Mods: There have been two thread on the exposed pedophile ring recently deleted from /r/conspiracy. What's going on?

158  2016-11-11 by wile_e_chicken


and this:

The first, we don't know why it was deleted. The second, the user says the post was deleted/shadowbanned without his consent:

Shadowbanned from /r/conspiracy: Bill Maher, Dan Schneider, Corey Haim, other rumors

What is going on here? Because it really looks like you're protecting pedophiles. Please clear this up. Thanks.

edit: I did try PMing the one mod I trusted. Twice. No reply, but maybe he's just afk.

edit2: And you know I've screenshotted this post, so... yeah.


No, the mods have not "deleted" any paedophile posts.

This first one below was deleted by the user him/herself. You can tell that because the submitter name says [deleted].

The second one was submitted this morning by an account less than a day old. All posts and comments from new accounts are automatically quarantined by Automoderator, and have to be manually approved by a human mod. Since the mods are just ordinary users like you, there are actually periods when all of us are doing other things, and the modqueue isn't dealt with immediately. I am here now, and have approved the post below.

In future, please message the mods and wait for a response before descending into hysteria with a post like this.

If this is a misunderstanding, I humbly apologize. I did msg a trusted mod, but got no reply. On the first one, the user himself said it was deleted by mods, not him. Perhaps it was admin? I should think you cannot tell one way or the other.

Thank you for approving the second post.

Please understand that due to the nature of the subject I simply do not trust the mods as a group. Again, I'm sorry if I got you wrong. But if burning a bit of goodwill is the collateral damage of exposing this group, so be it.

Perhaps it was admin?

If you tell me who the user was, I can check if it was an admin, or if they deleted the post themselves. All I can tell you is that it was nothing to do with the mods.

Please understand that due to the nature of the subject I simply do not trust the mods as a group.

Perfectly understandable. This is the reason why all actions by the moderators of this sub are recorded in the modlog, which we make public. See the link in the sidebar.

descending into hysteria with a post like this.

Oh yeah, because that's how they came off...

Hey look! A user was concerned about something, posted about, calmly explained themselves, got a response, it all make sense...AND...

Get's called a mod...of course. Sense of authority much??????

descending into hysteria with a post like this.

He said "it really looks like you're protecting pedophiles."

I think it would have been sensible to wait for a response from the mods before making this accusation. Since the mods of this sub do NOT delete any posts due to content, there was likely to be a rational, and much more mundane explanation.

BTW there's another pedophile post that's being suppressed with downvotes:

It's because this crosses the line between conspiracy theory and harassment, and it's all generally poorly researched and could have a lot of repercussions if it's wrong.

"Harrassment" in what way?

Would it have greater repercussions than, say, getting details of 9/11 wrong?

Why have the mods not addressed this? Why are they just nuking posts?

Weak sauce man. Weak.

I don't buy it.

If anything, this sort of reaction is reserved for people who are on the right track.

Even Wikileaks wasn't sure what to make of this, but they didn't outright say it was bologna either or they wouldn't have published it.

I'm still not convinced that that was really WikiLeaks.

But I agree, the problem comes when people start with the yelp reviews and pedo remarks all over the internet.

If they are actually involved in dark shit like that, then good, fuck em. But if they're not? God damn how much would that suck?? Seriously think about it. You're just some family who owns a pizza shop (or daycare) who hand drew some random logo that you thought looked fine. Then all of a sudden, you see 14 new yelp reviews saying you fuck kids at your establishment! I can't even imagine how much of a PR disaster that would be.

I think we should keep up the research and don't stop digging, but we do need to encourage people to cut out the doxxing shit until there is some concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

"Then good, fuck em" ???

That's the kind of attitude that will not bring upon any sort of change. They should be held accountable for their actions and called out. Even if it is just a yelp review, it's bringing attention to those unaware. Those pizza shops need to be brought to the ground. If you've done your research, the evidence is there that places like Comet Ping Pong are involved in pedophilia.

I have done the research, and there is no evidence. There is a ton of sketchy pieces of information that certainly INFER some fucked up shit, including pedophilia. But to say there is concrete evidence of anything is just disingenuous.

My entire point was, you can't just go around publicly convicting people of the darkest crimes imaginable without actual evidence. If anything, all this "calling of attention" to it just gives them time to cover their tracks and tie up the loose ends.


Definitely a possibility. Or even admin, who could make it look like mod fuckery just to fracture the group. But if they shut us down here, we scatter to the 4 winds and they are f-u-c-k-e-d. A lot of what used to be "conspiracy theory" is catching on, and we would blow that shit up. They're in a tough situation, I dunno what I'd do if I were them.

Yup, just lots of disinformation techniques, it's simple once you see what they're doing. Offer no opinion of their own but simply obfuscate your facts. Would be nice if they could get out of the way so we can expose child molesters some more.

Rule 10. Removed.

/r/conspiracy is another tool for them to spread disinformation, that's why these keep deleting important posts related to the pedophilia ring being exposed.

You know our mod-log is public, right? Your malicious lies about mod malfeasance are easily exposed.

Good thing law precedents show you can say whatever you want on media

Yeah, but let's be real, what percentage of online witch hunts have ended well or been correct?

And here I was thinking Nicole Kidman’s dad being a pedo was a big story.

It was. But this is huge. All the way to the white house. Hillary Clinton photographed at a strongly suspected pedophile establishment. Obama photographed with an owner. This shit is fucked.

Link? Please

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Pic posted on jimmycomets (Owner of suspected pedo place Comet Ping Pong) Instagram of Obama playing ping-pong with a little boy, possibly underground location judging by walls:

Pic by jimmycomet at John Podesta's (Clinton's campaign manager) house:

Can't find the pic w Hillary right now, will post back if I run across it. Tons of material on Hillary here:

We need victims to speak out its the best chance at this point

For more info on the pedophile/satanic ring, see:



One way to derail and bury any stuff like this is to launch unfounded accusations & vague innuendo based on the word "pizza." Which may be an intentional & brilliant security measure by a pedophile ring. But reactionary partisans & hysterical ideologues on this subreddit -- or agents posing as such -- are making this a conspir-a-tainment amusement park ride to have a fun Hillary witch-hunt, accusing anyone who ever used the word "pizza" of being a cannibal pedophile, not to mention ignoring decades of documented history & cases that /r/conspiracy isn't including, because it's just Hillary that's the motivation & target, conveniently aiding the larger global organized operation.

In the context of the overall pedo-ring timeline, it's not merely idiotic to propose that Hillary or Bill are operating such a ring, it ignores the most famous U.S. glimpse of the iceberg (revealing how little this subreddit really gives a fuck about the topic), because according to the central witness (go read John DeCamp's book, the whole fucking thing and not a YouTube clip through a pundit's filter) it's a global U.S. military operation running for decades and started by the Ratlines, another term I'm not going to explain to people who are just exploiting the topic for excitement, fun, hysteria & bloodsport.

If you really give a fuck about the topic, educate yourself beyond one contemporary ounce of the iceberg, before you help them discredit the whole historical data with your "Pizza Panic", which is what you are helping Snopes bury it as.

Nah. We do this my way.

It's all about you. Glad you outed yourself, pizza agent.

And glad you outted yourself. No, actually that's just sad.

Snopes can't do shit since they are illegitimate.

You're right, and we've gotta be weary of how they're going to try silence this pizza thing, but don't you think it's good that it's getting all this exposure? People are getting fired up and I imagine before long they'll dig deep enough.

Yep the 4chan one was just deleted.

link? We need to report these over at /r/operation_berenstain, /r/pizzagate, and /r/the_donald

And yet your above comment about it being deleted is upvoted.

What does that tell us about the kind of stuff that gullible people upvote?

Mods: wile_e_chicken has made an unfounded attack on the mods and /r/conspiracy causing unwarranted drama and the post has not been removed. What's going on?

Deleting this post would just fuel their hysteria, we have enough unwarranted drama already thanks.

I was just making fun of OP. I didn't really expect it to get deleted. It is funny that it's been explained to him but he hasn't deleted it either. It's pretty clear that drama is his goal. You guys should keep an eye on him in the future. I bet he'll do it again.