Reflections on Pizzagate

42  2016-11-12 by [deleted]

What is currently underway at Reddit, 4chan, 8chan and other websites may be the most important conspiracy research ever conducted. Internet sleuths appear to be exposing an international pedophile ring at the highest levels of government. They are doing so in real time. People are willing to put up with almost endless bullshit, but if there’s one thing the average Joe or Jane won’t tolerate it is child abuse.

It has been suggested by numerous researchers that underage sex and pedophilia is the glue that keeps the ruling class together. This may or may not be true. But it is clear that a massive scandal is about to break, at the very least online.

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” – Marshall McLuhan. Statistically about 4 percent of the population are pedophiles. The billionaire class is not exempt from this statistic. If certain theories are to be believed, pedophilia is actually more common among elites because it serves as an inter-generational means of establishing both control and solidarity. Check out Prince Charles’ mentor Jimmy Saville. Middle and working class pedophiles are much more likely to be caught for the simple reason that they don’t have the resources to cover up their activities.

I think many people subconsciously reject the idea of dramatic conspiracies (JFK, MLK, 9/11, pedo rings) as a defense mechanism. If these “conspiracy theories” are true, or at least highly plausible, then John Q citizen should be doing something about it. That could be dangerous. There’s a long history of journalists and whistleblowers dying mysterious deaths. So best to remain blissfully ignorant and pretend as though everything is on the up and up. Academics are the worst of all: they concoct fantastical theories about the alleged predilection for “conspiratorial thinking” among the vulgar lower classes. Yet the declassified history of the CIA alone reveals that conspiracies are ubiquitous among the upper classes.


The “Satanic” angle will be of great interest to Christians/other religious people. It will confirm their worst suspicions. Conversely it will have the opposite effect for atheists and agnostics. They will cite the focus on “Satanism” as proof that this is a “witch hunt”: backwards religious people persecuting cutting edge artists who like to push boundaries but aren’t actually harming anyone. I would take the latter view myself if it weren’t for the abundant evidence of pedophilia at Comet Ping Pong.

Obviously self-described Satanists should not be persecuted simply for their beliefs, any more than priests in the Catholic Church. Everything is contingent on whether their actions actually harm others.

People are right to be skeptical – on both sides.

Some of you may be aware of the “Satanic Panic” that occurred in the 80’s. It resulted in three young men being successfully prosecuted and imprisoned for the murder of three eight-year-old boys. The prosecution relied heavily on the idea that the perpetrators were “Satanists”. “Evidence” included the fact that they listened to heavy metal. It was one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history.

“The three would serve 18 years in prison before being released through an Alford plea prompted by new DNA evidence and a ruling from the Arkansas Supreme Court.”

The West Memphis case is a good example of what can happen during a “moral panic.” The original “Witch hunts” or the current feminist-inspired non-existent “rape culture” on college campuses (this time prompted by the “left” rather than religious fundamentalists) is another example.

McMartin Preschool is the most famous case of “Satanic Panic.” Or was it? Supposedly a bunch of kids made up a bunch of stories about being sexually molested and ritually abused etc. Yet is just so happens that one of the kids had an STD, or so numerous websites and books claim. To be honest I haven’t studied the matter in any depth. So it’s possible that there were equal parts actual abuse and lawyers behaving unethically. Whenever lawyers get involved the waters become very muddy indeed. Their role in life is to lie.

I can think of three good reasons why elites would engage in weird occult rituals even if they didn’t believe in them: (1) scare the kid (2) if the kid grows up and talks, no one will believe them (3) like Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove, it’s something you and your class can do to bond; (4) some of these idiots probably believe in this Satatnic nonsense.

This is a very difficult subject because false allegations can be just as harmful as actual pedophilia or other forms of rape. So we need to be careful. I think most of the people studying Pizzagate have in fact been very ethical. Certainly more ethical than your average FBI agent who encourages some mentally ill patsy to place his backpack in front of a building (or indeed actual bombs – see WTC ’93) then calls a press conference. In the absence of actual law enforcement – and today, law enforcement protects the rich while punishing the poor -- there will be dead ends and false leads. Perhaps if the FBI did its fucking job instead of protecting the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Jimmy Alefantis we plebs wouldn’t have to speculate.

Speaking of the FBI, there is a bizarre notion on Trump websites that the Feds are “patriotic.” This doesn’t make any sense at all. Since its inception (previously the “Bureau of Investigation”) the FBI has done nothing but make like miserable for people who want positive change: anti war voices (during WWI, these included both left and right wing figures); anti mafia voices (The Bureau aligned itself with the mafia); the American Indian movement (native Americans struggling for justice over treaty rights, even today); fake “war on terror”; and so on and so forth.

If the Feds make arrests, it will be due entirely to the efforts of Internet sleuths. The Feds need to be dragged kicking and screaming out into the light like fucking vampires. They’re too used to using their knowledge for blackmail rather than justice. Comey will go down in the halls of infamy unless he does the right thing.

Joan Mellon’s outstanding “A Farwell to Justice” – about Jim Garrison’s investigation into the JFK assassination – provides detailed accounts of the CIA and other agencies attempting to muddy the waters. They fed Garrison countless false leads, quack sources etc in order to discredit his investigation.

This is probably going on right now w/respect Pizzagate. The problem is that this investigation is in its infancy and we don’t entirely know what is what just yet.

The subreddit “Out of the loop” asked about Pizzagate. The top post – which was gilded – was all about some Korean duo and Bill Clinton. The next most popular answer was about some child trafficker in Haiti. The Clintons were involved, but there's no evidence there; every SOS will try to get any American out of jail.

I’ll tell you my own experience. I wrote a post on R/Conspiracy a week ago suggesting that the pizza stuff could be bullshit. I’ve studied elite pedo rings – Franklin, Elm House, Dutroux, Epstein etc. – and didn’t want potentially speculative innuendo to cast doubt on those other cases. What if pizza referred to drugs or 18 plus prostitutes? I suggested.

Eventually I came across the Instagram of “Jimmy Comet” aka James Alefantis, the former gay lover of David Brock (CTR) and owner of Comet Ping Pong.

Here is the post I made about it. This guy made numerous, obvious, even over-the-top sexual comments about kids and babies. Why is this guy still walking the streets? For that matter, why is Jeffrey Epstein? Or Bill Clinton? Or H -

I was surprised yesterday to learn that about half of the links in that post are now dead. Thankfully the bottom half is the most important half, and I assume tons of people have backups. Here is a man making repeated, obvious sexual references to pictures of children and even babies. This is dark stuff, folks. I was dismissive of Pizzagate until I met Jimmy Comet.

Again, why would the billionaire class be exempt?


I’ve seen posts on the chans of people saying, in effect, “OMG! We’re all gonna die!” “I’m not gonna DARE click on that! OMG my phone just rang after I clicked on it!” Calm the fuck down. There are literally tens of millions of people involved in this investigation. This is a beautiful and unique thing, people across the world coming together and trying to solve a case. Crowd sourcing on an epic scale.

Unfortunately the sword is double edged, or as Deniro put, “there’s a flip side to that coin”. This also means that for every Honolulu horror, for every pedophile you identify, they are now covering their tracks. Where the fuck is the FBI? In on it, perhaps.

The good guys are not entirely mythical ;)


"The West Memphis case is a good example of what can happen during a 'moral panic."

Really? The ringleader of the trio, Damien Echols, said a number of questionable things concerning the case:

In this video, Echols says, "I kind of enjoy it because now, even after I die, people are going to remember me forever. They’re going to talk about me for years. People in West Memphis will tell their kids stories. It will be like, sort of like I’m the West Memphis boogeyman. Little kids will be looking under their bed before they go to bed...'Damien might be under there!'"

Furthermore, Johnny Depp, a member of the band "The Hollywood Vampires", and his friend Marilyn Manson were among the celebrities who advocated for the release of the West Memphis Three.

I signed up for reddit and made an extensive post about this ("Weird connections: Comet Ping Pong Pizza, 'Pizza Planet', 'Stranger Things', MK-Ultra/trauma-based mind control, Satanism, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp, Eli Roth, Hunter Thompson, WM3, pedophilia, snuff films, child trafficking, Disney..."), but because it was waiting for a moderator's approval, it seems to have gotten overlooked...

My greatest concern with pizzagate is if the collective conciousness of the internet slueths turn their attention incorrectly on an innocent. Reddit's done this in the past by itself, and this time pizzagate seems to be a focus of Reddit(and subs), 4chan, 8chan, and countless smaller blogs and youtube channels. That is ammassive about of social force directed at one topic and group of individuals.

If someone is targeted unjustly, that persons life will be completely ruined... Completely. Accusations of pedofilia and molestation don't simply drift away. They linger.

Are we, as a collective, prepared to shatter one or more innocent peoples life in this crusade?

My sisters connection went through Hollywood in the 80's.

Even I didn't believe her stories at the start and by the time we got up to speed, my nieces were across the US/Mexican border with no birth certificates, no US passports.

First it was joy when my eldest niece made contact after years of silence, through the US Consulate and then a nightmare of shuffle, crossed lines, my suck-ass internet and uneducated Sheriffs!

There's nobody left to help sort out what happened to my nieces, my baby sister.

The shit-stain that spawned these beautiful girls, destroyed my brilliant baby sister and should die a most horrific puss sack on the streets where he trimbles and falls.

Couldn't get ANYBODY to help investigate. NOBODY.

Spawn daddy was on the Milagro Bean Field Wars set. He was an alleged Screen Writer. Had a moment on Moon Lighting with Whoopie Goldberg...wanted to come see how "The other people lived" while taking advantage of his Sin Clair connections, his piloted brother. His Law License never existed but his sisters did and was revoked by the California and the US/Mexican Consulate told me to pound sand.

Real people /u/dontkillmehillary are affected by these disturbed and lecherous sort of people every day. There are not enough voices for victims.

I was working hard. Building a great life. My brilliant baby sister in L.A. was chasing her life as well.

There are predators and they destroy without warning.

Dream well. Dream great dreams, reddit!


The term "Satanic Panic" was devised and propagated by the CIA and their front group known as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in much the same way that the CIA utilised the vilifying "Conspiracy Theory". Both engineered terms are loaded and meant to both ridicule and discredit, designed to drive any interested parties from looking any further.

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was deployed during a critical time to spin and dismiss news accounts of actual ritual sexual assaults and murders that were reported and getting increasing coverage in the media. If you do some on-line research you'll find that the founders of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation were/are a collection of paedophiles, paid apologists in addition to MK-ULTRA connected individuals with backgrounds in military psychiatrics and research and development of mind-control experiments and operations.

As for the West Memphis 3, I would direct those who are sincerely interested, to examine the actual court and investigation documents ( on the case and make their own conclusions based upon the evidence. Investigator William Ramsey has done exemplary work on this case and unearthing the true facts on these so-called "innocent" men and their self-admitted guilt.

Do your own investigative homework and don't be fooled by well-scripted, funded and packaged documentaries with sanitising intent and calculated omission of evidence.

For those who want just some quick concise factual evidences of the case, fellow Redditors have done that here:


As for the West Memphis 3, I would direct those who are sincerely interested, to examine the actual court and investigation documents ( on the case and make their own conclusions based upon the evidence. Investigator William Ramsey has done exemplary work on this case and unearthing the true facts on these so-called "innocent" men and their self-admitted guilt.

Oh man, you see this is exactly what I fucking mean.

You think those kids were guilty? Really? Fuck off.

Examine the evidence or STFU, try thinking for yourself. In your comment reply to a recent Jimmy Comet post you stated "Let's try to keep things evidence-based." So follow your own damn advice and skip the reactionary emotionalism. Try and be professional.

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It is also for extortion purposes.......they get filmed doing this sick stuff, and then have to toe the line, or else the perverted footage gets release, much like it is right now.

Excellent work keep it up .

Excellent work keep it up .

It will not get a widespread following because of the self defeating name. pizzagate means nothing to people who do not know what cheese pizza represents online...

As an aside: today is National Pizza Day.

We have to do a "Bill Clinton is a Rapist" type thing where we interrupt live broadcasts with a "Pizzagate and Spirit Cooking" type chant. If we interrupt enough newscasts, the media will have to start explaining what it's about.