Does anyone else find it infuriating that thousands of people are protesting Trump's presidency when there are things far far worse than that?

809  2016-11-10 by [deleted]

I think it really goes to show the stupidity and gullibility of people. Their minds are so easily molded by the media that they foam at the mouth when someone they don't like gets in office.

Our government funds terrorists groups in Syria who behead 12 year old boys, give billions our hard earned dollars to Israel so that they can kill Palestinians and expand their territory, violate our privacy and spy on us every day in the name of fighting terrorism, and many other terrible things. You get the picture. Yet you don't see those dumbasses protesting that shit. They just brush it off as crazy conspiracy theories and go to back to getting their thinking fodder from the media. It's bullshit.

"Trump is a misogynist" I guess that's why he employs hundreds of women in his businesses? Because he hates them so much? And I suppose that's why he's been happily married to Melania for years now? Don't you think she would have come out and said something if he was an asshole? Use some common sense. Most people like to bring up that pussy comment he made, but most men talk like that all the time! And many times say things far worse! He said this in private to one of his buddies too. Goddamn.

"Trump is a xenophobe" Because he's against illegal immigration? If he was truly a xenophobe, he'd be against legal immigration as well.

Jesus I mean I could go on and on but even if these things were true, he would not be able to pass any policies that represent these beliefs. The other branches would shut that shit down. I don't understand what those dumbasses don't understand about that. He's not perfect by any means, and he's said some inflammatory shit, I get that, but come on people. Look at what Hillary Clinton has done. Do you really think she would be a better president?


The people protesting should of did this when the DNC walked Bernie out on a leash. I don't vote but I'm not pissed that Trump won. I'm happy as hell though that Hillary didn't win.

We did protest. At the convention. Against hillary and dnc.
They mocked us. They ridiculed us.
They fucking sent police disbanding the protest, when we had our permitttttttt.

Protesting against trump is democracy.
Protesting against hillary is not democracy.

It shows so much hypocrisy. And they dont understand.
They dont like trump for his discriminating behavior, yet they are the one discriminating, labeling, accusing bernie people.

A lot of these protests are being Financed by communist groups and funded by George Soros. We need people to track down the Buses these protestors are being bussed in by, and video interviews from the drivers to track down the source funding groups

communist groups

George Soros

Do you even fucking know what a communist is, other than "person with a political ideology I don't like"?

Edit: George Soros is a bourgeois, neoliberal fuck. There isn't anyone out there who calls themselves 'communist' and aligns with George-fucking-Soros. Democrats aren't communists. Liberals aren't communists. Communists are not liberals.

Look into the Frankfurt School. Do you understand what cultural marxism is?

PC culture is not Marxism, no matter what Breitbart tries to tell you. Why don't you talk to some Marxists about PC culture, I'm sure the discussion would be rather enlightening for you.


I'm a Marxist, and although other Marxists (particularly of the Leninist/Maoist persuasion) will disagree with me, I am vehemently opposed to the PC/SJW culture that is raging today. Political Correctness, Racism, Sexism, et al is what we refer to as "Identity Politics." Marxists, first and foremost, adhere to the philosophy of Dialectical Materialism that dictates that we are products of our material existence and our material surroundings (the opposite is idealism - the philosophy that our ideas dictate reality). One important aspect of Dialectical Materialism is to examine the whole rather than the part, as the part can often represent a misleading "abstraction." I call this "Exclusionary Detailing" and this is how many ideologies continue to thrive in this postmodern late stage capitalist world (e.g. Religion thrives on the ignorance of its followers to the contradictions presented by science either by force or the promotion of cognitive dissonance). All of those aforementioned aspects of Identity Politics are abstractions that obscure the true nature of the contradiction - a class based contradiction of the haves vs. the have nots, or as classical Marxists say the "Bourgeoisie" vs the "Proletariat." Focusing on abstract externalities, such as race, gender, etc. are easy concepts to grasp for most people but they really ignore and obfuscate the bigger picture that these disputes are REALLY about class. Focusing on them also helps to maintain the existence of the class structure by maintaining these illusionary divides. As long as people say "race" or "gender" is what is the problem, that also re-validates the idea that race and gender are valid separations of humanity.

Now people will argue that Racism and Sexism do exist - sure, they do, but they are a result of class warfare. Think of where this narrative of racism and sexism is primarily coming from? Perhaps its the media? The wealthy, who have the most to gain from keeping the poor divided and fighting amongst themselves? And who embraces it? The poor, the uneducated, those whom these abstractions provide an easy answer to the problems in the world? It's easy to blame your problems on someone else, it's far harder to look inwards and say that I'm part of the problem. We need to abandon the rhetoric of identity politics and realize that this the masses of poor are being duped by the small amount of wealthy in the world, and this is the way it's been for ages. The poor/workers need to be united in order to illicit real change - and they never will be so long as they adhere to and validate the divides of race, gender and other identity politics.

EDIT Here is an excellent article debunking the concept of "Cultural Marxism" that the alt-right commenters are throwing around in here:

Thank you for answering that question, I wasn't well read enough to supply that answer. I am also not a Marxist and really have tried to encourage a few people to go to /r/DebateACommunist.

Watch this if you intend to understand the roots of political correctness. Don't trust someone who tells you PC culture is not fundamentally rooted from marxism, politically correct culture sprang from the cultural marxists which started in the Frankfurt School. The frankfurt school was a group that intended to import European ideals into America by a methodical slow subversion of American principles and ideals such as individualism and mistrust of authority. You can learn about it here, and I implore you to watch this video and educate yourself. You can immunize yourself against the subversive forces only by educating yourself:


It comes from the idea of deconstruction, which is the Marxist process of breaking something down into its integral parts, usually in a modernizing process. We have deconstruction in the arts, which leads to modern art, we have deconstruction of cultural norms, which leads to degeneracy, and we have deconstruction in every aspect of society to uproot the Christian roots of American society and replace them with qualities that were more acceptable in Europe, socialized medicine, top-down government, authoritarian government.

"Finally, both varieties of (cultural and economic) Marxists employ a method of analysis designed to show the correctness of their ideology in every situation. For classical Marxists, the analysis is economic. For cultural Marxists, the analysis is linguistic: deconstruction. Deconstruction "proves" that any "text", past or present, illustrates the oppression of Muslims, women, homosexuals, etc. by reading that meaning into words of the text (regardless of their actual meaning). Both methods are, of course, phony analyses that twist the evidence to fit preordained conclusions, but they lend a 'scientific" air to the ideology."\

Check out this link to learn more.

Also please watch this:

This other commenter is full of shit. Take what he/she is saying and compare it with this:

Didnt we get the exact term "political correctness" from the Communists?

The whole idea that something that's not wrong could be "wrong" based on viewing it through a particular political lens.

Wasn't it thier principle, exported to the US and implemented through the college's in their "long March through the institutions"?

The Frankfurt School (what you all call "Cultural Marxism") was created by liberals, capitalists, and socialists who did not believe in removing capitalism (who are therefore not socialists, correct?).

Socialism/Communism cannot exist within the capitalist framework and the Liberals created the Frankfurt School to attempt to demonstrate that you could correct for the (edit: social) inequities of capitalism without dismantling it (edit: to correct the economic inequities).

It's quite obvious why it failed, it's like treating cancer by giving a person an aspirin. When the economics of capitalism are what create racism, misogyny in the first place. The Frankfurt School is not "socialism" or "marxism" it's identity politics put into practice.

Do you even fucking know what a communist is, other than "person with a political ideology I don't like"?

Yes I do know what a communist is and what it eventually leads to as a Government. And I never said it is an 'Ideology I don't like' because you never asked my take on it, which is as follows: It has some valid points, but human nature + communism = eventual failure on a collective level

Edit: George Soros is a bourgeois, neoliberal fuck. There isn't anyone out there who calls themselves 'communist' and aligns with George-fucking-Soros. Democrats aren't communists. Liberals aren't communists. Communists are not liberals.

Do you think Soros gives a shit the a group is 'communist' and doesn't align with his beliefs? No, he doesn't give a shit because he will finance everyone and anyone who will cause rifts/division/destabilisation because that has been is life long motto

Yes I do know what a communist is and what it eventually leads to as a Government.

No you don't. The USSR, Cuba, North Korea, China et al were NOT communist despite labelling themselves as such. A rock can call itself a cloud but that doesn't make it a cloud. Those nations were State Capitalist or borderline Socialist at best. Communism is a term describing a stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production. So the very idea that Communism, a concept that requires a stateless society can "lead to a government" is utterly ridiculous.

Also, if you're employing the "muh human nature" arguement you DEFINITELY don't know what Communism is.

  • Sincerely, a real Communist.

Fucking thank you! Hahaha.

  • Sincerely, a real Libertarian Socialist.

Libertarian socialism is the economy of Utopia. Too bad "progress" is just the opposite.

I do not support the modern 'progressive' movement.

Thank you

Nobody who calls themselves socialist, or communist, would support these fucking liberals. Please remember that those people are not us. :)

Libertarian Socialist? My mind is fucking exploding, the entire idea makes no fucking sense to me. Tell me how you've reached such a point of cognitive dissonance? Libertarian = FUCK THE STATE. Socialist = HUGE STATE. Do you get that?

My friend, it's you with the cognitive dissonance, and I rather feel at this point that you are beyond education.

Edit: Gonna edumackate you fucking rednecks a little bit anyway, less for your sake and more for people who may be reading. Libertarians were originally socialists until you dirty bourgeois scum ancaps took the fucking name from us. Unless you're an an-cap, if you want to dissolve the fucking state you are a leftist. An anarchist, right? You fancy yourself an anarchist? I want to dissolve the state and dissolve capitalism. The only difference between you and me, is that you want to dissolve the state and leave capitalism intact.

How do you plan to dissolve the state? By using the fucking state, correct? Seize control over the state, and then fucking shut it down, right? I support you every goddamn step of the way on that. The only difference between you, and me, is that when you seize control of the state, before dissolving it you do not intend to return the ill-gotten gains of your corporate friends back to the people you propose allowing them to keep it to create a new stateless serfdom.

Explain how you can remove the state, remove the state's protections for workers, allow capitalism to exist, and not create a new government based on oligarchy in one fell swoop? You pretend like giving the state's power to the private owner isn't going to end up creating a new state. Find the poor person who can afford to make sure your non-aggression principle cannot be violated, without a state to enforce it. That's what blows my god damned mind with you people. You recognize the problem (that the State concentrates power into the hands of specific business interests) but somehow you arrived at an absolutely twisted conclusion as to how to fix it.

Please read a fucking book sometime. I implore you. You seem to have a brain, so why don't you use it?

I have read a ton about Anarchy, and communism is the antithesis. I mean, what exactly do you think communism is? What happens when a state becomes communist? Tell me, please. Also, tell my 20 million Russian bretheren slaughtered at the hands of Bolshevik Jewish Commies, please, tell me how great communism is.

Russia was not communist. We have never had communism, just as we have never had anarcho-capitalism. It is difficult to argue with you about communism when you already conflate the USSR with what communism is.

Please also remember that I am not a communist and do not advocate for stalinism, marxism, trotskyism, etc. I am not a maoist and you cannot debate me like I am a maoist. And you really want to debate a marxist or a maoist it seems. So, I implore you to ask some of these questions in /r/DebateaCommunist or /r/socialism, the people in those communities are far more intelligent and better at speaking than who you are talking to. And you'll get to debate an actual communist.

Most communists want a vanguard party to rise to power, seize control for the people, and then dissolve the state. I think that is impossible. I think the USSR is a good exemplar of why. But there are other kinds of communism.

Man, I like what you're saying, but chill out a little.

Can you tell me more about Libertarian Socialism? I'm unfamiliar with it as well.

Sorry for the delay, I was busy over the weekend and didn't quite have time to give this question the response it deserves.

Man, I like what you're saying, but chill out a little.

Ahaha. I get it, I present like an elitist asshole. That's cool you asked questions when I present it this way, though. If I could say, it's sort of intentional, I'm fishing for troll responses and when I get someone like you who asks legitimate questions in spite of the asshole they're talking to I know I wont "offend" you easily without personal attacks. This is good, it means we can have an adult discussion! If you're willing to ask a total fucking asshole these questions you might be willing to read the answers.

The question you asked has a long and complicated answer so I apologize in the beginning if this is TL;DR. But I'm sure you expected somewhat of a detailed answer. I am trying to provide a clear and concise one.

Can you tell me more about Libertarian Socialism? I'm unfamiliar with it as well.

I think a lot of people are familiar with the concept, just not the terminology.

To begin, Libertarian Socialism is a flavor of socialism (it's actually an umbrella term covering several different and more specific flavors of socialism) where the adherents are anti-authoritarian and also socialist. We reject the doctrine that the Vanguard Party should seize the state and centralize the economy. For various reasons we feel central control over the economy is not the correct direction to go. You'll get many different theories on that, but mine is still that power corrupts and vesting all of the control over the economy in a small group will inevitably lead to an antidemocratic government obsessed with nothing else but furthering it's own power. This is the same criticism that right-libertarians apply to socialists, as well. I don't necessarily believe it's human nature, rather the nature of governance itself that causes this.

I don't remember who the quote is from, but someone far smarter than me once said that "the kind of person who wants to be in power is the last person you want taking the job." Could be paraphrasing someone, but I hold that truism in high regard.

As an alternative to central planning we propose worker's self-management over the economy where businesses run as cooperatives with democratic control. To achieve these goals we advocate for worker's councils, democratic control over workplaces, and trade unions. We want to dismantle the authority we have seen vested in other institutions and return it to people, but we want workplace relationships and economic participation to be voluntary. We're still individualists.

There's a lot of different "views" that technically fall under this umbrella and it takes a lot of sorting and reading to have a good understanding of it all. You have Anarcho-Syndicalism, Libertarian Marxism (which is actually probably a good place to start for anyone who is both critical of Marxism-Leninism and things like Trotskyism directly, and also critical of capitalism and reformist liberals), anarchism as an umbrella probably falls under here, Collectivist Anarchism, etc.

Some good reading (to start) on libertarian-socialist concepts would be Mikhail Bakunin's "Collectivist Anarchism". You can also read "The Soul of Man under Socialism" by Oscar Wilde, anything written by Rudolf Rocker like his pamphlet "Anarcho Syndicalism" from the 1930s. If you're interested in Libertarian Marxism, reading some of Marx and Engels' later works like "The Civil War in France" will give you a good starting point.

I would describe myself as an Anarcho-Syndicalist generally. I believe we should be strengthening and joining labor unions, I think unions could organize workers as a second government if they got large enough and peacefully (or non-peacefully) replace the current system. I don't particularly support some of the larger, more bourgeois unions in the USA because they have been corrupted, but something like the IWW could grow to be a governmental-sized agency that advocates for workers.

We believe that only direct action will serve to get us closer to our liberation, so protests and general strikes and demonstrations, versus indirect action like voting for a capitalist like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to change the world for us. I voted for Bernie, but if we had President Sanders I'd still want to protest in the streets and strike. We think that all workers should support one another and drop racism, sexism, homophobia, and other distractions created by the capitalist system to divide us. I, personally, don't believe in this liberal tumblr oppression point shit. I'm a transwoman, I'm poor, and a child abuse victim, and I hate it when liberals try to enter me into the damned Oppression Olympics. I resent being used as a pawn in this way and I resent that HRC thought I'd vote for her because I'm a transwoman.

In my mind, if you are a worker, anywhere in the world, and not a boss or a landlord then you are being oppressed, and we are all being oppressed equally. I believe all oppression in the world; from racism to sex trafficking to misogyny comes from the capitalist system that seeks to force us all into divided groups where we must compete for scraps as the 0.1% who owns our world profits and takes rent. I don't think there's a need for these people -- we could run this shit ourselves with democracy and voluntary association.

I believe that the perfect world would involve pro-worker organizations and the workers themselves organizing, and creating a government based on voluntary associations in the workplace and democratic ownership. Under this system there is nothing stopping multiple democratic worker-based organizations from 'competing' to use a capitalist's term, to organize their own workers. There's nothing stopping us from having multiple levels of worker organization. As long as workers and people who want to work are the ones being represented and calling the shots I'm not too concerned with the organization.

I hope I gave you a good place to start. Feel free to ask any more questions that come to you and I will do my best to answer although if your questions are beyond the scope of what I can answer or beyond what I feel confident to answer I'll try to point you towards someone who can answer your questions.

TL;DR: Fuck you, this is a a complex question so read the complex answer. The desire for simple answers about socialism and communism is the reason people on the real left have to keep fighting this battle.

Amazing response, thank you! I did some light reading about libertarian socialism in between, and I really like what you're putting down.

I'm going to put those book suggestions on my reading list and check out IWW. I've heard about it before, but your post made me far more interested.

Can't thank you enough for taking the time to write such a thorough response.

I'm glad I gave you things to think about, potential comrade.

My whole point posting here once I saw the post I originally responded to was to attempt to fight disinformation. If I managed to convince someone to do some reading (regardless of your conclusions from the reading) then I did exactly what I set out to do.

I really like Bakunin, personally. Here's a pamphlet with an overview of Baukunin's works and ideas and some selected further readings. A good quote of his which sort of explains the libertarian socialist perspective, and a good place to stop:

"We are convinced that freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice, and that Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality."

stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production.

So, something impossible then. Who will enforce the common ownership?

>inb4 muh worker state != government

The "state" as it exists is nothing more than a tool of oppression. It exists purely to maintain the rule of the few over the many - the rich over the poor. You're conflating the workings of government such as the concepts of police, health care, maintainance of infrastructure, etc. with the state. These systems will exist within communist societies, and likely maintained by systems of democratic government, they will just not be used as tools of oppression. The police would promote equality from those who would wish to exploit others, rather than the other way around - as it is now. Communism doesn't imply that everyone will be left to their own and they will magically all get along - simply that the state, as it exists now, will no longer exist. Communism represents a diametric shift in values - the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Communism represents a diametric shift in values

So communism is about heavy brainwashing, about people stopping being people and about people going against their very own nature.

Sounds very nice, where do I sign up?

Buying into the "human nature is opposed to communism" argument is evidence of brainwashing. Give this a read (if you can keep an open mind - hopefully you can if you're in r/conspiracy).

For all the talk (/empty rhetoric) of "freedom" of thought, speech, etc. In the western world, the West is remarkably susceptible to brainwashing - as this election should have clearly proven to anyone who was watching it with open eyes. Fuck me, what is the very concept of "patriotism" but a way for the state to enforce blind obedience and compliance?! Look back to 2003 when anyone who opposed the Iraq War was labelled "unpatriotic." This year, the vast bulk of the 'American Left' and 'Liberals' bought into the CTR spin and supported the most corrupt candidate in modern history! r/conspiracy has been posting about all the CTR bullshit for months.

Oh and if you want to sign up for communism, I recommend visiting r/communism101 in order to educate yourself first. ;)

Oh and if you want to sign up for communism

I was sarcastic.

This year, the vast bulk of the 'American Left' and 'Liberals' bought into the CTR spin

They aren't the brightest ones.

Fuck me, what is the very concept of "patriotism" but a way for the state to enforce blind obedience and compliance?!

Nationality is just a social construct and thus patriotism is not real.

I was sarcastic.

I know. I was being smug ;)

They aren't the brightest ones.

Idiocy knows no boundaries.

Nationality is just a social construct and thus patriotism is not real.

For something that is'nt real, it sure is effective, isn't it? I think what you're really getting at by saying "Nationality is just a social construct" is that Nationality and Patriotism are just ideologies - which I would agree with. But ideologies are very real, effective, and dangerous.

But ideologies are very real, effective, and dangerous.

Same can be said about communism ;-)

I, instead, propose something objective. Something that doesn't involve any feelings.

No governments w/ non-aggression principle & voluntary exchange. Does it sound better?

You are so brainwashed as to what communism actually is.

How tedious. Why is it everytime communism is mentioned a guy has to pop up to helpfully inform everyone that all the communist nations on earth throughout history weren't actually communist. Of course they were and are. The communism these guys are talking about is a mental exercise, I.e. a fantasy. The adults in the room are talking about reality. Where commies are commies.

You communists are hilarious. Chasing the ghosts of decades old agent provocateurs. Keep chasing, buddy, I hope down the road you get redpilled on communism enough to look into the Frankfurt School, the conspirators who originally intended to bring Communism to America via subterfuge, because we would not accept it willingly.

Communism is a term describing a stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production.

Yes I know what it is, good luck with the above, it will never happen because of Human Nature and Sociopathy.

Also, if you're employing the "muh human nature" arguement you DEFINITELY don't know what Communism is.

How about you show me successful Communism with Human Nature

And what is "human nature?" Are we all mostly evil? Are we all mostly good? Are we all MOSTLY anything? Are we capable of evil - absolutely. Are we capable of good - absolutely. Does the society around us perhaps encourage us to act one way or another? Absolutely. Human nature is shaped by the material surroundings of the individual and the group, not the other way around. Capitalism thrives on the division of humanity and the promotion of scarcity. Will we be as divided and 'evil' in a post-scarcity society?

Every time I hear this Human Nature argument, I have to wonder what kind of people the arguer is surrounded by. When I look around me I see a vast majority of people who are predominantly nice and good to one another - who love their families and find joy in living. Are there also selfish horrible people around - of course! but why are they that way? Really take a look around you and try to notice the good over the bad - you'll probably see way more of the former than the latter - even though the latter can feel way more obvious.

Human nature is shaped by the material surroundings of the individual and the group, not the other way around.

Wrong! There is both nurture and nature. Some things shape us, others are already hard wired and inevitably lead to bullshit.

Capitalism thrives on the division of humanity and the promotion of scarcity. Will we be as divided and 'evil' in a post-scarcity society?

Of course we would, because people have an inner need for individualism based expression and will naturally join the groups/movements/beliefs that interest them. Post scarcity won;t change shit about human nature

Every time I hear this Human Nature argument, I have to wonder what kind of people the arguer is surrounded by.

I'm surround by all sorts of people. My inner circle is loved ones where there is peace, then there is extended family, some who are not so nice and am no longer in touch with due to back stabbing, then there is co-workers, friends, neighbors etc.

I live in a decent neighborhood, however can drive 40 minutes and be in a part of the city that has been the murder capital of the U.S. many times.

When I look around me I see a vast majority of people who are predominantly nice and good to one another - who love their families and find joy in living.

Do you live in some sort of safe space sjw bubble? All you have to do is check the news or perhaps step out of your comfort zone and go somewhere where its different that where you live and you will see how it is.

Are there also selfish horrible people around - of course! but why are they that way? Really take a look around you and try to notice the good over the bad - you'll probably see way more of the former than the latter - even though the latter can feel way more obvious.

Why would I want to wear some illusion based rose colored glasses and pretend everything is peachy and all is Love when its not? This is why our world is the way it is, because a percentage of human nature breeds power monger sociopaths which has invaded all levels of our existence here.

There doesn't have to be a 40 hour work week for declining middle class, people struggling to get by check to check, unaffordable insurance, the haves and the have nots, but it is this way because of human nature.

No matter how you would try to replace the current system, those same sociopathic fucks, will enter the same positions on influence, and you will end up with the same or similar to what we have today.

what it eventually leads to as a Government

I see, you're one of those people then. What about human nature will cause communism to fail? Everything about your human nature argument applies just as much to capitalism.

will finance everyone and anyone

Find me a group of 'communists' taking dirty bourgeois liberal money and I'll find you a group of people who are not communists. Stop using words you don't understand the meaning to. It's not whether Soros would or would not attempt to finance a 'communist' group, it's whether or not communists would take the money or allow themselves to be 'bused in' for a liberal's protest. I think you'll find the socialists and the communists aren't taking Soros' money.

Stop fighting over words.

People should learn and understand the words they use to disparage and debase arguments. I am here to correct this.

lmao, Marx himself was funded by money directly from bourgeois, shows how much you know.

I see, you're one of those people then. What about human nature will cause communism to fail? Everything about your human nature argument applies just as much to capitalism.

Which is true, Human Nature itself is corrupted and leads to the corruption of any system. Anywhere/Any system that has positions of Power, Money, Control leads to Sociopaths who rise to those positions as a natural inclination of their Sociopathy

Capitalism + Human Nature = Banking cartels, Monsanto, Oligarchies, inequality, unethical/immoral acts for the sake of profits/bottom line, 1%

Communism + Human Nature = Various business/supply cartels taken over by the leaders, Gov owned Monsanto, Oligarchies, inequality, unethical/immoral acts for the sake of the 1% in power

Find me a group of 'communists' taking dirty bourgeois liberal money and I'll find you a group of people who are not communists. Stop using words you don't understand the meaning to.

There are plenty

Communism + Human Nature = Various business/supply cartels taken over by the leaders, Gov owned Monsanto, Oligarchies, inequality, unethical/immoral acts for the sake of the 1% in power

You are describing State Capitalism.

You are describing State Capitalism.

No, I'm describing any Hierarchical Bureaucracy + Human Nature = VArious Failures on various levels.

Pick whatever you want: Religion, capitalism, socialism, communism, pick any Ism with lots of people involved in it and you will find that Human Nature creates failure at a variety of levels and History + Sociology/pSychology studies proves so

Communists advocate for a stateless, money-less society with democratic worker ownership over the factories and the capital (defined commonly as the 'means of production'). There are many different kinds of Communism and vastly different theories on how to achieve this goal.

Your primary criticism seems to be leveled at the belief of a 'vanguard party' who will seize all the power with the goal of the eventual dissolution of the state and the return of the power to the people. Many Communists also criticize this concept, because it goes against the (apparent) nature of humans to give up power once given edit: seized. You are confusing Marxist-leninist philosophy as if it represents all Communists. It's the same thing as if I took Donald Trump and said he represents all conservatives. You are committing the same error you (figurative you) accuse liberals of committing.

Not all Communists, socialists, etc. believe that we require a vanguard party to take back what belongs to us. I personally do not believe that under current conditions a vanguard could be created that would be 'above corruption'.

Capitalism, and especially globalized capitalism, creates a system that rewards sociopathy and greed. "Human Nature" is a product of the systems that created it and the system that created our current nature is one that pits man against woman, black against white, poor against working poor, and muslim against christian.

You are making the argument that a system that did not reward greed, hoarding, and sociopaths behavior would then again turn around and create more sociopaths and greedy people. I do not follow this logic.

You are making the argument that a system that did not reward greed, hoarding, and sociopaths behavior would then again turn around and create more sociopaths and greedy people. I do not follow this logic.

This is already wired into people's minds. You can can do research on cultures that existed prior to our current globalized capitalism system, and find sociopathy, inequality, infighting, dominance, and other ego/animal/sociopath qualities that exist because of human nature.

Our current system of global capitalism is no different than the systems that came before, lol. For as long as we have had governments we have had them abusing people for financial gain. All of these systems deliberately put person against person, thereby creating the abuses you see and attribute to "Human Nature". Greed and hoarding are most certainly learned responses and adaptations to our system.

Communists propose an alternative society without a state. There will be no government to abuse people under communism.

Our current system of global capitalism is no different than the systems that came before, lol.

It is much different. Before there was barter/trade/precious metals, whereas today you have out-of-thin-air printed paper that isn't backed to anything other than Oil (For USD) which causes us to invade and control (try to) various middle east countries to keep this scam going, or else there will be a massive collapse of the dollar and Hyperinflation in the U.S. on the level of the Great Depression but even worse than that.

This current system and unchecked capitalism (lead by said corrupted human nature/sociopathy) is why everything is currently fucked up.

For as long as we have had governments we have had them abusing people for financial gain. All of these systems deliberately put person against person, thereby creating the abuses you see and attribute to "Human Nature".

Even if you implement a true Communism, let's say one that many experts/intellectuals are discussing as being possible once Robotics/A.I./Singularity comes, even then Sociopathy/Human Nature via Egotism and Individualism will always look to manipulate, overthrow, get positions of power or create them.

Communists propose an alternative society without a state.

It's impossible and will never happen unless you have Humans 2.0 which have completely transcended sociopathy/animalism/biased limited mental capacity, and at the point you might as well be discussing some sort of Spiritual or Post Modern Utopia

There will be no government to abuse people under communism.

Impossible because again, Human nature. Abuse is part of Human nature and happens on level Micros and Macro.

Micro you have abuse via relationships, parenting, between individuals or small groups of individuals.

Macro you have situations like Gulags, Polpot, Concentration camps, control over the collective, etc

Protesting Obama's election (which nobody did, at least not to this scale where it was actually reported), is "racist."

Thank you for the post. Interesting

Dont hate us because our method of battling corruption worked better than yours.

They've been over enabled by the rape enabler Hillary!

And then you voted Trump, right?


Damn. This is like...something I could have written word for word. I agree with everything you posted.

Additionally, people should have protested when Obama continued showing himself to be as much of a lying sham as he has been - and Bush Jr. before him, and Bush Sr. before him.

Fucking etc, etc, etc...

and they did protest. ffs, the memory of people here.

What? Who protested? When? Where? How?

You skipped Clinton.

Wasn't on purpose. Was just posting presidents that entered my head is all. Clinton's definitely included. Again, they all suck.

Well they did protest, but those protests were not covered by MSM, surprise surprise.


The list is bad, esp. Bolton.

List looks scary

This is why we need to assure the safety of Assange and the credibility of WL.

how you wouldn't be pissed at either one winning is ludicrous. they are both horrible people.

Nothing about politics change in my eyes. Well maybe the wardrobes but they're all the same. Hillary is rotten to the core and I'm happy that she isn't the president elect. This cycle exposed the corruption from all angles and I hope people take this and work together towards a better platform.

Yes. Look at my history, I didn't and would not vote for the man. But he won, now is the time to as he and Hillary, and Obama have all said, come together and work to make a better life for all Americans. Complaining because your chosen side didn't win makes you look like a spoiled, whiny, baby. These are the same people (myself included) that railed against Trump saying he wouldn't accept the results if he lost. Pot meet kettle.

If you're unhappy about the results of the election marching around yelling, posting about it on reddit, tweeting, none of that does anything. Go make an actual difference. Run for local office, volunteer for a state party or congressional campaign, become a teacher, spend some time with a non-profit.

I've said this elsewhere, but they're protesting democracy itself which is ridiculous. They should be protesting the illegal actions of the DNC.

That said... I've completely given up on the notion that the mainstream media will show an accurate portrayal of events. In this case, word is already coming out that this is a paid protest. It's probably being done by the same groups that fund Black Lives Matter, and Clinton's campaign.

Yep. People calling for Hillary to challenge the election results conveniently forget that the media was in an uproar over the possibility that Trump would.

I'm very disappointed in my generation (millenials) for just buying all the shit from the MSM like every other group has. And instead of introspection and examining why she lost, getting emotional and violent.

I have hope, actually.

If this election cycle has taught me anything, it's not to rely on the media to tell me how to think... especially about our citizenry. Trump supporters aren't racist rednecks. And I'm not going to buy into the MSM's perception that they're spoon-feeding me about Clinton supporters.

Look at /r/politics post-election because that's the best indicator of millennials. Most hated Clinton and wanted Sanders. I have a lot of faith that they aren't engaging in this protest, especially with so much news about hired protestors. It's such a small fraction that yet again, is being exacerbated by the media to create the perception that it's real. They did the same thing to Trump supporters much to their frustration, but it's unfortunate that Trump supporters now view this and assume that this is the real face of liberals.

I'm a moderate and I think this has exposed a real problem with the Democrats. Smug socially-liberal Silicon Valley corporatists like at Facebook, Google, and Apple don't give a single fuck about Americans or they would'nt lie about their moral superiority while offshoring jobs and creating products with planned obsolescence that they sell to the middle and lower-classes for 1000% cost.

They're disgusting people spreading dogma about issues that discourages rational discussion just as much as ExxonMobil denying climate change.

Smug socially-liberal Silicon Valley corporatists like at Facebook, Google, and Apple don't give a single fuck about Americans or they would'nt lie about their moral superiority while offshoring jobs and creating products with planned obsolescence that they sell to the middle and lower-classes for 1000% cost.

This is a very valid point. Especially when the media hails them like untouchable rock stars who think they define life on the planet for everyone else.

They are disgusting people fed by Venture capitalists and now they've taken over the role of their masters in buying up every single other competitor and branching out into every aspect of the tech world.

Ehh, you might want to calm down on that just a tad. As someone who knows a few people who live and work in the Bay Area, not every single one of them is smug, and selling things at a 1000% markup. Most people who just work are just that, working. They work to feed themselves and their families and happen to have a slightly different outlook on the world. The Bay Area is notorious for being SHW central, but that isn't wholly indicative of the entire populace of that area.

notallbayareapeople /s

Oh i'm 100% just referring to the CEOs of these companies not the people that work there.

Gotcha 👌

Stop with the "I'm a moderate/liberal/conservative" bullshit. Nobody cares and it helps fuckall. It's like people need a crutch to lean on to identify themselves. Make your own decisions. You are an individual, not a group of people clinging to an ideology.

The really hard part is to convince them how bad they need Assange and Wikileaks now.

Agreed. Their protest is misguided. They should be learning exactly why Hillary lost. In the articles I have read in the past few days, they do not mention Bernie and the rigged primary having anything to do with the loss.

But but but Comey...

He needs to resign...

but they're protesting democracy itself which is ridiculous

Are they, though? Who speaks for the protesters? Where did you get this narrative?

The elites are always taking protests and portraying them as things they are not, so the public can malign them and go back to sleep. OWS was a perfect example. It was an illegal hobo camp that was causing health hazards. Most people believed that, and they even paid homeless people to make it so, just so Americans would go back to sleep. In every protest now, I have learned to be extra-cautious of the narratives that build up around it, especially early on.

I think protesters start off with good intentions (organic ones, anyway), but then quickly get co-opted. Occupy being a good example. The playbook to do so by groups like COINTELPRO have it down to a science at this point.

I think the Trump protest is a total fabrication with a handful of them being genuine people going along for the ride, but generally people are accepting the transition of power.

Thanks to res I have everyone who said "Bernie lost, get over it" tagged. When I see a user post I just reply with "Hillary lost, get over it". Is this what internet justice feels like?

Complaining because your chosen side didn't win makes you look like a spoiled, whiny, baby.

That's fitting. These people are spoiled, whiny babies.

If you're unhappy about the results of the election marching around yelling, posting about it on reddit, tweeting, none of that does anything. Go make an actual difference. Run for local office, volunteer for a state party or congressional campaign, become a teacher, spend some time with a non-profit.

You're god damn right.

Yeah, hypocritical in the extreme. I wish people would take the defrauding of our democracy seriously BEFORE they fail to get what they want.

Oh, I'm not trying to get Trump not to be president. What I want now is that the Democrats take a page from the Republican playbook and stop the government from functioning for four years. Screw "coming together", "give him a chance", blah blah. Anyone remember this?: Mitch McConnel Newt Gingrich: Cantor etc: Now is the time. I am sick of Democrats putting the country back on track and taking the high road. I want them to unanimously vote no on every single Republican idea/fart that comes at them for the next four years. I don't care if Republicans want to give every orphan a million dollars in gold - NO, a liberal supreme court justice - NO, stronger regulations AGAINST off shore money - NO... After 8 years of Republican dog-in-the-manger, it's time to turn the tables.

I'm hoping you're not serious. The whole "red vs blue! Your team sucks, my team is never wrong!" narrative is pushed in order to divide the public and pit us against each other.

The whole country has been declining over the past few decades and right now we have a real chance at starting to turn it around.

Let go of this grudge, because it's exactly what (((they))) want. Instead, we need to come together for the good of the 99%.

The republicans are not going to fucking do anything good unless democrats grab them by the balls though. It's time for them to stand up and take action to stop them from fucking everything up, unless you want a repeat of Bush. They have to use whatever power they have to push their own ideals and ignore republican ones.

That's exactly what I'm talking about, stop framing the discussion as "republicans vs democrats". Stop generalizing republicans as evil and democrats as good and know that we are all people that want to make this country better.

You're right, we as citizens do need to stand up and make sure that they are passing the policies we want, but seriously the whole republican vs democrat argument is just media bias used for division. And we need to cut that out before trying to tackle any issues of significant size.

Republicans mean well, but their views are not what is good for this country, I'm afraid. We need to cut out their bullshit if we are to unite first, otherwise the media will just keep dividing us over and over. How are we supposed to compromise when the republicans have most of the power? And when they force their views on everyone else?

I like the idea, but this is not as simple as that. I HATE the Clintons - ever since whitewater and the pardon of Marc Rich. Mr Clinton repealed the bucket law that caused the recession and ruined my life. If I never see another Clinton again in my life (that means YOU CHELSEA), it'll be too soon. However, President Cheney started a war that has now ruined our economy, the middle east, and our privacy and the repercussions are still going. Democrats are the party that protect minority rights, environment, consumers, etc. Everyone knows it, but nobody votes for them because they are "ineffective". You know why they're ineffective? Because they don't fight dirty. Republicans are willing to "burn it down" to get their way, but they manage to do that under a Democratic president. All I want is for my party to realize this is LONG TERM. I want them to block everything - NO compromise, and I want them to destroy the economy (go ahead - block the budget - ruin our credit). I want every single Republican voter to declare bankruptcy under president Trump, so that the ENTIRE nation will finally put the pieces together that the tea party and this greed driven, selfish, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, isolationist thinking is NOT constructive. You think David Duke is going to let go of a "grudge"? Fk that, and fk you for your appeasment position. This is a fight for my society - not a "grudge".

Run for local office

Funny thing. I woke up yesterday morning, saw the result of the election, and told my wife that I'm considering running for office as a result of the trump presidency. She supports the idea, but asked me why I thought that.

I told her exactly that Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world" and I've finally decided that I'm not gonna sit and wait for the fucking world to get better for me. People who give a fuck in our generation need to take the reigns, and we can do it. Half these fucking local races run uncontested, I've seen people win an election here with only 300 votes.

Now's the time to make the change we want to see in the world.

Soros is behind the riots, just like BLM, Ukraine, Syria, the refugee crisis and the rest of the bullshit going on in the world.

I think countries like Hungary have already said that's enough putting up border fencing and enforcing a passport rule.

Powers that be are agitating people against Trump because President draws his power from the popular support. If they can accomplish that then Congress can simply ignore Trump. They can even overcome Presidential orders. And they can do it because they have MSM in their pocket.



And I thought it was just the Jews, Rothschilds and the usual suspects. Don't forget his daughter and son in law are Jewish.

Language is yours to use as you choose, but I'd be careful about calling them Jews when I think the better term is Zionist.

I only say this because this subreddit is consistently ridiculed as anti-Semitic as a way of discrediting our valid points.

I was going to get angry at you for trying to tell people to watch the words they use, but you make a pretty good point. If there is any reason not to use the word Jews, it's not because muh anti-semitism, but because we want people to come here with an open mind and not just immediately turn off like I would have a few years ago reading a comment that said "the jews".

It's curious how only Europe takes in refugees, but not SA or Israel.

Might want to check history.

I'm talking about the Syrian refugees.

Check the countries, no mention of Israel, other than the Gaza Strip, but then again that's not really Israel is it?

When you look further down the article you will find SA countries that are taking in refugees. Not sure how the % of them being settled in the countries based on their population.

Also please note that some of the SA countries accepted more either in total number or % of population.

Israel ain't accepting a single refugee, don't know what you're talking about. You can't even get Israeli citizenship unless you're Jewish. The ultimate racist state, which is fine, fuck if I care, but they come here to America and act all high and mighty like the jews never hurt a fly and don't allow us to set up our own ethnostates, they inspire cultural marxists and far-left radical ideologies to tear down our spirit, but at home they are FAR-right. Fucking hypocrite jew fucks.

You do know I never mentioned anything about Isreal. If you bother to check you will find other countries do not accept refugees but for some reason you only mentioned Isreal. Also if you took a moment to actually check you would find different your statement wrong.

Jews are granted the right to immigrate and become Israeli citizens even if they have no connection to Israel, while 750,000 Palestinians and their descendants expelled in 1948 have no such right. It is nearly impossible for Palestinians outside Israel to become Israeli citizens.

Residents must carry identity cards at all times and present them to "senior police officers,” to the heads of local authorities, or to police officers or soldiers on duty when requested to do so. Jewish citizens are seldom asked to present their cards, while Palestinians often are.

Read this essay if you really care to know, and didn't just look it up on Wikipedia:

Yes, it's a Jewish state and the official religion is Judaism. Because it was founded after the Holocaust and Jews have spread around the world, some voluntary and some by force it was made into a law allowing any jew to become a citizen in part to prevent some of the things that happened during WW2 where jews were forcibly expelled from some countries and no other country would allow them in. (look up MS St. Louis)

There are many countries that require its residents to carry ID cards and show them to officials. Even in the US, there are 24 states that require you to show them and ID card is asked. I'm sure that you will not have any problems finding info indication that certain minorities are stopped more often than others in the US.

As for the Palestinians whether they were expelled or left because the Arab countries said that if they didn't leave there would be problems after they destroyed Israel is another debate that I'm not going to get into. Did you know that most Palestinians that settled in the neighboring Arab countries are also living in camps and are unable to obtain citizenship in the countries where they live?

There is more than enough blame to go around for all the countries in the Mideast. Less not forget the issues that were created by the way the British divided up the Mideast into countries.

They are useless idiots. Which I mean to be the opposite of useful idiots--they don't earn the illuminati any points and in fact only take them away faster. And by this I mean they are re-resonating CTR and other artifacts of a failed memetic warfare, and in the process they are only compounding their karmic freefall at a later time when they finally get a grip.

A lot of them are going to find out the truth eventually, and when that happens many will fall into heavy drug use, self-destructive self-abuse or even commit suicide for being so wrong for so long. I suspect though, this is a long way off. Like if and when we finally get justice for 9/11 by taking the criminals like the entire bush family, guiliani and the vast network of the cog goverment / corporate pirate class

So my point is do what you can to educate them patiently and handle them with care: their awakening is going to be ugly and rife with downfall

do you actually think any of that will ever happen dude?

it doesn't matter if suddenly a large majority of people know that [X group of people] did bad things when [X group] has massive numbers of trained gunmen hanging around them constantly who have been brainwashed since they were teenagers to protect the dangerous rich folks from backlash from their victims.


Emotional and reactionary. Just like the ideal useless idiot.

Removed. Rule 4.

The protesters are paid shills by way of soros etc. Do not let it effect you. As that is its purpose.

Right? How short are our attention spans where we learn 3 weeks ago that Soros pays the DNC to deploy shills to create instability, and then post-election we're somehow buying the narrative that this is real... because the media, of all institutions, tells us so.

Yesterday I was so excited to see how many people seemed to "wake up" during this election, and now my optimism is quickly falling.

So CNN goes full fucking Orwell all the way up until the election and is proven wrong, then we're supposed to believe they're covering these protests faithfully? Riiiiiiiiiight.

They're keeping the subject off of the fact they have exposed as liars.


"CNN's been lying about what's real this entire election cycle, but now it's different I swear!"

Somebody needs to tell this to the Trump supporters who are using this footage to feel superior and self-righteous about how much more gracious they are, much to the annoyance of those with half a brain who can see right through this bullshit.

Hopefully this movmement doesnt gain steam. Their inorganic dissidence is being exposed. The quicker the better, if it goes unchecked, the constitution and everything it stands for is in jeopardy. Obama may very well be telling trump the agenda right now. Whether Trump is the true answer or part of the plan remains to be seen. Right now we see planned protests, and a sudden changed rhetoric from officials, where we keep hearing the term peaceful transition of government

There are real people at these events too. Though I'm sure somebody was paid to start the protests

People aren't just sore loosers. People are afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. Trump was so vilified this election that there are people that truly, honestly believe he's the next Hitler. He's already said he wants to "round up" illegal immigrants and deport them; that sounds like a good idea on paper but that imagery in practice is a bit terrifying. And then who else is he going to "round up"? He's fearful of Arabs, he's said that Latinos and Blacks fill up our prisons because "they just commit more crimes" than whites, he's been hard on the LGBT community. All those people are legitimately scared that they will be targeted by the Trump regime. One of his first 100-day measures is the "Restoring Community Safety Act" which will create a group called the "Task Force On Violent Crime". What that smells like is he's creating his own personal police force that's above the law. After the election the largest for-profit prison company (Corrections Corp) saw it's stock rise 49%.

The adds up to the idea that Trump will round up everyone who's not a white heterosexual Christian with his personal police force and throw them in prisons where they are forced to work for little or no pay. That's why people are scared.

People are dumb, man.

The truth is the only reason this would even be possible is because our last two presidents basically stripped us of our rights through the threat of terrorism. And I mean ALL of us, gay straight black white whatever. And a lot of people see this as the real issue of the election, while all the SJW issues were more likely diversions.

A lot of people believe the exact opposite to be true of Trump. They think he has seen the citizens (once again, ALL of us) being taken advantage of and he believes it to be wrong.

Now which of us is right? No one knows yet. But at least half of this country has faith that he will start restoring the rights to ALL citizens, while at the same time they are being called racist and bigoted baselessly.

Most people don't want anyone to ever be victim to any -ism. Most people are genuinely good and care about people.

Unfortunately MSM hasn't been portraying this truth and instead broadcasted fear into the heats of millions having them believe that half of our society was voting for hatred, when in reality they were voting for the rights of ALL.

Just to clarify for some people who may not know, this is not limited to George Soros. The FBI has been doing this since at least the 60s.


And probably the Koch brothers as well

Reading the twitter and Facebook sjw reactions is enough to make even the most stoic vomit in their own mouth. There is no logic or truth to their opinions. Secondly, their over the top emotional outbursts to try and attract attention are pathetic.

I've been working on my stoicism for years, but it still got half way up my esophagus.

No... Him appointing a climate change denier to lead the EPA is catastrophically bad. His insistence on returning to coal power is catastrophically bad. His belief that climate change is a Chinese hoax is catastrophic. There's no other way to put it and there's zero purely economic reason not to transition to renewable forms of energy but that's even further exacerbated by the fact that the alternative isn't just more expensive it legitimately threatens our way of life and potentially our existence.

Even if you don't believe climate change could be so catastrophic, you should believe how different our way of life will have to be when we run out of oil. Think of all the plastics we use in our day to day lives derived from oil and realize that we'll have to find various substitutes. A transition to renewable energy should have began about 10 years ago but now it's quickly become urgently necessary.

Like I said, he's not perfect, and he's crazy in some regards, but the main point of my rant is the fact that people allow themselves to be manipulated by the media to the point that they'll go out into the streets over one man becoming president (who will be controlled by the other branches, mind you) but do not protest things that actually matter. Evil things that our own government has done or is still doing to us and others overseas.


Dude the fact is this country is less sexist and racist than the media narrative suggests.

And I think we can both agree that being called something you're not just because of your race or sex hurts (IE all blacks are xyz, all white males are racist).

The truth about trump supporters is that most have felt their freedoms being stripped throughout the past few decades. Most aren't fighting against equality, but instead are fighting against elites stripping them of their rights and telling them how to live.

Us white 'hicks' just want to live our lives without being bothered and we want the same for all citizens.

We just want freedom and want to stop being told what to do and think based on the faults of others (IE gun control, or being called racist just because we are white).

We need to stop tying to bring everyone down to the same level while the elites laugh at us for throwing away our rights, and start trying to lift everyone up to the same level of freedom so we can all live the lives we believe are right.

Take gun control for instance. Instead of limiting the right to own guns, wouldn't it be better to lift up our sisters and brothers throughout our society who may be dealing with some mental health issues in order to make our country safer without taking away basic human rights.

Sorry for the rant, but I think Trump supporters and Hillary supporters are equally looking for self preservation, but we are being pitted against each other with hate instead of really trying to come together and solve our problems.

Are you talking about Black Lives Matter and that crowd?

The other thing to consider is that they're protesting what he represents in the people of this country. For many Americans the fact that someone who announced his candidacy by calling Mexican immigrants rapists, criminals, etc and has called for a ban on Muslim immigration has actually won a nationwide election is very alarming. It signals that it's okay to be openly racist to each other because suddenly you feel justified in your racism. There's definitely a certain level of racism that is normal and nationalism that is healthy but historically speaking it's usually countries that take these things too far that really freak out as we struggle to wrap our heads around their atrocities.

Elon Musk and the pioneers of the renewables won't simply just stop doing what they're doing. I believe Tesla will be at the forefront, opening the minds and giving people the choice to move to renewables which ultimately is the biggest factor. Without the consumption, the market and leaders will follow the demand of another source people want.

That's true. No matter how much he wants to bring back coal jobs they're leaving for a reason. Renewable energy is already cheaper than coal, but what worries me is if for god knows what reason he chooses to artificially create incentives for using coal so that jobs can come back. That would be short sighted and will only slow down a current transition to renewable energy sources that needs to be taking place.


What are you gonna use for guns? Dildoes and bongs?



Fuck "voting". Change only happens when people stop being afraid to protest.

How about protesting the death squads in Honduras and the assassination of Berta Caceres made possible by HRC

How about protesting the genocide against black people in Libya made possible by HRC




I believe the biggest Bernie protest won it for Trump. Ever hear of Bernie or Bust?

That's because no one organized the people, prepared the signs, called in the MSM, paid the agitators, called off the police, etc... Otherwise we would have never heard of it.

There are protests because this is not an election, it was and is a coup.

22 million voters removed from the registration lists in the red states. 1.2 million in Ohio alone.


I hardly think the Benghazi and email investigations that did make up her coverage are liberal based.

Don't confuse what you have seen in on-line forums with what the MSM was pushing, and that was "Hillary is a bad nasty girl."

I'm going to have to disagree on this one. Hate crimes are already sparking, just like with the brexit. (If you don't believe the media that this is the case, maybe you'll believe me anecdotally and I'm hearing stories about it here in California.)

Here's a good take on it:

Not all of the people who voted for Trump are bigots, but all of the bigots did vote for Trump.

As clearly idiotic as it is to block freeways and set shit on fire in Oakland (you're hurting your comrades, aren't you?), but these people are protesting to make sure that there's a counter-voice to show the bigoted Trump voters that not everyone thinks like they do.

I'm just happy that Clinton isn't in office.

There are protests every time a new president is elected, this is nothing new and will always be the case. Not understanding why this is on r/conspiracy

More of a rant about how much power the media has over public opinion and the fact that people won't protest things actually worth protesting about.

Where was the protest after the US bombed the doctors without borders hospital killing over 30 people? It wasn't setup by Soros or similar, so it didn't happen...

I find it more frustrating scrolling through my Facebook feed and see endless comments of people saying they're literally crying and terrified and how they won't be able to go to the US for their trips as they had planned and how the world is going to end etc etc.

I wish they could feel how the people we bomb feel

I'm sure they feel like its time to change their political affiliation.

I'm an immigrant and I'm against illegal immigration. Why should they get a pass, when other more deserving people are willing to do things the right way?

Because in reality the ones crying right now are the racists because they refuse to hold these people up to the standards of personal responsibility, if they break the law it's because "they had to", if they don't have citizenship it's because "they couldn't get it, you would do the same!" Of course, when you mention that there are many immigrants who come to our country the correct way and that they are fine, these people have no response. I think some people actually think that Trump HATES ALL IMMIGRANTS, not that Trump doesn't like people taking advantage of our open-borders by not even becoming citizens and just sneaking into our country. It's like people are so fucking dumb, but I guess they were engineered that way, why else would the education be so bad.

If these protestors and trump haters were this passionate about exposing Hilary's crimes, which has concrete proof and evidence of her lying, we wouldn't be in this situation. If there was this much protest and outrage about her rigging the primary, it would be Bernie in office rn

Just be happy that people, however confused in certain aspects of their political development, are taking to the streets. Just because Donald Trump isn't Hillary Clinton doesn't make him a venerable figure in any way. His election isn't a solution to any of the problems that we face, and any suggestion that Americans simply lie down and accept him at face value needs to be met with hostility.

I disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of these developments.

I do not find it infuriating. Of course I also do not spend a lot of time worrying about other peoples thoughts/actions. I take care of myself and my family, I do what good I can when I can, and I let all the rest go.

If people speaking their minds infuriates you, then consider looking inward and figure out what is important to you. Worry about those things. Trying to worry about how every body else acts is a not mindful, and in my opinion generally not healthy.

Lol, the shrink shows up

Nah, the only thing I analyze on a day to day basis is telecom networks. The last thing I want is to is be in someone else head. (Mine is scary enough as is.)

Too bad they didn't rise up like this when the DNC screwed Sanders.


I think if they peacefully protest, let em at it! This... is... America!!!

This is a shitpost. The protests are being organised by antifa and anarchists.

Liberals/pink hairs are always infuriating. They are the most narrative-driven golems walking among society. You should only pay attention to them when they are a threat to infrastructure and institutions. If they want to riot and burn down their own cities, I wish them well.

It's sad that we have to carry them, because not carrying them would defy the spirit of the country. But they are an added enemy we really don't need right now.

We are diseased with parasites, pedophiles, treasonous/traitorous trash, rogue politicians, money launderers, judges and lawmakers meant to divide us and sell us out and it may go as high as the Vatican. But these cupcake slobs live in the echoing bubbles of their retarded rhetoric and they've made it their mission to get in the way of real issues.

I find it infuriating only because of the timing. Before the election - whatever. After he actually does something - fine. Right now seems ridiculous.

Our government funds terrorists groups in Syria who behead 12 year old boys, give billions our hard earned dollars to Israel so that they can kill Palestinians and expand their territory, violate our privacy and spy on us every day in the name of fighting terrorism, and many other terrible things. You get the picture. Yet you don't see those dumbasses protesting that shit. They just brush it off as crazy conspiracy theories and go to back to getting their thinking fodder from the media. It's bullshit.

You're 100% right. And yet, most people just can't admit it. Let's face it, most people simply don't know how to get past their own bias. They just can't do it. Even if they are smart, they are not able to see their blind spot.

But it's deeper than than, most people not only have blind spots, but they're perfectly ok with it. They don't want to know they truth. Until this changes, nothing will change.

I completely agree that this is true, yet I don't think I will ever be able to understand why so many people do this.

I completely agree. Saw a story of an American woman who said 'my body physically rejected the result and I was physically sick'. REALLY? These types of people are the ones who will fucking bleed (free bleeding is a thing) on themselves in a bid to promote or push some agenda about how males are oppressing them but won't promote/fight against the real issues in their country.

I think the protesters are bought by George Soros.


Peacefully assemble?

Ehh, give the sheeple some time to calm down... The old crook Soros is not satisfied with the results so he continues indicting mass protests, but the sheeple will slowly relax :)


Why are you writing like you're here representing some exotic species? Many (most?) of us here are men.

forgot what sub I was in

..and some of us are not.

I am not infuriated at all. Society needs to show the KKK, rapists, homophobes, etc, that we do not support those ideas and they need to go back under their rock, because there will be consequences to dragging their antisocial instincts back into the light after we worked so hard to get rid of them. Trump as an individual may only be a single narcissist conman in a single branch of a beautifully constructed government, but his election makes the deplorables think they are the majority. People conveniently forget Hillary won the popular vote. Trump does NOT have a mandate, and his inflammatory rhetoric does NOT represent the spirit of America.

There are plenty of things the USA does wrong, but putting Trump in charge of the patriot act, the IRS, and the EPA is just the door opening to God knows what. So. There is good reason that we can protest BEFORE the fact for once.

no. protests would be happening if Clinton had won.

All the people protesting Trump, spent zero time reading the Wikileaks releases. If those same people studied, they would have realized the whole thing was a shame and Trump was the only option. I despise Trump from his policy issues, but I think most of those were to get votes. He's really a mystery how he'll lead. His environmental issues are scary. I was really hoping we'd move past the abortion thing, hopefully that was just too get the Evangelicals, as i don't think he cares (he's probably paid for one or two). I'd like him to throw Hillary in jail, clean the swamp. That's why I voted for him, but he's miles from perfect and Bernie would have had my view.

It really pisses me off because he hasn't even done anything yet, let alone become president.

Half of America tuned out the media. The other half is whipping themselves into a frenzy because of the media. I know like minded, loving people, that are just like me, losing their sir shit because they watch CNN and the like

Yes, and I can understand it being a flashpoint for people who do want to protest bigger issues and are simply being inaccurately portrayed by the media as being merely upset Hillary supporters. I think there's both going on.

All I know is, there's a lot of emotional upset right now, and I think people just need to wait and see how this plays out instead of feeding the fire in any one direction. This isn't the right protest for the right reasons, and the elite will play off that. Just keep doing you, don't react to the narrative or counter-narrative. Reacting is how you get sucked in. I don't mean to preach, but this is just becoming clear to me, that our attention and reactions are a limited resource that we have to use carefully, and many protesters are focused on who the president is instead of the deeper systemic issues in both parties that have been causing America's decline for 40 years now. If this protest develops a tone of speaking to deeper issues, then I'm all ears. If it's just crying because Democrats didn't get their demagogue, then I don't care.

people protest a pipeline too ...

I think it is cool that Trump is wealthy and can not easily be bought like other shills in office were. Let's see what he does and how many of the 100 day plan line items he implements.

His wealth is backed up by hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from people who expect things in return. Most of his wealth comes from putting his name on things that others have built. The reason he didn't release his tax returns is so we will not know who owns him.

I believe this is 100% true

You're also will notice that a lot of things he denied during the election is now being reported. Just look at all the comments from Russian officials about contact before the election.


Wow, you really buy that narrative? I don't think you belong here, been listening to a little too much Hillary Clinton bullshit.

And you been drinking the trump coolaid.

Putin immediately having a statement about looking forward to "fixing relations" definitely seemed funky tbqh

I dunno, I think it's just Russia welcoming Trump's isolationist attitude, considering it's far more preferential to Clinton wanting to destabilize the middle east/encroach on Russia's European interests like Ukraine.

It's within Russia's existing business interests to endorse Trump. And if it means us not creating more of a mess in the Midd East I'm okay with it.

Russia isn't the perfect country to be allies with, but they're a million times better than the Saudis. And Trump's made it clear he ain't playing ball with them.

I don't think it's that suspicious, Putin must have let out a huge sigh of relief and immediately wanted to get on record as being friendly to the US. That Duterte guy did the same thing.

Russia has 1 thing: military. Their economy is complete shit.

Correct. We do not know his net worth, we do not know how much money he received from various donors, and the man literally paid campaign funds to his own businesses (smart, but removes any pretense of not trying to enrich himself).


Depends on what is in the blackmail.


can not easily be bought like other shills in office

Evidence of this other than taking him at his word? We know almost nothing about lots of his finances and business dealings.

Hmmmm, good point. That statement was an assumption based on his wealth. Thank you for the sanity check.

Yea, i'm disgusted. This level of evil going on in the government and of course they choose the most petty point to muster around. I'm not thoroughly convinced the rioting is a fact or an organic movement at this point, though.

The protests are simply a tool for the Dems to declare martial law. IF they declare martial law, and it's caused by the actions of Dem voters, it's easy to argue to the general public that the actions are in the best interest of the country, and not opposition oppression.


It's dumb and pointless

Moveon . org and Soros are trying to delegitimize Trump's election victory. Key word 'ELECTION', the US is not mob rule(yet). In the meantime interlopers who want to say they were at a protest or paid protestors will think "protesting" is a way of life-don't like something: protest it. Need money 'protest' for it.

It's a contrived and forced narrative. Without Soros funding a lot of this goes by the wayside. Not all but a lot.

Yes it does infuriate me but I feel so drained afterwards. At this point I try to keep my hate for these people to a minimum or try to completely cancel it out. People will always be stupid and gullible and we just have to deal with it the best way possible. Trump supporters who vote only republican no matter what are just as bad as well in my opinion.

I find it infuriating that these people are doing this after flipping out at Trump saying he might not accept the results.

No because the electoral college still must vote.

All of that is too abstract and difficult for the average person to deal with. Even if they accept it as true, to simply make it out of their beds and subserviate themselves daily, they must wash it from their mind. This isn't because they're ignorant or crazy but because their survival has been tied to a crazy system that demands their ignorance. Those who admit that reality is real are punished through alienation. When a human is given the option between telling the truth or feeding themselves and their children, it is hardly a shock which option they choose.

Trump gives them a socially acceptable outlet for rage and protest. They know, viscerally, how fucked everything is. There is a silent awareness of the lurking evil they are complicit in. Now they have been given an opportunity to join those of us who have sacrificed ourselves on the alter of truth rather then the alter of corporate greed, and they are seizing that opportunity.

This is a win. We should not reject their struggle. Better to be thankful that the spirit of protest is not dead and join them on the streets.

The protesters are either paid shills... or normal citizens blackmailed with dickpics cause the NSA was compromised... resulting with all of America letting it hang out on Weiners laptop.

Either way their convictions aren't strong enough to do any real harm.

That is rioting. You do real protesters a disservice by comparing this to them..

They are being bussed into Austin. They park their busses right near the Scoot Inn.

Yea...the US backed antics in Syria have particularly pissed me off

yep, and how many of these protesters voted?

Truth my negro truth!

I like you, great points.

People are waking up. Use social media. Be smart about how you address it in layers.

You need to establish that wikileaks is actually real.

then address the proof that soros is manipulating our entire government and media infrastructure for his own benefit and has gotten so many people into powerful positions

When someone has made it that far, all of these weird links with sex trafficking don't seem quite as far fetched, especially when they match up with thousands of reports across the internet of people claiming to be victims of it.

I get what youre saying however this is America and they can protest whatever they want no matter how idiotic.

Trump can easily nip this in the bud. All he has to do is have a student debt julibee and most of those crowds will not only disappear but come over to his side.

Most of the people rioting have never gone to school.

You mean like the rednecks?

It's funny, not really infuriating

Americans are stupid and just believe whatever they see in the news, no more no less

I just find it irritating that - once again - liberal lefties are screeching and howling because "they" didn't win. It's still happening with Brexit and that was nearly six months ago.

Voting has become a case of "right" or "wrong" - not "vote for what you prefer".

This is why the polls are so off. People who support the "wrong" side won't admit to it because the hassle and vitriol it would receive just isn't worth it.

That and they use biased tactics to only poll in areas that their candidate obviously polls well in.

These things you complain about our government doing are precisely why liberals like myself are worried about Trump. The notion being that these 'soft offenses' (sexism, racism, etc) are indicative of a person who will be similarly brash in an international context.

Yes, Hilary would certainly have done bad things in this manner as well, which is why she didn't get overwhelming support.

it was a historically low turnout for democrats out of the past recent elections. Republican voting has remained relatively constant the past 3 elections. The democrats control their own destiny, there are many more if them. If they get their asses to the polls, they win, end of story

'just another day in america'

The media and George Soros are behind it. This is engineered.

I'm sure Hollywood comedy movies have lots of sex jokes, that's why I never understood people's outrage at the pussy comment.

ah, good ol' murica

No, I don't waste my time on what other people protest.

Caught this shit interview with a protester yesterday on CNN. His tears are soooo tasty.

Last night's protests in Seattle were ironic to me: On December 12, 2000, when the Supreme Court stopped the Florida vote count and awarded Bush the presidency, I went to the Seattle Federal Building in the rain. I expected to join a protest.

I was the only person in Seattle who was there.

I went the next night, and there were no protests then, either.

I'm sure that if Hillary had won, Republicans would be burning cities and claiming it was stolen. Maybe they'd be right, maybe not. The system is opaque and trust is broken.

When the Supreme Court steals an election, that's a whole new level of corruption. But nobody blinked in 2000. Then we all got burned.

Both Republicans & Democrats have legitimate complaints of voting irregularities & electoral fraud in this 2016 election, including voting machines flipping votes & elected officials stripping millions from voter rolls.

But we are not listening to each other. "CTR" is the new "commie"/"racist"/"sexist" smear intended to silence dissent. Divide & conquer is injected into the crowd.

And so the tree falls.

I find it infuriating that most protesters can't find an american flag to burn that was actually made in the USA. Where are their principles?

I think many are blowing off steam, but the organization and the money involved in them are absolutely planned AstroTurf and only server to further divide this country.

It's driving me fucking crazy!! What us the matter with these ppl?

I have a lot of problems it, yeah, to the point I have to stay off Facebook so I don't fuck up relationships with acquaintances lol.

Because it's a staged protest to establish a final police state to end America.

Dont let them infuriate you any longer - they were paid to do it.

Theyre just bird-dogging.

When was the last time you heard an incumbent mention the "peaceful transfer of power"? Obama and Hillary both used that exact phrase before the Clinton riots even began. They were planting the seed.

It really is batshit. To see the youth so misguided is discouraging. It speaks to how effective mainstream is in brainwashing people. All of a sudden they're mad? Wtf?

Or maybe they just disagree with you. But dismissing them as brainwashed sure is a great way to avoid understanding their perspectives.

What should they do?

The fucking Arabs are killing the Israelis, please actually go there before you make such a blatant lie.

I don't have any source yet but my mother was just telling me that there are craigslist adds going up to pay people to protest.

Hating on trump and protesting is the new trend in young America. Similar to "dabbing", and saying "bruh"

"he wouldn't be able to pass those policies".

you're funny. tell that to his bigoted friend who just won the house and senate. get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. pretending he is better than HRC is the same as supporting his idiotic views. these people aren't just protesting Trump, they are protesting the failure of our democracy. if you think that hasn't happened then you need to wake the fuck up and stop sugar-coating what you think a Trump presidency means.

No. People of any party have the freedom to protest whatever they want (remember the Tea Party protests?).

Protests are different from riots. Violence is not OK. Including guns in your protest is dubious, on both sides, because it is intended to threaten violence, whether by Black Panthers or Tea Party. Destruction of property is not OK.

The whole key to this SJW nonsense is nihilism, which is at the root of Marxist thought, which is the basis of modern Socialism/Progressivism. Very simply, without the concept of Ultimate Objectivity (or a God) or even the willingness to imagine one, there can be no truth.

This is why these people believe in the gender bending nonsense. It also explains how they claim to support Islam and Feminism at the same time (two fundamentally conflicting ideologies). They do not believe in truth. Hell, the concept that CO2 is primarily what is responsible for the warming of the planet is a leap of faith that rivals almost any religion in existence!

What's more, Universities have long since been overrun by these Marxist thinkers, so many of these SJWs feel that they are "educated" because they come from echo chambers that have reinforced these beliefs for years. This calls to mind the image of the snake swallowing its own tail, except in reverse...

The only way to fight it is to praise kek at every turn...

This guy gets it! So many people can't understand why the Hillary supporters are 'blind' to her shenanigans. It's not that they don't see it, to them, the end justifies the means. When there are no absolutes, when 'right' and 'wrong' are relative, the agenda is all that matters, by whatever means necessary.

Yes. Extremely well put.

So people are protesting Trump because they don't believe in God?

Nah, they are protesting Trump because they are stupid and gullible. As the thread title rightly suggests, there's lots of stuff that they could productively and righteously protest (e.g. eternal war, private prison system, zombie banks, etc...); but, having no philosophical basis for knowing or discerning truth, they just do what their echo chambers tell them to do...

The radical secularization of the American educational establishment has had many casualties; truth being one of them. The neoliberal atheist movement is just another religion, minus the parables and morals that teach people to live well and love one another.

I've said this elsewhere, but they're protesting democracy itself which is ridiculous. They should be protesting the illegal actions of the DNC.

That said... I've completely given up on the notion that the mainstream media will show an accurate portrayal of events. In this case, word is already coming out that this is a paid protest. It's probably being done by the same groups that fund Black Lives Matter, and Clinton's campaign.

If you're unhappy about the results of the election marching around yelling, posting about it on reddit, tweeting, none of that does anything. Go make an actual difference. Run for local office, volunteer for a state party or congressional campaign, become a teacher, spend some time with a non-profit.

You're god damn right.

They are disgusting people fed by Venture capitalists and now they've taken over the role of their masters in buying up every single other competitor and branching out into every aspect of the tech world.

Thanks to res I have everyone who said "Bernie lost, get over it" tagged. When I see a user post I just reply with "Hillary lost, get over it". Is this what internet justice feels like?

Yeah, hypocritical in the extreme. I wish people would take the defrauding of our democracy seriously BEFORE they fail to get what they want.

Complaining because your chosen side didn't win makes you look like a spoiled, whiny, baby.

That's fitting. These people are spoiled, whiny babies.

Run for local office

Funny thing. I woke up yesterday morning, saw the result of the election, and told my wife that I'm considering running for office as a result of the trump presidency. She supports the idea, but asked me why I thought that.

I told her exactly that Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world" and I've finally decided that I'm not gonna sit and wait for the fucking world to get better for me. People who give a fuck in our generation need to take the reigns, and we can do it. Half these fucking local races run uncontested, I've seen people win an election here with only 300 votes.

Now's the time to make the change we want to see in the world.

The list is bad, esp. Bolton.

List looks scary

Oh, I'm not trying to get Trump not to be president. What I want now is that the Democrats take a page from the Republican playbook and stop the government from functioning for four years. Screw "coming together", "give him a chance", blah blah. Anyone remember this?: Mitch McConnel Newt Gingrich: Cantor etc: Now is the time. I am sick of Democrats putting the country back on track and taking the high road. I want them to unanimously vote no on every single Republican idea/fart that comes at them for the next four years. I don't care if Republicans want to give every orphan a million dollars in gold - NO, a liberal supreme court justice - NO, stronger regulations AGAINST off shore money - NO... After 8 years of Republican dog-in-the-manger, it's time to turn the tables.

This is why we need to assure the safety of Assange and the credibility of WL.

I'm sure they feel like its time to change their political affiliation.

I was sarcastic.

I know. I was being smug ;)

They aren't the brightest ones.

Idiocy knows no boundaries.

Nationality is just a social construct and thus patriotism is not real.

For something that is'nt real, it sure is effective, isn't it? I think what you're really getting at by saying "Nationality is just a social construct" is that Nationality and Patriotism are just ideologies - which I would agree with. But ideologies are very real, effective, and dangerous.