A mass global awakening is under way, and we need to help

203  2016-11-11 by Loud_Volume

A Mass Awakening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

The occurrence of a phenomenon on your world is worth getting excited about. The occurrence of several phenomena is the start of a movement. It is a sign of an evolution of consciousness. You’re going to experience anomalies, outrageous events that are inexplicable to your logical minds. You are going to see things that you did not think were possible, and it is all going to happen simultaneously, in different parts of your world.

These events and occurrences are going to have an effect on the collective consciousness. A mass awakening, an awakening of more individuals at one time than you have previously seen, is going to occur. And those who once believed that you were weird for believing in what you believe, are going to look to your for support. This is why you are awakening in waves.

It is for the purpose of giving some of you the ability and the experience to be of service to others. You all have your roles to play, and right now, your role is to be out a bit in front of the rest of the collective. You are the trailblazers. You are the leaders of the movement. And as such, you are often seen as outsiders.

Now, when these occurrences on your world begin there will be a certain amount of panic and fear. But that is all right. You are prepared for that. You are prepared because many of you have been facing your own fears for quite some time, and you are not only capable of handling your emotions, but also of helping others to process theirs. Your world is ready for big changes to occur, and you are ready to support those who are not.

But these changes would not be coming if you were not asking, as a collective, for them. All in perfect timing, and all a part of your master plan as a collective consciousness.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”


I know how crazy this all sounds, but I've been getting woken up at night a lot lately with really profound messages from, I believe, the universal consciousness. My antenna is on high alert and all of my senses have become heightened (including my third eye). I'm seeing synchronicity everywhere online and in the real world. Something new is definitely happening and I for one, welcome it.

Peace to you all and to planet earth.

Nothing happens for no reason. Everything happens for a reason. Glad to hear first hand accounts of this global awakening.

Go with the flow man. It's a fun journey and opens you up to possibilities you never would have considered before.

Synchrocities are the first sign. Keep paying attention and it will happen more often. I like to write down my synchrocities.

And you are picking up on the global unconsciousness. We are all connected to it wether we feel it or not.

Thanks for replying man :)

That's great to hear.

Although the US seems to be going bonkers with anger, fear and hate right now, I'm surprisingly serene and calm, because I've been told in one of those messages that we are on the final legs of this "mind/consciousness battle" and good will triumph over evil. Crazy...I know.

Does the cosmological Age of Aquarius have anything to do with this? Do you know?

Thanks for listening. Peace.

I believe the age of Aquarius ties into it because this period of time has been labeled a time for "elevated, accelerated, times of spiritual learning and consciousness and understanding" and can be seen throughout humanity as a whole right now.

There's so much anger, fear, hatred, violence, etc right now because it's all bubbling to the surface and we are working it out, hashing it out, getting it out of the way.

It's like karma. You can't just sit on it and wait for it to go away. Raising of global consciousness means getting past negative karma out of the way so we can expand in awareness, wholeness, and oneness.

I'm glad to see these changes.

If I was talking about what I'm talking about years ago, this post would have never gotten any upvotes, I would have gotten laughed at and labeled a fool and a lunatic.

Times are changing and we have a ways to go but we have made such progress it's hard to realize it because it's gradual and slow baby steps. Like a crab in a pot of slowly boiling water, it doesn't realize it because it's so slow. That's what's happening with us.

But we have gone SO FAR into the darkness, our civilization is like a rubber band right now and about to snap back into the light because we went so far into the dark and negative aspects of being.

Thanks for your reply. I agree with you.

I think a lot of people feel like something big (something good) is coming - they just don't know what yet - but they feel it. Viscerally.

Thanks for starting this post and bringing some light to the darkness. :)

I have my moments of negativity and darkness as do we all but I really do feel something good is in the works and manifesting now into the world. I have high hopes for our species despite our setbacks and adversaries and differences.

It really means a lot to see so many people being positive in this thread, yourself included. So thank you, for helping usher in some good vibes we all need :)

I've been coughing a lot with a bad cold. One of my dormant tabs started itself up again with a loud ad for Mucinex right as I was coughing. I have to wonder if that ad was sent by someone who could hear me.

I've been having déjà vu a LOT recently. I'm connecting it with this awakening of consciousness.

My spidey senses have been on high alert as well. Today is 11:11 too. Does that mean anything?

It means "thank a veteran"

Kek a bullet of objectivity fired into a pool of subjective zombies.

Although I have dark hair and blue eyes and 11/14 is significant to me so I need to avoid moonlight the next few days kek

I'm not sure about 11/11, but the Supermoon is coming on 11/14. Maybe we are preparing for something?

I believe, the universal consciousness.

Jungs collective unconscious


I hope we can all pull our love together and make this happen. Let's wake up and survive! We are killing our selves.

And our Mother Earth. Poor thing keeps putting up with our antics and still lets us live here.

Help those in need. These are trying times and we can all help each other in one small way or another. Thanks for the reply

For those of you not just conspiracy awake, but also spiritually awake and waking up spiritually...

This global shift in consciousness is currently riding a wave addressing to religion. The belief system of Religion encompasses many things. Not just dogma but the very edicts of religion such as power, authority, control.

This wave has widened our awareness to an extent to notice. We now notice how the constructs of religion affect our personal reality and we grapple with whether they are beneficial or not. And we also notice how the people in power behave and whether their beliefs should dictate.

This will eventually lead to a world where the power is not granted to an outside source but is recognized as originating from each individual. This recent election is following that pattern and was a turning point.

So live your lives in that and have this precious power for yourself. But it also comes with the condition of responsibility. A Responsibility for the affect you have on this world and the others you share it with.

I could not have said that better myself thank you so much for writing that up.

People don't fully understand their personal power yet but it's coming full swing and what you just said sums up gorgeously what I agree and have thought myself as well. Thank you again.

You're welcome. That's the change I would like to see so I'm putting that out there.

What is ahead for us is very monumental and not just in a politics and corruption catharsis, but in a way that redefines what being Human is.


(I mean, how can you look at Putin and think that is what government should be like?).

Hmm. Defends Russia. Avoids war at all costs. Shitposts and trolls globalists to wake everyone up. Can I get a government like that? Oh wait did you buy the Soros story about Syria? Libia? Iraq? Ukraine?

You are aware that the reason you don't like Putin is only because Soros doesn't like Putin. Guess who own the mind of everyone in the West (in assuming that you're in the west)

This messaging very much aligns with the law of one. Click here for service to others search results.

If you haven't heard of law of one, and this OP speaks to you, click here for context. It reads odd, but you get used to this "new language style". It's a collective of a different far off humanity called Ra, speaking through another channeler, in the early 80's.

Search their sessions for keywords like UFO and you'll get plenty of interesting insight. :)

I'm going to look into this Daniel Scranton now, peace/love/light to all :)

This should be stickied, I know it won't happen, but would be a really nice break for all those researching pizzagate shiiiiiiite.

Hey man glad to see a shout out to the law of one!

Fantastic material everyone should read. I still need to finish it myself but it's a profound message.

The law of one needs to be globally accepted and the world would be so much better off it was integrated and widely accepted in modern society.

Checkout /r/holofractal friend

Will do, just subscribed now, I'll browse through it later today :)

Thank you


It was sad to see politics grip this place.

It was necessary in order to purge the illusion. Demonizing a political organization also was a good trojan horse to exposing the absurdity of politics altogether.

Welcome spacebros!

The waves are correct. You can see it happening all the time. Seems like 9/11 or the Y2k (mayan?) stuff is what kicked it off and the waves have been coming in since.

Although I fully believe that human consciousness is rapidly shifting, I'm deeply skeptical of anyone taking credit for it. For all the information given here, the "Pleiadian High Council of Seven" could just as easily be the work a fiction writer or a hallucination. It's not a very convincing argument.

I'm not trying to be a militant atheist here (I'm actually deeply spiritual), but it's a little much to dump this information on /r/conspiracy with no convincing reason to believe it's true.

To be fair, this is why we're called /r/conspiracy. We like taking stuff that isn't proven conclusively, tying strands together to prove its possibility, and then calling it a distinct possibility while inviting others to comment on the theory's validity.

In cases like these, I obviously can't prove aliens are real. So the next point is to ask myself, "is the message still good?" If so, then I'll take the goodness of the message and discard the rest.

On a slight tangent, I don't like playing "zero sum" games with information--particularly news outlets--because it leads to close-mindedness like, "Don't read articles from x website because it's all Russian propaganda" or, "Don't watch Fox news because it's Faux news." As it relates to things which cover actual events, I guess the important thing to learn is parsing facts from narrative, which is becoming harder than ever... but still possible and increasingly more important.

Well said. It's more important than ever that we start relying on our intuition for information. Shake off the bad parts that sound false and keep the good parts that ring true.

But also remembering to ask ourselves if we are choosing not to believe something because it doesn't allign with our present views and to always consider the possilbility of our current views being incorrect.

Yes, absolutely. We must challenge our biases as well when taking in new information. Great point.

Fasten your seatbelts, brothers and sisters! It sounds like we're in for a bumpy ride!

Yeah... I'll need some tangible evidence of this stuff before I buy into any of it.

This election is one solid glimpse of it.

Corruption, scandals, greed, on display like never before in front of the American public.

It's bubbling to the surface because you can't suppress negative things like that as it eventually comes into the light.

Trust me man I'm in the same boat and like to have solid proof to point at.

The election is one of the biggest things you can point at in regards to this. People now understanding how corrupt and fucked this system is. Thanks to this election. As ridiculous as it's been it's done a great job waking people up in other regards.

na man the aliens are definitely the Good Gods that will come and save us. It's not like an evil deity/alien/human would send people messages pretending to be good the like laws of the universe wouldn't let them and shit

No, I mean, I have to have tangible evidence that any of this is real. I'm empirical minded. I need proof before I believe something is real.

Ye even if it was real it doesn't mean the good guy greg aliens are for real

May I humbly welcome the Pleiadian High Council of Seven. May I recommend the beverage known as Jagermeister on such a saturday evening on earth as this? Can I come along with you and be an eighth council member in the future? I'll bring my own towel!

Don't forget your pajamas. I usually bring snacks too

Chex Mix!

Alcohol is degenerate.

If anyone wants to awaken, this book set will do it.


Those are the first 3. There are 5 more after it. All the secrets of life are inside.


I forgot to post this. These books are hands down, the biggest spiritual guide you can ask for.

The most favorite books I've ever read. Truly an honor to read those.

Me too. Course in miracles is just as good btw. It taught me a ton about making a peace empire in this messy world.

I need to check out that course book because I have a hard time staying grounded and neutral in such a volatile and negatively polarizing world

Oh ya. The book actually caused a miracle in my life. I am literally never worried anymore, my days always go great, and I am even able to switch a nightmare into a pleasant dream on cue whenever I have one.

Highly recommended read! There's also a year worth of homework assignement after you finish the book and they are amazing. I'm only on day 35 though. So far so good.

This is what I need man. I get really wrapped up in the negativity and just sometimes I get anxious and worried and I just hate feeling like that. I love the feeling of just being content and in the moment but it can be hard to continually be in such a state.

I'm going to buy that book tonight and make it my next read. Thanks again

Definitely! Thank you for posting, those books got me through some seriously challenging times.

I read those, if you liked them check out the law of spirit by Dan Millman

Is law of spirit a channeling?

It's life parables shared through Dan's storytelling of an encounter with a spirit. I know that may sound lame but I've read it twice and a third time would not be a chore.

I love seeing this here. It was the pleadians and the consciousness shift research shift research that brought me to reddit years ago. It was the beginning of the shift and I was feeling it like crazy! I was meditating in the shower with my eyes open and all of a sudden visualized spinning violet colored pyramids in the palms of my hands. They kept spinning faster and faster and changed from yellow and then to stars and disappeared. I had only been meditating a couple months but the energy was high. Still, this was crazy!

Of course, i got online and started looking around. It wasn't until I was looking for a meditation for my cousin that i came across the pleadian page and saw violet pyramid. And the first video I watched gave me a feeling I have never had before. I had tried to be a Christian for many, many years searching for spirituality. Never once in prayer had I had an experience like that.

Could you elaborate more? You've got me very interested. Are you saying you saw something while meditating only to later discover those same things in a video? How did that feel?

Well it took me about a week or so to find the pyramids. I knew in my gut there was some kind of message for me. Why purple pyramids? A distinct purple. Part of me felt like I was going crazy but how is it in crazier then what is claimed in the bible? There are all kinds of magical things that happen in the bible.

Once I found the initial website, I felt like I had hit paydirt. Then I watched a particular video on YouTube that convinced me. I don't talk to many people about this because of obvious reasons. Heres the video if you're curious. https://youtu.be/U9HtZFb_VtM

Unfortunately I do not believe there is a mass awakening in to a global consciousness just yet. It seems that this election cycle has waken up a number of people to the corruption in the United States government as well as in other countries.

But the American masses have not awakened, they have been divided to the brink of a civil war and most likely a racial civil war. Each side is the polar opposite, yet they are one in the same.

The masses are being manipulated to dislike and even hate the other side. The majority of people do not understand how they think or the way they think. Nothing is original and your thoughts, values and beliefs do not come from yourself. We can only think because humans have developed a system for it called language. Everything we see, hear, touch, feel and sense is learned as a child. Individuals are a accumulation of all the senses being influenced, manipulated and programmed through out the entire life.

It is very hard to reprogram yourself and unlearn everything you have ever been taught. But the ones that can have a great power.

Maybe why Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey is held as one of the greatest and influential films of all time. The movie is Nietzsche's Ubermensch concept. The evolution of mankind. After facing his own mortality and overcoming it, he is reborn as a star child.

"But say, my brothers, what can a child do that even a lion could not do? Why must the preying lion still become a child? The child is innocence and forgetting, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement, a sacred "Yes." For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred "Yes" is needed: the spirit now wills his own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers his own world."

Until people and the masses realize that the change can only come from within themselves, there will be no mass awakening.

Step 1 of AA: Admit you have a problem.

On the point of being manipulated to hate both sides, this is SO true. Now that they have been exposed as liars, though, I'm hoping others who have been wrongly slandered (the right-leaning people of the country, as I see it), can also realize these same institutions also lie about the composition/values of left-leaners.

And in even more time, I'm hoping people can see the illusion of the right/left altogether.

Lol when I read the first line I thought you were talking about me.

I agree with you and I am hopeful for the future. Change is painful but it has to happen. Only time will tell.


I think this election is the first real event where you can sit down and rationally explain the evidence to someone who has no knowledge of what's been going on, without having to worry about being called crazy. Trying to do this before, in my experience, was met with disdain. Sept. 11 for example. Seemed like there was obvious stuff that needed to be questioned, but if you talked openly about it, you were given the tinfoil label and deemed "unpatriotic". Today? People are slowly listening and willing to talk about stuff that, 10 years ago, would have had them shaking their heads and asking, "Shouldn't you be on meds?" It's a pretty interesting change. May be indicative of this "shift".


You're right, it's still not all that easy. We've seen a deluge of information in the past month unlike any other. I've had some trouble processing everything myself and I've been looking into conspiracies for over a decade. People who put real faith and trust into leaders are now discovering that they were duped. It's scary. Try to find something they have no problem accepting and gently expand from there. One friend of mine had accepted the reality of our government working behind the scenes to destabilize foreign countries. Working from there, I was able to speak with him about the corruption of media, neuro linguistic programming, and even further, shadow government. People are scared, and these topics can be really scary for those that never considered them before. Just take your time. Right now, you're on the front lines with this information as your weapon. Educating others is no small task, but I encourage you to keep going. It's the best we've got in fighting against whoever is running this shitshow.

Read some of my other replies related to this question you posed. I'll keep it short because I'm repeating myself now but the election is one classic example of this.


It's astounding how deep that rabbit hole goes with podesta and this pizza thing. It's sad that such a thing happens but it's been evident for years that this takes place it just finally caught a break for the light and now more people are catching onto it (thank god for wiki leaks)

It's evident that people that try to control this world are losing their grasp on their "power" and I believe this ties into this spiritual awakening happening across earth now because everyone is reclaiming their own personal power.

For someone to have power you must first give up your own power.

Now that people are claiming their own personal power back it's taking it back out of the hands that don't deserve them and back into our own hands where it belongs and has always belonged.

This is evident in the case of /r/the_donald having such a wide ranging effect. A sub-Reddit single handedly had such a large sway in the presidential election it's almost ridiculous but at the same time proof of the change we are going through.

While it's hard to point your finger at one single event and say "aha, global awakening" it makes it much more evident and real when you tie it together with the big picture of how things are panning out right now.

Corruption being exposed Greed and lies surfacing Scandals, and the like catching on and people paying attention Global unrest Protests, rioting, shootings, beatings.

While these are negative in nature you can string them together almost in a cohesive way that resembles old power structures crumbling, old negative ways of "ruling" and leading the world not standing true for us anymore.

For things to change like this requires a change in thinking and a new attitude and acceptance of new values and new ways of living.

I attribute this to us waking up as a whole and I am so, so thankful that we are changing and becoming a better species (doesn't look like it at a glance but you can tell good things are on the way)

That was long winded but I hope it made sense.

Quote: However now learning that the people who are in power, the leaders of the world manipulating the system for their own devilish means. This election provided the epiphany that the most powerful people on the Earth are flawed, suffering mental illness, short sighted and greedy beyond sensibility? To me it's been like this in every civilization I ever read about.

hello, very curious occultist here. just revealing myself as an ally.

Are you all like The Grey Counsel? If so welcome.

Similar to the Essessani and other light working beings eager to help us transition into a new consciousness.

Nonsense. It's this type of hocus pocus feel good "vibrations" that make you weaker for believing in some invisible power. Religion was used for centuries to control man, do good or you'll burn in hell forever. Any belief in this "supernatural" is a sign you're not paying attention to reality. Real peole are doing bad, other real people are trying to stop them. get involved in that and forget imaginary "from the skies" nonsense.

It's this attitude in Science that keeps people from ever studying (and/or getting funding for studying) anything Outside. "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist." While to the uninitiated it might seem like a shame, to the practitioner it's actually good, at least those who want to keep occult knowledge occult (hidden).

And yet why all this searching for the God Particle and antimatter etc? If people were content with having a real-only limit on their collective knowledge, they wouldn't be pushing the boundaries.

But as an ex-atheist I know where you're coming from. It wasn't until I realized how much faith our adversaries had in it, how much they used their belief as a tool for change, easily manipulating masses from behind a facade, that I could no longer call myself an atheist.

Check out this story about Betty Crocker's marketing team for an example. https://youtu.be/KKBpBrsXMuk?t=1100

The work of Edward Bernays is well known and documented. The fact that in America we changed "propaganda" to "public relations" to make it more digestible is not devil worship or even occult. The fact that some people use the occult as an excuse to assist one another rise up the ladder or to do evil things doesn't mean the devil is making them do it. As far as being manipulated behind a facade, what do you think advertising is? No devil is necessary.

I gladly and openly welcome this sentiment

Seriously this sounds like a load of shit. No disrespect but man. Completely unverifiable and quite outlandish on the claims. Sounds like a new age load of bull to give you false hope.

So, I looked up the Pledian High Council of Seven and found some random new-agey website that appears to be their page. It offers answers to spiritual questions via email for $25. So, I'd just like to throw out there that I'm willing to answer those same questions over pm for only $20. I can also help you with your math homework and offer relationship advice.

The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

the fuck ?

Who are they? Well one has a sleep disorder and got the nickname sleepy, then there's doc, dopey and I forget the rest.

I woke up in March of this year. I guess I'm a trailblazer!

We all are, in our own ways. I first felt the spiritual pings and awakening around 2011, start of 2012. Started with synchroncities and snowballed from there.

I'm excited to be here during these times.

Nice. I was an atheist before which is crazy. I was expecting the mass awakening and I have put a max date of 2034 although it can happen as early as tomorrow. It depends on how fast the people move.

I agree man. I was an atheist at one point, and then I believed in God and Satan. Now I only believe in God and believe Satan does not exist.

It would be awesome to have it happen by tomorrow and it is possible for it to happen. I agree 2034 would be the max time frame. I feel like it will be main stream by 2020. Bashar (not sure if you're familiar with him, Bashar is channeled by a guy named Daryl, and Bashar is a future alien incarnated version of himself, apart of the Essessani group) has predicted open contact with alien consciousness by 2030 and widespread UFO sightings within a year or two of now.

I'm excited.

Ah ya. Bashar holds very similar beliefs as me. I also don't believe in Satan. Just god. It's like we are all on the same page.

Glad to see someone with the same view points :)

I'm a huge fan of Bashar. I'm just bummed at the way Daryl runs his business. He lets his friend April control the finances and so she charges 100$ just to watch a live stream of Bashar and it's really frustrating because his information is so important and more people need to hear it. So I've been trying to find more of his content but it's getting hard because a lot of it is getting deleted off YouTube :/

Remember this: the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convince the world he did not exist.

And I think 'channeling' is done through demonic entities. It's sort of a demonic possession.

Satan doesn't exist and demonic possession isn't possible.


The faster the better. The next age is the golden age. We are currently in the age of ancient hate and separation.

Quality shit post here.

Come on guys

You are awesome.

that was really good!!!

I agree, it struck me deep when I posted it. Feel free to look through my posting history to see other channelings and other messages and topics of this nature. It's my passion and what I love researching.

Much love to you friend

Sounds good and I totally already did haha such as the Acturian channeling link you put on reddit.Thanks a lot!! Oh yeah, did you know the Conversations with God 4 came out? I just got it in today and I'm reading it now and it's all about "awakening the species"

Here's a quote: Your opportunity (and the opportunity of everyone who self identifies as one who sees helping others on their evolutionary path as part of their evolutionary journey) is to do what you can do to awaken your species, primarily by your behavior. For it is what you do , it is how you ARE in the world, that will shake people awake, that will startle them into seeing what their own possibilities are. Of lesser importance, but also of value, will be what you say to others; having the courage to share not widely accepted words and thoughts and ideas that might serve to open a road to greater clarity for many people"

Super interesting to find like minded people on here since I personally haven't met anyone who believes in what I do 100%. However, some of my more open-minded friends belive in some aspects of it which is still cool.

<3 <3 Thanks luv you too <3 <3

Hey pleadians, mind your own business. Thanks. -Earthlings

Yeah... See how well that's worked out for us so far?

What, with the whole still killing each other raping each other and stealing from each other.

Why would you not want some assistance in the right direction for our species.

You going to wipe our butts too? Species need to mature on their own. Who's to say your assistance is wise?

There seem to be many, many different numbered councils being promoted by channelers. Different numbers (usually mystically interesting numbers like 7, 9, 12, 13), different organizations, different origins (Pleiadians, Arcturians, Orions and Andromedans are the most popular), all making the exact same claims that never ever come true. They spend a lot of time blaming us personally for the actions of the elite on this planet on one hand, and then telling us 'but don't worry, because we're here to help you'.

It's all a psi op. We know that channeling experiences can be produced using directed electronic attacks - we have had documented cases of directed electronic attacks such as the naval shooter of a few years ago. The prominent channeler Greg Giles quit in 2013 after being manipulated and mocked by the 'beings' he channeled. This modality of getting information is not trustworthy. There's no guarantee it comes from an actual being other than the shadow government military industrial tools, and even if it does come from a real ET or extradimensional being, there's no guarantee that being is good just because it knows how to craft a pretty statement. They're not as smart as they present themselves as if they still blame the average joe on this planet for the actions of the elite! If they're too stupid to figure out that there's a huge international conspiracy, then they're not in any position to deserve our respect or obedience.

There do appear to be real ETs out there, but most of them seem to have their own agendas. If there's an awakening going on on this planet, it's a natural one. It's not being caused by any ET group - though there seems to be a lot of them trying to interfere with it or benefit in their own way. The percentage out there who appear to be genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of this planet or its people appears to be quite tiny. Don't buy into any alien promises and pretty words. Make them put their money where their mouth is first - make them prove their good intent with their actions, not 40 years of flowery words and promises of change that were never kept like all the Pleiadian channelers.

This is the truth. The aim to this is to blame the average human for all the problems and coat it with a hope that if we just trust, give away our power, give away trying to understand things for ourselves, then "higher powers" will take care of us with love, light and beneficial trade deals.

And our Mother Earth. Poor thing keeps putting up with our antics and still lets us live here.

Help those in need. These are trying times and we can all help each other in one small way or another. Thanks for the reply

Hey man glad to see a shout out to the law of one!

Fantastic material everyone should read. I still need to finish it myself but it's a profound message.

The law of one needs to be globally accepted and the world would be so much better off it was integrated and widely accepted in modern society.