Reddit admins and subreddit mods (r/politics and more) need to be held accountable for trying to rig the election through blatant information manipulation and suppression. Never forget that they spent months systematically abusing and insulting the intelligence of their user-base.

2201  2016-11-10 by swearslikeamahfucker

Do not make this partisan. Party politics is a secondary issue here.


Just don't go to those subs. Kill the subs. I know I won't.

I asked for a ban appeal from r/politics a few hours ago now that the election is over. You would swear a top mod had an aneurysm.

I was perm banned from r/politics for expressing meta concerns in different subreddits about paid astroturf in r/politics and shedding light about r/politics mod actions. The ban justification:

Linking to /r/politics with the intent to start metadrama and/or vote brigade.

It's pretty clear that the top mods there have been compromised.

At this point I consider r/politics beyond repair. We need to support a different subreddit with contributions of submissions and good discussions.

/r/WayOfTheBern was able to get to r/all multiple times, and it has only 6000+ subscribers. So even a small sub with an active base can get traction.

r/conspiracy has a lot of subscribers, but it does not have mainstream appeal (maybe it can be changed?).

I've been coming to r/uncensorednews over and over in my search for an alternative, but I am open to other suggestions.

Stay away from conspiraxy. It's ours and won't be "changed". We have remained impartial throughout this election and our mods didn't sell out like on /r/politics. We are looking forward to going back to conspiracies now that the election is over. Most of what we talk about gets proven either way it's just the average person chooses to only listen to what the MSM tells them. Stay away.

I agree. This sub for the most part has great mods and our community is vibrant. I love this sub cause the mods aren't tainted.

Or are they?

To find out, tune in next time on /r/conspiracy

And now a word from our sponsors...


'I approve this message'


Exactly. Actual title of conspiracy is breaking news.

I visit this sub often but I never know if a source is legitimate.

Yes! Let's talk about the reptoids in Antarctica, please! We can still talk about the Clinton Conspiracies but places like Hillary for Prison are probably going to have more traffic.

such a simple last sentence and still so powerful

/r/conspiracy is suppressed from the front page of I remember correctly, but I could be wrong

You are correct sir.

I post in r/uncensorednews but unfortunately they've semi-gone the way of r/politics with rules.

You can't post videos without approval, auto-mod removes everything.
You must post original source, or removed.
You must post articles or removed. (no RAW footage)

/r/anythinggoesnews is relatively light on the moderation.

Well, what you're going to need is to create a subreddit with moderators that respect free speech above all other things. It can be any name, of any subject(s), really.

Just like culture, our forums are backwards. Most people believe good rules and moderators make good forums. Well, freedom to talk makes good forums.

Look at even r/conspiracy, one of the "better" subreddits. They have 12 rules, 5 of which consist of paragraphs, most of which are open to interpretation. They've effectively weeded out a lot of good users in the interest in these rules, but some bad moderation remains. I'd rather have bad users than bad mods.

I think the only function of a mod should be dealing with threats to users, doxxing, spam, and state-sponsored propaganda.

If /wayofthebern got on r/all multiple times, then it probably wasn't covering anything very controversial or informative. That was the criteria of censorship. And whether or not small subs can gain traction, eventually irresponsible moderation will render it into a state of r/politics.

It's information and expression that is censored. The mods here have done some good things, but they've also done 'bad' things for every good thing. It could be so much better. Instead of punishing in interest of arbitrary rules, they should have fewer rules. Half of them don't even need to exist.

You give any redditor enough money and they will let you do whatever you want with their account.

Hey look at us in the minority :)

relevant username


/r/conspiracy was set so it can never be in bestof, not sure on all.

Mainstream appeal? Who cares. Stand ground. We dont become like whoever.

Yep. I just had a similar conversation with a mod of /r/news while trying to appeal a perma-ban.

Can you post screenshots?

Let's see if I can copy and paste here.

/r/news/r/news ban expand allcollapse all

[–]to /r/news sent 17 hours ago

Hello, I would like to have my /r/news perma-ban reconsidered now that the election is over.


[–]from ReganDryke[M] via /r/news sent 17 hours ago

Permanent ban are named that way because they are permanent.

permalinkdeletereportblock usermark unreadreply

[–]to ReganDryke[M] via /r/news sent 17 hours ago

Yes, I understand. However, the reason I was banned, I believe, was motivated by a political comment I made. Downvote, certainly. Temporary ban, perhaps. Warning, sure. I was instantly and totally perma-banned. I believe it was disproportionate. That is why I am asking to have this reconsidered.


[–]from LuckyBdx4[M] via /r/news sent 17 hours ago


permalinkdeletereportblock usermark unreadreply

[–]to LuckyBdx4[M] via /r/news sent 17 hours ago

Can I ask for a reason? I have never been given a good reason why I was perma-banned. Every time someone states it for the record, it is different than last person.


[–]from LuckyBdx4[M] via /r/news sent 16 hours ago

Here you go.

You were brigading from /r/The_Donald

permalinkdeletereportblock usermark unreadreply

[–]to LuckyBdx4[M] via /r/news sent 16 hours ago

So... I made one comment, and I was instantly perma-banned with no warning? Do you do that to Hillary supporters equally, or just Donald supporters? (For the record, I am a Bernie supporter.)


[–]from DiggDejected[M] via /r/news sent 16 hours ago

Political affiliation has nothing to do with the decision to ban a brigade participant.

permalinkdeletereportblock usermark unreadreply

[–]to DiggDejected[M] via /r/news sent 15 hours ago

Okay, I can accept that. Thank you for your honest answer. As long as everyone is treated equally, I have no complaint.


[–]from LuckyBdx4[M] via /r/news sent 15 hours ago

And I'm Australian and care not for US politics, however at /r/news we do take brigading and shitposting seriously. This is not school or a workplace, we are under no obligation to give warnings.

Bye bye.

permalinkdeletereportblock usermark unreadreply

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I got banned from politics for making a lemon party joke.

What joke and what was mods ban message?

I got banned from the donald for stating that Trump would not care either. Then it escalated to this:

The donald was supported by Consumer Energy and used friends and family to moderate the subreddit. Some of the mods are black women.


wtf... you're just being metadramatic. /s

Fuck them, they pushed me into going to 4Chan. I'll never be the same.

8chan isn't so bad either.

Yeah, I preferred it. There seems to be less CTR interference.

Wait, they're is CTR interference on 4chan?

For a couple weeks they completely took it over. I mean completely. Questioning it got you banned.

Shit, glad I haven't been there lately. But at least I know it's safe to go back when I decide to.

/pol/ was fucky for a week or two. Not shit compared to reddit.

Because they were hitting on hard subjects and calling out the right stuff that threatened the power structure.

So CTR was deployed in a pathetic attempt to "correct" it.

Amateur trolls and internet dezians vs grizzled veterans. Guess who won?

A hell of a lot less CTR shills on 8chan. To me, someone who would be on the fence and seeing someone pay shills to scour forums and boards for them- that to me would turn me off to that candidate. I knew Killary was corrupt before hand, but to these younger people who don't remember the 90's Clintons, it should be a alarming.

Haha, right? I'd browse and was like, "useful, interesting, oh more racist shit, here's a half-naked woman, useful, useful, funny, full of shit..."

By the end of it I was almost convinced Hitler was a good guy.

Or not.

Sorry, 4chan. I still appreciate those sick bastards, though.

Me too. I now dream of Pepe.

Is there any other alternative ??

I prefer to be more direct and actively combat them. I stayed in /r/politics and argued my ass off. Was it against CTR or true Clinton supporters? I don't know. Was it against TD trolls or true Trump supporters? I don't know. But there were real people there being misled and I tried to share with (what I thought) was truth.

I know I'm wrong at times and can fall for misinformation but when it came things like trying to get people to read Wikileaks emails about DNC collusion I tried to inform people. I think it's better than letting the cesspool fool others.

The problem with r/politics is that if you made too much noise with opinions deemed unpopular by CTR and the mods, they would find an excuse to ban you.

They will attempt to repair their reputation now that the elections are over, but this is something that should be never forgotten or excused, unless reddit admins themselves admit the problem and replace the entire mod team.

This, burn it to the ground. If you go to a compromised sub, you're going to have a bad time

There should be apologies from Reddit Admins because it was painfully blatant.

No admin will ever admit guilt unless it's their last option.

Ah, the Hillary Clinton approach. i think that will work out just fine.

They probably got paid a huge sum from the Clinton Foundation, Hillary spent $1 Trillion on the campaign

Hillary spent $1 Trillion on the campaign

[citation needed]

Apologies don't do anything, they we're actively and still are suppressing a story about the Global Pedophilia ring about to be unveiled. They are either blackmailed or directly involved themselves. No sane human wouldn't want this to an end as quickly as possible.

What we really need to do is leave this fucking website for good. Seriously all it would take is a few subs to move before this place turns into a liberal echo chamber/circlecerk.

I wish I didn't like this sub (and it's moderators) and a few others so much, I could avoid the website completely. It is the same as CNN.

people like money, they'll always sell out. we need to repeal this

God that was such a piece of shit legislation.

I doubt Trump with his "we need to increase our surveillance" stance will change that, and he even said this on Infowars of all places.

Where? Voat doesn't really have the capacity for that many users.

It can have. It's not like the capacity can't be scaled up with donations.

And wait for them to sell out or get taken over eventually?

Can you recommend a good conspiracy forum that isn't filled with people who are batshit insane? The shit ones that I know off are:

  • GLP
  • ATS
  • Prison Planet Forums
  • David Icke Forums
  • Lunatic Outpost

Exactly! I am coming back after a year off of here and damn.. It's become really bad on here. People are no longer discussing theories. I had to search for a comment about votes not counting... That was surprising.

you could always go sift through stormfront V2 (GLP) for quality conspiracy. or ATS, their recent posts section is alright. front page is usually garbage.

I will never go back to /r/politics again...ever.

Politics was fucked, you could not post anything anti Hilary. And the mods had their hands up we are not doing anything! Was kinda pathetic really.

Say shill three times and they ban you for life. It worked for me and it can work for you too.

I like how the automod said exactly the opposite of every single comment.

I know it was so frustrating.

Not sure what we can do about it though, people will still go back.

fuck pol's mods. every one of them should be fired and changed.

4/pol/'s mods are either apolitical trolls or lefty leaning libertarians. 8/pol/'s mods are unwavering national socialists. Take your pick.

I hope CTR reflects on itself and what it helped create. Their social media manipulation tactics backfired. They created this.

CTR were one of the larger reasons why Democrats left their own party in the Rust Belt. These were people who voted for Obama and not racist. What they wanted, what they rejected, was politics as usual. They wanted an outsider. They wanted Bernie Sanders. They wanted someone who was not going to make backroom deals with Goldman Sachs, Health Insurance companies and energy companies that make those companies richer to the detriment of the american people.

The only person who could have beaten and outsider Republican in the election was an outsider Democrat.

CTR, this election was a massive rejection of the manipulation you employed on behalf of the party who cared more about their own enrichment and oligharcal corporate deals via Clinton Foundation and corruption. The only thing you accomplished was solidifiying our rejection of manipulation of a corrupt patry.

Perfectly stated.

Since this is /r/conspiracy, does anyone think it's possible that the RNC had their own version of CTR and infiltrated places like /r/the_donald?

Trump might have started out as an outsider, but what if once the RNC realised that he was going to the be the nominee they secretly rallied around him and started their own guerilla social media campaign first, publicly pretending to reject him, and at the same time stoking the circlejerk in /r/The_Donald?

Everyone could see that the more the establishment repuclicans spoke out against him, the more people rallied around Trump. What if the whole thing was a ruse and all of the millenials that proudly shouted MAGA from the mountaintops and posted dank memes for the past 10 months fell for it hook, line and sinker?

Already, he's only been president elect for 2 days and he's getting the old gang back together (Gingrich, Palin, Christie). For someone who is supposed to #draintheswamp he's just draining it from the left and filling it back up from the right with the same kind of establishment insiders and toxic psychopaths that have been in politics for decades. Most of the 18-30 year olds we saw around here supporting trump weren't alive when Gingrich was House leader and most were too young to care about politics in 2008. I feel like this group is going to be in for a rude awakening in the next couple of years.

I'm not saying that Clinton would have been better in any way, or that her tactics this election should have been rewarded but anyone who is poor or underemployed that voted for Trump and is expecting their lives to significantly improve over the next 4 years is going to be severely disappointed when people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are still the ones drafting legislation.

Maybe but the difference is when you go to /the_donald you expect it to be pro Trump. At least I did. When you go to r/politics, you expect it to have both sides of the story. There is a different expectation for what is going to be posted and how it is going to be regulated. For the mods of r/politics to be choosing one side is improper.

That being said, bots are not acceptable anywhere though.

Agreed on your points about /r/politics.

Whatever bots were being used kept most of /r/all littered with /r/the_donald posts, effectively making it a default sub for the past year.

I would think that the reddit admins had to have some idea that it was happening and they just sat back and let the "the front page of the internet" basically get hacked by a bunch of 4chan anons.

I think all realities are correct on this one.

4chan's creation of /r/the_donald (and they largely should be credited with its inception) arose from a desire to call out the spectacle of politics in all its absurdity.

Because they saw the Dems putting forth a shit candidate trying to be passed off as gold, they in turn thought it would be hilarious to put forth their own shit candidate and pass it off with the same legitimacy and seriousness (knowing full well he too was a sham candidate). Because chaos and 4chan are synonyms, /r/the_donald took on a life of its own. People started believing in the hype, and the Republicans probably cashed in on it from behind the scenes.

Have you watched the mockumentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop? If not you should, because Banksy is 4Chan and Mr. Brainwash is Trump. The young Trump supporters lapped up his message in much the same way as the art scene responded to the grandiosity of Trump. All the while, Banksy's wondering what monster he created and wondering how this is real.

That's a great analogy.


I hadn't thought about bots other than the AutoMod Train and Coat bots.

That makes sense since it seems like 4chan was behind a lot of what showed up on there. I feel like this was another one of their ops and there are a bunch of long time anons (lots of them probably not even American citizens) laughing their asses off. They have already successfully rigged and brigaded lots of online votes in the past and they wanted to see if they could successfully brigade and election and it appears they succeeded, at least with a large percentage of redditors. They essentially made Trump "go viral".

I partly wish I was a grad student doing a PhD, because I'd base my dissertation on how the hell a bunch of basement dwelling anons meme'd a president into existence. What they did was incredible, and I'm not sure if they'll ever get their due in the history books.

It was obvious that the_donald was infiltrated from the beginning, but not by RNC or even Donald people - it was run by known anti-libertarian and Zionist trolls like that jcm loser that has been around for more than a decade. They were very intolerant, even banned people willing to call out the pro-zionist neocon agenda, and zionist hypocrisy. The white nationalists made fun of this - it was so obvious.

Wow, just..... wow..

I feel like I should PM this video to all the idiots who were posting their brag pictures on /r/the_donald on election day to show them that they were played like a fiddle.

The politics sub needs to be nuked. All mods out. Purge the place.

I still can't get over how fucked up it truly is what u/spez and the rest of the admins did. Here I am typing away on their shit ass propaganda laced site, but at least I'm confined to r/conspiracy now for my browsing. Sadly the only forum that will treat me as if I have my own brain and reasoning skills. I was coming here before the election but now I will call this sub home.

Its nuts how i cant seem to leave reddit permanently.


Reddit is a private company, It can do what it likes. It does not have to give you a space to discuss trump, it can suppress information. If you don't like that fact then choose a different service.

People need to stop depending on these centralized corporate sponsored applications like reddit and facebook and twitter to communicate and network, period.

We leave, they follow. They only real communication happens around the fringes of the net. The goal of the propaganda is to get the majority audience no matter where it is, its like king of the hill.

That face when this is a private company with private interests, not a public organisation with public interests.

The solution is a decentralized version of Reddit. Something that hasn't been built yet, but should hopefully arrive by at least the 2020 election. Many projects are working on a decentralized web, including IPFS, Ethereum, Maidsafe, and Storj. This will be Web 3.0, this will be the revolution. The revolution will be decentralized!

Yes, the future of all social networking is decentralized. Built like ircd. The server-side is open source, you can host your own server and join other servers (thus merging users), thus creating many (and competing) universes; similarly you can split at any time.

Ideally what governance would be like in a perfect world: individual sovereignty, voluntary adherence to an existing social contract (or creation of one's own).

Hey but Spez is politicaly neutral! /s

Funny that they gave more of a shit about what was going on in /r/fatpeoplehate than the censorship from paid CTR shills. That should tell you a lot about the people that run/own

Fire everyone involved and block their IPs.

But you know reddit is owned by this corporation which *donates money and pays *some of these admins to filter out right? Not like its funded the redditors tears.

Agreed. A real embarrassment to any online community. Complicit in info fraud.

Held accountable by who? If they don't break any laws they only answer to us and even then they only answer to us indirectly. Its thier site, they pay for the servers and maintain the codebase. If you don't like how its being run you're free to leave and use one of many many other competing sites.

They're still doing it, just much more tactful and sneaky.

It is a private company. How subject to that type of regulation are they?

What are you proposing?

Mod of /r/StatuesDying here. Idgafos about politics on the sub, come watch people breaking statues with us!


The achilles heel of reddit is moderator anonymity; it prevents them from being held accountable for such behavior.

/r/politics changed instantly from intolerable propaganda to sunken head nonsense

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Did Reddit get the money from the sub selling out to CTR, or did the admins get paid off? I would imagine that the admins would have to get a taste in order for them to be kept in line, no?

R/politics should disable the down vote button. Or setup a 1 vote per IP address. Not 1 vote per account. It was really bad this year. So obvious.

Don't they ban for vote manipulation?

Not this past year they didn't.

Ban reddit.

It's the only way.

All they did was create echo chambers where the only people who heard the message were those who already agreed with it.

Good luck with that.

Don't buy gold. Ever.

Shout out to the mods of /r/conspiracy! I haven't seen a single bit of bias out of them during this whole thing... it says a lot that new users flocked over here to discuss any subject they feared would be censored elsewhere on reddit.

And to stay with the conspiracy theme... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the FBI monitored the discussions here just to keep their fingers on the pulse of free thinkers.

Lookie lookie we got cookies...

This is the key to the secrets... people have to keep doing their jobs... but some of them are purposefully doing a really shitting job hiding their bosses intentions.

Ironically, it backfired. The suppression in /r/politics was so obvious, everybody could see what was going on.

edit: Or that was the whole idea. Playing 2 movies ahead.

It's their website, they can do what they want. You don't like it? Go somewhere else. They call that "voting with your feet". Try it.

Whitehouse petition should be created once Trump is in the office.

This manipulation of information is something that should be treated very seriously. It can save or kill someone.

Do not make this partisan.

Accusations of rigging the election are inherently partisan.

The only way things are going to change is if everyone leaves reddit or you guys get together millions of dollars to sue them. Neither is going to happen. You just have to ignore and/or deal with it.

Yeah without bringing up sides we need to see /politics wiped clean. With a cloth

Some of those dumb fucks should be exiled.

This is much bigger than a presidential election. Free speech has never been allowed here. All major subs are compromised by the thought police.

so? reddit isn't a public institution, they are free to do whatever they want with this platform, you could just stop using it if you disagree with what they do, man. That's the only recourse we have.

There has to be another website besides reddit where you can freely discuss and not 4chan

Helo, guys, I created this petition out of being fed up by the situation at r/politics. Indeed, the end of this round of elections may have ended the most overt corruption, but it doesn't reset all the shady things that went on, that may resurface in the future. They need to be held accountable. Please sign and share!

ps: if you have observations about this petition wording, formatting, etc), please share your opinions. Thanks in advance.

Can someone explain how the mods manipulated? Curious. Ready a bunch of posts about compromised but didnt see specifics.

I second this. r/politics was trying to be used as a tool to persuade the masses. It backfired. People arent as dumb as they think they are. Hold them accountable Reddit.

Make the FCC or SEC declare mandatory that if someone from a PAC or PR Firm makes a comment, they have to declare who they are representing / working for just like TV political ads.

Speaking of party politics it seems George Soros is trying to start a civil war to halt the presidential race and have a do over. Beware of convientient Trump attacks against the protesters as they were probably false flags. See these for more...

Please copypasta this EVERYWHERE to wake people up to the bullshit. Direct them to the Project Veritas videos.

Post this shit.

Where is Robert de Niro video?

For the millionth time, the only "suppression" was coming from the user base down voting things because they're not conspiracy junkies like you are. The only systematic oppression that happened is the result of a majority of the user base not wanting to hear your opinion.

Maybe people just preferred Hillary. That's a more logical guess since Donald Trump is a bastard.

Is that why she won?

Examples? Can you come up with anything specific? Honestly, I'm curious. I'd hate to think it's just whatever was posted that was contrary to what you believe that pissed you off so much. And you do understand that in subs like R/politics have to maintain some integrity, unlike R/conspiracy.

HRC's subreddit had posts on te front page of all for the three days before the election despite having no people in it

Can you link me to it, and elaborate a little bit? I'll check it out with an open mind.

If you missed it then you were either living under a rock or you are a brand new reddit user.

Either way, I don't have the time to catch you up.


what is this horseshit you're shoveling?

It's just the regular standard horseshit. Nothing special.

This will be your only warning for rule 10. Take this shit elsewhere if you really can't help yourself.

One example would be the wikileaks story about how Isis and the Clinton foundation are funded by Saudis. It had been circulated on this sub for a few days. Nothing about the dnc leaks were being posted on politics, then the day after hillary loses it makes it to the front page.

Ok. But this story is young. Admittedly it has potential to be very damaging. However at this stage there are many unknowns. I do t believe "Reddit" powers that be purposely left this out to sway opinion. But let's assume that it did. That the mods of R/politics purposely kept this story from being shown. You believe it is because they wanted Hillary to win. They wanted to keep this info from people to sway opinion. Could it be that the story hasn't been investigated and researched in a fair way before coming to a conclusion? I mean, I love Julian assange, but nobody is immune to having an agenda.

Could it be that the story hasn't been investigated and researched in a fair way before coming to a conclusion?

And the Hillary lies that make it to the top? Obvious political bias and lies of the left? Get real.

Blatant censoring of anti Hillary news. Outrageous.

They did everything opposite of "maintain some integrity, unlike R/conspiracy." r/conspiracy's integrity throughout this process has been an outstanding example compared to r/politics.

Why are you still whinning, the outcome is what you wanted?

As for me I think the Ohio election should be immediately challenged and Iowa and Indiana for the same reasons. The removal of a few million voters in those three states.


Why do I automatically have to be a Trump supporter because I am appalled at this website and the blatant manipulation?

Congrats, you are part of the problem.


So are you already in denial?

Whining ? What a stupid reach.


The New York times had a big opinion piece on how you folks have chosen to be ruled by a dictator type government, how do you explain that?

The system is set up to protect this very thing...DNC admitted as much. HRC would have just taken it to a new level. Trump is likely lacking the intellectual to use dictatorship to its most corrupt potential...HRC would have raped us all with. I'm not so naive to understand it otherwise.

Who the hell is you folks, and what makes you think you know me? Self-righteous much?

Trump is the ideal Republican President, he will sign off on everything the Koch controlled Congress hands him.

I have no doubt...Koch and Jesus the Christ. He'll make a grand tool, and likely not even be aware of it. HRC would have brought her own evil genius, to bear on us...well, plus her marching orders from Soros, the Saudi Family, etc... No wins here, not this time...thanks DNC.

The New York Times and other opinion writers say the voters chose a dictator style government because you want a strong leader, why?

You obviously have an agenda judging by your past posts and comments. The elite Right endorsed Hillary, not Trump. This is not a left/right issue. This is a top/down issue. Quit the fear-mongering and quit reading/posting obviously biased material from the same ones that lied, manipulated and filled your head with propaganda.

A perfect dictatorship style government is ready to take office January 2017.

Republican Congress, President and U.S. Supreme court.

If Trump follows thru with his campaign platform, it will be a bipartisan effort as many in the establishment won't vote for term limits, lobbyist restrictions, etc. He hasn't even been sworn in yet.

TLDR: People allow dictatorships because of ignorance, laziness, and apathy...criminals grow a dictatorship because it empowers their pathology.

IMHO, it is because most americans are unwilling to take the responsibility of being any more empowered and responsible for their own governance than is absolutely, rock-bottom necessary. Most people would rather hand over the keys to the kingdom in order to dodge the responsibility and effort that real freedom requires, to gain a bit of perceived convenience. They'd rather close their eyes and ears, naively and without question believe what is fed to them, and let someone do it for them. Worse case is their trust is abused, and they can suddenly self-righteously they were a victim, and be able to blame those they handed the keys to...again dodging their own responsibility. It takes a lot of education and that's a lot of work, as well. Granted there are some who are too disadvantaged to create the time (working multiple jobs just to keep the family from sleeping under a bridge) to ensure they do their part, or not gifted sufficiently with what is deemed as normal intellect. These people need the extra assistance and care.

A dictatorship style of government also makes it easier for some to abuse others, as it can afford them greater proportion of power and wealth. If being dominant over others is of primary importance to you rather that equality and harmony, then a true democracy won't empower the former goal. If you happen to be a psycho/sociopath that aims to exercise your abusive tendencies and inclinations to claw your way to the top of what ever pile you have your sights set on, which would you chose?...a fully free democracy...or something more empowering and predatory, such as dictatorship...or oligarchy, corporatacracy, corporatism, fascism, etc... Predatory governments happen because the people end up or are put in a situation where they won't/can't bother with the responsibility being more personally responsible themselves...and because predators (people, governments as a whole) need it that way for their own diseased needs and pathologies. Corrupt politicians need a corruptible government that will cater to their goal. IMHO, we have both.

That would be the Trump voters. Please consider the biggest untold story of this election, true of all the national elections beginning with 2010. The removal of voters from the registration lists, voter ID requirements, fewer polling places and shorter voting times in the red states. And all the media supports those actions by each election prattling on about, voters from this group or that just not turning out.

I wouldn't mind seeing every vote challenged, if it ensures honesty and fairness in democracy. Let's start with the primaries...which means HRC would have been just a spectator for the general election.

It wouldn't have mattered if the Democratic ran Jesus, 22 million voters were removed from the rolls in red states. *the

Ohio should be immediately challenged, along with Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Florida, NC, Texas, Missouri and. . . . .

It wasn't much about the vote counting this year, it was about the mass denial of voting.

Or vote flipping.

What joke and what was mods ban message?

I partly wish I was a grad student doing a PhD, because I'd base my dissertation on how the hell a bunch of basement dwelling anons meme'd a president into existence. What they did was incredible, and I'm not sure if they'll ever get their due in the history books.

I got banned from the donald for stating that Trump would not care either. Then it escalated to this:

The donald was supported by Consumer Energy and used friends and family to moderate the subreddit. Some of the mods are black women.