PSA: /r/Conspiracy grew this election. Welcome new fam! Don't be confused, this is not a partisan sub.

549  2016-11-10 by inbetweentime

I feel the need to post this because of all the spillover here from the_donald. Don't get me wrong - those guys did great work this election. I commend and thank you, Trumpets.

But /r/Conspiracy has been paying attention for a long time.

As circumstances would have it, we're currently being fed info on the Democratic party. But do not be confused! The crimes being uncovered are not exclusive to those crooks. Do not mistake criticism of Clinton and the Dems for support for Trump and the Republicans.

In fact, those who have done their research know that horrible deeds are an unfortunate reality across the ruling/elite class. Trump is not exempt from that label.

Keep digging. Keep informing. This is an opportunity and we can't let people derail this into a political argument.


Very true. We have people from across the spectrum here, but we have something that unites us: we hate corruption, censorship, and atrocities.

Together, we can build a better future for all citizens.

/r/conspiracy promotes transparency. There are some great investigators here!

True, I'm normally against both major parties, but this time it was different, this time for once their was a clear choice between the two, and a candidate who /conspiracy could get behind

Wikileaks felt the same way. I'm not entirely convinced that mostly benign homegrown American scandals are much worse than the money and people that Putin has been loaning Trump that MSM won't talk about.

rofl haven't you folks been laid off yet?

Not yet, but who knows. Most of our clients are UK or USA based, and plenty of UK clients have had to cut back due to their current economic distress. Here's hoping the US dollar stays strong.

Trump isn't a Republican, just like how Bernie wasn't a "democrat", and Ron Paul wasn't a "Republican"...

Keep digging. Keep informing.

I agree.

we can't let people derail this into a political argument

Ok, but truth matters. What do you think of Ron Paul?

I don't pay close attention but I've heard him speak some truth.

*And if truth is your concern, show me where I even said Trump is a Republican...

To me, he is the type of guy trying to play all sides of every fence an I personally dont trust him.

How so, I supported him in 2008 & 2012, his message never waivered? He was one of the most consistant politicians around.

For someone trying to play all sides, he surely alienated a lot of people. But, I suppose that's what a moderate would do

He didn't play all sides. He recognizes problems in a fairly non-partisan way, and is doing it without mandating mass socialism.

Ron Paul woke a ton of people up, and I love that guy. He brought the end the fed movement into existence, fuck the federal reserve, the cartel on money creation and the nexus of zionist power in this world.

The sad part is that anti-fossil fuel regulation (for ecological means, aka survival of the planet, and not economic reasons) would practically end the FED's petrodollar printing license.

The biggest issue I have with the Pauls is that pure libertarians are traditionally anti-regulation, even where they probably shouldn't be.

Supreme Court.

Ron Paul is the man. He is the only politician that would have made some serious change without igniting such negativity and hatred.

Trump is the only president to give Infowars an interview, rather than condemn its existence. I think that says a lot.

But I am already concerned with his transition team being filled with the same elite ruling class that screws up our govt. That's also telling.

Yeah only the asleep / uninformed fall into the R vs D trap. Everyone is conditioned to think polarized. If trump didn't make about a half dozen "famous quotes" he could have ran as a Democrat and be elected but he chose to go the Republican path. I totally understand why people think he is a threat but under that outer layer his core intention I am convinced is true and he is running against the globalists who are on both sides of the parties.

THIS . Polarization---> Divide, (distract) and ultimately Conquer. I had a friend recently told me couldn't be friends since I had critical comments of Hillary Clinton.

The more you know, the more you see how so much people are so stupid.

I miss the UFO stuff.

Hell I voted Obama the first time before I figured out he was just continuing the same warmonger foreign policy as Bush.


Obama was meant to be Bernie. He had everyone's hopes riding on him. Then we find out CITIBANK picks his cabinet and you've gotta sit back and applaud as to how good a job was done in his selection. Revived engagement in a increasingly anti establishment populace, whilst improving Americas international reputation ... all the whilst persevering with policies unmistakable from the Presidents wed elected him to be a change from. Now we're pissed. And we have the information to turn this whole thing on it's head. Ooh-ra.

What reputation? Anyone paying attention is laughing at America, I hope you know that. Obama made it way worse, and it was already godawful with Bush, the warmongering is at new levels though and until we leave Syria it will continue getting worse. We need to fuck off from Syria right quick, I hope Trump keeps his promise. Wasting entirely too many resources fighting Israel's wars of aggression. We are not an attack dog, we are our own nation.

I've been in a few countries in the past 8 years, and Obama is well-liked. But I also think this is because they get their info from liberal mainstream news outlets. I end up having to explain to them why he's just as bad as Bush was from a foreign policy perspective.

Trump's global perception isn't very favorable, but it's because of superficial reasons (also for reasons of exposure to our media). I may very well have to tell others why his foreign policy stances are significantly better than Clinton's, but we'll see.

Ah you misunderstood me - I meant to say that in addition to the other signs he was a continuation of the status quo, the recent Wikileaks showing his 2nd term cabinet was picked by CITIBANK was the nail in the coffin for his credibility to me.

Ah dude he played me like a fiddle. And yeah I'm pissed.

Game on.

yeah, this is a trump sub now. it's all just spillover from the donald and politics. if this were a TRUE conspiracy sub (which it used to be), you'd be finding the holes in his story, in his shady business practices, his rapey sex scandals, and the fact that he's ripped off small businesses he's hired to build his lavish empire made of lies.

don't get me wrong, y'all are spot on with hillary here. she's a career corrupt politician with a closet full of skeletons, but you guys are not being fair and balanced. you're the fox news of conspiracy subs.

downvote me if you will, but i'm not wrong. this is the essence of donald trump. he divides everything he touches. and i know you'll come back with 'BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID, HE UNITED THE CONSPIRACY SUB', but everyone who'll say that is a trumpet.

see the evil in both sides. trump is not your savior. he's a fraud and you'll all soon see. they were both the wrong candidates, and the moment you all uncover his bullshit, he'd try and shut you down in a second. he's already hinted at 'shutting down the internet', as laughable as that is.

the elite class IS terrible, but he's just another cog in that machine. he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. you'll see in time. but enjoy your victory for now. i know you're all excited, and i'm happy for you. but this guy is toxic and you'll see soon.

I hope that the trump exposed files come out in this sub. I never believed in him. He did a great job in exposing just the amount of truth in govt corruption to win over so much support. Convenient. But its all smoke and mirrors.

Maybe most Americans won't know until its too late, but I want to know in advance so I know when shtf. Cause its gonna happen, just a matter of when.

Notice that the DOW has had huge gains the past few days? Just heard on the news that those big gains have been lead by big banks and financial institutions. The fact that investors are nt concerned about those institutions under a Trump presidency is rather telling. At the very least, it throws up a red flag for me.

This sub is where I would get the best info on this election! 👍🏻

r/wikileaks too

Remember when /r/wikileaks got like 5 new mods at once and started deleting any questions about it? It was like the day after Julian's internet got cut. I don't trust that place mind you I haven't been back since

Me neither, a whole team of new mods were added after the Internet thing. One of the sub Assuredlythrowaway who is mod of this sub was one of the new in wikileaks.

Still they haven't told anyone why the need for so many mods midst all that internet confusion. Some mod from this Sunday mentioned that one of the mod of wikileaks wanted to change things.

But the timing was odd, and people complaining about censorship in wikileaks. Well many people distrust that sub after that.

I have no dog in the fight but I hear the new mods were from DNCLeaks sub, and I've never had a problem there.

The sub is an anti-government/anti-regulation subreddit. The government is the anti-christ to you guys. This sub is very partisan for the side that also dislikes regulations, the right and conservatives. You guys don't censor though and I respect that.

From the side that believes government can and does do good. I like to see the corruption and lies uncovered just as much. The government is us. The people are the government. The anti-government people are now the dog that caught the car. We'll see if anything good come of it.

Bullshit, I see you bought into that lie though, because I'm not the government and neither are you. If you're the government, go end the NSA. Oh, you can't? You can't stop the wars either? Oh, well who can? I see, it's the power brokers, shadow bankers, and industrialists, who are all cut from the same cloth, that are the government. YOU ARE NOT THE GOVERNMENT. WAKE UP.



it's not at all anti-regulation. It's just anti-dogma pro-truth pro-criticism, keeping an open mind and questioning everything. Government doesn't necessarily enter into it, but since the government so often lies, they do become the focus of our investigations. But do not mistake /r/conspiracy for having a specific economic or political slant.

You should not conflate your own views with those that are generally up voted to the top. Most regulations are demonized zespecially when it comes to monetary policy and the "evil federal reserve". The general understanding of economics and how finance works here is also very incorrect and truth and based on a mythology of sorts not academic understandings of how these things work.

The government is the anti-christ to you guys.

The way the government is run is the anti-Christ, which is very different from disliking government itself.

The Constitution is one of the most beautiful documents to be produced in the history of mankind. I say that without an ounce of hyperbole. A government that adheres to its tenants is a noble one.

As to being anti-regulation, I'd say that's not true. I personally would love greater regulation when it comes to the environment. More emissions standards, holding automobile companies to a higher standard, making fracking so expensive that it's not worth it, subsidizing clean energy... but right now, such regulations exist to enrich the energy companies. The carbon credit regulation is as dangerous and absurd a scheme as banning rain water harvesting or letting giant companies take all of the fresh water rights from cities. Let's make GMO labeling laws.

I could go on. Regulations are useful.

I dont know about that this subreddit had been "r/the_donald south" for the last year.

Not a single thread hit the top pointing out and anti trump theroies.

Its partisn as fuck at this point and should probbly just be purged and rebuilt.

For the last month or so I've been wondering what would happen to this sub if Trump won. It's going to be interesting to see what direction it takes.

Hell, I thought for SURE that Trump was just the distraction designed to give the illusion of choice, as the elites slid another of their monsters into "power". Whelp, I guess Trump is that monster instead.

I truly believed that Trump was something added to the GOP ticket by the DecidedlyNowClinton crew to derail the Republican party. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if it turns out to be true. The DNC is to blame on this one regardless; throwing everything behind Clinton and brushing aside the one candidate with cross platform appeal AND ignoring/underfunding the house & senate races destroyed them.

I truly believed that Trump was something added to the GOP ticket by the DecidedlyNowClinton crew to derail the Republican party.

I think this is correct and incorrect at the same time. Wikileaks emails show the camp did want to elevate Trump under the assumption he'd be easier to take down. It's why we saw about two weeks where the media was promoting him as a force to be reckoned with--totally manufactured.

But it didn't work.

Also don't forget that the RNC tried to disown him, too. When the bogus "grab her by the pussy" thing happened and R's started dropping their support, the Bush family endorsed Clinton... all of those things made me see that he really is an anti-establishment candidate.

Now we just have to see if he's not a sell-out president.

I've waited for months for anyone at all to say this. Thank you. :)

We're all monsters.

Back to normal I suppose. Following whatever pops up.

I just want to see what kind of scrutiny is applied to Trump. No one is immune to bias and this sub seemed to range from pro Trump to apathetic toward him.

People might disagree with me but this sub is pretty liberal about making tenuous connections between things. I'm wondering if what normally would be considered "evidence" will be written off as conjecture if it is applied to the Trump administration.

One thing about this sub is (believe it or not) critical thinking. The connections msy be tenuous but they must be there.

If you are using tenuous connections as basis of accusations you aren't thinking critically.

Believe it or not you can't get to any high level job without a decent network. Connections are always going to be there. That doesn't make you responsible for the illegal activity of any person you have ever met or worked with.

Thank you for keeping it bipartisan. Im a Trump voter but appreciate the neutrality. Underground bases and NSA super soldiers aren't left or right wing!

That right folks...we are full spectrum. Left right, up down and all around. You have something on your mind? tell us. Questions? Ask. No subject is too wacked out for us to hammer some truth out of...or expose the lies. As long as the subject remains within the context of the mission of this sub...we're good.

The more participation we have, the more minds we have researching the Truth, the more powerful we become as a sub and community that can wake up the TV trained zombies. We can smash the propaganda, the lies and especially the long running narrative...the ongoing story the MSM uses to create the reality the establishment needs us to believe.

With this new election, the rabbit hole needs more logical critical thinkers, Conspiracy Theorists and people who are unafraid to face the truth, the true reality that is crazier than you could ever imagine.

This place seems like a curated version of r/ The_Donald now, really.

Which makes me wonder when will we start seeing leaks on Trump. It's pretty convenient that they would allow Hillary to go down in flames (which she deserved) and push Trump forward as the "anti-establishment choice" everyone should rally behind.

Yup, Trump is just as much of an elitist ass as Hillary. The two party system was and always has been a hoax.

Revolution is still needed.

No capital letter posts though, yeah? It's not MAGA up in this mother fucker.

This sub will be subverted into another politics page. Non politics related "conspiracy" is barely a blip here now already when it used to be about 50/50. Then we have a post every day thanking mods for making this place great, followed by promoting this place as "The best place for real political transparency". Then you'll get a guy like me pointing it out, followed by downvotes and some tool summing up basic conspiracy buzzwords in dismissal, "We know, its 9/11, bigfoot, ufos, right? You're welcome."...

Thanks for posting this.

I was about to give up on this awesome sub but thought I would stay subbed until after the election to see if some of the trump kiddos would leave. Last week I pointed out how this sub had devolved into a joke and was told by trump kids that they would find me and kill me after the election.

That kind of shit is weak guys.

It's ClintonConspiracies. Nobody talks about the black ops money Manafort received from Russia and then went on to steer Trump's campaign, and everyone seems totally convinced that Trump is honest, and is totally willing to overlook the fact that the Clinton and Trump families have long been close, that he commended her instead of talking about prosecution, and that they're personal friends. Maybe that'll change post election but I'm not too hopeful.

This. Wikileaks was basically finding out your parents got you what you always wanted on Christmas without noticing that the house is on fire and one of them's dead.

This place let the fact that it was finally getting proof of a real deal conspiracy cloud the fact that there's so much shit that we need to pay attention to. A friend of mine said that the government could have openly gotten away with absolute murder during these and we'd have brushed it off as "Hillary did it" without actually looking to see who pulled the trigger.

We needed to get those socks for Christmas, but we really should have noticed who caught the house in fire.

We are the watchdog in the goulag

The annoying mosquito in the presidential suite

The truth-droppin drone in the sky

We are the spoiler, we are r/conspiracy!

I am new and I love you!

The 'conspiracy' part of r/'conspiracy' is almost dead. Could be called r/alt-right now. I liked this sub for real conspiracies but it's become an alt news sub.

Once something goes public it's not a conspiracy theory anymore. It's a news item. Emails showing collusion between the DNC and Hillary is a news item, not what this sub was about.

Speculating about TPTB deciding this election for Trump, perhaps to prevent civil unrest between cities and rural areas, would be a conspiracy theory. Speculating Trump was originally a Hillary shill who unexpectedly won would be a conspiracy theory. Holding that no vote has counted since the Rockefeller age and all results are fabricated would be a conspiracy theory.

I figured you guys would be just as much against Trump since his family is connected to many of the big bankers and Jews. A lot of his family is Jewish. He's wanting to be isolationalist and be friends with Russia and many other countries, dismantle NATO which ironically fueled international tensions that actually kept us from having a one-world government. Is he the anti-christ pretending to make the world peaceful again? Christ said to love thy neighbor, not build a wall and make them pay for it.

No, just joking. It's odd how you guys give up those conspiracies at suspiciously convenient times.

the big bankers and Jews. A lot of his family is Jewish.

Subscribers here know that Jewish people are not the same as Zionists. One is a religion and the other is an ideology. Sort of like how not all Democrats are globalists, and not all Republicans are neocons.

We are very, very careful with that language for the sole reason that other subs try to discredit us under the guise that we're anti-Semitic yokels. Unlike 4chan, where they don't really give a fuck what others think and prefer people to leave them alone.

Ok, that's admirable. I came here expecting the worst. Nice sub but it's far too politically one-sided against Democrats. I can bet you there's a lot of bad shit that goes on with the RNC but they were just lucky they weren't hacked and since the Democrats have been the establishment of the last 8 years, I'm curious how this sub will play out because it seems to love being critical of the establishment.

Youre right about the Dems being in the establishment as a factor in the sub's current slant. But I think it's, by and large, apolitical because frankly most people here dont see them as any different.

Another reason is the media heavily echos the dems' narrative, which is the establishment narrative, to which this place becomes an automatic counter-balance, as is the bature of the sub.

To cap it off, HRC became Dems nominee. With her past, the media collusion, astroturfing online, wikileaks, it was just a perfect culmination of factors that produced a heavy anti-dems slant. Trumps dirty laundry was out there anyway.

Nice sub but it's far too politically one-sided against Democrats.

When the Bush Administration was in power we were too politically aligned against Republicans. I think what you are seeing here is because the vast majority of the MSM has been pro Clinton for the past year. As you most likely are aware, the MSM is pushing a narrative and an establishment agenda. So, the natural instinct here is to completely tear that down.

I'm curious how this sub will play out because it seems to love being critical of the establishment.

This is it entirely. You'll find criticism of all presidents here, and Bush still gets it especially hard here--deservedly so--with 9/11 and all the shady fuckery he, Rumsfeld and Cheney pulled. If you stick around, you'll see.

This sub has been absolutely great during the election. Credit to the mods and everyone who made this the place to get the real news.

Not just the donald. Spill over from /r/politics more so than anything.

It should be renamed /r/snowjob Stock market did not tank. A billionaire now heads a Republican controlled government. The GOP is known to be very friendly to wall street. What do you think has happened?

I'll believe it when I see term limits pass in a gov't that should easily be able to pass them.

I came here after noticing the blatant media tilt and favouritism in coverage as pro-Clinton and anti-Trump. It was across the board. I'm trying to understand what is driving - or at least the links - between the Clinton campaign/TPTB and the MTM. Why are all major news sources biased and one-sided against Trump?

Mods need to start cleaning up the sub or else it will be officially dead. I'm not against the American elections conspiracies but just lump everything in 2 or 3 stickied threads and let other conspiracies thrive. The Clinton and Donald conspiracies are suffocating the rest.

the lying corrupt mainstream media and reddit bs must have woken up millions, a shame we only got 20-30k new subs

I know the point of the thread wasn't to take questions on any of it, but to clarify so thank you, I appreciate that, but as a trump from the beginning. Is there anywhere I could go to find info on him that is out there? Or were you just more/less stating don't be fooled they all have stuff.


I found this on Tuesday night and have been reading all these posts non stop. Good stuff!

r/wikileaks too

One thing about this sub is (believe it or not) critical thinking. The connections msy be tenuous but they must be there.