover's FBI where the director of the FBI had black mail material on most of the country's not only wealthy elites but also our civil rights leaders, musicians and other artists, actors/actresses as well as others. You guys just want the outcome that you want and the devil be damned the consequences.

I remember when this sub used to rail against abuses of power just like this, invasions of privacy like what the NSA and the Patriot Act are doing to us, and we loved Snowden, who sure as hell wouldn't stand for this despite what Hillary has helped do and has said about him. WTF happened to this sub.

I get that Hillary has a lot of dirt that needs to be on display but we need her to be tried in the court of law, not some fucking lynch mob chanting "burn the witch" you guys should be ashamed of yourself, the Salem Witch Trials were in the 1600's, I get it that some of us want to go backwards but do we need to go that far back?


(is CTR still on payroll?)

And of course because I don't agree with you I'm CTR, completely fucking cliche and everything that has been wrong with this sub since the CTR bullshit started.

i would revise my title if i could

That's great and all but it's the spirit of the post not just the title, how about innocent until proven guilty? And that means guilty in the court of law, not a mob, that's the whole purpose of that tenet of law. It's like we've forgotten what being an American is all about or something, either that or we never cared in the first place and just use conspiracies to justify our outrage and hatred.


nope, not because you disagree with me but because you make shilly comments

Wtf is shilly comments? That's for you to judge? Like I said you didn't like what I had to say so you're whipping out your good old wild card to smack down and invalidate my point.

you're defending hillary,

No I'm defending human decency, I think the fact that you can't see that is the biggest problem.

which is really weird if you've spent any amount of time here.

Been here for five years on 3 different accounts and I don't need to justify myself to you, you're the one advocating a lynch mob and trumping up charges on someone without a fair trial, I'm just trying to be the voice of reason here.


Dude your account is a year old too, stop trying to condescend to me because your point sucks and shows what a piece of shit you seem to be.

Also stop trying to hold up the sub like it somehow justifies your point, it doesn't. Also you're not even sharing research or data you're just posting your Christmas wishlist looking for other people to come in and say "hey me too" so that you can all have a nice little confirmation bias circlejerk.

"The devil be damned" that's our goal

Well then you're just as bad as the Clinton's then, two wrongs never make a right and you're just a lynch mob.

I'm pretty confident this is what happened.

Look up FBI anon.

it REALLY would be nice to see an investigation that wasn't being controlled by teams of lawyers-from what I know they,the fbi pretty much let THEM do what ever they wanted to hide the truth actually it seems as though they,the fbi were HELPING them as MUCH as they could-not to mention criminal l.lynch p.kadzik a.mccabe being obviously in on the collusion to protect her as well. I do so agree with you though-It has been a very good day on very little sleep-we need to target j.podesta and his very disturbing ties to a.crowley and trash the us mockingbird media HARD.


I will try to remember that IF the evidence leads where I think it is going to.Their past is all we have and all we need to bring them down.


yes-I think you are correct!

They have all the emails though, and what about the possibility of classified data mishandling only being the tip of the iceberg? Can't pardon away what you aren't accused of yet


I know. Seriously legitimately fuckin weird. Like they need to be removed from the gene pool levels of weird. I would like it to not be true, but honestly I hope it comes to light


Already reports that Obama will pardon Hillary.

Perhpas hillary et all lost on purpose thinking it was the only to evade prison. They can just hide away and the people forget about their crimes and the emails

But the FBI is run by the same people who control the Clintons so what would be the point?