I know there has been a lot of shit posting here, but I need to vent. My take on Trump.

77  2016-11-10 by [deleted]



It was a good vent. The groupthink truly is absolutely painful to witness. There are many people out there on the liberal side of things who use the word 'bigot' without knowing what it means. The hypocrisy is stupefying.

I can't take it anymore. Bigot means the intolerance of other views...do people even know what bigot means?!?

Thanks for reading my vent


I feel like I'm under a spell too. I don't know that I'll ever break free of it.


I've got a lot of that taken care of. The opiates in cheese is new to me. I'm not in much of a position to do much about the water. I might have passed the tipping point where I'm now too fucked up to be able to work enough to afford the changes that can break the spell.


Yeah I'm screwed :P


It's not the first time I've been given this advice. The problem is that I can't manage to do it.


My sense of humour is effectively shot. I watch funny stuff, but it doesn't last very long, and I don't really laugh :/


No. A friend of mine recently told me about the bacteria in the soil they think helps elevate mood. I got dirty for a couple days after that and stopped. Shortly I'll be moving to a city where it's going to be harder to find the stuff.

u/TeslasMuse makes some great points, encouraging a focus on happy thoughts and "the little things" that can bring a smile. It looks like to me the struggle you seem to be having is getting yourself past some level of depression and stagnation. This world is ripe with it; it brings in the money, the business of making people sad and afraid, so of course so many people struggle with it.

I don't think that idea of "you can have joy and happiness in every moment" really exists, but it's more about finding a place of contentment. Meditation helped me with that, a practice I used to avoid because of ADHD. If I could give you advice: for a few minutes a day, just slow down, slow your thoughts, look at controlling what you feel, and in your day to day interactions, don't let others have the privilege of taking that mental driver's seat from you. It's very hard, but if you try to keep at it, it can start creating a positive change in yourself. I hope this helps you in some way.

A-fucking-men. I agree on every single point, 100%, except I voted for Stein because I couldn't stomach voting for either of them. People are so blinded by their emotions, I have lots of LGBT activist friends and you'd think like they're going to get rounded and put in camps, the way some of them are acting. People are absolutely hysterical. Women posting videos of themselves crying and getting 50 upvotes from all their female friends... do people not know she was about to institute a no-fly zone in Syria that US generals said would lead to a direct (possibly nuclear) conflict with Russia? No, no one cares about that? Someone saying "Grab her by the pussy" a decade ago is more important? Blows my fucking mind. So many people swallowed the media line, the whole media was generally making this guy out to be hitler, then he won, so no surprise we're having these incredibly intense emotional reactions to it. The media primed the public for an explosion, it seems quite intentional that destabilization, divide and rule, and control through chaos is the plan.

I'm sad for this country, but for entirely different reasons than most of the population... People can't keep their eye on the ball, and the real serious scandals are successfully swept under the rug again and again in lieu of nonsense bullcrap scandals. It's so frustrating that more people can't see it when it's so obvious after what just happened. No one should trust the MSM or DNC ever again, but they will, because they can't resist the siren call of authority.

Like a guy just got elected and I can't say a single good thing about him on my facebook because everyone will immediately think I'm a bigot and hate me? It's so bizarre, it's like Obama in 2008 with the sides switched.

Thank you for making me feel not so alone.

Everything is a fucking quest to get likes. I probably have said worse things than Trump on occasion. But suddenly everyone is a saint.

God, thanks for putting it into better words than I could.

Haha I felt the same way about your post, you made me feel not alone. Literally I've read a thousand posts today and yours was the only one I could truly relate to, that said what I felt. It was a relief to read.

To me, it seems like everyone has had their cages rattled so much they have emotional blinders on or something. Your OP was better than my rant, you hit on so many points that I have been struggling with since the election ended. I am shocked at humanity right now, it feels to me like the machinery of propaganda has been laid bare for all to see, but at the same time I'm finding it's a rare few who are actually noticing this and instead people are parroting the media narratives harder than ever because they're scared... It's unsettling to see people behave this way, to say the least. They're falling right in to the divide and rule traps worse than ever, instead of stepping outside and seeing the larger system.

Pardon my french, but it's so god damn frustrating, because it's honestly not that hard to see, and I don't get why most people don't see it. I think many people act a lot dumber than they actually are, because they're afraid of sticking out, and are also being manipulated by an abusive culture and media. Sigh... I feel pity but also exhaustion. Seems like wisdom is not only undervalued in our culture, but actively hated. People love their little emotional bubbles, and hate to have that bubble threatened more than they care about facts themselves.

I could just rant and rant, but I'll stop now. I'm just glad I'm not alone in my thinking, because it has certainly felt like it the last few days.

People are afraid of sticking out. You hit the nail on the head.

I have lost many people in my life for being way less controversial than this. I've lost respect for speaking up at meetings...for being different.

Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it. Maybe it is better and easier to fit in.


But something tells me that is not so, especially when I meet people like you.

I voted Stein too. My family called me crazy and a trump supporter when I told them. Fuck that shit, I voted with my conscience and I said repeatedly that if more people did so then it wouldn't be a waste to vote third party.



You are 100% right. Our nation is half full of useless, mightier than though, idiotic troglodytes who view themselves as super intelligent, wise and ethical masters. They're unaware hypocrites who are completely incapable of carrying a deep and meaningful discussion.

Great post, thanks.

Thanks! I just want to be heard and have discussion. I can only do that somewhat anonymously.

With that being said, people can shout bigot as much as they want, but does anybody examine their own hypocricies?

How many are completely OK with how many will killed in unjust warfare? You never hear one word about that on Facebook.

I asked a Hillary supporter today if he thought Trump would help Assange, and he didn't even know who Assange was. Even after I mentioned the Ecuadorian embassy and Wikileaks, he was completely clueless.

These people think the conspiracy community are quacks, and yet they are protesting a free and open election. Homo sapiens are a lost cause, so whatever you do, enjoy your life. Make damn sure you don't waste it away trying to benefit the world. You'll only be crucified for doing so.

Haha oh shit. I should have chosen another life goal.

Elections are a pressure relief valve, designed to give people the feeling that there is some kind of public debate/discourse going on.

In any case, the elite do experience setbacks, but they almost always recover from them. They disbanded the league of nations in the 1920s and then recreated it as the United Nations after WW2.

I'm not one of the people who thinks that Trumps victory is a 'stab in the back for the NWO', we will have to wait and see how the next four years turns out.

I agree.

Plus, for the people feeling a sense of dread, nobody ever felt that ever before? Is this the first time anybody ever felt...empathy??

Exactly, pretty much every President breaks promises and disappoints people. You'd think by now, people would get the idea...

Lol it is like people, even when the chance to wake up, will still sleep!!!

what the dnc didwas inexcusable


also, how little media coverage it got was inexcusable. There was a walkout by half the delegates after they rigged it and it got almost completely ignored by the US MSM.

exactly....big crocodile tears but truth is no one wanted her this displaay is either mind controll or they are paid

The propaganda was strong this election tbh i thought be the trump supporters rioting just drone them trump lol. This is the medias fault people rely on them and they sold out. at least the rioters are starting to show some passion. It will be ok once msm gets on trump side so they can be brainwashed for trump then you gonna have to red pill as many as you can. like it or not you guys are leaders of the free world and we are scared coz your mostly all morons lol

Lol well said.

The unquestioned life is not worth living, question everything. You've laid out the basis of why Trump is unfortunately necessary with questions instead of catchphrases like, "He says what's on his mind." There is solace in that and feel somewhat enlightened to get this far, intellectually, and perceptively. Know that you're not alone.

Thanks, I'm glad I am not alone. It feels that way sometimes.

I completely agree! It's unfortunate that the elite have been so damn successful creating 2 sides and pitting them against each other. Nearly every aspect of modern American society and culture is used as a tool to divide, it seems.

If we all can just be even-keeled and NOT be what these ass-hats think we are, hopefully things can calm down. I think subtlety and deflection towards the actual problems you lay out are our only weapon. So many more people are "woken" (as much as I hate that term) than just a couple years ago. Baby steps, I guess.

Ma'am, I truly admire your pragmatic view-points and courageous stance in all of this.

Sarcasm I assume?

Edit: if not thanks

Definitely not meant as sarcasm.

OK thanks! Very aware of trolls :)

I think you are overestimating how pro-trump this subreddit is. I believe it is mostly anti-clinton. But you're right, the media cannot break its habit crying wolf. He will probably be an okay president, he might even be great if he uses his influence with conservatives to drive them more moderate. He has a very down to earth approach to speaking to conservatives and could easily take that route.

"I didn't believe it either guys, but those scientists are right. We got the best team on it and global warming is real. We've been lied to and lied too and I believed it too. But we do need to do something about it now."

I don't put things of that nature past him. He is all about legacy and image. He'd go down in history if he were elected as a conservative president and was able to bring the country back to center. And he could do it by simply saying he is modeling his polices on the great republican presidents of yore.

This is my day-to-day. Most of my friends, here and back home (I live abroad now). My mentors. My mom, even my lover...everybody they are all completely brainwashed by MSM. They are completely incapable of rational thought at this point...everything is "Trump is Hitler" and not any real examination of the rigged primary, wikileaks, pay to play, etc...

It's the young, idealistic ones they seek to corrupt, and blood will be on their hands if they do not get a good dose of wikileaks.

Taking the red pill is never easy.

I will admit I have a Facebook account with maybe 3 or 4 friends. I don't go there. I don't comment there. It's a poison pill.

I commend you for your critical thinking. Stay on that path.

Full disclosure, I didn't vote for either candidate (T or C), however I can sympathise with the fact that so many voted for the angriest guy in the room.

I hope and pray that he will live up to what he said during the campaign and that "draining the swamp" is a priority.

Steel yourself for months and years of this whining and wailing from brainwashed Clintonites. Those of us who voted for Brexit in the UK are still getting the same sort of treatment, six months on.

Anybody who posts in /r/unitedkingdom about the benefits of Brexit (regaining national sovereignty, self-determination and direct democracy) are voted into oblivion with accompanying accusations of 'racist'.

I think it really has to do with the fact that the US had a really bad choice that was basically a vote for the lesser of two evils. After that if comes down to which one of them was the worse based on your own personal code of ethics: which is worse, someone with racist views and backwards ideals or someone who is the epitome of corporate influence of government and perpetuating the slow squeeze of money up the social ladder.

I don't think either choice was a good one, but as ever it was peoples responsibility to learn about the candidates and make that decision based on their own moral code.

The Difficult part is teaching people how to learn, especially today when social media is so ready to hand out ready to re-tweet opinions for you.

I couldn't agree more with you!!

I don't think we need nationalism anymore. I'm glad this nation is devoid of it.

What we instead need to do for once is to come together on a global level instead of just chanting USA USA all the fucking time we need to worry about our brothers and sisters over seas and across borders.

Enough nationalistic pride it's time we open arms and join hands globally instead of nationally.

You voted for the worse of two evils. That's on you. Informed voters in this country recognize a whole host of things about Donald Trump - things that his supporters largely ignored. By "things" I mostly mean policy positions...and I find it hard to believe that you can honestly say, and provide, "good ideas" Trump has supplied.

Let me just give you a run down of things the Trump brand supported in his bid for election, and that we can expect him attempting to accomplish:

  • Climate denial

  • reversal of roe v. wade

  • conservative justice appointment blocking and subsequent appointment by a president they waited for

  • national open carry

  • the end to federal minimum wage

  • the dismantling of the EPA

  • resurrection of the coal industry and further fossil fuel subsidies

  • "I want surveillance, and I don't care! Get ready for it! Get ready for it!" - This one is lots of fun because this is /r/conspiracy.

  • Here's a fun one: His vice president supporting electrocution of gays as a medical solution to homosexuality

  • FOIA repealed.

  • FEC repealed.

  • Dodd-Frank repealed. And with it Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): the organization that uncovered and is punishing Wells Fargo for its recent malfeasance.

  • ATF budget is cut back, making any law against any gun unenforceable.

  • Fracking subsidized. With no penalties for pollution. All new drilling, mining, and oil pipelines on federal land given green light.

  • Federal land given away, at fire sale prices.

  • Public schools further degraded. Federal aid subsidizes parochial and private schools. Poorer children get even less education, even less ability to succeed. Richer children get their private school costs paid for by government.

  • "Tort Reform" enacted. And with it, severe limits on class action and personal liability lawsuits. If you are poisoned or killed or maimed by a large corporation, they wont have any real penalties to speak of. It will be like living in a third world country when you die or are harmed by a company: they pay your family funeral costs and youre to be considered fortunate for even that compensation.

  • Guantanamo -- more people frivolously sent there. More black sites. Torture strictures removed.

  • Huge, wasteful, unfunded military expenditures. Effectively: corporate welfare to military contractors.

  • Huge, unfunded Tax Cuts for the wealthy (with of course a pittance to the non-wealthy to buy them off). Massive deficit.

Also could make a huge list for everything Hillary would do wrong too.

Lets see how many of them fly in the face of social progress for the first world. Sure are a lot on my list...

Thank you so much for this post.

I teach high-school abroad and have had my students ask me how could America be so backwards that they could possibly vote in a bigot, sexist, racist sex-offender. I'll print off your post to show them that not only did people vote for him, but people have become so ignorant that they are actually somehow proud of voting for him. It demonstrates what I've been teaching them about America all along, that since the 1960s, there has been a concerted effort on behalf of the establishment to dumb-down the American public to a point that they will eventually be happy when they feel that they have some kind of choice, even if that choice is something as ass-backwards as being happy to have horrible Trump over horrible Clinton.

It is a shining example of the actual conspiracies that are taking place in America, that people have become so disenfranchised, so uneducated, so clueless, that they actually believe that voting in a billionaire who made his fortune on the backs of the less fortunate is somehow taking a stand! Absolutely unbelievable. Thank you for saving me the time it would normally take to prep a lesson, your post will be more valuable in terms of demonstrating the absolute degredation of the American education system than anything I could put together myself.

I pity the unfortunate children that you are professing to "teach". The poor souls have little chance of ever being able to think for themselves after you have finished filling their heads with pro-establishment propaganda.

I pity the unfortunate children that you are professing to "teach". The poor souls have little chance of ever being able to think for themselves after you have finished filling their heads with pro-establishment propaganda.


lol, "pro-establishment" propaganda? Both Hillary and Trump are part of the same establishment. I would love to hear how a billionaire who made his fortune by ripping off the disenfranchised isn't part of the establishment. To think this is somehow true is blindingly ignorant.

Professing that Trump is somehow a better choice when they both represent the same broken system is absolutely mind-boggling, which is what I'm trying to show the people I teach. Fortunately the people I teach developed their educational foundation outside of the American common core system so they have the critical thinking faculties to understand nuance. Thinking Clinton = bad // Trump = good is quite frankly, about as simple-minded as possible. People who think like this are just as much at fault for the current position of Americas the establishment is. Their simple-mindedness is what allowed the establishment to become so powerful in the first place.

It takes someone truly simple-minded to think that being anti-Clinton means being pro-Trump. By the way, which country are you poisoning children's minds in?

It takes someone truly simple-minded to think that being anti-Clinton means being pro-Trump. By the way, which country are you poisoning children's minds in?

The post is about voting for Trump, did you not read it?

Well congratulations. Now, if your new president deems you "worthy" he will grab you by the pussy. Unless you're Mexican or Muslim, then he'll have you deported.

Is that really his plan, or can you do more than read Buzzfeed articles?

I can't speak for his pussy-grabbing ways, no. Thankfully.

Eh, I've heard worse.

Want a biscuit?

Don't like biscuits

OIC now MSM is to be believed when it fits with your vision. Gotcha.

Well what else should I use? Would you like me to post an alternative news source? Of course, I have to post what you can comprehend :)

Alleged child rape constitutes "the worst 'shit' on anyone...

You're awful and your pride will become regret at a high price.

I don't get your comment.

I see why you voted for Trump. ಠ_ಠ Donald Trump just paid off(I assume) that rape case.

Even as an accusation and not a conviction, if "the dirt in you" is being a pedofile then you're not fit to be in a position of trust. EVER.

TLDR (just for you OP): you helped put a sexoffender in the white house

And you think literally almost every single person in high office hasn't been a sex offender or worse?

Come on now.

You're a lost person. Who needs better people around them... This subreddit makes me feel hopeless for us and you're definitely not helping by defending your poor life choice. And that it is. Our lives will be worse off because of you and people who think as you do. I'm leaving you here but feel free to take some advice and try to bring better people into your life. Open your mind. K bye (」゚ロ゚)」

Concern troll.

Lol ok.

Just ignore the trolls. You're speaking the truth.

Wasn't that case thrown out in 2or 3 states?

It's highly unlikely that Trump stopped the rape and pedo case in the last minute. It's more likely the agencies wanted to have some leverage for later in her presidency. That's a troubling case and very fit for this sub. Why did they hold back the material?

The accusation was there and might have influenced the election a bit, but it didn't spread out as the corruption, treason and birddogging cases. Only exit polls can prove that.

Both parties were sex offenders. we will see how power corrupts him more in the next years. but for the other party we had more troubling material than just womanizing and shit talking.

I see why you voted for Trump. ಠ_ಠ Donald Trump just paid off(I assume) that rape case.

Even as an accusation and not a conviction, if "the dirt in you" is being a pedofile then you're not fit to be in a position of trust. EVER.

TLDR (just for you OP): you helped put a sexoffender in the white house

Haha oh shit. I should have chosen another life goal.

Yeah I'm screwed :P

u/TeslasMuse makes some great points, encouraging a focus on happy thoughts and "the little things" that can bring a smile. It looks like to me the struggle you seem to be having is getting yourself past some level of depression and stagnation. This world is ripe with it; it brings in the money, the business of making people sad and afraid, so of course so many people struggle with it.

I don't think that idea of "you can have joy and happiness in every moment" really exists, but it's more about finding a place of contentment. Meditation helped me with that, a practice I used to avoid because of ADHD. If I could give you advice: for a few minutes a day, just slow down, slow your thoughts, look at controlling what you feel, and in your day to day interactions, don't let others have the privilege of taking that mental driver's seat from you. It's very hard, but if you try to keep at it, it can start creating a positive change in yourself. I hope this helps you in some way.