FBI anons last remarks before the election.

846  2016-11-11 by [deleted]




The posts that fueled us all; thanks to that and Wikileaks, the genie is out of the bottle.

That's a hell of a read! Thanks for the link, but now with a skeptic's hat on, can you provide a single piece of irrefutable, non circumstantial proof that this FBIanon was actually from FBI and not some random 4chan troll(s) who threw enough shit on the wall to see that some stuck? I'd love to dig into this, but I've not seen any conclusive proof that this anonymous person who posted on 4chan pretending to be from the FBI is actually real.

So, before I get gishgalloped with "proof", please keep in mind that I'm asking for THE definitive proof, a smoking gun, that this FBIanon is actually from the FBI or has released credible info that he's the verified primary source for.

I also find the use of "FBIanon" for all the "leaks" and further discussions suspicious. If you had used "Real FBI agent leaks damaging stuff etc.", your post would be removed from this sub, or at best if it gets traction before mods notice it, get a "misleading claim" flair, because it would have made news elsewhere.

can you provide a single piece of irrefutable, non circumstantial proof that this FBIanon

If this existed he would be an official whistleblower and the people like Assange would be taking notice. It would be all over the alt media.

This is only ever going to be circumstantial/confirmed after the events happen and we can look back to check accuracy.

Has any event happened so far that was supposed specific and unique prediction by FBIanon? Or has it all been a creative work of fiction all along?

I'm not sure, honestly I haven't been following it close enough to answer that accurately.

I just know there is no definitive proof, because if there was it would be an entirely different story. It would have either been squashed instantly, or it would be the biggest story out there.

Everything he said came true, down to them hoping for a Trump presidency so that they could start arresting people without fear for their life. He did mention one person died already so they don't want to release more info until all people are safe.

Everything except for Trump taking CA. He did give him PA though. Not many saw that coming.

I totally thought he had it too. But I watched the youtube videos, those Mexican flag peeps were straight attacking trump supporters out there. Horrible situation.

You will never get this kind of proof if FBIanon is really FBI. The best we ever got is the words from FBIanon being true and the https://twitter.com/FBIRecordsVault dump that signaled to the top conspiracy theories from /pol/: including the one about Trump and Nikola Tesla.

edit: also

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This is why we're confirming and digging. We're not just taking his words as gospel—they're only pointers in the right direction.

I believe in the original FBIAnon. He may have been throwing shit at a wall to see what stuck, but it was damned accurate. Things like this:

Q: Will she be indicted? A: There is intense pressure for us not to do so.

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. She had SAP level programs on her server Comey has been trying to stall because he does not want to face the Clinton machine, They are attempting to distract by putting the focus on Hillary's emails and not the Foundation. Lynch has also given to the Foundation, and has many ties Soros is at the heart of all of this.

These are all statements that have had information about them in the wikileaks. Everything else FBIAnon talked about was answering speculation and random questions. To which he provided some of the most level headed answers I've seen. Also, remember the timing of this. DNC Leak hadn't happened yet. Bernie was still campaigning. Based on this info, I believe FBIAnon is real. I don't htink the person who wrote the above is FBIAnon.

Drain the swamp

Is a far cry from

No one is clean, not even Trump.

Yeah so is this worth sharing??


There are forensic methods examining writing style. The look a word use, sentence length, interpunction etc. It is pretty effective in identifying and distinguishing anonymous writers from what I've heard. Not sure if the software is available and accessible to us but asking around in the sciency subs might help those who want to know further.

Didn't fbi anon get suicided few days before end of election mess?


Not the fbi agent who burned down their house and killed their wife supposedly?

but took the family dog to the neighbors house first...

The dog wasn't even inside the neighbor's house. It was in the backyard...

That wasn't an actual news site I believe.

You are downvoted but you are 100% correct

That story was a hoax spread by teens in Macedonia who were running websites that put out fake US news to make money from ad revenue during the elections.

This suggests that the rest of the world is fucking with Americans and being paid with American tax dollars to do so. I mean, what more of a globalist "win/win" could you ask for?

those fucker need some good old american freedom. trump needs to send some patriot missiles that way.

And then you wonder why the rest of the world hates americans...

The claim was that the agents name is Michael Brown, same name as the boy that was shot in Ferguson by the police. Not saying there's a correlation but thats his name.

I don't think this is FBI anon, FBI wouldn't tell everyone they could just go home now... we won. Like it's okay ignore the pedophile conspiracy things will work itself out.

Are you talking about the supposed Murder/Suicide in Colorado?

There was a fire hi speed car crash too idk what one was him

I didn't hear nothing. Link plz?

Does anyone else think this was not written by the same person? The speech patterns are different.

It doesn't matter... It doesn't matter if he is real intelligence either. It doesn't matter if it turns out FBI Anon is the Philippines government with Dueterte shit posting on 4 chan. FBI Anon is just the moniker that stuck. The fascination on his/their true identity screams of misinformation and misdirection to me. Whether organized or organic. We should focus on what they said not who they are.

4chan is a great place to hide information in plain sight.

I don't think this is the same as the first guy. But I think they are both LARPers. The first one seemed more legit but didn't really give any new information. The stuff this guy provides is readily available on a Google search.

To be fair and play devil's advocate, if he were a real agent he would certainly not want to be exposed and would likely be very cautious. We simply don't know.

One thing you be should alert on is when FBIanon said he put disinfo into his answers. Why do such a thing? We're constantly getting thrown disinfo by the Elites onto the* masses, how are we suppose to know what's the truth? Any smart person would just avoid questions if it would "reveal them".

This whole chain of events are a Psyops as far as I can tell. Wikileaks is US-sanctioned. Trump is controlled opposition. Everyone underestimates TPTB.

Plausible deniability.

Mr. Trump becomes president and drains the swamp while getting everything that he said he wanted to do

Yeah, I guess that's why he gives Jamie Dimon and Rudy Giuliani key positions in his administration.

Yep, I believed it until I read that stuff and started to lol

Well he hasn't done those things yet, they're just rumors so far. Let's at least wait and see. I do agree with your thought though. Giuliani is rotten to the core.

He can't do this without some insiders. He's not a career politician so he will need experienced political guidance and there are not enough people with the political experience he needs that are clean from the swamp.

What I am hoping is that he is likely picking people he knows are part of the problem but have knowledge and experience he requires and simply using them as a means to end.

I don't think this is original FBIanon. Links weren't his style, and he didn't buy into trumps rhetoric.

Mr. Trump becomes president and drains the swamp


I don't want to tell anyone about this yet because I need confirmation and I know you guys are the best place to go.

I can't believe the DNC is so corrupt.

Why would a LAWYER be messaging Hillary this if she didn't have direct ties to DynCorp?

These are not statements I think FBIAnon would make, nor any FBI agent under any circumstance. Sounds like any other regular here. FBIanon was RELUCTANTLY supportive of Trump. That's a far step from spouting the drain the swamp rhetoric. FBIanon's grammar and punctuation were surprisingly good. Never resorted to caps. FBIAnon never came to us for info. He has the info and is providing to us. FBIAnon knew how corrupt DNC was. FBIAnon never used leading questions.

Sorry guys. I think this is a poser.

I agree with your assessment.

Full release could cause significant civil unrest. They've wanted all along to take Hillary down on pay for play, etc - not the sick shit, because who knows what happens when people get that angry.

Lets find out. Lets get fucking medieval on these sick fucks.

We already got all these people in the street confused about what to be mad at. Give them something real to be mad at.

But really, since Hillary is so approving of pederasty, they probably think we should just be more accepting.

Okay, since no one here is saying it, I'm going to:

What is ironic is they appointed Jack Lew (Hillary's right hand man, according to the article) to look into it. DynCorp has a history of stealing money. "1991 State of the Nation It appears that Dyncorp broke the original investigation on this. Dyncorp was the accountant for roughly $2.7 trillion missing 1991-2001.

So is this implying that the Rumsfeld announcement on 9/10/01 is related? Was 9/11 allowed to happen in part to cover for the professional pedos in our government?

Was 9/11 allowed to happen in part to cover for the professional pedos in our government?

Not even a red pill is enough to handle that, if true.

Gotcha. I'll take it w/ a grain of salt then.

Great investigative work on this. I wish we didn't have to be the journalists, but I'm also glad we live in a time where we have the information at our finger tips to do it.

Kill it. With fire.

Let the bern continue deep into the night

I drive past DynCorp almost every day. Why is there no protests going on there? Disgusting.

amazing research and insight. Wherever you look it appears that Hillary is at the top of the chain of all things going on children exploitation wise.

She is literally hiring people for key roles who are corrupted and evil like her self.

This is actually happening is my true belief. I am a very skeptical person.

Also, id like to add weight to your theory, because there was a tweet from somebody fairly high up in the chain of command on Hillary's side saying something like

"If you see any massive stories from Wikileaks in the next few days, its probably false."

There was major confusion and backlash about this tweet, because they were literally owning up to something huge that is or might be coming, they were in a state of panic.

Nothing massive ever dropped however, we have enough pieces of the puzzle now to form a picture, or at least of a 3 dimensional shape appearing. We just do not know its 4th dimension, which is time. WHEN will it come out, and for god sake i hope it comes out soon.

We have finished this round of 3d chess, please go back to your peasant lives. Thank you

OP, cross post this to /r/the_donald

Excellent post, thank you for your service.

This is what I suspected. I think the the FBI was able to convince the NYPD to hold back on the nasty shit because the more typical corruption was enough to prosecute.

The police know, especially with all the rioting/protesting lately, how terrible it could go if the entire elite class was exposed for child trafficking.

Do you think wikileaks is claiming ignorance to the cheese pizza thing for the sake of preventing unrest as well?

Hillary not likely to go down, only lower level people?

The whole point of this evidence is to bring down those people in control of the ring, at the top, not a few participants!

If Hillary does not go to jail or is not recognized as being an outright fellon then this is all for nill.

Second, it's not about sex acts, as Fiona (bartlett?) pointed out, pedo is a cover for satanism, and it must be brought to light, so we as humanity can heal and move on.

This can not go on.

She'll move to Morocco where there is no US extradition.

same in Qatar no?

Probably. She's almost 70, so time will be her new enemy.

I can't find anything about cuts on Hillary's hands, anyone have something to support that?

Who cares about unrest?

The unrested?

Cerberus. Cer. Ber. Us. There is no such thing as "Cerebus".

Not counting the famous aardvark.

Does anyone have and contacts in the nypd that can actually verify any of this?

If they really sit on this and not go publuc, there's no excuse no matter what the outcome is. People would unite and rebuild just like 9/11. If it were their kids they'd feel the same.

"FBI" Anon who didn't even understand how the Comey investigation was never closed, was wrong about virtually everything, published obviously garbage fake CTR docs and them claimed "LOL I SPREAD DISINFO BECAUSE IT HELPS SOMEHOW".

Then you post a bunch of shit related to Wikileaks, but give Wikileaks no credit. Fuck off.

Good stuff

But don't forget that cops get killed all the time on the job. Easy to put hits out on them.


You need a serious dose of reality

...says the guy in a complete fantasy land.

Yeah cause the final days didn't play out exactly how OP describes them to a T. /s

It was obvious and everyone noticed...

His post history is textbook satanic pedophile cult aka CTR.

I get the pedophile reference but what's this satanic cult thing about?


Do you have a link to some of these? I don't go too deep into some of these things but if there are wikileaks emails providing evidence for her being a high satanic priestess I will read them.


Ohh I have seen that minerva rule one. It could be something but I also think it was just meant as a turn of phrase like a more pretentious way to say "Hindsight is 20/20".

I'm not opposed to believing this but I need more examples. I will look through your comments a bit, thanks!


You are downvoted but you are 100% correct