Theory: protests and riots were set to take place regardless of winner..

51  2016-11-12 by We-think-we-are-free

Everybody expected hillary to win, even trump. Remember when he said the election is rigged and suggested people use the 2nd amendment to stop hillary? Trump was playing his part in starting the riots and protests, but when compromised wikileaks released some emails that have codes, and people started making connections with all these pizza places, TPTB flipped it to shock everybody into forgetting pizza code. Now the protests going on is getting people pissed at eachother.


Civil war is on the horizon.

Trump, Clinton, bernie, drug war, black lives matter, deporting Mexicans and Muslim's, LGBT, men vs women rich vs poor and sport teams. All being pushed by the media to divide us further apart.

Dont forget healthcare! Right now my roomate blames me for the healthcare fiasco bc im on masshealth. He gets most of his news thru conservative sites.

Interesting thread at /r/C_S_T:

[Premise] Hillary Clinton did NOT really win the popular vote. Election Fraud was set up so that George Soros could make Electoral College voters go rogue to give her the Presidency in December (Dec 19)

it's possible... right wingers "protesting" would be scary af to the establishment... "OMG... these racists have guns, and logistical planning and engineering expertise to boot!!!"

That's why I think this is a ploy by the Soros/Bush alliance to try to buy them some time (and maybe an official narrative) to get their next move going. One thing to note is that the MSM and false-flag violence are about the only tools that they have left (now that the election nonsense has passed).

My guess is that other NWO families/powers took a good look at SK and Europe and the damage the Soros/Bush wing wrought within the fabric of these two societies. Then they rightly questioned what they might possibly be "ruling" a couple of generations down the line. The leftist organizations are losing clout and are getting cornered. The Bush family has lost ultimate control of their seat of power (the CIA). The CF and CGI have 10 weeks to get their affairs in order, then it's time for the tribunal!!!

Praise Kek!!!

Trump has blanketed himself with the establishment. They are not worried at all. They are already planning the chessboard to 2020

The biggest problem with the protest is that they are targeting Trump and not the system. The fact that Trump and Hillary were the two candidates in the end represents everything that is wrong with the system. There was no good choice, but people were given the illusion of choice.

Everybody expected hillary to win, even trump.

Yeah, no.

TPTB flipped

Yeah, no.

Now the protests going on is getting people pissed at eachother.

The left will be extinguished.

But that doesnt solve the problem. The DNC is done. This should be a great thing, but now people are putting their trust in the RNC. You dont drain the swamp by letting frogs pick your cabinet..

Took a chance on that click..