Holy shit /r/politics

40  2016-11-11 by ZshadeZ

It looks like CTR is back in full force. Makes sense with Soros funding protests. Fuck. I really want them to stop lying and misleading idiots.


Just noticed, Shills are back. Soros realized we're talking about him too much.

They want Martial Law declared because they believe it will either keep Obama in office or somehow get Hillary into office. DO Not engage. Let's keep it above the waist, like we have been and let them continue to destroy themselves.

what needs to happen to a degree is we need to hunt down these fucks that are helping them.

they chased the nazi supporters to the ends of the earth, why should these fucks be any different.

Because they think they're doing the same thing.

This is the new normal SOP for governance. It might be currently funded by the Democratic side of the shit-sandwich, but I suspect once the money and power switches to primarily Republican control, we will see these shill tactics continue to be used against us, just for the purposes of the current administration.

Remember, Obama's administration approved propaganda and they will continue to use it, when and where they can, as will any group with enough power and influence, whether a state actor or a corporate one.

It looks like the downvote bot is gone, but the commenters are still there. based on notreddit.top, unless they've found a way to average out the downvotes to keep it from getting there.

While I won't deny the benefits of an open slightly anonymous platform, I really want a serious non-anonymous platform. It's all fun and games until you realize that it's not.

Take the bait America, you always do.

Maybe they are setting the stone for the American revolution to make Hillary the eternal potus.