Whitehouse.gov blocking petition to pardon whistleblowers. We need to blow this story open.

16305  2016-11-12 by [deleted]



Hey, thanks for this. We're covering this story at PlanetFreeWill.com

I hope we're wrong.


People should blow up their twitter and Facebook if they want to get this sorted out quickly. Has anyone been able to confirm if other petitions are incrementing correctly?


Just adding my input but I believe there has already been a petition about Edward Snowden and the Obama administration responded saying he should come back to the US and be tried. So they're probably just filtering out any petitions with the words Edward Snowden. Still doesn't excuse this though.


Just found the link! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/pardon-edward-snowden

How the fuck is that an answer? That's like: "Obama, our highways are crumbling and we can't get to work, fix them!" Obama: "But our skies are great! You should get a plane."

That's not really what it's like though. In our real life example, Obama addressed the petition and outright refused to accept it. In your example he is just trying to change the subject. It's not like we don't have an answer from him it's just not the ethical answer

Having him come back and face trial is pretty much the exact opposite of what the pardon is for. Maybe he goes to trial and is pardoned =/= pardoned.

Haha, I'm just the messenger homie.

the Obama administration responded saying he should come back to the US and be tried

Honest question: Can you pardon someone who hasn't been convicted?

Yes. Ford pardoned Nixon before he was indicted, and Carter pardoned any Vietnam draft dodger who would request one.

Thanks. I thought about the Nixon pardon, but wasn't sure when it happened in the timeline.

Slight update with the new info presented. Good work, Reddit! I'll keep trying to get this shared.


FYI - they filter any post with the words "Edward Snowden" in it, because a petition with the same topic was already passed and responded to in 2013. From what I can tell, the site filters any of the super common repeat petitions.

We had this happen last month!


2 signatures, even though I have 8+ people who have told me they signed it. We gave up because the number just wasn't changing.

I found this petition through the Planet Free Will article, signed it, confirmed my email and it still sits at 1. :/

I signed it yesterday and confirmed my vote by email. It said 1 vote when I signed it and it has said 1 vote ever since...

I'm sure they'll have a good explanation. Something like:

"We're really sorry about that. We contracted a third party resource to build the website for $1.2 billion and it seems that a Wordpress update broke the vote counter."

Should start a petition to inquire why the other petition was blocked.

OP please do this and add it to the post


now then laddy. wew!

It's way more likely than you think.

Source: Work with broken Wordpress sites as part of my job

I'm so sorry man. Look on the bright side, could be Magento ;)

Joomla... shudder

My mother used to use Joomla, but swapped to WP after too many broken pages. She rarely swears at people, mostly swearing as a part of a joke she's telling. She's a middle-aged mild-mannered woman, however, when she started yelling at the Joomla techs on the phone, I was rather impressed that she went on for at least 5 minutes without repeating herself more than twice.

Think of the children!

Interestingly enough, the whitehouse.gov petitions are built on drupal7 (as well as the majority of the Obama era federal government sites). So indeed, it could be that an update to an open source CMS built in php is causing problems.


Are you kidding? It'd get me promoted.

Unlikely, as every other vote counter for every other petition on that website seems to be counting just fine.

Well, it just happens to be that that only this one is broken. It's not our fault or in any way on purpose, we swear!

why would the government use wordpress?

Not only would they use WordPress, but they would pay obscenely for it. If I recall, the health care exchange website was or maybe even still is WordPress.

Our government are literally amateurs at everything.

Because it is the most widely used CMS on the web with 58%+ market share. Most websites that use a CMS use Wordpress so one shouldn't be surprised if they see it used elsewhere.

Except there's no reason to assume that a government run website with actual web designers would ever use a CMS. Therefore, even that 58% market share doesn't mean anything, it's like saying some company has a 50% market share on horses when cars exist.

Reminds me of a joke.

Man crashes his car through the white house gate. The chief of staff gets 3 bids from contractors around the country to fix it.

The contractor from Texas told him it would be $500 to fix the fence since they use cheap mexican labor.

The contractor from Indiana said it would be $2,200 because they pay a fair wage.

The contractor from New York told the chief of staff the bid would be $250,000.

"How in the hell do you justify such an absurd bid?" The CoS argued.

"Well, $125,000 for me, $125,000 for you and we'll stiff the subcontractors..."

"Oh, that suuuckkks."

Except the site is built in Drupal... but your point still stands.

















Same ;]









Can't be. Vote counter is still at 1 ;)


Edit: Same.



me too


You're welcome.

Same exact thing for me as well




It's apparently removed from the petition site because it's a repost essentially, as are all duplicate petitions. Dodgy that they don't indicate it to the submitter.

Same here



Another petition Asking Obama to pardon the longest political prisoner in USA history Oscar Lopez Rivera said too that it had 1 vote too.

Yep. Same thing just happened to me

The "most transparent administration ever" /s is just as 2-faced as what's her name. Looking forward to the Obama emails.

Hillary might get prison. Obama is probably involved as well.


How about the fact that he said on national tv that he had no knowledge of her private server but then Wikileaks proved he had previously emailed her on said server multiple times. I'd call that evidence.


Yeah I've heard about it. They failed is all that matters. I was honestly surprised to see that we still have a democracy but I am glad I was wrong.

we still have a democracy

When did that happen ?

As far as the research shows, America has an oligarchy, where the elite allow the peasants to vote in order to maintain the illusion that they have some say in the Govt, backed up by propaganda from the corporate mass media. But whether the end result is Hillary, Bush, Obama, or Trump, the corporate rule and corporate agenda still remains, and the general public have no effective representation anywhere in Govt policies.

A Govt of the rich, by the corporates, for the profits

The corporate rule did not want Donald Trump to be president. They bought Hillary Clinton and didn't get what they paid for. That's what makes me think we still have a democracy.

and yet as soon as Trump got elected, he immediately surrounded himself with all of the same sort of lobbyists, bank execs, oil execs, and other corporate offal as everyone else. Yes, some of the names are different, and some of their individual agendas differ (more oil & coal, less solar & alternative energy etc), but its still a corporate agenda, and not a people's agenda.

Admittedly, Trump is likely to step back from doing any of the actual hard work and leave that up to Pence while he swans around massaging his ego, but virtually everyone on his transition team is either a millionaire/billionaire, or a corporate exec, or a corporate lobbyist, or all of the above.

None of them represent the people in any way

Source & then who would?

i feel like they have won, when they got rid of bernie.

trump or hillary doesn't rly make a difference in my opinion. that was just show :/

He's already killed TPP and Mexico and Canada have already stated they are willing to renegotiate NAFTA. That would have happened with Hillary?? I don't think so.

Keep you skepticism about you. You can never be sure what game is being played from way down here.

I've only read a little about this, where can I find more?

Wait. What? Could you elaborate? Or provide some legitimate reading material on this?

Mind linking some stuff on those topics? Ive googled both but cant find any really good explanations.


Well considering its literally the first result, I already saw that. It doesnt go in depth like I wanted. Im confused on why we consider them a shadow government and whats the point of the meeting. I know it said they met every Wednesday to discuss information on Clinton, but what is sinister about this? Are they trying to figure out ways to manipulate the other parts of government?

Also I was mainly talking about not finding much on an FBI coup, while also wanting some more info/ other peoples inputs.

That doesn't prove anything though...Obama sending an email to her private address doesn't (a) prove where the sever for that address is housed -- it could have been mapped to federal servers, and (b) doesn't prove that he knew she was using the address for confidential emails, unless he was emailing her about confidential things.

Obama's FBI and DOJ aren't sharing anything. If Trump appoints a grand jury to investigate, the truth might come out.



What does college and healthcare have to do with eliminating government corruption?

I almost hope he doesn't. She was REKT when they called the election for Trump. Everything she worked for in life is gone. Her political career is as good as dead. Some degree of punishment has been dealt.

If trump pursues throwing his former rival in prison, that's going to be way, way too easy to demonize. Its also going to seriously piss off, like, half of the US who voted for her.

She belongs in prison. But she's done now, and actually putting her there is going to cause way more problems for Americans than it would solve.

Unless the severity of the crimes become public. When people find out the US is funding Genocide in Yemen, they will cool off a bit.

99% wouldn't give a shit if she literally, directly funded 9/11.

I'm beginning to agree with you.

then you obviously have missed the picture of the little asian girl on o lap and he is kissing her neck impeach this

lets impeach him now before he pardons her

We would start a race war. The left would swear it was because of color.

its what the msm and tptb want,...

why feed it?

Obama has prosecuted more whistleblowers than any president in history.

And I think this is why it was personal for WL.

wouldn't it be fantastic if trump would only be 5 times as bad as them?

It'd be fantastic to see anyone do ANYTHING that's 5 times worse than them.

People like you sadden me.

It is like you want America to fail. Like you want Americans to suffer. Like you want social instability.

Maybe, just maybe, you should hope that Trump actually does BETTER for America than those you think did or can.

Otherwise, YOU are the problem with America.

Personally, I interpreted them saying that it'd be remarkable to see anybody do something 5x worse than them, because what they did was so bad that anything that magnitude greater would be something truly atrocious. I don't think they're saying they want it to happen, more that something 5x worse would be so unfathomably bad that it'd be a sight to behold


The people who see Trump as the Harbinger of the End Times are the ones who want America to fail. Who gives a fuck if you don't like him? Will complaining make America safe? Are the riots going on right now making America safe? Or ruining the lives of MANY people, and doing what they're so scared Trump will do? He's our fucking president elect, how about try to guide him in the right direction instead of ruining America yourself.

him saying things and picking advisors that generally recommend the opposite of those things mean that he's probably not telling you the truth.

I mean, there's a loooooooot of reasons to oppose Trump.

True, but the way the left is protesting now, marching in the streets and in some cases rioting just for the fact that he was elected, is going to make it harder for people to take it seriously when we need to oppose him on actual policy. It's making the right, even those who may not have been huge supporters of him, double down.

Exactly my point.

Then you misunderstood me. I was saying Hillary is so corrupt, if Trump could be that much worse, it'd be fantastic to see, as a joke. I think Trump will do fine. But I was JOKING.

I see it as if Hillary was elected, too many people would ignore what she is really doing or just go along with it.

With Trump, EVERYONE is going to be watching him through a magnifying glass and quadruple guessing everything he does.

His presidency is going to be under more scrutiny than any other.

No. it would be fantastic if Trump led this country in a respectable manner and put American interests first, like our President should.

It's too bad that's just as likely to happen as Trump finding ways to benefit himself and his family and their businesses.

When he's taken every position on every subject, it's hard to nail down what it is that he will do.


He's one of the charismatic people I've seen


Jesus some of you monsters elected him

I think it's safe to assume most of us elected him. People who care about issues such as this have seen the corruption within our government and want to see it endes.

And you think a billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is going to change that?

I think it's better than billionaires already feeding that silver spoon to the former Secretary of state.

No. None of it is better. They are both terrible choices.

Haha yeah maybe so but I gotta stay hopeful.

This is what doesn't make sense. How does ANYONE think Trump will change shady practices or end corruption?

He's absolutely more corrupt than Hillary. He just was on private sector not public. But now he can sure fuck up.

Drain the swamp... and appointed anti climate lobbyist, Rudy Giuliani, newt Gingrich... fuck me you are all naive, he's putting in his own corrupt cronies.

Obama is probably one of the best presidents we've ever had. Or, at least that's what reddit's been telling me ever since the election.

Wait till bastard trump gets in.

You mean the guy that hasn't spent decades rotting, spoiling, or corrupting in politics?

I mean, fine. You don't like him. But as far as his potential for a non-transparent government goes, its nowhere near as high as the other option(s).

He wouldn't release his tax returns and you think he will be transparent? Come on, now...

You're not wrong. But my argument was that, given the choices, he was the best choice. Not the perfect choice.

See, his lack of any relevant experience made him unviable, for me. As far as I'm concerned, there was only bad choices, and even if Trump were someone I'd have voted for, I couldn't have done so with Pence as the VP. The oldest President-elect in history and we have a hard-right evangelical that is a Christian before anything else, and that scares the hell out of me.

The only experience the past Presidents had was at being corruptible. No one is qualified for the job until you've done it.

Edit: Look up the definition of qualified before assuming your definition is correct and downvote me.

I'm sorry, but that's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. The Presidency is not some magical position that no person could ever be qualified for before holding it.

Any military experience or public service makes any candidate more qualified for the Presidency than a candidate that has zero public service and avoided the draft. These are two of the most important aspects of the Presidency, and experience with them is preferable. That's why they are metrics we use to determine how qualified people are. Obama was attacked for his lack of experience being something that made him unqualified for the office, and Trump has less than Obama.

Trump was a reality TV star, not a general or governor or senator. He wasn't even a local alderman. Compared to every other President, he is the most unqualified person to hold office. That doesn't mean he will be a good or bad President, just that he is the most unqualified (or least qualified, however you want to say it) person to be called President of the United States of America.

Sounds like you've never had a job before that required real experience. Either that or you have the hugest ego and think you are qualified for a job before receiving training. You are automatically unqualified before receiving training for any job and the only training for president is on-the-job. Unless of course you have done that exact job before, you are unqualified before receiving training. I cite the definition of "qualified" to support this opinion.

Edit: was using my memory on the definition and it turns out that in order to be qualified, by definition, you must have received training. Sorry but you are wrong.

Use a different word than qualified because the definition doesn't match your usage.

Qualification: a quality or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity

Whether or not someone else is qualified depends on whether they meet qualifications. This isn't rocket science.

Has anyone else here tried to sign it? I did and it said

"Email Verification Required

You're almost done!

Check your inbox for an email from us and click on the link to verify your signature."

I never received email verification!

Edit: Been about 5 hours since this post and still no email from last night. Not in spam or inbox. I will re-sign in case the error was on my part and update this if I receive the email.


Yes, exactly! The obvious interest does not correlate with the petition! Would you have an idea of how long the emails take? I signed this when I saw it posted here last night; seeing this post made me go back and check.


Thanks, I will continue to keep an eye out for it.

On other petitions I get them almost immediately. I have signed many lately and they have never taken more than 2 minutes.

I just signed it and verified it with my email... It is still sitting at just 1 signature...



I got the confirmation, it says my signature was recorded, but the petition still says it only has one vote.

I got the email verification in about 3 minutes.

But did it actually go up when you confirm?

I just went and signed both Standing Rock and this one. Standing Rock petition email landed immediately, no email for this one yet even though I signed it first.

I got the email and verified but the signature counter didn't go up from 1.

Wait didnt we get up to 6 yesterday? Did they reset the signature count?


"only 6"


Add me to the list of people that have signed.

It's still at 6...

We're almost there! Only 99,994 signatures left to go!

They freeze identical petitions.

Also that site has never been effective AFAIK. What's the point of punching a tar-baby?

Well, it was effective the one time I got involved. Basically, it's pretty petty, but a professional gamer that got relatively famous (known as Leffen) was denied a visa to the united states because the game he played competitively wasn't considered a legitimate esport at that moment, while other people had acquired visas playing similar games.

The petition reached an incredible amount of signatures, and the white house produced an official statement on the matter.

... sadly, it was basically just a not our business, fuck off letter, but I mean, it is something. Evidence if anything lol



I couldn't imagine that he would be using it as a racial slur (he's adamant about our rules being followed) so I decided to look it up.

No, the petition website.

I'm always leary about singing anything that has to do with the gov't. You might end up on the IRS watch list or Hillary Clinton's "suicide" list.


Damnit... I better bleach bit.

make a backup on wikileaks first tho


Don't forget to wipe everything down with a cloth afterword.

Okay, I got your back on this petition thing, but this comment is pretty dumb. First off, you're on Reddit posting on a sub dedicated to conspiracy theories. If anything would get you on a list that would.

Second, hundreds of thousands of people will have seen and clicked on this on /r/all. It's not like they're monitoring every move of every innocuous person on the internet. You're some dude's who clicked on a petition, not domestic terrorists.

Of course they're monitoring every innocuous person on the internet. The NSA vacuums all internet activity. And everyone is on the "list," you are ranked/upgraded based on your risk factors. A secondary benefit for this monitoring is that it creates a chilling effect on speech because people are afraid.

People are afraid? Hardly.

Based on the fact that testimony has said the NSA literally cannot deal with how much information they take in, and that I can't even remember anything related to the NSA happening ever besides people complaining and, like, 2 or 3 terrorists getting arrested, I'd say were not in danger.

They developing AI to handle the information.

Read / Listen to Cypherpunks by Julian Ass. Mass data collection has way way more knock on effects than you would ever think of. Its talked about in his book. Very scary.

Also even if they cant handle all the data at the moment, they can still store it right now. Then once technology is advanced enough (read: quantum computing) they will be able to process it all at a later date.

Have any of these petitions actually been carried out by the government?

Checking in: voted and confirmed via email, and still remains at 1 signed.

voted and confirmed via email, and still remains at 1 signed.

Also didn't change for me, maybe there's a delay but there isn't according to OP.

Holy hell, a real, genuine and 100% confirmed conspiracy.

Meh. A joke of a "petition" website freezing/ignoring duplicate petitions is hardly a conspiracy.

Has it been censored from facebook? The only recent public "pardon whistleblowers" petition I'm finding over there is a change.org one.



Ok, found it on facebook. Searched "white house petition whistleblowers." Got one result; it has no likes.

Clicked through and the petition still has one vote.


.detov pU

Send this to your local news, national news. Huff, Intercept, ha Goodman, Guardian, Rt (i think i have an rt reporters email), Democracy Now, aclu,. Ill foia the documents re this.


Lol oh yea true. Well use them.

Post this on r/The_Donald

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

uhh, sure.

What for? Isn't Trump pro-surveillance too?

What for? Isn't Trump pro-surveillance too?

Yep. He has said that he wants to see Snowden murdered too.

Yeah, those dumb asses will eat this shit up like the rest of their daily Trump turd burgers. I really HATE how partisan this sub has become.


Well then try it on /r/hillaryclinton as well. Something tells me you'll get banned there.

As if saying something outside the norm on theDonald won't get you banned. For a bunch of Free Speech lovers, there's a hilarious amount of censorship on that sub.

Btw Trump has said Snowden is a spy and should be executed. So neither of our choices for Glorious Leader would have been open to this petition.

I'm not promoting Trump, more knocking Clinton. At the very least, you can't deny that T_D is pretty awake. Don't know about Donald himself.

T_D is swimming in disinformation and emotional hysteria. Sad to watch from a distance, especially because it leaks into here.

We'll have to build a wall to keep them out, and it just got ten feet higher!

I got banned like 8 months ago for asking a legitimate question. Wasn't sarcastic, wasn't negative, wasn't trolling. Messaged the mods asking why I was banned and they blocked me from messaging them. I knew then I wasn't voting Hillary.

While it would be good to expose a bit more corruption in the administration why waste your time with Obama? He hasn't done shit in 8 years and he certainly won't now. In under 70 days we have a new leader. Push on him and see if he listens. You can start now by sending ideas to him. Flood him enough with the same one and maybe he'll even address the issue before taking office.

Repost the wording to your petition in a thread. Give everyone the link and have them cut/past the text of the petition to Donald. https://apply.ptt.gov/yourstory/

The petition is asking Obama to pardon them. Presidents tend to do a lot of pardons in the final days of their presidency.

The conspiracy is the petition process.

They should not be conflated.

I understand all that. But Obama's about to be gone. He hasn't done anything for the people (unless you are a progressive) and I would doubt he would do anything now. The WH petition site has come under fire since it was created. No one is going to do anything about it now.

Have you read the previous comment?

I just signed it, confirmed email. 1 vote showing!!

Didn't we get a petition to pardon Snowden passed and formally responded to last year or so?

I remember signing one IIRC.


He's going to pardon Hillary. Just watch.

I made a petition about disallowing the DNC from participating in the us political system. Also being blocked.

Petition here

We should start one asking him to pardon HRC and see how that one does. Written like a shitpost.

Good, I'm sick of hearing about her emails.

I think its humorous that people think an online petition is going to change the governments mind on this issue. Figure it out people. The government was humiliated and exposed for their law breaking and overreach. Do you really think they are going to pardon the person who exposed them? what planet are you on?

You're right, i guess it's a way of dissipating anger and making out like they care. But i still think there some value to them, if people see that a lot of people care about an issue they might take real action.


No he isn't. This whitehouse petition was something he enacted to foster his image of a transparent government. There is no legal requirement to even acknowledge the petitions. It is only their internal guidelines that say they will respond to petitions that reach 100K signatures (was 25K when it started).

We need to make this viral. People who speak out about the corruption of the government, specially if it involves exposing peadophilia, murder, rape, election rigging, false flags ect.. are on a hitlist to be assinated if they go too far. We are talking about a global elite system here. Anyone from the corrupted global elite should serve the consequences

Obama has been the most aggressively ANTI Whistleblower President (so far,) why would anyone believe he would pardon Whistleblowers?

Guys... I've been on reddit for a few years and I've seen this site pop up many... many times - it does nothing.

I'm not saying that to be a downer, I'm saying it literally does nothing. Some random 19 year old White House intern copy pastas a generic response to threads they want to respond to and then it's closed.

Nothing happens. No action. No new legislature. No pardons. Nothing.

I signed yesterday and received the "Verify Signature" email. Clicked Verify Signature again just now and it took me to the whitehouse.gov "thank-you page" - saying that I've successfully signed, and that my signature has been verified and counted.

Count not going above one might a glitch, but probably not.

Assange hasn't been charged by the US for anything, and Snowden hasn't been convicted. Without being convicted, those two can't be pardoned.


Listen to yourself! There is a petition asking to pardon three people. Two of them are unpardonable. This could not be more relevant.


Edit: Now with less caps per mod request.

Rule 6. Removed.

Feel free to edit it and reply and I'll approve it.

Edited it.

I edited the comment and replied to you. You still haven't approved it.

Approved, thanks for editing. Was busy AFK.


If it's just a petition, why are you getting your panties in a bunch?


that doesn't matter, it's a petition, nothing more


irrelevant to the petition


irrelevant to the petition


Fite me IRL

Rule 10. Only warning.

What's the petition goal then OP?


Maybe cause the laws broken could be argued at a later time to get someone of the hook.

It literally uses the word pardon...


Please carefully re-read this subthread. You're not making much sense.

To be clear, here are the issues with your petition that I can see:

  • Manning is a whistleblower/leaker who has been convicted and can be pardoned, but there has been multiple petitions to pardon Manning and that (useless) website understandably ignores duplicate/repost petitions.

  • Snowden is a whistleblower who has not been convicted and therefore cannot be pardoned.

  • Assange isn't a whistleblower at all and hasn't been convicted or charged in the US and therefore cannot be pardoned.

Your petition is well-meaning and everything but it's pointless and ill-informed, and making a big stink about it in here only exacerbates your situation and spreads misinformation (IMO).

Checking in! I signed it, clicked the email verification and still 1 signature....

Signed and confirmed. Same for me, only one person has signed. Fishy ass shit if you ask me.

I saw 11,000

It only registered as 1 signee total when I put my name down.



The first amendment includes the right to petition the government, so why not?

This petition (pardon Snowden and Manning) has been submitted many times before. They ignore reposts.

Not quite but that it's censoring the voice of the people to make it appear like one pathetic person wanted this.

Which is different how?

It isn't much different. I was talking about the constitution. This was/is all types of wrong.

Ooooo. You mean Obama isn't running the most transparent white house ever?

There should be over 4000 signatures by my reckoning now, still just one, cant sign, from uk

Its pretty clear that the only person Obama will pardon at the end of his term is Clinton, hopefully Trump will pardon them on his first day

I just signed it myself using two different emails.

As of this post it's 7:06 PM Pacific Standard Time on Saturday, November 12, 2016.

The signature count has not changed.

Obama, you cuck.

whitehouse.gov is like a rain gutter to redirect dissent into a safe, controlled barrel. Good people sign a petition, chill out thinking they did their bit, and then people who set policy continue on cause such petitions don't discomfort them.

The fact that any of you believe in petitions is laughable. It's like children believing in the Easter bunny

or adults believing in deities

I signed and confirmed and it still shows 1 vote.

Nah, Obama is the best and such a cool guy, he wouldn't do that.

This administration is not your ally.


alright im in.

Signed it as well: http://imgur.com/a/3HWW5

I'm more than certain that Assange is being held captive or just laying low so nothing does happen to him. People don't just forget how to use the internet and do AMAs, its ridiculous.

/r/conspiracy on Frontpage? It's been a while.

Child molesters have too much to lose. They will not allow their secrets out.

I had signed this a while back. I just signed it again. What's happening?

I like the usually higher post iq of reddit

I just signed it.

Bot! Beep beep! I'm all about top posts!

This post had 5,000 upvotes and got posted to twitter @Reddit5000 and subreddit /r/reddit5000!

The tweet: https://twitter.com/Reddit5000/status/797608714094022657

All 7,500 upvotes are on @Reddit7500 and /r/reddit7500

And most importantly all 10,000 posts on @Reddit10000 and /r/reddit10000



Signed and confirmed the signature just now.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Ready for Obama to be out

Before the election, I was looking at petitions and found one to impeach Hillary Clinton that had 27 or 28 days left with just over 900 signatures. I signed and shared it then when I went to check on it later the next day, it was down by at least 50 signatures less than it had the previous day. I made my whole family share it at that point & it has received a little more than 200 signatures putting the count around 1100. I then waited another 24 hours and checked the petition again, it had home back down to roughly 900 signatures. Idk what was going on but that petition was not right. I signed and watched many others recently and this issue was exclusive to the matter of impeaching HRC.

That's OK the site is probably going away under trump. What are you going to complain about then?

Of course they are rigged and exist only to support Obama's political games. You waste your time and effort with him. That guy is manipulative, murderous, pathological liar who even failed to close the Guantanamo bay concentration camp. If you direct your efforts to undermining all he has done and his legacy, and then, after Trump has drained Obama's swamp, pin your hopes on Trump to correct Obama's injustices.

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Watched enough action movies to know this shit isnt just some coincidence.

Why would they block it? Those petitions are not binding. They can ignore it.

Wow, up to... 1 vote???

Seems to be more people to add to their list when the Shizz hits the fan.

Alot of Whistle-blowers are targeted individuals, look it up.... Its 100percent true.

Also signed. This is horse shit

So almost 7000 people have upvoted but there's only 600 signatures? Totally fucking tampered with.

It says the petition must meet a threshold of 1500 before its searchable. Maybe we won't see any signatures until it reaches that first threshold?

that blows

I'd link to think they aren't purposely suppressing the count but after watching this administration for near 8 years I'm going to side with... That's exactly what they are doing. I don't believe Obama would EVER sign a pardon for a man who for the last year or so released enough dirty DNC laundry to last a few lifetimes and likely swung the election out of Hillary's favor. I'd be amazed if they weren't playing with it.


ok. I can definitely agree with that.

The problem seems to be this. What if an employee releases sensitive information about me because they think it needs to be included as part of some exposure for press? But in reality it is just some chubby bored lady at a cubicle with her hair in a bun who really is just paranoid? She thinks what is happening is "Bad" and blows a whistle! Then we need to determine if the whistle nlow was good or not.

Anyway the USA already has a system in place to exonerate justifyable whislte blowing. It is know as the US Justice system.


There will always be debate if a person is helpful or damaging. Always.

In these cases it has tremendously benefited the American people.

Yes this "benefit" is the point of discussion. Who is to say what is benefit and what is treason? The court of public opinion? Just because the news paper coins a word does not make a person a hero. You need to determine if what the person did is legal , justified or helpful or what. And the pros and cons need to be examined in a court. If you have a special court to decide - maybe in Russia it may be good?

In these cases I believe the whistleblowing was good. A President should consider pardons on a case by case basis.

A President should consider pardons on a case by case basis.

That makes sense to me. But the reality of it is the President would throw Snowden under the jail. He would stand a better chance to have justice done in the courts. In open court like the OJ Simpson case. Even if Snowden lost it would really be an education for the American people.

What is amazing to me is that I bet 95% of any American you ask will have no idea what or where the Ottoman Empire was. And what happened to it and how the present turmoil in middle east is unexplainable without mentioning Ottoman empire. It would be like trying to explain the poor race relations in USA without knowing about the institution of slavery in USA. Or knowing about Fair Housing act or Jim Crow. If you don't really know exactly what these are then you have no business making any comments about how to fix the situation or what causes the problems.

How about trying it when Trump is POTUS... im sure it will be the same...a waste


well yeah, economy has been getting better already... now the jobs have to flow in...And i hope there is no wars... especially one that involves Israels interest...


The train has no breaks.

What do you mean by this? Are you saying since a large binary decision was made that our reality split off and in another Clinton won? This is just basic theory of the multiverse.

You mean the same guy who threatened to sue the NYT over and over again over pieces critical of him is going to be a bastion for whistleblowers and a free press?

True. I signed and shared and the number signed still only reflects 1.

I signed this.


This is a transfer of power. The current president can't do much.


This rarely happens. When it does it's for the sake of the sheep and that they need to move on.

It is not rare at all. Every single lame duck president has issued pardons.

They want to control the agenda on who to pardon and not to pardon, who to let be a leaker (pay for play), and who to call a whistleblower.

I would ask the Saudis first

it says 1 signed when i looked at 7:30pm 11/12. someone is laughing theyre asses off. how does this even get blocked? need to find the web master. even wash.gov has one of those.

i can't wait for trump to shut that stupid thing down

Please clarify for me, as I heard that Snowden cannot be pardoned since he has not been convicted of a crime.

Pardons are for people who have been convicted, and since Snowden has yet to be convicted he cannot be Pardoned.

I wondered about that too. I think it is possible to be pardoned without conviction, because Ford pardoned Nixon, but Nixon wasn't convicted of a crime.

Signed..... Still at 1

Maybe try Whitehouse.com

I signed, confirmation and everything, but still says only 1 signature

I signed, still 1.

Edit: Email verification was immediate for me.

There was a petition that had like 150000 signatures about removing the george soros funded voting machines. Never heard anything about that.

Julian can drop dead holed up like the rat that he us for all I care! Chelsea Manning, ok. Edward Snowden, maybe.

I'm honestly just curious. Have any of the online petitions ever passed? It would be great to know that the peoples' voices actually matter.

I was able to sign it Edited: still only says one vote

Isn't this sub supposed to be conservative? You want Obama to pardon Assange for something that's in the swedish legal system? That's the definition of presidential overreach.

Status quo continue, markets will be calmed

Since when were petitions large sums of money?

And oh...BTW, all those people are white.

Just voted, still says "1 signed". WTF?

Signed 1 confirmed.

I tweeted about it. Let's get it shared on social media! https://twitter.com/chrisbuchholz/status/797800946478747648


Holy shit

Can you x-post this to /r/pantsuit? They'd be interested.


trump called snowden a traitor and wanted him killed, I have no idea what reality you're living in:

“I think he’s a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country? You know what we used to do to traitors, right?”

Manning is the only one who has been convicted, for starters...

Do you seriously think that Trump will pardon Manning?



It's funny because Trump has decided to pardon Hillary Clinton, he's nice with the Clintons again although he said he will appoint a special prosecutor to look into her case during the campaign. BUt whisteblowers can rot in jail, so much for the anti-establishment messiah

He didn't say he'd pardon her and he's not talking about it because he has to wait until Obama leaves office or Obama is gonna pre-pardon her.

Yeah right, he's saying nice thing about her, eh'll take advice from her, yet you still believe that he's gonna get her in prison when he finally gets into the oval office. He couldn't have been bullshiting his way to the whit house, could he?

If is he is he'll be destroyed more so than any politician in history because he was very specifically supposed to be different. Time will tell.

Downvotes... Pls??

"only 6"

Lol oh yea true. Well use them.



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I almost hope he doesn't. She was REKT when they called the election for Trump. Everything she worked for in life is gone. Her political career is as good as dead. Some degree of punishment has been dealt.

If trump pursues throwing his former rival in prison, that's going to be way, way too easy to demonize. Its also going to seriously piss off, like, half of the US who voted for her.

She belongs in prison. But she's done now, and actually putting her there is going to cause way more problems for Americans than it would solve.

They freeze identical petitions.

Also that site has never been effective AFAIK. What's the point of punching a tar-baby?

I'm sorry, but that's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. The Presidency is not some magical position that no person could ever be qualified for before holding it.

Any military experience or public service makes any candidate more qualified for the Presidency than a candidate that has zero public service and avoided the draft. These are two of the most important aspects of the Presidency, and experience with them is preferable. That's why they are metrics we use to determine how qualified people are. Obama was attacked for his lack of experience being something that made him unqualified for the office, and Trump has less than Obama.

Trump was a reality TV star, not a general or governor or senator. He wasn't even a local alderman. Compared to every other President, he is the most unqualified person to hold office. That doesn't mean he will be a good or bad President, just that he is the most unqualified (or least qualified, however you want to say it) person to be called President of the United States of America.

And I think this is why it was personal for WL.

He's already killed TPP and Mexico and Canada have already stated they are willing to renegotiate NAFTA. That would have happened with Hillary?? I don't think so.